Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 33
- 4 years ago
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When Mandy and I went back in the house, things were pretty much wrapped up. All except for the part about who won the bet.
At that moment, a boy ran out of the bathroom, yelling “Dookie Volcano, Dookie Volcano!” He was naked too and looked like he had just finished taking a crap because his ass cheeks were glistening with brown.
“Get in there and unclog the goddamn toilet! I told you to stop throwing cherry bombs down there!” the woman threw a shoe at the boy.
Brown water seeped out from under the door of the bathroom onto the carpet.
“I am not going back in there!” the boy ran off into a bedroom and slammed the door.
“Well someone get in there, and god damned turn it off!” Mr. and Mrs. Simmons took no action to get up and deal with a plumbing emergency. It didn’t seem likely they would deal with their daughter’s situation either.
Eventually, someone did go in the bathroom, but after turning off the water, they shut the door and used a blouse to sop up the mess and block it from coming out from under the door. I had seen Julie wear that blouse before, and I knew it was hers.
I was ambivalent about whether Julie should join us at this point. On the one hand, if I was going down, then I wanted her to go down too.
On the other hand, her life was pretty shit at the trailer, and even I didn’t want to make it any worse than it already was.
Life at our house would be more structured. She’d definitely have food even if it wasn’t what she wanted or how she wanted to eat it. Julie had expressed a desire to change, but like Mandy’s desire to change, I still wasn’t sure how serious either of them was being. I certainly had no desire to change how I am. I assumed that since the other girls were bitches like me, they really didn’t believe this training would change them either and were lying to blow smoke up my Mom’s ass so she would hear what she wanted to hear.
The girls could have wanted to get even with my Mom and train her when this was over. That was still a strong motivator to me to endure whatever it took to graduate this program.
It didn’t seem to matter what I wanted for Julie though because the decision had been made and clearly her parents approved or at the very least didn’t care enough not to approve.
The only remaining thing to discuss was whether or not we had lost the bet my mother made on our behalf. I didn’t think it was entirely fair. My mother could make a bet on my behalf. Mom did get to decide what I did over the summer. I would have to grudgingly accept that the bet would stand if we lost.
“So then it is settled. She will come with me, and I’ll bring her back every weekend with more groceries,” my Mom summarized the decision.
“Yeah, we’ll see if you come back,” Mrs. Simmons was skeptical my Mom would put up with her daughter. She warned us that Julie would probably steal or eat us out of house and home.
“As we’ve explained, I’ve taken steps so that won’t be an issue, and I’ll report to you on her progress. I would also like to extend to you an offer to clean your house top to bottom and do yard work over the Summer,” my Mom said. She pointed out we’d probably make a day at the beach afterward if there was time and come over in our bathing suits to do the lawn work and wash outside if that was alright. My Mom smiled as she made the neighborly and very generous offer to help them without sounding like she was looking down her nose at them.
“Oh here it comes,” Mr. Simmons was annoyed. “Tell us how much money you want to clean the house and pick up the yard? I knew there was a catch. You can’t bullshit an old bullshitter,” he said.
“No catch, and no money. We’ll do it as practice and training to be better people and to do for others. The only thing is while we are here, she will be expected to be polite, obedient, and respectful at all times to everyone,” my Mom said.
Mr. Simmons began a low guttural belly-laugh like Jabba the Hutt the slime monster from Star Wars. His wife cackled more like a witch that just let two children walk into her candy house from the forest and shut the door on them.
“She’ll be polite, obedient, and respectful? Lady, you are crazy. I wish you luck, but god damned, Mandrell Sisters are on now, and I’d really like to watch this fucking program. I am tired of talking fantasies with you. You’ll be back by tomorrow to drop her trifling ass back off.” He said as he stared at the hot girls on the TV.
“You just like Irlene!” his wife sounded jealous.
“Who the fuck wouldn’t like Irlene? I like all three of them,” Mr. Simmons didn’t want to talk anymore. He drank his beer, lit his smoke, and watched TV.
“I just have one question for you,” Mrs. Simmons still had one question.
My Mom’s smirk suggested she was thinking, “Great! Finally, you have a question!”
“Why are you doing this for us?” Mrs. Simmons wanted to know what we would get out of it.
The one question she asked wasn’t about why her daughter was naked and hadn’t packed a bag. I didn’t hear everything my Mom and Julie talked about the training, but it sounded like they went into detail on how the sausage was made and explained about the spanking, protocols and the whole nine yards of what we would be doing. It was just was there some hidden agenda here.
“Julie pissed me off, tearing up my house, and she is a manipulative little bitch like my daughter. They are friends, and I would never stop them from being friends. I thought about it, but I realized that would only push them closer together and my daughter isn’t very likable so she really can’t afford to lose friends,” My Mom explained.
“Thanks, Mom!” I thought to myself, sarcastically. Mandy had a delighted look on her face at the burn my mother just made about me. Mom wasn’t wrong, though. I pushed away anyone before they could get close enough to betray me. The only reason Julie and I were friends was that she kept coming back after I betrayed her and we were both mean bitches.
“I see a lot of myself in Julie, and I am already helping my friend’s daughter...” My Mom started to explain, but Mrs. Simmons cut her off.
“Yeah, yeah, all that rah-rah stuff, you sound like a teacher,” Mrs. Simmons said.
“I am a Teacher at Vero High,” My Mom started to explain.
“I thought so,” Mrs. Simmons asked her question a different way. “What do you get out of this? You drive out here with your gas. You put food on our table. You want to make our daughter better. Nobody does that unless they are up to something,” she said.
I felt that was a valid point.
“I am so sorry we live in a world where it isn’t normal for someone to help people out. I don’t have to come out here and clean and bring groceries if you don’t want me to,” My Mom started to say.
“No, no, I didn’t say that now,” Mrs. Simmons backpedaled. “If you think you are better than us and that’s why you are doing this to get some pat on the back for helping us, then that’s fine by me,” she said. My Mom pretended not to take offense, but I could tell by the way her face twitched she wanted to give the woman a piece of her mind and thought better of it.
She added that she didn’t have any cleaning supplies though and looked at my mother expectantly. My Mom agreed to bring our own cleaning supplies when we visited these hillbillies to clean up after them.
Mrs. Simmons final concern wasn’t what her daughter was wearing to our house. It was to suggest we don’t bring vegetables next time.
“They’ll just go rotten and then stink up the trash,” she sneered at us like we should have known better and we had stuck her with stinky vegetables.
It really did seem that from Mrs. Simmons perspective, kindness was a form of weakness, and she didn’t understand why we would help her, but she didn’t care.
“Are you okay with her leaving like this?” My Mom asked in a tone that suggested our business was concluded, and the agreement had been made. Her parents had let her stand naked for the last 15-20 minutes in the living room and were clearly okay with partial nudity around the house. I don’t think they were okay with it as much as they hadn’t thought about what she needed to bring with her over the summer and didn’t care.
I wasn’t happy about coming back to this shit hole but the way my luck had been running lately, it seemed like I should have expected it to go this way.
“Well, I assume she’ll take whatever she needs. I ain’t kicking her out of the house naked if that is what you are implying. I can’t control everything her sisters do. If they rifled her closets then all she has to do is get back in there and rifle their’s back,” Mrs. Simmons implied that she was offended that my Mom would suggest she was a bad parent after all of this.
“No, it’s fine, I’ll go like this. I love you, Mom, I love you Dad, I’ll see you at the end of the week,” she hugged them even though she was in the nude and bent over enough we could see the wild hairs growing out of her pussy from behind.
“Okay,” Mr. Simmons said and waved goodbye.
I felt terrible for Julie as I was walking out of her busted door. Julie had a massive smile on her face like she faced a dragon and won the battle though.
A handsome boy a little younger than me I hadn’t seen before ran out of the back. He hugged his naked sister before she left and told her he loved her. I thought that was sweet until he reached between her legs from behind and goosed her so that she squawked.
“Jake, you asshole!” she smacked him in the arm playfully.
“It is Master Jake from now on,” my Mom instructed her that the rules were in effect immediately.
“Even Jake? but he is an asshole, Ma’am” Julie could clearly goof on her step-brother, and Jake didn’t take offense.
“That is true, but no bigger than yours!” Jake pointed at his sister’s butt with a self-effacing grin on his face.
“Even Jake. Everyone is your better besides these two sluts as long as you are in my summer school program,” my Mom said plainly in the doorway.
“Goodbye Master Jake. I’ll be back in a week, tell everyone to kiss my ass until I get back and when the summer is over I am taking back all of my clothes. Also, whoever took my best blouse and used it to clean up the bathroom, will you please break off a foot in their ass, Sir?” she said with a playful faux-formality that was hardly serious.
“Yeah, no, I won’t be doing any of that, and it was me who used your blouse,” he pinched her tit and ran off into the other room. “Smell you later, Julie!” he said as he ran off.
“Interesting family,” my Mom observed as we stepped out on the patio. I was just happy to get out of there.
“Yeah, I probably have lice now,” I said as I scratched my hair and itched my pussy under the skirt. I flicked my clothespin just a little to give myself a tiny thrill. It was starting to really hurt now though and feel like a dull sort of pain. I imagined taking the gripping teeth off my tender pussy flesh and putting it back on after the swelling went down would have felt so much better, but I didn’t dare tell my mother it felt good.
There was the humiliation of exposing my ass to strangers and being vulnerable and naked. It paled to the shame of anyone finding out that I had a heart and felt pity for Julie not being told by her parents they love her back. It broke my heart, but I didn’t want anyone knowing I was a softie. It also paled in comparison to the humiliation of anyone even me being aware that the stimulation from that fucking clothespin was making me horny enough to consider fucking even Rooster for a quick relief and then Flick afterward when Rooster failed to satisfy me. I would have even fucked Jake, and he was younger than me - which is saying a lot about how hard up I felt. I would have really enjoyed Jenny’s patient tongue circling my clit slowly while I diddled myself with a finger at that point though.
“I am just glad to get the f ... to get out of there, Ma’am,” Julie said it would take her a while to adjust to the new language requirements.
“Yes, and you’ll be punished every time to help you adjust. I hope you understand that” my Mom made it clear and I think she would have let Julie change her mind even at this point and go back inside if she wanted to do just that.
“Speaking of which are you going to undress right now or are you going to be a big old chicken and wait until you get in the car, Ma’am?” Julie rubbed her hands together like an evil genius whose plot had finally come to fruition, and she caught Mr. Bond in her elaborate trap. She smacked a mosquito on her tit. They were bad out here because we were in the boonies of Florida and it was mostly swamp and woods around us.
Rooster started cat-calling from across the way again when he saw us. He was trying to get my mother’s attention and sweet talk her. “Hey, pretty lady, why don’t you give me a sign? I’ll make you mine all mine!” he shouted.
“I’d like to give him a stop sign and shove it up his ass,” my Mom whispered.
“Now now, you told us that we have to be polite to everyone. Even Master Rooster, Ma’am,” Julie reminded my mother of the rule sweetly and then commented on how dumb the name “Master Rooster” sounded.
“You are correct, and I need to set a better example, thank you, Julie,” my Mom nodded in agreement. I could sense that Mandy didn’t like competition for teacher’s pet. Mandy had mentioned she liked being graded, and now she wasn’t getting all the attention. I would have to find a way to play Julie and Mandy against one another to make myself look better. “We may not like him, and he is a rude and annoying little man-child, but he is your better. We can all politely ignore him, and yes, I will be undressing inside the car. You’ve won the bet. As a teacher, I’ve met a lot of parents who take no interest in their kids. They see it as a chore to come in for a parent-teacher conference and assume we are there to talk about what their kid is doing wrong,” My Mom said.
“The only reason I got into the Catholic school was the judge said I had to go,” Julie admitted. We were about to leave, and we were doing a good job, ignoring Rooster when my mother noticed all our hubcaps were missing.
She walked all the way around the car twice as if perhaps the hubcaps would re-appear the second time she checked.
“Excuse me,” Mom said accusingly as she walked across the dirty gravel road to Rooster’s trailer. He had his feet up on a cooler and a beer in his hand. Keep in mind. The drinking age was still 18 back then, so that wasn’t illegal. He and his friend were sitting in a pair of folding chairs and smiling as she walked up as if they anticipated her being upset with them and didn’t care. “Have you seen my hubcaps?” she asked them.
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Hello everyone. I am David from Hyderabad. I have been regular reader and a big fan of ISS. I am very thankful to ISS for providing such a wonderful platform to express stories of our real life. This is my 1st story in ISS and i hope u people will like it. Comments and suggestions are welcomed. This actually motivates me to write more and girls/women in Hyderbad are also welcomed for personal chats. Give me feedback on I am 22 year old, with good height, have a athletic figure and working in a...
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Mom strapped sponges to our naked bodies with rope tied around our bellies so that the largest yellow sponges hung down in front of our freshly hairless and slick cunts and another to barely cover our butt cracks. It looked like we wearing an absurd loincloth or a very chunky bathing suit from a distance. Mom wrapped rope around the base of our tits and then around our back before wrapping it around the front and using it to tie two smaller sponges on our tits. She said that duct tape would...
The next morning, a Saturday, Taylor was awoken by a gentle knock on his door. He sat up to see Aunt Agnes waiting by the door. "Is something wrong?" Taylor asked, yawning. "I was about to ask you the same thing, Emily hasn't come by yet and I got worried," Aunt Agnes stepped into the room. "Worried? Why?" Taylor reached for his phone and realized that it was nearly noon. "Wow... She let me sleep in?" "Did you two have a fight?" Aunt Agnes asked. "No," Taylor replied. "I...
“Okay sluts, clean our guest’s cute little face-off,” Mom pointed, and Honey and Candy began to lick his face eagerly. “You too Sugar, you made the mess. The least you can do is lick it clean,” my own mother told me to lick my cunt juices off this strange boy’s face after she let him practice learning to eat pussy on me. I have to admit he did do a good job, but the old me would never have allowed him to use me as a training dummy. Mom had a thing about cleaning your own fingers after you...
Over the course of the summer, Taylor's life had changed in numerous ways, but the most noticeable change was in his morning routine. After agreeing to join the cheerleading program, Taylor was then quickly roped into Emily's morning jogs, so that meant being up early and in a tight running outfit. Once the run was over, Taylor would return to Aunt Agnes' to take a shower, which was a whole production, since he had an entirely new hair and skin-care regimen courtesy of Emily's cajoling....
“Why didn’t you curtsy on the way out, Fart Face?” mom asked as she took us to the car. She had noticed my laughing when Mandy stumbled and looked angry. “You didn’t tell me I had to curtsy, Ma’am,” I replied politely (as politely as I can. Polite and submissive isn’t a natural tone for me, so I have to fake it. I did my least sarcastic imitation of Jenny blowing smoke up my mom’s ass with her fancy talk). “You know I make Jenny curtsy when she enters or leaves a room if her betters are in...
We woke up in the dog cage that Friday. It had been a long week. Candy, Honey, and I slept with our hands cuffed behind our backs so that we couldn’t poke each other or masturbate. Our bodies were intertwined, and nothing stopped us from the bumping tits or heads. Mom angled us so that it would be very challenging to finger each other to give ourselves some relief. We spent all night on Wednesday night trying to get in an angle to finger bang one another only to be discovered in the morning...
Andy's Summer Vacation By Alyssa Davis It was a cloudy June afternoon, one week out of school on summer vacation, and already all my friends were out of town. Boredom took me to my mother's bedroom to talk to her. Unnoticed, I stood watching her at her dressing table applying her makeup. I always enjoyed watching her apply all the her beauty aids and found it fascinating. She did it with such artistry. The transformation from a plain housewife to a very fashionable lady was...
Changing Channels- Summer Vacation We'd all made plans for a week at a lake house months earlier. It was the summer vacation between junior and senior year in college, and five of us fraternity brothers had a place lined up for the end of June.? We knew the lake was chick and party heaven from other guys that had been there in previous years, so we were good to go.? I'd divvied up the responsibilities; Keith was in charge of food, Bill was in charge of beer, Gus was in charge of the...
When I was young I was an athletic and adventurous boy. I had dark hair blue eyes and a nice tan because it was about halfway threw summer vacation. Climbing trees, riding my bike, and exploring were at the top of my list for fun activities, not much is different today. This is the story of a small piece of my sexual awakening, the first time I shared myself with another person, what it was like and how it felt.A month before school got out for summer vacation a boy named Chris moved to...
ROBIN'S SUMMER VACATION Robin Jacobson really hated the end of school. Not because he liked school all that much, since he was a 10 year old boy, but because it meant that summer vacation was coming. And that's what he hated. It meant going to his aunt's farm for eight or nine weeks. Not that Robin hated being out in the open, far from it. Given a choice, he'd be in his home town on the Jersey Shore, not far from the boardwalks in Point Pleasant and Seaside, or playing Little...
Did I tell you how much I miss your sweet kiss? Did I tell you I didn't cry? Well I lied! Did I tell you how much I miss your smile? Did I tell you I was okay? Well no way! – Adam Ant, "Wonderful" (used without permission) Thursday, June 7, 1984. 11:30 am The first two disappointments came on the last day of school, a Thursday. It was only a half day, just long enough to get our report cards and tie up any loose ends. Then we all sat around for two hours, gabbing about our plans...
Joan was aroused from her nap by the flight attendant’s announcement that they were beginning their descent into Coastal Regional Airport. Joan yawned and sat up in her seat noticing that her short sundress skirt had ridden high up her legs during her nap revealing her tanned thighs to the heavy gentleman setting next to her in the aisle seat. He had also had a teasing view of her firm breasts which was permitted by the unbuttoned top buttons revealing most of her tanned braless tits. She...
Introduction: A week at the beach offers new opportunities and adventurous sex SATURDAY Joan was aroused from her nap by the flight attendants announcement that they were beginning their descent into Coastal Regional Airport. Joan yawned and sat up in her seat noticing that her short sundress skirt had ridden high up her legs during her nap revealing her tanned thighs to the heavy gentleman setting next to her in the aisle seat. He had also had a teasing view of her firm breasts which was...
His page: Part 1 After all the shit that happened with Derek and Heather at the beginning of the year I can safely say that the rest of the school year went really well. My sister Elizabeth found herself a boyfriend, some straight laced guy in the choir at the local church named Greg of all things. The girls and I got things worked out with a little negotiating on my part, Katy and Kori got along just fine but Mathilda felt left out a lot of...
Summer Vacation – Naughty Teacher What did you do over your summer vacation? Well for starters I turned fourteen years old and my parents dragged me off to Fucking No Where’s Vile in the middle of Nowhere. Actually it was Michigan, I think. I’m pretty sure that my parents were swingers, into group sex, or had a bunch of fuck buddies…or whatever you call it. Anyway apparently they took over this small motel that had about a hundred rooms in a four-story building. Our room was...
I want to tell you about my best vacation ever; it happened three years ago. I should go back and tell you a little about myself. My name is Daniel Myers. This happened after my freshman year at college. Growing up I was always short and skinny for my age. I just didn't seem to fit in. I didn't get picked on but I never even kissed a girl or went on a date till my senior year of high school. I was a smart kid and received excellent grades but I had to work for them. I was too small for most...
Chapter 1: First Day My wife really wasn't a prude, I would call her extremely conservative. She was a beautiful woman when we married and she has not lost her beauty. Our marriage of fifteen years has been a good one; I have no complaints, other than Mary being conservative. When I say conservative I mean it and every sense possible, grocery shopping, automobile purchases, necessities for the house and our clothing. Its true, our savings account is much fatter under her guidance where it...
The Teachers Summer VacationHe was a new teacher at the high school, (young, hung and single) and all the girls thought he was dreamy. Because he was able to teach both chemistry and several math classes, he had gotten the job of his choice. It was a very upscale suburban area and close to the small tract of woods he had with the cabin he was building. It was a very modest log cabin but he had some interesting additions. There was a solar outdoor shower and a wood fired sauna. Down the hill was...
“What did I tell you would happen if you get an erection? I can’t even sleep without you getting in trouble! Blair go get Tyrone!” my Aunt insisted angrily as she towered over me. Blair had Tyrone with her in anticipation of what was about to happen, and my Aunt didn’t even notice that this was no coincidence. Buddy and Lewis started to laugh when I was told to get back into the Thermometer position and stick my butt out to get slapped. “Do I need to spank you on the willy or will across...
Summer Vacation A joint legally copyrighted by Rd LePew, please don't redistribute without permission ([email protected] , I'll give you permission, don't you worry about that) Written July 11, 2003. Summer Vacation Tim Wheeler sat alone in a very large waiting room. There were a few magazines for him to leaf through, but he was much too excited for something as mundane as Newsweek Magazine. Here he was, on the cusp of a lifelong dream. And he was to be the first. Just...
Oh, PUH-LEEZE! Did she just say that? Did a twenty-first century professor of literature and composition assign an essay on 'My Summer Vacation' to her class of twenty-first century students? I believe the last time I was given this assignment was in the forth grade. Professor Hixon continued, "You can make it as long or as short as you want as long as it's at least a thousand words. You can use as much slang, idiom and dialogue as you want. This essay will be graded on originality and its...
Mid-June to mid-September, 2004 Summer vacation was fun. With both Mom and Dad having jobs that didn't permit them to take three months vacation, we kids spent a lot of unsupervised time doing whatever we wanted. Carol and Donna had their own social circles, and I socialized mostly with Brent as he lived just up the street from me. We were the same age and had some of the same interests, so that was good enough. We both had plenty of time to kill. I had a summer job working in a warehouse...
I will never forget seeing the movie, Tommy. There was a scene early in the movie that profoundly affected me. A montage displays the honeymoon of Captain Walker (Robert Powell) and his wife, Nora (Ann-Margret) After his leave ends, Walker goes off to fight in World War II as a bomber pilot but is shot down during a mission. “Captain Walker” is listed as missing in action and is presumed dead, although—unknown to his family—the badly burnt Walker is in fact alive. His wife remarries a man...
My Obsession, Part 2 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation By Ricky This is a sequel to "My Obsession". You might want to read it first. Monday, July 8 I could hear the water singing in the pipes as Mary Ann took her shower. I had just gotten out of the shower myself. My body was dry but my crew cut was still a little bit damp. I stood in my bathrobe, eyes still glazed with sleep, a bra dangling from my hand. MY bra. A bra like I have worn every day for the past couple of...
When I returned to my Aunt’s duplex for lunch, I was still high on what fun we had. I knocked on the door because I didn’t think it was okay for me just to walk inside. My Aunt came to the door and said I could come in without knocking, even though Buddy and Lewis always did. They were standing next to me when I knocked. “Thank you, Ma’am,” I said as I started to undress at the door. “So about this little game you played,” My Aunt picked up the pom-poms in the box I had been carrying and...
Hello ISS readers, I’m regular reader of this site, this is my first sex story, please forgive my mistakes in the above story and thank-you. Usual I start with my introduction. About me, I’m John Anna als age of 18 with my tool of 6 inches, height of 5’6 feet, and reddish average body built. Anyone can link up with me mail me at ID: mail me you r feedback and don’t neglect to send. The incident I’m going to tell is happened to me in my summer vacation at my grandpa village. basically I live...