Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 04 free porn video

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Béla disappeared to go haunt Jake. That’s what Beth began calling it when she realized that humans had a strange way of not accepting data acquired in their dream state. The single exception she knew of, of course, was her busty blond friend, Tanya.

‘I ought to return her gun,’ Beth thought as she dream-walked into the arborium carrying her bag of arrows. She saw that her sister had already dropped off the elaborate-looking bows and left again.

Mentally searching around for the little gun, she found it and walked into her freshly created image of Frank and Tanya’s bedroom. They were awake and couldn’t see her dream image. Beth left the gun on her friend’s dresser and went back to the image of the construction site where she’d found that last stash of blasting caps.

‘While Sis is off getting fucked silly, I may as well have some fun by myself…’

She reappeared in the arborium with a box of a hundred more blasting caps and set them down.

Beth woke up feeling horny, as usual. Béla was asleep, still dream-walking with Jake so Beth teleported down to the arborium, leaving her sister behind on the bed in their quarters. Her belly was tense and her nipples were puckered with sexual excitement. It seemed she never tired of playing with the nasty little blasting caps.

Her sister would still be gone for hours, getting her dream body penetrated again and again, so she had lots of time. Her pussy was tingling in anticipation of fresh destruction and she almost came as she shoved one of the little caps up inside her.

Picking up another one, she held it in her hand and teleported it into the fleshy tissue of her left breast, forcing her skin to accommodate the end sticking out through her nipple. She did the same thing to her right breast. She was gasping from the effort of forcing her tender nips to accommodate the foreign objects. The pain she was causing herself made her come, this time. She shook as her first orgasm swept through her body.

She picked up another blasting cap and inserted it as far as she could shove it up into her ass. She teleported two more into her torso, one underneath each lung; two more into her soft, lower belly right next to her hipbones. One last blasting cap went into her belly button.

By now she was positively trembling with sexual tension and dropped down on her knees, too dizzy and aroused to remain upright. Bending backwards until her head touched the ground behind her feet, she took a deep breath while deciding which part of her incredibly horny, aroused body to destroy first.

‘I could make this a ritual – a ritual of sexual destruction! Yeah! I’m already in a sacrificial position… Okay, I sacrifice my perfect belly to… What should I sacrifice myself to? God, I’m so fucking horny… Oh, yeah – the Goddess of Lust!’

“Okay, here goes…”

Making an image of the one sticking out of her stomach and tensing her muscles against the impending shock, she touched it with her mind and jerked sideways a bit, causing a tiny electrical current inside the blasting cap.

What came out of Beth’s throat when her belly button erupted was somewhere between a grunt and a yelp. The pain flooded through her body and seemed to concentrate in her nipples and her pussy. As Beth orgasmed, she set off the blasting caps in her breasts accidentally, spewing blood and half-cooked fatty tissue all over her chest and neck.

That orgasm was so powerful that an electrical flow flooded her entire body. Her lower ribcage blew out next, closely followed by her lower belly. Blood and her own gory flesh rained down on her as she shook uncontrollably with the wild, incredibly erotic destruction. Her body was in spasms. Her limbs shook uncontrollably as she came, crying in pure agony as her torso was blasted open.

After a moment of whimpering and writhing on the ground in orgasmic agony, Beth was able to force what was left of her body to relax a bit. The only undamaged parts were her pussy and her ass. She hadn’t blown them up yet because she needed her pussy to come. While she was still coming, she concentrated as best she could on the blasting cap she’d shoved up her ass. It went off with a dull ‘thump’.

Except for Beth’s fresh, new cry of agony as she rolled around on the ground, the only evidence of the blast that tore the inside of her ass apart was the gore that suddenly sprayed out and down her legs while Beth rolled around on the ground grasping her torn belly with both hands.

There was one blasting cap left inside her and she was ready for it, now. Moving her blood covered hands down between her legs, she pinched and clawed at her clitoris for a few seconds until she was ready to come again. Crying out at the beginning of one final orgasm, she exploded the blasting cap in her pussy.

Shaking uncontrollably in orgasm, her blown-open body flooding the ground beneath and around her with blood, Beth cried out helplessly, choking on the blood flooding her lungs.

Beth couldn’t believe she was still conscious. She also couldn’t believe the amount of pain she was learning to tolerate. Her pussy was destroyed, along with most of her torso and her beautiful breasts but her lungs were healing and she was able to breathe a bit.

Despite the fact that her pussy was destroyed, incredible orgasms were still flowing up and down her body. She wondered what she could do to herself to make her come even harder. She still had lots of blasting caps, but not much body left to blow up. Despite the gore of her own body, her pain-weakened mind and that incredible orgasmic flood only left her one viable solution.

Closing her eyes, she teleported a blasting cap deep into her ruined belly and ignited it. She closed her hands over her gut in agony as she came again.

She looked down at herself. She was so covered with blood that she couldn't even see her skin. There were huge holes blown in her chest where her breasts had been. Her torso was a mass of unidentifiable blood-soaked raw meat and it was all alive, filled with screaming nerve endings. Those raw, exposed nerve endings were what was creating all those wonderful orgasms that raked her body.

Incredibly excited by her new tolerance level and sexually aroused beyond any sanity, she decided to do the whole box – one hundred (well, ninety, now) blasting caps.

‘There’s still lots of raw tissue left to blow up,’ she thought, gritting her teeth in masochistic glee, exhaustedly feeling her body respond sexually to the prospect of even more gore.

Mentally grasping several more blasting caps, she ‘mined’ the inside of her body with them, going down each side of her body, placing them several inches apart. When she was finished with her work, she had a dozen blasting caps buried inside her in two neat rows going down each side of her gory body, beginning beneath her ribs right where her breasts had been and ending with the last two buried in her gut, one next to each hipbone.

She was going to blow up her whole body, if she could – her entire torso from her half-regenerated tits to her already exploded cunt! Beth shook for the excitement and the anticipation of all that wondrous, sensual destruction.

She decided to start from the bottom and work up. The one next to her heart could possibly damage it, so she decided to do it last. She blew her hips apart first, screaming in agony as she orgasmed. The small part of her mind that was still conscious moved up to the next inserted pair and exploded them, blowing up her lower belly. Then the next, and the next, and the next, spraying blood, guts and gore everywhere, blowing her torso completely open.

All of her organs were destroyed now, as well as her most of her nervous system. She knew that because most of the pain and raw-nerve agony was no longer there. All she could feel was the sensation of coming, over and over and over…

She blew up the last four at the same time, destroying her heart and blowing out her tits, chest and lungs, experiencing the ultimate orgasm as she died, her entire body completely destroyed from the inside out.


Beth felt the warm pulse of blood. It was very close; all she had to do was bite down and suck. She did, then sticky-sweet hot fluid was flowing into her mouth. She greedily swallowed as much as she could. The source of her sustenance removed itself before she was ready to end her feeding. She cried out her want, then slept again.

Béla sat, still stunned, and lay her sister’s body back on the blood-soaked grass after her feeding. What her sister had done was so fucking unbelievably insane. Almost half the box of those dangerously explosive dynamite caps was gone – used up by her sex-crazed sister in her self-destructive quest for the ultimate orgasm. From the looks of her, she’d succeeded.

‘Well, I hope you had fun…’ Béla thought into her sister’s sleeping mind.

Beth’s mind responded lightly, on a purely animal level. 'More…'

Béla didn’t know if her sister wanted to suck more blood or if she wanted more orgasmic destruction.

‘Probably both,’ Béla decided, shaking her head in amazed disbelief at the erotic images her sister was unconsciously projecting. She curled up next to her gory, blood-covered sister and went to sleep.

Several hours later, Béla woke up. Her sister was still sleeping, but now, at least, she looked more like a girl than a raw slab of butchered meat. Her breasts were almost grown back and the horrible holes ripped in her torso were nearly closed. It was time to feed her again.

She rolled over against Beth and raised her head, cradling it with her shoulder. Beth stirred, her vampiric nature guiding her mouth to the alluring source of fresh blood coursing through Béla's veins. Béla let her feed until she felt weak and light-headed again then pulled away, ignoring the plaintive plea that weakly radiated out from her half-dead sister.

Lying Beth gently in the grass, Béla got up to go find more food. She teleported into her quarters, startling a crewmember who was restocking the cooler. She vanished quickly, returning to the arborium. Once stable in one location, she scanned her body with her mind, quickly cleaning off the blood and dirt stains, and deposited the residue on the floor of the arborium to be recycled by the plants. Then she returned to her quarters to find the crewman picking up the fruit and meat he’d dropped a moment before.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” the princess apologized.

The orderly glanced up at his naked princess. He was sure she had been much more soiled the first time she had appeared.

‘It could have been just shadows,’ Béla helped him think. ‘She looks normal, now. A little thin, perhaps. She must not be eating enough.’

He remembered her feeding difficulties on the long journey out. He wasn’t surprised to notice she wasn’t eating right, again, despite the fact that the two princesses were continually cleaning out the cooler. He made a mental note to ‘up’ their rations.

Béla watched him leave, then opened the cooler and took several handfuls of whatever was on top. Cradling her booty in her arms, she teleported back down to the arborium and sat down to eat. She needed to stay well fed while she nursed her sister to recovery.

After she ate, she mentally cleaned the blood and gore off her sister’s sleeping form and from the grass around them both, causing a dry rain of precious fertilizer over a section of growth some distance away. Then she curled up around her sister and went back to sleep.

It was nighttime again. Béla dream-walked into Jake’s bedroom. He was asleep. He woke up as he felt her approach. He was getting used to her visiting in his dreams again. He wondered what they would do together this time. Béla walked into his welcoming arms, evidently not having any other plans than what she was doing right now.

He returned her kisses, allowing his mind to merge with hers. He was right. She didn’t have an agenda for tonight. All she wanted was to be held and to make love. He pulled her down to the bed, both already naked. The soft touch of her warm body against his pleasantly aroused him as their kisses grew more intense.

Feeling his increasing arousal, Béla shifted her hips. His growing cock, suddenly freed from between their warm bodies, sprang up between her legs. She slid down his body slightly, letting his cock press against the various openings between her legs. She wasn’t ready yet for him to enter her, but she was more than willing to tease him for awhile.

Béla licked and kissed Jake’s shoulders and chest for a few moments, continually moving her pelvis so that she caressed the head of his dick with her pussy lips. She pushed herself away from his chest, arching her back to display her breasts for him to maul. Jake took the hint and began roughly caressing and squeezing them. Béla moaned with desire, wanting more of this rough treatment of her sweet, tender flesh.

Holding her upper body up with her arms and hands braced against Jake’s hairy chest, she continued to move her pelvis, stroking Jake’s cock with her pussy lips. She could feel moisture down there, now, as her natural lubrication coated the tip of his cock.

She stopped when she was felt his warm, hard cock probing the exact right spot, and slid down, lovingly enveloping him with her own wet warmth. As he felt her slide down on him, he thrust up into her, welcoming the tight embrace of her hot, moist flesh.

They stayed that way for a moment, then Béla began squeezing him between her legs; not moving, just using pressure to massage him. She could come from just doing that. She wasn’t sure he could – Jake always erupted into frenzied activity before he pumped her full of his cum.

Jake lay beneath his dead dream-lover, enjoying the internal caresses she provided as she squeezed him with her vagina. As he ever so gradually increased the pressure of his hands on her tender breasts, he felt her tremble. Then she was much wetter inside than she had been; her girl-cum leaking past his balls and down into the crack of his ass. He began stroking his cock gently up and down, matching his up-stroke with her gentle squeeze.

Béla was beginning to squirm. She thought this would be a nice, quiet lovemaking session, but she’d already come twice. Her body demanded more activity now.

‘Beth must be a bad influence on me,’ she thought, chuckling to herself.

She increased her own motion, beginning to fuck Jake back. Soon, their bellies were slapping together loudly, almost drowning out Béla’s whimpering cries. Soon, Jake heard that familiar keening letting him know it was time to try to tear her breasts off while he erupted in her hungry, wet cunt.

Crying out as Jake unmercifully squeezed her tits, Béla came, soaking his balls with her girl-cum. Jake released his load of rejuvenating fluid deep inside her, adding to the flood of liquid already there.

As Jake’s cock slipped out of her, he was inundated by the flow of their juices pouring out of her pussy. Béla rolled over and off, trying to prevent any more leakage. It was much too late. They were both soaked between their legs. A widening area of wetness was spreading across the bed. Playfully, Jake leaned over and bit her on the nipple, hard, waking her up.

Something bit her nipple, hard! Béla’s eyes flew open. The small crystal sun, embedded high overhead in the roof of the arborium, blinded her. She heard a tinkle of cheerful laughter, and then something dark crossed over her body and bit her other nipple.

“Ow!” Béla cried, pushing her sister off of her.

Beth sniffed the air. She could smell male cum on Béla and realized, “You were fucking Jake! I hope you were finished. It smells like you were finished…”

Béla sat up and leaned toward her grinning sister, trying to return the favor to Beth’s sweet smelling, brand new tits.

“No, no-no-no-no-no!” Beth exclaimed, laughing, curling her shoulders forward protectively and drawing away. “They are *way* too tender for you to mess with!”

Béla fell back in the grass, glowing admiration at her brave, but probably very foolish little sister.

“You used up half a box of explosives! Selfish bitch!” Béla exclaimed, cheerfully.

“Yeah! I know!” Beth said, excitedly. “I had a dozen of them inside of me all at one time! God! I almost died from pure pleasure! I can’t wait to do it again!”

“Well, you almost died, that’s for sure,” Béla agreed. “But, make sure you’re not alone when you try that again. If I’d been gone much longer, you wouldn’t be here now…”

Béla projected the image of the carnage she’d discovered when she woke up in her quarters and started searching for her missing sister.

Properly chastised, Beth sat, silent, gazing raptly at the image of the carnage she’d done to herself. She was starting to throb between her legs just from looking at that gory corpse all ruptured and blown open like that and realizing that it was her.

‘It was still a lot of fun…’ she insisted, pouting at her sister.

‘I didn’t say don’t do it,’ Béla repeated. ‘I said, don’t do it alone!’

“I’m not alone, now…” Beth suggested, watching her sister hopefully. She radiated lust at Béla, hoping she was still horny after fucking Jake.

Béla stared at her unbelievable sister. She had just recovered from blowing herself into tiny pieces and now she wanted to do it again, right now! The lust she felt radiating from Beth was reflected through Béla’s cunt. It was ready for some real action, not just a dream.

Beth was delighted! Béla was actually returning her sex flow! She gritted her teeth as her brand new breasts objected to the sudden imposition of two fresh dynamite caps.

Béla saw her sister’s new tits suddenly bounce and expand unnaturally. She could even see the tips of the little caps that Beth had just teleported inside her breasts. Beth leaned forward to embrace her sister. She wanted to be hugging Béla tightly when the explosives blew her tits off.

Béla was actually dizzy with desire, deeply immersed in her sister’s erotic images of physical mutilation and sexual frenzy. She pulled her sister to her, pressing her tits hard against her sister’s tits, matching her nipples up with the ends of the blasting caps and embracing her tightly.

The twin explosions evaporated Beth’s new breasts and turned Béla’s nipples into blood-filled little craters. Béla held her sister tightly as she shook, both sisters radiating the agony of having their breasts destroyed. The sexual frenzy flowed back and forth between them, causing them both to orgasm continually for several minutes.

Some time later they were both able to stop trembling. Béla took a deep breath and pulled away from her sister.

“God! That is sooo much better with you holding me,” Beth murmured as she pulled back, panting heavily.

Then she gasped in pain and surprise as she looked down at herself. Their breasts were stuck together with dried blood and freshly grown new tissue. They both stared down in shock. Beth’s breast tissue, as it regenerated, had actually grown into Béla’s breasts, connecting their bodies together sharing one pair of nipples between them.

"Damn!" Béla moaned. "That's the second time that..."

“New game!” Beth cried, suddenly excited at the prospect of a new kind of gore and sensation. “Let’s grow together and slice ourselves apart!”

Béla’s sour look from just inches away discouraged her from saying more.

“I’ll agree with the slicing ourselves apart,” Béla told her. She materialized one of the fighting knives in her hand. “Do you want to, or do you want me to?”

“You do it!” Beth said excitedly and pulled back, stretching their shared breast tissue between them.

She cried out as Béla deftly sliced their nipples apart, radiating pain and orgasmic frenzy. Béla came, too, as she sliced through the other nipple, separating the two not-quite Siamese sisters.
Breathing heavily, the sisters embraced each other, each one supporting the other, making sure one’s wounded breasts didn’t touch where the other’s wounded breasts were regenerating so they wouldn’t grow together this time.

“Do you have any more of the those things in you?” Béla asked, not knowing if her sister planned on blowing up any more of her body parts.

“I could have,” Beth said, tentatively. She teleported a blasting cap into her quivering, hungry pussy.

‘There might be one in my cunt, dear sister, just waiting for you to make me come…’ Beth radiated.

Béla’s senses rocked with the intensity of Beth’s overpowering desires. They were so closely aligned with her own self-destructive impulses that she found them impossible to resist.

‘Maybe you could put one in me, Darling, so I could come with you…’ Béla thought sensuously.

She felt the cold, narrow object suddenly invading her, inside her pussy. Her juices started flowing. In a moment, she would be leaking down her legs, her desire visible for anyone to see.

They embraced more tightly, twining their legs together and humping each other’s thighs. The sexual tension increased quickly. In less than a minute, Béla was ready to come.

'I’m coming!' Béla cried into Beth’s mind. 'Do it now!'

Béla jerked violently and gasped in agony as the blasting cap liquefied her insides. She radiated her intense agony and incredible ecstasy through her sister, who echoed it all back at her as she blew up her own cunt. They embraced tightly, both unable to breathe, radiating their intense sensations through each other.

They lay, entwined together in the grass, the only indication that they were more than just two girl lovers was the blood flowing out from between their legs, staining their flesh and the grass beneath them. They lay for almost an hour, mind-linked together, savoring each sensation the other was experiencing as they regenerated.

Finally, they separated. Beth sat up, feeling more sated than when she'd detonated a dozen of the darling little devices inside of her.

“Those last four were a lot better than the first twenty,” Beth sighed happily. “It’s so much better when you share…”

It occurred to Béla that her sister might not have blown herself up so thoroughly if she hadn’t been alone. Was it her loneliness that caused her to do it, or did she do it simply because there was no one there to tell her not to? Béla looked at her sister, wondering what Beth had given up to come with her on this strange adventure.

‘Whatever I gave up,’ Beth replied in her mind, ‘this is hundreds of times better!’

Béla had forgotten. Her sister was as adept as she was at reading minds, maybe even better. Beth smiled to herself, enjoying the thought that Béla believed she might be good at something besides sex.


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A rental with secrets 2

A Rental With Secrets 2I was settled in, naked and wet. I knew the videos in front of me were not only hot and full of sex but they appeared to tell a story. A story about Mr. Waters sexual needs and desires and Mrs. Waters fulfilling his needs. I decided to start from the first video. The date was almost ten years ago. Same house, only three cameras on this tape. Mr. Waters was laying on his bed. He was naked. Damn, what a smoking body. Thinner, lean to be exact. And what a big...

3 years ago
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First Gay Experience In Mumbai Bus

Been here as a long-time reader and finally decided it was time to share my own real life experiences. As a bi-guy, I enjoy sex with women and sometimes with older men. The older man fetish comes from one of my experiences with an older guy who reminded me of how good gay sex was. I say ‘reminded’ because my first ever gay experiences were with my cousin brother when I was barely 6 or 7 years old, then later with another cousin from age 12-14, but those stories are for another time. This...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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My Mother Gives Me Erection

Innocence It is like a pair of magical glasses that you are born with. Through those glasses when you look, all you see around is a fantasy land that you are living in. It’s only after you lose your innocence that you start noticing the truth. My name is Ashwin and I am 19 years old. By this age, I have a very good idea about what is sex and know what a female naked body looks like. I have seen pictures and studied about sex. I might even brag that I am no longer a virgin. But there was a...

3 years ago
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Ascent Ch 02 A Christmas Gift

[Bisexual Wife brings home college lover] [Author’s notes: Warning! This is an extramarital sex story. For those who don’t like these themes please move along. Constructive comments are appreciated, hate speech will be deleted.] [This is the second chapter of ‘Ascent into Bondage’. The story starts out as loving wives, turns towards group sex, then plunges into B&D. It was originally written in 1996.] * I am laying in the afterglow of our morning ritual, Leigh having gently awoken me with...

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The lady and the Gardener written by female

A lady is sitting in her living room wearing a tight bask and thong set and black and red stockings extenuating her long shapely legs . On the TV her favourite erotic movie.Outside the man in the garden is working himself into a sweat and soon needs to come in to the house to get a well earned drink.Upon entering the house, calling out. The lady exclaims that he should get a drink and sit himself in the living room next to her.When he enters the living room the movie is still playing, the lady...

1 year ago
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College wrestle gets manhandled in a Private video booth

I was about twenty years old when I first discovered an adult video arcade. I was a sophomore in college and I was away from home for the first time. In those days I was always horny and my cock got hard when a cool breeze came by. I was turned on and fascinated by all the porn on a 50+ channel environment. I always felt guilty like I was doing something wrong when I went into a porn shop; mainly because I was I was young and sexually inexperienced. I remember discovering booths with windows...

2 years ago
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Infernal Machines Ch 02

Brief side note: The following is from the viewpoint of Attica’s comrade, Maraldi. If this is the first chapter you have read within the Infernal Machines series – for the purposes of continuity – I recommend that you read from Ch. 01 first in order to get a better idea of what has previously happened. ***** The glass of water I requested makes a gentle clinking noise as it nudges back and forth on the bedside table, she asked for it rough, and I paid enough for the both of us to have an...

2 years ago
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Up mom's dress was somewhere to cum! (The art history is true, the affair is fiction.) Zelda Stein sat alone on the red leather sofa in her living room of a posh Park Avenue apartment. 'All dressed up, with nowhere to go!' she thought to herself. As her aunt Sophie would say, “A fine kettle of gifilte fish!” But it couldn't be helped. Her date for the society bash at the Metropolitan Museum, philanthropist Martin Eisenberg was delayed in London. His flight had been canceled,...

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Six Times A DayPart 138 Ready for Love

Christine was feeling tense and nervous. She got out of her car, suitcase in hand, and looked up at the Pestridge house. That made her even more nervous, so much so that she had to psych herself up. People say I've got a stick up my butt, and maybe they're right a lot of the time. But if there's one thing I have, it's willpower! I'm the one in control of myself, and I WILL master my emotions! Besides, what am I scared about? I'm just going to hang out with a couple of friends and...

1 year ago
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The Pool Boy part two

Many times it was just a quicky blowjob or some frisky 69 but seldom full blown fucking. One day she asked me if I would come to her art one evening for a dinner party with some of her friends. I agreed but was leary of going as I didn't know these other people she was referring to as friends. Were they her age more or less? Were there any men attending? Would we have some alone time after the party? I didn't let it bother me but I was curious as to how to act, what to bring,...

3 years ago
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Getting ldquoTurned Outrdquo Part 2

Through fear, intimidation and just plain old horny, raging teenage hormones, I found myself in a room with two older men. I would have never imagined any of this just a few short weeks ago. But in that time, I had a grown man, a co worker named Roger, suck me off multiple times. Yes, he blackmailed me in a way, but I grew to love it. “What teenage boy wouldn’t love regular blowjobs anyways?” I thought to myself. Then I sucked my first cock and now I had a different man’s mouth, another co...

2 years ago
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punishment fit the crime of Josie

Josie's Beginning by puppy girl ?? This was my punishment for cheating on my wife. I was always a crossdresser and really enjoyed the role-playing scenes with my wife Sarina. But I was selfish and wanted to enjoy some extra-marital affairs with other women. Sarina at first was put-off by my crossdressing but after a few years she got more and more involved. To the point that we would go out as girlfriends, or I'd be her "barbie doll" and she would pick out my clothes or decide what make-up to...

4 years ago
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Amys Fantasy

Initially, Amy was hesitant when Alex had asked her if she wanted to take the bus instead of a plane. She knew that what should have been a couple-hour journey would now take more than a whole day, but when she saw the price difference, she would have to say yes.She ended up being surprised with how much she liked the bus ride. Free wifi, air conditioning (which was nice for the dead-of-summer trip across state lines) and room for her ample legs to stretch and feel at home. It wasn’t easy being...

3 years ago
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The Nerds Dream Come True

Well, let’s start with the story. The story includes me and a teacher. Description: I am a guy who was just concerned with his sports and studies. Teacher: She was fair had good shapes in fact She was a bombshell. Had one of the best figures. I will mention the remaining in below as story proceeds. It was the first year of B.Sc. where many students had taken admission after their 12th results. The college was new to me as I couldn’t find anyone whom I used to know. The first day of the...

3 years ago
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Chapter 1: I Don't Believe In That Shit. Fate, destiny, karma, whatever you may call it, it's unavoidable. The powers that be determine who you are, what you do and how you do it. Your job is to just sit back and enjoy the ride so to speak. It's the one universal force which we cannot escape... Well fuck that. There is no such thing as fate, we have no destiny, and Karma will not come and bite us on the ass. Belief in this shit is purely for those who feel the need to blame a higher...

4 years ago
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The Steam Room

It started off a normal Saturday, get up late, have a light breakfast and late morning trip to the gym. It's usually not too busy at that time and there are always one or two attractive women to help keep me from getting too bored.That morning I spent 30 min on the bike followed by a 5km run and a short session in the pool. The pool isn't huge and it can get crowded but that morning I was pleased to see just one other person in the water. She was in her mid twenties I guessed and was wearing a...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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My Story of Sexual Reawakening

After my wife died, I sank into a kind of funk. Some people would call it depression. Family and friends tried to help. They brought me meals and found activities to invite me to attend. The truth is I missed that close personal, comfortable, relationship that Mary and I had for almost 45 years. I especially missed the rush that I got from driving her into orgasmic moans as I buried my cock balls deep in her wonderful warm wet pussy. I wanted to experience those feelings again, but I didn’t...

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Birookie No More

Clank clank was the sound of my spoon as it tapped the inside of the coffee cup I'd been nursing for the last twenty minutes.  There always seems to be more pressure on the last to arrive, especially when meeting someone you've never seen before, so I made sure I was early.  A few photos had been exchanged, but could one be confident they were true to life in this situation. They probably had some of the same thoughts or doubts about me.I'm William, Bill to my friends.  I'm in my late-forties,...

2 years ago
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Nothing Between Us worth Read

It was my mother who told me."Jennifer, I mean, Thuy's back from Yale for spring break, Jacob."Thuy's our neighbor and an old classmate of mine from high school. We had been friends since we were c***dren. One day when she was eleven, she had randomly decided her new American name would be Jennifer. I argued for something like Thea that would be at least close to Thuy, but she stuck with Jennifer and in time only her family and I were left using her original name. My mom sometimes accommodated...

1 year ago
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Princess of Castile chapter 13

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 13 "Who is talking on the tv daddy?" the little girl asked her father who looked taken aback by what he was seeing. This was the common occurrence in most of the households of Aragon lately. People of Aragon gathered around their televisions and their radios as they heard the voice of Empress Elsa. Alejandra's sister gave a long speech directed at the leadership of Aragon describing their most recent and very expensive scientific...

1 year ago
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Pathways Part 5

Part 5 They say changes come in threes. I think I may be living proof of that. On Monday night my parents returned home after my bliss filled weekend. They seemed agitated after their big conference and asked me to stay in Tuesday for a family meeting. I was in a panic all day that I had been found out, wondering where I had gone wrong. Crazy ideas flew through my head. I was convinced I was headed off to military school in a week and would be disowned. My birthday was on...

2 years ago
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Missionary Impossible

( A Darkniciad story. About 8 mos. after ‘Queen Alicia’ ) Arilee checked her blonde locks in the mirror, and then turned to the half-elven woman at her side. “Thank you for coming, Cris.” “I have seen the change in Christi’s letters as well. I share your concern and love,” Crystania said, and gave a little bow of her head. “I pray you may aid her, as such emotional turmoil could prove troublesome for her pregnancy. If you are ready?” Ari nodded and closed her eyes, having discovered that it...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 17 Shobha Aur Bhawna Ki Milibhagat

Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Aapke mail mile mujhe, behad khushi hui. Chaliye aaj ka episode padte hai. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padne se pahle season 1 padhle jisse apko saari kahaniyo ki jad se pata chale. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id . PART 17: Shobha Aur Bhawna Ki Milibhagat Narrated by Shobha Akash ko drinks lane bhej kar maine apni saari baat Bhawna ko bata di. Bhawna ab...

3 years ago
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Dirty challenges made and accepted

You are at a party with Paul. You know about 1/3 of the people and it seems a friendly group. People are getting to know each other and a group in the back bedroom are playing “Dare”. Dare, you find out, is a game where you pick a card when your turn comes and must accept the dare, or take off something. One man is shirtless when you walk in, so the game has been going for a little while. One girl you don’t know is in her slip. You ask Paul to join the game with you, but he...

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First step in the world of sex

Hi,I am Amrit.I was 13 or 14 years old that time.Attending a marriage ceremony of one of my in laws(sisters devar).I did not know any thing about sex at that time exactly,but had a fascination about female body.In the crowded home,every room was occupied.I was sleepy by 11pm.My sister found me a room in the corner of their 2nd floor.A small room,with a single bed.A table and a chair with quite a few books on the table.Obviously whoever it was,a student used to live in that room.My sister...

1 year ago
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Genderwave The Astronauts

When the Genderwave swept around the world, it turned every man on Earth into a woman and every woman into a man. But not everyone was on Earth when this happened. In orbit high above the planet were seven men and women who would return to a world utterly transformed. GENDERWAVE: THE ASTRONAUTS by BobH (c) 2023 - Prologue - The motel lay just outside the sleepy town of Citrusville, some fifty miles from the Cape, and had seen better days. Not that such...

2 years ago
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Masturbation on subway train

This happened a long time ago - year 96 or 97 I think. I remember it was late in November or probably early December. I was a student and I would take the train from Harvard to Quincy. One day, I was returning home very late, close to midnight. I usually got into the last car of the train, because it would usually be less crowded. On this particular trip, I was the lone person on the car (probably next one also).A couple of minutes later, I realized I was totally alone in a public space and...

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First time with a new bull

"Well how was it?" I asked as my gorgeous but somewhat dissheveled wife returned to the house after her first date with a bull she'd met online."Oh honey he was so handsome, and HUGE! As soon as he kissed me and I felt that bulge in his slacks, I knew it was going to be a VERY special date indeed." She said."Tell me all about it" i said exitedly."Well I let him kiss me some more, and drop my blouse off my shoulders, he went after my tits like he hadn't eaten in months, all the while exploring...

2 years ago
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Introduction We develop a close relationship with

Introduction: We develop a close relationship with an other couple “God, Ellen, I'd love to take a swim in your pool. Do you think that you could lend me a swimming costume?”“I'm sorry, Joy, but I don't own a swimming costume.”“What? You have a magnificent swimming pool and you don't even swim in it?”“Of course I swim in it. We all swim naked in our pool, and visitors are expected to respect that rule too.”It was a hot Friday night. Joy and her husband Will, my husband, John, and I were sitting...

4 years ago
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The Spirit of PolandChapter 4

Anelie's big brother made a good horse. She knew this from past experience. It had been a while since she had ridden on Bogdi's back, not since before he had joined the army. Him on all fours, trying, yet not trying, to buck her off as she held on to his long hair as he took her around the room. Her laughing gleefully, even psychotically, urging her horsey on. Now his daughter did the same thing. Anelie sat next to Adanya on a wooden bench near the river. A park, of all things. A space...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Desires Ch08

It had been a week, Alejo sat in the darkened bar. Bella stood on the stage, a man played a piano behind her and a silver microphone waited. Her long hair fell over her shoulders and her dark eyes smouldered out at the crowded room. No one spoke, every eye was on her. Her breasts pressed against her white t-shirt, the black shorts showed off her shapely legs and she had tied a small red scarf, the same colour as her hair, around her throat.Her voice was husky, sultry and filled the room. He...

2 years ago
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After the womanless pageant

"It's best if you crawl in head first. The dress will follow you," instructed Holly as she guided Tim to the rear door of mother's Volkswagon Golf. As Tim (or Tabitha tonight) crawled carefully into the rear seat of the car, he used his hands to pull himself forward, whilst aware of the drag of the huge plume of material on his waist and hips. "Keep going all the way to the otherside, then try and turn a little and sit. I'll tuck the rest of the dress into the car beside...

2 years ago
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A Classic Car and a Classic Fuck

I'd been a petrol head since my early teens and, even if I say so myself was a pretty good mechanic. Well my neighbours must have thought so as it was always me that they called on when they were having problems. I was way cheaper than the local garages but still made enough to by my first car, a Vauxhall Cresta PA, as soon as I turned eighteen, the nearest thing I could afford to an American car. It was my pride and joy and I'd customised it to the hilt. White side wall tyres, black vinyl...

1 year ago
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Christmas Confessional

It was the Saturday before Christmas. As the new guy in the parish, it became my duty to man the confessional, so here I was, sitting alone in the semi-dark when I heard the door click and the swish of a dress to my left. Then… nothing. “Can I help you?” I asked.“Father Tim?” came the tentative reply.“Father Tim has been transferred. I’m Father Edward.”“Do you know where he went?” Her voice was deep, husky, that of a middle-aged woman.“I’m afraid not. I can hear your confession if you’d...

Oral Sex
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The Adult Next Door Part 2

As the plane touched down, she checked her purse and made sure she had her passport handy. She liked to travel light as she would only be there for a few days. She had a large apartment just 10 mins from the centre of the city so had everything she needed whilst there. “Just today’s meeting, then tomorrow afternoon and I’m free for a whole 48 hours to spa my heart out” she thought to herself. Bliss…… As she came out of the airport, rental car keys in hand, she thought she saw him and her...

2 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 26 Okay Rack em

"Tell me, Kathy, have you ever played pool?" The supervisor asked as they entered the cold, dark grotto. "Why, no, I haven't," Kathy was puzzled by the question. What could "playing pool" possibly have to do with the black leather and chrome torture chamber that lay before her. Although the lighting was almost as bad as at the Hood & Noose, she could see at least a dozen girls, some younger than herself, chained to the blood-spattered walls. In one corner a man was being whipped...

3 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 104

Saturday night found Phil and Hailey sitting alongside their friends at the summer opening of the Civic Light Orchestra – with Molly Kelly as third-chair cellist. Tiffany, of course, was there to support her girlfriend with Scott and Lisa Finley, Katelyn and Bob and Terrence Williams in attendance. Outside of Katelyn, none were knowledgeable about what the orchestra performed but they dutifully sat in the audience anyway. Just as Molly was the youngest member of the orchestra by a decade...

1 year ago
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My Slavery 8211 Part III

That was my third part of slavery please send me yours feedback on that my id is 9Clyde explained that this was his pleasure room. Staff was only allowed in here naked. The interview would be completed in this room and, as a potential member of staff, 99Jean could only enter without her clothes so if she wanted to complete the interview she knew what to do. Clyde opened a locker for her to put her clothing in. Jean felt that she had already committed herself enough and there wasn’t really...

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Summer StormsChapter 7

The next day, Susan and I worked at Mr. Kestrel’s house. Except for a short lunch break, we worked non-stop. We both wanted to finish the majority of the packing before lunchtime on Friday. We also had to decide what to do with The Room. We hadn’t used any of the bondage equipment again, and for the most part, that suited me fine. I thought it might be fun to tie her up and tease her—or some other willing partner—but it wasn’t something I fantasized about very often. The idea still excited...

2 years ago
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Halloween Can Be Fun

My name is Albert, I am 22 and I have a younger sister named Maureen who is 18! We have two parents as most people do, and their names are Albert and Faith, together we are the Prince Family! Yep, I have been getting shit about that name since I was old enough to be insulted! Every time I took a test, last name first = Prince, Albert! Getting girls to go out with me was an experiment in futility, once I announced my name. Most girls at that point had someplace else to be, told me they...

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