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Legendary Shy
Chapter 1

“Good Morning KEN!!!!” *bam* “dad when are you going to learn?” I looked down at my dad lying upside down on my bed with his back against the wall. “Son its time to get up” I look at him for a moment then yelled, “WHAT THE HELL DAD, if u want to get me up you didn’t have to attack me.” With that I slammed the door and stormed down the stairs, to see my mom and sister laughing. I sat down and grabbed a peace of toast. I took a bit before I started to think clearly. My name is Ken Gethings I live my with my parents in a boarding house with my sister, my father has been attacking me every chance he gets. My sister is popular at our school, and im a nobody, to shy to talk to anyone especially girls. My mom is an oil site manager while my father is just an oilman. “Earth to ken…” I started to focus again when I heard my moms’ voice; I looked at her giving me a weird look. I sighed and said, “Im taking a shower. I will be walking to school so Angela don’t wait for me.” She looked at me for a second then said ok. I ventured of through the boarding house to the bathroom for my morning shower.
I got into my school uniform before I walked out the door and down the road. I thanked about how the house was close to the school, I got halfway there before I heard someone call my name when I turned around, *BAM* I felt something wooden kit my face and everything went black. “Ken? Are you okay?” I blinked and looked up to see Courtney above me, I sat up and replied, “yeah I guess, you need to watch where you swing that thing you know?” she just smiled and waved the kendo sword at me menacingly. She helped me up, and we walked the rest of the way to school but I couldn’t get rid of the killer headache she gave me. When we got there she ran of to her friends and smiled and said, “Ill catch you in class.” I didn’t say anything but I just blushed, for some reason I get this way when im out in public. I walked about 10 feet when I heard, “Ken! Wait up!” I turned to see Jake running up to me, he had this sly look on his face then said, “is aw you with Courtney, you guys have a little fun before school?” he asked with a big grin, I looked at him wide eyed and shock etched on my face before I turned beat red. He started to laugh his ass off before he said, “dude I was only joking don’t have a heart attack.”

Me and Jake walk up to the 3rd floor where our class was located, I walked into our class teacher, she turned and looked at me, when I blurted out, “Im really sorry Ms. Higgins!” she looked at me worried before she said, “ken why is there a blue mark across your face?” I looked at her for a second then remember Courtney hitting me with the sword, “im sorry I fell down the stairs.”I blushed hard and hurried off to my desk getting weird looks from my class mates, few were also snickering. I just kept on turning deeper shades of red. Nothing eventful happened until lunch came around, when I heard the bell ring and I rushed out of class, I ran to my hiding place on the roof to get away from everyone. When I opened the door I heard someone crying, I walked over to see who it was, and it was Penny Wiley, I walked over to her and she jumped and tried to dry her eyes when I said, “Are you ok?” she mumbled “nothing” and I looked at her for a second then out of now where she jumped and started to hug me and balling into my shirt. I awkwardly patted her back for awhile before she calmed down enough to tell me what happened. “My father kicked em out and said I needed to live a normal life, (did I forget to mention she was the richest girl in school?)and I have nowhere to live, and all he left me was a million dollars, I look taken aback for a second before I said something I shouldn’t have said, “well you could live at our boarding house until you can get on your feet.” I mentally kicked myself before I could take it back she said, “Oh thank you thank you thank you! You don’t know how much this means to me, im in your debt!” I blushed really hard; she just smiled and giggled at me. When the lunch bell rang she skipped off to class, I slowly walked back to class.

When school ended and I started to walk home when Angela ran up to me, and said, “hey you ready to leave?” before I could reply I felt something jab into my back, I jumped and saw Courtney laughing, before I could say anything I felt someone grab onto my arm, I turned beat red and slowly looked down to see Penny arm and arm with me, she smiled up at me and I nearly fainted, I looked over at Courtney and she was giving me a sly look so was my sister, before I said to them, “she isn’t my girlfriend she is going to be moving in with us Angela so you girls can stop ok?” they still gave me sly looks but didn’t say anything, the walk home was very awkward word cause I kept on getting the feeling that Penny and Courtney were shooting daggers at each other. When I said good bye to Courtney at her house and finally made it home I asked Penny to wait in the lobby while I got talk to my parents. I found them in the kitchen and plucked up the courage to say, “Mom, Dad we got a new resident.” They both looked at me funny, and then said who? I sighed and said, “Penny Wiley…” they both stared at me for a second then my dad said, “Ms. Wiley the daughter of Dalton Wiley, the billionaire!?” I replied, “yes…she got kicked out of her house and has no where to stay, so I offered her a room here.” Ok what ever you better show her around and be polite mister.” I walked off to the lobby to find Penny bending over looking at a picture of our family, and she hasn’t changed out of her school uniform, and her skirt was short so I got a look at her thong, at that second, she turned around I nearly turned crimson, she gave me a sly smile and said, “is everything ok ken?” I just nodded and beckoned her to follow me, when I turned around I could have swore I heard giggling. I showed her around and showed her to her room. She said thank you and she would be back in a bit she need o go clothes shopping, I said ok, and head to bed early.

The next day nothing really happened in the morning, I did my morning procedures but the second I left the house I knew something was going to happen today. I started to walk down the street, and a few passing students giving me looks, but they weren’t looks of hate or dislike, they were looks of respect. I couldn’t really understand why I were getting them until me friend Jake ran up, out of breath; I gave him a weird look before he said, “you lucky sob!” I just stared at him for a minute before I realized what he was talking about, I just turned and started to walk away, the entire trip he was bothering me with perverted things, and I explained why penny was staying with us but he just ignored my words. I was embarrassed walking through the school I just kept on getting looks, I almost made it to class before I heard, “Kenny!” I flinched at my name used in such a way before I could turn I felt someone latch onto my arm, I looked down to see penny looking up at me with a big grin on her face; all could do was give a awkward smile and say, “good morning Pen.” She smiled when I said that even more, “guess what Ken?” “What?” im in your class now, I looked at her for a second before I heard gasping around us; I gave a force smile, “is that so? How did you do it?” she turned and looked back with a mischievous, “I convinced the principal to let me transfer to your class.” I blushed a bit, and walked into the class room I was almost to my chair when I heard a*emhmm* I turned to see my teacher giving me a strained looked I just realized what was wrong, I slipped my arm away from Penny as quick as I could and said, “sorry Ms. Higgins.” she smiled at me before she said, “its ok don’t let me see it again.” Then she turned to Penny and said, “Ms. Wiley please stand at the front of the class until I assign you a seat.” Penny lowered her head in sorrow and gave me a look before she walked back to the front of the classroom. It was another 10 mins until the class room was full of gossip people looking at me and Penny, giving very suspicious looks. “Ok please settle down students I know most of you know who Miss Wiley is. She will be in our class from now on. Now who is willing to give up there seat to Miss Wiley?” everyone remained sitting; I frowned and stood up and said, “Ms. Higgins I will go get a desk from the principal, Penny may take my seat.” Both Ms. Higgins and Penny beamed at me; I walked out of the class, and shut the door. The second I was out of the class I let out a long sigh and thought to myself, “I knew something was going to happen today.” I put my hands in my pockets and started to walk down the hallway towards the principals’ office when I heard someone say, “You bitch, who do you think you are? Talking back to me?” I looked into a classroom where I heard it was empty except for 3 guys and, wait isn’t that Raven? I saw a defiant look on her face, all the guys seemed pissed; I quietly went into the classroom, and stayed in the shadows. “So you think you’re all mighty? Your just a slut you know that?” then I saw raven spit on the guys face who was talking to her, he raced his hand up getting ready to slap her when he was about to bring it down he realized he couldn’t, I stood there with his arm behind his head and said, “you know its wrong to ever hurt a woman, I recommend you guys leave before you piss me off.” “What is that you prick? Think your Mr. HERO? Then I guess we will have to teach you a lesson!” I caught movement in the side of my eye, I turned still latching onto guy number 1 arm, and saw guy number 2 grab for me, I juked his attempt and side stepped and kicked in the side of his leg, instantly breaking his knee and bone. He crumpled to the floor in pain, the guy number 3 threw a punch I moved to the side, and the punch contacted guy number 1s head; I let go of his arm, and watched him drop to unconsciousness number 3 came back at me with a punch, I grabbed his hand with my left, and brought my right into a fist and punched him in the left side of the jaw, I felt the bone dislocate from the jaw; he fell back onto the ground screaming in agony same as number 2. I turned to raven who was wide eyed, I slowly held out my hand and said, “Are you ok raven? Did they do anything to hurt you?” she took a hold of his hand and shook her head no. he helped her to her feet, guy number 1 started to stir; I aimed a kick and broke 2 of his ribs. Then I noticed, Zach was holding a video camera wide eyed, then the door to the room burst open and teacher and cops ran into the room. Before I knew what was happening I was being tackled by the police officers. Then I heard raven scream, “NO! He just saved me!” but then I felt my head hit the ground and everything went black.

I felt a throbbing in my head and I slowly sat up and looked around I was in the principals office, on his couch. My mom, dad, raven, my teacher, a female officer (I thought she looked to young to be an officer), and the principal. I looked around and everyone was beaming at me except the officer and the principal. Then I heard raven say, “oh Ken, thank you, you saved me from those assholes.” I gave her a sweet smile and said, “Im just glad your ok.” I tried to stand but I felt a stab of pain in my ankle, I fell to my knees then screamed out in pain when my hand touched the ground, everyone rushed to my side, and I heard the officer say into her mic, “we need a ambulance they missed a kid earlier.” I got up and sat back down on the couch, my hand and ankle still throbbing in pain. I heard the officer say to me, “I should take you to HQ for what you did….” Then she beamed at me at me too and said, “but you saved the girl from being harmed, and on the video it shows it was all self defense.” I gave a forced smile, and then she said again, “well ill wait out side until the paramedics show up, this will give you a chance to talk to you principal and family.” With that she stepped outside of the office. She was outside for a second before she started to think to herself, “Im glad that some guys are still like that, and he is pretty cute too…No I can’t think of it like that.

“The Ruffians who caused this have been expelled from this school and arrest for attempted assault and battery. Thanks to Mr. Kennedy for the footage of the mess, you are cleared of all charges.” I smiled to myself; damn I guess something was going to happen today, then the door opened and a paramedic walked in; he spotted me and walked over, and gently grabbed my hand and poked and moved my hand around a bit, told me to move my hand, try and grip something. Then finally he said, “Well it looks like you have 3 broken knuckles, and boxers’ fractures. Then your ankle is fractured, to tell you the truth from the number you did on the guys im not really surprised. You will need to come by the hospital, my partner will take care of you, ask for Ms. Teltings.” Before I could say anything else, he left. Then I jumped when I heard my dad say, “Alright champ lets get you to the hospital.” I smiled and put my hand around his should and he helped me out of the room we were being followed by my mom and Raven, and Ms. Higgins was leading us. Walking down the hall, I kept on seeing faces against the glass, many awe struck. When we made it to my parents car, Ms Higgins, said she had to get back to class, and that raven should to, she said ok, but before she left, she turned to me before I could say anything, she was kissing me hard on the lips, I just stood there, she broke off and ran back into the school, I saw her smile and blush hard when she turn. My mom was giggling and my dad was snickering at me, “yeah yeah, then I hobbled into the passenger seat, my dad got in the driver, then I remembered my mom and dad drove separate vehicles. My mom gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, “Ok ill see you guys at home, and son try not to hurt yourself anymore, I don’t think I can stand anymore worrying.” I smiled and said, “yeah mom, im going to start making a hobby out of this.” She gave me a suspicious look and walked away, my dad just grinned and said, “Ok lets get you to the hospital, and im proud of you, I guess this event means I taught you some good things.” The car ride was un-eventful when we pulled in my dad said to call my sister to get me when im done here, cause he has to get back to work. The second I walked into the hospital, I heard a voice say, “Ah, you must be Mr. Gethings? From your limp and your blue hand it’s hard not to tell, please sit in the wheelchair.” I was stunned for a second; I sat down then said, “please call me Ken, I don’t like being formal, im just norm-.” “Ahhh, my sis said you were cute, but she didn’t say you were so modest.” “Who is your sister…wait you seem familiar.” Then she started to laugh, “Yes I might, you met my sister she was the officer you met earlier. She is my twin.” I just looked for a second, then blushed and remained silent until we made it to the room. She shut the door, and gave me a pill for the pain, felt the pain melt away. It took about an hour for use to get through all of it, I learned the doctors name was Heather, the whole time me and her were just talking, then finally at the end she said, “well it looks like were done.” A new cast on my hand and my angle wrapped up. I replied, “Yeah, you really are a good doctor, now I know where to come when I get hurt.” With that she blushed, I don’t know why thought, and then out of no where she leaned down and kissed me on the cheek, that is for being such a good patient and for the compliment. I blushed scarlet, she gave me a crutch and told me to come by anytime, I walked into the parking lot to see my sister waiting for me already. The car ride was uneventful, mostly boring, my sister would not stop telling me how cool I was for doing that, and how tomorrow will be fun. I never understood what she meant.

The night was uneventful like most of my life, until I went to go take my bath. When I was taking off my clothes the second I took them all off, the door opened and I heard my sisters voice say, “I be right the-.” She stopped dead in her tracks. We both look at each other, then I saw her eyes slowly start to go down my body, then she gasped, I was doing the same, she was already in her night clothes, a tight tank top and see through panties, for some reason I started to grow hard, I looked at her eyes, and for some reason she seemed to be in a trance she was softly biting her lower lip still looking at me dick. I looked at her chest and I saw her nipples harden, then I realized and looked down and for some reason I could see her panties start to get wet, and then I realized I was naked, and tried to cover myself, then my sister also realized and shut the door fast. My bath was quiet thankfully, when I got out I thought I should go talk to my sister, I slowly opened her door and I saw her sitting in a chair moaning, she had 2 of her fingers going in and out of her fast and her thumb playing with her cunt. Then I heard her say, “Oh god ken harder I want your huge dick in me.” I stopped dead in my tracks and slowly shut the door; I went back to my room, and tried to go to sleep.

The next day I kept on getting longing looks from my sister. When we heading to school, everyone kept on giving me looks, more like respect, but the girls were giving me a different look, the same as my sister, then I said to her, “um…Angela? Did you happen to tell anyone about last night’s incident?” she just gave me a wicked smile and said, “I hope you have fun today!” with that she ran off. I sighed and started to walk again, then Courtney ran up behind him and gave him a tight hug, “Courtney...I…can’t…breath…” she blushed and backed off, when I turned around to face her I saw her eyes darting back from my face and crotch. I sighed again and silently cursed my sister. We were almost to the school when I felt my phone vibrate and it was a video Zach sent me, I started to watch it with Courtney looking over my shoulder. Then I realized this was the video of yesterday. I then realized how much bigger those guys were than me, I could feel Courtney’s breath on my neck and I started to walk away and tossed my phone back to her and said, “you cant finish watching it, can you please return my phone when your done?” she just stood there the video drawing her attention again. When I finally reached the school I bought a newspaper to see myself on the front page news it read ‘Local boy saves Teenage girl from ruffians’ I smiled inward to myself, it had a school picture of me, and of raven. I through the paper away and started to walk into the school; I noticed that pretty much every kid was looking at there phones. Then I realized that Zach probably sent that video to everyone and probably posted it on YouTube. I knew today was going to be tiring; I started to head to my class, and everyone who saw me gave me a smile, and a beam of respect. I couldn’t stop blushing, and that just made the girls giggle even more, and I kept on noticing many of them were looking at my pants and whispering.

That kid is going to die of blushing, thought Sarah, but she over heard a rumor from some passing girls, apparently Ken is 10 inches they said, she just couldn’t believe it, for some reason every time she thought of him she started to get wet now, but her teachers duty kept her from doing anything, she silently kept on wishing she wasn’t a teacher. Ken couldn’t stand any of the attention, he didn’t deserve any of it, and he was just doing what was right. He tried to go as fast as he could to the principals office, he remembered that they needed another desk for him, when he got there, the principal said he was happy to see him and said that there would be one there as soon as he can. I thanked him and left when I entered the class room, a little later than usual, it got quiet. Then I realized that the desk wasn’t here yet, so I stood at the front of the class, all the eyes were tracing me, and I just couldn’t help but blush harder. Then I heard a voice, “ok students quit looking at Mr. Gethings, or you might make him stay red forever.” I turned redder at that. It was another 10 mins before the desk got here. I refused to sit at the front so I wouldn’t disrupt the class, and finally settling at the back. The whole time the eyes were always on me. When lunch finally came, I went as fast as I could to my roof spot; I sat up there thinking, “Curse my sister…now every girl wants me….and then everyone is making a big deal out of me saving someone. I got up and started to head to the convenience store down the street from the school, I was half way there when I saw a truck roll on its side and hit the cement wall, I flipped my phone and hurried and called 911 and told them there was an accident, I then ran and I saw a guy in there un consciousness I slowly pulled him out, I got him to a safe distance when I ran back to see if there was anyone else in there, before I could get away I felt a mist start to spray on my, and then I realized something; I looked at the truck and it said, “toxic waste.” I could only say, “Fuck...”

I heard the sirens and pulled up some police and paramedics started to run up and I yelled at them, “stay back this is toxic waste, get some suit or something protective on!” they gave me a frightened look, and yelled back, “stay right there everything is going to be ok kid!” I laughed to myself and thought; yeah everything is going to be alright eh? Im drenched in toxic material, yeah ok ill be fine and dandy. it was 30 mins when I saw a white truck pull up, the whole time they were asking for my information who to contact and all that, when I said my name most of them got even more determined to help me, I really didn’t care about if I was going to be ok, I was wondering if the driver was, and the paramedics were saying he will be fine. Then people started to show up, after a bit my parents finally showed up, my dad looked sad and my mother was balling, then students started to show up, and somehow my friends got to the front, some of them were crying, a lot of the guys were looks sober, but all of them were telling me to hang on, then news choppers showed up, and news team, all I could think was why me god? I just hope everyone lives a happy life; then I saw something that caught my eye, the fuel take was ruptured, and it was slowly leaking, then I looked over to the front, and there were some cables sparking, I realized what was going to happen and I yelled, “Get Back! Its leaking!” they had removed all the toxic waste when I yelled that so I didn’t need to worry about any of it getting onto anyone, but they were about to get me cleaned, when I yelled that everyone scream, I could hear my mom yell, “NOOO!” then the gas start to move slowly to the from of the tanker I turned again, and everyone start to beckon me to them, I turned and floored it as fast I could to the HAZMAT truck, where they set up a cleaner, I got 10 feet away when it blew up, I felt a stab of pain in my back where a piece of metal hit me and embedded itself in me, I got flung 15 more feet from the explosion, and heard foot steps, and felt something really cold wash all over me, I felt gloved hands grab me and put me on a stretcher, then everything went black.


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Kamini Shyamala, Kamakshi Shyamala, Kama Sundari, Kavya Sundari, Kakinada Kaja, Kala Sundari, Kama Sutra, Kinky Sexy, Kokila Sundari, Kaluva Shyamala, Kalla Sundari, Kama Shankhini, Kama Shobha, Kurala Sundari, Kinetic & Sensuous.Part 1Chapter 1Shyamalavathy, a lecturer whose husband was alcoholic and suffered from diabetes that had robbed him of all sexual desire and left them in a sexless marriage for many years. She was forty seven, mother of two girls and a boy aged twenty two,...

2 years ago
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Kama Shyamla

KSV Kama ShyamalaKamini Shyamala, Kamakshi Shyamala, Kama Sundari, Kavya Sundari, Kakinada Kaja, Kala Sundari, Kama Sutra, Kinky Sexy, Kokila Sundari, Kaluva Shyamala, Kalla Sundari, Kama Shankhini, Kama Shobha, Kurala Sundari, Kinetic & Sensuous.Part 1Chapter 1Shyamalavathy, a lecturer whose husband was alcoholic and suffered from diabetes that had robbed him of all sexual desire and left them in a sexless marriage for many years. She was forty seven, mother of two girls and a boy aged...

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I watched enthralled as the engorged, rigid, veined rod of flesh withdrew, glossy with moisture glistening on the thick, reddish mass that only partially evacuated the pulpy, tight clutch of my wife’s vaginal orifice. I held my breath involuntarily as the motion stopped and inexorably reversed, the meaty mass gradually disappearing into the dark recesses where I could only imagine her welcoming flesh grasping and lubricating the massive invader that penetrated her most intimate regions. Once...

Wife Lovers
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Meri Sexy Teacher Shyama

Hii.. Dosto mera nam rahul tiwari (name changed) hai aur ye meri pehli real sex story hai jo ke mere sath 8 months pehle hui thi pehle me aapko apne bare me bata du me rahul kolkata ka rhne wala hu meri height 5.9 hai ar maintained figure hai apna to ab sidhe per aate ye mere school ki teacher ka story h jo k juniors ko physix padhati hai unka naam shyama(nam changedi) hai unka bomb figure hai ek dum chodne layak ar wo bahut he achhi dikhti hai pyar krne layak.Ha to ab story per aate hai me...

2 years ago
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Wyoming Ute IGT Shyhorse

Wyoming Ute Trucking IGT, Shyhorse By: Malissa Madison Sitting at the wheel of Shadow Lover, Shyhorse Lightfeather was waiting for his Uncle Jake to arrive. The rest of the family had already left but Shyhorse had volunteered to stay behind and wait for his uncle whom no one could reach before they left. The truck stop at Alamogordo, was fifty seven miles south of the Transit Portal. That was what Shadow Lover had called it. Jake had called from Hobbs on his cell phone, he...

1 year ago
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Wishy Washy

Wishy Washy Bob loved the lazy Saturday mornings where he had nothing to do and could sleep in. As he laid in his bed debating if he should get up, he smiled with content. He stretched as the morning sun brightened up his room. As he stretched, Bob couldn't help but notice his body felt different. The long hair tickling his bare shoulders gave him pause. Why has his shoulders bare? And when did his hair grow? Looking down, Bob was shocked to see he was wearing a silky,...

3 years ago
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The Guru8217s New Shishya

The holiest man to ever walk in this world, that was how Sage Dhanush was known. All over the small village of Revapur, there was a great elation. The holy sage was visiting their village with his shishya. So the village folk was busy making preparations. The main street was festooned with balloons and banners, and flowers were laid out for the holy man to walk. No one in that old village was as excited as Nanda. A boy of nineteen, he was already tired of this materialistic world. He wanted to...

Gay Male
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It wasn't a typical Sunday morning activity, but Gibbs wanted to challenge DiNozzo at the gun range. His weapon of choice was the Desert Eagle and he'd brought his own. Tony hadn't seen this one; it came out to play on special occasions. "What're we shooting?" Tony asked curiously. Gibbs had only told him he'd show him on the range. He pulled the gun out of its custom holster. "Desert Eagle. Ten inch barrel." He saw Tony lick his lips and smirked. He was going to make the most of...

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What's Kiss JAV aka Shy AV all about? You perverts out there with a fetish for Japanese girls probably already know this, but JAV is an abbreviation, short for Japanese Adult Video. Add a kiss in front of that, and you have one of the largest Japanese porn tubes on the web. Kiss Jav specializes in more than just Japanese videos, though; they have tons of Korean JAV and Chinese content as well. It is the Porn Hub of exclusively Asian content.With over 2,500 pages of videos and counting, you are...

Asian Porn Sites
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Reddit Trashy Boners, aka r/TrashyBoners! What is it about Reddit that brings out unique, slutty content? There is a subreddit for nearly everything, but when it comes to smut, Reddit always fucking delivers. That’s proven when you visit Reddit.com/trashyboners – the destination for confused boners you’re still not sure about the next day. If you’ve ever watched daytime television and found yourself with a confused boner when the big tittied blonde bitch in sweat pants cursing her man while...

Reddit NSFW List
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Porn is produced all over the world, and each location has its own flavor, but few are as recognizable as JAV. Even if someone shot a JAV with no Japanese actors, you could still identify it. Everything from the lighting to the stage has a distinct feel. Whatever they are doing works because people the world over love to watch JAV.I know why I love it so much. First, the lighting mentioned above is perfect. It’s so bright and bubbly that every detail is clearly visible. Second, they always find...

Asian Porn Sites
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Zishy has one of those nonsense brand names that feel right at home on an internet full of gibberish like Hulu, Skype, Etsy, Brazzers, and Venmo. I bet you immediately knew what each of those other sites sells the moment you read their names, though, right? It’s funny how goddamn baby talk can take on meaning if you repeat it enough. Well, Zishy aims to add to the online lexicon by defining the term at the very top of the screen: “photos that leave something to the imagination.”That could be...

Premium Porn Pictures Sites
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It was to be my first day of highschool. I had spent a week out of town on the East coast and had already missed the first three days of school. I had my class list, books and the usual items and went to school. School was kind of a bore during the day. Finaly 8th. period came along. As I was aproaching my class a senior started talking shit. I was about to deck him when a teacher approached and broke the whole thing off. She was HOT. she sent us on our seperate ways and I went to class with a...

She Males
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Dont Be Shy

Don't be shy with me... Fuck me, Fuck my tight little fuckhole. I want to feel your balls smack my clit as you grab a tit with each hand relentlessly, mercilessly pounding my sweet ass with your fat cock.Mmm Fuck! I scream as I feel your cockhead enter me, pushing your long fat shaft all the way deep inside my ass with one hard push. Pulling completely out and pushing it straight back inside for the first few thrusts.Feeling my body warming as your fat cock thrusts slowly and deeply. Pulling my...

1 year ago
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Once Smitten Twice Shy

Once Smitten, Twice Shy, by Armond Smitten. Ah, the delicious irony, that an ancient Germanic adjective for striking and beating also defines lovesick infatuation. When I think of smitten, I call to mind buff, blond Siegfried, hammering an enormous fist onto his anvil chest, and bellowing to Br?nnhilde, -in operatic vibrato!- 'Ja! Ich smitten! Smitten Ich!' Hyperbole, I grant you, but surely this is the Fates' warning that no good comes from such an obsession. ...

3 years ago
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A Little Shy

I've always been a little shy so when Toby asked me out on a date, I didn't say yes straight away. The more I thought about it the more I knew I wanted to go out with him. Although sweet he was very assertive with me. On the way home from the pub he stopped the car in a dark lay-by and he started to kiss and fondle me. At first it was very pleasant feeling his hand on my breasts, but I knew I should stop him. After a little struggle he re-started the car again and took me home. I lay in my...

1 year ago
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Sometimes we like it trashy

My friend Mitch likes his sex trashy. As trashy as he can possibly get it. No idea why, but it can get addictive. When we were young we loved finding ourselves in these bizarre situations. Usually a threesome, with the occasional ageing milf, in some small apartment in the slums. But I moved a lot, and haven't been back for a while. I moved back to the town where we spent our late teens. Where we grew up. Mitch and I always stayed in touch, but now for the first time in a long time, it felt...

3 years ago
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Hypnotising My Brother to Cure His Shyness

My name is Fiona. For the past five years I've been away from home at University getting my phd in Psychology, my final paper was on the benefits of Hypnosis in Psychology. I'm sure that sounds very interesting and it was but ultimately I found the results just were not substantial enough except in certain circumstances and indeed in many cases it can be harmful to the patient to be forced to repress memories or feelings using hypnosis. For example ptsd it sounds like a dream come true to...

4 years ago
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Pampour Parlour Mum Pushy

Pamper Parlour Mum: Pushy & Proud By DebWeb. "Mum please stop this and let me go play with my friends." "Stop complaining, you know I have a reputation to uphold as the owner of a new beauty salon business. We have to look immaculate at all times. It impresses the customers and attracts new ones." "But mum..." "No buts just sit still while I fix your hair." I knew when my mother would not budge and this was one of those moments. I had planned on a nice day playing with my...

1 year ago
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Journey into Cuckoldry Twice Shy

It was six months since the extraordinary evening described in ‘Journey into Cuckoldry’ happened, in which my lovely wife Alice and I had been seduced by our friends Steve and Carmen in our own MPV as we drove home from a late night concert. Well, to be precise, Carmen had given me a lingering hand job in the front seat while I tried to drive, finger her pussy and watch the action in the back seat in the rear-view mirror, all at the same time. I hadn’t done a very good job of any of them. In...

3 years ago
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Camera Shy

"That should do it," Katie Dabbins said to herself as she made sure the camera in her daughter's room was in a good spot, but very well hidden. Katie was hiding a camera in her daughter's room while she was at one of her college classes because she had the feeling she had been having sex. She had asked her daughter about it, all she got was a fight. But, now...now she would be able to see what she needed to. The Next Day "Mom, I'm going to class now!" Meghan said. "Bye!" Katie said as her...

2 years ago
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Journey into Cuckoldry Twice Shy

It was six months since the extraordinary evening described in ‘Journey into Cuckoldry’ happened, in which my lovely wife Alice and I had been seduced by our friends Steve and Carmen in our own MPV as we drove home from a late night concert. Well, to be precise, Carmen had given me a lingering hand job in the front seat while I tried to drive, finger her pussy and watch the action in the back seat in the rear-view mirror, all at the same time. I hadn’t done a very good job of any of them. In...

3 years ago
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I need to tell shy

Alvin: Do you need big dick to orgasm?me: No, but I need One Cute Girl in my bed and one Innocent boy getting fucked by me and this cute little girl. That makes me cum hard.Alvin: So you don't like big ones?me: I never think of dick size, never had to do that since I didn't had any enourmus or tiny ones. I love dicks, but what I love the most is when the guy gives me instructions in bed. Uhh

2 years ago
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Once bitten twice shy

The winter vacations were starting and there was quite a crowd at the bus depot. I was to take an overnight bus to my uncle’s place where I planned to spend my vacation. Father had overruled mother’s objections and let me travel alone; they were to join me later. He said I had grown up. He never knew how much. The bus was already full by the time I got in, which meant that I had to travel standing. Father said that one usually got a seat midway through the journey, but I have never minded...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Impossible Lovers Twice Shy

We sat in the hot tub in my backyard in the cool spring night. It had been almost two years since our first forbidden tryst and I had since broken up with my would-be fiancée. She had married hers. There was no alcohol that night, but she gave me the first foot massage that didn't tickle and that was intoxicating enough. When it was over, I hugged her tightly with gratitude, but a new feeling came over me. We'd only just begun seeing one another again and having her in my arms was...

1 year ago
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Little Sis isnt Shy

This story is completely fictional!!!!! Our parents spend most of there time out of town. So I'm home a lot with my sis. I'm eighteen. She's also eighteen, she's never had a boyfriend, and is still a virgin. Her name is Maree. She has the prettiest long strawberry blonde, with striking blue eyes, also she is a 32d natural boob, and she has the most pert round ass. Growing up I'd never thought of her as anything more than my sister but one day things changed. It was just after her seventeenth...

1 year ago
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A Little Fishy

Kiel Richardson was a handsome young man and he discovered early in his life that the opposite sex found him to be very charismatic.He started young and had his share of conquests. He also had a few longer-term relationships that ended badly when he found them in the arms of other men. Each time it happened, it created a hole in his heart which he felt could never be healed.Kiel decided that today’s modern women indulged in sexual freedom. In the past, someone who was called a slut was...

1 year ago
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My Regular Masseuse Shi Shi

I could tell pretty quickly after the flip during the table shower, that this massage girl was going to be my regular. Those dainty yet curiously strong Asian fingers soaping up every inch of my body, always a treat, but a given. Trick is seeming to be into in. Shi Shi, seemed into it. She really made me believe that she wanted to coax my cock to it's hardest with that slippery grip. Any playfulness, let alone teasing, not a given. Other girl's table shower techniques can be mechanical, just...

3 years ago
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Another Massage With Shi Shi

“Hello Eastern House, may I help you?” through a thick Chinese accent. I asked, “Is Shi Shi working today?” “Shi Shi? No, we have Karen and Bora.” After my first time with Shi Shi I knew I wanted her to be my regular masseuse. She told me she'd be working some Mondays. I meant to keep my visits monthly, but I just couldn't wait to see her again. I called the very next Monday. No Shi Shi, same thing the Monday after that. Maybe she felt guilty about fucking around on her old man? Maybe she...

2 years ago
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Reggi Shi

 by:Reggi & Shi   A few hours after Treyvon and Shiann woke up, Treyvon's friend dropped by. Shiann immediately thought that he was cute. He was 5' 5", chocolate skin and a smile that could blind the sun and he was single.    Shiann was relentless that day with trying to go home with Reggi. Before long, Reggi finally agreed to bring her home. Unlike Treyvon’s 2-story townhouse, Reggi lived in a double apartment in a poorer part of town. Being that he didn’t make as much money as Treyvon,...

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forc to be female

forced to be FemaleCHAPTER ONE The last thing I could remember was walking out of the Bank and crossing the road to my car. I had just been to see my bank manager to discuss transferring some money from one of my accounts into a high interest savings account. I had won quite a bit of money on the Lottery, enough to change my life. I was unaware just how much my life was going to change.I had just reached my car door when I felt someone bump into me. Then everything went...

3 years ago
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Shared Kavita With A Stranger 8211 Part 3

Feedbacks at We invited prakash to my flat and after a warming session of gossips and a hot kiss which prakash implanted on kavita’s (girlfriend) red lips we started snacks and drinks along with playing cards. Rule of the game was set as the looser , lowest point earner will be given a ‘truth or dare’ by the highest point earner….. Prakash was constantly keeping an eye on kavita’s big boobs which were firm and protruding high…Deep cleavage was visible as she was wearing a low neck pink...

1 year ago
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I came back down dressed for the spa, Sarah was already in, so I checked and asked, “You do have a suit on, right Sarah?” She stood up and had on a beautiful one-piece swimsuit, that had the American Flag on it, but there was a mesh portion over the bosom area that flashed a bit more ‘skin’ than I had been expecting. I got in and turned my back to her saying, “Be gentle, Mrs. Robinson,” which caused her to laugh a bit. Just as she was starting to rub my shoulders, everybody came through the...

4 years ago
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I gave my boss a blowjob

My Name is Lynlee, I am 31 years old, mother of 3 and happily married. My husband and I have a very active and open sex life resulting in me getting to have sex with pretty much anybody I want.I have been working at my current job for about 2 years. My easy job description is that I’m a receptionist. My bosses name is Andy. He’s a pretty good looking guy. My hubby, Charles, has always said that if I get the chance I should take it. However, when I don’t have a screen and keyboard between the...

2 years ago
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Outdoor Surprise Chapter One

One of my favorite things to do in the summer is to masturbate outdoors. I have a bunch of large bushes at the end of my yard which makes a totally private place for me to go, get naked and feel the warm sun on my body while I jack off. Combined with the risk of being naked outside, it never takes long to get off. Yesterday I had some time alone so I grabbed my lube and headed back to my spot. I could hear my neighbors in their pool but they couldn’t see me through the thick bushes. I...

4 years ago
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Pickup Mystery Part 20

Cindy had been a casual pickup that became a hot one night stand for John, but after she was gone there was a real emptiness in his life. Then he had seen her again in the parade and found out she was the police chief’s 17 year old daughter and the empty feeling had been replaced with fear. Then out of the blue she had shown up at his place and told him she would be back in a couple of months when she turned 18. John could not get her out of his mind and he actually driven past the high...

3 years ago
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How I Seduced My Neighbor Bhabi Simran

Hello everyone, my name is Ayush and I want to share my real story with you. I am a Punjabi boy with height 5’10, good muscular body and good looks. The heroine of my story is Simran. She is such a bombshell with curvy figure and so firm round boobs and super sexy ass. She is of fair complexion. Her nose piercing makes her look even more erotic. Anyone can be blown by her one look. Now let me begin the story. I was in class 10 when she was married to my neighbor. At that time I did not look at...

3 years ago
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Taking Risks Chaper 2

My phone rang at about 11 oclock at night. I regained sight and looked over at it, it was Ricky. Hello? I asked groggily. Hey, I need you over here…NOW. He said. What? Its elev- Excuse me…slave…did i tell you to question me? Get your little ass over here! He commanded. I paused, there was noise in the background…someone was talking to him. Y-yes sir. I said. I was so tired…but it was Ricky… Ugh, fine, Ill go. I got out if bed, ran a brush through my hair and walked all the way across campus to...

3 years ago
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Fucked by my servant

Hi my name is Sunita I am 21 years beautiful girl with size of 38-28-38. Here is my story with Ramu our servent. Ramu is 42 years old; he is 6 ft strong muscular man. Often he used to work just in vest and many times in the garden I have seen him working wearing shorts only. He used to call me Beti and treated me nicely always. Lately, however, I have noticed him staring at me often. Sometimes he had given me mischievous smiles also. When I asked him he used to say he was thinking of some movie...

4 years ago
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Gangbang Kiya Gaon Ki Basti Wale Ladko Ne

Hello all. I hope you all are doing great. Well I am back again with new incident. You can read here. But before that let me introduce my self to all who are going to read this incident. I am Gomi Patel, I am 26 from India, Gujarat state, Ahmedabad city. My stats is 36 29 39 and I am very fair in complexion and I have curly hairs. Please read the incident and tell me how was it at To ye incident kuch iss tarah hua. Ye saab Gujarati mein hua tha. Maine use hindi mein likha hai. 31st December...

2 years ago
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Kat on the loose again

Kat is my wife of almost 20 years we have two daughters and lead a good life. Kat is my one and only but well first see when Kat was sixteen her Aunt Bev taught her the ways to please a woman by force and though it was new and Bev was forcing her self on Kat she liked the pleasure not the pain. So over the years she has learned to get what she wants just by talking and in a way that makes you think it's your idea. Kat likes to get married women with k**s that have never had sex with a...

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