- 2 years ago
- 25
- 0
Ivan left for the upstate campus before the Tutlock brothers arrived at the estate. It was late; night was falling. He had a long drive ahead of him and a chance to ponder all that hap happened As he cruised thorough the night on Route 17 he had plenty of time to play the weekend memory over.
Of course Mrs. Tutlock's visits to his bedroom were disconcerting. The sex was great, but he wondered why he didn't regret his unfaithfulness to Robin more than he did. What Beryl had told him as she undressed herself in his room was ringing in his ears. What did she know? Should he expect a 'visit' from her at his every visit to the estate; and where would that leave him if they were found out?
Robin's behavior disturbed him even more. As nuptials approached she seemed cold when he thought she would want to be closer to him. He could get over her refusals, though irritating, but wished he understood better. He didn't believe her 'time of the month' excuse. The worst of it was her humiliating parading of him shirtless at the photo session. How could she have done that to him? It got under his skin that he'd stood still for it.
"Love will conquer all," he muttered aloud, with only himself and his half-finished coffee to hear the words.
How hollow they sounded, having only the value of the empty cliché that they were. He stared ahead at the blackened road, following the headlight beam,
He thought of his own parents. He realized that he hadn't thought of them enough of late. The Tutlocks' snub was nasty and he realized that by saying nothing he was part of it ... Ivan pondered the vast differences between their lives and the Tutlocks'. They had not a fraction of the wealth of his in-laws to be.
"At least they weren't ready to kick me out because I messed up on that Bio course," he reasoned in the darkened car. "Ma would never have made Dad parade around shirtless for photos—and Dad was pretty well-built when he was my age."
He told himself that things would have to change. He knew that he had to play by the Tutlock's rules, but only to a point. Although Robin was the heiress, he would be the husband. Their name would be Horton, not Tutlock. He would bed his bride and he would not be a boy-toy of her mother. Ivan challenged himself to live up to his bold resolutions.
"Sounds easy to say, but..." he mused in the darkness.
Rebecca met Ivan in the carrel as scheduled. As she thumbed though his notes and lab report he thought she would be pleased. She went through it without speaking, making a few notes in the margins.
There was a part of the lab that Ivan knew wasn't right. He'd done the best he could, and then given up on it. He expected a caustic rebuke as she arrived on the sinful page ... She took a deep breath.
"Oh-oh, here it comes," he warned himself
He could see her thinking—probably thinking up some king of stinging remark to highlight his incompetence. As he thought she was ready to speak she eased the stored breath from herself, closed the notebook and handed it to him.
"Done!" she said. "Do you have any questions about the next lab?"
"I'm surprised that you passed right over the hard part of the lab without a word about it."
She gave him a surprised look, perhaps that he had squandered her leniency.
"You're right—I'm sorry," she answered. "I'm just not myself today."
"What's the trouble? Can I help?" he asked.
"I don't think so."
She squinted at him through her black-framed glasses. It was an opening. Ivan thought to make good his exit, and he almost did. As he turned to leave the carrel his feet seemed to be stuck to the floor...
"I'm not myself, either," Ivan offered.
She continued looking, but didn't speak. Ivan was ready to give up, but decided on a final attempt.
"You tell me yours and I'll tell you mine," Ivan tried again.
"I can't," she admitted. "I'm not very good at that sort of thing, and we're not very close, anyway. I know you're trying to be nice, but..."
"What've you got to lose? After this Bio course is done with you'll never see me again."
She was silent again, eying him as though he was a burglar that she'd caught in a private room.
"Let's go across the street to the student union and have something to drink," she said at last as she closed her books and stacked them on the shelf...
Ivan bought himself a coffee and Rebecca a tea in the cafeteria line. They found an empty table in an isolated corner and relaxed into the chairs.
"Tell me yours first," Rebecca said.
"The trip to Southampton wasn't very good," he began. "I have a lot of things to think about."
She didn't say anything, but cocked her head in a way to let him know that she expected him to spill all of it.
"Robin was like another person. She didn't even care if I was there or not—except when she needed me to perform some little act for her friends. It was like being a trained seal. She would parade me in front of her friends and then send me to a corner until she needed me again. I even had to take off my shirt for the photographer so they could all see my muscles. It was humiliating."
"I suppose so," Rebecca answered. "You asked for the pudding. Now you have to eat it. Maybe she'll settle down after the wedding. She's under a lot of pressure. I've seen those rich families in the Hamptons. They're all alike. I don't even know the name of this one, but it doesn't matter. To them, life is just one show after another."
"Speaking of families," Ivan continued, "I've treated my own parents like bags of dirt. Robin's family thinks more of their servants than they do of them."
"Is that their fault—or yours?" Rebecca asked.
Ivan was surprised that Rebecca seemed to understand the whole thing so well. Maybe it was because it was so easy for him to tell her. It was hard for him out because she wasn't the type of girl he was ever interested in talking to.
"You've got a point there," Ivan confessed. "There's more. This part you won't believe."
He told her about how his mother-in-law to be, came to his room—not once, but twice while Robin slept in her room down the hall.
"I wonder if I did the right thing in having sex with her," he said as he finished the story.
"Definitely not," Rebecca pronounced. "There is only one acceptable circumstance to have sex with anyone. It's when the lovers are free to give themselves to one another. You can't take what you want when someone might get hurt from it ... If you can't respect yourself or your partner after you've done it, then it is not the right thing to do."
Ivan hung his head. He thought he knew a lot about sex, but was finding out that he did not.
"But look," he heard her say almost in afterthought, "maybe your mother-in-law to be did you a favor in the long run without even knowing it."
"Huh?" Ivan grunted. "What does that mean?"
"That is a question you will have to answer for yourself," Rebecca said.
Ivan scratched his head.
"You haven't taught me much Biology today, but I'm learning some other things," he admitted. "I was actually hoping that you would just tell me not to worry about it and everything would be alright."
"Sorry, Ivan, I couldn't do that. I always speak my mind."
Rebecca took a sip of her tea and Ivan poured some cream into his coffee. It was an uncomfortable pause, as both of them sank into their own thoughts and struggled to climb out of them.
"I'm going to be a man," Ivan thought to himself as he stirred his coffee. "It's about time. It's a little late for some things, but better late than never."
Rebecca had finished her tea and it looked like she was getting ready to leave. That didn't sit well with him—to be the sole beneficiary of the conversation.
"Now you tell me yours," Ivan blurted out.
"That's alright," she answered. "I'm just in a bad mood because I have to go to a dinner tomorrow night that I really don't want to attend."
A person who did not know Rebecca very well would not have recognized her as she stood on the hot sidewalk in the late afternoon sun. She was standing in front of the book shop, over which she rented her small apartment. She awaited her ride to the unwelcome dinner.
If a single word was required to describe her it might have been 'delicate'. She had put aside her overalls, which made one think that she was a little overweight. Instead, she wore, a sophisticated ensemble made of gauzy material in a black and white print. On top, was a sleeveless shell that she could cover with a black sweater of light cotton. In the heat she just held it along with her small handbag. On the bottom were matching pantaloons cut full so that at first glance one thought of a full-length skirt.
The outfit accentuated her thin frame and pale white skin. Her feet, which peeked out from the bottom of the pantaloons were clad in thin-strapped sandals with a little heel to raise her up just a little. She let her long, black hair fall free, unveiling her natural tight curls. They cascaded to her shoulders like a waterfall of ink, contrasted with the skin of her bare arms. She even set aside the glasses with the dark frames, in favor of her 'good' pair with the small lenses and almost invisible wire rims. It was a look that Rebecca could make provocative or neutral, depending on her intent. She fidgeted as she waited for her ride.
It was her idea to wait on the sidewalk. She told her escort it would be easier to do that than for him to find a place to park in College Town. Her real reason was that for him to call on her at her apartment door was just more personal than she was willing to accept...
Before long, a high-end Saab wheeled around the corner and Rebecca recognized the driver. The sedan stopped and she pulled the passenger's door and climbed in.
"Good evening, Professor Gilbert," she said in a soft voice. The air conditioner in the car was running, so she draped her sweater around her shoulders, covering her bare skin.
Gilbert pulled into traffic and then cast an admiring glance at her.
"Rebecca," he exclaimed, "you are absolutely stunning!"
She didn't answer. The comment sounded phony to her—and she knew she looked nice, but not stunning.
"I just know that this restaurant in Elmira will be exactly the right place for us to discuss your future," he went on. "It's one of the best that I know in the area."
Rebecca had never been very good at small talk. She sought an alternative to conversation. There was a CD player in the dashboard and a stack of CD's in a compartment beneath it.
"May I play some music, Professor?"
Rebecca saw her host grimace, which she guessed he thought he had hidden from her.
"Of course, Rebecca," he answered. "Most of my music is classical. You might try some Beethoven."
She disdained the haunting, sensuous strains and deep, passionate bass chords of the Master.
"Have you any Bach?" she asked.
"Possibly," he replied, appearing a little disappointed. "Look through them."
She found one and started it up. She turned up the sound and the passionless mathematical precision filled the passenger compartment.
She looked out the window and they were headed out of the city, to the rural area outside of Town. She peered out the corner of her eye at her mentor as he drove. At middle age he had not lost his looks. He was neither fat nor slender. His hair was light brown, with a few speckles of gray. He sported a van dyke beard, which hid the corners of his mouth and put one at a disadvantage in discerning his facial expressions ... He was well-dressed—perhaps a bit too dapper, in Rebecca's opinion. His car well-appointed.
It was a twenty mile drive to the restaurant and they said little on the way, listening to the music, instead.
At last, the Saab pulled to a stop in front of an old, but polished building. A simple sign was hanging over the front door: Price's Inn.
"Here we are!" Professor Gilbert announced. A parking attendant opened the door for Rebecca and the Professor joined her on the sidewalk. He handed the keys to the valet and soon they were being escorted to their table by the Head Waiter.
It was a nice dinner at the old inn. It was seldom that Rebecca was exposed to such things. The décor of the restaurant was bright with an understated elegance. It wasn't the darkly lit bistro style that Rebecca expected. Their conversation centered on 'shop talk'. Professor Gilbert enthralled Rebecca with descriptions of research projects to be, awards that his other grad students had won, new additions to the labs. All the time the focus returned to Rebecca and her fledgling career. It was heady—inspired all her dreams to come to mind ... She knew that her imagination was soaring. On a night of self-indulgences she allowed herself a private one...
"How was your meal?" he asked.
"It was wonderful!" she exclaimed. She meant it, too. She'd learned how nice luxury could be and that it was alright to enjoy it. She learned a lot about the Professor, as well. His womanizing reputation seemed to be a myth. He had been a perfect gentleman throughout the whole evening. He really was interested in her career, after all. It made her regret her chilly attitude on the drive over.
The waiter arrived with the dessert menu.
"Professor Gilbert, I couldn't!" Rebecca exclaimed while glancing at the menu of sweets. She would really have liked one, but knew how much he had already spent on her.
"I want you to call me 'Boyd," he corrected.
Rebecca stifled a smirk. "Alright, Boyd," she answered in a tone she thought was cool. "But I just can't ask you to buy me a dessert on top of everything. They all look so expensive."
"Oh, I insist that you have one," he answered. "We must always be sure to taste the sweet things as we go through life."
His philosophical words confused her and she was sure there was a double entrendre cloaked in his dictum, but she didn't quite get it. As she tried to decipher it she noticed him moving his chair a bit closer to her.
"Have the Raspberry Torte," Gilbert said. He nodded to the waiter and he set it before Rebecca.
"And for you, sir?" the waiter asked.
"Just leave two forks and we'll share it," Gilbert replied. "We don't want to get too full."
Gilbert turned back to his guest who was starring at the pastry in front of her. He leaned closer and rested his arm o the back of her chair.
"You're wondering about what I said a minute ago," he told her. He took a deep breath.
"One sweet thing that we have in our department," he began, "is the closeness that we all share as colleagues. Don't you see that, Rebecca? I decided to invite you here to get acquainted, rather than in my stuffy office. Hasn't it been a nice to get have a nice evening like this.? It's important to me. I just don't feel comfortable working with students that I'm not close to."
"I guess so," Rebecca mumbled
"You see," he continued, "we need this feeling of closeness to function well together. I try to foster it, especially with my female students who need help from those of us in power. I have power to use and share. All my grad students, who's Assistantships are renewed, have a close relationship with me. After spending this evening together I feel that you and I share this closeness. You could ask me anything—and, I feel like I could ask you anything."
He closed his large hand over her small one. "We have so much to give to one another, don't you see, Rebecca."
She tried to make sense of what he was saying. Everything they'd talked about the whole evening made so much sense—research, grants, new labs, the cutting edge. All of a sudden he was speaking in riddles.
"I don't get this; what's he talking about?" she asked herself.
She'd drank a martini before dinner and she wondered if that was having its effect As she thought about it Gilbert stroked his thumb over the back of her hand—as he had never removed his hand form hers. She hadn't noticed that, lost in her thoughts as she was. He stroked the back of her hand some more and she looked down at him doing it and then up at his face.
"Now I understand what he's getting at."
"Well, how about it, Rebecca?" Gilbert asked.
She looked back down at the table. His hand hadn't moved off of hers. It was as if he was holding her there, although she could have pulled it away and buried it in the pocket of her pantaloons. She wanted to, but it wasn't easy. She was so close to it all—the research grants, the new labs.
"They have rooms upstairs," Gilbert said. "I took the liberty of booking one. They're beautiful—really luxurious. You'll really be impressed."
He was caressing her hand again. It was a gentle stoke, but an insisting one at the same time. She kept her glance pointed down, trying to hide the fact that her heart was beating faster.
"I never thought it would come to this," she moaned in silence. "Naomi would have guessed it—and they be on their way upstairs right now."
Those dedicated to science must sacrifice whatever necessary to further their knowledge. She had always believed that, as Madame Curie and Rachel Carson must have.
"Someday I'll be a professor and he'll be long-gone. I won't even remember this little affair."
"You've hardly touched your raspberry torte," she heard him say. "It's delicious."
"Besides, I'm twenty-five miles form home," she thought. "What would I do?"
She set her fork on the plate and looked up at him.
"I not hungry," she answered.
She rose without saying any more and led him out of the dining room. The deal was set. Her heart ceased racing.
"We'll have breakfast tomorrow morning in this same dining room," he promised as they made their way out of the dining room.
They stopped at the front desk where Gilbert signed for the dinner and asked for the key to the room. The clerk was expressionless, and didn't even glance at Rebecca. She was convinced that it was because she didn't matter—as noteworthy as if she had been a piece of Gilbert's luggage. It gave her a dirty feeling, but she was committed. While Gilbert signed she thought.
"It's just sex, a one night stand, nothing I haven't done before. I'll just get it over and done with. I'm sure I'm not the first and probably not the last."
They mounted the stairway and climbed to the second floor. There were only eight rooms in the small inn on the second floor of the restaurant ... Their room was at the end of the silent hallway. Gilbert turned the key and swung the door open. Rebecca surveyed the small, but luxurious quarters. In the center was a king-sized bed fluffed in the middle by a downy comforter. The bed was so large that there wasn't room for much else, although there was a small chest of drawers sandwiched into a corner.
The big bed demanded her attention. She couldn't stop looking at it. Perhaps the giant bed had consciousness and a memory. If it could speak, what would it tell her? Had it known the man who had followed her into the room and was standing right behind her? She took a deep breath, trying to purge the questions from her mind.
They didn't speak. The only sound was rain pelting the window. She stripped off her sweater and set it on a nearby chair. Gilbert did the same to his sport coat and tie. He kicked off his shoes.
Her fingers went to the bottom of her sleeveless shell, about to lift it over her head. She wondered if he knew that she hadn't worn a bra,
"Probably so," she guessed.
She was about to lift her top up and over her head when she felt his hand on her and that made her stop, He turned her to face him.
"I like to do that myself," he explained, "but first—this."
He approached her and peeled her glasses from her face, then kissed her. He tasted of coffee and smelled of after-shave cologne. Rebecca kissed back, but she knew that it was a half-hearted reply.
"You feel a little nervous," Gilbert said. "I imagine you're new to this. Don't worry. Soon you'll like it."
He paused and she noticed that his expression had changed. He put away his solicitous smile. There was something else. Rebecca saw it as a kind of smirk, but beyond that she could not understand what his face was telling her. His hands were tight around her arms at the elbow.
"How will you be on your first time with me, Rebecca?" Gilbert asked in a hushed voice, but she knew it wasn't really a question. He took a deep breath.
"I'm going to strip you," he went on, "and soon you'll be lying nude in the center of that bed, waiting for me."
He turned his face from her toward the big bed so that she would look at it, too.
"Some curl up into a little ball, trying to hide themselves," he laughed. "Such false modesty!"
He shook his head and Rebecca began to understand his smirk better.
"Some just lie there passive and accepting."
His voice turned into a growl and his eyes sparkled.
"The rest get wild. They spread themselves to show me everything while I take my clothes off. They stretch out their arms to me. They can't get enough. They can feel my power and they want some of it for themselves."
Rebecca was shaking, thinking about what Gilbert had just said, wondering what she would do. Gilbert didn't seem to notice her shaking because he was panting.
"Actually," he said after pausing for almost a minute, "I like the second kind the most because they knw why they are where they are and understand the power I have over them. I hope that's what you do, Rebecca. You look like the type."
Rebecca stood motionless, waiting for him. He began to lift her top until the bottom halves of her breasts were bare.
"You're braless," he gasped. "I hadn't noticed. You must have known we'd end up like this, after all. I think I was wrong about you, Rebecca. You're a bit more wild than I guessed."
He paused in lifting her top the whole way, as if playing peek-a-boo with the white, round flesh.
"What a beautiful sight. I can't wait to taste them," he said. "It's almost a shame to lift it off all the way."
He stroked the underside of one breast with his fingertips, as if to try it out. He bent his head lower, sure to put his mouth on it.
All at once, with all the strength she had, Rebecca pulled away.
"No—No—No!" she cried.
She ripped away from his grasp, ran out of the room and down the stairs of the inn. In a few moments she was out the door and on the street. She didn't stop running until she found herself at a gas station at the end of the street.
She was out of breath and crying. Her hair and clothing were drenched from the rain that was pouring harder all the time. The gas station was closed for the night, but there was a pay phone, on the outside wall but she had no money with her.
It occurred to her that during the summer session the campus, many miles away, was nearly deserted and none of all her friends had stayed after graduation. There was only one person that she could try. She dialed information.
At the fraternity house Ivan was playing pool with Jerry. With raining so hard they decided to stay in for the night. The phone rang and Jerry answered it while Ivan went to the refrigerator in the basement for two more beers.
Jerry called out to Ivan, who was returning two fresh bottles in hand.
"Ivan, there's a collect call for you—someone named Rebecca—you wanna take it?"
"What would she want?" Ivan wondered out loud. "Alright! I'll accept the charges."
He handed Jerry his bottle and then took the phone receiver from him. It was Rebecca, alright, at the other end of the line.
"Ivan, please help me. I don't know who else to call. Please come get me." He could tell Rebecca was crying.
Rebecca told him a few details and then Ivan hung up the phone and turned to his friend.
"Jerry, we've got to go to Elmira."
"What's going on?" Jerry asked after they had piled themselves into Ivan's car.
"Dunno for sure," Ivan answered. "It was my Bio tutor on the phone. She sounded like she's in trouble."
"I thought you didn't like her," Jerry countered.
"I don't!" was Ivan's quick reply. "I'm just curious, that's all."
"Sure, whatever you say," Jerry laughed. "It sounds more like 'while Robin's away, Ivan will play'."
"I wouldn't be taking you along if it were that," Ivan said.
"I thought maybe she had a friend..."
"No, it's not that," Ivan insisted. He thought for a second. "Look, it sounded like trouble. I need you. I might need help."
You're asking me for help?" Jerry mused. "Ivan you're a changed man. What's gotten into you?."
Ivan laughed with Jerry, but was thinking about what his friend had just said. He conceded that Jerry had stumbled on something that was more-or-less true, even if he had stumbled on it by accident. The new truth was, at least, a possibility but by no means a certainty.
"I really don't like her," he assured his friend., "at least, not that much. She's okay if you give her a chance."
"Then why are we driving through the rain in the middle of the night?" Jerry asked.
"I dunno ... I dunno," Ivan mumbled.
It was a truthful answer, but an unsatisfying one. At least it was so for Ivan, who squinted to see the road through the oncoming headlights and the downpour. There would be time to figure it out later.
Rebecca waited outside the deserted gas station for Ivan to arrive. It was locked up for the night, so she stood in the rain, wet and shivering. As she searched the dark streets for an approaching car, Gilbert approached her. He was drenched from the rain, as she was.
"Rebecca, I've finally found you. Thank goodness you're alright. Please come back to the hotel room. We can start where we left off. All will be forgiven."
"I won't go back there!" she yelled back at him over the roar of the downpour. "You made me into a whore!"
She backed away from him, wishing to hide her face but afraid to let him out of her sight. She began sobbing—which made her ashamed at showing her feelings to him, but she couldn't help it.
"It's not like that, Rebecca," Gilbert answered. His smirk was returnng. "We were just beginning to make friends. Think of what you're giving up."
"I lose either way," she sobbed. "Why does it have to be like this? I only wanted to be..."
"This is the real world, Rebecca," Gilbert answered. "Something given for something received. You're making too much of the whole thing. It's just a night of pleasure after a nice dinner. What would be the harm?"
"I would always know," she sobbed. "It would ruin everything that..."
Gilbert drew closer to her and held out his hands to her.
"Just a night of pleasure," he said. "What's wrong with pleasure? Believe me, you're won't be the first. Now stop this silliness and come back to the room with me."
"Not the first," Rebecca sobbed, "or the last."
"Rebecca," Gilbert countered, "you're not like the rest. You're special. If it were anyone else I would just get in my car and drive home and let you fend for yourself. But look, I'm out here freezing in the rain with you, trying to make you see..."
"I'm not special," Rebecca sobbed. "I'm just a whore."
Gilbert shook his head in disbelief.
Come on, Rebecca," he pleaded. "Come back to the room with me. Do you really want to walk back to campus in the dark?"
The rain was washing the resistance out of her. She was so cold, and the walk back home didn't appeal to her very much. She didn't like Gilbert very much, but she knew that far worse than him cruised the lonely night roads.
"What if a police car sees me and stops," she asked herself. "I'll have to tell my whole story. It would be so humiliating."
"You'll find that I'm actually quite a good lover," he prompted, perhaps sensing that she was weakening.
"I've had plenty of lovers," she shot back at him. "Don't be so sure of yourself."
It was an answer filled with defiance, but already she sensed that it only served to save face.
"Rebecca," Gilbert repeated.
"And don't think of yourself as a lover," she said.
It was more defiance, but she felt herself looking for a chance to give in with some dignity preserved ... She cast her eyes down at the ground, as she knew he would be smirking in triumph. A sudden light made her look up. It was a car's headlights and glare blinded her from seeing much else. She waited for the car to pass by. There was no use in having spectators in on her moment of humiliation.
The car seemed to slow down. She wished that it would hurry so she could get the whole thing over with. Perhaps it was a well-meaning stranger stopping to inquire and she would heve to assure whoever it was that everything was alright—even when nothing was alright. But that, at least, begin the end of it.
The car stopped. If she could have held out for just a while longer it might have been Ivan, who'd promised her that he would come. It was too soon to expect him.
I hope everyone is enjoying the series. Your feedback will go a long way in improving my writing. I hope everyone reading is vaccinated. Let’s dive back into the lives of Shivani and Rahul. West coast and sea-facing rooms didn’t get much sunlight. This resulted in Rahul and Shivani waking up late, around 9 AM. Shivani was super happy as she had a good night’s sleep without any disturbance after a very long time. Rahul wanted to go to the beach. Shivani was a bit apprehensive as she didn’t have...
IncestI hope you have read the previous parts of the story. Shivani and her son Rahul began their incestuous relationship. Shivani ordered dinner. They both went to separate bathrooms to get fresh. Shivani felt if they went into the same bathroom, they might not come back anytime soon. Shivani needed a bit of rest from all the humping she had just received from her son. They had dinner, and Shivani helped Rahul unpack some of his stuff. It was about 12 when Rahul’s hormones had kicked in. He was...
IncestShivani and Rahul’s initiation into incest continues. Do read the first part of the story. Shivani: I don’t believe you. Have you never masturbated before? Rahul: I don’t even know what it is, mom. Trust me. I have never done it before. Shivani: Oh, Rahul, you are still a kid. Oh, ok, I will teach you how to do it. Rahul got super excited on hearing it, but he couldn’t show it on his face. Shivani and Rahul had to control these emotions, which was getting very difficult with every passing...
IncestI am Rahul, back with the fourth part of the series. I hope you all have read the first three parts. Shivani was 5 months pregnant when she relocated to a remote location. Rahul would constantly be in touch with his mother. Both would have sex chat on WhatsApp video calls. But Rahul’s work had him always occupied because he couldn’t visit his mom. It had been two months and Shivani was due in another two months. On one of their many sex chats video calls. Rahul: How is my baby? Shivani: The...
Hello to everyone from Rahul. I hope you are reading this, have taken their vaccine shots, and are doing well. I pray for a quick end to the pandemic. Hopefully, the year 2022 will be a great one for all of us without COVID. Keep reading my stories, and keep pleasuring yourself and sharing the love. Tragedy struck Shivani after 3 years of her marriage. She and her husband were lovers in college who married each other straight out of college. She was 7 months pregnant and was traveling from...
IncestIt was 7:30. Payal kept ringing the doorbell. Finally, Shivani, draped in a bedsheet, answered the door after 10 minutes. Payal came in and was shocked by what she saw. Shivani got rid of the bedsheet and was naked again. Payal stared at her big ass that swayed from side to side as she walked away from her to the bathroom. Payal’s gaze came back to the five naked bodies on the floor. To the left, there was a gap where Shivani was sleeping. Next was Rahul, whose head rested on Kavita’s boobs....
IncestThe seventh part of the erotic series based on mother Shivani and her adopted son Rahul is here. I hope you have read and enjoyed the previous parts. Shivani: Payal, I am leaving for work. I have pumped out breast milk and kept it in the fridge to feed the baby. Payal: I will take care, ma’am, don’t worry. Shivani: You look happy. It seems like Aakash fucked you this morning. Payal: Yes, Ma’am, Kavita ma’am also joined us today. Shivani: I am horny already. I will have to wait till the...
Welcome back to the fifth part of the story. I hope you have read and enjoyed the previous parts. Kavita: I told you my secret. What’s yours? Shivani: Well, I too have a secret, but it’s a big one, and yours is hardly a secret. I found it out on my own. You got to give me something bigger than this. Kavita: Just because I am curious about your 180 degrees turn around, I am willing to tell you my secret. Shivani: I am listening. Go ahead. Kavita: Rashmi, our daughter, she one day saw us...
I hope everyone is enjoying the series. Your feedback will go a long way in improving my writing. I hope everyone reading is vaccinated. Let’s dive back into the lives of Shivani and Rahul. The next day too, Shivani had taken the day off. She had gone to Kavita’s house early morning and got her baby Ramya back home. The day went by with no action as Rahul was busy with his office work. Kavita came to visit Shivani in the evening after banking hours. Kavita: In the morning, you looked super...
I hope everyone is enjoying the series. Your feedback will go a long way in improving my writing. I hope everyone reading is vaccinated. Let’s dive back into the lives of Shivani and Rahul. Shivani introduced Payal to Rahul before she left for work. Both Rahul and Shivani had decided to introduce themselves as husband and wife to the world. It was true as they had gotten married. Payal was instructed to take care of Rahul for everything. Shivani: Payal, take care of Ramya. I have made breakfast...
IncestI hope everyone is enjoying the series. Thank you for your likes and comments. Your feedback will go a long way in improving my writing. I hope everyone reading is vaccinated. Let’s dive back into the lives of Shivani and Rahul. Rahul woke up the next morning naked in bed with a slight headache caused by a hangover. He had one too many drinks last night. He rubbed his eyes to get rid of the blurred vision and started to look around. He found Yamini sleeping beside him. He got up, sat at the...
IncestI hope everyone is enjoying the series. Your feedback will go a long way in improving my writing. I hope everyone reading is vaccinated. Let’s dive back into the lives of Shivani and Rahul. Rahul and Rashmi were alone. They knew what they had to do, and they wanted to do it. Rashmi knew Rahul had fucked his mom, and Rahul knew Rashmi had done it with Shivani. But they still were hesitant as they had just met for the first time. Rahul decided to make a move. He got up and moved closer to Rashmi....
IncestHai girls and boys. if you are interested in me after reading story. Please mail me at i wait for you. Let me tell you how I fucked my luscious bhabhi (sister-in-law) Shivani. This is a long erotic story about the luscious lady, who is more stunning than the story. She is from Punjab, a 28 year old woman with a fair complexion, nice apple sized breasts (normally Punjabi girls have full ripe breasts), and a nice tight, but big, ass which moves with a lot of sexual promise. Her figure is...
Hey this is Deven again from Pune. 21 height 5’7, tool size 6′. This is a story which happened when in my second year of college. My girl Shivani (obvious name changed) is 5’4 amazing boobs for her height, her stats are 34-28-32. You know today’s girls right they all want a slim body. Shivani was from my school only and later she joined our college. She stayed a little far from my place. We all have groups in college right, so in my group there were 5 boys and 6 girls, Shivani knew Amrita from...
Hello indian sex stories dot net friends…Rahul here ..Aplog meri purani stories bhi pdh skte hai “Mummy ki palangtod chudaiyaan” mummy ki taxifod chudai” & mummy ki jungletod chudai”…..Ap story pdh k mujhe revie jrur dijiyega whther good or bad jaisa b apko lge meri email id ya hangouts pe – …..Male,female sbi story ko pdhiye and apna feedback jrur dijiye and ladies agr ap chat krna chahti hai to b ap meri id pe mail ya hangouts kijiye…Chliye ab story pe aate hai Ye story 2yr pehle ki humare...
I hope everyone is enjoying the series. Let’s dive back into the lives of Shivani and Rahul. Preeti, Ravi’s wife, and Shivani were licking each other’s cunts in 69 position. On the other end of the bed, Aakash was at the bottom with his dick in his wife’s pussy. Ravi was drilling into Kavita’s ass from the top. A tablet of Viagra helped the two last longer. Once Kavita was done, she got replaced by Shivani while Kavita licked off Preeti. Preeti was a pretty looking woman, wheatish in color and...
Hey all… Myself Raj back with yet another new experience and yeah this time something new. Drop your comments @ Firstly wanna thank all the true/fake/despo/ladies and other profiles or people who dropped comments showed interest and then create negative environment. Sorry guys,girls & ladies. These are my true experiences and I would not like any of my sentiments hurted. Appreciate you behave properly. Anyways back to fun… Out of all mails received I got a mail from a Muslim couple from...
Welcome back. This is Rahul with the sixth part of the story. I hope the readers have read the earlier parts and enjoyed it. It had been 4 and a half months since Rahul came back to Bangalore. The sexual urge had taken over Shivani, and she again started having sex after 4 months. She did get Rahul’s approval before indulging in sex with another man. Shivani had begun having regular threesomes with Kavita and Aakash. Rahul had a dry spell, and he didn’t want to fuck a whore. Shivani would...
Benedict, Ben or Benny, Horton, Veronica, or Ronnie, Horton nee Parker: that's us. Both aged forty. Married going on fourteen years I guess. Happy? She is, I'm not, and for damn good reason: she's been cheating on me. And, not just cheating on me, but serial cheating on me, with at least four different men including my boss, and that for at least the last thirteen years; she admits to that long. And, I just found out about it today. Fuck! How did I find out? Well, that's the story, at least...
Hello guys and girls, I am Kabir and today I am gonna share with you a story about an Indian milf I met and had fun with. This is the story of her life and I am gonna write it in parts. This is the first part of the story and I will soon update the next part. I am writing this story from her point of view as she told me. So, let’s begin. My name is Shivani and today I am sharing with you an incident that happened with me which changed my life. Let’s start with my introduction, I am 29 years...
My love to all iss readers. This time I am back with a very erotic story. This act happened a few weeks back with my neighbor shivani (name changed). shivani is 21. She has beautiful face and decent features. she was talk of our area and she never gave a damn to any guys and was always spotted with other group of hot chicks around her. A month ago i received a friend request from her on fb and i accepted that after few days as i was not website for sometime. Initially we spoke for few mins for...
Here is the eighth part of the series. I hope everyone has read and enjoyed the previous parts. The weekend was a group sex day for both mother and son. Rahul would spend most of the weekend in bed with Nadira and Pallavi. Their arrangement of only sex was going great for everyone. Nadira and Pallavi were in love. Pallavi had moved on from Rahul and had dated a couple of guys after Rahul. But he still had an all-access pass to both women’s cunt. On weekdays Rahul does his best to find time...
I wasn't sure I wanted to go to Randy's party. On the one hand, it's the last days of the winter break, and I had only just gotten back into town from seeing my family over the holidays - it would have been nice to take this Saturday night off and get things in order before class starts up on Monday. Professor Hensley has already sent us an email with an advance reading assignment. 250 pages to read before the first day of class? Fuck you, asshole. That's some messed up shit. On the other hand,...
GayHi readers… This is my first narrative on this site. This is a one off incident that I encountered accidentally. I had no devious intention to however was unable to help the outcome of this escapade. The story is about a maid call shivangi.. She isn’t my maid she used to work as a maid at a friend’s house. This friend is a colleague and resides in calcutta and I was just visiting calcutta from overseas I’m based overseas permanently but travel often to calcutta for work. My friend was going to...
By : Johntvm1990 Hello friends am John aged 23 from Trivandrum. Hope everybody is fine. After reading this story please leave your comments at Any mature ladies, aunts and young girls from Kerala can mail me for secret sex chat . Privacy is assured. It was a long day after my hectic works I decided to go trivandrum to finish my project works in the afternoon. I reached Ernakulam bus station and waited for the bus. I sat on the bench and my eyes roamed around for my bus. Just then an aunty of...
Hello Readers, this your one and only JJ back with you with a hot sexperience which I had recently experienced with one of the female readers, her name is Vani 30 yrs of age with a fantastic body. This is my true experience with her vital stats 38-34-38 this is what happened when we decided to meet up. The warm water from the scented bath trickled in tiny droplets down her soft, tanned skin; lingering over the mounds of her breasts before falling from her erect nipples onto the multicolored...
Hello friends, this is raj from Ahmedabad i had always loved reading stories on this site and enjoying different people’s experience….I was a simple guy from a small town from the district of Ahmedabad….after reading all the incest stories I started to think of my bahbhi as my bed partner and slowly desire arose in me to have a continuous 12 hour sex with her….and at last I succeeded in it last month….this story is about how I made her like me and have sex with me….here the story starts. I am a...
IncestHello everyone, I’m Rahul 25 years of age and I’m from Bangalore. This incident took place 2 weeks ago. I was in search of some naughty ladies. So I had contacted some people if they knew any girls/ladies who are looking for some fun. One guy told that he can help me but I have to work for him as a call boy for at least a year. Later, he asked me to send my pics and details. I had to attend an audition with a worker from his agency to work for him. He asked me to pay 2k for the registration and...
I previously mentioned how Ray and I had met up with the holy fathers at a nearby seminary when we were teenagers. The one that was very sexually active was call Leon and we met up with just him quite often. He was really only interested in Ray but enjoyed me being there watching and occasionally he would suck me off which was great. He was always pleased to meet up with us and we would nearly always go into the woods where we first met but we would sometimes go to the back of the seminary...
Elizabeth was worried. Stan had come in, sat down at his desk with barely a "Good Morning," and appeared to be listlessly looking at something on his computer. "Stan? Is everything all right?" she'd asked him. "Yeah, sure" he answered, continuing with whatever he'd been doing. She looked at him. Hair unkempt, what looked like yesterday's shirt on, Stan had clearly not taken time this morning to look in a mirror. His face lacked animation, his eyes lacked sparkle. Elizabeth felt...
"This Halloween we will be hosting the first ever "All Whores Eve." No one will be admitted to the party unless they come in their best sexy, slutty, costume. The cover is only $20 which gets you in the door, entered in the costume contest, and see a special live performance by pop sensation Gwen Stefani starting at 8 pm, and she has promised to join the party after the show in a rare opportunity for fans to meet her in person with her lovely Harajuku girls. All drinks served in our special...
In The Schoolgirl Riley Reid learns a lesson in the restroom while over at her friends house studying for a test. When she sees her friend’s older brother Mick Blue Riley can’t concentrate so she goes into the toilet to masturbate and think about him. Just as Riley is about to have an orgasm, Mick comes in by mistake. He wants to leave but horny Riley wants to taste her first cock. After sucking his huge dick and having her pussy eaten, Riley gets fucked hard until she orgasms. Mick cums...
xmoviesforyouGina Valentina is a young dirty little whore that loves to masturbate. Her Step Father, Donnie Rock, finds out about her sex toys and decided that its time to have a chat with her step daughter about all of this. He wants to send her in military school but Gina is ready to do anything to get out of troubles . Watch Gina Valentina taking her step father’s cock and swallow his big fat cock down her throat, then she rides him like a pony and Mr Rock ends up pounding her little tiny step...
xmoviesforyouI was a fairly late starter, (not from lack of trying mind). I didn't lose my virginity until I was 18 (I'd been slipping girls the finger and licking pussy since 16 though) Me and the girl I was going out with at the time (who was also a virgin) had decided we were definitely going to lose it together. Unfortunately we both lived with our parents and we both had one stay at home parent so doing it at each others house was out of the question and neither of us could afford to book a hotel...
Boyd awoke to freezing cold, taking in a sharp breath of the frigid air and feeling a burning in his chest. His ears were ringing and he couldn’t remember where he was, did he have a concussion? He tried to sit up, but the pain was too great, and he collapsed backwards into the snow. Snow? As his vision cleared he saw a dark sky, snowflakes floating through the air, his breath freezing into clouds of sparkling crystals. His breathing was coming in wheezing gasps, something was wrong, the...
I felt emotionally numb that night after they voted to keep me as their toilet slave. Damn! They have no right to keep me their slave because they voted to keep me! During the night, a thick muff, either Erica, Darcie, or Francesca came to me to shit. Then again some time later, maybe the same person even, came to me to pee. Then later still, a shaved pussy that I knew was Laurie came to pee. Once, Julie came to me to pee and lick her bloody pussy clean. I dozed between being used as a...
Introduction: Bobs busy schedule Bob grabbed his clipboard from the work board hanging in the shop and glanced over his job assignments for the day. A smile crept across his face as he read down the list. Broodings – wall outlet bad Stone wire to work building Cronnis ceiling fan install Shannon sump replacement afternoon He turned and headed for his truck, this was going to be a busy day he thought to himself. Three of the names were familiar he had done work for them before. He had been to...
My husband came home unexpectedly, and much to my surprise, he wasn't upset."Oh, I've wanted to have sex with both of you for so long now," Eric said, as he began undressing.Well, having a threesome seemed like a very small price to pay. Although, this was still wrong."Eric, I just cheated on you," I said, as I cried a bit.He immediately came to me in his boxers, and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed me numerous times, so he obviously wasn't mad."Hey, you let me have sex with her, I guess I...
IncestAs soon as I got to the office the next morning I went to Fiona's cubicle. She hadn't arrived yet. I left a yellow post-it sticker right in the middle of her monitor, asking her to come and see me. Fiona arrived a little later, carrying a plastic coffee cup in one hand and my sticker in the other. "Morning, Liz. What's the problem?" "No problem, not really. I just wanted to talk to you about a personal matter." "Shoot." Fiona sat down on my visitors' chair, taking a sip of her...
So far, Rosa's marriage to Cyrus had taken a great turn since the two of them opened it up to include Alberto and Flora, though only those two up to this point. Cyrus got to fuck both Rosa and Flora, as did Alberto, but Alberto was only allowed to do anal sex with Rosa, and Cyrus only did vaginal sex with both girls. Alberto had no such restrictions with Flora, of course. Cyrus simply had no interest in anal intercourse, because he thought that it was "dirty". Alberto had, however, gotten them...
Group SexMy wifes older sister and her husband were staying with us temporarily. A decade older than us my wifes sister was still attractive while her husband had salt and pepper hair but neither was out of shape. It was later in the evening when my wife was licking my shaft. Charlie had come home alone earlier and he gone to bed upstairs so we didn’t bother to shut our bedroom door. We spent some time licking and whispering dirty thoughts before straddling me my wife began her slow descent onto my...
My first mmf experiences were when I was still a teenager. I didn't think of myself as bisexual back then. I thought of myself as a gay guy. I was occasionally attracted to girls, but I thought that was just a phase or something. So I had a boyfriend and he and I planned to be monogamous. My friend Lucy was about two years older than me. She had been out as a lesbian since she was very young. Nobody was surprised that Lucy and I became very close friends. Everyone was surprised they saw...
Maspalomas, Gran Canaria. My little sister looked at me, 'Why there', she asked, intrigued more by the fact she did not know where it was, so I pointed it out on the map, before elucidating more on its main attraction.'Our Mummy is an extreme exhibitionist'. I tailed off wanting the word to sink into her inner self, my sisters eyes widened as I continued, 'you will be paraded for old men to wank off to', and having given my short graphic synopsis, the still all too fresh memories of last year's...
I'm home bored and lonely. I've cleaned the house so much you could eat off the floor. Watching TV just isn't working for me. I've got to find something to do. Something to take my mind off being lonely. I want to call my friend but his wife might answer his phone. I take a chance and send him a text message. “U got a min?” Waiting for his response, I'm about to go crazy. When he does respond, he says what do you need baby. My response is simple and too the point, “You”. He calls me and asks...
“Do you think he knows what wedding nights are for?” Rory asked. “Oh, I’m sure,” Amy said, waving her hand. “He’s spent enough time on Earth, right? He knew about the rest of the wedding.” “Well,” Rory said, biting his lip, as if trying to think of a way to say this tactfully, “he thought he knew about dancing…” “He danced! That was dancing!” Amy laughed. “And this…this ridiculous heart-shaped bed is where I make you Mr. Pond.” “That’s…not how it works,” Rory said, nonetheless...
I was sitting in my car outside of the gym, thinking about what Gina-Marie said, and about the lust in her eyes and probably mine as she fucked my ass with the dildo the week prior. She and I were both imagining that the dildo was a real cock. Could I go through with it? How would I even approach the topic? You can't exactly walk up to someone and say "Hey, so my wife thinks you should bend me over and have your way with me while she watches." I looked at the time. Damn! 6:05 AM. I am late. I...
It was only two hours from sunset, and I was still in my laden state of a vampyric sleep. I knew he was there, watching over my sleep, to ensure my safety. Even though we were two completely different creatures of the world, he seemed to care for me more than I had ever imagined. Again I hear the footstep as he enters my room, but stays in a dark corner as he does not wish to disturb me. Even though I was fully awake my body wouldn’t allow me to move to look at him. He seemed to understand what...
SupernaturalWe became online friends. Her interest had been piqued by enema scenes that I had included in my stories. She admitted that she had never had anything “back there” before. I was surprised at her interest in enemas, although not entirely shocked. I should back up a little. I’m a fifty plus guy and Olivia is an eighteen year old blond, a beautiful but seemingly innocent young lady. Well, maybe innocent in the real, physical world, but certainly not in her mind. As I said, she expressed an...
AnalMonths passed. No phone call. No email. No nothing. Ma started drinking maybe even using drugs. She hasn't been able to maintain. It seems like everyday we're about to be out on the streets,but thankfully Ma finds away. I've been trying to do my part as the man of the house now. I mow lawns around the neighborhood and picked up a mail route. I also, may sure Johnny is staying out of trouble and staying occupied. My Mom's usually leave him with grandma. I'm too old for that, so she lets me...
Kamil and Karim had been blessed many times over. They were tall and handsome with fit, well-formed bodies. Kamil, who was twenty-four and a student at the university, had a beautiful girlfriend who he planned to marry upon graduation. Karim was three years younger and was working in his father’s shop until he entered the university the next year. He had never had a serious girlfriend, but with his good looks, he had many available admirers who were happy for him to fuck them. Therefore, he was...
IncestAs the two pained teens made it back to their cabin, they couldn't help but notice the grey overcast sky above them. Clearly, they had made it back just in time before a storm hit. The two had barely made it, Freddie's leg giving him some major trouble as he pulled Jade, who he knew was in pain from their lovemaking, through the woods.Almost immediately, Jade rushed to the bathroom to check herself and to clean herself up. She felt really dirty between what they had done, and being in the woods...
It was almost 9 at night on a tuesday, here I am sitting in my car waiting at a local desert cafe for a girl. Little did I know that this girl would be the most amazing girl I have ever met. She told me she had to work late so she would met me at a desert place around the corner from her place. I waited patiently until I saw a car that I knew was hers, she had told me what kind of car she drove so I just knew it was her. She was a beautiful woman, Auburn hair down almost to her shoulders, 5'6"...
EroticIt’s Wednesday morning and like usual Dr. Aubrey Black is horny. Lucky for her, she doesn’t have a patient right away so she decides to make use of her favorite glass dildo. But as she begins pleasuring herself with it she loses track of time and pretty soon her patient is calling to be seen. She then comes out scantily clad, takes him into her examination room, takes his vitals, and starts the physical examination—which then leads to her sucking his cock. As the two are fucking on the exam...
xmoviesforyouDay Fifty-three - Thursday My eyes opened because I had heard a sound. There it was again. Noises were coming from out on the street, but I couldn't tell what it was. I got up, pulling my 9-millimeter from the headboard drawer. I looked out the side window, but I couldn't see anything. I heard the noise again and went to the other side, the side where the patio was, and looked toward the street. In the middle of the street was tin can. Pushing the tin can was a raccoon. I guess the can...
Robbi's Story Part 4 I woke up same as the day before with Missy looking at me smiling. "wake up sleepy head." she lisped. He helped me out of bed removing my elbow cuffs. Silk gloves and booties that constantly had my toes pointing down. I slipped into my 3" mules and made my way into the bathroom my morning erection tenting out my panties. As I sat down to pee I had to remember not to stab myself with my 1" nails. Yesterdays events came flooding back to me as I sat. Helen from...
(Hello readers, it's my 2nd story on this site, and I'm currently busy with some paid job. but I'll be always around and soon fully back on this site. like the last one, this story is also a work of pure fiction and not copied from anywhere. unlike my other stories, this one includes many death scenes and some sex scenes that might be disturbing for you. but I'll always give a spoiler before going ahead on that path. you'll find nearly every fetish(es) in this story and I'll be looking forward...
Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 2 Angel wondered what he'd have to do to get grounded. He really wished he could get grounded. A nice, quiet day scrubbing floors, dusting corners, or even hand washing the laundry and dishes sounded nice, and an afternoon restricted to his room with nothing but some books for company sounded wonderful. But no... his aunt and uncle were too clever for that. Too diabolical. Not only did they do what they could to get him...
Written by C.W. Evans Chapter One The midsized town she grew up in had to have more she thought as she desperately tried get her loans for college. Jen knew that if she was accepted that this would be her chance to bigger and better things in life. As she opened the letters from different colleges she grew with joy as she was accepted into a small but prominent college on the East coast. Upon arriving at college she found out...