Once Smitten, Twice Shy free porn video

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Once Smitten, Twice Shy, by Armond Smitten. Ah, the delicious irony, that an ancient Germanic adjective for striking and beating also defines lovesick infatuation. When I think of smitten, I call to mind buff, blond Siegfried, hammering an enormous fist onto his anvil chest, and bellowing to Br?nnhilde, -in operatic vibrato!- 'Ja! Ich smitten! Smitten Ich!' Hyperbole, I grant you, but surely this is the Fates' warning that no good comes from such an obsession. Especially since I was burned the first time I was smitten, left standing on the shore, crying as my love sailed away, into the arms of another. You'd think I'd know better. Yet here I sit, nervous -no, schoolgirl fidgety- that something amazing will come of my infatuation this time. After too many years to count, I've anted my heart back into the game. I'm. Scared. Shitless. No time to fret, for the drama starts now; Jacintha Voge has arrived, with a sharp, dark-suited friend in tow. Ah, sweet Jacintha! Six months ago, this delicacy thought I was 'smitten' with her. It was not so far-fetched, for my kin ever trifled with mortal beauties, and seldom has her brand of perfection graced the earth - hair of spun gold, pristine green eyes, and cheekbone and nose symmetry that Archimedes and Euclid would have celebrated. Jacintha rivaled she whose face launched a thousand ships. Hey! I knew Helen, and damn well can make the comparison if I want. Like any commodity, beauty's value is measured by its rarity. Jacintha knew her worth, and in her short mortal span, had leveraged it to purchase whatever she desired, money, power, fame. Tonight, she bargained for immortality. And I for love. Enough prologue, let the play begin! *** "Over here, darling," I waved. Jacintha nodded, and she and her 'friend' weaved toward me through the maze of restaurant tables. She was gorgeous in a lush turquoise jacket and skirt and strappy high heels. For her, looking gorgeous was standard. Me? As I am a businesswoman, and since this was a transaction, I opted for a professional look, wearing a silk seafoam jacket and pencil skirt, and scrumptious Vera Wang black peep-toe pumps. I was a goddess to behold, if I do say so myself. My only jewelry - the 24 K gold earrings with red coral pendants adorning my ears. The pendants were an homage to my ancient home; I ~am~ an island girl at heart. "Good evening, Ms. Deit?." Jacintha said, sitting across the table from me. "This is Peter Dirkson, my ...boyfriend." "Call me Cee Cee," I said. I nodded politely to the dark suit, and then turned back to her. "You brought your lawyer? To what end? You would have me believe you'd sue if I don't deliver?" Jacintha reddened, no doubt surprised at how quickly her ploy was unmasked. "Word is you're slippery, Ms. Deit?. Peter swims in nuances 24/7, and is here to keep you honest. No offense." "And that group of men," I motioned with my head to a nearby table of six hulks that looked plucked from the weight room of a local gym. "Also here, as you say, to keep me 'honest'?" Jacintha reddened deeper, as all her stratagems had been exposed. "I hope it doesn't come to that. I'll have to pay them double if they have to do any ...persuading. I won't, will I? You found the offering acceptable?" *** Ah, the offering... I recalled the moment Jacintha breezed into to my life, those months ago, asking if she could purchase 'exemption from death'; what a quaint way to describe immortality, like a 'get out of jail for free' card, I suppose. That she knew I ~could~ grant it annoyed me. Perhaps in a moment of weakness, some being of power or sorcerer let the secret slip to eyelash- batting Jacintha. Samson had his Delilah and Merlin his Nimue, so there was precedent. I'll find the one responsible and adjust him ...suitably. That would be fun. "Eternal youth, what would you take," she asked. I laughed; I needed nothing she could give, save herself. It had been eons since my last Sapphic dalliance -with Sappho, actually- and my wetness told me fair Jacintha had put me in the mood once more. "You." "Me? As in us? Together? No, I don't swing that way. There must be some other thing that would seal the bargain." What would? A mouse to play with? A pet to train? Was I that petty? Pretty much. I sighed, well, pouted, to be honest, for she had given me such an itch. "An offering, then; the servitude of a worthy soul, for, say, six months time." "Servitude? I don't understand." "The concept isn't hard; you bring a soul that agrees, for six months, to be utterly mine, and I grant your wish." I could have forced Jacintha, or anyone, to be my slave, but what's the fun in mindless zombies? The thought of one kneeling at my feet, willing, ~wanting~ to do my every wish ...well, that always got things flowing. She flicked her hair back. "Like the devil, signing a contract for a soul and all that?" "Mm-hm, think of it like that," I said, smiling. Mortals, such fools; demons don't enslave souls, they eat them. "So, if I bring you someone who will, you'll grant me immortality?" "Assuming she is acceptable, deal." *** I must say, Jacintha's ruthless efficiency was worthy of applause; finding one to sign a soul away was a tall order. Mephistopheles wooed Faust for years and in the end the wriggly eel got away. Yet not five days later, Jacintha stood before me, with one she said was willing. I was not pleased, for HE was a dark-haired young man named David, who would NOT satisfy my itch. Hmm, perhaps I hadn't been explicit about the gender requirement. This wasn't going to work, but I at least had to go through the motions. "Jacintha has told you what will happen if you agree to this?" "I give myself to you." Fatalism curled about him like smoke. Yet through it, I saw a glimmer from his soul, like the flash of a bright coin on the bottom of a dark well. He intrigued me. "Jacintha, step outside, for I would question him alone." I read the suspicion on her face, as she stood and left. But leave she did. "Do you know what I am?" I leaned closer, "what I can do? Look into my eyes." When he did, my heart quickened, for I felt a reaching of consciousness, a connection. I had not expected that! "Let's see how far you follow, little minnow; try to keep up." I let my essence flow, out of the temporal world ...and into my timeless Other. When my consciousness returned to the Now, I saw his eyes were glazed. I clapped my hands. "Speak. Say what you beheld." He blinked, and whispered, "...a temple ...of white marble, filled with incense smoke ...and you ...on a throne of carved lions ...you're SO beautiful ...you wore a blue gown ...gossamer? wispy and thin and ...your black hair ...draped over your ... shoulders ...your skin was smooth ...alabaster, and your lips... blood red." Oh. My. He followed all the way; this one was special! My pulse raced as it hasn't for ...centuries. With this one, I could do much. "What did I hold in my hands, David?" "A gold cup in one and a stick, or a...wand? Are you ...are you..." He struggled to categorize, for his vocabulary lacked the word to describe me. The Greeks knew, Romans too. "Tell me why you would give yourself to me, David. What do you receive?" He was rattled; the Other does that; the knowing of it shatters a mortal's foundation. Many lapse into insanity, a few die instantly. This poor thing struggled to marshal his thoughts; what a fighter! "My ...my little sister ...in trouble ...she ...owes a person that it is lethal not to repay. In exchange for Ms. Voge paying the debt, I agreed to this." Self-sacrifice too? A keeper! I wished I had a bell to ring. Well, I didn't actually wish that, for one would have appeared. "And ...knowing what you now know, do you still agree?" His answer was too low to be heard by human ear. I heard. "I do." "Jacintha," I called. "Is he acceptable," she asked, rushing into the room. "If so, I hold you to our bargain." "We'll see. I will know in six months, if the offering is sufficient." "Six months? I've already paid his sister's gambling debt!" "Darling, you must understand your request is not casually granted. Do you know how many years Ponce de Leon stumbled about in the jungle looking for the fountain of youth? Patience." Jacintha stared at me blankly; I'm guessing history was not her specialty. "But what if I should die before then?" "I strongly recommend against that." She glowered, but accepted my conditions. Of course she did, what choice was there? "I'll be back in six months and you had ~better~ pay up." Threatening me? Unwise. She left without a word to David. I had but one. "Kneel." He fell to his knees. When he looked up, he saw he knelt in my temple once more -in body, this time- and I, robed again in blue, stood over him. I held my cup before him. "And now, my David, drink." After he drank deeply, I waved my wand over his head. "Neither tiger nor stag nor swine for you. You will be a human animal, for Jacintha has stirred an itch I ~must~ have scratched." *** "Ms. Deit?!" Suit man Peter snapped me back to the Now. "My client asked if her payment was acceptable. She believes you may be able to grant what you have promised. I am, of course-" "-skeptical. You think I've worked a fraud on her." "Of course you have. Immortality? Why not throw in Santa too? Look, I mean no disrespect..." Peter was annoyed, but unlike Jacintha, he was making an effort to be civil, "...but how would such a condition be proven? While alive, you would claim it is working, and once she dies, then ...who would sue?" "It is a conundrum," I said, smiling. Ah, lawyers, we gods love them so. A figure caught the corner of my eye, our waitress had arrived. "Stephanie! Wonderful to see you, darling; and are these the-?" "-yup! Ta da! Permutations officially has uniforms, Ms. Deit?." The pert blond spun around, modeling her short white toga, with sandal straps that crawled up to her knees. Scandalous, I know. "They're sure to be a hit with the customers, the cooks already love em," Stephanie said, and leaned close to whisper. "They love Daphne's especially. Every time she goes into the kitchen to pick up an order, the cooks get all frisky and start, um, trotting about." Daphne! I licked my lips at her name; a Pavlovian response. My new favorite pastime was imagining her luscious lips sighing secret desires to me. "Tell her to pop over when she has a moment, would you dear?" "Sure thing, Boss. Can I take your drink order? "Absolutely. Have Rick make our honored guests the house special, the usual for me ...well, make it a double. And ...what's with this 'Boss' stuff?' Call me Cee Cee." "Sorry, Cee Cee; I always feel I should be formal with you for some reason. I'll have your drinks out in a minute," Stephanie said and walked to the bar. "Why did she refer to you as 'Boss,' Ms. Deit??" Peter asked. "I own this humble eatery," I shrugged. "A hobby, I hunger for human drama." "Enough stalling," Jacintha said, sounding downright bitchy. "Will you live up to the terms of our bargain? Was David to your liking?" *** David... When a transformed her, I didn't shape her form, other than to make her a ~her~, but instead let the magic, and the Fates, have their way. And they did, oh my, they did. "Easy ...take it slow." I helped her to her feet. "Ms. Deit?? I feel so ...funny." Her soft, high voice was precious! And her hair ...mmmm, black and silky. I set my cup and wand down, for I had to run my hands through it that instant. I crave the final moments of the change. It makes me wet to watch a conscious mind sink into the instinctual reactions of beasts, the eyes widening as they fleetingly glimpsed what they've become. But David did something unexpected. Rather than sink, her mind bloomed. She dropped back to her knees, to gaze at me, with eyes bluer than lilies, an adorable button nose, perfect for nuzzling me in so many places, curvaceous lips that were bee-stung puffy and cried to be kissed, and those round plump tits! Jacintha who? I ran my hands through that luscious hair again. "What is this? Why the kneeling?" "I am yours." In the excitement of seeing her transformation, I'd forgotten the affect my kind has on mortals, especially in the fullness of my Aspect, here, in the Other. The dear couldn't remember her name; she was, literally, lost in my eyes. Hey! It's not a bad thing. I'd sort her out later; right now, the positioning of her head was too perfect to be wasted. I drew aside my gossamer dress and ground her face into my pussy. "Lick." I must confess, her eagerness and attention to detail was sooo ...gratifying. *** "Was David to my licking, erm, I mean, liking? -ooOoo- yes, Jacintha, very much so." "Excuse me?" Peter looked perplexed, and turned to Jacintha. "As part of this 'bargain' you 'gave' someone to Ms. Deit?? That's illegal, violating US and international laws on human trafficking, also the 13th Amendment springs to mind, banning slavery and involuntary servitude." Jacintha glared at him. "There was nothing 'involuntary' about it; David agreed. And anyway, I hired you to help me, not tell me what I did wrong." "But you cannot contract for an illegal purpose. Such a contract is void ab initio." Mmm, Latin! I love to hear it spoken almost as much as Greek. I so miss the old tongues. Lawyer Peter was starting to grow on me. "Never fear, counselor, I'll bring the aforementioned David over in a moment, and you can judge if everything was willingly agreed." "You do that on your own time," Jacintha said to Peter. "Start earning your inflated fee by representing me NOW!" Peter sighed. "Ms. Deit?, I feel absurd saying this, but as you've agreed the consideration for the contract is adequate, I must ask you to perform your contractual obligations." I smiled at Peter rather than replying 'or you'll do what?' "Very well. Jacintha. Are you certain you desire this? Eternal youth? Forever unchanging? Have you considered this may prove burden rather than blessing? I urge you to reconsider." At least Peter can't claim I failed to give reasonable warning. A scowl crossed the perfect features of Jacintha's face. "You're trying to trick me." She motioned with her hand; a sign to her associates. One of them, a fellow inflated by muscles in ways Mother Gaia didn't intend, yanked a waitress serving drinks off her feet and onto his lap, where he started to paw at her. "Did you just order those men to assault her?" Peter's expression turned from shock to anger. "Shut up," Jacintha said, then smiled at me. "Added incentive to conclude our transaction; at the moment, Bruno is in 'petting mode'. With a second signal, he does much more." I gave a quick hand motion of my own. A hulking bald-headed giant had left the bar and was steaming toward the men. I'm biased, I know, but Rick's black eye patch and chiseled build made him the baddest looking bartender in town. My signal told him to stop; matters were well 'in hand.' Specifically, Daphne's. She was the waitress 'captured' by Bruno, but his paws were off her now, and his face had turned ashen. Daphne's hand was in his crotch, and she 'grasped' the problem with an iron grip. That's my girl! She was speaking too low for Jacintha and Peter to hear, but Bruno nodded his head like a bobble head doll at what she said. I caught her final words before she walked back to the kitchen. "...and if you try that again, it's a different sort of tip I'll be taking from you." That's my girl indeed! I tried to wipe the grin from my face and look wrathful when I turned to Jacintha. "You're not playing nice, dear. I'm inclined to grant your wish." She smiled, thinking I'd conceded to her show of force. "She just had one of your employees assaulted, Ms. Deit?. Not only should we stop this farce, but we should report this to the police." "Your services are no longer needed," Jacintha said, showing teeth. "Go, or I'll have you removed. Believe me, you don't want that." She dipped her head to her enforcers, one of whom was still most pale. Before Peter could react, Daphne arrived with our drink order. I let my eyes travel far up her legs to where the hem of her toga rested. I know I should feel bad about making hers so much shorter than the other waitresses, but I'd be lying if I said I did. Her smooth silky skin begged to be caressed. "The cooks have *ahem* cornered Stephanie in the kitchen, so I'm pinch- hitting. Let me guess; house specials for you and you, and a double for the gorgeous Ms. Deit?." She leaned to me and spoke in a low voice. "And Cee Cee, before I was mauled by steroid man, Rick sent me over with a round of house specials for the table. What's up?" "Your boss is about to fulfill her end of our deal," Jacintha said, and then waved her hand. "Run along like a good little girl." Her words were demeaning, but they showed an emotion as green as her eyes. She, the pinnacle of blond perfection, was jealous of Daphne! Looking at Daphne's shapely ass, swaying as she walked to the bar, I saw why; Daphne was IT, the real deal. True, she wasn't a living statue of Greek perfection, but, that was the point, she was ~alive~, sensuality poured from her. People looked at Jacintha and thought of pristine heaven. But Daphne had a body that could take you on an orgasmic ride straight to paradise. "I wouldn't drink that, Peter, or at least, I'm not paying for it." So sad to see! Jacintha's beauty diminished as her spitefulness increased. "Peter, don't leave just yet, but ...don't drink either. It's, um, ~potent~ and has a way of impairing one's ability to drive," I said, mysteriously, because I love to say things mysteriously. I lifted my glass. "To eternal youth." I used my Other command voice, and Jacintha and her thugs raised their glasses and drank. "I cannot be a party to this, Ms. Deit?," Peter said. "There is much here that is unethical and potentially illegal. What has happened to this David? Is he even alive?" Excellent question! *** After her change, David and I had sex in sooo many ways, it seemed we were acting out a Dr. Seuss fetish fantasy: in a house, with a mouse, in a box, with a fox, on a boat, with a goat, here, there, anywhere. I didn't let her wear clothes for weeks, and she never noticed. Did I say goat? Forgive me, the reference was metaphorical; making love with a goat would be downright 'eewww' gross. That includes lecherous Pan. Especially Pan. But now centaurs ...why, yes indeed! I invited the lads to trot over and play, and she and I took em on together. She did me proud. I'm not sure when it happened during our sexual marathon -time is funny in the Other, a day can be a year and a year a day- but at some point, I realized I loved her. I. Loved. Her. That was a bucket of cold water; I'd fallen in love only once, and that bastard dropped me cold to flee to the arms of his wife. David was different, she had to be! Not as clever as my first love ~maybe~ but her soul was deeper. I felt her devotion in the stroke of her hand on my breasts, the touch of her tongue on my lips -mmm...both sets- and in her blue blue eyes. Yet, in my Other, before the fullness of my Aspect, was it love for me, or adoration for what I was? After thousands of years of veneration from my worshipers, I was ready for something more intimate. As God said in Monty Python's Holy Grail, "every time I try to talk to someone, it's 'I'm sorry' this, and 'forgive me' that, and 'I'm not worthy.' I wanted someone to look me in the face and say, "Lady, you're fantastic, and I AM worthy." David was too near to me, my fire consumed her mind. How can you know if you love the sun, when you're so close that all you see is light. Hey! The analogy is fair; I am Helio's daughter, ya know, and well, modesty has never been my hang up. David needed separation; time to forget who she was and what she'd seen. I took her out of the Other and created a place back in the Now, a sanctuary, to let her settle into her new body; and hopefully, to let our passion settle into her heart. And then I prayed. *** "David is more alive now than ever! As I promised, I'll prove it, Peter. Daphne, darling!" Another jealous scowl started to tarnish Jacintha's face, but froze, half formed, for at that moment, I pulled a bit of the Other into the Now. And in this room, everything, everyone, time itself, froze, save for Daphne and me. Daphne regarded the frozen figures with wide eyes. "Cee Cee? What's happening?" "Is that who I am, love?" I waived a hand in front of her face, and recognition spread across it. The dear started to drop to her knees again; I stopped her and made her sit next to me. "What's all this about," she gestured to my restaurant. "Last I remember, we were..." She struggled with terms; it is impossible to speak of the Other in finite words. "...There, and then I was Here ...and I've worked since then as ...Daphne? Why?" "Six months has passed, and your time of servitude is over." I had, in fact, conjured this restaurant solely as the place for her repose while her soul grounded. "Six months has ...what's happened in the world? Is my sister okay and-" So like her to think of another before herself. "-The world is fine; it continues to spin. Sarah is well; no more money troubles, I've made sure of it. And this one," I motioned to Jacintha, "has come to collect her reward." "Eternal youth?" I nodded. "Is it a reward you desire as well? Believe me, if she has earned it, you've earned it in spades." She was quiet a long moment. Then she pulled at the fabric of her toga. "What's this?" I smiled. "I suppose it's a bit short, hmm? Is that what troubles you?" She gave me her craftiest smile. "I was going to say I felt over dressed. Why did you take me from the ...the Other? Did I displease you?" "No! Never!" My heart was beating so fast, I feared it would spring from my chest! "It's been so hard, to be this close to you and to not touch you, but I had to know..." "Had to know? Know what?" "If you ... if we ... how you felt about me truly, whether it was a case of fan worship, or..." "You wanted to know ...if I loved you?" A look of utter amazement was on her face. I nodded, for I couldn't even say the words. I, the eternal I, was tongue-tied. That heart I said was trying to get out of my chest? It had crawled into my throat. When she didn't say those three words, I started to worry. And her next words made my heart thud to my feet. "Before I answer, I'd like to answer your earlier one, 'do I want eternal youth?'" Oh no! She wasn't going to bargain for it, was she? "I would want it, on one condition. Tell me, are you going to live forever?" Okay, I'm really confused now. "Why do you ask?" "Because..." She gazed at me with her blue blue eyes "...I couldn't bear to outlive you." Damn that wandering heart of mine! Now it was up in my ears, pounding away. "Does that mean you..." "Love you, Circe? Yes! Yes! Yes! Jeez, what do I have to do to prove it? When I learned who you were, I gave myself to you, then and there, and didn't limit it to any six damn months..." That's right! Come to think of it, the little minx hadn't. "...I mean, I know you're thinking I'm all gah gah over what you are. And yeah, that's part of it for a mortal like me, how couldn't it be? You're a ~goddess~" She took my hand, brought it to her mouth, and kissed it. "...but, I love you for ~who~ you are. You love life. You ~are~ life, and when you see someone wasting it, you act, my goddess of change. Some see what you do as cruel or vicious, but they are the small-minded ones. You're not about good or bad or happiness or sorrow, you're about living, truly living..." I was so right about the glimmer of David's soul. She had seen through the cloak of my divine brightness right into my soul. She threw her arms around my neck, and nipped at my earlobe. "Oww! Someone's being naughty; I've a mind to turn you over my knee and give you a good spanking." "Promises, promises," she said in her husky whisper. That settled it, I ~would~ be spanking her later. "...I mean, I keep hearing how clever Odysseus was, but he was pretty fucking stupid to pass up the chance to love you!" Wow, highest marks; she plays to my heart ~as~ she strokes my ego. I adored how her eyes sparkled with righteous indignation at the thought that I questioned her love. "I mean-" It was clear I must silence my babbling lover; I shoved my glass to her lips. "Drink." She took a long draw; once started, she couldn't stop; it's the nature of the brew. "What ~is~ this," she asked dreamily when she finished it; she didn't realize her body was shimmering. "It's fantastic, almost as good as ...what I would have licked if you'd let me kneel before you. Why don't I do a taste test comparison right now?" She was insatiable! Exploring eternity with her at my side ...mm-mm. I squirmed a bit, because visions of what we would do together were making me wet. We'd be putting the centaurs through their paces tonight for sure. After her spanking. Definitely after that; the thought of her wiggling butt draped over my knee... I squirmed some more; I was so glad Aphrodite wasn't around to see me smitten like this. I cleared my throat and tried to concentrate on our unfinished business. "It's Ambrosia, love." "As in 'nectar of the gods' Ambrosia?" "Only kind I serve. I hope you like your form, because you've just become an immortal nymph." "I ~love~ this fo-...nymph? Wait, you're a goddess and I'm just a nymph? That kinda sounds low on the totem pole. What, uh, special powers do I have?" "Well," I pulled her onto my lap and tweaked a nipple. "You're very fuckable." "Humph. That's not a power, that's a condition. Haven't you mixed up nymph with nympho?" "R-right. Sorry, love. As a nymph, you're really good with flowers." "Flowers?" "Yeah. I'll take you to the park later and let you frolic, once we're finished here." "Flowers?" "You're going to love it; they bloom at your touch. Some will even sing to you. And where you walk, wild flowers fill your footprints." "~Flowers~? This is tremendous news, now I can open a floral shop." "Nope, you are MY nymph. You stay with me." Sadly, pressing matters forced me to move her hand, which had traveled under my skirt and was pressing deliciously against my pussy. "Patience, nymph! We've matters to conclude." I sent the scrap of Other I drawn to the Now away, and time restarted. *** Daphne stood, straightened what little of her toga that existed, and stepped to my side. Jacintha's scowl unfroze. "Must you have this serving girl present? This affair is none of her concern." "Oh, yes. I must always have her present. ~Always~" I said, and smiled at Daphne. She licked her lips. "Enough. I demand you fulfill your promise. I didn't want to do this, but..." She again made a gesture to the other table. Her thugs stood and started ambling toward us. "Do you wonder, sweet Jacintha, what manner of beast they are, deep down, I mean?" "I don't know what you're talking about, but if I were you-" "-If you were me, you could do ~this~" My wand appeared in my hand, and I waved it. Oh! This is the grand part - the change!- where a soul's true colors spring forth. Their skins rippled, throwing the men to the floor to writhe and shriek, their bones popping apart and mending together again, so differently. Screams devolve into bleats and oinks. And their eyes, as the realized what is happening, -oooo- their eyes... Three pigs, two goats and a mangy dog now huddled before us. Rick came running from behind the bar, hurling curses far better than anything Polyphemus threw at Odysseus. "Zeus and Hera, not again! Goddess, what will I-" He skidded to a halt in front of Daphne. If I were to wave my wand at him now, he'd turn into a wolf. "Well hello, nymph!" Something was suddenly bulging from the front of his leather pants. "How ~you~ doin?" "Honey," I said to Daphne, "No magic from me here; it's all you." Daphne flashed a sinful grin, and whispered, "I know! I guess fuckability's a condition ~and~ a power." I nodded; helping her learn about her new 'powers' was going to be yummy fun. I snapped my finger at Rick. "And?" He shook his head. "Uh, sorry. But pigs and goats? What will I do with them this time? Animal Control is still pissed about the herd of sheep last week." I gave my badass Cyclops bartender my baddest smirk. "How long's it been since we've had Greek Goat Shanks on the menu at Permutations? With a side of polenta or garlic mashed potatoes? Tasty." "You aren't going to ~eat~ them are you," Jacintha asked, her eyes silver dollar wide at the magic she'd seen. "Nooo, I'm not ...too cruel. We'll only do that as a last resort." I answered. "Your turn." She tried to jump and run, but Daphne had moved behind her and held her firmly in place. Did I mention that nymphs are super strong too? They have to be, what with all the amorous gods they have to fight off. "Ms. Deite ...Cee Cee ...I don't want to be turned into a ...a-" "Oh please. Now you insult me; I'm a goddess of her word." I pointed my wand at her. "Do you still want eternal youth and beauty? Last chance to decline." She did reconsider; I saw it in her eyes, the element of fear now heavily in the mix of her thinking. But in the end, greed -so powerful in its pull on mortals- won her internal debate. "Yes. It is MINE. I have ~earned~ it." "Indeed." I tapped her with the wand. White light surrounded her as she stood and held her arms to the heavens, a look of beatific joy on her face. Her jacket and skirt lengthened into a white flowing Greek toga, and a laurel wreath appeared on her head. And she turned to stone. Look! I don't care if that's Medusa's gig; I'm the goddess of transformation here; I do as I please. "I ...don't understand ...any of this," Peter stammered, looking at Jacintha's breathtaking frozen figure. "What have you done?" "Granted her wish," Daphne said, running her hand over Jacintha's smooth hard features. "Forever young, forever beautiful." "But she's not alive, she's ...solid rock! she's-" "Oh, she's in there," I said, clinking her on the head. "Just thinking really slow. I'm guessing about nine months will fly by before she finished her 'what just happened' thought." "But ...but ...but," Peter stammered. "Peter, I think you'd agree I've lived up to the terms of the contract." "But ...but ...but..." "Did you transform him, too," Daphne asked. "He sounds like a motor boat." "Peter is having 'processing' issues, dear." Processing the existence of goddesses and magic and transformed beings all in one sitting. "But ...but ...are you going to leave her like that ...forever?" "No ...a few years atop our front door ought to do it, don't you think, Daphne?" Daphne cocked her head. "Yeah, she'll look perfect up there; it will be great for business, and the bird poop alone ought to cure her of her arrogance." "After that, I'll give her another chance and ask if she still wishes eternal youth," I said. I admit I still have a soft spot for the bitch; she did bring me Daphne. Speaking of... "You wanted to know if David freely agreed to be mine, Peter? So ask her." I pointed to the lovely creature beside me. "You're ...David," he whispered. At least he had moved on from muttering the 'but' conjunction. Daphne jiggled her ample tits in his face. "Do I look like a David?" "N-no." "Was though." Then she looked at me with those damned blue eyes. "And yes, I gave every last molecule of me to Circe." "But she ~changed~ you; did you agree to that too?" "I knew who exactly she was, and what she could do." "But you were a man and now you're-" "A woman. A ~nymph~ that loves to be fucked and apparently..." she arched an eyebrow to me "...has a thing for flowers. And I am so fiercely alive now, in ways you cannot imagine." Then she gave me such an expression, that it made my heart soar. I put a finger to her lips to hush her, and she licked it. "It is beyond his ability to comprehend, my love." Peter's wits rallied. "I expect so. But I do not see someone before me that has been forced into involuntary servitude, unless that's another definition of love." Daphne and I laughed. Peter's mind was keen; time to talk retainer. "Here's how it works, counselor. Either, I wipe today's events from your mind, or..." "Or?" "...or you agree to represent the city's newest trendy Greek restaurant, Permutations. Aside from the normal employee, contracting and permitting issues, we have the occasional exotic animal problem as well. Last week, we donated a giraffe to the zoo, and we are sorely in need of tax advice for it." "You want to ...hire me?" "Working for me is no picnic. There will be days when, if I don't like your advice, I'll make you feel like an ass, literally." He turned a shade whiter, but gamely answered, "Dickens did say 'the law is an ass.'" "On the other hand," Daphne said, as she swung a sleek leg around to straddle him in his seat, "Good advice brings special rewards." Naughty naughty nymph! I was counting the seconds to her spanking session. "Oh shit. Only a fool would agree to this, and I'm bound to end up turned into God knows what-" "Goddess knows what," Daphne gently corrected. "-Sorry, ~Goddess~ knows what. But yes, I'd be honored to represent you ...Circe is it? From all I've seen, you must be She. I don't know the procedure for signing on with a goddess. I'm guessing the standard engagement letter won't cover our..." he looked at the goats, pigs, dog and stone Jacintha "...arrangement." "Let's seal our bargain with a drink. Daphne?" My vixen was still astride Peter, and she brought his drink to his lips. He gave me a worried look. "Trust, Peter, is the basis of any good relationship." He nodded, and allowed Daphne to pour him a gulp. Then I tapped him with my wand. "Nothing happened," he said after a moment, the relief apparent in his voice. "Daphne, a challenge for you. See if you can get Peter's peter to rise to the occasion." After she started sliding slowly, back and forth on his lap, a goofy surprised expression crossed his face. "Oh ...you've ...given me ...I'm ...oh my ~Goddess~" "That's right, ten inches. My wisdom is pointed and penetrating; rule number one in representing Permutations as our lawyer, it's better to have a big dick than to be one." "But shouldn't we take him to the back office to make sure he's gotten the point?" Daphne's hand had crept into his pants. "Or to make sure that we do? Several times?" "Bad nymph! Wicked wicked nymph!" Her spanking could be delayed no longer; I pulled her off Peter and bent her over my knee. Her ass wiggled gloriously with each smack. Daphne was right, of course, -we would need a lengthy counseling session with Peter, and soon- but she needed to pace herself. After all, we did have eternity together, and we'd only just finished the lunch hour shift. ***

Same as Once Smitten, Twice Shy Videos

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I wrote this ten years ago, so it’s long overdue for another outing. It’s mostly a romance with only a smattering of sex, so if it’s the latter you want, maybe try my stories in the Incest section. ***** Eyes closed, my nostrils wafted in long ago memories. ‘Dad!’ I lifted my head from the bouquet, and glared at Tom. ‘OK son. There’s no cause to shout, I’m not deaf.’ ‘Sorry Dad,’ he hushed, ‘I forgot.’ The pretence of my deafness has existed for so many years that he forgets from time to...

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Smitten In India Savored Overseas

Hey, sex story readers, Hope all of you are doing good and will enjoy this little adventure of mine. Though a fan of this site since many years this is my first attempt at writing so please excuse for any mistakes and apologize for making it a lengthy one it seemed required as I feel buildup is as essential as the main action in a story (again, my preference). To start with a bit about me, I’m Raj 6ft+ good looking with a gymmish body from Delhi, I’m 30 years of age and married. The sex story...

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Smitten With Smita

Green hedges flashed past the passenger window, occasional gaps and gates giving Ben glimpses of the fields of Warwickshire, the distant trees rendered grey by the March rain. Really not much to keep his attention from Smita’s wedding ring, glinting on her light brown finger below a deep red, painted nail whenever she turned the steering wheel.I really shouldn’t be doing this.He tried to steal a glance at her unseen, but she caught him instantly, her eyes crinkling into lines left by five...

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Smitten By Smita

“How do you like my wife’s cunt, boy?” Patrick growled in Ben’s ear, giving his left buttock a fifth spank. His hips thrust forward, with nowhere for the shockwave to go other than into Smita since Ben’s cock was still buried in her pussy, being milked of the last drops of his young seed.“Answer!” SMACK! “Did you enjoy fucking my wife?”To Ben’s great credit, his first thought was of the older woman beneath him rather than of himself — and not just of the jiggle of her brown breasts with each...

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Smitas Smitten BoyBitch

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Eyes closed, my nostrils wafted in long ago memories. “Dad!” I lifted my head from the bouquet, and glared at Tom. “OK son. There’s no cause to shout, I’m not deaf.” “Sorry Dad,” he hushed, “I forgot.” The pretence of my deafness has existed for so many years that he forgets from time to time. He gestured towards the florist. “Do you want to choose a card to go with the flowers?” The woman behind the counter fanned a bundle of cards for Tom’s attention. Clearly, based on his treatment of...

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Smitten II

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A Series of TabooChapter 22 Smitten

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I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the word "tushy". It’s pretty much the cleanest way to refer to what is widely considered to be the dirtiest part of the human body: the butt. If you were going to tell your grandma about a bloody hemorrhoid erupting on your asshole, you’d probably tell her your "tushy" has an "ouchy". It’s that kind of word. I think the general cleanliness of the word is why I think it’s so funny that Tushy.com specializes in such hardcore anal fuck movies.Don’t get me...

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Once bitten twice shy

The winter vacations were starting and there was quite a crowd at the bus depot. I was to take an overnight bus to my uncle’s place where I planned to spend my vacation. Father had overruled mother’s objections and let me travel alone; they were to join me later. He said I had grown up. He never knew how much. The bus was already full by the time I got in, which meant that I had to travel standing. Father said that one usually got a seat midway through the journey, but I have never minded...

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Shy by Vickie Tern TG Femdom Don't read this if you shouldn't or you don't want to. If you do read it, I'd appreciate knowing what you think. ([email protected]). Shy by Vickie Tern i. I mean, a girl goes to college to get away from her parents and be with her girlfriends full time and scope boys and figure out what kinds she likes and what she likes about them and what she...

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Sizzling Sex Of The Shy

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still too shy

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Beyonce Becomes a Ponygirl

Part IV Beyonce lay out in the afternoon sun. The island had a hot, tropical climateand although she had been kept in the shade for the hottest part of the day,it was still uncomfortable and humid. The sweat was pouring off her and shehad no way to wipe it off. She had always liked hot holiday destinations andwas therefore no stranger to sunning herself. She had even bathed topless before,but never like this. As part of her acclimatization process, Jen had explainedthat it was necessary for...

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Genies Twice As Much Rule 2nd story

Some have requested for a sequel to this story so here it goes. Hope you enjoy it as much as the first or better. To recap, Larry happened onto a genie with a strange rule, whatever he wishes for the person he hates the most will get twice as much. In his case it was his mother-in law. To find out what happened with the wishes Larry made, you might want to read Genie's twice as much rule. The genie's twice as much rule (part 2) by E Larry was laying in bed with his wife...

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Genies Twice As Much Rule

Note from the author: This is what I was thinking of when I thought of this story. A man finds a genie. The genie tells him he has three wishes, but what ever he wishes for his mother-in-law will get twice as much. So the man makes his first wish, he wishes for a million dollars. Genie grants the wish and then tells him he has a million dollars and his mother-in-law has two million dollars. The man wishes for a great big mansion, genie grants the wish and reminds him that...

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The First Time Never Comes Twice

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Sexy Shyamalavathy

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I watched enthralled as the engorged, rigid, veined rod of flesh withdrew, glossy with moisture glistening on the thick, reddish mass that only partially evacuated the pulpy, tight clutch of my wife’s vaginal orifice. I held my breath involuntarily as the motion stopped and inexorably reversed, the meaty mass gradually disappearing into the dark recesses where I could only imagine her welcoming flesh grasping and lubricating the massive invader that penetrated her most intimate regions. Once...

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It never bothered me that my wife's youngest brother was gay. I thought it was cool he has a crush on me. Ashley would tease me about it. We hadn't been dating long. "Joshy is so nervous around you. It's so weird." She sounded as amused by the idea as I was." He has never made it weird." I smiled to myself. "I'm gonna ask him..." "Roue, No! You would not?" She slides under the sheet with me and lays her head on my chest. "I'm gonna make him tell me he wants my cock." She giggles as I pull...

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I watched enthralled as the engorged, rigid, veined rod of flesh withdrew, glossy with moisture glistening on the thick, reddish mass that only partially evacuated the pulpy, tight clutch of my wife’s vaginal orifice. I held my breath involuntarily as the motion stopped and inexorably reversed, the meaty mass gradually disappearing into the dark recesses where I could only imagine her welcoming flesh grasping and lubricating the massive invader that penetrated her most intimate regions. Once...

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The Guru8217s New Shishya

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It wasn't a typical Sunday morning activity, but Gibbs wanted to challenge DiNozzo at the gun range. His weapon of choice was the Desert Eagle and he'd brought his own. Tony hadn't seen this one; it came out to play on special occasions. "What're we shooting?" Tony asked curiously. Gibbs had only told him he'd show him on the range. He pulled the gun out of its custom holster. "Desert Eagle. Ten inch barrel." He saw Tony lick his lips and smirked. He was going to make the most of...

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What's Kiss JAV aka Shy AV all about? You perverts out there with a fetish for Japanese girls probably already know this, but JAV is an abbreviation, short for Japanese Adult Video. Add a kiss in front of that, and you have one of the largest Japanese porn tubes on the web. Kiss Jav specializes in more than just Japanese videos, though; they have tons of Korean JAV and Chinese content as well. It is the Porn Hub of exclusively Asian content.With over 2,500 pages of videos and counting, you are...

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Reddit Trashy Boners, aka r/TrashyBoners! What is it about Reddit that brings out unique, slutty content? There is a subreddit for nearly everything, but when it comes to smut, Reddit always fucking delivers. That’s proven when you visit Reddit.com/trashyboners – the destination for confused boners you’re still not sure about the next day. If you’ve ever watched daytime television and found yourself with a confused boner when the big tittied blonde bitch in sweat pants cursing her man while...

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Porn is produced all over the world, and each location has its own flavor, but few are as recognizable as JAV. Even if someone shot a JAV with no Japanese actors, you could still identify it. Everything from the lighting to the stage has a distinct feel. Whatever they are doing works because people the world over love to watch JAV.I know why I love it so much. First, the lighting mentioned above is perfect. It’s so bright and bubbly that every detail is clearly visible. Second, they always find...

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Zishy has one of those nonsense brand names that feel right at home on an internet full of gibberish like Hulu, Skype, Etsy, Brazzers, and Venmo. I bet you immediately knew what each of those other sites sells the moment you read their names, though, right? It’s funny how goddamn baby talk can take on meaning if you repeat it enough. Well, Zishy aims to add to the online lexicon by defining the term at the very top of the screen: “photos that leave something to the imagination.”That could be...

Premium Porn Pictures Sites
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It was to be my first day of highschool. I had spent a week out of town on the East coast and had already missed the first three days of school. I had my class list, books and the usual items and went to school. School was kind of a bore during the day. Finaly 8th. period came along. As I was aproaching my class a senior started talking shit. I was about to deck him when a teacher approached and broke the whole thing off. She was HOT. she sent us on our seperate ways and I went to class with a...

She Males
2 years ago
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Twice the Deal

The bell signalling that the first class of the day was going to begin in ten minutes rang and students began to head for the front door of the school. Michael and Todd waited in the parking lot to catch their friend Lisa before she joined the sea of students flowing into the school. As Michael calmly scanned the paths leading to the school, Todd fidgeted nervously.“You okay, man? You look like you’re going to pass out,” Michael asked.”No, Mike, no. It’s just that, what we’re about to ask-”...

3 years ago
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Going Once Going Twice Sold

Cloud stood in the kitchen the next morning, her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail. Strands of hair had managed to escape their restraint during her early morning jog and they framed her face as she watched the sausages she was making for her husband sizzle in the pan. Kira walked into the kitchen with a yawn, “Too early…” She plopped down into a chair. “Or too late.” “It’s not that early…” Cloud watched, amused while Pocket herded her four kittens into the kitchen. “Kittens!” One of...

2 years ago
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Dont Be Shy

Don't be shy with me... Fuck me, Fuck my tight little fuckhole. I want to feel your balls smack my clit as you grab a tit with each hand relentlessly, mercilessly pounding my sweet ass with your fat cock.Mmm Fuck! I scream as I feel your cockhead enter me, pushing your long fat shaft all the way deep inside my ass with one hard push. Pulling completely out and pushing it straight back inside for the first few thrusts.Feeling my body warming as your fat cock thrusts slowly and deeply. Pulling my...

3 years ago
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A Little Shy

I've always been a little shy so when Toby asked me out on a date, I didn't say yes straight away. The more I thought about it the more I knew I wanted to go out with him. Although sweet he was very assertive with me. On the way home from the pub he stopped the car in a dark lay-by and he started to kiss and fondle me. At first it was very pleasant feeling his hand on my breasts, but I knew I should stop him. After a little struggle he re-started the car again and took me home. I lay in my...

1 year ago
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Sometimes we like it trashy

My friend Mitch likes his sex trashy. As trashy as he can possibly get it. No idea why, but it can get addictive. When we were young we loved finding ourselves in these bizarre situations. Usually a threesome, with the occasional ageing milf, in some small apartment in the slums. But I moved a lot, and haven't been back for a while. I moved back to the town where we spent our late teens. Where we grew up. Mitch and I always stayed in touch, but now for the first time in a long time, it felt...

4 years ago
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My First Time Twice

Introduction: From my personal favourites I bring you a story from a great book of real women sex stories: SUGAR IN MY BOWL My First Time, Twice By: Ariel Levy When I was fourteen years old, I decided it was time to lose my virginity. Precocity had always been my thing. As an only child, I spent most of my youth around adults, which made me sound sort of like one. By early adolescence I had become so accustomed to being told I was mature, it seemed obvious to me that this next benchmark had...

4 years ago
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Ring Twice Prelude

Ring twice is the code signal we agree on. I will ring her door-bell twice.She will be blindfolded. Dressed sexy and scarcely. I know she looks nice.She even does not know me. Nor what I want. Sexy scenario? Continue to read!I will tell my readers how I got this tasty invitation to her, legs spread.First that strange invitation for friendship, without a preceding message.Often not a good sign. Usually I refuse after a quick peek at the profile.Also the nick was not to my likes. At second look I...

2 years ago
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Twice 1 day

Yesterday my boss came in to tell me that he would be leaveing and taking some of the office staff with him and that i would have one other girl and thats it. The DHL man had come to drop off some stuff as he was telling me he was leaving.The DHL man walked in to have me sign for the boxes and ask "what did he mean you would be the only one here" I told him what was going on and where every one had to go. He just kinda smiled and said "oh" said thank you and walked out the door.Well the next...

3 years ago
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The Postman Rang Twice

Ten years after we began our joint venture, my brother, Jillian and I, after downing the better part of a bottle of Jack Daniels, reviewed the lot in life we'd dealt ourselves. Michael seemed content enough, modeling for and promoting our project, doing the accounting, driving the motor home and letting Jillian collect his sperm. I was content enough screwing all those generous Johns and Janes, filming the proceedings and then producing all those, ever-so-profitable videos. Last but by no means...

1 year ago
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Caught Dressedup by Dad Twice

Caught Dressed-up by Dad, Twice! My Life chapter 3 By Ms. Jenny Ann This story was written by me and is not to be sold. It may be downloaded or shared but only at free sites. I was taking too many risks, almost caught twice and I should have learned my lesson but, fate would not let me get by with it this time. I went into my aunt's room and quickly found a black lacy bra and panties to match, I stuffed the cups of the bra with a pair of socks to give me the look of a young...

3 years ago
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Caught By His Mum Twice

Caught By His Mum, Twice Tim ran the scarlet red lipstick slowly across his lips. He paused for a moment before gently pressing them together, the way he had seen his Mum do countless times before when applying lipstick. He stared directly into the large mirror which dominated one wall of the front room of his house and allowed himself a moment to reflect on his transformation. He had certainly taken things quite far. As well as his beautiful lipstick he had applied a light layer of...

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