TimeChapter 30 free porn video

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At the end of the auction the total for the bear family was 1,744,900 dollars. There was a lot of clapping at this figure. Sonny got to the front of the room and thanked everybody for coming. He went on to say, "I have decided to take my commission for the sale and donate it to the quest for a cure for infantile paralysis."

He was applauded too and I got up quickly and thanked everybody there for their help. I thanked Sonny, too and said he was an upstanding member of his community and I was glad to know him.

It looked like the party was going to go on for a while. I mingled but the girls stayed with me. They didn't feel as safe as they had been at the start of the night.

Sonny had over a million dollars on call. He asked, "Would you like to take that much now? I was very surprised with the amount of money spent for the nuggets, even though it was a good cause. Those large nuggets would make it into the record book and I regret not bidding on them myself."

"We have very few nuggets left I am afraid. None of them even come close to the larger group. As for the money, I think that I will trust you with that sum. Tomorrow, I would like to get half in cash and the balance can be put into an account for our project. I am afraid the testing of our vaccine will be over five million dollars itself."

"That is very trusting of you, Mr Kramer. I doubt that anyone else would have done such a thing even for a much lesser amount. I feel humbled by your actions."

"I think it is well placed in this instance." We shook hands and then so did Silva and Joseph. The girls thanked Mrs Forte and her husband for the interesting night and the help in furthering the vaccine.

On the way home Laura said, "Where did you get that gun? I was so frightened that you would get shot."

"I bought the gun through Silva. When I leave, it will stay at his house. I had to buy the gun in a way."

Laura looked at me quizzically. "The people at the auction were not all criminals but many had guns. They also had tie clasps, cufflinks, expensive watches and of course some weapons. I just dressed accordingly."

When the girls walked into the motor home, I stayed a moment to talk to Joseph. He said angrily, "You said you want to hire Forte's men. Why? We have our own security."

"Joseph, you have some guards to protect your property. You had a chemical facility before and now it is very valuable as a source of information and drugs. I have to start a security force and I would like to do it from scratch. These men that I will talk to, will be the grunts that will follow orders. Sonny will at least give me good men. I need good men from you now. I need soldiers that are smart and resourceful without too much spit and polish."

He didn't speak for a moment. "There may be a few. When do you want them?"

"Early tomorrow. They can go with me to Sonny's place to assess the troops he is going to present and we can get the money at the same time. As per our agreement, you get the donations that go into the bank for your share."

"That was much more than I thought."

"You are still going to be severely taxed to come up with the five million. If necessary, I can try to get a bank in Toronto to loan it to your company."

"I wouldn't have entered into this agreement without a way of getting the money. But thanks for the offer."

At ten the next morning, I found a dozen men in a room waiting for me. Joseph had promised them a day's pay to come and listen. They were quite confused when I came in. They probably expected Joseph.

"Hello, gentlemen. My name is Alex Kramer. I happen to own a few businesses, including a drug company here in Chicago. This facility, by the way, is leased from Joseph Cranz. He and his son are partners in this particular venture."

"The reason I wanted you here was to find a few men that would start a new company for me. Your military background would assist you in rules of conduct and a good basis for starting a security company along the lines of Pinkerton's. I am looking to fill all types of positions in this company."

The men were now quite surprised and looked at each other. Pinkerton's was a very large company that encompassed security and was actually a small, private police force.

"Before we go too far, the company will never get beyond a few thousand men and women. The main objective of this company is to protect my property."

One man asked tentatively, "What do you have to protect that needs your own police force?"

"The most important thing there is: knowledge. I have made many inventions. My laboratories are working on electronics and medicine now but will also include defence contracting. Here, at this facility, we are working on a cure for infantile paralysis. We are very close. Other laboratories are working hard to find the same vaccine. Our ideas have to remain within our group even after any possible announcement is made. I believe we are very close to having this an accomplished fact."

I went into detail about what I expected but left some important data out. This I would have to find out in personal interviews. They started right after. The men all went down to the cafeteria now, to eat what they wanted at my expense. The first man was asked the first of many questions. I asked about his former military superiors getting information if they said it was a matter of national security.

There was hemming and hawing before he answered. He didn't question the superior as to why the information on a vaccine was of national security and I crossed the man off my list.

The rest were questioned individually as well and only three of the men answered correctly. I wanted them to think of their employer first. I didn't want them to be good robot soldiers who would give confidential information to anybody in a uniform and waving their country's flag. Here is where I needed someone to follow all laws but only ones that came from a court. Too many people cloaked themselves in what they called justice and then used it for their own gain.

With only the three successful applicants I went into why they were selected and why the others weren't. There was a simple contract written in equally simple English. It stated exactly when they could give out information. It also gave penalties, including me taking any and all persons to court to get compensation. In my case the compensation would be very high.

I said of our present circumstances, "I believe we are very close to a vaccine for polio. If we are the first to make this known, there will be hundreds of people at the gate and many officials wanting admittance when this happens. A governor or a congressman has no more rights than you or me. He gets in only if he is invited. Mr Joseph Cranz will be the one handling the public relations."

"The reason for all this work is because I am so young. We may make the first vaccine but it will be for nothing if the medical community and the establishment think that I am not capable of doing this. Hard facts have a way of not being regarded, when it comes to politicians." I got a few nodded heads so they might sympathize with my cause.

A little before three, the men, named Lacroix, Newman and Fraser, drove in one of the company cars to Mr Forte's home. I introduced my new employees and in turn we were taken to the same room that the auction was held in.

The selection went much quicker this time. These men, for the most part, had been soldiers, too but didn't mind thumbing their noses at authority trying to get information.

I was able to get nine men out of fourteen. They all would show up tomorrow morning to begin orientation. Mr Forte told the men that he would be very disappointed if any of the men failed in their duties. He also made sure even the three men I brought received the same message.

After many thanks he handed me individual cheques for the amount stipulated to go into our company's account. The back of the car got two medium-sized suitcases that I didn't bother to count. If I was going to trust the man, then I was not going to insult him.

The cash and the cheques went into the safe at work. There were enough people around this vault to prevent anybody from being able to break in. I was still relying on any crooks not being aware of the location of the money.

At ten minutes after seven the next morning I had the men tour the business with some of Joseph's people. When asked for a way to break into our facility, Mr Forte's people seemed to have more ideas. All twelve men were put under the existing security till they learned enough about what they should do.

The growth of infected kidney cells had almost reached its peak. In five more days they would be ready for testing. It was also time to make some phone calls.

I was put through to Martin almost right away. After exchanging pleasantries he said, "What would you like, Alex?"

I gave him a list of names and asked, "These men all work at Connaught. Would you see what you could do to get them to Chicago as quickly as possible. We begin testing in five days and I would like them here before that. They will give another layer of security for me and they have well known names. Their findings will be respected."

"What do you want me to tell them?"

"That there is a possible vaccine that involves some of their work. If they come down, they will get credit for what they have done. They are all scientists and will be flapping their arms to get here if there is no plane. Would you offer them a few thousand each in my name? Their arms would be sore when they got here otherwise."

The next day Millie went to a private clinic and had the procedure done to shrink the fibroids. The operation took two hours because it was the first of its kind. Silva and I sat in the waiting room and read. When we were allowed in, Millie was awake and not feeling too bad. Nothing much had changed, except her fibroids would now start to shrink from the blood being cut off or reduced. The next day she came home under the care of a nursing team.

Three days after the phone call I had a six-man team at the gate. Our new security went out and picked them up at the airport. They had been given good rooms at a hotel but I doubted if they would see them much.

I soon found out that these Canadians were living up to our standards of being obstinate, aloof and class conscious. This last quality I think was a hold over from our country's English heritage. Over the decades this would be suppressed and swing the other way. The staff had to just put up with the three worse ones and the others were readily accepted.

They examined the facilities, which were similar to theirs. I had patented the agitators, though. The new batches of healthy cells were growing in another room. The cells were minutely examined. They asked many questions which I got the staff to answer so I could stay in the background. They liked the way we made documents about each flask so if there were problems we could trace it back to the origin.

They were amazed at the infected cells. They soon saw the entire solution before them. With this amount of virus a vaccine was simple to make. I was called in many times to answer questions but I tried my best to make it appear to be a team effort.

The virus was killed and the preservatives were added. A control group of monkeys were given the vaccine and we began to wait. Here, again, meticulous records were kept. The men had stood by their word and not told anything out of the ordinary about our work.

I knew what to expect in the coming week but it was still nerve wracking. The monkeys got a slight fever and then recovered. A sampling of their organs showed that the virus had not taken hold and was almost absent from the group we sampled.

I made some daytime calls now. Janice got the first call and I said, "The monkeys have just been given the vaccine a week ago. All of the ones given the vaccine have fought off the disease. One in the control group is dead and six others very sick."

She didn't know what to say. I said, "Their immune system responded to the virus and they only had a slight fever. They have lived over five days and show little effect from the virus. Our first hurdle has been passed. We will announce it very soon. Please remember that it is the company and not me doing this."

"I understand, Alex. I am so happy that you have found this."

The girls were bored even with their shopping and sightseeing. With the storm coming soon I didn't want them harassed. I gave them some cash and sent them home as the best way to deal with this. They didn't want to leave but did so, anyway. As it was, they just might miss the Labour Day madness. Three had jobs that they had to go back to.

Connaught got the second call. When I reached the head of the research department, he already knew my name and the fact that I had shanghaied some of his best people. I could hear the excitement in his voice when he spoke. I said officially, "This is Alex Kramer. My company, in conjunction with Connaught Labs, has completed the first test for our poliomyelitis vaccine. It appears that our vaccine confers protection."

"It works?"

"Yes it does. I want to make the announcement here and in Toronto at the same time."

"That is fine. Give me the details."

I talked slow and he must have been very busy writing. When I had done this part, I handed the phone to the first of the researchers who had come here. Eventually, all six had their say and they confirmed my observations.

The next morning at nine o'clock Joseph Cranz called the major wire services and the local papers. Sonny Forte had been asked to attend and now stood in the back of the room with his wife Rose. The reporters took seats and had some coffee from an urn.

Joseph came out and made his announcement. Some coffee fell and the room was deathly quiet. He repeated himself then went on to introduce the researchers from Connaught. The men gave their credentials and seemed to be inordinately proud of them. They each gave their version of the test and procedures. The day before, I had set in motion the process for thirteen separate patents associated with the process.

After these men came the team that worked here in Chicago spoke. They were just as proud, even though they didn't have the medical degrees, just the chemical.

Monkeys in cages were brought out and the reporters told of the almost lethal doses of virus that each had been given and still survived. A press package had been prepared with all the data they would need. My own name would come out soon, anyway, so it was listed among the technicians.

It was hard to get rid of the reporters until Joseph said that the same announcement was going on in Toronto. There was a mad rush for phones.

A half-hour later the newspapers had photographers at the gate clamouring to get in. Joseph was really putting on the show as he took a few through the various labs. I stayed out of the photographs while standing with the Fortes.

Rose spoke in Italian, "Why aren't you there getting your picture taken? You seem to be such a dynamic person, you must have a lot to do with this."

"You wouldn't believe shy but let's say that a boy would not be believed while a man might."

I made a few of my own calls home to tell the family what had happened. School had already started two days ago, so I called Mr Corfu and gave him my apology and said that tonight he would know why.

"What do you mean, Alex?"

"You will see it on the news here and there, coming out of Chicago."

"Ok. I hope you are not in trouble."

"No, just working on extra credits for a science project."

I now had to ride into the plant with Joseph and Silva. There were many more than a thousand people around the property. Many were parents with children in their arms or in wheelchairs looking for a cure that did not exist for them. This brought tears to my eyes but there was nothing I could do for them.

Six days after our announcement we gave samples to a dozen labs and sent some north of the border to test. The latter went with the six visiting scientists. Only one lab in Britain wanted to participate and that was because it was one of the ones I asked.

With this project working well I started to work more on the different anaesthetics. These were easy to produce but the dispensing was poor. The liquid vaporised and took heat with it. Soon the liquid got colder making the amount of vaporisation far from being a straight line on a graph. The machine did work but I worked at making it less cumbersome and more reliable.

Sixteen more patents went on this machine and then the first drug, halothane, was submitted for tests.

It had a good track record but caused some patients to suffer from liver damage. It was a very minor proportion of the people it was supposed to help. Like all drugs, some were susceptible to it. Penicillin killed many people but it was still used.

I kept close ties with home and found everybody doing fine. The newspapers listed my name many times but always as the president of the company. The vaccine was shown to be a company effort and the employees were not listed.

The Works was settling in and I was told the men were now seen taking out some of the local ladies. It would be good for them to settle down there.

The Connaught Labs were making their own vaccine now for the test. This was the best way for them to have complete control. They well knew my worry, which bordered on paranoia, about the virus being safely dead and not like what had happened in my past.

Towards the middle of September a shipment came with various kinds of products from Fish 'n' Chips. This was the latest batch of things the boys made from my instructions. It took three days to write up the eighty-three patents that covered many different facets of their manufacture. I used a local patent attorney to assist me. He was not as amendable as Tom, until I threatened to take my business elsewhere. We processed this patent in the United States and Tom got the package so he could process the patents for every place else.

By the 27th of September it looked like Silva and his father could manage on their own for a while. Millie was up and around. Her pains had diminished considerably. Some days she was completely free of discomfort.

When I was leaving, the two men shook my hands and Millie kissed me. I said in a stage whisper, "Now they will all know."

She slapped my shoulder and said with a smile, "Silva will have to learn to share, then." She held her husband close and they both smiled at me.

A cab took me to the airport and I took a flight to New York. Lots of things were happening there.

Bell Labs was very anxious to see me. They had just gone through a major sales effort to get companies interested in purchasing rights to their patent at 25,000 a pop. Since I had one of the patents I do not know how successful they were or what price they expected. George Fitzsimmons came from his office when security called to tell that I was here. He was the nominal head of the entire laboratory in Murray Hill, New Jersey.

In his opulent office he said, "Please have a seat, Mr Kramer. Would you like some refreshment?"

"No thank you, Mr Fitzsimmons."

"What can I do for you?"

"Your company wanted to see me, I believe."

"Well, yes we do. We were wondering how well your research was parallelling ours."

"In all honesty, Mr Fitzsimmons, we are far ahead of you in every feature of transistor technology."

This seemed to startle him. "Mr Shockley was quite put out when he was told that his junction transistor had been patented a few days before ours could be. And you say you have progressed since then?"

"I am afraid it is old hat now in any case. The principles are good but his device, I believe, is very inferior to ours. We are working like you do, with parallel teams and projects."

"How so Mr Kramer?"

I reached in my jacket and took out a few sheets of paper. I used what would one day be standard symbols for different features of electrical components. The first sheet had what each of the Greek or Russian characters meant.

Fitzsimmons was an engineer and could see what the symbols meant soon enough. "Mr Kramer your amplification factor and low frequencies is amazing. This transistor is able to take almost a thousand milliamps. These are certainly far beyond what ours can do.

"Here is a high voltage diode we made recently." I handed him the next sheet and his eyebrows went way up.

"This sheet here shows a switching transistor good for very high currents and good for the range of frequencies you need up to five kilohertz, or as you would say 5,000 cycles per second. This he almost ripped from my hand but apologized right after.

He looked up at the rest of the sheets and said, "What else do you have?"

"An Appleton Pair; that is two transistors on a single crystal with a combined alpha of over one hundred." He took the sheet more carefully this time and read it. I went through the other six one at a time and handed him the sheets.

When he finished those, he went back and checked other sheets to compare them. When he looked up he said, "What was your purpose in coming here today?"

"I want to make money and I think the best way is to propose a partnership of sorts with your parent company. I can farm out some of my devices to your facility here and you can develop them further with me."

Same as Time
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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 67 Blabbermouths

November 13, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “I told you so!” Stephanie said, laughing hard. “And after being fucked by the CPD for years, here’s your chance to return the favor!” “Maybe so, but I’m not sure it’s worth the risk of bringing a police officer anywhere near Cirque du Steve!” “So don’t! She had to have seen your wedding band. Make it a secret affair; well, for her, anyway. You can tell your wives, obviously.” “Don’t you think that’s playing with fire?” I asked. Stephanie laughed,...

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Our First Time

Semi-autobiographical. It was almost like a dare as it slipped past my lips. ‘ I want to watch you pleasure yourself.’ I watched his face closely to see how he would respond. At this point, his words meant nothing. ‘Uh, sure. I can do that.’ He squirmed in his seat, looking like a boy who got caught looking at naughty magazines, instead of the self-assured businessman that he was. I could hear the hesitancy in his voice. I saw how his eyes didn’t quite meet mine. I knew he wasn’t ready for...

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Dead mans pearl chapters15

*Also: These chapters do not contain any sex scenes, but are meant to introduce the characters, the setting, and the romance budding between them. This actually has a somewhat complicated plot by my standards, and there will be more erotic parts of the story in later chapters. I've gotten some hate for posting stories like these in the past because lots of people here would rather just jump right to the fucking without much character development. so if this isn't your cup of tea, leave...

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The Club House

We had friends, good friends, that knew that we fooled around with others. We all had an understanding that we wouldn’t try to get them to do what we did, and they did the same. This led to lasting friends with no pressure. This story happened in October of 1987.One of the couples was Kurt and Caroline. Terry has known them long before she met me. They’re a tall good-looking couple with no kids. She’s about five foot nine with blond hair, big tits. Nice body with legs that never quit. My...

Wife Lovers
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Wifes homemade creamy pie

Friday evening I was setting on the deck enjoying a cold beer when I heard my wife Andrea pull into the garage. I needed another one so I went into the kitchen and met her as she came through the door. I looked at how lovely she was standing there in a mid thigh length cotton skirt. Her legs covered in nude colored pantyhose. I walked over to give her a kiss and as I did I reached under her skirt to rub her pussy through the nylon. She never wears panties if she wears pantyhose so I was rubbing...

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Burning hot outside, I had to hit a bar. I just needed a glass of Bud – and it was only lunchtime. I was stuck in some godforsaken mid-west town try to sell a load of rubbish to a load of people who don’t want it, don’t need it and really don’t care. I was all alone, travelling for a living, never in the same place twice. I have a lot of friends, but they are all ‘virtual’ when I am on the road. Being alone on the road, I usually check into a motel that has internet and wireless, flip my...

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Pleasure Cruise

Pleasure Cruise:Synopsis: A relaxing cruise on an innovative yacht with the perfect companyChapter 1: Setting sailI walked up the gangplank and boarded my private yacht, on which I intended to take a cruise throughout the day. It was a lovely day. The weather was just right. There were no clouds in the sky, yet it was not so hot as to be uncomfortable.Half-way up the plank, I caught sight of Captain Erica Prescott, who had been in my service from the time I had purchased my yacht, the...

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Her First Time at a Nude Beach Part 2

From Part 1: “No, YOU made the mess,” I chided. I giggled back. It was only then that she kissed me – just a quick peck on the lips. She pushed me over backward and leaped up, running for the surf. I watched her go, amazed again at the natural wonderfulness of her. At the water’s edge, she turned quickly. “You coming?” she called. Yes. Yes, I was. We splashed in the surf like kids. We wandered up and down the beach. We sat and talked until mid-afternoon. By mutual, unspoken agreement, we...

Straight Sex
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Twenty Years to Life Ch 05

This is a LONG story. If you don’t like long stories or stories driven by plot and characters rather than just sex, you might want to skip this one. ——– —————- Disclaimer: The following story is a work of (hopefully) erotic fiction. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of sexual activities, please stop reading now. Any resemblance between the characters and any actual persons (living or dead) is entirely coincidental. Please do not copy or redistribute this story without the author’s...

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Meine Frau und ich

Wir wollen hier erzählen, was wir getan haben - und was wir tun. Wir, das sind erstmal meine Ehefrau und ich. Und alle Anderen, denen die Vorstellung gefällt, z.B. ein junges unschuldiges Pärchen als Sklaven zu halten. Die Idee kam uns in unserem letzten Urlaub. Wir sind ziemlich wohlhabend. Den letzten Urlaub haben wir in Thailand verbracht. Ja, natürlich ist das ein Klischee, aber dort kann man immer noch geile süsse unschuldige Mädchen finden, die bereit sind, für wenige Dollar die...

2 years ago
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MyPervyFamily Yumi Sin Sex Deprived StepDad

My teen stepdaughter Yumi Sin is irresistible. Especially since her mother stopped putting out for me recently. I (Filthy Rich) can’t help myself, she’s in those cute little pink panties… I start feeling up her ass. She is weirded out but goes with it, I take my thick cock out and she jerks it off tepidly. We hear her mother arriving & scramble to act normal. I find her in the bathroom the next day, her mother is out so I start feeling her up again. One thing leads to...

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Squire Flynns Adventures

“My water, boy.” Sir Egan said, his voice raspy. Moving forward, Flynn dutifully took the bottle out of his bag and handed it to the knight. Yes, Flynn was Sir Egan’s squire, having started earlier than most boys did. Many had chastised Sir Egan’s choice in picking Flynn, with most saying the boy was still too small to be able to serve him in his knightly duties effectively. It was true, with his small frame, Flynn was smaller than most boys his age, though he never did get picked on back...

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Pacific Penal ColonyChapter 11

Rico experienced many pleasures as Astra's pet; he could not help but be excited as he was taken leashed to many events by his mistress and made to watch beheadings and hangings; the sheer pleasure shown by the women as males were despatched was overpowering, their cruel lust for the executions acting like an opiate. The scent of their arousal acting in turn like an opiate for those pets treated to the spectacle of the womens cruel enjoyment; keeping cocks erect as they wondered when their...

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Sensitivity Training

Sensitivity Training by DCRMaster had me chained up for the night. Today was surprisingly easy. I had to clean the house, and scrub the floors. Nothing unusual. Master spat on me, slapped me silly, and fucked me in the ass. All in all, it was a light day.I was chained to my bed completely naked. The chains were long enough, so I could lay on my back. Very comfortable for a bitch slave such as I.Today was wed, that meant sensitivity training.Master turned on an audio tape that played softly. The...

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A Timely IntroductionChapter 2

After what had just happened, I was amused at the shyness Alicia and Mark displayed as the greeted each other. I decided to move the conversation along. “Mark, could you stand a beer?” “Sure” We had been in the hot tub for more than the recommended time already so we covered the tub and proceeded to the kitchen. Alicia led the way and when she bent over the lawn chair to pick up her clothes, she gave us premier look at her glistening vagina. I doubt she realized she was doing so and said...

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My Workout with an Old Principal

‘Sure, Mom. It’s not a problem. I can stop by on my way home from the gym.’ I hang up the phone with my mom and climb into my car. The first thing I do is blast the air conditioning. The radio clicks on and Marvin Gaye’s voice croons over the speakers – ‘Sexual Healing.’ Ugh. I could use a little sexual healing. It’s been a while since I was last fucked. I lost my virginity to Derek Marshall on my 17th birthday and we had a bunch of crazy sex for a few months after that. Since Derek and I...

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GloryHoleInitiations Cecilia Lion 08252019

Cecilia wants to pamper herself. She took the day off to go shopping, see the sights and maybe she’ll get herself a facial. That’s a typical girly pampering kind of thing to do. To her luck, she sees a sign that says “FREE FACIALS”. Wow, what girl could resist a free facial. When she goes in the store, she starts to get the feeling that maybe they aren’t offering the facial she’s thinking of. What the hell…she’ll try anything once! Well for her...

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The Valentine Trap

" ... and he's sooo cute and good looking and..." Penny was an 18-year-old, raven-haired beauty who currently had a dreamy look in her eyes -- as she always did when she thought about William, something she had done a lot of in the last year. Her sister, Cynthia, two years older and similar in appearance, shook her head in mock desperation. They were sitting at the dinner table, and although it was already well past noon, both were still in their nightgowns. Their parents had left just...

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Suniye IITian Ki Sex Life Kaisi Hai

This is Daksh Kashyap, engineer from IIT Bombay. I had so many girlfriends but now I am single so giving time to narrate my stories. This is my first story. So please give me reviews on . Any girl can also contact for sex chat/ phone sex/ real sex. Ye kahani mere college days ki hai. Pooja ka ghar mere ghar ke samne hi tha aur age me same. Isliye humdono sath me hi bade hue. Humdono sath me sare game khelte the. Par jab main class 12 me phuncha toh mujhe sex ke bare me pata chala. Pooja hi...

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Albert's familybyIgnoble©When her husband Albert suddenly announced that he had to spend a couple of days at some kind of business meeting Penelope started to make a lot of noise about not wanting to be left all alone in the house with their son Joey.Penelope would have been the first to admit that she had always been pretty useless in an emergency. If anything in the house were to break down or if, God forbid, there was a prowler, she would be a basket case. She was very worried about how she...

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Leslie Got What She Wanted

Story Title: Leslie Got What she WantedAuthors Name: Leslie StoneSynopsis: A new Grey Market formulation of X-Change (a fast acting gender swapping pill) designed to produce Porn Stars, High Class escorts, and Sex Slaves was given to Leslie, a life long CD MILF. She didn't know she wanted it but after she did, there was no going back whether she liked it or not.Categories: Chemical or d**g Induced Change | Crossdressing / TV | Fast Transformation | Identity Death | Tricked or Secretly...

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My School project

It had been a little over a month since Louis and Terry used hypnosis to fuck their moms daily. The deal they had made about fucking their mom’s pussy had been adhered to 100%. Since both women had had their periods they knew all was good so far. They had joked about having children with each other’s mom frankly the idea seemed like something they would enjoy. As they rode home from school Tuesday Terry spoke. “Lou I’m thinking about showing my mom the video and seeing what happens, what do...

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Gifted Bk 01 Ch 10

You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due...

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SparksChapter 17

06:15 Saturday, July 6th, 1991 Sonoma Valley Inn 550 W Second St, Sonoma, CA 95476 "Thanks, Chief," Sandy said as Ben climbed out of the car. After she handed the bags out to Ben, she followed him out, then both walked to the driver's window. Ben shook his hand. Sandy frowned when the Chief offered his hand. She leaned in and gave him a quick hug instead. "Monday morning, then, at oh-six-hundred." The older man drove off. "Breakfast first?" Sandy asked as they made their way into...

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Disobedient Wife

He insists that a wife should obey her husband in all things and I am happy to go along with that because, well, frankly, I quite enjoy having someone else make all the decisions so that I don’t have to take responsibility for what happens. I know this doesn’t fit in with modern views on marriage but my sister and I were raised by a disciplinarian father who always told us how to behave and had no hesitation in giving us a good spanking if we disobeyed (but never anything sexual – I don’t...

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Harami Balma

Main Nandini, umar 18 saal, 12 class mein padhti hoon. Mere pita ji businessman hain aur kafi amir hain. Ghar mein Maa ke ilawa ek chhota bhai hai jo ki bas 10 saal ka hai. Meri maa Uma Devi ki umar 38 saal ki hai aur vo ek bharpur sexy aurat hai. Pitaji, Raj Sharma sara din paise banane mein lage rehte hain aur unke dost maa ke saath khub mauj kar lete hain. Mera chhota bhai Raju pados ke ladkon ke saath cricked khelne chala jata hai, papa dukan par aur main padhne lag jati hoon to maa papa ke...

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Landlord ki beti ne liya Lund

Hello guys mera naam mai nahi bata sakta to chalo aap mujhe ashu bol sakte ho. Ye story tab ki jab mai apne engineering ke 2nd year me tha. Aise to apne engineering me maine kafi bakchodi ki hai aur ye unme se ek hai. Mai computer science ka hun isiliye ladkiyo ke sath kaise rahna hai mujhe achchhe se ata hai. To chalo story pe aate hain. 3rd semester tha aur mai aur mera roommate naye pg me shift huye the joke bhilai (chhattisgarh) me kisi jagah hai jo mai nahi bata sakta. Jahan 3-4 rooms the...

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It was only a little walk to Jess' house but we were walking slowly laughing and playing on the way when we got there for some reason Jess checked that knowone was home which i thought was wierd because i had met her mum loads of times and she didn't have a problem with her bringing boys home. Once she had finished checking i followed the two girls up stairs into her bedroom Alex sat on the bed and started to take her shoes off and her jumper whilst Jess closed her door. She had...

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The Partnership aka Bad DeaconChapter 5

Marcy had spent forty days and forty nights in rehab. She was finally ready to come home. Marty, my ex wife, had begged to be allowed to bring her to my home. I gave in to her after a couple of days of arguing. She took the now infamous SUV. Fit was the one I bought to haul the trailer to yard work jobs. I could drop it and go look at new work needing an estimator’s touch. That was a joke. The estimates were based on the ability of the customer to pay. And of course his or her willingness to...

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Megans Mardi Gras Fantasy Pt 1

Megan and I returned to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. This year it fell on my birthday and Megan promised to make it something special. She allowed me to pick out her clothes and I shoe my favorite see-through outfits and sexy lingerie. The morning of out flight, I laid out her clothing for the trip. Megan gawked at her outfit, a sheer pink blouse and short skirt with appropriate lingerie, nylons, and high heels!The trip was interesting. Megan wore a coat to start with, but as we boarded the...

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Next Door Wife

Here I was. An 18 year old black boy in a white neighbourhood, without my boyz. My parents decided it was time to move me out of the dark streets and into a quiet neighbourhood to keep me out of trouble. So now here I was, Friday afternoon, lying on my back in bed all alone at home. No friends around to get in trouble with. As I got up to close the blinds of my window I saw silver BMW pull up into the driveway next door. We haven’t met the next door neighbours let so I was wondering who was...

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Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 04

Béla disappeared to go haunt Jake. That’s what Beth began calling it when she realized that humans had a strange way of not accepting data acquired in their dream state. The single exception she knew of, of course, was her busty blond friend, Tanya. ‘I ought to return her gun,’ Beth thought as she dream-walked into the arborium carrying her bag of arrows. She saw that her sister had already dropped off the elaborate-looking bows and left again. Mentally searching around for the little...

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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 26 Expanding Awareness

The next few months the family was involved with intense training. Udit built on the two beginning exercises with additional exercises for focus, detail and comprehension enhancement. Udit also asked them to start meditating twice daily, and then he had to teach them how to meditate. Pete shook his head and said, "Udit, I can't sit with my legs all crossed and feet over my knees like the mediators do. I just don't bend that way." "You don't have to be in those positions to meditate,"...

2 years ago
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Henry and June

"Henry and June" It was early morning, a couple hours or so before I was due to head off for work. I had gotten up early, had done some paperwork, cleaned up the house and made coffee and after bagging up the trash I decided to take it out back. I looked at the clock and noticed it was just about five a.m. then decided to take the chance and take the trash out. Now normally there wouldn't be a problem in taking out the trash. It was just a short walk down the sidewalk through the...

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The leather mom

A fantasy only and did not happy feedback welcome Looking back now I feel so dumb, that I did not pick up on the signs earlier. Let me explain. I am Josie a 44 year old divorced mother who had her son late in life. I had given up so much for my career and was now the head solicitor in my practice. My life had just become humdrum, cases that no longer challenged me and coming home to the same old existence. A son on his computer a ready meal and some old crap on the tv and a few to...

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Doing It For Dad chapter 6

DOING IT FOR DAD Chapter 6 Julie was in fits of laughter at breakfast the next morning, as Elaine and I recounted the details of our exploits in Pelworth. "Oh, dad!" she cried. "Your first time out, and you get chatted up! You're a man- magnet!" "Now, now, Julie," said Elaine, jumping to my defence. "Your dad was terrified last night. I think he did exceptionally well. It wasn't an easy thing for him to do, walking into that pub. The place could have been crowded, for all we...

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