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During the first couple days on her makeshift raft, she had been able to stay alert and awake. Now, it was nearly impossible to keep her eyes open. She drifted in and out of sleep, finding that each time she opened her eyes, the sun had crept higher into the sky. Her mind drifted and she dreamt of hearing voices. She laughed softly as she dreamt of being rescued and placed in a big feather bed. Men came to her and waited upon her, pampered her. She could almost taste the fresh water on her lips.

Her eyes flickered open, ending her dream and bringing her reality crashing back in. A wave slapped against her, filling her mouth with salt water and removing the dreamt taste of fresh water. Tears filled her eyes as her body shook with each sob.

Voices. She could hear the voices now. Did that mean she was dreaming. Or did the sirens come to take her away. Was she now to join the world of the unliving. She was ready. And she told them so with a croaky whisper. Then she drifted off again.

She suddenly became aware of the pain coursing through her body. Her heart sank as she realized that the pain could only mean that her aunt was right, and that she had gone to hell. Her eyes burned without even opening them, she could feel the heat on them. But she had to see her surroundings, she had to see this hell she had been sent to. Her eyes slowly blinked opened. Darkness surrounded her, but intense light seemed to stab at her. A large red human form approached her. Its hand felt like a huge weight upon her head, and she could feel the burning sensation it left on her skin.

The deep voice pierced her eardrums. "She'll be okay. She's dehydrated and sunburnt, but she should recover with a few days of bed rest and liquids." She drifted off to sleep.

She awoke later to find that the pain in her body had subsided. As she opened her eyes, she was able to make out her surroundings. She was in a bed, aboard some form of ship. As she looked around the room, a young man smiled at her before he ran out of the room shouting, "Captain, Captain, she's awake."

She sat herself up a bit more in bed, noticing that she was wearing a man's nightshirt. She peeked under the covers to look at the rest of herself. As the door opened, she quickly forced the covers back down.

The captain, a tall man in his late 50's with wispy grey hair, smiled and laughed softly at her. "I hope you are comfortable. I figured a lady such as yourself should have the best quarters on the ship. The doctor should be here shortly. You're quite safe now."

"Thank you," she croaked out in a hoarse voice.

The captain waved at the cabin boy, and he quickly fetched her a glass of water. She sipped slowly at it as it cooled her throat's roughness. She was about to speak again when the doctor entered the room.

"How's our young lady doing? Back in the land of the living I see." He quickly sat down beside her. Unlike the captain, he didn't wear the navy blues but rather the infantry red. Otherwise they could have been brothers. He placed his hand on her forehead. "Yes, the fever has passed. I think you're now out of harm's way."

"Where am I?" she whispered.

"My dear, you are aboard the HMS Redemption. Her Majesty's navy is here to help make these waters safe from pirates. I only wish we could have been there before you were harmed." The doctor looked proud in his statement of the Navy's capabilities.

The Captain asked, "Can you tell us who you are and what happened to you?"

Before she could answer, the doctor cut her off, "She should rest Captain. She needs to get some food in her belly and get some more sleep. We can ask her questions later, once she has her strength back."

With that the two older men left. The cabin boy ran to fetch her some food. After eating her fill, she drifted off to sleep. She awoke later to use the lavatory with some assistance from the cabin boy to help her move from the bed to the head. She knew that the cabin boy was looking her over, and she figured that he probably had touched her while she slept and they were alone. She was too grateful to be alive to care.

The next day she awoke to find the captain and doctor waiting for her. She was feeling much better even though her body ached. Before either of them could ask her anything, she said, "I am the Lady Carolina of Barcelona."

"M'lady," the Captain said, bowing his head slightly. "Which vessel were you on when you were attacked?"

She requested some water and it was brought to her.

"It is a very long story. I think that maybe I should start at the beginning. About 5 years ago at the age of 19, I moved from Britain to marry Don Jose of Barcelona. Shortly after our marriage, he died while on business in Columbia. I sailed to Columbia about 3 years ago to pay my respects to his grave site in Columbia. While there, I decided to visit the country. My late husband had many friends, and they helped me travel and see their wonderful country."

The doctor, captain and cabin boy all listened intently.

"After a year of visiting and traveling, I decided that I should return back to Barcelona. One of my husband's business associates was able to secure me passage on a ship carrying coffee back to Spain. Or so I had been led to believe.

"Four days out at sea and we were attacked by pirates. It turned out that the ship was not hauling coffee, but instead was shipping emeralds and gold back to Spain. And the pirates knew this. I hid with my maid in our cabin. The first pirate to come through the door met the sting of my stiletto in his chest. The second one had his sword in motion to strike me when my maid stepped in the way. She dropped to the floor like a sack of flour. I dropped to her as I watched the life drain from her wound. He raised his sword to strike me down too, when a hand grabbed his wrist."

She took another sip of water before continuing.

"The man that spared my life turned out to be the leader of this band of pirates. I thought that maybe there was a decent man on that ship. I was wrong. He said to his mate that I'd fetch a good price. My hope sank. The mate grabbed me by the hair and dragged me up on deck. I appeared to be the only survivor. As their crew sailed both ships, they tossed the dead bodies overboard.

"They took me up front and below to what appeared to be the gallows. There I was chained and shackled. Before he left me alone, he tore open my dress and bit my nipples. I groaned, and he slapped my face, knocking me down, as he left. About every hour a different one would come to me, tear off some piece of clothing and touch me or bite me. Eventually, they had stripped me bare of my clothes. I was then shackled with my hands over the beam, which forced me to stand on the tips of my toes."

As she took a sip of water, she noticed that all three men had bulges in their pants.

"The first man to come down and find me in this position, took off his belt. I braced for the feeling of him trying to slide into my womanhood. His belt struck my ass. I screamed with the shock of it. The second strike I was able to stifle my scream. Each strike got harder and I fought hard not to give him the satisfaction of my scream. After about 10 strikes, he stopped and put his belt back on. I was proud of myself for only screaming once. He then reached down and touched my womanhood. It was then that I realized how wet his actions had made me. He smiled and laughed as he left. I thought I had won, but instead, I had lost.

"Mate after mate came down to use their belts on me and check my womanhood. They struck my ass, my legs, my back, my belly and all had the same result. My womanhood was wet. So much so that the moisture had run down my legs. A craving had started inside me. I didn't want this craving, but I couldn't help it. I had to have a manhood inside me. As each mate showed up, I would quietly ask him to place his manhood inside me. But they didn't. I started to beg for it, then I began to scream for it. They had turned me into a wanton whore."

She blinked a tear from her eyes. The cabin boy excused himself and left.

"The next morning we were in a harbor. The men continued to visit me. I was going crazy. I had to have a manhood inside me. The leader showed up. I begged him to fuck me. He laughed at me. He started calling me a slut and a whore. He asked me if that's what I was. I hoped that if I agreed that he would slide his manhood into me. I confessed myself to being a slut and a whore. He smiled at me and spanked my ass. I begged him to fuck me. He spanked me harder. It was then that I realized that I was on the verge of an orgasm. He continued to spank me as I climaxed, screaming I was a slut and whore and should be fucked. As I came down from my climax, he slipped an ivory manhood into me, fastened it to my body with a chastity belt and left.

"I could feel this object deep inside me, filling me, filling a need that I had to have satisfied. The spankings continued, and each time I could feel this fake manhood inside me. I imagined it was a lover, and I confessed to be his whore and slut. And each time, I climaxed. Over and over this happened. Then it stopped.

"My hands were unshackled and I was escorted on deck. The sun made it hard for me to see, but I could tell we were in some type of bay. It was hard to move with my womanhood full and the shackles on. I was walked across the gang plank to the other ship. There I was taken below to the gallows and strapped in like before. The visits started again. The ships set sail and once at sea, the other ship was set on fire and left to burn."

She took another sip of water. The cabin boy had returned. His erection was still apparent to her. The Captain's pants appeared to be a bit damp in the front.

"But I'm probably going into way too much detail here."

"No," they all chimed in together.

"We should know everything that happened," the Captain stated.

"So we can deal with these men accordingly," added the doctor.

"That night, the seas were a bit rougher. One of the men came to belt me. He held his candle high as his other hand swung the belt. The ship shifted, and he dripped candle wax onto my sore ass. At first I thought he had shot his hot juices onto me, I came instantly. When it happened again, I became aware that it was the candle, but the effect was equally explosive. Each time the hot wax dripped onto my ass, I climaxed. He stopped and left. I was exhausted, barely able to stand after climaxing about 7 times. He must have informed his mates, because every visitor after him did the same thing and got the same results. By the morning, I was a wreck.

"The next day I was taken down and strapped over one of the cannons. The fake manhood in my womanhood was removed and inserted into my backside. Each visit brought two of them to me. One forced me to suck his manhood, while the other inserted his in my womanhood. I had been craving human contact and now that I had it, I couldn't get enough of it. They shot their juices in me or on me, I didn't care, I was getting the manhood that I desired. That night, the fake manhood moved to my womanhood and they used my backside. The next morning their juices oozed out of every orifice, and I was drenched in their juices."

The men shifted in their seats. She asked the cabin boy to get her some more water. As he did, she could see his erection pointing straight out.

"They removed my bonds and led me up on deck. I was able to see that we were in a bay and that there was some settlements on the island. They walked me out on the plank. As I turned to look at my escort, he pushed me off the plank. I fell into the water. The saltiness stung my wounds. I sank to the bottom before I realized that I could move. I swam to the surface and breathed deeply. My captors laughed from the deck of the ship. A set of strong hands helped me into a rowboat.

"I was taken ashore and lead to a large house on the main street. I entered to find a very striking woman standing in an elegant entranceway. I felt somewhat mesmerized by her. She led me upstairs and into her office. It was large and airy, with a big oak desk sitting in the center of the room and a large bed behind the desk and off to the left. Off to the right was a large wooden cross. Part of me hoped that I was being left with some religious order.

"She directed me to sit in one of the chairs in front of her. I sat and listened, not quite hearing and not quite believing, as she explained that I was now her property and I would work in her establishment. She explained the rules of her house and how I was to react with guests. I nodded at everything she said. She told me to go to the cross, face it and place myself against it. I did as she instructed. She fastened me to the cross and then started to touch me and caress me. When she spanked me, I could feel my juices flowing, and I could hear my voice say to her, 'Fuck me.'

"She proceeded to cut me down, place me on the bed, attach a fake manhood to herself and fuck me. She fucked my womanhood and my backside. She fucked me hard. She spanked me as she fucked me. Although it felt like a dream, I could feel myself climax over and over. I knew my fate had been sealed. I was now the property of this woman's house and was to do her bidding."

She took a drink of water and said that she felt tired. The captain and the doctor excused themselves and left. Before the cabin boy could leave, she asked him to assist her to the lavatory. She leaned on him heavily as he helped her walk. Her position against his body allowed her to rub a breast against his chest and to watch his erection in his pants. As she sat on the toilet, she asked if he could brush her hair. He stood beside her lightly stroked the brush through her hair. She could see his erection pointing at her. She noticed that he was not looking down, probably for fear of seeing down her nightshirt.

Her hand reached out, cupped and lightly caressed his cock and balls through his pants. He groaned and stopped brushing. Her other arm snaked behind him and held him as she removed his hard cock and slowly slipped it into her mouth. She slowly worked his cock with her mouth as he groaned. In a short time, he spasmed and she swallowed his load. He mumbled his "Thank you," and she said to him, "Isn't that better than doing it yourself?" He nodded. She looked deep into his eyes and said that he was not to waste his juices, but to save them for her as that was the least she could do for a man that was so kind to her. He nodded his compliance.

He helped her back to the bed, and she slept for a few hours.

When she awoke, she had the cabin boy fetch the captain and the doctor. The captain had the cabin boy leave. As he headed to the door, he looked back at her. She smiled and winked at him. He left with a little smile in his heart. Once the cabin boy was gone, the doctor had her undress and lay on the bed. His excuse was that he had to check her recovery. The captain was present because her recovery was his concern too. As she lay on her back, the doctor poked, touched and checked her body, occasionally pointing out things of interest to the captain.

"As you can see, her womanhood was shaved bare. There is some slight stubble present now," he had her turn over and his hands spread her ass cheeks, "and even her backside was shaved. You can see the marks on her fanny from where they used what looks like a crop or cane." His hands caressed the marks.

He had her kneel with her ass in the air as he described how she was sexually abused to the captain. The captain asked her if what the doctor described was true. She responded that it was. He asked her then to describe to them why and how her womanhood and backside was shaved. As she knelt with her ass in the air, the doctor and the captain touching her, she started to tell her tale again.

"My mistress, as I was to call her, ran an exclusive brothel. Her clientele was very well to do. Occasionally, pirate ships would bring her pretty women that she would purchase from them. These women would work for her to service her clients. One requirement was that we had to keep our womanhood and backside cleanly shaven. Our mistress shaved us the first time.

"After she had made love to me the first time, I was taken to my room and permitted to sleep. I awoke what turned out to be about 2 days later. My body was stiff and sore, but I was able to make my way to the washroom and then the kitchen. I had no clothes, but since none of the other women did, I didn't feel out of place. I noticed right away that the other women were shaved. My unshaved womanhood stood out. Feeling a bit nervous, I returned to my room after having something to eat.

"As I sat in my room thinking about all that had gone on, there was a knock on my door and my mistress entered. She told me to lie on my back and spread my legs wide. I did as instructed, her harshness of tone causing me to get excited. With myself spread before her, she pulled up a small stool and proceeded to lather and shave my womanhood. The feeling of it was so incredible that I could not help but climax. She laughed at my climax and had me roll over into this position. She then proceeded to lather and shave my backside.

"As she shaved my backside, she told me that I was to keep myself clean shaven. She informed me that if I needed assistance, I could ask one of the other girls to help me. Once complete, she rubbed a soothing lotion into my skin. As she rubbed my womanhood, I couldn't help but moan as my juices started to flow."

The doctor started to rub her pussy as both he and the captain could see her juices starting to flow. She told them that her mistress spanked her ass and that she begged her to fuck her. The doctor spanked her ass, and she groaned out a breathy, "Mmmmm, yes, fuck me." She continued to describe how her mistress brought in her first two clients. Her mistress helped one man into her pussy and the other into her mouth. The doctor proceeded to slide his hard cock into her pussy as the captain stood in front of her.

"Mmmmm, yes, just like this," she took the captain in her mouth as the doctor started to pound her from behind. She described how as one man shot his load, he would leave her room and other man would enter. Her mistress stayed with her the whole time, positioning her and the men. Her mistress had one man pull out of her pussy and slide up her ass. She was then pulled back and laid on top of him as the man that was in her mouth slid into her pussy.

As she described it, the doctor and the captain performed it. Both men were working hard not to cum too quickly. She described to them how these men would rock her back and forth as replacements took their places. She described how she could feel the cum oozing out of every hole in her body. How she climaxed over and over. After about ten men, her mistress stopped the flow, and she was allowed to rest. The doctor and captain could hold back no longer and as they shot their loads deep into her, she shuddered with her climax. She thanked them both as they dressed and left her to get some more rest.

The cabin boy entered shortly after they left. She could tell that his being in her presence would make him hard. She told him how the captain and the doctor had fucked her. He didn't believe her, so she showed him their cum oozing out of her pussy and ass. He looked crushed and angered. She told him not to be angry, that what she had told them made them do it, and that if they hadn't done it, she would have gone insane. She then told him how glad she was that he didn't witness it, and how she wished it had been him. She kissed him on the lips and then proceeded to kneel in front of him and take his cock into her mouth. When she drank her fill of him, she returned to the bed to sleep.

The next morning, she awoke to find the captain and the doctor waiting for her. After using the lavatory, she returned to them. They smiled at her and asked her if she remembered anything else about her mistress and the location of the brothel. She said that she didn't. She remembered being visited about once or twice a week. The rest of the time she worked around the place keeping it clean.

The captain told her that they would be coming to port the next day, and they needed as much information as she could give them before then. The doctor asked how she escaped and came to be adrift on the ocean. She smiled, undressed and sat on the bed.

"Please undress and join me. I cannot tell the rest of my story without the comfort of you. You comforted me through yesterday's ordeal, please comfort me through today's."

They undressed and lay with her on the bed. They caressed and touched her all over as she told her story.

"One day, my mistress came to me and informed me that the men who had brought me to her had requested my presence for two months. They had paid her well for me, so I was loaded onboard their ship. The men wasted no time in using me. I was shackled, whipped, spanked; my womanhood, my backside and my mouth were used extensively by their manhoods. My body betrayed my enjoyment. As the days turned into weeks, their trust of me grew. I was allowed to roam the quarters and upper deck at will. I'd often be stopped and made to kneel to suck a cock, or bend over to take one in my womanhood or backside.

"One day, a crew member had me hold the wheel and steer the ship as he did me from behind. Another time, three of them took me to the hold. Another couple tied me to the cannon as they used me. I became the ship whore, satisfying whomever wished it. I did it from the lowest reaches of the ship up to the crowsnest, from the bow to the stern. After a month, I was allowed to roam the whole ship freely. It was like one long voyage of carnal pleasure.

"Then it happened. We attacked another ship. It was like I had forgotten that these were the men that killed my maid and the crew of the ship I was on and it all came flooding back. The ship was a naval vessel from France. From what I gathered, it had been following us for a couple days, then one night we looped around behind them and attacked. The French ship was sunk and their crew killed. The men suddenly became more blood thirsty. About a quarter of the pirate crew had been killed.

"The sex became rougher. There were more whippings and shackling. There was more hot wax and spanking. As much as I enjoyed it, I could not get past the realization that these men might just as easily kill me. It was then that I realized that I had to do something to escape. One night as the crew slept, I silently moved through the ship pouring a gunpowder trail from the supply to the stairs. Using a torch, I lit the powder and quickly headed to the top deck. As I emerged on the top deck, a crew member grabbed me, forced me against the rail and started taking me from behind. I thought of struggling, but figured he'd kill me for sure. Dying in the throes of a climax sounded better than at the end of a knife.

"As he climaxed, the first blast shook the ship. The second blast knocked us overboard. When I surfaced from the water, the ship exploded in a ball of flames and sunk quickly. The crew member was floating facedown nearby, a piece of wood sticking out of the back of his head. I found a large chunk of the ship to float on. There appeared to be no other survivors. A few days later, you found me."

She kissed them both on the lips and asked them to make love to her to help her forget her ordeal. They willingly obliged her. For hours, they fucked and sucked. She had them tie her down and spank her. She let them drip wax on her ass as they watched her masturbate. She'd suck one while he spanked her as the other fucked her hard. She took one in her ass and the other in her pussy. They fucked until all three of them fell asleep on the bed.

The captain and doctor awoke later, dressed and went to dinner. The cabin boy entered shortly after with a tray of food. She ate as he told her that they would be arriving in Kingston tomorrow morning and that the doctor and captain would go see the Magistrate about her. She finished eating and looked at him solemnly.

"They won't mention me to the Magistrate."

The cabin boy looked shocked.

"The Captain and the doctor know that they can make me their whore. They know about my secret desires and passions and know how to use them against me for their benefit. I won't be getting off this ship, because they'll want to keep me here as a slave to their desires."

He stuttered, "No."

"Yes," she reaffirmed. "At least you will be here my love. Knowing that I can see you and be with you makes the sacrifice worthwhile. Come here now and let me taste you. Make me happy and fill me with your juices."

He came to her, and she knelt before him. She took out his cock and began to suck on him greedily. He groaned as he came into her mouth. She drank his juices and licked him clean. Smiling, she stood and hugged and kissed him.

"I can get you off the ship, but I have nowhere you could hide."

"I have a friend that will help me. But I don't want you to get into trouble."

"I'll be okay," he replied confidently.

She kissed him harder and more passionately.

The next morning after the captain and doctor had left, the cabin boy came to her with a bundle of clothes. He had her quickly dress in a typical naval crew clothing. He told her that she had to talk in a deep voice and that they were instructed by the cook to go to the market to get some fresh chicken for the captain's birthday dinner. Her breasts were too apparent, so he took some bandages out of the doctor's bag and wrapped them tightly. Once she was redressed, they left the cabin. They had little problem getting down the gangplank and soon they were heading into town.

The captain and doctor entered the Magistrate's office. The captain was quick to inform the Magistrate that they had found the Lady Carolina of Barcelona. The Magistrate looked shocked and asked where she was. The captain informed him that she was onboard his ship recovering. The Magistrate called his guard and quickly dispatched a unit to the ship.

"I assure you Magistrate," the doctor said with a slight note of nervousness in his voice. "The lady is quite alright." And let's hope they don't hang us for the liberties we took with her, he thought.

"I'm not concerned with her safety, gentlemen. The Lady Carolina of Barcelona is also known as 'The Devil's Mistress.' She is a pirate. The British navy had a spy onboard her ship. She didn't know who the spy was, but she knew someone onboard was a spy, so she blew up her own ship. She had to know that a ship would find her adrift and rescue her. Lucky for us, it was a British ship."

The cabin boy and Carolina walked slowly through the market. They noticed a rush of soldiers pass them, heading to the docks. She led him into a small alley to a door. She knocked on the door and a beautiful woman in her late 30's answered. She quickly ushered them in once she recognized Carolina.

"Carolina," she beamed as she hugged and then kissed her friend. "How good to see you. And in a naval outfit no less. Who is your friend?"

"Deborah, this is the cabin boy from the HMS Redemption."

"My name is Jacob. Glad to meet you." He held out his hand. She grabbed him and hugged him tight.

Carolina quickly undressed to get the bandages off of her breasts. Deborah reached over and caressed them. She smiled at Carolina and said, "I think we should reward your hero. Don't you?"

"Magistrate, she is no longer onboard the ship. The crew said that the cabin boy and another crew member were the only ones to have left the ship."

"Damn it! Search the market and post guards. I want this woman found."

The captain and the doctor looked stunned. Had they so easily been tricked by the Devil's Mistress.

"Magistrate, may I offer my crew to aid in the search."

"Who else in the crew did she talk to?"

"No one else. Just the doctor, myself and the cabin boy."

"Leave an armed guard onboard your ship, but send the rest of your crew on shore to help in the search."

"Yes, m'lord." With that, the captain and the doctor rushed back to the ship, cursing themselves the whole way.

Deborah undressed Jacob and laid him on the pillows on the floor. Carolina lowered her mouth to his already hard cock as Deborah lowered her pussy onto his mouth. Jacob made up for skill with an enthusiastic eagerness. Deborah ground her pussy into his mouth. Carolina licked and sucked him into a quick orgasm, then slowly worked to bring him back to life. Once she had him hard again, she helped Deborah slip onto him. She straddled his mouth and he started to lick her eagerly. Carolina leaned forward and hugged Deborah to her. They kissed passionately and their hands caressed each other.

It didn't take too long for him to cum again, shooting his load deep into Deborah. Deborah proceeded to take him in her mouth and to gently suck and lick him back to hardness. It took some time, but soon she was helping Carolina impale herself on him.

"Jacob, are you going to stay with me?"

"I can't. Helping you off the ship is as much as I can do. If I abandon my ship, they'll hang me when they catch me."

"I understand. I'm sorry."

She kissed him deeply before Deborah straddled his face. Carolina rode him quickly, as she could sense that he was nearing his orgasm. Deborah ground her pussy down harder onto his face. His cock got harder inside her and she started to climax as she kissed and caressed Deborah. He started to struggle underneath them as he realized that his air supply had been cut off by Deborah's pussy. Carolina could feel him get harder with his struggle for life, his gyrations causing her to explode. She felt his juices explode into her. He continued to struggle for a few seconds before he went limp. They kissed each other deeply as Deborah came down from her climax.

They stood and dressed in some clothes that Deborah had placed out for them. Jacob's unconscious body lay on the floor.

"Such a shame," Deborah sighed.

"Yes," Carolina agreed, "He will awake to find that he helped the Devil's Mistress escape. He would have been a good addition to our crew."

They kissed passionately, like those that are truly in love.

"Let's go Deborah."

"Yes, my mistress."

They slipped out into the night.

- The End - [/b]


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How it all began

I began wearing pantyhose at the ripe age of 16, I had just come into my own. I developed a very thick patch of pubic hair and my boobs grew to double their original size. I was to attend the winter formal I needed to wear a long gown and leg covering for it was winter time. The sales woman suggested a pair of $30 pantyhose which was almost as much as the gown. The sales woman convinced my mother and home we went.When the special day came my mother assisted in my preparing. I remember my mother...

3 years ago
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My Birthday Present Ch 04

This is the fourth chapter of a story I have been working on about two friends. If you haven’t read the previous chapters, I recommend that you check them out first, it will give you a lot of background on the relationship that they share. There is more to come and any and all comments are welcomed and encouraged. Please do not hesitate to contact me with question, comments, advice, etc. I would like to continue improving my writing style and all comments and criticisms are welcomed. * When...

1 year ago
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Mothers Passion

Introduction: something you could only dream about My father was doing roaring business selling oil seeds in Gulburga, before shifting the family to Mumbai after my only sister got married. Our new house in New Bombay was luxurious to say the least and my father was making more money, quicker than what he did in our hometown, thanks to his new passion in the stock market. My mother who used to be a timid housewife at Gulburga soon started changing herself to the surroundings of Mumbai and...

3 years ago
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my wife and my best friend

In my first story we heard me mention that me and my best friend had gotten the set up for a 3some with my wife but he backed out. Well my friends just a year after we first talked about it he was back in.About a month ago my best friend john(whom I've known for like ever and is hot!) Began texting my wife to be again. He brought up that fact that he is married and hasn't has sex in over a year and no blow jobs in over 9! Jessica and I had been talking about, and he want her to stop by on her...

3 years ago
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Beths Ocean Voyage

Thank you to everyone who sent me feedback on my first story here on literotica. I value your input and suggestions. All names used in this story are factious and are not directly related to anyone living or dead. Standing on the railing of the ship, Beth looked out over the ocean as it rolled by. Shuddering slightly at the cool breeze that blew over her, she pulled her shawl more tightly around her. Coming on this trip she thought would be a good idea, her family and friends had agreed with...

3 years ago
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))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) CLOCKWORKS by Laika Pupkino ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) .., )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) PART ONE: HOME OF THE HOMO WAITERS )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Finally, after a long wait, a waiter wiggled up to the middle-aged couple that was seated at table #7. He studied them a while, issued a faint snort of disbelief at their touristy clothing, and with an amused little grin asked, "May I have your...

3 years ago
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The Neighbor

THE NEIGHBOR By: Kristen Satin Chapter I My awakening into the wonderful world of femininity came about so easily and yet so innocently. Who would have ever thought I would have been introduced to the complete feminization by someone as wonderful. I was so lucky to have found a neighbor like Melissa. As I gaze upon her as she silently sleeps on the pink satin sheets of our bed, I wonder what would have been had I not met her. My first exposure to the wonderful world of...

3 years ago
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Oh My Mr Simpson

It was as if we were in a B-movie rom-com.I had been on vacation for a couple of weeks, and when I came back to work that Monday morning, there were at least ten new employees that had started in my absence. This wasn’t a surprise, as the company that I work for is expanding, and they were building out and outfitting new workstations (“cubicles” in layman’s terms) before I left.It just so happened that the regional manager had arranged a reception that evening at a local restaurant as a...

Office Sex
4 years ago
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Some call me a visionary, others a nerd, but most call me perverted. That's why I'm in this institution, undergoing mundane group therapies, watching headcases substantiate their titles, and secretly flushing the medicinal concoctions I'm given daily. At first, I was angry; but have learned to become a passive drone, partially in self-preservation, and partially because the staff remains blissfully unaware that I continue my “disgusting” research with my true friend and co-conspirator...

4 years ago
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My Sister Stacy

It was a Sunday morning. James lay on his bed; he had just awakened from his sleep. His well-muscled body lay naked beneath the covers, as a cool November breeze blew in through the partially opened window. As he did every morning, the 15-year-old junior high school student pushed his hand down over his lean 5'11" body, about to begin his jack off session. As he began to rub himself, he heard the sound of his sister's bathroom door, opening, and then closing, and he smiled with...

3 years ago
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Come down this road with me

If there was one guy Mary would really want to meet, it would have to be William. A short profile of him will have to be as follows; Very sexy, blue eyes, his greying hair was neatly trimmed like that of an ex-marine, which suited his athletic build. Mary imagined him to be around six feet tall, with sensual lips. Mary loved men that kept a diary. Reading his diary kept her busy for several hours. She was thrilled chatting to him on line, wondering just where about in Africa he was...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Taboo Orgy 5

Taboo Orgy 5The smell of sex was very noticeable and so were all the noises coming from the women.Karen first looked at Jenny who was on the floor pumping her hips up into Ann’s hands and was shocked and amazed at what they were doing that her own cunt started to respond.She had one hand to the side of her opened mouthed face and had the other pressing against her cunt for fear that she may have wet herself through her dress and someone might see. Her eyes then turned to Kevin who looked...

3 years ago
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Punished by the in Laws

Jack turned right onto East St. His son was on an extended business trip and Jack had promised to stop by Jason's house to replace parts to fix the running toilet that his daughter in law Katie had been complaining about. He parked on the street since there were already two cars in the short drive way. Jack recognized the shared car of the young couple and an older Cadillac that he couldn't remember seeing before. Jack exited his car carrying a small tool box and a bag of parts from the...

3 years ago
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The Meeting

The place, a college campus on a Wednesday afternoon...destination, staff board room for a meeting.......the mood, total intoxicating erotic passion. She is there to start a new sugar art program for the culinary arts department at the campus and is invited to the meeting to get to know the other staff members and learn the campus policies. She met him when she first arrived to take her position. He was very handsome, warm, funny, a total gentleman, sexy, strong, compassionate, dedicated, a...

4 years ago
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Fredas Fallow Furrow

Dear Freda, my best friend’s wife, was in my living room near tears. I wasn’t surprised that she came to see me. Jim had called and let me know what was going on with them. “Freda,” I said after giving her a tissue and a glass of the wine she preferred, “What can I do for you?” Sniffling a bit, “I’m sure Jim has already called you. I want you to hear my side of it directly. Can you listen for a while?” I nodded. Taking regular sips of her wine, she looked directly at me and continued, “Jim...

1 year ago
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12 July 2007Chapter 4

“Okay we can go now,” Alicia said, stroking Aaron’s cock, then putting it back in his suit. She barely put her beautiful tits back in her bikini top and stood up. As they began walking with arms around each other, they saw the two boys who had jerked each other off, picking up their bikes. “I want to have a little fun with these boys,” she whispered. The boys noticed the couple approaching and the amount of tit she was showing. “Hi boys, pretty hot out isn’t it?” She said, drawing even with...

2 years ago
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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 1 Brother and Sisters Incestuous Desires

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Brother and Sister's Incestuous Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Sean Reenburg I stepped out into my backyard, strings of lights running from the various sculpted plants and statues to illuminate everything. Knots of people were gathered throughout while servers in crisp, white shirts (whether they were men or women) and black slacks moved through the crowd holding trays with various horderves...

3 years ago
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hot sister in law

My wife of many years, Karen had decided that sex was no longer something that she wanted to do. I wasn’t ready to give up on it yet and every girl I saw started to look better and better to me. I contemplated having an affair but I lived in a small town and I was afraid that I would be caught. Karen didn’t want to have sex but she also made it clear that she didn’t expect me to stray. All of this made no sense to me and I just got hornier and hornier. Her sister Leanne lived one town over and...

2 years ago
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Being used by a stranger in a public toilet

It was late one summer night and I’d spent the last six hours or so slowly edging myself and jerking off to progressively more degenerate porn. The entire time, I fantasied about being the girls and guys lucky enough to have cocks rammed deep down their throats and up their asses, forced into submission, and made to lick up every drop of cum that shot their way.Finally, I had had enough. I’d always wanted to suck a complete stranger’s cock in a public toilet. Something about the setting just...

3 years ago
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Fun at my mate engagement party

I’m sitting at my mates engagement party bored out of my skull as I appear to be the only person not in a couple. I slip off to the toilet to see who is local on fab. The first profile I see is my mate new fiance Cheryl whose party I am now attending and reading her profile she is single and according to verifications has been a very busy girl over the last couple of months despite going out with my mate. Reading her verifications the words cum slut seems to be a popular theme,as well a dirty...

1 year ago
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First crossdressing experiences old man in hotel

As a young teenager, I remember getting a bit of a cheap thrill whenever I found some knickers or ladies underwear where we played as k**s, usually under bridges and tips etc. But it wasn't until I was in my early 20's, when I realised that there was anything other than peeing to be done in a public toilet. I discovered a large public toilet with very small holes in the adjoining wooden walls - this certainly opened my eyes. I was (and am) straight, but seeing guys playing with their cocks for...

2 years ago
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Married Life by Lucy part 2 based on real events

This is a story based on true events. Part 2. After a very exciting sunday the rest of the week was quite. Friday evening John & I were finishing diner when there was a knock at the door, I answered it ,Andy was standing there, is John in he asked, I open door wider to let him in, he greeted me with a kiss & he grabbed my arse with his hand. He whispered in my ear, take your knickers off I want to see your hairy pussy before I leave. I walked away from him into the dinning room &...

4 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book1 Chapter 5 Elvish Heat

Book One: The Quest Chapter Five: Elvish Heat By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Acolyte Sophia – Blath Forest, The Kingdom of Secare Angela kissed me. My heart stopped. Her lips were hot and soft. Her large, naked breasts pressed against my traveling robes. My nipples hardened and a flush of heat washed through me. I closed my eyes and let the strong woman hold me, her tongue claiming my mouth. My head spun. The fear and excitement...

1 year ago
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Reddit TitFuck, aka r/TitFuck! If you’re looking for a good place to go to where you can see some of the hottest babes getting titty fucked, you’ve come to the right place. This subreddit is called /r/titfuck and it’s the optimal place to go to if you’re looking for a good time with hot titfuck sessions, as the name suggests. You can bet your ass that I visit this place on the regular because of how good the posts are. Seriously though, I’ve seen and been through so many subreddits, and they...

Reddit NSFW List
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my older sisiter

We are four members in my family. Me, my elder sister aged 24, my mom and dad. Both my mom and dad are working. As i grew up to 18 I started masturbating dreaming of girls and at times peeping in my mom and dad’s room and getting me blow off. My sister and I used to sleep in the same room on a big double bed. One such night when I wake up to have a glass of water I saw my sister sleeping and her night has been raised up above her thighs. She was looking very sexy and at that night I closely...

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Sushmita Bhahi Part 1

Hi friends this is Pabby again with another story… Hamaare pardos men hee ek Nepali parivaar rahta tha. Vinay Chhetri, 40 saal ka ek dubla sa Nepali aur uskee 36 saal kee biwi, Shushmita. Unke koyee aulaad naheen par miyan biwi apne aap men bahut khush hain aur donon hee bahut milansaar hain. Vinay sarkaari naukree men hai aur mahine men 20 din to vah rajdhani men hee rahta hai. Ham jab unke paros men aaye to Shalu ka Sushmita se parichay huwa aur Sushmita hamaree munia se bahut pyaar karne lag...

4 years ago
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DarknessI open my eyes but it’s still dark.I have no idea where I am last thing I remembered was sitting under a tree reading a book.I can’t move, my legs and arms seem to be tied to something. I can only move my head a little.Everything is hazy and I seem to drift off.I suddenly awake when I hear noises, I find myself straining to hear more. Slight breathing noises. I want to say something but can’t I have something soft gagging my mouth.I hear three distinct claps and a door opening and...

First Time
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My redhead sisters redhot love2

She has red hair and green eyes with a pale skin. She had 32D boobs which any guy would drool over and had long legs which led all the way up to her tight but not to tight firm ass that would let any man stare twice when she walked the streets. I'm in pretty good shape myself. I have a nice toned body and blue eyes with blond hair and standing at 6'0. My sister is 5'8. Oh yeah and I'm 17 years old. So my parents decided to go on vacation but me and my sus wasn't very keen on...

4 years ago
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Magic Is An Art Not A Science

Magic is an Art, Not a Science By Bashful Albert stood next to the car as the final suitcases were loaded. Gary walked out and put a pillow in the back seat along with a headset radio. He stood there awhile, like Albert, scuffing the ground with his feet. It was a warm clear day, the beginning of summer. The two 14 year old boys should have been happy that school was over for nearly three months. Instead, they were both closer to tears than they would care to...

2 years ago
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Cloud Nine Ch 4

Libby sank into the plush leather seat of the limo and looked at the other gift and said, “When are you going to let me open my other gift?”Gene smiled a roguish smile and lifted the bottle of champagne from the ice bucket and filled two glasses. “Show me your pussy,” he said quietly.She glanced at the chauffeur and he smiled a roguish smile again and shrugged.“You bastard,” she said softly, “you want him to see my pussy.”He shrugged again and reached for the button to close the dark glass...

3 years ago
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College for Krista Part One

Krista walked into the dorm room with her suitcase in her hand and slumped down to one side. Summer could tell that she had struggled with her bag either up the stairs or just carrying it from the elevator to the dorm room. Krista looked at Summer as she lied on her bed. Summer saw how frazzled Krista’s hair looked and Krista’s tired arm just dropped her bag immediately. With the weight now away from her hand, she walked over to where Summer lied and introduced herself.“You must be Summer....

2 years ago
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My sisterthe consequence

What do you say at a time like this? My cock shriveled, my sister jumped off of me and her husband charged at me. I had to decide whether to let him beat the shit out of me, as I deserved, or fight back. I chose to take my punishment. He grabbed me by the shirt and reared back with his fist, and I waited for the knockout that didn’t come. Him: it’s not worth it. You two are both cheating perverted assholes. He stormed out and left my sister and I standing naked and in shock. We heard his...

3 years ago
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Nympho at Large On The Farm

by Daydriver2010 Fiction, Male/Teen Female, Promiscuity, Consensual Sex. Author's Gender: Male Age: 59 Location: A farm outside of Sacramento, Ca. It had been more than a week since I last seen Jenny. She was a single teen mom of twin toddlers and was living at her Uncle Ted’s farm with them. She had been on the pill for years but when she was dating her boy’s shit-head, older father she had slipped up and forgotten a few days. A month later she learned that she was knocked...

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Making Melanie Mine

Seducing Melanie had been on my mind for years, ever since I first realized how hot my sister really was. I had heard the other guys, my friends and guys from school make comments about her, but I didn't see it... perhaps because I didn't want to see it. But once I did notice, she was all I could think about. All through high school, the only girl I dreamed about, the only girl I ever jerked off too was my older sister. By the time I got to college, well... I was pretty much obsessed with her,...

3 years ago
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Masti With Rupa My Sexy Niece

I am Pramod 43, narrating a real story with my distant relative who calls me uncle. She is 28 and married since 2 years. She is 5’5”, sexy figure and very friendly with me since child hood. I happened to visit the city for one week on company work where she was staying with husband after marriage. I had informed her in advance and reached their home as planned. Hello Rupa, kaisi ho? Hug karke boli, Uncle teekh hun, ayiye, baithiye Kya piyoge. Maine usko dekha , ek white color frock pehni hai...

2 years ago
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Start Every Day With a SmileChapter 17

Roman is napping on the couch when the women finally arrive, burdened with packages from their excursion. They dump the packages on the pub table then take turns kissing him warmly. He takes advantage of the closeness to caress their backs and asses in a proprietary manner. One by one they show him their purchases—the shirts, skirts, jeans and underwear. The sexy underwear is an immediate hit. He remarks that they have selected two of his favorite colors and asks which one Lucy will be...

2 years ago
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Characters Andrew Martin — A 35 year old attorney Donna Stains-Martin — A 32 year old attractive woman, wife of Andrew Sam Spade — A 36 year old Stockbroker, boss of Donna William Stains — 56 year old father of Donna Martha Stains — 52 year old mother of Donna Donald Martin — 60 year old widower father of Andrew, a retired judge. Act 1 [The sitting room at the Martin's. A beautifully decorated room where Andrew is sitting with his wife, her parents and his father.] Donald —...

2 years ago
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85 inches of simulated goodness

I had just stepped out of the shower. Freshly shaved and feeling silky smooth I was admiring myself in the mirror. Turning this way and that as I ran my hands over my skin. As I was feeling my ass I started to get turned on. Bending over, I pulled my cheeks apart to see my tight hole. Licking a finger I started to tease it as I moaned slightly. I needed something more than a finger. So I went to my bedroom to try out my newest toy. It's 8.5 inches of pure pleasure. Sticking it to the wall I...

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Young Life of White TigerChapter 6

By the time I was nine I had been doing Ninjutsu for five years. Achieving my first degree dan had been a lot quicker than normal. It had only been recently that I had realized how privileged I was to have been allowed to grade so quickly. Others in the class had been forced to wait the ‘required’ period of time between gradings. I was ready, ability wise, to grade for my second dan. Unfortunately for me, in the USA the earliest you can grade for second dan was sixteen, which was seven...

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Sex In College With My Junior Friend

Hello friends. Myself rahul from chandigarh. I’m 20 years old.. I’m doing btech from chandigarh.. I love to read iss from last 4 years… I’m having dick of 7 inch which can satisfy any girl or bhabhi and make them satisfy…. Now I will narrate my real incident in hinglish.. This is story of last year. The girl name is jaya( name changed) having figure 36-30-34. Ab aap khud hi soch skte ho aise ldki ki dekh kr kaisa lgta hoga.. I know it’s sound good.. Jaya and became friend when she started her...

4 years ago
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Within Your CrowdChapter 5

It was a quick drive to deliver the horses, and I was back home in a week. Dad and I sat down and talked it over. Dad was going to do the hunting stuff, and I would do everything else, the cattle and horse breeding. I hired a kid that had graduated in the spring from Abilene Christian with a degree in Animal Science. I'd still manage the overall effort, but I hoped he could, over time, do most of the work on the Black Angus breeding. My knee healed quickly, once I quit abusing it. Things...

3 years ago
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Dinner At Ambers

After that first afternoon of frantic sex, Amber and I settled into a pattern. During the day, Amber puttered around her house and garden while David slept. Then, after dinner, as soon as David left for work, she slipped through the hedge that separated our yards, in my backdoor, and into my arms. I wasn’t a virgin by any definition of the word when I had my sister for dinner but sex had never been as exciting or as satisfying for me as it has been with my big sister. All the books on sex...

2 years ago
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Time at Home

My room is small, but comfortably furnished. A small desk and chair in the corner, a large wardrobe opposite. Its mirrored doors reflect our image as we sit side-by-side on the black sheets of my large double bed.I hold you, my right arm on your shoulder as we rest our heads together. Behind us, sunlight streams between the trees outside and through my window. The gentle heat caresses our backs and for a moment, we enjoy the sensation as warmth spreads through us.I turn and look into your eyes....

4 years ago
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Sex with my neighbors Part 1

In this story I have changed some information for privacy reasons: Address: 12 Brick Road Name: Brian - 15 Neighbors: Jack – Father 44 Kate – Mother 43 Drew – Son 12 Kelly – Daughter 11 Jenna - Daughter 9 Grace - Daughter 8 Amanda – Full Time Babysitter 22 My name is Brian and I live at 12 Brick Road and next to me are my neighbors at 15 Brick road. They have 4 kids named Drew, Kelly, Jenna, and Grace. They also have a super sexy babysitter named Amanda. We are close...

1 year ago
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Aftab Me Memoirs Of Gulmarg

I was transferred to Ferozepur Nallah near Gulmarg in Kashmir Valley. My department gave me a small studio apartment near the open market place. It was one room with bathroom/WC and a small balcony. The one room contained a kitchen, one single bed, and two chairs/center table. And a bathroom. Owing to the nature of my duties, I was also provided with a Jeep. My office Security Guard arranged a servant –cum-cook for me from some village. His name was Aftab. He was a short boy ( 5 ft 2 inches) of...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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More of my Sweet

I was really becoming attached to this person. From the waist up a she, from the waist down completely a man. In the past, I had given thought to the attraction I often felt toward men, but I would never have taken it any further than the dark corners of the peep shows. I would never have openly dated another guy. It was always completely sexual. I enjoy sex, always have since an early age, and always will till I hit my grave.Now, along comes this person that is satisfing both sides of my...

2 years ago
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From the Ashes CATU Book 6 Ch 09

CATU Headquarters THE CATU OFFICE IS A CHAOTIC mess as agents rush from desk to desk. By now every news station has picked up on the morning’s events of the assassinations that have taken place and the New World Regime’s proclamation of credit to those events. Grines, CATU’s director of operations, isn’t too far shocked at the NWR’s bold moves but in combination with the sudden reports of the Black List falling under a similar attack has brought an entire new level of shock. ‘Alright, listen...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Katie Morgan Aften Opal Nikole Nash Spank ME Instead

Nikole Nash and her stepsister Aften Opal are worried about getting in trouble with their stepmom, Katie Morgan, after accidentally breaking a vase she owns. However, when they discuss the possibility of Katie punishing them, Aften looks more dreamy than worried. Nikole notices this dreaminess and furrows her brows with confusion, not understanding why Aften seems to be relishing in the idea of punishment. Before Nikole can question Aften about her odd comment, they are suddenly interrupted...

2 years ago
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Into The Souls Of Regina And Shika

Hi everyone , This is my first story , Reading ISS for 7 years. I just waited to write my story , I would have written story earlier but I wanted to do real sex in my life & write it. About myself , I’m tony rudhip from Kanyakumari , Half tamizh & Half malayali , My mom is from Kerala & Dad is from Tamizhnadu. I’m not fair , Athletic ; I’m Dark / Chubby , 5.11 ,82 kg. Doing my Final year architecture in thiruvanathapuram , Kerala. This story is about Myself , My schoolmate Shika & Her Cousin...

4 years ago
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Pliable Passions

Epidemiologists are baffled by an outbreak of what they are referring to as -Flexis-fluidum (or rubber-fluid) Syndrome- that suddenly and randomly affected around one tenth of the worlds population, with the most notable incident taking place in Cassadaga, Florida. Thankfully the symptoms don’t become apparent until the infected individual reaches adulthood, when the body has fully developed into sexual maturity. Symptom onset can be anywhere from 12 hours to three weeks and sudden onset can...

3 years ago
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My new lover my brother

While were madly 69ing each other before we began to fuck my brother came home and because I was not expecting anybody to be there for hours I left my bedroom door open. He heard us and because we were really into what we were doing I didn’t hear him. He looked in and saw us and just stood there watching us until I my boyfriend came and I was swallowing his cum. I was on top and when I took his cock out of my mouth I saw my brother standing there. I nearly died. I screamed and because my bed...

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