Erica Olafson, Voyages Of The Tigershark (Vol 8)Chapter 18: New Horizons free porn video

Lia and her crew of outcasts, dropped out of Quasi-space at a star system eighteen light-years from the trans-spatial gate. According to her admittingly outdated information, this was the homeworld of the Farnok.
They were hailed almost immediately and after a few moments, Squack language communications were established, confirming the fact, that this was not the first trans-galactic contact.
The being appearing on the viewer was covered with short brown fur and had general similarities with a Togar cat, but was much more massive and bulging with muscles. The being wore nothing in form of any clothing. The first words of greeting were a question.
“You are visitors of the distant star spiral, are you not?”
“Yes, we came from another galaxy, using the old gate. We are seeking new shores and a new life here.”
“We are the Farnok, we are the Guardians of the Ancient Gates. It is a holy and blessed duty to welcome travelers that use these sacred gates. Honor and respect the Holy Gates and you shall find friendly reception. Come then and land your vessel, we will prepare a welcome and see if we can help you.”
Lia felt relieved, especially after the hostile encounter at the gate.
She had just given the command to follow the guide signal to the Farnok port when another of these advanced vessels dropped into real space. It was quite similar to the one they encountered at the gate. It was under shields and weapons charged.
The muscle building cat-like being still on the viewer loudly complained.
“Plostrak, these travelers are under Farnok protection now. Your vessel is targeted by our defenses and we will engage you should you commence violent action.”
A gruff voice that sounded amused answered.
“Ah, the distant people language. The Farnok should have killed me when they had the chance. You still need to be punished for what you did.”
We dropped out of quasi about ten light minutes distant from the coordinates Sobody was able to obtain. The thing was in deep space and if you didn’t know the exact location, you’d never find it.
“I wonder just how many of these gate things there are. There might be thousands within Union space, and I am not talking about those small ones, but these humongous ones.”
Shea responded first.
“There are several known ones, and none are made by the same civilization. The best-known one is, of course, the Ring of Algorm. It is inactive and partially broken.”
SHIP chimed in.
“It was damaged by the Devastator, or more precisely Centron, the big ship’s artificial intelligence and long before it was found by Admiral Richard Stahl.”
“And you know that?” Shea said with big eyes.
“Centron shared some of his history with me, we both have a special bond to our Captains and I wanted to learn as much as I can to be a good AI.”
“You are the best AI, I would not want to swap you for Mothermachine. No offense Circuit.”
“None taken, Captain. SHIP is my friend too.”
I raised my hand to interrupt the banter because I knew SHIP would now get all mushy and we’d spend twenty minutes on reaffirming our affection.
“Back to the subject at hand. Shea please scan and examine the one ahead of us in great detail.”
“We are already using any distance analytical tool we have, but I would recommend a physical examination of the artificial structure part of that gate. It appears to be quite large and has internal compartments, perhaps even quarters, control rooms and remnants or remains of whoever built it.”
“I am contemplating that, actually. I am not all too comfortable to simply pass through it. Can we assume Lia went this way?”
Narth answered.
“With a probability of over eighty-eight percent, Captain. There is a very recent engine trail, with the characteristics of late ISAH pods. The probability of ship coming this way with ISAH pods is very low, except the Togar ship of Lia which was upgraded with Union tech and ISAH propulsion.”
Har-Hi, as usual with his arms crossed said.
“Are we going after her?”
I nodded.
“That is the general idea of us being here.”
“No I mean, are we going to follow her to another galaxy? Is that within the scope of our task? According to General Cherubim, we do have official business 75,000 light years from here.”
Mehdi who occupied a secondary bridge station behind the Nav-Tank said.
“It is unlikely she knows who orchestrated the escape. Neither she nor anyone with her apparently made any attempts to contact anyone. This would be a logical step if any of the escapees would be of interest to whoever financed the escape.”
“Are we still in GalNet range?” I asked.
Elfi said.
“Sorry, Captain, we are not. But we could pick it up, by traveling just 110 light-years further. We then could link into the Tinkeheel GalNet cone.”
“Krabbel, plot a course to the closest GalNet connection and Shaka please take us there with all haste. I need to talk to command about all this before we jump to wherever that gate leads.”
Har-Hi gave me a mockingly impressed look.
“What? Us not jumping into the unknown and then figure things out, but instead doing the sensible thing, Captain you are surprising me.”
“Oh shut up, Mr. Hi,” I said with a grin.
“We are still going unless they tell us not to. I hate leaving things unfinished.”
Lia took the opportunity and said.
“Why are you attacking us?”
“I am a big bad villain and take what I want and your vessel, as outdated it seems has some impressive teeth, I want them.”
“We are fugitives and have no home and seek a new future here. We were in a similar business as you. Maybe we can come to some sort of agreement. We are not opposed to sharing our tech in return for perhaps a chance of employment?”
The Farnok objected.
“If you associate with this criminal then you are criminals and will not be welcome here.”
Plostrak was more than interested to replace the doomed commandant of the Strarr, whoever was in control of that ugly ship knew what they were doing. They outfought a ship with superior technology.
And if things didn’t work out, he still could torture them just for fun.
“Hear this, travelers, follow us to Quarva and we talk. The Farnok, as big as they look, are cowards, but they might decide to send warships after all.”
“We will follow you.”
It was Admiral McElligott who took our call. I had told him what happened so far. He was sitting in his office at Annapolis Tower on Earth and had stuffed himself a pipe while I had told him all that happened so far.
After puffing a blue cloud of smoke he said.
“So she has left the M-0 galaxy and you discovered an active Trans-Spatial gate.”
“Yes, Sir. I am prepared to go through, and attempt to recapture the criminals, but I am not sure if the gate will work in reverse. Thus I decided to consult with Command before I make the step.”
He raised one of his bushy eyebrows.
“Normally I get your reports after you did something outrageous and unusual, so you deciding to ask us beforehand is a big improvement, at least in my book.”
I frowned.
“My XO was pointing that out as well, but going after a criminal via an alien trans spatial conduit to another galaxy is somewhat different sir.”
He nodded.
“I am glad you called, and officially the case of Lia Bassett and the escaped prisoners is closed. The Justice Department delivered an official report before the Assembly. According to the official version, it was Kirku Bassett financing it, the brother of Nick Harlequin doing the work and the actual deed. There is a bounty on the escapees and that satisfied everyone, it is a Justice Department and Union Police matter and Union Fleet involvement has officially ended.”
“So we are not going after her, but return to Richter 4?”
His demeanor changed and he sat up straight.
“I know you have been recently upgraded to RED-RED-RED, please secure your ready-room accordingly.”
“I have received a sealed order chip telling me that I am, but I have received no instructions so far.”
“SHIP will know how to secure your premises. You complete the Blue-Blue-Red routine and use the new day cipher and key sequence that was part of that order chip.”
After I had completed the long-winded process, we switched from the official military GalCom connection to a new telecommunication technology, I did not even know we had. It was called the BosFerCom. McElligott explained it only with very few words, speaking about Bosons and Fermions. Their integer spin and a trans-spatial connection. What I understood was that only the BFC device aboard and the BFC device in his office shared the same conditions and thus there was no possible way of any third party listening in.
He was all serious now. His office was darkened and all the windows shaded. He said.
“Captain Olafson, this device was installed by Mothermachine herself, as she and I are members of a group called the Grey Ghosts. I do not have the time to go into great detail, but we developed this special communication technology because we do not trust GalNet or GalCom enough with RED-RED-RED classified information. The Narth Supreme retrieved this technology from Nnnth storage and only your ship is so equipped.”
I only nodded.
“You must go after Lia or more precisely after Lt. Commander Harold Julkus and he must be terminated and anyone he might have had contact with, including Lia and everyone aboard her ship. This is an Alpha order of the Security Council and ratified by the Assembly.”
His voice became coarse.
“Erica, if he came in contact with an alien civilization, you have the full authority to use any and all means at your disposal to terminate anyone he might have talked to.”
I knew this was not something Admiral Stahl would ever order or condone.
“Sir, may I ask the reason?”
“He is a Translocator Master Technician and was stationed on Vault One, with access and knowledge about Trans Dim Shielding, the Armageddon Answer, Loki torpedoes, and Shiva Mines.”
His eyes took on a burning quality.
“The Translocator Canon Security Act allows the use of deadly force inside and outside of Union territory in order to prevent the transfer of this weapon, components or the knowledge how to create one, to non-authorized entities. That is Union law and even your hero Stahl would have to do what is necessary to keep and protect those secrets.”
My mouth had become dry.
“Sir, how did he end up as a prisoner on a low-security transport? Was he the target of the whole thing and why is he going along with Lia to a different galaxy?”
“We don’t know most of the answers to your questions. Because of his high-security clearance, he was specially conditioned against brain dumps, psionic probing and his status were kept so secret that it was never put in his case file.”
“If he even holds detailed knowledge to just one of these secrets, the Kermac and pretty much every enemy of the Union would take him or will be after him.”
“That is a possibility, as I said we don’t know many details yet ourselves. Nelson II uncovered the high classified personnel records and verified that he was at Vault 1 and that he received full Translocator Master tech training. We also think he used a Saresii Genetic code writer, a device of the First Age of Knowledge to imprint the technical specs in genetic code onto his own cells. Captain Olafson, he must be completely destroyed. You are acting under full Union authority but this part of your mission must remain secret. You are not to share this with Admiral Stahl or anyone else for that matter.”
“My XO, Narth and Shea should be informed.”
“There is a chance that there might be a spy or operative aboard your ship. Shea is the daughter of Rex Schwartz. Narth will be separately informed by the Narth Supreme about this, keep it secret until you see no other way to complete the mission. SHIP received RED-RED-RED clearance and I am uploading all details, as far as I know them, into her Captain’s Eyes only file section. I am also authorizing Tyron Suit to be informed.”
I sighed.
“It never stays simple, doesn’t it? I will do my best.”
“Captain, you are not the same kid I sent out to play pirate. You have become an adult and you are growing into the role of a Union Captain more every day. I trust you will do just that. You do know that this mission is more important than the safety of the ship or anyone aboard. This is not just my direct orders to you, but the core of the Translocator Canon Security Act and you and every Union officer is oath-bound to uphold Union law and Assembly directives.”
“Yes Sir, I understand the gravity of the situation, even though some of the details seem to make little sense, at least based on the information I have now.”
“At least, due to your new clearance, I can reveal to you that your grandfather Egill Skalagrimmson is a member of the Grey Ghosts and he is aware of this situation as well.”
“He came far for a simple hermit and representative of a small unimportant world.”
“So have you, Captain Olafson, not that there is anything simple about him or you. Now go and protect our most important secrets. I will send assets to secure the Trans Spatial Gate, so nothing slips back into M-0 without us knowing.”

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