Classy wife was once a small town slut
- 3 years ago
- 47
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David awoke with Margaret wrapped around him like a snuggly blanket. It was early, even before the alarm went off, but David went from sound asleep to wide-awake. He had been dreaming of scaffolds, ropes and a host of other projects, in addition to running the business. And dealing with the competitors and the MAB was going to take up a lot of his morning. Kissing Margaret on top of the head, he extracted himself from her and wandered to the bathroom, checking the mail on the way for any notices or events. Seeing one from the plant, he looked at it. It was a request for milk and breakfast food from Candy.
I thought Helen was going to be the den mother David thought. And what to do about Margaret second guessing herself? I will just have to play this out and see how it goes.
Margaret came into the bathroom while the shower was running. After a short visit to the commode, she joined David in a short game of scrub, tickle and kiss that ended up with David taking her up against the wall with a hard fast fuck. It was too quick and not totally draining for either of them but they had to get to work.
Don’t need to think too much about what I am wearing, cause it won’t be on long, Margaret thought as she looked into her closet. I guess I need to pack a bag later this week to bring to the office in case we go out from there. Margaret had not been thinking like that for several years. Ought to bring things for David too.
After a short shopping jaunt for breakfast and lunch fixings, David and Margaret continued to the plant where a refrigerated truck from H&S parked behind the loading dock. As David and Margaret parked their car and walked toward the building, two men got out of the truck and started walking toward the receiving door.
“Can I help you gentlemen?” David asked.
“Max Burke send us over here to do a pickup of Friday’s processing.”
“Okay. It is all in the cooler, and if you wait a few while my team gets here, they can help you load it.”
“Sure. Don’t want to jump no union fences.”
“In the meantime, you can come in for some breakfast, if you like,” Margaret offered.
“Sure. Let me help with the bags,” the taller of the two offered.
They called Candy from the receiving dock phone, everyone waited while she came down and removed the security latches from inside.
“Glad to see you have it secure. Max will be happy to hear it.”
“Yeah. You have any idea how many you are sending over here today?” David asked.
“Well, since you did so good with the last run, Max wanted to know if you could handle forty-five today?”
That plus our fifteen meant sixty. Shit. Margaret and Candy will be hustling like sheep dogs to get that all moved through. Might want to tell the guys to work overtime and come in tomorrow to do butchery, David thought.
“We can try. Going to be busy. Don’t know where to have them sit in reception.”
“Don’t matter. We just push them along. They don’t need to sit anyway. Get ornery when you have to move them,” the taller one said.
“We try to do things a little different here,” David replied.
The two men followed Margaret, Candy and David to the break-room, where Nancy was pouring coffee.
“Nice broad,” the shorter man, Gus, said to his partner Tim. “Good rack on her.”
Nancy blushed when she heard that and said, “Thanks. I am proud of them. I didn’t expect guests. I only have foam cups for the coffee, if that is okay?”
Tim was taken aback. “Your goats talk?” he said incredulously. “All of ours are muted so they can’t stir the stock. You let yours talk?”
“And she aint got a shock collar,” Gus observed. “We do that to keep them from running out of controlled areas,”
“I haven’t had those problems,” David said. All the while thinking to him that he could have if Candy had not been paying attention.
“Ain’t there some rules about that?” Gus asked.
“No. We checked with the MAB about containment and management, and there is nothing specific beyond the tags.”
“Can we fuck em?” Tim asked.
“Not this morning, boys, I am sore,” Nancy said.
“Don’t matter to me,” Tim responded.
“It does to me,” David replied coolly. “I think you gentlemen can wait in the truck for my team to load it.”
“Hey, man,” Gus started, “Don’t get all belligerent here.”
“I’m not,” David said. “What you are forgetting is that you are on MY plant. My rules. Not yours. And if you interfere with my operations, I will press charges.”
That took both Gus and Tim aback. Belligerent husbands and boyfriends and brothers occasionally came to the plants to drop of the selectees. They had become accustomed to handling those men with no nonsense. They were not used to being treated like this.
“Look,” Tim said. “We are on the wrong foot here. You are right this is your plant. And we are guests here. Obviously you do things different here. We don’t mean offense.”
“Okay, guys,” Nancy said, wanting to break the tension. “Why don’t you sit there and we’ll see what we can scrabble up for breakfast?”
“Great,” Tim said as he guided Gus over to a table. A few whispered words passed between the two and they stay there.
“What do you want for breakfast?” Margaret asked, stripping her clothes off. “We have some synthetic sausage, peppers, onion, and I brought some biscuit mix.”
“That sounds great,” Tim said, looking at the woman as she undressed. “Could I ask you a question?” Tim said toward David.
“Aren’t goats supposed to be naked and collared all the time?” Tim asked David.
“You mean my wife? She was exempted this month. Don’t look forty, does she?”
“No. She looks great. So why the collar?”
“The collar helps to keep things straight and orderly. We had USDA here yesterday and they were a little confused. And it reduces the possibility of any mistakes in processing.”
As the smell of fried onions and synthetic sausage filled the air, footsteps down the stairs announced Liz, Carol and Helen coming into the break room. All were nude, of course.
“Oh, company,” Helen said as she entered the room. “Can I help?” she asked Margaret.
“Get some plates out and pour some juice,” Margaret said. “Candy, can you put toast in the toaster?”
Tim and Gus were somewhat amazed. Six collars in view, all of them talking and hustling around the kitchen. Not at all like H&S had in their break-room.
“I don’t see any security,” Tim said to Gus. “I wonder how they run this place?”
“I don’t know,” Gus replied. “Strange way to run a operation. Sure different from ours. Course they are smaller.”
“You know, I think a couple of them I delivered here yesterday,” Tim mused. “The young blonde and the older one doing the helping of cooking were on my transport.”
“Yeah, sure seem to be settled in here now. Wonder what the boss would say?” Gus asked his partner.
“Who cares? Meat is meat. If what we get back is what we put in, we don’t care,” Tim replied.
“Yeah, but it doesn’t seem right, does it?” Gus asked.
At that time, Carl and Chris and Marty came in following the smell of food.
“Hi, guys,” Helen asked in a chipper voice. “What will you have, coffee, tea or me?”
“Can they have a rain check on that, Helen? I have a couple of things that they have to do first,” David interrupted.
“Shit, boss. Always spoiling the fun,” Marty said.
“I need you, Chris, to go with these two gentlemen and help them get the stuff for H&S loaded. Also send along about 300 lbs. of trade weight in legs and thighs and hams. I will talk to Max to square things up. Marty and Carl, I have one hanging that I want you to look at and grade for spit. If she is spit quality, I want you to mount her and load her as well.”
“Sure, boss. Did the missus do the cutting over the weekend?” Marty asked.
“No, Candy did. And you check how she did that too. I told her she gets time and a half for four on Sunday.”
“Boss, she has no seniority,” Marty spoke up.
“I know. So I will give both of you premium time for Sunday to make up for that.”
“I don’t know. That’s out of the contract.”
“Exception clause. Emergency operations. She was already in attendance. So you get paid anyway for a Emergency Call Out.”
“Marty,” Chris said. “Please, shut up.”
“Okay, okay. Just want to keep the books straight. She got a timesheet?”
“Sunday time. Sheet has to be in on Saturday. And she did one for Saturday.”
“Okay. Just keeping you honest, boss.” Marty replied. “Got to defend the contract.”
“I know. Now get the good one spitted and show these guys where their stuff is. Also get the tare weight on the thirds so they can take them a receipt.”
“Not until after this breakfast is done,” Helen said, putting plates on the table “Sit down. Smells don’t bother you guys.”
David took his plate and coffee and went to his office to call Max Burke at H&S. He had to do some wheeling and dealing.
“H&S,” the receptionist answered.
“David Findlay for Max Burke.”
“One moment.”
“Max, this is David. Got a proposition for you.”
“Sure. And thanks, David. You guys got me out of a jam. Saved me money doing weekend operations. Would have cost me a mint.”
“No problem. And I want to square up with you for Friday. Stacy Ingram. Was rated by you as Prime? She was pregnant with a male.”
“NO SHIT? You didn’t process her, did you?” Max asked, sweating. This was the kind of thing that would be a nightmare.
“No. Our final check did a verify and she is already at Social Services.”
“Great. Are we splitting the bonus money?” There was a bonus for interception of male-pregnant selectees. In Stacy’s case, it was a total recompense of her weight and grade. A nice piece of change.
“Nope. In fact, I am going to do you a better gig than that. I am going to send you back a prime A for the other one that you sent. Going to use the one you sent me as a goat and toy for a while so I need her papers here. And I am sending you 300 lbs. in weight of seconds for the papers on two others.”
“What the fuck you doing over there, David?” Max asked. A little suspicious about this turn of events, he was waiting for the other shoe to drop. This was a great economic deal for him and H&S. What did David get out of it?
“Turns out that two more of yours were friends of my wife. So I am going to have a hen house here for a while. Or more accurately a goat pen.”
“That is your business. I will do the swap. Just be careful. Until the papers get to you, they are all on my list.”
“Max, you sent the papers yesterday with them. All I need to do is shift assignments.”
“Yeah, that’s right. Forgot about that. Well, it’s your thing. Just don’t keep them around too long. Sooner or later they try to break. That is why we don’t keep many or for long.”
“Sure. Don’t worry. I will send your guys back as soon as I finish feeding them.”
“Feeding them? What do you mean?”
“One of the selectees was a epicurean cook. I am eating great.”
There is no justice, Max thought to himself.
Loading Dock Gossip
“So,” Gus began to Chris, “what is the story here? You have goats that speak, no shock collars, eat like kings in the morning?”
Smiling, Chris replied, “We do things different here. The bosses’ old lady is a goat and a cutter. She slices throats like a pro. Better than me. The young blonde goat is a union member since Friday. She cuts like a pro as well. So she is a goat with a card. The rest are all some friends of the wife’s that want to go out custom.”
“How do I get a gig here with this place?” Tim asked. “Those broads looked older but they looked fine.”
“Oh yeah. No fucking the stock,” Chris said. “Boss said that you don’t mix meat with pleasure. Old time rule.”
“Well, that one older blonde there made the offer.”
“Yeah, that must be Helen. She is a friend of the boss’s wife. Things may change here a little. Marty is the only one here married. I wouldn’t mind getting some of Candy myself.”
“So what is it with this place? Just the three of you back here? And the boss ain’t no big guy to intimidate. What do you do for security?” Tim asked.
“Can’t talk about it. But it’s covered,” Chris answered mysteriously. “We haven’t had a bolter here in nine months. And that one quit at the front door. Boss walked her all the way back all by himself and got her quiet. With Candy and the Mrs. F, I don’t think we will have that any more either.”
“How do they do it?” Gus asked.
“Sorry, guys. I can’t tell you. I could but then I would have to process you.”
“No jokes, guy,” Tim answered.
“No joke. The bosses’ old lady will slit your throat quicker then you can say shit and then I can clean you out and send you back in a package.”
“Smart ass,” Gus said with a smile. Looking around, he said, “So, the broads are the cutters, eh? And it’s legal?”
“Not all. Just two. Shop steward says so, and so do I. This place is nice and calm and quiet. The pay is good and it’s not stressful. And if they are going to be feeding us breakfast, that is a new fringe.”
By 8 AM, the H&S transport was on it’s way back to deliver their contents to H&S. Included was Melissa, now nicely mounted on a stainless spit, through the mouth, totally cleaned out professionally and with a USDA Prime sticker on her ass. Soon her unaware father was going to find that she was the centerpiece of his political reception this evening. No rubber chicken for his guests.
Monday Opening the doors.
Monday’s reception was a totally different experience from the week before. At 8:30, the doors opened and women entering saw a number of round tables with five chairs to the table, a set of drinks and sodas along the wall on a set of square tables. The lighting was subdued and there were two desks at the end of the reception furthest from the door, with two women at each. All were nude and wearing orange collars.
“Welcome, ladies,” Margaret said from the front. “Please pick a table and we will be with you in a minute. Please have your notices out and we will start shortly.”
As the women filtered in and sat down, they naturally talked among themselves. Those who knew each other sat together, or introduced themselves to others as they came in. An older brunette and a young blonde came around to each table with some folders that included documentation for the processing plant and asked if the women wanted a drink.
Pencils and pens were available and returned to the two desks, where Helen and Nancy provided assistance on any questions regarding the documents. As a group finished, Candy and Margaret circulated to get drinks distributed and to verify documents. At eight forty-five, Candy approached one of the tables and asked the women if they had finished, and if so, could they please follow her. The first four followed Candy down the hallway and through the door to the exam rooms.
At nine o’clock, Margaret approached another table and asked that the ladies bring their drinks if they wanted and please follow her. “Don’t forget your bags, ladies. We won’t be coming back here for a while.”
At this time, Helen and Nancy began to circulate and distribute folders, drinks and sit and talk with the women who were now filling up the reception room.
As they prepared documents and verified completeness, they then prepared the third group for Candy’s return at nine thirty. Where she easily helped the third group of the day to start down to the exam rooms. Followed by another group with Margaret at nine forty-five.
At this time, the first bus from H&S arrived. The driver was Gus from the morning, and he was greeted with a kiss from Helen who said, “You have to drop by sometime if David will let you.”
Smiling and a little aback, Gus responded, “I would like that. I really would. Here are the documents I have.”
“Oh, Gus. Can you have the ladies keep their documents? We have them fill things out here,” Helen said, whispering. “And it keeps them busy while they are waiting.”
“But what if they lose them?” Gus asked.
“We can look it up here in reception from their name and SSN. We have time,” Helen said.
“Okay,” Gus answered. Looking around he saw his load of women greeted by Nancy who had them sit down, was getting them drinks and bringing them folders. The sixteen from his load were all seated comfortably and the general mood was calm and friendly.
“You sure do things different here,” Gus said.
“Yes. We do. Don’t you think it is much nicer?” Helen asked.
At ten fifteen, Candy appeared from the entry door, and approached Nancy. Looking around quietly, Nancy directed her toward a table of women who were sitting chatting. A few moments later, Gus saw the four women pick up their envelopes and follow Candy down the hallway to the exam rooms.
Gus marveled at the quiet and calm. No stress. No crying or screaming. There was no one arguing or struggling. “I wonder if it is this way all the way through?” Gus thought. At ten thirty, Margaret came through the door and the only thing that Gus noticed was that her feet and lower legs were wet. Grabbing a towel, she dried them while talking to Helen, who indicated another group to move down the line.
Getting ready to leave, Nancy approached Gus. “I was told to ask you to please do us a favor. Can you have your next load already eat before you get them here?”
“We don’t usually feed them,” Gus replied.
“Please give them something to cut their hunger. Give them some pasta or something. Hungry women are cranky,” Nancy said with a smile.
“Ok. Pasta. Like Pasta Salad?
“Yes. And keep the receipt. We will pay you back.”
Hearing Candy coming back, Nancy gave Gus a quick kiss and went back to work with another group.
“Sure are funny people.” Gus thought. Nice. But nutty as a squirrel turd.
At noon, the second group from H&S arrived, and Tim was the driver. Thinking that his instructions from Gus were crazy but knowing better than to not follow them, he had stopped at the grocery store and gotten all of the stock a pasta salad. Something light and digestible, he was told. He had the women pick out their own. They all carried their paperwork too. Opening the door he saw an almost empty reception room with lots of round tables and chairs. The older blond, Carol, greeted everyone. Getting all the women settled, she and a brunette named Elizabeth soon brought water and forks over to all sixteen of his passengers while Candy came over to one of the tables and soon that group followed her down the hallway.
Melissa was sitting in the break-room, talking with Margaret, Candy and Helen, and eating chicken-fried rice, when David walked back into the room. He had asked Margaret to retrieve the young woman from Holding while he went to see what he could do about a spit. There was no doubt about her status or the status of her company. Orange rings were now prominently displayed around Helen’s neck, along with the one that Candy also wore. Carol and Liz had been down for their lunch already and were...
Thursday Morning. Waking up in Candy’s arms was an interesting experience for David. He had not woken up in a strange place with a different woman in almost twenty years. He and Margaret always woke up together. But seeing the note that Candy gave him from Margaret last night convinced him that he might as well stay here. There was also the fact that Margaret had the car and left him here when she went home. She did promise to bring him clean clothes when she came in to work. The light...
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The ringing phone interrupted her thoughts. Looking at the number, she smiled and picked it up and heard "Hey girl friend, how you doing?" "Sitting down here at the old plant. Going down memory lane." The blonde replied. The caller, a very successful attorney who was her life partner, replied "Don't' be getting all morbid and morose on me again." "I won't. Just sitting here and thanking god that this is over and we were both lucky. Heard from the boy yet today?" "He is...
"What do you think?" Nancy asked. The subject of her question was the athletic, well-dressed and obviously uncomfortable brunette standing at the drink refrigerator. "Do we need someone like her on staff?" "I'm not sure". Helen replied. "I am kind of surprised she is here. Usually those are carried out by out of state operations. How did she get here?" "I asked her. She said she was not confident that she would be treated any better then here, and she was not going to be abused on...
Marty Burke was busy as hell in his office. Kim had been very thorough on the project job, but like any other project, there had been a few snags. Friday and Saturday had been a crunch to get all of the boxes of supplies unpacked and the shipping boxes set up in the new Stripping rooms. Exhaust fans and air fresheners had been running full speed all weekend to remove the smell of paint and carpet glue, and the dormitory rooms were still being finished. It was agreed that the construction...
Damn this bed was comfortable, Vicky thought to herself. Much nicer then mine. Suddenly, Vicky fully awoke with a start. And all of the memories of the last three days came flooding back to her. She hadn't drunk much last night. Dinner was awesome, and she had gotten a chance to meet a whole group of people. It was like going to a new precinct and meeting a whole group of people at roll call and then out for drinks later. Evidently Candy was the barracks first sergeant here. Which was...
It was a normal Friday night at Findley. After David had given the usual summary for the week, Barbara intercepted David as he was leaving to go to his office. "David, I have a issue we need to talk about. Abby and I have both noticed that there is an uptick in the percentages of fetal males we are detecting in exam. It has jumped from ten to sixty percent." "That is great, Barbara. Just please don't tell me it was because of the technology." "No. This is not about the machines,...
The last few weeks at Findley had been almost non-stop. With the out of state residents and the solidification of the process flow, productions had leveled at three eighty-four a day four days a week for the two Findley direct sites. Adding in M&H brought the total per week to almost two thousand head a week. Which had almost caught up the allocations requirements for the state. It was the first time in Illinois history. And these were standard productions. Specials were two days a week...
It had been Six years since the disaster at H&S, and another election year was fast approaching. Vicky, Abby and Cathy still made weekends at Finely’s as regulars. Vicky more often than the other “Graduates” from Carol’s programs of Exception and extension. She seemed to have a closer bond with Candy, and an ability to overlook her friend’s murderous job. Well over 12,000 women were exempted, or extended by reasons of Social, or family needs within the Chicago community, even with the...
"Findley Processing, how can I help you? It's simple, really. You fill out the forms we have on the website and commit to registration. We added it already. Or you could come here to us and do the same. The intake form simply lets you get all of the activities out of the way and establishes that you have reported. We use that to file the exemption based on the presidential order and you go home. No harm, no foul and you have complied with both the State Law and the federal law." "Findley...
It was the end of January. The holiday season had been the most joyous in decades, and the Presidential Inauguration speech had the highest televised audience in history, both numbers and percentages. The announcement that the termination ban would be made permanent as the first order of the new congress was greeted with the wildest of enthusiasm. The research and development of fertility treatments targeted at increasing male pregnancies had come out of the closet with a bang. The fact the...
Jamie Peterson was a five-year veteran prosecutor. Being called into the State's Attorney's office in Springfield was not all that unusual for her, as she had been doing well in high level cases in the past. "Jamie, I want to thank you for coming in." Charlene Davis said. "I am afraid I have a case we have to ask you to take over." "High level?" "Actually it is. But it has some ugly twists. We have spent over half million dollars in investigation and grand jury time on something...
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Tonight, we have on our show one of the most notorious women in Chicago. Called the "Princess of Death" by Grace Miller, and identified by the Illinois prosecutors office as "the most misguided member of the Findley Cult", I would like to welcome Candy Mitchell. And with her this evening is Robert Mitchell of the Illinois Justice Project. Now Candy and Robert, for our viewers, you are not related?" Chelsea Winters said in her opening of the evening...
"So, what am I going to do now?" Vicky thought to herself. Vicky had been called into headquarters six times since the presidential order had released her from Findley's. She had been subjected to three evaluation sessions regarding her mental stability and each with a different doctor. Her Captain had called her in yet again for another talk about the situation. "Sergeant, here is the situation" Erica Christiansen explained. "The District Attorney's office is insisting that you...
Casey Merriman was nervous. She had her first major assignment blown with David Findley's death on the watch of one of her team members. And she had live dynamite to go with it. After talking with Cathy, she had felt a little uncomfortable. The fact that the entire guard team was a scratch team made up of different women from different commands made things more uncomfortable. Before she had left Friday to go home she had taken a very unusual step. She felt it was for her own protection....
Vicky was sound asleep, having been up late the night before helping Candy at Liberty. Disentangling herself from Candy, she reached for the ringing bedside phone and sleepily answered. "Hello?" "Vicky, this is Erica Christiansen. Can you be in my office this morning? There is something I would like to talk over with you." "Sure. What time?" "As soon as you can get here. And drive safely and be careful." Erica said. Scratching her head as she sat up, she looked at the awake and...
“Good morning, Hill and Steinhauer, how can I direct your call?” “Intake processing,” Dave replied to the voice. “I need to check on a re-assignment.” “One moment, please.” After a short span of music designed to bore you to death, the phone picked up. “Operations, Max Burke.” “Max, this is Dave Findley at Findley Processing. You have a Helen Gester scheduled, and I was wondering if you would mind a re-assignment?” “Dave, I would like to tell you we don’t have a problem but we need to...
Helen and Mark had left very late. She left a printout of her notification papers with David to properly inform the Selection Board of her placement and report, and agreed to come back later to talk about tomorrow, and how she wanted to be processed. Margaret had brewed coffee and had that waiting at the table for him. “Honey, I really appreciate what you are doing for Helen, but you aren’t going to get us in trouble are you?” “No, I don’t think so. I am just going to look up some material...
Carol, Nancy and Liz were all sitting at the tables a few minutes later while David ordered some pizza and pasta for the group. He had poured some water for Carol to clean out her mouth, and given Nancy a ice pack for the back of her neck. Liz snickered at the other two while she thought about why and what she had seen. “I have to give Margaret credit. She had us all fooled there. I never would have expected her to be the Terminator beneath that nice sweet exterior,” Liz opined. “Would you...
The drive home was quiet. Both David and Margaret were in their own thoughts. Both were thinking about how their actions had changed their lives and relationship. Margaret was now a cold-blooded killer with sixteen women’s deaths on her hands. David was looking forward to selling retail high-end services to women that would kill them, often in painful and spectacular ways. And they were still married. And they were on their way home to meet with a couple that they had known for years, and...
Carol realized she was not in her own bed when she woke up hugging James. And after a moment she remembered where she was. The collar was a reality check. Liz must have left after I fell asleep, Carol thought. Last night was pretty wild, Carol thought. She and Liz had attacked Jim and each other repeatedly. It was as if the stress and shock of the roller coaster just made them both hungry to make up for lost time. Carol nudged Jim and then started to kiss his neck. “Mm mm,” Jim replied....
David and Margaret woke up to an early morning light in the windows. It was just another day. Sex last night had been very good, and David was pleasantly rested. Margaret was snoring up a storm. David wandered down to the kitchen, and opened up the electronic paper. There were two messages for him. One was from the alarm security company that reported a perimeter breach attempt the previous evening. Photos of three people banging on the door of the plant were transmitted to the police for...
Tuesday Morning. For two nights in a row, Margaret was too tired to fuck. David shook his head and thought, Either we must be getting old. Or she is having bigger reactions than she wants to admit with respect to the business. Margaret was sound asleep. She had helped kill and butcher seventy-seven people yesterday, forty of them she had killed herself. She was bone-tired. David’s overtures were carefully dismissed by saying, “Honey, I am plain tired”. At Findlay’s, Helen was up dicing...
Wednesday Morning, Helen was up early again, fixing breakfast for at least eight. Mark had stayed home last night; James had come over (again) to spend time with Carol. And he ended up with Nancy and Carol. Peter came over with the girls earlier in the day and spent the evening with Elizabeth. Liz was absolutely radiant and had gone from highs’ to lows and back during the evening. It was the same thing that Helen had gone through on Sunday. When Candy had to be the evil den mother and chase...
Friday Morning, An Anniversary David awoke between two women in a large wet spot of their own making. He was tired, smelled like sex, and needed a shower and coffee. I never used to be this tired, David thought. Or this fucked out. Extracting himself from a sleeping Margaret and Christine, he wandered into the shower. Thirty seconds later he was under the water scrubbing off the remainder of last night’s celebration. While shaving he noticed a female body come into the bathroom and sit on...
Saturday Interviews, Contracts, and a Party David woke up alone. Margaret had decided to stay at the office overnight to have a Hen Night with the girls. She was a little worried about the workload on Friday having had an impact on the other people. The load had been pretty extensive and while everyone was serviced, there were some signs of overload. Everyone wanted more goats to keep the program working, but David was afraid that anyone they added would change the mix. The situation with...
Well, it had been an evening of legendary bacchanalia. Jennifer had been fucked by a half-dozen different men, licked by the same number of women, and watched a whole host of people fuck and get fucked. If I got to go, this is the way, she thought. I wonder if I could get breakfast first before the final performance? Looking around, she saw the woman named Helen passed out over Jack’s dick. She was like the den mother for everyone here. And she was stirring over Jack. Looking around,...
Abigail Sanders was on the way up. After years at Cook County General, she was getting into a major practice. Then came the notice in Monday morning’s mail. One percent. One percent per year were selected. How could I get caught up in those odds? she asked herself. Like most intelligent women who ignored problems until they happened, she had no real plan of attack to cope with this. Getting the notice was a shock, she began a search into what she could do to delay or undo this horrible...
Saturday morning came very early. Despite the excitement and relief of stress, Abby and Cindy had finally worn each other out. It took some time. But by midnight both were sound asleep in Cindy's bed. Abby woke up feeling a little disorientated, a little disconnected, and a lot tired. Phew, she thought to herself, that girl wore me out. Getting up carefully and walking down the hall to the lavatory, Abby smelled coffee and cooking food. First bathroom. Then food. Stepping down the stairs,...
"Darling, do you realize that this will be the longest time I have worn clothes in over two weeks?" Margaret said while slipping her dress up. "And you look lovely as always" David said, as he moved to zip her up. "You hound you. I can't help but feel sorry that our friends can't come out as well." "If they could, we wouldn't have the hold over them that we do. And they might not be so helpful on their own hook." David said, while nuzzling Margaret's neck on the left...
Getting out of bed was a real challenge today, David thought to himself. He and Margaret had wrestled all night with the events of the party and then Sunday and had not really come to a satisfactory solution. Monday was not a day either of them was looking forward to. Cindy had called Jane on Sunday morning for her daily call and her mother had been absolutely freaked. Evidently her mother felt that she had done some insult to Margaret that was so bad that Margaret was going to get revenge...
After a careful review of the law, Carol suggested that Margaret would take Helen with her to H&S to look at the plant and see how much would have to be changed to make it more process friendly. Accompanying her would be Marty Burke, going back to his old haunts. Before they went, David got a copy of a proposed agreement to cover the fact that Helen would be on "Findlay" property. Just in case Margaret was not visible and an inspector was on site, the legal protections would be in...
Marty Robinson was a man with a real challenge. He had eight journeymen from the local that he had to coach into a fundamentally different behavior. One of them was also a former union steward who had worked under a different contract and working conditions. George Harkness had been around a long time in the hall, and had seniority over everyone. But Marty had the position due to the contract. So there would be some jostling for position for sure. Tim and Gus were probably not going to be a...
Waking up in a strange bed was not unusual for Jimmy Picknell. And it was Jimmy to most of the women that were here. As the youngest man there, he was younger then all of the women except Candy and Cindy. Neither of which he played with last night. Waking up next to Elizabeth was fun. She reminded him a little of his mother, with her laugh and her energy. And she was warm and open and very outspoken, and the absolute world class, award winning fuck. Not as tight as some women, she had muscle...
Margaret convened the goat group (now becoming a herd) in the break room at six PM Thursday evening. There had been over one hundred and twenty were chopped today, with thirty additional interviews. Phil had been sent home to talk with their daughters. He was going to wait for Kimberly's call later. Kitty had been sent home with Sarah to take care of her cat and to take care of her home for a short time. Sarah was coming back tomorrow to finish her processing, but with the instructions to...
Kimberly woke up in David's office with a crick in her neck, and a feeling of being dirty. Someone had thrown a large warm blanket over her while she was at the desk. I need a shower, Kim said to herself. Wonder where the towels are? Rising up from the chair and walking stiffly toward the door, she was depressed. But she did smell coffee. And onions. Food? Hearing her stomach growl, she knew that something was working. Walking to the break room she was greeted by the sight of three women...
"Phew. My feet are tired." Cathy said as she opened a beer and sat down in the break room. "I hadn't known this place was so big." "Good thing these sandals are comfortable. Walking on these floors all day would be a real pit if they weren't" Cindy said. "Does anyone else here have a problem sitting down toward the end of the day?" Kim asked the girls. "You mean getting wet and sticky when you come back into the reception?" Carol asked. "Perfectly normal, ladies." Helen...
Hafie was the third daughter of the Imam, and had always felt she was a disappointment to her father. No great religious scholar or great beauty, she was the dutiful daughter. Having been consulted against the excesses of the flesh since early childhood, she was inexperienced in the ways of men. And having been brought up in a religious institution with very conservative values, there was not much chance of her gaining any experience. Especially now that she was one of the selected. She had...
David was not in a patient mood this morning. The Imam had not shown up yet at ten o'clock and Hafie had pointed out six of the twenty clients for today as being underage. David had called him Sunday morning, and Monday. He had finally gotten through to the Imam's wife on Monday afternoon and had been assured that the Imam would see him on Tuesday morning. Instead it was a no show so far and six underage women to do something with. Helen, Margaret and Carol were in an argument over...
It was a rare day that people in the processing area had a full staff on a Saturday, but this was the exception to the rule. The modified floor mounts for the new air cutters had been mounted at Findley and things were waiting final testing. Everyone was watching to see how the new mounts would work. Even those who were not on duty were there so see how the first of the new units would work. Helen and Carol were waiting and reviewing interviews in the reception for the first group of...
Staffing development for Findlay had taken on a whole new dimension with the addition of H&S. Sunday morning, Margaret, Nancy, Helen and Carol were in David's office after Susan and Jack had left and were grooming through the selection lists to find compatible Goats. The Goat problem was worse then the straight hires due to the overlapping issues of law, ethics and regulations. Plus it was pretty uncouth to reach out to someone and say "Would you like to come down and interview with us...
David had left the State Offices of the Populations Selection and Management board late Tuesday afternoon. It had been an interesting day. The need to get H&S back online was important. David found himself talking with building, health, OSHA and other officials The fall season was starting, the state was behind it's allotment and there were political issues underfoot that David had not been totally aware of. Barney Maguire was the State head of compliance for the Population selection...
My wife loves . Quite a surprise when you appreciate how Maria was brought up to be such a lady. She has certainly changed a lot these past few years and prefers a stiff, brisk pounding to anything else. Particularly at the hands of a strong black man. At 35, she is a stunning woman. After having our daughter Lucy, she kept a wonderful figure and I’ve always been attracted to her upmarket, stylish looks. So lost in many of today’s women. Maria’s crisp, intelligent face, flirtatious ways and...
InterracialAre we all in the mood for some classy sexiness? I know I am, and since you decided to check out r/classysexy/, I am guessing that you are as well. But, what is r/classysexy/ really about? I think it is all written in the name, but at the same time, I can see why the fuck you might be confused. Well, it is all about sexiness, but in a classy way.So if you were expecting chicks just to spread their legs wide open or you know… get extremely kinky, you should visit a different subreddit. And since...
Reddit NSFW ListFIRST HOURI’d been lusting after Cloe Simmonds ever since I figured out all the amazing things the package in my pants can do. But she only had eyes for her handball coach. It was damn painful to watch. Luckily, he eventually decided that she wasn’t worth his career. Fool. As soon as he was out of the picture, I swooped in and swept her off her feet with a little help from my dad’s Jag and credit card. It was all worth it. Losing myself in her scent, kissing her whole delicious body from her...
SwingersAlex and his entourage entered the restaurant where they were meeting Patricia. They'd stopped to pick up Peter and David again so they numbered quite a few people, but Alex was confident that Patricia had reserved a good portion of the restaurant for that. When they entered, Patricia was already waiting for them and she got up and kissed Alex, welcoming him warmly. "Have a good time last night?" she asked teasingly. "I'm not sure I'd describe it as a barrel of laughs, but I can't...
It was several days later that Gwen finally heard from Andre. Her dreams had been vivid since her encounter with P.J. and Brad and she had actually orgasmed in her sleep on more than one occasion. “Are you alone?” asked the now familiar voice on the phone. “Yes, Daniel is at school and Robert is at work.” “I hope you found your adventure satisfying.” “Oh my! Satisfying is not the word for it. I simply can’t describe...” “Then don’t try. It was one of many such experiences which await...
I got off on doing dangerous things. The craziest idea I'd ever had came to me last year. I'd steal a car, leaving my own car just inside town in a Wal-Mart parking lot, and drive the stolen car 30 or 40 miles away then use my favorite dildo to fuck myself until I got back to town. The dildo was my favorite because I'd start cumming on the third or fourth stroke every time. I gave myself 4 week to train holding back my orgasms. The training was incredible. By holding back on my orgasm, it...
“Fifty/fifty? Sixty/forty?”“Ninety/ten.”“Does that mean you're attracted to one out of every ten guys you see?” I asked Jacob as I waited patiently on my couch.“Ninety percent of the time, I'm attracted to women,” he yelled from inside my bedroom. “The rest of the time, it's usually men. Every time, it depends on the person.”I heard him moving stuff around. I wanted to take a peek, but I stayed in my place. “So more pansexual than bisexual?”“Omnisexual? Is that a word?”Wearing the pajamas I...
First TimeShanika at the Plantation Club by NealChapter 1 - The InterviewShanika was puzzled as she got off the bus. She knew that her interview at the Plantation Club wouldn't actually be on the premises, but she wasn't expecting it to take place in a second floor office over a row of shops in a suburban commercial district. She also felt out of place here, only a few miles from the city where she lived, she saw no black faces other than her own.She was self conscious as she scanned the addresses,...
Hi Indian sex stories readers, Jeevan hear from Bangalore this is my first story which I’m writing if you people like my store you can send me a feed back on I’m working in marketing company in Bangalore presently which I have finished my engg which I couldn’t go to that field for work I’m ok with my work and now working in .com company in Bangalore.. I’m 26yrs my height is 6″ & weight 70 and my tool is 7-8″ which can satisfy a woman.. I don’t waste the time telling you all these stuffs.....
Tuesday, Rachael phoned and asked me around for dinner. When I got there, she was home alone, as Lynette was on night shift. I have to say I was quite relieved, and very happy to have Rachael to myself. We sat and talked about the three of us, and I soon realised that Rachael was now a great deal more serious and wanting a permanent relationship. She was okay about us having the odd session where we invited Lynette in with us, but she brought up the fact that Lynette wanted to bring Shane into...
Threesomesmy wife went out last night and she came home smiling,,i asked her what had happened for such a big smile to be on her face. she said she has some good news and some bad, then she told me she had been fucked by 3 black men and they all had cum inside her when she was in fertility mode,,she said its a good chance i could get pregnant. but then i asked her was that it?? what's the bad news news, she said your daughter came out with us last night and she joined in the fun!!my daughter has just...
This week I hired a maid to clean up after a dinner party. This maid named Marta arrived at my house, this chick has the biggest ass I’ve ever seen and a huge pair of tits. After seeing her clean for a bit I had to get more out of her than that. I offered her a few extra bucks to clean my house in the nude. Once she was already nude all I had to do was pull my dick out and I knew she would be drawn to it. I fucked Marta all over my motherfucking room, her pink hole got slammed in several...