Erica Olafson, Voyages Of The Tigershark (Vol 8)Chapter 19: Network Active free porn video

The disguised Tigershark dropped out of Quasi-Space and as it has become our routine just beyond the utmost
Elfi said.
“Looks like they had contact with our galaxy before. Communication is now possible. They respond to Squack.”
I got up, Har-Hi held my mask.
“You should wear it, it is part of your Black Velvet trademark and flair of mystery.”
“You think I have that? I mean a flair?”
“In spades, Captain and I begin to learn to like this Do suit, complete with mask. It gives me that special edge.”
Elfi laughed.
“Mainly because he has a hard time maintaining in his serious, stoic Dai Than face.”
Mao held a hand before his mouth.
“When you opened that container of rotten fish yesterday, I would not call it flair, what trailed behind you, Captain.”
“Guys we are about to make first contact with a new civilization in a new galaxy. I expect more serious behavior on my bridge.”
“Speaking of First Contact,” Elfi said.
“Are we going by the book? That will identify us as Union for sure.”
I laced my mask tight and said.
“No, we are not, for this mission it is better we stay in our disguise. Simply hail them, we are obviously not the first ones contacting them anyway.”
“Aye Captain, and we have a response.”
“Open communications.”
On our main viewer, a humanoid being with feline characteristics appeared. It was only remotely similar to the Togar or Karnax, with a hulky very muscular appearance. It also did not wear any kind of clothing.
The being had a gruff voice.
“Who are you?”
“I am Black Velvet and this is my ship the Silver Streak. We are looking for a group of beings that might have stopped here.”
“First there are decades going by, nothing ever comes through the Holy Passageway and now there is a new visitor every other day. You are from that big star spiral are you not?”
“Yes we are, but we gladly go back once our business has been concluded here.”
“We are the Farnok, we are the Guardians of the Ancient Gates. It is a holy and blessed duty to welcome travelers that use these sacred gates. Honor and respect the Holy Gates and you shall find friendly reception.
“Since you mentioned other visitors, there wasn’t a female by the name of Lia Bassett?”
“The other visitors did not identify themselves other than coming here to seek a new home.”
“Did they find it with you?”
“No, they associated with Plostrak, the Outlaw. They will regret this decision, and because they are now with Plostrak, we no longer welcome them.”
“You would not know where they went?”
“No I do not, are you planning to associate with that criminal?”
“We are here to provide a terminal end to their voyages.”
“Come then and land, so you can speak to the Holy Controllers to let you go back to your star spiral. The Holy Controllers may not set the Holy Passageway for two way traffic.”
“You control these Holy Gates?”
“No, I do not. The serene gods who willed these passageways into existence gave our holy Controllers the power to affect the function. I am but a Communications Farnok.”
While my ship that was now resting on its landing gear made no real impression on the locals watching us arrive, the members of my crew that accompanied me to meet the delegation, did.
A group of about thirty Farnok had assembled not far from the lower part of our landing ramp as it had extended to the ground.
They all were Farnok and most of them were, just as we had seen via visual transmission, completely naked. However there were five of them, that wore egg yellow hooded robes with blue accents. I was certain those were the important ones.
I had decided to give them a good impression and underline our commitment to diversity and individuality, especially since I could not really make this an official contact.
As always Narth, Shea and Har-Hi were on my side, but I had decided to have Sodoby, Roghor, Ak Fective, TheOther, Hans, Xon and Fivcheer join me. I wore Tyron and Warner was riding on TheOther’s shoulders. He simply had to come. That Fenris decided to join us had not been planned, our black dragon pup flapped down the ramp, Xon offered his arm and the feisty xeno-thing perched on it with a bright screech.
The welcoming committee of locals was as I had observed deeply impressed by us and it took a long and awkward moment for them to speak.
It was one of the hooded Farnok who did and it surprised me not.
“Welcome to the Center, travelers from a distant star spiral. Before you see the Farnok and us the Exalted Servant of the Holy Gates.”
“I thank you for this official welcome. I am Captain Black Velvet of the Silver Streak and before you see a part of my trusted crew. Travelers we are indeed and our stay here is of a temporary nature. We are in pursuit of fugitives and escapees, their trail has led us here.”
“Enjoy our hospitality, make your inquiries and visit the Sacred Control so you may convince the Holy Controllers to reverse the gate functions, so you can indeed return.”
I squinted my eyes.
“These gates are not two way?”
“Only if the Holy Controllers use the appropriate chants, they can take you back.”
“And what sort of convincing do you have in mind?”
“Fanciful bribes of course, as it has been tradition. The Holy Controllers like expensive gifts.”
Har-Hi grunted from the side.
“At least they are open about it. I was certain even before he mentioned that they weren’t too interested in your kind of convincing, Captain.”
“At least there is a way to get back. We stomp that ice when we get there.”
To the robed and hooded Farnok, I said.
“Once we completed our task here, we will visit and convince you to reverse the gates functions.”
Shea made a step forward to be in line with my shoulders and said.
“Holy Controller, please share your great wisdom and deep knowledge of all that is. Where should we go to obtain information regarding those other visitors?”
Even though he was an alien cat-like being wearing a hood that shaded some of his face, I could tell he was very pleased.
“It seems you have been touched by enlightenment. It is humble devotion that made you seek wisdom where it is truly found.”
Shea in all her white leather managed to look demurely and curtsied perfectly.
“Your holiness radiates above all and elevates you above mere mortals.”
I was certain after all this gooey dribble, they would see through Shea’s sarcasm, but no. Every one of the present Farnok including the other hooded ones looked up to the one in the center, and he was apparently about to explode.
“Child of distant stars, the passage through the gate must have touched your spirit. You should frequent the dwellings and establishments that can be found in the traveler district of our space field. There are Farnok and Non-Farnok that might now the exact location of Quarva, the most notorious and most dangerous place in the Universe. It is there Plostrak has invited the newcomers to come, I am certain.”
Har-Hi leaned even closer and whispered.
“That is called diplomacy, you should try it too.”
“I am diplomatic right now.”
Narth chimed in.
“She really is, the course of action she had in mind dealing with the Farnok since she heard they want gifts and bribes is certainly not diplomatic.”
The Farnok had more or less forgotten about us anyway, they all had ears and eyes for Shea and their own Priest.
My lovely Science Officer again curtsied, even more, elaborate than before.
“It is certain, your wisdom is that of the Holiest, inspired by those you worship itself. My life is blessed for meeting you Holiest of Controllers!”
The hooded Farnok looked down his nose and gazed first at Shea and then at his entourage.
“A child of distant stars recognizes me for what I am, yet my close associates squabble and argue that all Controllers are on the same level of holiness.”
To Shea he said.
“Enlighted child tell me, how did you recognize that I am indeed holier than the others?”
She blinked.
“How can I explain a fact? It radiates above all. I am certain the fates of the Universe wanted me to make this journey just to be blessed by seeing you once.”
I could not stand another second of this dribble and said.
“Let us low lives frequent those dwellings and establishments, I am certain turn out to be bars and tavern. I like to know how to get to Quarva.”
The big Farnok in the yellow priest robe actually waved after Shea as she, apparently reluctant followed us.
Fivcheer coed.
“She learned much from Mehedi and applied it. I am sure she was on her way to create a religious revolt or being declared the first saint of this religion.”
I could not see her mouth but her eyes could not hide the big grin she displayed behind her mask.
“I am sure I was on the right track.”
Not everyone in the crowd had only eyes for Shea and the Farnok priest. Many recognized the hulking four armed monster standing there, right next to two other similar sized beings. To those who recognized the being to be a Y’All indeed, it was unexplainable why the giant allowed a little vermin to ride upon it; why it was standing there as if it was part of a group.
Normuk was a Farnok, but not one of the religious kind. He owned a small space ship and made a living by delivering goods and the occasional passenger to all kinds of places, including Quarva. He survived this risky business so far, by traveling less used routes, by high tailing it as soon as he saw anything on his scanners and staying on the good side of most the bigger players.
His latest contract had brought him here, to Holy Control. A planet of his fellow Farnok, it was the center of their religion that centered around these ancient travel gates.
Having successfully delivered the package of quite illegal Rubrir-Sessies, he found himself in the crowd of onlookers as a quite large alien ship made landfall.
It was, according to voices in the crowd a ship that came through the ancient gate, all the way from the distant star spiral. It wasn’t the first one but it was still a rare occasion.
He had just arrived, but according to the same voices, another visitor from the big star spiral came through the gate. Instead of landing here, they associated with Plostrak and most likely followed him to Quarva.
The second visitors he was observing now, debarking their ship over a side ramp.
He heard someone just behind him say.
“That mammalian female wearing black calls herself Black Velvet. Looking at her colorful crew and that odd ship of hers, I wager a good supply of real Rubrirs she is not a model member of society from wherever she comes from.”
Normuk had to agree with that observation. That ship was quite big and showed the makings of quite a few violent arguments, it was not new for certain. However whatever those weapon turrets were, he was sure they knew how to use them, and while the engine blocks were of alien manufacture he expected them to make this ride a fast one.
That she was female mammalian was quite obvious to him. That thin leather material did not hide her prominent milk glands at all.
Then his heart missed a beat, among the alien giants that followed her down that ramp was a four-armed Celestial warrior, a genuine Y’All war drone. No other species, no other life form looked quite like it. Yet the Y’All provided a perch to a very small furry being. That was incompatible to anything he knew about the legend.
He quickly made a recording and shouldered himself through the crowd. He had to send a message to Plostrak. He sensed there was profit to be made.
It turned out, the location of Quarva was not exactly a secret. We obtained the coordinates right in the first tavern and it cost us a few drinks. The Farnok bartender in the very first tavern we tried, handed us a digital film sheet with the coordinates.
After checking two more different bars and getting the same information, I was certain we would be able to find it.
Har-Hi and I were just getting up from our tables in the third establishment when an apparently intoxicated Farnok bumped into Roghor on purpose.
“You look mangy and thin, they don’t feed you enough little cat?”
Roghor stepped back, obviously not wanting to escalate the situation, but I said.
“Commander, why don’t you show that local ruffian why Togar cats can go toe to toe with Shiss and Jooltar. The gravitation of this world is much less than that of Togr.”
Roghor ignored the insult-spewing local.
“Captain, I am a graduate of the Togar war academy and now spend time in Basic.”
Roghor backhanded the muscle bulging Farnok with such force, the ruffian’s head was whipped to the side with a spray of blood and a few impressive incisor teeth. Roghor did not even look and kept talking to me.
Just then Hans and TheOther came in. We had split into three groups to verify the information and get additional insights on the local conditions.
Hans made his guilty face and by now I could read the body language of my Y’All friend as well, he too was trying to look innocent. Quite an accomplishment for a Y’All I had to admit.
“What happened?” I asked.
Xon was the final one arriving behind the two and Hans said.
“She knows!”
The Nul prince said.
“It was not TheOther’s fault, Captain but we sort of broke that other Tavern.”
While Xon said that, we could hear the wailing of sirens.
Circuit came in trailing a cloud of rolling dust.
“Captain, you should have seen this. One of the buildings in this row of businesses just collapsed.”
“I guess the ‘sort of’ part went out the window.
“I said with a sigh.
“What happened?”
TheOther tried to shrug. I noticed Warner in one of TheOther’s massive hands.
“Captain, it was my fault. One of the locals made fun of TheOther and...
“Warner dropped his ears.
“They made fun of him because of me.”
“Narth, take Har-Hi to the ship and prepare to lift off, just in case we worn out our welcome. Go to condition yellow. I will herd the rest back while I listen to the explanation.”
While Har-Hi disappeared with Narth. I paid for the tab and used my wrist-com.
“Everyone back to the ship, please with all due haste.”
Hans explained as we made our way outside.
“A group of locals called TheOther a broken drone and called him all kinds of insults. He ignored all of it, but when they started to pelt him with fruits and glasses we wanted to retreat, one of the glasses hit Warner. The big cats threatened to eat him. That is when TheOther and I started to retaliate.”
Xon blinked with his one big eye.
“I did too, Captain. Seeing our friend bleeding and hurt was just a little too much.”
I now noticed the blood-soaked fur and the hasty derma patch on our little engineer.
Dark anger boiled in my stomach.
“Woe to these Farnok. They dared to hurt one of my crew?” With all my willpower did I suppress that rising anger and my sudden wish for my ax.
Outside the tavern, about half a block down, a heap of rubble. A large crowd and first responder vehicles and flyers.
Hans wrung his hands.
“I accidentally ripped the main support column out of its foundation, while TheOther was pushing the bar through the load bearing wall.
“He looked up.
“He had to do this, the guy at the other end was reaching for a blaster weapon.”
In all the seriousness, I was glad for this image because I had a hard time fighting my grin and with this mental image of mine, seeing our wrecking crew go down to business and pushing a guy with a blaster through the wall with the entire bar was just funny to me. I also found that feeling amused appeared to be the best antidote for my dark anger.
My feeling of being amused did not last, as we were approached by official looking Farnok, they did wear blue sashes and belts with energy weapons. Not far behind them Farnok in Yellow Robes.
“Roghor keep on going to the ship, take Warner to Cateria. Call Narth to take you as soon as he can. I deal with the locals.”
The Togar cat, who in his lifetime had eaten Holdians perhaps, cradled our little friend in his strong arms in a loving tender fashion.
“Togar wraith is legendary, but I doubt the Farnok will survive the anger of the Golden.
“Then he started running towards the landing field. A black shadow appeared right next to him, and in a blink of an eye, both were gone.
The Farnok officials were now within speaking distance and the tallest and strongest looking one pointed a baton like a thing at me.

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