Mortimer and Myrtle A Love Story
- 4 years ago
- 67
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At least the pool area isn't crowded and they stay open late. Man I need to think through all the crazy shit that has been happening to me.
This whole evening was completely fucked up! First dinner going crazy and then Mabel following me back to the hotel to rob me. Well she was really cute with small firm tits that wouldn't move much when jogging or getting fucked hard. Why didn't Anna just bust in like she was a chaperone to run Mabel out of my room in the first place? Why do I keep running into these really fucked up weird chicks tied to all the child sex slave shit? I thought it was all gone now.
Boy did I have brain drain! The last thought I remembered was man this hot tub feels great before I was just starring off into space. I knew people were coming and going all around me, I just wasn't paying any attention to them at all. The place in my head was blue, so I knew the shield was there protecting me from pretty much everything. I somehow even felt that it would keep me from drowning.
I was broken out of my trance by someone nudging my arm with their foot and asking me if I was dead. Opening my eyes I was looking up at the crotches of two girls in one-piece suits looking down at me. With my goggles on they could not see my eyes, but that did not keep me from checking them out.
Since I was moving my head, the one that had nudged my arm asked, "Do you mind sliding over one seat? The jets on that seat are too strong for my skinny butt and push me out of the seat."
I wasn't really paying that much attention to the hot tub jets anyway, so I moved over like she asked. The jets in this seat did not seem any different to me, just installed in a different place. When I turned to see the girl taking my recently vacated seat, I saw why the girl wanted the jet I had been using. Other than the two half grapefruits in the top of her suit, the rest of her was skin and bones. I could see there was a noticeable gap around the legs and crotch of her suit that if her suit I knew would let me get a look at her pussy if it was dry. I considering making myself not see her suit and body to check if her tits were fake. She caught me looking, and read my mind, I think.
"Yes, they are real. I happen to be fourteen with a very fast metabolism that burns up all of the calories I eat. My doctor said I only have two percent body fat and that is in my breasts. And no, you can't feel them just to be sure are real," she said sitting down next to me.
Ok. Whatever. By the time this trip is done I bet I will have seen the tits of almost every girl in my freshman class, one way or the other.
The other girl then stopped in front of me to let me get a good look at her too. She had almost the same sized boobs, but she was not skin and bones like her sister. On her they looked completely proportional to her body.
"Mine are real too," she said with a smirk. "They are about the only things that are identical between us, no matter what the DNA tests say. We don't even have the same color hair; she dyes hers to match mine. Too bad she is being a prude and won't let you be sure all four are identical."
Sounding like a smart ass, I said, "Thanks for clearing up if they were real or falsies, now I can go back to my nap."
"Cool. I hate boys trying to cop a feel just because we are sitting near them," the skinny sister said.
"Normally I would be offended that you would assume I was going to feel you up, but it has been a really long day. How about I just zone out. Maybe the rest of the boys around here will assume you are with me and leave you alone? I really suck at fighting and they could take me if they wanted to cause trouble. Please try not to molest me too much, I might get brave enough to molest you back," I jokingly quipped.
I had not moved my arms from where I had them laying on the sides of the hot tub. After their remarks I was surprised they pulled them towards them before laying their heads back on them.
I can't believe I had girls at school pulling up their bras and shirts up to show me their boobs for years without me even noticing. How the hell could I have missed seeing all of their pussies? Did they fish my little boy dick out and play with it? I let my mind wonder through all the memories of what the girls had shown me in the various hiding places, or even school halls. My memories were so sharp now that I was sure that if I had some good colored pencils and some paper that I could draw near photo realistic nude drawings of them above waist, I had not seen as many of the girls from the waist down. Usually that was just a girl pulling the front of her panties down briefly. I bet if they stood sideways on the side of the hot tub I could draw them completely naked. The only part I would not have exactly perfect would be their pussy hairs. One girl dyed her hair and I am sure they shaved a lot off the sides for these bathing suits. I was knocked out of my daydreams yet again by the skinny girl elbowing me in the ribs.
"You can't really be serious," she said to me. "There is no way you are really ignoring us that well. Are you on something?"
Now what? They obviously wanted to be left alone and I just want to zone out as the hot water relaxes me.
I shook out the cobwebs as I turned to look at her.
"I asked what you were on to be able to completely ignore us. No way you are able to disconnect yourself from the world around you like that and not be on something." the skinny one said.
"Actually, I can pretty much ignore everyone around me. I did it for years in school thinking I was invisible because no one was noticing me," I said. "I can get my phone. I have lots of girls you can call to ask them about it. Until I had an accident last spring, I never knew it was just me ignoring them. Many of them tried reaching out to me, but I wasn't responding. So what was I ignoring this time?"
She looked really flustered as she pulled my hand into the water and onto her bare tit. Her nipple was a rock hard knot pushing hard into my palm. Her hand was holding my wrist so I could not move it away. I noticed my other was already on her twin sister's bare boob. I don't even know when it got there. My hands just felt like they belonged where they were now.
Ok, she wants me to touch her tit now. What is it with girls? No means no, unless it means yes, except that means no too, unless...
She kept a death grip on my wrist until I started to play with her boob and nipple. I had been pushed into the top of her suit, so I just had to pull her toward me a bit to check out the other one too. Her twin had already turned her back to my side, so I was able to slide my hand over easily to check if the forth boob between them matched the other three. I double checking all four again, to be completely sure, before I pulled my hand out of the skinny ones top to put it on her shoulder again.
"It is confirmed. Identical quadruplets. Thanks for insisting there was no doubt in my mind," I said almost kissing her ear lobe. "Do you need me to verify anything else is identical to your twin? We have to ask her to be sure, but I doubt she will say no if you use my hand and fingers to check her first."
Of course I already knew the answer to that before I even said anything. I was cheating, even if I did not know I was doing it until I closed my eyes. I had to be because of what I learned from Aaron's twin sister's telepathic communications.
These two girls were not the same are Aaron's sisters, but they had that twin mind link going on. I could see it even though it was obvious to me that they had no clue I was tapping into it.
Why else would the twin, with my fingers still tormenting a rock hard nipple, think out 'I wish you would just tell him to rub your kitty already so you will have to run to the bathroom. I will have him all to myself while you try to get the pee out. Why did you have to wake him up anyway? His fingers knew just what to do all on their own. I hope he does not rush off to go spank it like the other boys. I won't ever forgive you. None of them have any clue how to do what his fingers are doing to me right now.'
Between what I told the skinny twin and the unconscious mind speak from her sister, the poor skinny girl was sexually overloaded for a few seconds.
As I waited for some response, I repositioned my hand to be perfect for twisting her horny sister's nipple around roughly. Her moan let me know she really liked that a lot, so I squeezed even harder.
'Why are you such a drag? I am dying over here. I already had three of the really big ones and they don't put out the fire inside me at all. I am coming over there to make you get off so you will go away already, ' twin thought.
She almost screamed out when I pulled my hand out of her bathing suit and shifted around so she was not pushed up against my side anymore.
I closed my eyes and saw she was full to the brim of orgasm energy. Her hand flew between her thighs to almost instantly bring her off. That should have helped, but didn't. Sure, I saw her brain sending out signals that made her clit throb and pussy spasm as she came. From all the ones I had seen before, it was one of the biggest ones I had ever seen. What she did not know was her skinny twin was pushing her orgasm energy into her sister as fast as her sister could burn it up. It made good sense to me after hearing the normal sized twin's thoughts. No matter what the normal sized twin wanted, I was not going to do anything to force the skinny one to do anything if she was unsure. I knew that I was able to at least help one of them get some relief.
Do all twin girls do this to each other? One uses the other to burn off her orgasm energy to keep in control?
I focused on pushing my shield over onto the skinny twin to block her from sending more orgasm energy into her sister, for now.
Without even asking, I slid my hand right into the leg hole of normal sized twin's suit as I kept the orgasm energy inside her back from letting her cum. Slowly I let my fingers explore her pussy hair before venturing downward. She hooked one leg over mine and the other must have gone onto the seat next to her. I took my time pulling all of the orgasm energies into me until I was able to figure out which color of orgasm energy was hers. Once I saw what her orgasm energy looked like, I used my pointer, ring and middle fingers to push it back into her as I made big lazy circles between her vagina and clit.
Turning my mouth to her ear, so her skinny twin would not hear me, I said, "Promise to let her decide and I will rub you faster."
"Please," she begged softly, but I kept her just on the edge as I whispered again for her to promise.
Finally she whispered, "I promise."
Of course she thought it out, unconsciously, over the twin link too, 'He is going to kill me. To hell with you and your needs. I have to get off now.'
'Don't scream out, ' I thought into the twin link at her.
Before she could even think where that thought came from, I released the hold I had on her orgasm energy. I only saw my mistake after it was a bit too late. As soon as she got hit with the full force of just her own orgasm energy, it overwhelmed her body. She never made a sound as her body convulsed in pleasure and then she passed out. I still had my hand inside her suit on her pussy, so as she started to slump away, I had a hard time trying to get my hand out of her suit to grab her. One thing to be said for the twin link, when it goes "dead" the other twin goes on high alert to something being wrong. The skinny thin sister was already grabbing her sister as I futzed around trying to get my hand free from her twin's bathing suit.
The thin twin got her sister up and then shook her, in a way only siblings know how, so that she woke up. Other than her of spitting out some water, she was fine. Better than fine it seems.
When she was fully back into this world, she moved around to sit on my legs. She moved as tight to me as possible before plastering her lips to mine. When her tongue brushed my lips, I completely forgot about her sister. We must have kissed for a long time because her skinny twin pulled us apart to say the pool was going to close soon.
"Don't care, go away," she told her sister.
I would not have thought the skinnier of the twins could actually be strong enough to pull her sister away from me, but she did. Closing my eyes I could see the twin speak working overtime now. They were doing something with it now, but it was not talking. Finally the larger of the two just bowed her head.
Then with a smile she turned to me and said, "Mom and dad are having a, um, private meeting right now. Mom said it would probably go all night. We really don't want to be there, you know. Do you think your parents would mind if we, um, came to your room for a little while until we got sleepy? We don't take up much room."
I took too long to think about it.
Good grief! Impatient much?
"Look. Mom and dad have some special guests over. It is a no kid zone. I will go hide out in the lobby before I will go back to the room when those people are there. I saw them looking at me earlier. It creeps me out so bad I would rather walk naked into a boy's boarding school football gym locker room than return to our suite when those kind of people are visiting," the skinny sister said.
"Well I think we are doing something out of order here," I said with a laugh. "We have already gotten to second base. Your sister took me to third base. We don't even know each other's names. Maybe before we go sneaking off to my room, we should get the basic stuff first? I am David."
Both girls blushed.
The skinny sister said, "I am Tia. My twin is Tara."
Tara reached for my hand to pull me toward the steps. When we got dried off, the girls pulled on cover ups as I pulled on my t-shirt.
"So, do you think it will be ok with your parents if we come up to your room for a little while," Tara asked.
"It would definitely not be ok, so I'm not even going to ask them. I would catch hell if I called home to ask," I told her as I waited for the confused look on her face. "I had to go see a special doctor in Maryland for my eyes and my school is coming here by bus for a big field trip. A girl from school and I got here early, so we are waiting for everyone else to arrive. She has her own room, so we won't bug her to ask if you can come to my room either. I don't know if she is into guys or girls, but I bet she probably has someone in her room tonight doing things with her that would ruin her rep back home. There are two queen beds in my room, so you two can have one of them if you want. I can brag to the guys at school all about sleeping with twins when they get here. It is not like they could say I was completely full of shit since they weren't even here and I was all alone at the hotel for a few days."
It was interesting to see that what they were saying to each other over the twin link.
If I could talk to a twin without using words, I would do that all the time. Odd they don't know much about it. Oh well. Their loss.
They were back to arguing with each other and the pool was about to close. I found some paper and a pencil to write my room number down on that I put it in Tara's hand and left.
I had already changed into some sleep shorts and was watching TV when someone knocked softly at the door. I made myself not see anything between me and the door so I did not have to get out of the chair if it was not someone I wanted to talk to. Outside I saw the twins and with someone who was obviously some sort of security. I almost did not even go open the door until I saw Tia was crying. Listening in on the twin link, she was thinking that she was so very sorry for something. Tara just looked pissed off.
What now? If that thug is going to hang inside or outside my room, I am going to kick them out. Might as well get this over with already. Tara is just the type who would wait out there all night and day for me to open the door.
I made myself see everything again, went over and opened the door as far as the bar would let it go.
"Sir, I am sorry to bother you. These two girls insist that this is their room, but have lost their key cards. We don't seem them on your reservation," the hotel security guard said. "They don't have any identification."
Thinking quickly, I closed the door, flipped off the bar, opened the door again, and asked the security man if I could talk to him privately for a few seconds. I made sure to flip the bar so the door did not latch.
Once he was in the room I said, "Hey. I am on a school field trip and the only one that managed to have a room to myself here. Both are fish. I bet snuck out to go swimming while the chaperones weren't looking. I don't want them getting busted, ok and they look so hot in their bathing suits. If I play my cards right, I bet I can get them to take off the cover-ups so I can check them out better. As long as I seem really cool about it, maybe they will tell the other girls I covered for them. There are some really cute girls on my class I would love to have hanging out in my room in their tiny bikinis."
He gave me a smile and told me to watch out. Girls sneaking up a boy's room wearing bathing suits and thin cover ups had more on their minds than playing peek-a-boo with their suits."
"Young ladies, I should take you to your chaperones for lying about this being your room. If I hear a single word from anyone on this floor about any noise you will be facing the music, understood," he told them sternly. "Look girls, I remember high school."
He held the door open for them as they rushed past him into the room. Without another word he closed the door behind him.
Tia was up on my face instantly.
"I knew you were just a dirty liar like every other boy. Come on Tara, we are leaving," she said about to storm out.
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Zax moved fast and stealthily through the meadows of the first Savage Cave and then the group of mountains where the entrance to the second Savage Cage was. His Soul Sense inspected every millimeter of the surrounding, detecting many bird type savage beasts and couple of experts who preferred to cultivate their souls in the cavities of the tall mountains. 'Is this the second level Core Master big sister Hagen found?' Zax found a skinny man with lemon skin tone lurking not far from the...
So now there was Louise with her continuos need to lean. She wanted to learn everything I knew about oral sex. She also wanted me to fuck, but only after I ate her pussy until she couldn't stand it any longer. Then there was Myla the little oriental with the 14-year-old looking body and the 25-year experience. She was actually 20. Once I got my cock into her small body she was without a doubt the best fuck of all of them. And last but certainly not least, Sooby the Caribbean queen. Her body was...
EroticI have a new job working away and I bought an iPad to keep in touch with the wife, it’s great seeing her when away I miss her so much so it’s great when I’m bored in my room. Jane and I for years have spoke about sharing? But she never comes through, it must be 4 years now we have had the same conversation about it and it’s always the same answer maybe! Jane is great in the sack she knows how to please, I keep telling her she needs to give it out cos it’s going to waste on me as I only last...
Showtime for Teri By Teri Franken Chapter 1 My name is Teri and I am 28 years old. I have been a closet sissy for as long as I can remember. My parents knew that I was not your typical child and they let me live how I wanted to and did not judge me, they just loved me unconditionally. I grew up loving everything that a little boy typically doesn't like, such as dresses and dolls. My parents were concerned that I would be a target for bullies, so I was home schooled, took my GED...
Her name is Olivia. She is the most beautiful, wonderful, amazing girl who I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in life. I’m proud to call her my own.She walked slowly towards me, half undressed, as was I, Her breasts being emphasized by her tight, pink, laced Victoria’s Secret bra. I lay on the bed as I watched her as she twirled around for me. She was 5 ft, 10 inches tall, with long wavy blond hair that went past her shoulders. She had huge, beautiful green eyes, that sparkled in the light...
Whoever this girl is was right about them just asking me to take a sleeping pill instead of being sneaky and putting it in my food. When we stopped outside a pair of sliding glass doors, someone helped me into a wheelchair. I noticed I was wearing the super soft pajamas dad had gotten me. No one said a word to me as we got on an elevator to ride up the nineteenth floor. When the doors opened, I saw a sign saying “Hospitalized Patient Consultation - Optical Patient Entrance Only.” In the...
Dinner time! Ellen, Leigh, and Kirsten had enlisted the six boys from earlier to be responsible for having the women cooking here teach them to cook pork chops. The girls were finishing up the rabbit stew. Ivy was nowhere around, but Juniper and Willow were both here and showed they knew they were in deep shit. Their mom would go over to them periodically to tell them to wipe off the cum leaking out her their pussies, again. Aspen went over and hugged her mom, which just about made her mom...
October 17th, 1995, 7:30 AM PT, Metro Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, CA Miriam had been tossing and turning all night; she spent time just sitting in the chair in the corner of the room to try and let Baruch sleep. She was so upset she was oblivious to the fact that Baruch couldn’t sleep either, which was not in her nature. She was usually fully aware of what was going on with her husband. They thought together almost telepathically, and yesterday had been one of the first times in decades when...
TIMELESS BEAUTY BY PAUL G. JUTRAS Sam walked in the dorm house, looked at the lock and then in the dorm mistress's room. The plus size woman was dress in a black blouse and flats, black with white palm tree design jacket and skirt with dark brown nylons. She new there was only a half hour before she made her rounds and called lights out. Upstairs, roommates Chris and Alex waited on their beds. Like their friend Sam, both guys were petite and lovely looking. Being transsexuals who...
The door was open. I had no reason to have it closed. We were all in this together. So I was sitting in the large chair as my nurse prepared to access my port to begin the first liter of Cisplatin. The cancer center had been busy today and I glanced out the doorway as several people passed by. Then I noticed a woman pausing as one of the nurses escorted her somewhere.It was Katherine. I recognized her at once even though it had been so many years ago. Then I heard her laugh as her companion...
College SexYou know, I never understood those weird kids in high school that jerked off to Hanna Barbara porn. Getting a hard-on from seeing George Jetson shit in Betty Rubble’s mouth while Space Ghost jerks off onto her tits never did it for you, but then again, this kid I’m thinking about did wear a cape, so maybe there’s a correlation there. All I’m saying is when I had the chance to sneak a peek at some porno, I chose the real thing, not fantasy.Today’s cartoon porn is fucking realistic, and I can see...
Cartoon Porn SitesAs I stepped off the train brushing my graying hair from my face, I suddenly realized I didn't know where I was going, or even stranger who the hell I was. Stepping aside I watched as semi well dressed people moved off the train. Sitting down on a nearby wooden bench I thought that it was a lovely antique, I'd sure hate to harm it. Huh? Where had that come from? The bench was practically brand new; there was nothing antique about it. Looking around I saw that all the people were wearing...
Porn aggregator sites come in all shapes and forms to offer all kinds of content. You can find pretty much any porn category to watch with porn aggregator sites. One such genre is cartoon porn. If you look at a website like, you will notice that there are all kinds of categories to choose from. We will look at the cartoon category today because I’m sure not many reviews deal with this genre. It might not seem like a popular one at that, but I promise you that many people get turned on...
Cartoon Porn SitesLet’s talk about animated porn, and more specifically, let’s talk about the animated porn that xVideos has to offer. By now, I am pretty sure that everyone has heard about since this site has been here for quite some time. It is a free porn place with millions of porn videos for you to enjoy, and I particularly love their cartoon porn section.Since you are here, reading my shitty review, it is safe to guess that you are also a big fan of animated tits, right? Well, my friends, you...
Cartoon Porn SitesHave you ever wondered what the best porn tube website for cartoon porn is? Well, some people think that cartoon porn tube sites are the best for this kind of stuff. However, one thing that many people don’t take into consideration is that maybe the biggest porn tube sites out there have the biggest collections of other categories, including cartoon porn! Well, I’m here to unveil that this is exactly the case. With porn sites like, you can always count on countless cartoon pornos...
Cartoon Porn SitesYour name is Edward Richardson. You're 20 and you've been fascinated by history ever since you're 11. You're also good at making inventions as well. As you're growing up, you usually found that at various points in history of each country, things always turned ugly at many points. And you wanted to change that. You decided to use your intelligence you create the device called the T.O.S, abbreviated for Timeline Opener and Stopper, that can make you travel back in time and alter the histories...
Mind ControlI was up early because Mr. Hill wanted to get in two shoots before we had to leave at noon. Tracy had come over last night and helped me pack. I found out the no sex rule did not include manual stimulation. I brought her off three times and she gave me a hand job. We came very close to breaking the rule, but somehow I was able to slow things down. We decided her spending the night was probably a recipe for disaster, so she went home. I grabbed my bags and headed downstairs. Mom's bags were...
Why the fuck do videos, virtual reality content, and live streams of camgirls rubbing their clits and spreading their pussy lips get all the attention? Yeah, I get it: when the pictures move, it’s enough to make you cum like it’s fucking Christmas morning all over again. But why in the hell does that mean you should overlook images? It doesn’t, and if you’ve only been sticking with videos and VR shit where you’re pretty fucking close to getting blown by a Borg, you’re doing yourself a...
Cartoon Porn SitesAre you looking for just a basic porn site? I mean, aren’t we all? Well, there are many basic porn sites out there, but there is one that sort of stands out, and it is called Now, why does it stand out? Well, it is because it offers a nice collection of cartoon pornography, and that is why y’all are here, right?I love to watch cartoon porn, and it is nice to have a site that offers it all. You basically do not have to visit a different website for a different kink; you have it...
Cartoon Porn SitesWhat was your most incredible night or day of sex? What made it so fantastic? This is mine, four years ago. When I bought my duplex in the suburbs of Minneapolis, it meant I was here to stay for a while and I was really happy about it. A young married couple in their early twenties was renting the other part of the duplex. I had just turned thirty-two and I already felt like I was a generation ahead of them. I had a small party to get to know the neighbors and twenty or so people...
Yesterday i had an incredible experience with my new friend Mr. K.We had been talking through email for a few days, and i really was getting excited to meet him since we talked a lot about naughty things... He came to my home straight after work, and asked me if he could take a shower first.I agreed and told him i could use the time to dress myself up for him.I felt extremely horny and decided to wear my short purple skirt, "open" pantyhose with a nice black thong. I also wore a white shirt...
This is an incident which took place between me and one of my students Anasua. I am 30 years of age, good looking and handsome. She came to me for private tuition on computer science as she was a student of B.Tech in computer science. She was bit bulky, with very well shaped breast and very attractive set of lips at first I started teaching her in batch, but after some days there was a problem with timing. She was from another college and the rest of the student was from a nearby collage. So I...
It seemed very odd to Lara that the quintessential biker bar, The Rebar, was in Fulsome, the most paranoid, controlled city in the country. The Rebar was dimly lit and spacious. A long battered bar went along the length of one wall, and an annex held billiard tables and video games. There were various chipped tables and chairs around one end, and a hardwood dance floor. Gang crests, dating back to the legendary Hell's Angels, filled the walls, along with the occasional wanted poster, license...
Saturday, July 20th, 1996, Sanford Maine I looked up with apprehension at the gaudy neon sign that hung, unlit as it was mid-afternoon, on the converted house-like structure across the parking lot in front of me. Willie’s Toybox. It sounded creepy, almost like you could have put the word Uncle in front of it. Uncle Willie’s Toybox; I pictured a dirty old man luring kids with candy, the name had that same sort of connotation in my mind. Even the old Victorian-style building looked perverted...
‘I was a Wartime Transvestite for Uncle Sam! TJ Ryder Chapter 1 Reform School Romance! I couldn’t believe that all I got from my uncle Bill when he died after all he said to me about my being his favorite grand nephew was an old diary from World War II. I mean I thought we got along pretty darn good, and its not like he had any money or anything, just another old geezer in an assisted care center who if he ever had...
The funeral was a gloomy affair as funerals go. I am somewhat irreverent and remember clearly my twin brother and I giggling all through my Uncle’s funeral because his widow had the price ticket still dangling from the back of her hat. John and I shared a sense of mischief and humour. At our Grandfather’s funeral, we’d been unable to look at each other during the hymn ‘Praise my soul the king of heaven,’ because John had written an alternative verse that was utterly filthy and we both knew what...
LesbianA few years ago, my wife was having a midlife crisis while I was away serving in Iraq. She was both lonely and horny. She had been without me for nearly 8 months and I still had four more months to go on my tour of duty. Char is an attractive 40 year old woman, 5'8" tall with blonde hair and green eyes. She keeps herself in great shape and still has a body to prove it, 36-30-36. Our sex life is absolutely wonderful when I am there, and I would not change a thing. She is a Hottie and we are...