Vacation?Chapter 69 free porn video

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Day Sixty-nine - Saturday

There was someone strange in my bed. I knew she was strange, as the person was thin and extremely long. My hand was on a small butt as it rose and fell, filling a clutching pussy with my very hard morning woody. My body was signaling that it was enjoying the connection and was ready to send a big load of baby makers into the tight clutching pussy.

As my eyes opened and I viewed a still sleeping Deanne, I realized that she was a candidate to become a mommy if we continued. On the next rise of her pussy on my dick, I slid to the side disconnecting us.

Her hips moved around trying to find the good feeling again, but I was already slipping out of bed. Hoping she would stay asleep, I went to the bathroom then came back to the bedroom to view the long, lean, dark-skinned Deanne. She was a stark difference to my luscious Sue.

The clock said it was six fifteen already, so I made coffee and took a shower, putting on shorts and a T-shirt. By the time I went out on the patio, Glenda was waiting for me.

"So who warmed your bed last night? Anyone I know?"

I looked at Glenda with a raised eyebrow, "Not my fault. Sue is determined to keep sending bed warmers. Deanne stayed over."

"Is she still sleeping or did you put her back to sleep."

"Still sleeping. We did not do anything last night, and I got out of bed before something could happen this morning. I know that's not being a good host, but then again, how are you supposed to treat a little girl like that?"

"She's not a little girl. What is she six-six, six-eight or more?"

"You know what I mean, what is she twenty, twenty-one at the most."

"I will be twenty-one next month," came from Deanne as she came out onto the patio, wearing my robe.

She looked at Glenda and back at me. "We didn't do anything during the night did we? I don't think we did, or at least I hope we didn't."

"We were fine, Deanne, we did nothing that would be bad or get you pregnant. Have some coffee and relax."

"I'm going to put on clothes. I don't feel comfortable being in just a robe."

Glenda told her, "You're probably over-dressed around here on a weekend morning. But with four of the women gone, you won't get treated with all of the cute nightwear they usually wear."

Deanne headed back into the house saying, "I'll be right back, I'll be a lot more comfortable in shorts and top."

Glenda was talkative this morning, "You guys were all up late last night. I saw you on the patio with Shawna, Debbie, Deanne, Tiny, Phil, Ruth, and Judy. It looked like you guys had just gotten back from the hot tub."

"The girls came over about the time Sue called. She told them to take me to the hot tub to relax me. Tiny, Phil, and their wives were there, so we joined them for a while enjoying the tub."

Tiny came over carrying a big box of pastries. He said he was elected to get breakfast since Phil and Judy were still sleeping. Ruth came onto the patio with one of her see-through gowns. She sat, holding her coffee and said, "Today I'm going to get back some tan. If you want me, I'll be sunning at the pool. This working in an office everyday is hard on a tan."

Tiny offered, "You were so dark, I thought you were Deanne's sister. You're just now beginning to lose the color. A day in the sun and you'll be fine."

"You and Sue might be getting too much sun. That's how people get skin cancer you know," Glenda cautioned.

"That's why neither one of us ever stay out very long at a time. I'll get some sun, a couple of times today and tomorrow, and that should hold me over till next weekend."

Charlie came rolling over, with a smile on his face, and Shawna following him.

"What have you been up to, Charlie? You have a true shit eatin' grin on your face this morning," chided Glenda.

Charlie laughed, "My lovely little redhead just proved redheads give the best head."

Shawna whacked Charlie on the back of the head, "Shush! If you want more later, you best be nice."

"I was being nice honey, I was giving you a compliment in front of all these folks."

Al and Tom came over, saying they were on their way out to the flats near Safety Harbor. They were planning on fishing most of the day.

Shawna said that Charlie, Hank, and she were going in to finish the new truck, and probably finish up the bike that Charlie had been working on. She commented that she had three orders for custom bikes from more of the racing folks. These were going to be from the ground-up bikes, so it was going to be fun.

Phil and Judy finally made it up and came to soak up some coffee and Saturday morning relaxation. When Glenda asked me what was on my agenda, I smiled and said, "I'm going to clean up the cars, my bikes, straighten up anything in the house I might have messed up since you cleaned up yesterday, and get ready for my lady to hopefully come home tonight. I won't know till later, but if she decides to come home early, I want to be ready."

Tiny and Phil asked me what I thought was in our future. "I'm not much into forecasting without my crystal ball, but I see our business in five or six distinct areas. First our original rebuilds area seems to have a long life expectancy. Second or an expansion of the first, the new large lifts rebuild unit that has got off to a decent start, even though we haven't turned the first screw. Third would be the race car support group that is made up of the frame and sheet metal shops, and the motor shop that now houses some folks that are hell bent on giving the California bike builders some competition. Of course with those four entities you have to include the three race-day trucks and now the new fiberglass shop. There is the new equipment sales operation that has just been too wild to even consider it lasting forever, but that we'll ride as long as we can. That entity, once primed has provided us with the money for almost all of our expansion."

"Without the key people in each group, it would be impossible to keep up with everything that's going on. Hopefully, some of us will come up with new marketing ideas that we can experiment with. But right this second, I think we are in a great position to sit back and let the business take us where it will. Let's just enjoy the fruits of our efforts to date."

Phil commented, "You're probably right. We've grown so darn fast that it's been tough to hire and train enough people to handle the traffic we are creating. We do need a breather to catch up."

Tiny was smiling and almost laughing, "What do you want to bet, Stevie boy has something in the back of his mind right this second that will eat up more of our cash flow, but create more at the same time. So far every time I transfer a hundred dollars out to our money market account, I transfer back fifty to spend on something new. Don't hold your breath, Phil, just wait for it."

"I do have an idea and a couple of questions that we might look into." I said, thinking of the random thoughts I've had about Sue's business.

"See, I told you he had something going. You didn't even have to wait for it."

"I'm not that bad, Tiny, but I would like to look into the TransTee building across the street. I understand they lost a major contract for a clothing company, and the place isn't doing well."

Phil raised an eyebrow at me, "What in the world would you do with a clothes manufacturing company?"

Tiny jumped in, "You shouldn't ask, but I bet I have an idea of what he would do."

"You are probably right about what you are thinking, Tiny. Sue's manufacturer is taking more and more of her profits because they can't produce enough in house and have subcontracted out so much. We take up part of their production time now with our very popular coveralls. If we had our own plant, we could manufacture our own coveralls, make our own T-shirts, and make a lot of Sue's clothing. We could even resell some of her products on our race day trucks. Just look into what the building would cost to buy or lease, and if the production management is any good, how good the equipment is, and what their maximum production could be? Could they produce ladies finer garments?"

"I'm ahead of you boss," Tiny bragged. "I know how much the building and land is. I know the condition of the equipment is all pretty new. I know the production management is supposed to be good, but a little raw with their people. Whether they can transition into better garments is a big question, but you will have to talk to someone else about that."

I asked, "Do we have enough to buy the business as it stands right now?"

Tiny replied, "Yes and no. Yes, we can buy the building and equipment. No, we don't have enough cash flow to support the large payroll and material requirement that a company like that will demand."

There was the question in mind, "We paid off the most recent loan from Sue, right?"

Tiny smiled, "I wrote the check yesterday morning that actually pays off the building and most of the modifications we have made. The only thing that won't be included will be the new fiberglass area you are creating. We don't have any good numbers on what the cash flow requirement will be on that shop, or what the potential return is going to be."

Tiny added, "If a couple of those big government bids come in this next week like we expect, that will easily cover the fiberglass project and would give us some operating capital for a new venture."

Phil looked a little sullen, "I don't know anything about selling clothing. All I know about that business is that US manufacturers can't seem to compete. Why would you think you can compete in that market?"

I told Phil my thoughts on the subject, "The first reason, Phil, is that most people don't get with the people that count in order to encourage them to do their best. They push for speed and more speed, then let someone sell their mistakes as seconds. I think that the first thing we would do is to work with the seamstresses to make sure they take their time and do a perfect job the first time, no waste, no seconds, no returns. I may not be cut out to be a garment manufacturer, but I would want to treat those workers as fair as we do those in the businesses we have now."

"Another reason that you wouldn't have to worry about it is Sue handles the selling. Sue and the girls handle most of the creativity and design. All I want to do is to have a place to get her work done, and to make some items for us. We could probably use up the total plant's productivity making NASCAR T-shirts, but that would be a very dull job. We could use up a lot of the plant's productivity for our coveralls, and possibly other work clothes, but my original thought was to use twenty-five percent of the productivity for our stuff and seventy-five percent for Sue's. I think that we would work with her current manufacturer so that we either bought them out or formed some kind of partnership with them. The idea is to keep the manufacturing within the family, instead of farming any of it out."

Phil looked mystified, "When do you have time to come up with all of this stuff. I see you all over the place in our plant listening, looking, directing here and there, selling on the phone, and helping the different departments, but I don't see you sitting somewhere with your eyes closed, coming up with ideas."

Tiny came to my rescue, "Guys like Steve have the idea machines working in the background while they are doing something else. The background machines just keep pumping out questions that they find answers to, and those answers usually create business opportunities."

"Whatever," sighed Phil while shaking his head.

"Phil, you are a very imaginative guy, coming up with so many ways for you and your people to sell more equipment. Those are ideas. Where do you come up with them? They just happen, don't they?"

"You're right, ideas are ideas, it's just that yours are so diverse and risky, but all seem to turn out great. I'm not jealous, just amazed."

"Anyway, Tiny, I want to pursue this, and we'll get Sue involved to help finance the deal if we have to. But perhaps we can milk good old Phil for some monster sales so we can just do this whole thing in-house." Phil smiled, "I'll think on it today and tomorrow and see if there are some quick money deals we might be able to take advantage of."

"Phil, in your opinion, do we handle the world's best stationary generators, you know, like back up generators for big buildings?"

"We sure do. Construction engineers the world over specify our products."

"I know you work on several foreign accounts, but we haven't shipped anything to Dubai yet. Those oil countries are building like crazy, and I'm sure they are putting in big generators for backup power. How about getting us a multi-lingual guy to corner that market. Since we have the best product, why not help them buy the best product? If they are not using backup generators, then we need to sell them on the idea as a safety precaution, if nothing else."

Phil nodded his approval, "I can do that. Onan used to have a guy that traveled back and forth to Saudi. I'll find him and get him to start working for us. That ought to be worth about ten to fifteen mil a year. See, you did it again. We were talking about buying a garment business, then you turn right around and want me to do something simple, and completely different, that will probably net you two to three mil a year easy."

"I'm just looking for more places to sell right now. The other place that I don't see any orders from is Canada. We should consider that area as well. Phil, why not find out what we can do up there, and if it would be to our advantage to open an office up in Montreal, or somewhere convenient. We could even sell our truck bodies up there."

"I'll do that too. Judy has some Canadian relatives that might help us get started. I'll find out from our suppliers what needs to be done to sell up there."

I stood with a empty coffee cup, "Who needs some coffee?"

Phil and Tiny said they had enough and that they were going to go to Circuit City to look at televisions. Judy, Ruth, and Glenda had already taken off for the pool. I went inside to see what needed to be done to clean up. Just a couple of cups were dirty, so I washed them out by hand and cleaned up the coffee area. I went through the house to make sure the place was straight, ending up in the bedroom. I changed the sheets on the bed, making sure the place was dusted and ready for my queen. I replaced the towels in the bathroom and wiped down the shower, making sure the rest of the room was straight.

I stuffed the sheets and the towels in the washing machine, and went outside to wash my truck and Sue's car. While washing Sue's car, the phone rang. It was Sue. She was ready for the Saturday show and would call when it was done. At this point, because of all the customer activity for their new products, she didn't think they would be able to get back tonight. She said it was funny how they had created the new styles for their own catalog, but have sold more to other retailers than they could possibly sell from the catalog. Sue said she would call me late in the afternoon. We did the 'I love you' thing and she hung up.

I had cleaned up the big bike and when I finished the shovel, I put on some jeans and a support T-shirt and rode over to the clubhouse. As Hap had promised, the gate guy swung the gate wide to let me in. I parked where directed and wandered around to find Hap and Bear together. They got me an icy beer and asked me what I was up to.

"I'm here to have some of your weekend chili. My stomach told me it was getting close to lunch time, so I decided to come by to taste test your brew."

Bear haw-hawed, "That's the way a biker begs for food, all right."

We three ate chili, sitting among a bunch of scantily clad ladies, not wearing much but sure commanding a lot of attention. When I looked at Bear and nodded toward the ladies, he offered, "These are a bunch of dancers that were invited to come by today to dress up the party. We have another club going to be here in a little bit, so we thought some extra entertainment would be in order. If you want some of this stuff, there's a big bucket of rubbers over there. Grab a handful and pick out a couple of these babes and take 'em to the bunkhouse. There ought to be a free mattress in there."

"The chili is all the hot stuff I'm looking for today. Thanks for the offer though. Well, guys, have a good time, I'm going to get some wind in my face. See you all later. Maybe I'll stop by tonight if you think this is still going to be happening then."

Hap slapped me on the back, "Be safe and come back later. Who knows how much fun we'll be having by then? You're always welcome. Don't be a stranger."

I rode over to Big Jim's to find out they were having a pig roast. I bought a beer, paid the fee, and ate some roast pork with some black beans and yellow rice. Double D was in front of the bar, instead of behind it, with a long face. She was lonely because her guy was working till eleven and would probably be too tired to want to go out then.

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"Amazing isn't it? I hope to build on your present hypersensitivity to another sensual peak. I'll let you open the anti-bacterial soap and shampoo I got in your honor." I watched Lois soak her long hair and face me, her eyes closed. "Your arm movements are making your tits dance irresistibly. Wet nipples taste so good for some reason. Here, feel my tongue rest under your puckering nipples and lap up the water spilling off them. The water tastes as sweet as I expected." Lois must have...

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Autobiography of John RossChapter 12

Days are short, and there are a lot of hot women out there to pleasure. I was spending more and more time revisiting some of my earlier conquests, but I was still adding to my collection. I had started keeping pictures of all the women I dallied with, courtesy of the Polaroid camera Tandy had given me. I got Mom to buy me a big photo album, and I put the pictures there. I kept a few pictures of the women I fucked once -- a shot of them undressing, a nude or two, sometimes a picture of them...

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Michael Tapes 01 Saturday at the Mall

WARNING: This story is a product of imagination; it is not a depiction of real life. It involves sexual acts between two or more males of the human species. If you are offended by that idea or its explicit description, regardless of whether it's the act that offends you, or the age or relationship of the participants, don't read this story. If writing about any type of sex between males is illegal in your nation, or in your particular municipality, county, state, province, or other political...

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Mathews Resurrection III

Scene FiveI was out of town on business the entire next week and my return flight wasn’t scheduled to arrive until 8:30 Friday night. I hadn’t gone three nights in a row without fucking since Kerri and I met and I wasn’t looking forward to it. However, I decided to use it to my advantage.Before I left, I told Kerri to check her email every day at noon and at midnight for any instructions I may have for her. I sent her stories from various websites that covered a wide variety of sexual wonders....

4 years ago
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Her Cold Embrace

It's just past midnight on a Wednesday evening and I'm driving a hearse to the hospital. I'm tired and just want to go to sleep, but the phone rang and woke me up. There is a corpse waiting for me at the hospital. I'm a mortuary student and am working for a local funeral home as I study for my diploma. One of my duties is picking up the bodies and bringing them back to the funeral home. I drive the hearse into the hospital parking lot and pull around to the back to the morgue. I've been...

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ElenaMy Love Part 2

We arrived at the airport well ahead of our scheduled departure time, which was probably a good thing, because it seemed like we had to stand in line for hours. I guess that she could see that I was starting to get impatient, because she reached out and took hold of my hand. “Be patient, it won’t be too much longer now.” She whispered. Finally, we were able to get our luggage checked and all the necessary papers to allow us to board the plane when the time came. “We have a long flight ahead of...

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Ed BiggersChapter 22

Within his office, Ed sat back in his chair drinking a cup of coffee reflecting on the discussions last night about the marriage contract. The amount of money that everyone was considering was twenty thousand dollars as the buy in fee. That amount would basically destroy his savings, but it did put the family on good financial grounds. Eighty thousand dollars could get a very nice house built, at least in that area of the country. Kelly was busy in the kitchen making lunch. Today they were...

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Helen Sometimes Dreams Do Come True

The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and the early morning air was crisp and invigorating. And I was sweating like a pig. Yeah, I know, pigs don't sweat, but I do. I was climbing steadily in shadowy pursuit of my older brother. Jacob, Jake to me, was twenty-five and home for a two week visit. Me? I'm "lil Sis," to my brother. My name's Helen and I just had my twentieth birthday a month ago. I live at home with my widowed mother, Sara, aged forty-nine. I worked during the day as an...

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Wartime France

The funeral was a gloomy affair as funerals go. I am somewhat irreverent and remember clearly my twin brother and I giggling all through my Uncle’s funeral because his widow had the price ticket still dangling from the back of her hat. John and I shared a sense of mischief and humour. At our Grandfather’s funeral, we’d been unable to look at each other during the hymn ‘Praise my soul the king of heaven,’ because John had written an alternative verse that was utterly filthy and we both knew what...

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Ana of Peljesac A retelling of my affair

Introduction: This is the story about how I had sex with the lovely housekeeper in my Croatian vacation home. AN: This is the story of a very enjoyable vacation fling. Note that all characters are over 18 (I am 19, Ana I believe was 21 or 22) and the drinking & smoking age in Croatia are both 18. This is a true story, and I hope that I can remember all the details. It took place in late August of 2015. Also note that this is my first time writing anything close to this, so give me a break if I...

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Der Flaschengeist Teil 26

Der Flaschengeist Teil 26 Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle...

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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 7 Edited Lives

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Part Seven: Edited Lives By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Becky Davis I lay on my bed trying not to hear the moans bleeding through the walls. She did it. That little trollop did it. My younger sister was such a whore. I couldn't believe she would seduce Dad while Mom was out of town visiting her friend. It was sick. And Dad... He let the little trollop do it. Such a fury ran through me. I knew that...

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Tadapti Jawan Bhabhi Ki Chudai Ki

Hello friends, mera naam Honey hai. Main ISS ka bahut bada fan hu jaise aap log ho. Main ekdum fair smart banda hu jise dekh kar koi bhi ladki naa nahi kahegi. Main Delhi mein rahta hu room lekar aur govt exams ki preparation kar raha hu. Body mast hai aur penis 6 inch ka ekdum gora jo kisi bhi bhabhi ko pagal kar de.  Ab seedha story pe aata hu. Ek din main park mein jogging kar raha tha. To tabhi maine dekha ek bahut sexy hot bhabhi bhi ghum rahi thi usi park mein. Tight track pant mein kya...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City GirlChapter 35

Dad was spending the weekend with Deana again, so after school on Friday Linda and I stayed at home and made love from when we got home from school until hunger drove us downstairs for dinner. After that we cuddled on the couch and first watched The Pink Panther, then I went upstairs and got the porn I had gotten a few weeks before. This was the first chance we had to actually watch it. It was a rather silly story, the main actress had ended up joining a company that sent out massage girls,...

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Weakest Link

Weakest Link by Carl L. ([email protected]) It was 5. 15 in the afternoon and now, after a few weeks of this teasing torment, even the title music got me aroused! The Weakest Link was just coming on TV and I was in my place as my Wife/Mistress insisted I had to be on every week day, when this programme came on. I was like one of Pavlov's dogs, conditioned to respond to the music and the beginning of the programme that could result in my being unlocked from the plastic tube that encased...

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Our neighbours and their dog

Andy and Lisa had visited twice but made no attempt to return the invitation. I thought that was a bit rude but didn’t say anything. Then one Saturday we met them in the shopping centre. Lisa suggested Christine should come a visit as Andy was going to the football game and I should join him. I wasn’t really into footy but I said ok. I thought Chris would like some socialising. After the game Andy and I went to the pub and I got a bit uncomfortable as he began to offer to buy the drinks and he...

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Hello its me again

Hello it's me again! By Princess Pantyboy Kelly me teenage boy 14 years' old Tina my big sister 16 years' old Miley my little sister 11 years-old Beth our next-door neighbor/cheerleader All, I was transferring files from my old laptop to my knew laptop and found some stories I wrote back in 2011 and never put on line. Here is another one of them. I hope you enjoy it, like always please forgive any of the spelling or grammar mistakes I didn't catch I hope there...

1 year ago
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Confessions Paige Owens Day Dreaming About Fucking The Exercise Man

Some of Paiges Owens best inspiration comes from sitting at the park fantasizing about a certain exercise man that runs by her daily as she writes her erotic novel. She day dreams of what his hard cock would feel like thrusting deep into her pussy. To feel her pussy tighten around his shaft as he bounces her up and down so she can feel his cock completely consume her. She has an exercise of her own she wants to do and she requires that cock fucking her deeper and deeper until she can take no...

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Educating Penny Ch 02

He waited Tuesday morning, busying himself with work but his mind never wandered far from thoughts of his plans for her. She would be here, promptly after class… he had no doubt in his mind. Indeed, as the clock rang the half hour, he heard a car pull into the garage. Smiling to himself, he waited. He’d left an envelope prominently located on the tool bench, and knew that shortly he’d be hearing the garage door close as he’d directed, hiding her car from view and rendering her at his mercy and...

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The Club Chapter 3

I helped her off the table since the ordeal seemed to drain her. I positioned the chair so she could observe what I was going to do to the first volunteer. I sat her down and kissed her, gently squeezing the bruise marked breasts. She shuddered and slumped into the chair, content from the orgasm and obviously still feeling the ache of the zippering.  I helped the plugged and evacuated lady up onto the table. I had her lay on her back with feet pulled back and knees spread. I scooted her towards...

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My sex with Neighbour

By:Mark My sex with Neighbour When I was doing my Graduation in Bangalore I felt very deeply in love with one women who was very sexy & beautiful. Once I wake up without brushing I will go & see her face then only my mind allow me to de all other jobs. So I started thinking how should I make friendship with her. One day she herself came into my house and asked me to help her as her tv was not working. So I did it the problem. That time onwards she &me was very friendly in nature. So one day I...

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An Affair To Remember Part 2

It was inevitable! I should have known it! You can’t work in close proximity with someone you’ve been to bed with and not want to do it again. Forbidden fruit always tastes better, and eventually your craving for it overrides your conscience. So it was with Tammy and I. After our one night stand, we had discussed what we had done, how wonderful it felt, and how unfair it was to our respective spouses and families. We actually convinced ourselves that we could co-exist, work together, and not...

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Ballbusting Wrestling

You are sitting in your apartment with your beautiful girlfriend, Kara. She's 5' 5", slender build, C-Cup boobs, and a nice firm ass. She's a natural Brunette, with glowing Amber eyes, which compliment her sun-tanned skin. It's a fairly cool summer's day and the two of you are cuddled on your couch in your underwear, picking through Netflix hoping to find something worth a shit. After a while she sits up right and says "You know what would be fun? If we wrestled". You look at her and say "Like,...

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Bens Instruction continued

Ben worked for me through the whole month of June before we had another “lesson”. Not wanting to attract too much attention, we kept our distance, but the yearning was always close to the surface. He would watch me every chance he got. I knew this, because I watched him covertly, too. My husband and kids were home in the evenings, which left no time for thought, much less fantasy. I went through the motions of the perfect housewife and mother, but the minute I had a moment to myself I would...

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Harry and His Friendcontinued

Gary laid on me for about three minutes till his enormous penis stopped twitching so violently. As he pulled slowly from my anus, Gary said to me ' my uncle's bitch, I'm gonna watch him fuck this ass and hit again when he finish...' Gary kiss me on the lips and said to me '...look me in the face and tell me you'll do it, let me hear you say "let Harry get this pussy"...' Softly I surrendered and said to Gary while looking into his eyes '...let Harry get this pussy...' Gary's penis...

4 years ago
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My Sade Part 3

I leaned over and kissed her forehead and then buried my nose in the crook of her neck. Inhaling her scent and wanting her so much. She moaned and turned onto her back. I leaned down and flicked my tongue over her nipple. Even through her tank, it hardened and she moaned again. I flicked my tongue over her other nipple and watched it harden as well. Then I kissed her throat and started feathering kisses over her face. Slowly, she woke up and blinked. As her eyes focused, she looked at me and...

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Footprints In The Sea

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 25 and 26 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read the previous chapters, please do so. Charlotte returns to New Zealand and then travels on to London to have her...

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The Road or an RathadChapter 6

When I awoke it was morning. A quick glance at the hands I held in front of my face confirmed I was much older than four years old. I hauled ass to the bathroom and examined my face closely in the mirror. An almost eighteen-year-old Sean Taggart looked back at me and I breathed a sigh of relief. My recall of what had happened during my dream was very detailed and the reason I had panicked and run for the bathroom mirror was that I had remained with Charles and Grandma for two years! It...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 82

What did one do with a knife that was a gift from a God? The flute that Ken had received from Lea was displayed under a glass case he’d had specially made for it. He’d gotten pretty good at playing it, far better than he would ever have thought. He was still learning how to read notes from paper and put them onto the instrument, but he’d discovered a surprising talent for playing by ear. Fionna had laughed when he’d told her he thought that his inability to learn musical notation was limiting...

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What follows is actual and self-explanatory, written by the author about his own anticipated end shortly before it occurred. Subject: Valedictory If you're reading this, I'm dead. (I guess that's what they mean by "cutting to the chase.") I am by no means the first person to observe that death, & the prospect of dying, is the pornography of our time. You can discuss the most kinky & depraved sexual activity in polite company these days, & nobody bats an...

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