Classy ConversionsChapter 38 free porn video

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It was the end of January. The holiday season had been the most joyous in decades, and the Presidential Inauguration speech had the highest televised audience in history, both numbers and percentages. The announcement that the termination ban would be made permanent as the first order of the new congress was greeted with the wildest of enthusiasm.

The research and development of fertility treatments targeted at increasing male pregnancies had come out of the closet with a bang. The fact the operators of a slaughterhouse first discovered it was footnoted in small print on the research documents. The impact of the discovery was not. The underpinning of the PCA was the population imbalance. This was no longer valid.

The PCA in America was fully uprooted by the Supreme Court decision immediately after the inauguration, with the announcement that it was a violation of the 13th and 14th amendments.

The religious objections to such selective pregnancies were swept aside as women all around the world sought to balance the next generation with male and female members.

The anticipated Chinese reaction to the President's Executive Order was a paper tiger. Future historians would say that the threat was greatly overrated and should have never been accredited for the act in the first place. Like all histories, the facts would be written to fit the future conceptions.

The various states reacted differently to these events. Even though the activities were unconstitutional, the state laws remained on the books pending legislative repeal.

In Illinois, the situation was complex. The Lottery act was itself not associated with termination. Thus the Selection board was still in business. The Termination act portion of the Population Control Act was declared unconstitutional, and thus no longer enforceable. But no one initially closed down the Lottery.

So, David continued to keep his doors open in response to selection processes. From eight thirty to nine in the evening, Monday through Friday, paid staff and volunteers answered phones, took down intake information and filed exemption requests. The information was separated so that financial and other personal information was associated with the index number and not a client SSN. The clients got a copy of the print out to take with them, as well as a copy of the exemption letter and it's associated reference number.

When the legislature finally enacted a closure of the Lottery act on January thirtieth, David sent the last of his people home, closed the offices and took Margaret on vacation to Florida, for a long needed rest. Some of his friends took advantage of the closure to remain at the plant and enjoy free room and board.

What is Slavery? What choices reflect Free Will?

It was a chilly February day in the lecture hall at the University of Chicago. Professor Edwards' class on ethics in society was an elective class for the humanities, and he was hard put to get any traction to have it upgraded. So far, he had marginal success. Hopefully with this new subject it would take on a better light and he would see tenure.

"That is the heart of our class today" Professor Edwards said to his law class. "What is the core of free will and how does society limit or control it?"

Looking out to his crowd of intelligent women, Edwards launched into his favorite spiel. "Slavery is the indentured servitude of one person to another without compensation, and obedience is conditional against reprisal. People enter Slavery voluntarily or are forced by a system that deliberately strips them of their rights and actions of free will. Who can give me an example of Slavery in this country?"

"The condition of the Negro in the southern states before the emancipation proclamation?" A young woman said from the rear of the auditorium.

"Yes, Ms. How do you pronounce your name?"

"Haflie, sir. I don't want to burden you trying to pronounce my last name."

"Yes. We have had many circumstances of slavery our history. And all of them are terribly distasteful. Can you think of any other examples?"

"Germany during the Second World War. Russia after that war. Cambodia in the mid twentieth century. Ethiopia, Niger, Myanmar and Somalia at the turn of the century." Haflie continued.

"Excellent examples. Now, more recently, one of my graduates asked me about the instance of slavery during the recent PCA era. Does anyone know what I am talking about?"

Everyone was silent for a few moments. After a short time, Haflie raised her hand. "Do you mean the Goats under the PCA act, sir?"

"Yes. Exactly. These young women were sentenced to death under an unjust law. Some of them were yanked from the flow of doomed women and forced to work under uncivilized conditions and assist in the murder of their fellows. Regardless of the incentive to do this, fear, coercion, or preferential treatment, it was as unjust as the status of the Negro in the Carolinas in the eighteen fifties."

"Could you please explain that with a little more detail, Professor?" Melanie Clark asked.

"If we accept the concept of free will as a society, then we accept that we are all responsible for our actions, regardless. If we do harm to our fellow man, we are reaping benefits to which we are unentitled." Edwards said. "If you are taken from a flow of doomed people, and you assist in the deaths of your fellows, you are as guilty as the person who is the initial owner of the slaughter house. These human "Goats" as it were, convinced their fellows to die. And as was pointed out at Nuremberg, there are no innocents when crimes against humanity are concerned."

"Professor that might not be an accurate view of the situation." Haflie said, raising her hand.

"Ms., Hafie. This is not a discussion. This is a lecture. I think taking notes would be more appropriate for a student such as yourself. I expect that much of this will be in the newspapers shortly. Now, given these facts of bondage without free will, how heavily can the perpetrators be punished? And where does the guilt lie?"

Hafie and Melanie both took careful and exacting notes for the remainder of the lecture. Realizing that perception was power, they both realized that speaking up now would not be good. They had to get the news of this to David as quickly as possible.

Legal Persecution. Not Prosecution

The former graduate student was Colleen McNair, currently the assistant Attorney General for the State of Illinois. A diligent and tenacious lawyer, Colleen has a personal interest in Findley. Colleen had been investigating Findley since her youngest sister Sarah's termination.

According to Sarah's friend Kitty, under deposition and under oath, they had refused a substitution request. "They said that they wouldn't trade prime for pet food."

This started Colleen on a personal crusade to punish those who had killed her sister. And she pursued it with every tool at her disposal. Beginning in October, She had detailed two research clerks to find the laws and ordinances that Findley would have had to comply with, regarding their business. Additionally she researched any of the statutes surrounding the PCA and it's administration.

After weeks of the clerk's investigations, Colleen was finally able to convene a grand jury investigation on ethics and possible irregularities of Findley's conduct in the administration of the PCA. The question was "Did selective behavior by the termination and butcher facilities constitute prejudicial behavior?" That none of this was germane to the law at the time was irrelevant.

Grand Juries were the prosecutor's tool to get the permission to go to trial. They are extremely powerful institutions with immense power. In the right hands, they are an extremely useful tool in uncovering injustice and wrongdoing. In the wrong hands, they make an excellent podium for a witch-hunt.

Grand Juries are also supposed to be secret. The testimony, evidence, and even the existence are supposed to be classified. They are the Prosecutor's personal dry run at bringing people to Justice, and as such are considered not to be "Public". Even though the public pays for them, they proceedings are considered too sensitive to be publicized unless an indictment is brought. Even then the methods and practices are never fully disclosed.

People summoned to testify were not given the advantage of consulting with a lawyer and could be ordered to testify regardless of implications to them. In most states, all witnesses were denied legal representation. In fact lawyers were usually barred from the proceedings.

Case Law

Colleen did not intend to enter into the argument about Findley's methods of termination. That was too easy to defend. Nor did she want to get into the any of the other aspects of the operation.

The basis for this case would be that there was prejudicial selection of people by Findley and their management. Since the mention in many of the exclusion orders and extensions referenced "value to society as a whole", she felt that she could make the case that the process of evaluation was "capricious and prejudicial" and unfair.

This would give her two sets of charges. One was slavery. Slavery under the PCA was defined as "Unfair coercion to cause a person to accept substitution under the selection act, or to provide services in exchange for not being selected." The goal legally would be to stretch this definition to include not just selection but execution, and to extend the process to the slaughterhouse and not just the Selection Board.

The troublesome issue seemed to be in the regulations governing the use of "Goat" assistants in the slaughterhouse. There seemed to be no firm guidelines on the use of these people, or any guidelines over how they could be selected. They could not be used to do work undertaken by Union employees, nor could they be used in a brothel. But there were no recommendations over treatment or use. The limitations were that they had to be registered in five days, extensions were filed after thirty days and that the extensions were for ninety day increments.

Colleen also hoped to develop a case where a person was forced into this situation against their will. Or prove that they had been placed into this situation capriciously or by prejudice.

The big challenge would be showing that the goats were pulled illegally. Proving that to a jury would be a challenge, but Colleen felt that if she could bring enough charges, that Findley would take a plea bargain. Pleading guilty to one felony count with twenty years was better then being convicted of two hundred counts with possible death penalty for each one. Willful Manslaughter was second-degree murder. First-degree murder would be pressed and charged, with manslaughter as a fall back. No way these people would get off Scott free. They would pay for killing her sister.

Colleen could still remember seeing Sarah on the spit at the ASPCA banquet. She would get revenge.

And so people were summoned.

Legal Discovery

No legal charges can be brought against a person or a business without either evidence of violation of a law, or conspiracy of intent to violate that law. You can be prosecuted for writing a document that advocates the overthrow of a government by force, even if you do not take any action in that direction yourself. Conspiracy is about intent. Not about action. Thus it is the hardest to prove and the hardest to defend once the ball starts rolling.

To establish a slavery charge, Colleen started with interviews.

First on the list was Delores Freeman, a retired manager at the PCB, subpoenaed to appear to testify. Delores swore in her statement that Findley did not receive any preferential treatment under the Act, and that in fact they had been a minor player up until the last six months of the span of the act.

"David was always very polite and essentially small fry. H&S and M&H were the real players. Until H&S was closed for health violations, David never gained any real allocation under the MAB."

"Why was that?"

"He had a niche in the marketplace. His selections were usually destined for the pet food industry. Women who reported there were not going to be in a meat case, but a soup can or pet food can. His initial intake was never more then fifty or so a week."

"What changed?" Colleen asked. "And remember you are under oath."

"The situation with H&S. The state had a seventy-five thousand-woman allotment per year for population management. David was a bit player. I think the only reason he was ever in the business was to provide a secure place in case his wife was selected."

"SO he could provide an escape hatch for her?" Colleen said.

"No. So he could have the termination done humanely. Everyone knew that Merle Hill was an absolute horror. And no one knew anything about M&H. Margaret and he both told me that hearing how her sister was terminated. Imagine being skewered alive and then roasted?"

"Were the records of the exempted and the excluded kept along with the reasons for exclusion or exemption?" Colleen asked.

"Yes. Along with all the Goat registrations."

"Goat Registration?" Colleen asked. "What was that?"

"David kept more goats longer then anyone ever did during the entire PCA program. He maxed out his number from the time Margaret was exempted and kept that up to the end of the law. And he kept the same group for almost the entire time."

"Really? Is this unusual?"

"Yes. Merle Hill never had more then six of his allotted sixteen, and they were never kept longer then three weeks. I think he used them for his personal brothel. When he and his men got tired of them they termed them." Delores continued.

"And how was Findley different?"

"Well, when Margaret was exempted, she took an interest in how operations were done. She and David changed the operations model significantly. He told me once he had the most valuable senior staff in the world. A leading lawyer, Clinical Psychologist, Market development manager and Woman's chair at the University of Chicago. And all of them working to change the model." Delores said. "I think he was more prepared for the end of the PCA then anyone was."

After subpoena of the MAB records it wasn't long before a pattern began to form in Colleen's mind. If you were special or connected, or had something to offer Findley, they kept you around. Usually a week or two, but sometimes longer, depending on how and what you were used for and what you had to offer. Of the sixty goats that had been in the three locations while Findley managed them, twelve had voluntarily changed their status before the repeal of the PCA. Three were there from the beginning. One was Carol Black, who Colleen did not want to see just yet. Just in case she is a co conspirator.

Cindy Carmichael was another. A bubble head and a piece of fluff if ever she saw one, Colleen didn't want to touch her for fear of the political fallout. Her mother had a reputation of being a shark and having too many connections. That left one that was one of the longest members. Colleen decided to meet with her last after she got the preliminaries out of the way. Cracking one young woman would be easy. She was barely past being a teenager.

First on Colleen's list was the union steward. Marty Robinson was a large, beefy man, with strong arms and a clear mind. As a member of the Teamsters 2953 he was also unemployed. The PCA had put the entire union group out of business, but they were pursuing contracts in other venues. One of them was the possibility of Tofu product development. "Protein is protein," they said in their advertising, and Stienhauer was already announcing a large-scale production plant to be fully staffed by union membership.

"Mr. Robinson. You were the senior steward at large at Findley's, and later Findley and Stienhauer?"

"No mam. Never Findley and Stienhauer."

"I see. Just Findley's then."

"Yes. We did retraining for the Stienhauer team, but they were under a different team with a different steward."

"I see. What did the duties of the union butchers consist of at Findley?"

"We were the initial slaughter and butcher teams for Findley."

"And did that change?"

"It never did. The Teamsters were always the slaughter and butcher teams at Findley."

"We have seen some evidence that Candy Mitchell and others were actually Union members, even though they were selectees. How do you explain that?"

"That is correct. Fact in evidence before you with reference to her membership book."

Marty said with a smile. "The circumstances of the employee membership are contractual. She voluntarily became a member in good standing, and was the most respectful and hardest working member I have ever had the pleasure of working with."

Becoming frustrated, Colleen began to loose her temper a little. "Marty, did you fuck her? Is that why she became a union member?"

"Ms. McNair, my relationship with Candy Mitchell was first and foremost professional. It became intimate on those occasions that she initiated and remains intimate on those occasions that she initiates. And beyond that it is none of your god damn business."

"So you admit that she slept with you to avoid being killed." Colleen said.

"Mam, I think you have to draw your conclusions as to her motivation. I would say however that there never was any question of a sexual favor in exchange for her employment at Findley. She was employed as a butcher and terminator, and probably terminated a substantial number of the women who were termed at Findley for the duration of her employment."

That piece of information stunned Colleen. "You mean that women slaughtered my sister?"

Sitting in the chair, Marty realized that he had given away a important piece of information that was not released to the public. And that he had gotten a piece that was important as well.

"That would depend on what day she appeared for processing. When was that?" Marty asked.

"I doubt you would remember her." Colleen said, loosing for a moment her professional decorum.

Looking closely, Marty saw familiar features that he had seen when he had spit mounted a woman for the ASPCA banquet. "Sarah. Her name was Sarah" George said. "I remember her because she was a special product. Her last name was Blair, though."

Hearing the name of her sister come from Marty broke through Colleen's professional veneer. "You bastard" she said quietly.

"Ms. McNair, I believe you are finished with this witness. Mr. Robinson, you are dismissed. Please remember you are under oath and bound by the secrecy of these proceedings." Judge Harkness said.

"Thank you, your honor. I would like to inform you that I will be talking about this with my attorney, based on the conduct of Ms. McNair." Marty said.

With that, the judge admonished Colleen. "You don't gain any sympathy from me or this court by falling to base insults."

"I apologize, your honor. I would like to establish that it is evident that sexual favors were exchanged between a selectee and management. I believe that the union membership was a sham to disguise the true nature of the relationships."

Which lead to the next interview.

"George, what was your position at Hill and Stienhauer?" Colleen asked.

"Senior Shop steward for all hourly employees."

"And did that include all front end and back end operations?"

"It did under H&S. After we were closed down, and Findley came in, we did back end only. Not validation or intake." George Harkness replied.

"So, you didn't do any of the selection process or exemption processes." Colleen said.

"No. In fact when we were H&S we never exempted anyone." George said.

"No exemptions?" Colleen asked.

"Nope. If you walked in the door you went out in a box or on a stick." George said.

"So, termination was universal and without any kind of selection or preferential treatment?"

"No. It wasn't preferential treatment." George replied. "The review process was to weed out those who should have not been selected in the first place." George said.

"Why did Findley do such a careful review?"

"Regulations. There were pregnancy tests, blood tests, carcass classification that was honest. And we followed Sanitation regulations that we never followed before. And there was no bullyboy behavior any more. Findley had us doing all that stuff by the book, with a USDA inspector on every step of the page. And they used us to rotate and train them USDA guys too, after Findley took over." George said with pride.

"Why was that?" Colleen asked.

"Because we did it right. Lady, we were closed down because USDA found our product was tainted and poisoned people. After we were closed down, and Findley came in and took over, they revamped everything we did. A woman never saw a man from the time she walked in the door. The goats did everything on intake, management, and review of paperwork. All the stuff that was above and beyond the regs." George said.

"George, how were all the Goats paid?" Colleen asked.

"Union scale. Money deposited into individual accounts. Two nurses, the Doc when she was there, and all the intake people."

"What doc?"

"We had an MD who was selected. We pulled her out of the stream and had her added to staff for case management and health screening. When the legal exemption for her came through, we put her back out the door." George said.

"So, who did the selection of the Goats?" Colleen asked.

"Usually it was the screening teams. If a woman had a particular talent or skill with people, and she was compatible with the team, and we had an open slot, we held them over. If they fit into the team, and were willing to work, we collared them. If we could get them exempted, we did. And if they decided to complete, we termed them." George said.

"Why would a woman decide to complete?" Colleen asked.

"Lots of reasons. Most were staying around to help while they got the last of their affairs in order. See their kids and stuff. Some wanted to help with keeping things straight. Haflie did that. And after that situation changed, she was re-evaluated and decided to help out permanent like. There are lots of reasons. We did a lot of extensions for people to let them get affairs in order. Marty Burke would know the numbers."

"And how were they treated?"

"Like everyone else. Audrey decided that she didn't want to do intake and lead anymore. So she told Marty Burke and me that she wanted to go on. She asked if we could take her over to the Saddle shop. And we did. Chelsea Blair saw her kids and then left her collar on the table and took a group down to a blue light special. Different women had different reasons." George said.

"Did the women perform sex as part of their arrangements?" Colleen asked.

"They had sex as part of their living arrangements. The bulletin board was posted with the Swinger House rules and everyone stuck to them." George said.

"Swinger house rules?"

"Sure. The women started it. If a woman was interested, she made the first move. If a door was open you knocked. If it was closed, you didn't knock. It was all private and personal."

"George, do you think the women were pressured to provide sex?"

"With Findley? Hell no. If you touched a goat it better be cause she asked. Women were totally in charge. They called all the shots. Course, most of them were older and horny as hell at the end of the day, so we obliged. But during the day I never saw a live women and my main job was to keep Kim and the others happy."

"Kim?" Colleen asked.

"Yes. Kim was my operations lead. Like Candy was at Findley. She was the journeyman in the union that did about half of the terms. Carley Swenson did line two. Like I said, we were a union shop."

"So the Naked Goats were in charge?" Colleen asked.

"Yes. The state rules said that the Goats had to be naked and with an orange collar. And the Findley rules said that they were in charge. Hell, with them running intake and management, we never had a fight or a bolter the whole time. Low key and quite and calm."

"How were women terminated?"

"After Findley? You have to get a release on that. I signed a confidential waiver and I was told that I could not discuss it." George said.

The Union representation was a wrinkle that Colleen had not anticipated. That might throw a defense in there that she didn't want to deal with.

Colleen expected her last interview to be the one that cracked the case for her. She started off by trying to set the stage by having her witness seated at a chair before she came in. Intimidation with lots of folders and files should provide the leverage to crack this young woman open.

"So, Ms. Mitchell, how did you become exempted from termination at Findley's?"

"I became exempted as a result of the presidential order on November 12" Candy replied.

"Let me rephrase that. How did you come to be a Goat?" Colleen asked.

"Ms. McNair, until I have had a chance to talk with legal representation on this issue I decline to answer any questions regarding my involvement at Findley Processing." Candy said politely.

"Look young girl."

"Excuse me, Ms. Getting all authoritarian with me really is not going to work. Trying to intimidate me is not really going to work either. Unless and until I have an opportunity to talk with my lawyer, I refuse to comment on anything other then facts in evidence as presented to be reviewed." Candy said in an even tone.

"Young lady, you are on the border of being indicted as a conspirator."

"Which means you read me my rights and allow me to see the charges and to contact a lawyer. Right?"

Looking at the cool grey eyes of the young woman in front of her, Colleen realized that this woman was not going to be intimidated. "Ms. Mitchell" Colleen began.

"Ms. McNair. Most people call me Candy. Let's try to keep this at least minimal on the drama, ok?"

"Ok. Candy. You were selected and then retained by Findley processing from the time of your arrival as a substitute for your mother until the end of the PCA, is that correct?"

"That is a fact in evidence, yes." Candy replied.

"And why do you think you were retained?" Colleen asked.

"Not a fact in evidence." Candy replied.

"What did you do while you were there?" Colleen asked.

"Actions as permitted for me by the PCA, and my membership in the local union 2953 of the meat cutters of America." Candy replied.

"You were a meat cutter?" Colleen asked.

"Yes. Journeyman. And my Union will provide representation to the fact of my performance of duties under the PCA and MAB regulations of the time." Candy replied coolly.

"Is it true that you were kept as a play toy for the management and employees at Findley?"

"Fact not in evidence and I resent the implication." Candy said.

"Young lady, do you want to call your Lawyer now?" Colleen said with sickening sweetness in her voice.

"Sure. Do you mind? I have her number. Her name is Carol Black."

Colleen was taken aback at that. Not the person she wanted to encounter in preliminary findings. Especially if she was on the other side. "You are a client of Carol Black?"

"Client, Friend, and student. And I will be talking with her regardless of what your cute little form says regarding secrecy. I do have a right to an attorney. And I have a dollar to pay her with." Candy said sweetly.

"Your Honor, Please instruct the witness to answer the question." Colleen said.

"Ms. Mitchell, please answer the question." Judge Harkness said.

"Your honor, the question implies a possible wrongdoing on my part, and as such I feel that I cannot answer it without first discussing it with my attorney."

"Ms. Mitchell, I will decide that". Judge Harkness replied.

"No ma'am, I am afraid not. If you place me under arrest I still have the right to my attorney. The question I was asked implied that I committed an act of prostitution to save my life. Agreeing with that would leave me open for prosecution. The prosecution has already implied wrong doing on my part and as such, I feel it necessary to exercise my Fifth Amendment rights." Candy said quietly and calmly.

"I am finished with this witness, your honor. Ms. Mitchell, I will be looking to get in contact with you later regarding possible charges." Colleen said as Candy stood up to leave. After the door closed, Colleen turned to the jury and commenced her summation of the testimony to the jury.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that we have established at least one case of some sort of manipulation of these women. And this manipulation started after Findley took over the operations of their slaughterhouses."

Kimberly Martin was calm and relaxed as she sat I the witness chair. As the last witness that Colleen was going to be able to call due to budget constraints, Colleen knew she had to make or loose her case now.

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Classy ConversionsChapter 35

The last few weeks at Findley had been almost non-stop. With the out of state residents and the solidification of the process flow, productions had leveled at three eighty-four a day four days a week for the two Findley direct sites. Adding in M&H brought the total per week to almost two thousand head a week. Which had almost caught up the allocations requirements for the state. It was the first time in Illinois history. And these were standard productions. Specials were two days a week...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 36

It had been Six years since the disaster at H&S, and another election year was fast approaching. Vicky, Abby and Cathy still made weekends at Finely’s as regulars. Vicky more often than the other “Graduates” from Carol’s programs of Exception and extension. She seemed to have a closer bond with Candy, and an ability to overlook her friend’s murderous job. Well over 12,000 women were exempted, or extended by reasons of Social, or family needs within the Chicago community, even with the...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 37

"Findley Processing, how can I help you? It's simple, really. You fill out the forms we have on the website and commit to registration. We added it already. Or you could come here to us and do the same. The intake form simply lets you get all of the activities out of the way and establishes that you have reported. We use that to file the exemption based on the presidential order and you go home. No harm, no foul and you have complied with both the State Law and the federal law." "Findley...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 39

Jamie Peterson was a five-year veteran prosecutor. Being called into the State's Attorney's office in Springfield was not all that unusual for her, as she had been doing well in high level cases in the past. "Jamie, I want to thank you for coming in." Charlene Davis said. "I am afraid I have a case we have to ask you to take over." "High level?" "Actually it is. But it has some ugly twists. We have spent over half million dollars in investigation and grand jury time on something...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 40

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Tonight, we have on our show one of the most notorious women in Chicago. Called the "Princess of Death" by Grace Miller, and identified by the Illinois prosecutors office as "the most misguided member of the Findley Cult", I would like to welcome Candy Mitchell. And with her this evening is Robert Mitchell of the Illinois Justice Project. Now Candy and Robert, for our viewers, you are not related?" Chelsea Winters said in her opening of the evening...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 41

"So, what am I going to do now?" Vicky thought to herself. Vicky had been called into headquarters six times since the presidential order had released her from Findley's. She had been subjected to three evaluation sessions regarding her mental stability and each with a different doctor. Her Captain had called her in yet again for another talk about the situation. "Sergeant, here is the situation" Erica Christiansen explained. "The District Attorney's office is insisting that you...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 42

Casey Merriman was nervous. She had her first major assignment blown with David Findley's death on the watch of one of her team members. And she had live dynamite to go with it. After talking with Cathy, she had felt a little uncomfortable. The fact that the entire guard team was a scratch team made up of different women from different commands made things more uncomfortable. Before she had left Friday to go home she had taken a very unusual step. She felt it was for her own protection....

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Classy ConversionsChapter 43

Vicky was sound asleep, having been up late the night before helping Candy at Liberty. Disentangling herself from Candy, she reached for the ringing bedside phone and sleepily answered. "Hello?" "Vicky, this is Erica Christiansen. Can you be in my office this morning? There is something I would like to talk over with you." "Sure. What time?" "As soon as you can get here. And drive safely and be careful." Erica said. Scratching her head as she sat up, she looked at the awake and...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 2

“Good morning, Hill and Steinhauer, how can I direct your call?” “Intake processing,” Dave replied to the voice. “I need to check on a re-assignment.” “One moment, please.” After a short span of music designed to bore you to death, the phone picked up. “Operations, Max Burke.” “Max, this is Dave Findley at Findley Processing. You have a Helen Gester scheduled, and I was wondering if you would mind a re-assignment?” “Dave, I would like to tell you we don’t have a problem but we need to...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 3

Helen and Mark had left very late. She left a printout of her notification papers with David to properly inform the Selection Board of her placement and report, and agreed to come back later to talk about tomorrow, and how she wanted to be processed. Margaret had brewed coffee and had that waiting at the table for him. “Honey, I really appreciate what you are doing for Helen, but you aren’t going to get us in trouble are you?” “No, I don’t think so. I am just going to look up some material...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 4

Carol, Nancy and Liz were all sitting at the tables a few minutes later while David ordered some pizza and pasta for the group. He had poured some water for Carol to clean out her mouth, and given Nancy a ice pack for the back of her neck. Liz snickered at the other two while she thought about why and what she had seen. “I have to give Margaret credit. She had us all fooled there. I never would have expected her to be the Terminator beneath that nice sweet exterior,” Liz opined. “Would you...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 5

The drive home was quiet. Both David and Margaret were in their own thoughts. Both were thinking about how their actions had changed their lives and relationship. Margaret was now a cold-blooded killer with sixteen women’s deaths on her hands. David was looking forward to selling retail high-end services to women that would kill them, often in painful and spectacular ways. And they were still married. And they were on their way home to meet with a couple that they had known for years, and...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 6

Carol realized she was not in her own bed when she woke up hugging James. And after a moment she remembered where she was. The collar was a reality check. Liz must have left after I fell asleep, Carol thought. Last night was pretty wild, Carol thought. She and Liz had attacked Jim and each other repeatedly. It was as if the stress and shock of the roller coaster just made them both hungry to make up for lost time. Carol nudged Jim and then started to kiss his neck. “Mm mm,” Jim replied....

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Classy ConversionsChapter 8

David and Margaret woke up to an early morning light in the windows. It was just another day. Sex last night had been very good, and David was pleasantly rested. Margaret was snoring up a storm. David wandered down to the kitchen, and opened up the electronic paper. There were two messages for him. One was from the alarm security company that reported a perimeter breach attempt the previous evening. Photos of three people banging on the door of the plant were transmitted to the police for...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 9

Monday-Monday David awoke with Margaret wrapped around him like a snuggly blanket. It was early, even before the alarm went off, but David went from sound asleep to wide-awake. He had been dreaming of scaffolds, ropes and a host of other projects, in addition to running the business. And dealing with the competitors and the MAB was going to take up a lot of his morning. Kissing Margaret on top of the head, he extracted himself from her and wandered to the bathroom, checking the mail on the...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 10

Tuesday Morning. For two nights in a row, Margaret was too tired to fuck. David shook his head and thought, Either we must be getting old. Or she is having bigger reactions than she wants to admit with respect to the business. Margaret was sound asleep. She had helped kill and butcher seventy-seven people yesterday, forty of them she had killed herself. She was bone-tired. David’s overtures were carefully dismissed by saying, “Honey, I am plain tired”. At Findlay’s, Helen was up dicing...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 11

Wednesday Morning, Helen was up early again, fixing breakfast for at least eight. Mark had stayed home last night; James had come over (again) to spend time with Carol. And he ended up with Nancy and Carol. Peter came over with the girls earlier in the day and spent the evening with Elizabeth. Liz was absolutely radiant and had gone from highs’ to lows and back during the evening. It was the same thing that Helen had gone through on Sunday. When Candy had to be the evil den mother and chase...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 13

Friday Morning, An Anniversary David awoke between two women in a large wet spot of their own making. He was tired, smelled like sex, and needed a shower and coffee. I never used to be this tired, David thought. Or this fucked out. Extracting himself from a sleeping Margaret and Christine, he wandered into the shower. Thirty seconds later he was under the water scrubbing off the remainder of last night’s celebration. While shaving he noticed a female body come into the bathroom and sit on...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 14

Saturday Interviews, Contracts, and a Party David woke up alone. Margaret had decided to stay at the office overnight to have a Hen Night with the girls. She was a little worried about the workload on Friday having had an impact on the other people. The load had been pretty extensive and while everyone was serviced, there were some signs of overload. Everyone wanted more goats to keep the program working, but David was afraid that anyone they added would change the mix. The situation with...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 15 Chop Plop Flop Sunday morning coming down

Well, it had been an evening of legendary bacchanalia. Jennifer had been fucked by a half-dozen different men, licked by the same number of women, and watched a whole host of people fuck and get fucked. If I got to go, this is the way, she thought. I wonder if I could get breakfast first before the final performance? Looking around, she saw the woman named Helen passed out over Jack’s dick. She was like the den mother for everyone here. And she was stirring over Jack. Looking around,...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 16

Abigail Sanders was on the way up. After years at Cook County General, she was getting into a major practice. Then came the notice in Monday morning’s mail. One percent. One percent per year were selected. How could I get caught up in those odds? she asked herself. Like most intelligent women who ignored problems until they happened, she had no real plan of attack to cope with this. Getting the notice was a shock, she began a search into what she could do to delay or undo this horrible...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 17

Saturday morning came very early. Despite the excitement and relief of stress, Abby and Cindy had finally worn each other out. It took some time. But by midnight both were sound asleep in Cindy's bed. Abby woke up feeling a little disorientated, a little disconnected, and a lot tired. Phew, she thought to herself, that girl wore me out. Getting up carefully and walking down the hall to the lavatory, Abby smelled coffee and cooking food. First bathroom. Then food. Stepping down the stairs,...

2 years ago
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Classy ConversionsChapter 18

"Darling, do you realize that this will be the longest time I have worn clothes in over two weeks?" Margaret said while slipping her dress up. "And you look lovely as always" David said, as he moved to zip her up. "You hound you. I can't help but feel sorry that our friends can't come out as well." "If they could, we wouldn't have the hold over them that we do. And they might not be so helpful on their own hook." David said, while nuzzling Margaret's neck on the left...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 19

Getting out of bed was a real challenge today, David thought to himself. He and Margaret had wrestled all night with the events of the party and then Sunday and had not really come to a satisfactory solution. Monday was not a day either of them was looking forward to. Cindy had called Jane on Sunday morning for her daily call and her mother had been absolutely freaked. Evidently her mother felt that she had done some insult to Margaret that was so bad that Margaret was going to get revenge...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 20

After a careful review of the law, Carol suggested that Margaret would take Helen with her to H&S to look at the plant and see how much would have to be changed to make it more process friendly. Accompanying her would be Marty Burke, going back to his old haunts. Before they went, David got a copy of a proposed agreement to cover the fact that Helen would be on "Findlay" property. Just in case Margaret was not visible and an inspector was on site, the legal protections would be in...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 21

Marty Robinson was a man with a real challenge. He had eight journeymen from the local that he had to coach into a fundamentally different behavior. One of them was also a former union steward who had worked under a different contract and working conditions. George Harkness had been around a long time in the hall, and had seniority over everyone. But Marty had the position due to the contract. So there would be some jostling for position for sure. Tim and Gus were probably not going to be a...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 22

Waking up in a strange bed was not unusual for Jimmy Picknell. And it was Jimmy to most of the women that were here. As the youngest man there, he was younger then all of the women except Candy and Cindy. Neither of which he played with last night. Waking up next to Elizabeth was fun. She reminded him a little of his mother, with her laugh and her energy. And she was warm and open and very outspoken, and the absolute world class, award winning fuck. Not as tight as some women, she had muscle...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 23

Margaret convened the goat group (now becoming a herd) in the break room at six PM Thursday evening. There had been over one hundred and twenty were chopped today, with thirty additional interviews. Phil had been sent home to talk with their daughters. He was going to wait for Kimberly's call later. Kitty had been sent home with Sarah to take care of her cat and to take care of her home for a short time. Sarah was coming back tomorrow to finish her processing, but with the instructions to...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 24

Kimberly woke up in David's office with a crick in her neck, and a feeling of being dirty. Someone had thrown a large warm blanket over her while she was at the desk. I need a shower, Kim said to herself. Wonder where the towels are? Rising up from the chair and walking stiffly toward the door, she was depressed. But she did smell coffee. And onions. Food? Hearing her stomach growl, she knew that something was working. Walking to the break room she was greeted by the sight of three women...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 25

"Phew. My feet are tired." Cathy said as she opened a beer and sat down in the break room. "I hadn't known this place was so big." "Good thing these sandals are comfortable. Walking on these floors all day would be a real pit if they weren't" Cindy said. "Does anyone else here have a problem sitting down toward the end of the day?" Kim asked the girls. "You mean getting wet and sticky when you come back into the reception?" Carol asked. "Perfectly normal, ladies." Helen...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 26

Hafie was the third daughter of the Imam, and had always felt she was a disappointment to her father. No great religious scholar or great beauty, she was the dutiful daughter. Having been consulted against the excesses of the flesh since early childhood, she was inexperienced in the ways of men. And having been brought up in a religious institution with very conservative values, there was not much chance of her gaining any experience. Especially now that she was one of the selected. She had...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 27

David was not in a patient mood this morning. The Imam had not shown up yet at ten o'clock and Hafie had pointed out six of the twenty clients for today as being underage. David had called him Sunday morning, and Monday. He had finally gotten through to the Imam's wife on Monday afternoon and had been assured that the Imam would see him on Tuesday morning. Instead it was a no show so far and six underage women to do something with. Helen, Margaret and Carol were in an argument over...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 28

It was a rare day that people in the processing area had a full staff on a Saturday, but this was the exception to the rule. The modified floor mounts for the new air cutters had been mounted at Findley and things were waiting final testing. Everyone was watching to see how the new mounts would work. Even those who were not on duty were there so see how the first of the new units would work. Helen and Carol were waiting and reviewing interviews in the reception for the first group of...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 29

Staffing development for Findlay had taken on a whole new dimension with the addition of H&S. Sunday morning, Margaret, Nancy, Helen and Carol were in David's office after Susan and Jack had left and were grooming through the selection lists to find compatible Goats. The Goat problem was worse then the straight hires due to the overlapping issues of law, ethics and regulations. Plus it was pretty uncouth to reach out to someone and say "Would you like to come down and interview with us...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 30

David had left the State Offices of the Populations Selection and Management board late Tuesday afternoon. It had been an interesting day. The need to get H&S back online was important. David found himself talking with building, health, OSHA and other officials The fall season was starting, the state was behind it's allotment and there were political issues underfoot that David had not been totally aware of. Barney Maguire was the State head of compliance for the Population selection...

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Classy Slut Maria

My wife loves . Quite a surprise when you appreciate how Maria was brought up to be such a lady. She has certainly changed a lot these past few years and prefers a stiff, brisk pounding to anything else. Particularly at the hands of a strong black man. At 35, she is a stunning woman. After having our daughter Lucy, she kept a wonderful figure and I’ve always been attracted to her upmarket, stylish looks. So lost in many of today’s women. Maria’s crisp, intelligent face, flirtatious ways and...

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Are we all in the mood for some classy sexiness? I know I am, and since you decided to check out r/classysexy/, I am guessing that you are as well. But, what is r/classysexy/ really about? I think it is all written in the name, but at the same time, I can see why the fuck you might be confused. Well, it is all about sexiness, but in a classy way.So if you were expecting chicks just to spread their legs wide open or you know… get extremely kinky, you should visit a different subreddit. And since...

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Jim becomes the Adminstrator

Chapter 1Being the first day for the new administrator, the main office is a little tense. Lisa sees Jim Smith walking down the hall, and she hopes that nothing happens to place a bad reputation of this institution. She knows that Jim will learn that the students are not going to get further than this, but then some may go on. Jim greets those in the office, being just Lisa and Connie at present. Lisa does show him his office, as Debbie and Sara enter the office. Lisa knows that those two are...

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Confessions of a Catholic Schoolgirl chapter 2 experiments with my brother

I woke Saturday morning, tired and restless. I did not sleep very well, which following our Friday night fuck fest was quite unusual for me.  Usually, I sleep very well after cumming; and Friday night I had two powerful orgasms.However, I was troubled by how the evening had ended. If you recall, Marc, my long-term partner, had convinced me to reveal the details of my teenage masturbation fantasies to him. These fantasies involved an improbable scenario where I was caught masturbating by my...

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Return To Pleasant Street Ch 05

DEBBIE’S ALL GROWN UP Larry Tilton lives three doors down from me on the East side of Pleasant Street. Larry has been divorced for about three years, now. He and his ex-wife were married for eight years, and have a couple of wonderful kids. The marriage came apart because Larry’s ex-wife, Monica, developed a drinking problem. That led to Larry having a short affair with Debbie Lawrence, a cute neighborhood girl who babysat for them. I’ll give him credit, he broke off the affair in an effort...

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The African maids

In the mid ’80s, I was posted to work for a company in West Africa. After settling down into a big house, I looked for a maid who could do all the housework and yet be presentable enough to be a host during my parties. I hired one who was educated and attractive for the African standards. Of course I had to pay more than the market price to attract the best. Her name was Suzy and she was from Cameroon. She was about 5 ft. 5 in. Tall in her late teens and had a pretty full body. Her breasts were...

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Liya Silver is alone at home and masturbates with her so-called best friend, a glass dildo she can’t get enough of. Watch her finger her twat and fill that shaved teen pussy with the pleasurable sex toy of her choice. The brunette babe with brown eyes works her Russian pink as if there was no tomorrow, making her big tits shake when all of a sudden the doorbell rings. Insurance agents Alyssia Kent and Vince Carter want to chat with her about insurance, but once the three sit down in her...

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Cheer Camp Part 5

After eating we got up from the table and put our dishes away. We all started walking out of the dinning hall together. Chris took my hand in his and pulled me towards the boy's dorms. "Lets go to my dorm so we can talk one on one," Chris said. I looked behind us and watched Rochelle and Coach Ryan walk to our dorm room. While I was looking I felt the familiar vibrations from the bullet inside me. Damn it! I thought to myself. Coach Ryan hadn't removed the bullet yet. This was going to drive me...

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Stay At Home

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Carmen and Carole

I had left Joe and headed down to Carole's house for a visit and upon reaching there, I was greeted by Carole warmly. I had told her what had been going on with my black lover Jerry and she invited me down to help me out. As we kissed at the front door I whispered to Carole as we broke off, "I need a black cock" Carole said she would have her husband pick up the c***dren and keep them out leaving us the whole day to ourselves. We moved into the living room and sat down on the sofa. "I'm...

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The new summer job part eight

Towel Boy PlusAs Daniel left the office, Justin didn't miss the new addition to his workoutfit."Cock ring and the next size `ass-jammer'" he mocked. "That sure makes thatdick of yours up-front and ready for action."Daniel didn't reply as Justin walked over and grabbed hold of Daniel'spackage jutting forward on display. He stroked Daniel's cock till it washard and pointing for the ceiling again. "Now take these towels to the guyson the work-out floor," he continued. "They'll certainly like the...

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The Miracle Legacy

The Miracle Legacy By Morpheus There was a faint humming that filled the air from the small room's air conditioning, as well as the many whispers. I frowned, stretching in my chair and glancing around me impatiently. There were 9 other people in the room, waiting just as I was and all of them seemed to be college students too. I yawned, glancing at my watch and wondering when the show was going to start. Or more specifically, when it was going to be over so that I could collect my...

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