WeaklingChapter 11: Bullies Beware free porn video

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“All right ladies,” Coach Evan’s starts as we listen intently. “We win this game and we are guaranteed a spot in the playoffs.” There is only one more game after today left in the season and the coaches are excited that we might have a chance of making it to the playoffs. This school hasn’t been in the playoffs in over ten years and has never won a state championship. Our last season game is Tuesday and the playoff games start next Friday.

We head out as I see my mom and stepdad on the bleachers. Mom is starting to talk to me a little more and seems to care what happens to me. My stepdad is taking an interest in my life and is starting to act like a father to me.

We lose the coin toss and get the ball to our thirty five. Trevor calls a passing play as we line up. I’m playing tightened as I line up. The guy is huge, but looks slow.

“Set. Hut!”

The lineman slams into me with strength that knocks me off balance, however I’m able to get around him with my speed. By the time I’m free, Trevor passes to Lucas for a twenty yard gain. The team we are up against has a good defense.

Trevor calls the same play as we line up.

“Set. Hut!”

I’m ready for the big lineman this time as I slam into him with a loud CLACK as I knock him off balance, and head down the field. Everyone is covered as I sprint down the field. I see a safety coming after me on my left as I look up and see the ball. The ball is high and I have to jump to have any chance of pulling it down. I jump, catching the ball and pulling it down as I am hit by the safety and slammed to the ground on their five yard line.

Two running plays later and we score. The rest of the half is back and forth with both teams having awesome defenses. We start the next half with the score 7-3.

The opposing team moves the ball slowly up the field to our fifteen yard line. On the next play, Walter sacks their quarterback, knocking the ball lose as we recover on our twenty yard line. Coach Barkley pulls Trevor, Lucas and I aside.

“George, you and Lucas switch positions and Trevor, let’s get a lead on them, and win this game,” Coach Barkley orders as we head into the game.

Trevor calls the play as we line up with Lucas as tightened and me as wide receiver.

“Set. Hut!”

I swing around the cornerback and see an outside linebacker running towards me. I’m assuming that they are on to us as I speed up the pace. I now have a corner back and lineman chasing me, when I hear, “BALL!” I look up and pull the ball dawn. I see a safety running straight towards me as I swing left around him. I run the ball into end-zone as the crowd goes wild.

The rest of game was scoreless as we win the game 14-3.

After I’m checked out, I shower and start my walk home. Martina has to work tonight and the rest of the weekend, so I probably won’t see her until Monday at school. There is no JV game tomorrow since the team we play on Tuesday doesn’t have a JV team. Which is good since Kevin and Josh were suspended for three days of school and cannot play any sports for the rest of the school year, because of what they did to my locker. I still can’t believe Josh was in on it. I was actually starting to trust him.

I am crossing the parking lot, when I hear a soft voice say, “good game.” I turn around and see Monika. Monika is a freshman cheerleader. 5’5” petite with bleach blond hair. Her brother is a senior and our star basketball player for the school. “Are you going to the after game party?”

“No,” I answer as she frowns. “I’m not into parties.”

“I’ve noticed that about you,” she says tilting her head and smirking. “You seem very shy and don’t like to hang out with many people,” she continues. “But I would like to ask you to come to my birthday party next Saturday. Don’t worry, it won’t be wild and crazy, because my parents will be there.”

I don’t want to hurt her feelings and I don’t want to lead her on. “Okay,” I give in as she smiles.

“Awesome, it’s a date,” she grins as she runs off to join her friends. It’s a date. A date! What the fuck did I get myself into. I’m going to have to learn to be more careful.

Saturday morning I wake up at six and head out for my morning run. It’s mom’s weekend to work and my stepdad is at a seminar and won’t be home until late tonight. Jenney is spending the weekend at Tracey’s, which leaves me with the house to myself. After my morning workout, I decide to finish my homework since next week is going to be busy with Tuesday’s game and getting ready for our first game of the playoffs on Friday.

It’s noon when I decide to head downstairs and make me some lunch, when I hear the doorbell ring. I sigh not wanting to be bothered today and answer the door.

“Hi boss,” my sexy little secretary chirps. I forgot that I was supposed to help her with her homework, however I don’t see any books. I let her in as she smiles. She has really changed since the Kevin incident. She is more outgoing and cheerful. I’ve noticed a lot of guys taking notice and checking her out, which is what Coach Evans and I predicted. “Raymond asked me out on a date for tonight.”

Raymond is an honor roll student and popular. He comes from a wealthy family and runs with the rich crowd.

“That’s great,” I say as she smiles. “I hope you have a good time. Where are your books?”

“Did you read my note,” she asks. “I don’t need books for that.” I was hoping that Ericka wasn’t serious about having sex with me. She is going on date tonight. Why does she still want to have sex with me?

“All I want is sex,” she says reading my mind. “I don’t want to become the school slut. I know Raymond asked me out, because of the rumors that Kevin spread about me being an easy piece of ass.” Wow, I’ve never heard her talk like that. “I’m going to show him that I’m not that kind of girl. Which is why I need you now to scratch my itch? Now lead me to your room.”

I don’t hesitate as I grab her hand and lead her up to my room. She does have a point. I can keep her sexually satisfied, which will be between the two of use and she doesn’t have to be known as the school slut. Hey, Coach Evans did tell me to take care of her.

We get to my room, the clothes come off, and Ericka and I are on the bed swapping spit with our tongues in a battle. I start kissing down her neck.

“Oh George, You should have been my first,” she says as I start kissing down her body. She isn’t the shy little geek with braces anymore. She is Ericka the beautiful sophomore that is filling out with b-cups and her body losing the baby fat. Any guy would kill to be with her and yet ... Here she is with me.

I start with her b-cups and work my way down to her pussy that has a small patch of red hair and glistening with her arousal. I attack with my tongue, tasting her and making her moan. I work my index finger in her tight pussy as I find her G-spot. I suck her clit into my mouth as her body tightens and she screams out her orgasm.

I work my way back up and line my cock up against her entrance. How Kevin could have hurt, this beautiful girl is beyond me. His loss. I push in slowly as Ericka gasps and wraps her legs around my body until I’m all the way inside her. Her pussy s tight around my cock and she is rocking her hips.

“Fuck me George. Please fuck me.”

I do what I’m ordered from my sexy little secretary as I start thrusting in and out of her. Her hips are moving against mine as our body’s are slapping together. Her pussy is tight as it clamps around my cock in orgasm. She shrieks into my ear as I erupt and pump my semen into her until I collapse on top of her.

After I catch my breath, I roll off her as she lays her head on my chest,

“Thank you George, for being my friend and taking care of me...”

Sunday night, I’m crawling into bed to get a goodnights sleep. The coming week is going to be busy with games on Tuesday and Friday. Friday’s game will be the first game of the playoffs. I get comfortable and ready to fall asleep when the door slams. Fuck, I keep forgetting to buy a lock for that door.

“So ... you’re going on a date with Monika on Saturday, Jenny says crawling into bed with me. Before I can ask ‘what the fuck’, Jenny cuts me off. “Cheerleaders know everything and plus, Monika was bragging about it at the after game party on Friday.”

“It’s not a date,” I defend as Jenny giggles knowingly. “She asked me to go to her birthday party on Friday.”

“Then that’s a date,” Jenny argues as I scoff.

“How is that a date,” I ask knowing that I’m not going to get a logical answer.

“She asked a boy,” she says trying to make me understand. “That she doesn’t really know to her party.” She still isn’t making any sense. “Which means she wants to get to know you better and therefore, it’s a date.” I shake my head still not understand, however Jenny never makes sense anyway.

Friday at lunch, everyone is excited for the school’s first playoff game in over ten years, which is an away game. We won Tuesday’s game 21-7 and the coaches have been pushing us hard all week. The team we are playing Friday is one of the teams we lost to this year. They are the current state champions and went undefeated this year.

The week went without incident. Josh, Kevin, and Marty are back from their three day suspension. Josh can’t seem to look me in the eye and avoids me when he can. Kevin, Marty, and his gang of thugs still give me the stare of death.

Our lunch time seating arrangement has changed this week. Eddie and Julie’s friends moved a long table to connect to the geek table and now we sit together. Martina sits at the cheerleader table with the jocks, apparently, she is becoming friends with Jenny and Deana. Martina said that Jenny is still trying to pump her for information on where I was at last year.

“So ... George, are you ready for your hot date with Monika on Saturday,” Eddie asks as I hear a few snickers. Rumors are going around that Monika and I are going on a date Saturday.

I grab a French fry off my plate and throw it across the table, hitting Eddie on the forehead. The fry bounces off his forehead and onto his plate. Eddie picks it up, dips it in his fry sauce, and eats it as everyone laughs.

“Stop teasing George,” Julie chastises slapping Eddie on the shoulder. “He was tricked into the date. Who knows maybe George and Monika will become an Item,” Julie finishes and I give her the stink-eye.

“It’s not a date,” I demand with a little more venom than I actually meant. “It’s just a birthday party.”

“Keep telling yourself that George,” Julie says reaching across the table rubbing my hand and grinning.

I sigh in relief as the subject is changed to today’s game.

We are bused to the Cardinals school, which is an hour away. There was a separate bus for students and parents that didn’t want to drive. We get to the locker room and suit-up. We are playing at their school and need the win to keep the season going. Everyone is nervous. We are playing an undefeated team and the current state champions.

We are taped up and head out to the field to warm up. It is warm for early November and the bleachers are already full. I see mom and my stepdad sitting in the bleachers. Jenny and the cheerleaders are getting the fans motivated. I see a crowd of college scouts talking and looking at us.

After we warm up, we head back into the locker room for our pep talk.

“All right ladies,” Coach Evans barks as we listen. “I want to tell each one of you how proud I am to be your coach. All of you are the team that brought this school to the first playoffs in over ten years. I have never coached a finer team. Now, I want you guys to go out there and show everyone that our team has heart and it will take a lot to get through us. Now get out there and kick some ass,” Coach Evans finishes as we scream our school name.

We win the coin toss and defer. Our special teams holds them to their twenty five. They slowly move the ball up the field. Their offense is great and they have definitely gotten better since we played them during regular season. After twelve plays, they score and the extra point puts them in the lead 7-0.

We get the ball to our twenty and we head out. Trevor calls the play as we line up and I head to the tightened position. I am up against a large senior, and he remembers me from our last game as he grins.

“Set. Hut!”

I run into the linebacker with a loud CLACK, knocking him off balance as I get around him. I scan the field as I see Lucas and Wayne, our other wide receiver in trouble. Their middle linebacker is closing in on Trevor as he fires the ball to me and into my gut. There is nowhere to go as I am hit hard by three players and taken down for a twelve yard gain and a first down.

I’m surprised as Coach Barkley has Trevor call the same play. The team we are playing knows that we are a passing team. They also remember my speed and are watching out for me. We line up as Trevor sees the defense shift.

“RED! RED! RED!” Trevor yells, changing the play.

“Set. Hut!”

I hit the linebacker hard and push him back to leave a hole as Trevor fakes a hand-off to our fullback and runs through the hole for a ten yard gain and another first down. Their defense is good and they are slowing us down. The next two plays yield no yardage as Trevor calls another passing play.

“Set. Hut!”

Instead of slamming into the linebacker, I swing to my left, confusing him. I scan the field and see Trevor looking for someone to throw to as I sprint down field. There is nothing, but grass as I look up and pull down the ball. I run it in for the score as the crowd screams.

It is second quarter. Both teams are battered. Both teams holding the other scoreless. Thirty seconds left in the half and we have the ball on our thirty. Trevor calls a passing play as we line up.

“Set. Hut!”

They have been keeping a close eye on me since my last touchdown. The linebacker slams into me and knocks me back. I see Lucas open, but it’s too late as Trevor is sacked hard by the middle linebacker. I hear, BALL! As it is scooped up by the other team and ran into the end-zone.

Trevor is laying there as the players are peeled off him. The trainers come out to check him out. After five minutes, they bring a stretcher and take Trevor to the locker room.

We head out for the second half with the score 14-7. Trevor was taken to the hospital with a sprained ankle and a possible broken wrist. Mike is taking his place as quarterback and looks nervous and scared.

We get the ball to our twenty five. We head out as Mike calls a passing play. Coach Barkley left me as tighten.

“Set. Hutt!”

I hit the lineman hard and scan the field as I see Mike send the ball to Lucas as it flies over his head and out of bounds. Mike calls the same play.

“Set. Hut!”

I get around the lineman and see the safety at my side. I am clearly covered as Mike sends the ball to me anyway. The ball is high as I jump to catch it. Before I can get the ball, I am hit and flipped onto my back. I hear whistles and boos as I try to catch my breath. I am sucking air, because the wind was knocked out of me. The trainers come and ask me the standard questions. I tell them that there is a sharp pain in my back as I am carried out on a stretcher.

I’m in the locker room as the trainers are checking me out and complaining that Mike should have never thrown the ball to me if I was covered. They take my shoulder pads off and check my back.

“Just a bruised muscle,” one of the trainers says as he rubs ointment on my back that makes it go numb. I am taped back up and dressed. There are two minutes left in the game and we are down 17-10.

I walk to the bench as I’m attacked. Are you okay, Jenny asks hugging me tight. I assure her that I’m fine and I love her. I do love her she is my sister and I will always take care of her.

Thirty seconds left in the game and we are at our twenty with the score still at 17-10 with both teams battered and tired. Coach Barkley sends me out as wide receiver to try to tie the game.

Mike calls the play that we use as a last resort and we line up. The defense is onto us as they switch positions. I listen for Mike to switch the play, but he doesn’t. I can even hear Coach Barkley screaming at him to change the play.


I run past the cornerback and sprint down the sideline. I have the cornerback on my ass and a safety running after me on my left, when I hear BALL! I am praying that the ball isn’t coming to me, because I’m covered. I look up and see the ball. I don’t know why Mike throws the ball so high. I jump and pull the ball down. Before I can get my feet on the ground to run, I am pushed out of bounds and slammed to the ground in front of their cheerleaders.

I get up after laying there out of breath as one of the guys that tackled me is helping me up.

“I’m glad I’m a senior and don’t have to deal with you next year,” he grins patting me on my back as I’m still trying to catch my breath.

We get off the bus at our school after the game to a screaming crowd. Even though we lost, everyone is still happy that we made the playoffs. We are sent into the locker room to be checked out.

Mike is sitting beside me as we are getting dressed and doesn’t look happy.

“We lost the game, because of me,” he sighs.

“Everyone has a bad day,” I say. “And it wasn’t your fault. They are the better team and we played our best,” I finish patting him on the back.

I am standing in front of Monika’s house Saturday afternoon. I spent the morning with Eddie and his friends playing basketball, which I suck at and was too sore to play anyway. I am holding a small gift wrapped box in my hand. I don’t know what I bought her, because I gave Jenny the money to buy her something. I don’t know what to get a girl that is turning fifteen and I’m not going steady with.

I ring the door bell and wait. An older guy around my stepdad’s age opens the door.

“George, I’m Calvin,” he says holding out his hand as I shake it. Whoever he is. “You can call me Cal. I’m so glad you came to my daughter’s birthday party. You played a great game yesterday. Leave your present on the table. The girls are in the back yard. Let’s go watch the game.”

He leads me down stairs to the basement. I see Darrel as he jumps up and gives me a high five. “George the man,” he says. “Great game.” Darrel is a senior and a star basketball player and hangs with the jocks. Calvin hands me a soda and we sit down to watch the football game and chat.

We talk about the season we had and the upcoming basketball season. Darrel plays point guard and is excited for his final year with colleges already offering him basketball scholarships.

Calvin asks about me, and I give him the basics. What I like to do and what my parents do for a living.

Calvin is an auto mechanic and owns his own auto repair shop. Monika’s mother Teresa, works at the local IRS.

The game is almost over when a lady walks down the stairs. She looks like an older version of Monika so I’m assuming she is her mother.

“Cal honey,” she says pointing at me. “Monika is not going to be happy when she finds out you stole her date.” There’s that fucking word again. DATE!

Before Calvin can answer, I hear another person descend the stairs. “There you are George,” Monika says with a huge grin on her face. “Daddy, you stole my date.” I cringe at hearing that word again.

“We were watching the football game Munchkin,” Calvin says as I chuckle at her nickname. “Plus, he doesn’t want to be up there with all those girls the whole time.”

“Some of the girls brought their boyfriends,” Monika says. “Come on George. We are going to eat and then open presents.”

We get upstairs and I see the table filled with hamburgers and hotdogs. I see two guys I recognize from the JV football team, two other freshman cheerleaders, and two girls that I don’t recognize. We sit down and eat. We talk about school and yesterday’s game.

After we eat, the party moves to the living room there is a table full of presents. Calvin, Teresa, and Darrel are waiting as Monika motions for me to sit beside her on the couch. Monika starts unwrapping presents as everyone watches. After each gift, she thanks everyone. She finally gets to mine, which is the last gift. I’m excited to see what I got her since I gave Jenny the money to get something for her. Jenny never told me what she bought and I never asked.

“From George,” Monika says reading the box. “You didn’t have to get me anything.” She unwraps the box and opens it up. She puts her hand over her mouth as her eyes start tearing up. I can’t see what’s in the box so I don’t know what it is yet. After a minute of staring at it, she pulls it out as everyone in the room gasps. I look at the ‘ring on a chain’ as tears start rolling down her cheeks. “Yes, George ... Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend,” she cries as everyone starts clapping. Monika hands me the chain, pulls her hair up and I fasten it around her neck.

“Congratulations, you two,” Teresa chimes. “The two of you make a lovely couple.”

“You just made my daughter very happy,” Calvin says patting me on the back.

Jenny is so dead to me.

I wake up at six to head out for my morning run. On my way out, I see my mom and stepdad heading out to spend the day with friends. I decide to do my ten mile route and stop by the school football field to do pushups and sit-ups. Well, I guess I have a girlfriend, whether I like it or not. I couldn’t tell Monika that the gift was a mistake, especially not in front of her friends and family. Plus her parents seemed to like me. Her father asked me to come watch sports on Sunday afternoons. How bad can having a girlfriend be?

I walk through the front door after my work out and see Jenny walk out of the kitchen still in her pajamas. She stops and grins at me knowingly.

“You bitch,” I growl as I start to run towards her. Jenny squeals and starts running up the stairs screaming. I chase her up the stairs and down the hallway to her room. She slams the door shut before I get there.

She tries holding the door shut, however she can’t match my strength. I get the door open as Jenny runs to the other side of the bed. She stares at me with a mischievous grin on her face.

“Your little sister has been a bad girl,” she coos unbuttoning her pajama top. “You need to punish your little sister, big brother.” She removes her top and I see that she isn’t wearing a bra. I jump across the bed as she squeals. I grab her and pin her down face first on the bed. I hold her down with my right hand as I rip her pajama shorts off to find that she isn’t wearing any panties. I feel her pussy to find that it is sopping wet. The little minx is getting into this brother-sister shit.

I pull my running shorts and boxers off. My cock is rock hard as I lift Jenny’s hips up so that her ass is in the air and give her right butt-cheek a slap.

“Oh yes, punish your bad little sister,” she says in a husky voice. “I’ve been a bad little sister.” I give her ass another smack, as I push half my cock into her tight wet pussy.

“Oh ... Yes Big brother fuck your dirty little sister.”

I push the rest of my cock into her as she moans. I give her ass another slap as I grab her hips and give her the fucking of her life. After a while, I feel her getting ready to come as I push her down by her shoulders and start jack hammering her. Her body tightens as she screams out her orgasm.

“Yes! Fuck your little sister. Come inside of me big brother.”

“You don’t deserve my come inside of you,” I say as I turn her over and mount her chest, while I unload stream after stream of come on her face. I collapse beside her out of breath. Nothing like a good hate fuck after a morning workout.

After we catch our breath, Jenny grabs the pajama bottoms that I ripped off her and wipes my come off her face and lays her head on my chest.

“I should be a bad girl more often,” she giggles.

“You tricked me,” I say as she giggles. “What am I going to do now. I can’t back out now, because she said yes in front of her parents and friends ... Her parents like me and are happy ... She is so happy, and I don’t want to hurt her,” I babble.

“How bad can it be George,” Jenny sooths as I sigh. “All she wants you for is a trophy so that she can be the center of attention and be popular. She is still a virgin and probably won’t go all the way with you. Just play along and enjoy the ride.”

I think about it for a minute and realize that it’s not that big of a deal. Maybe it’ll keep the rest of the girls from bugging me. Heck, it’s not like Monika and I are forever. My forever is Martina and Martina and I know it.

By Monday morning, the rumor mill was in full force. Word had gotten out through Monika bragging to everyone and the cheerleaders, that Monika and I are a couple. The only ones that know how it went down is Jenny, Martina and me. I called my ex-best friend Martina Sunday evening to let her know what Jenny did and what happened. I ended up having to hang up on her, because she was laughing so hard, that she couldn’t talk.

I walk down sophomore hall and pinch the familiar sexy ass bent over pulling books out of her locker. I figure if I piss her off enough, she will have her dad put a hit out on me.

I get to my locker and see Monika waiting for me with a smile on her face. She is very beautiful, however she is not in my trust category yet. I think Jenny is right. She wants a trophy boyfriend for popularity reasons. I mean, who would become someone’s girlfriend, when they don’t even know them.

“Good morning babe,” she greets me standing on her toes and giving me a kiss on the lips. “Walk me to class?”

“Sure,” I say, I’ve never had a girlfriend before so I don’t know what to say or how to act. “Let me get my books.”

I get my books, turn around to see Eddie and Julie standing there with shit-eating grins on their faces. I give them the shut-the-fuck-up look, which doesn’t work.

“Congratulations, you two,” Julie chirps with a hint of teasing in there. “You two make a perfect couple,” she finishes as Eddie snickers and I give him the stare of death.

Pay-back is a bitch.

I’m heading to lunch, when I hear a familiar voice.

“Sir, we need to talk,” Erick says handing me a piece of paper. “Now that football season is over we need to get the anti-bully group running. I’ve reserved a classroom for every other Friday after school. And I’ve already notified everyone. The first meeting is this Friday.”

I get to the lunch room and sit at our regular table. I brought a sack lunch today, because slop is served every day except for Fridays, when they serve hamburgers or pizza. I feel a slap on the back of my head and see Ericka pointing at Monika, who is carrying her lunch tray towards our table. She usually sits at the cheerleader table, but I guess since she is my girlfriend, she wants to sit with me.

I get up, grab her tray, and lead her to our table. We sit beside each other as the rest of the gang joins.

“So ... Monika,” Julie says as I cringe wondering what she is going to ask. “Would you like to join the school’s anti-bully group?” Everyone at the table is quiet waiting for her answer.

“No, I’m too busy these days,” Monika answers. “Cheerleading and ballet classes keep me busy.” I realize there is a lot I don’t know about Monika, that’s what I get for letting Jenny trick me into a relationship.

“Would you and George like to double date next Saturday before the Thanksgiving break,” Julie asks Monika, who answers yes for the both of us.

“Everyone, come to order,” Ericka yells. It is Friday afternoon and our anti-bully meeting. Julie and I are sitting up front. Everyone is present except for Eddie, who is at basketball tryouts.

Ericka hands me the agenda and we get the meeting started. We establish our goals and consolidate everyone’s ideas.

“Okay, Jordan and Michelle will work on anti-bully poster ideas,” I start issuing out orders. “Since Jamaica had the great idea to keep stats on how we rate to other school’s bully problems, before and after we start our group. You can research and obtain those numbers. I suggest starting with the school librarian. By the way, great idea Jamaica,” I finish as she smiles proudly. Jamaica is a senior. and is a homely heavyset girl that is often teased.

We agree to meet after Thanksgiving break and adjourn our meeting. Ericka, Julie and Martina stay behind. We talk and agree that we should get a teacher to help us with our group.

“I’ll talk to Principal Gallegos and ask if she can find someone to help. I figure we need help with permission to hang posters and guidance on research.”

Everyone leaves, except Martina.

“Walk me home,” she asks with lust in her eyes as I smile.

“Let me guess,” I say looking into her eyes and grabbing her hand as we walk out of the school. “You need your BOX packed.”

“GROSS!” Martina says, slapping my chest. She suddenly stops as she looks in the parking lot. I look at where Martina is staring and see Monika staring at us as we hold hands. She is with her friends, who are also looking at us. Monika’s face turns red as she turns and runs towards her house,

Same as Weakling
Chapter 11: Bullies Beware Videos

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The Big Bad Bullies and the Submissive Sissy Slut

The Big Bad Bullies and the Submissive Sissy Slut I was always a target for older and stronger boys. I guess in playground hierarchy a boy that liked to daydream about silly things would have to assume there would be some teasing. After all I wasn't as rough and tumble with other boys my age. I was something of a sissy you might say and a weakling as well. I often suffered terribly at the hands of bullies. I liked to play alone mostly, with my sister's dolls. I also coveted her pretty...

2 years ago
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Black Bullies from High School Fuck My Wife

Most of us have probably had experiences in our younger years that we would just as soon forget. I had some experiences like that in my junior and senior years in high school, and they were all but forgotten until chance reared its ugly head. My name is Walter, and I’m a pretty average 62 year old married, white man at 6’ tall, 185 pounds, with grey hair and beard, and hazel eyes. But I started out as a skinny kid who had a hard time defending himself. My wife Sheila is a 60 year old white...

1 year ago
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Saved from the Bullies

"Just what do you think you're doing?” Rick said to Ben. Ben started to run toward his grandma's house. Rick ran after him and caught him from behind. Rick threw him to the ground. "Leave me alone." Ben cried. "I don't think so." Rick said. Rick, Charlie, and Scott enjoyed picking on Ben. For the last three weeks they had bullied him. Nothing really mean or anything, just throwing him to the ground a few times, tearing his clothes a bit, pushing him around. Rick at 25 years of age was 6'3 and...

3 years ago
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Black Bullies from High School Fuck My Wife

Most of us have probably had experiences in our younger years that we would just as soon forget. I had some experiences like that in my junior and senior years in high school, and they were all but forgotten until chance reared its ugly head.My name is Walter, and I’m a pretty average sixty-two-year-old married, white man atsix feet’ tall, weighing one hundred and eighty-five pounds, with grey hair and beard, and hazel eyes. But I started out as a skinny kid who had a hard time defending...

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Joey and his Bullies 3

Introduction: A party takes place at Joeys house. Daddy comes to visit Joey and his Bullies 3 By Mathew Elizabeth By 1 oclock in the afternoon on Saturday, all eight of the 16-year-old skater boys had already cum on Joeys mother in the master bedroom and decided to pay attention to Joey himself. He had already groveled to a beating while his mother got titty fucked by the smallest boy there. So now they wanted to see something funny. A girly boy older than them being sexually humiliated. ...

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Bullies Part 6

Bullies Part 6. By Itsme As the months passed, Larry found himself to be the King, er Queen, of the school. He was popular with every girl in the school and he led his swimming team to victory in the statewide championships. Something he could have never done with his football team, thus, making him popular with the boys as well. Encouraged by his boyfriend, who told him he could never be with a dummy, Larry's grades became much higher than they had ever been. None of the teachers...

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Revenge On Bullies Part 2 Rajesh

This is the second part of my installation in indian sex stories dot net. Before reading this, please read the first part so that you are well connected with the storyline. Still I would give a short recap- “My bullies Ravi, Rajesh, Aarif and Tony humiliated and fucked my mother and sister right in front of my eyes and embarrassed in a very derogatory manner. I embarked on journey of vengeance and soon became an IPS officer.” I moved in with my mother and sister in our new full furnished...

1 year ago
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Revenge On Bullies Is Finally Complete

Hello and welcome back! I hope you are enjoying my stories. This is the part where the revenge on my bullies comes full circle. Sit and back and enjoy reading this sex story. Note: Do follow all my stories in order to comprehend this sex story better. Damn, that was one kinky sex with my mom and sister (my wives). Kitty and Lola made me the horny wolf. That day, we had more threesome sex and I slept with both of my wives in our marriage bed with both cuddled up with me inside the white blanket....

3 years ago
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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk1Chapter 5

As the boys disappeared into the cabana to shower up, Elliott pulled his pants back on and retreated into the house, unsure of what to do. He closed the sliding door behind him and was just turning when his mother’s voice reached him. “Elliott?” He looked up, seeing his mother hugging the wall at the top of the stairwell as she craned her head around the corner. “Yes, Mom?” “Honey, could you be a dear and make a quick run to the store for me. Just take some money from my purse and the keys...

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk1Chapter 6

Jamal helped Tanya to her feet, where she demurely slipped her bra and the top of her dress back into place. “I’ll be back in a few minutes,” Jamal said to his buddies as he took her hand and turned towards the house. “Jamal, what the fuck?” Gunner said, rising out of his chair. Jamal stopped in his tracks and faced his friend. “What?” “What the fuck are you doing? We always do this together.” Gunner nodded at Tanya before pointing to himself and Zeke, who had the same puzzled look on his...

1 year ago
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Buyer BEware

I originally wrote this for a large breast fetish site but I figured what the hell... also, this is not literature. If you want literature read Tolstoy or Hugo. This story contains scenes of an erotic nature, and is not intended for minors. Further if such material is considered illegal in your area, you should bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these...

2 years ago
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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 2 Robin prepares Alfred beware

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 2 Robin prepares, Alfred beware! by Tawny Suede The evening before the date in Part 1... Sitting in her resplendent suite of rooms in the Manor, Robin inhaled a slow drag from her cigarette. As she exhaled the stream of smoke, she admired her lipstick on the filter of the cigarette. It was funny. More than a year ago, when "he" was just "Dick", he was appalled by the idea of smoking. But then the big change had hit him and now he thought the sight of any...

4 years ago
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Joey and his Bullies

Introduction: A boy is tormented by his highschool bullies, as they dominate him in every aspect of his life. Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This author will not be held responsible if this work gets into the wrong hands. This story contains consensual but intimidating descriptions of sexual activity between boys and older people. Please write: [email protected] I would like to hear if you...

4 years ago
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The categories pertain to the story as a whole and not each individual chapters Bullies Part 1. By Itsme When Larry arrived at the rear of the school, he found three boys from his school waiting there. He hadn't planned on meeting them. He didn't even know why he decided to go to the back of the school. He was just walking aimlessly and found himself at the rear of his high school. Classes wouldn't be starting for another fifteen minutes so there was no hurry to get to class....

2 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 11 What is it with Bullies

I thought after my first day of school, that I wouldn’t have any more issues with bullies. Silly me, of course there would be others in school. The fact that I might get caught up with another was much more surprising. I am a placid type of person. I might have the skills to look after myself, but not much bothers me. So unless another stupid ape took a swing at me again for no reason, there shouldn’t be a reason why I would be involved. Also in the back of my mind was the suspension issue...

3 years ago
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School Bullies 1

Introduction: a young school girl is raped by the bullies. School bullies are sometimes a part of life that is unavoidable. They can make school life a living hell, make after school life a living hell, and even drive kids to suicide! They were truly a thing to be feared. Jane Smith thanked god that she was a girl! The local bully was the meanest kid she had ever met, his name was Billy Reig. He was 2 years older than her with broad, strong shoulders, sinewy forearms, and a body built like a...

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Unknowingly Eating His Bullies Creampie

I wanted to trick a guy into swallowing cum. I have already fucked Mike a few times at this point and I knew he would jump at any opportunity to have me again. I had the cum, I just needed a receiver. Mike bullied this wimpy socially awkward k** in college called Kyle a few years below us. It would be perfect.I went looking for Kyle when college finished after hearing about a particular brutal run in with Mike that left him with mud running up the side of his shirt and jeans. I caught up with...

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Bullies Part 4

Bullies Part 4. I thought, that to make the school more peaceful and more of a bully free zone, that not just the big bullies should be tamed, but some other's too. The popular people have become too arrogant and I think they need to be taught some humility so I will make some changes to the rules of the school. During Gloria's free time she had to do a service. Gloria was one of the most popular girls in the school. According to the school handbook: "Being popular is a privilege...

3 years ago
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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk2Chapter 3

“That’s good, baby. Mommy’ll give you that lesson soon enough,” Tanya said. “But I’m starting to feel pretty hungry. You must be too. You said you just had a sandwich earlier?” “I am, kinda.” Elliott nodded in agreement. As soon as the words left his mouth, something else occurred to him. He was afraid if the current spell he felt like he was living in was broken, his mother might change her mind. He knew he’d do anything to get his mouth back on his mother’s pussy and he didn’t want to risk...

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Revenge On Bulliespart 3 taking Down Aarif

Welcome back to the third installation dear indian sex stories dot net readers. I hope you all are having a good read. A short recap of the previous part: In part 2, I got my revenge on Rajesh, one of my four bullies. I arrested him and his wife straight away from their wedding ceremony. In the lock up, his wife, Monica was gangbanged by me and my subordinates and Monica became my submissive slut. On top that, Rajesh was turned into a sissy and cum eating faggot! Now let’s get started with...

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Bullies Extended Ending

Bullies Extended Ending When I originally wrote the story I ended at the last chapter including the epilogue. I left the gender of the protagonist intentionally blank. I didn't have any greater truths for anyone. In general, after years of these tg sex stories (even those without sex) I didn't see a need for a happy ending nor justice. If you want happy endings and justice go to the real movies where the hero always wins and the villain gets it in the end. But after reading the...

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk3Chapter 4

On Thursday, when Elliott and Jamal came out of school after last period, Gunner and Zeke were nowhere to be found. While he leaned against the van and waited, Jamal tried to reach them on their cells, but both of their numbers went to voicemail. “I wonder what those fuckers are up to?” he said as he climbed into the van. “C’mon, Elliott. I bet I know exactly where those assholes are.” Five minutes later they were at Elliott’s house. Everything seemed dead quiet as they entered the house....

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk3Chapter 5

Elliott expected more of the same Friday, and wondered if it would be different since it was the start of the weekend. He didn’t have long to wait. After English class, which was the subject he was tutoring Jamal in, the black youth spoke to him in the hallway. “Look at this, my man,” Jamal said, a big smile on his face as he waved a sheet of paper in front of Elliott’s face. When he finally held it still, Elliott was able to see that it was the pop-quiz the English teacher had given them...

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk2Chapter 6

Jamal dished out some of his Mama’s homemade apple pie and passed the plates around to his younger siblings, as well as to the adult family members in attendance. His mother made a big deal out of these family lunches on Sundays after church, but other than requiring his presence for that one time during the week, his mother basically stayed out of his face, and out of his business, for which Jamal was eternally grateful. He couldn’t begin to count the meals he’d missed, or the nights he’d...

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Revenge On Bullies Part 5B Ravi

Continued from 5(a)……. After getting an arrest warrant for ravi’s father pramod kumar, I went with a unit to arrest him. Some other such gov. Officials were also apprehended. There were too many people gathered at his residence. Reporters, officials etc. I went in and arrested pramod kumar. I had come up with some other arrest warrants as well. One for ravi. He was once charged for molesting a girl but had got away due to his dad’s influence. So it was my best chance for payback. Then I noticed...

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Revenge On Bullies Part 1beginning

Greetings to all readers of indian sex stories dot net! This is my first story. Actually it is a series and I will write in parts. I hope that my series will entice and excite you. So sit back and enjoy! I will be narrating in both english and hindi. My name is ayushman and my story takes us back to the time when I was in delhi university pursuing b.Sc in physics. I used to be a very simple, humble and down to earth boy who was very serious about his studies. I was basically a nerd with...

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SRU A Bullies Time to Pay the Fiddler

SRU- A Bullies Time to Pay the Fiddler By Jennifer Allison "Mrs. O'Leary your son Dean is incorrigible." "What has he done now?" "What hasn't he done. The only thing I know for sure he hasn't done is sell drugs." "Tell me more." "Do you know he is the school's loan shark?" "I didn't know. Where does he get the money?" "By being a bully and taking it from the kids that can't stop him from taking it." "You see I am single mom trying to raise Dean and his sister...

1 year ago
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My Ex is Taken and Raped by Teen Bullies repost

My Ex is Taken and Raped by Teen Bullies Jackie - 5’10”, 21yr, Spanish features and plump round ass. Perky firm B cups. Travis - 6’ tall, 22yr, strong build, 7” long and 6” girth cock. Diego - 5’8”, 16 years old, strong build, Spanish features, 7” long, 4” girth. The leaves crunched under my feet as I walked along the sidewalk. It was dark out already and I was looking forward to sitting my ass down at home and relaxing. But most of all I didn’t want to be where I was going. Towards...

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk3Chapter 3

The next morning, Elliott went into his mother’s room as he had the day before, finding her lazily opening her eyes from a night of contented sleep. She pushed the covers down and then opened her legs. They started the day with him servicing her once again. The routine was the same as the day before, with him using his mouth to bring her to orgasm before she allowed him his own relief—and then he lowered his mouth and pleasured her again. That day at school, Elliott noticed that Mrs....

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk1Chapter 2

This is Chapter 2 of this six-chapter book. For those that want to read ahead, the complete book is available at the Lot’s Cave website. They were barely past a half hour into the movie Elliott had chosen before Tanya spoke. “Elliott, I just can’t get into watching anything tonight. I think I’ll just go up to my room and read. Do you mind, sweetheart?” Elliott realized the visit from the three bullies was playing on his mother’s mind just as much as his. “No, that’s okay. I’m not into it...

4 years ago
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Joey and his Bullies 5

Introduction: School time is more humiliating than ever for Joey. Joey and his Bullies 5 By Mathew Elizabeth Joey,Evan and Little Jake made it to school before the bell rang. School was already a place he considered hell. But he believed his thoughts of the past would be nothing compared to his experiences he was going to take part in the present. Both Evan and Jake lead him into the school toilets. He already knew his day of humiliation would be more than mere name calling and punches. The...

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Bullies Part 2

Bullies Part 2. By Itsme "Bruce, I think that the reason you are so fat and like picking on people is a lack of self esteem." Which was in its way the truth. "So I am going to help you. Tonight when you get home you will tell your parents that you have decided why you are the way you are. You hate yourself, because you know deep down inside you are a thin feminine girl trapped in a boy's body. You must make them believe you are sincere and then after you tell them you will tell...

1 year ago
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Bullies Part 3

Bullies Part 3. By Itsme Larry entered the school building and greeted all the girls he saw. He was friends with all of them it seemed. Without the sexual tension that usually accompanies male/female relationships and the petty jealousies of same sex friendships Larry was more popular among women than he was before. Simple greetings, hugs, kisses and even innocent sexual innuendos were the norm as Larry encountered the female student body of the school. Larry could tell each girl...

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Bullies Part 5

Bullies Part 5. By Itsme As I walk through the school, all sorts of good ideas on how to improve things occurred to me. For one, I don't think it is fair that if a boy gets a girl pregnant that she must endure the pregnancy all by herself. So from now on any boy who gets a girl pregnant must go through a sympathetic pregnancy identical to that of their girlfriend (regardless of whether she is really his girlfriend or not). He'll develop a distended stomach, his chest will swell with...

2 years ago
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Bullies in Tights

Bullies in Tights Belladonna Alex high-fived his older brother as their cousin stormed out of the room in tears. "That'll show her who's boss," Jordan exclaimed. "The little lesbo," Alex snickered in reply. Jordan chuckled at his brother. Their cousin Mackenzie had gone from flustered to angry to distraught over their relentless teasing over her short hair in short order. Her explanation that she had cut it off for a cancer charity did nothing to sway them away from teasing...

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Me The Bullies and the Girls

Me, the bullies, and the Girls Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As they held me down, I looked up and saw it. Pink and firm, one eye staring at me, just a few inches from my lips. Then someone grabbed my head, pinched my nose, then forced himself into me. Back and forth, he held me tightly until he stopped, then erupted, filling my mouth with salty liquid. It was done. They all laughed, then pushed me to the ground and walked away. I lay there thoroughly ashamed at what they...

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The bullies torment

first of all this is my first story introduction page and it is subject to editing for the future pardon the mess but I just wanted to get started with the story Welcome to the bullies torment which will be a story of harassment and humiliation at the protagonist's expense and our enjoyment. this story will contain mind control, possession, and transformation. this story is my pet project and I am hoping will be able to spend enough time on it to keep it alive. rules. as far as the rules go I...

Mind Control
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Wonder Woman vs the School Bullies

Wonder Woman was on a routine patrol when she saw trouble down in a school yard. Three boys had a girl up against the schoolhouse wall and 2 of them had her arms, holding her prisoner. She quickly flew down and assumed her hands on hip, me superior to you, stance. "Release that girl you hooligans," she declared. The leader of the trio spun around to see who had the audacity to challenge him. He and his 3 buddies ran Central High, they beat up any boys who didn't instantly do anything they...

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk3Chapter 6

It was just before dusk when the message came in from Jamal. He’d texted both Tanya and Elliott to let them know he and the other two boys would be there in about twenty minutes. Tanya had retired to her room after they’d eaten, claiming she had to freshen up again. Elliott knew one of the reasons was to fix her hair after Derek had messed it up while fucking her face. Elliott had gone to his own room and played his new video game. He needed the distraction to take his mind from the constant...

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk2Chapter 2

With a final kiss, Elliott withdrew his mouth from his mother’s pussy and stepped into the en-suite bathroom. The room was huge, with the massive glass-walled shower enclosure in one corner and a deep soaker tub in another. He ran the water in the tub, knowing she’d want it nice and hot to soothe her aching body. He poured in the bath crystals, which quickly foamed up, the warm flowery scent filling the air. As steam curled invitingly over the tub, he checked to make sure everything was in...

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk2Chapter 5

Elliott woke up to the sound of his phone pinging. Blinking against the warm light drifting in around the curtains, he reached over and picked up the phone. The first thing he saw was the time. It was later than he thought. On Sundays, he usually heard his mother get up and go downstairs, but not this Sunday. He hadn’t heard anything. They both must have slept later than usual, which was understandable after what had happened yesterday. As he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, he saw that the...

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Revenge On Bulliespart 4 Tony

Welcome back dear readers! Thank you for such a great response for my previous stories. I am thankful to all of you. Please comment your views and suggestions after reading. So a quick recap of part 3- “I exacted retribution on my bully Aarif by fucking his mom Shahida right in front of him and transforming her into a total slut and also a concubine for me and my subordinates.” Here begins part 4. Wow! What a day it was! Shahida was one sexy MILF and fucking her was out of the box. But we...

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A Christmas Wish Mishap Twin Bullies

(Merry Christmas everyone. This is last years Christmas story from up on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Fibaro A new Christmas story, along with two additional parts to this one is already up on my Patreon, so if you're interested go and have a look.) Intro Valerie and Vince had been very close all their lives, not surprising considering they had shared the same womb for nine months. They had a very good bond often knowing how the other felt without them even...

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Buyer Beware

The shop was in a dusty back alley. I had to stoop to enter the wooden doorway which led into a gloomy interior. As my eyes adjusted I could see shelves of carvings, very common in Bali, but these were all erotic: women, men, animals and monsters in a breathtaking assortment of positions and combinations. Fascinated and aroused, I made my way deeper into the shop. The carvings further back seemed more sinuous, torturous and powerful. The subjects were twisted, their faces contorted with pain...

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Buyers Beware

“How much?” the hooded figure asked, regardless. The man pursed his lips, reaching up to scratch at a thick black beard as he stared down into the woman’s exotic pink eyes, a single wisp of curled brown hair falling down one side of her stoic face, “Uh, well it’s got the control attachment so… Fifty-five gold? What does a little miss like you want it for anyway?” “Fifty-five? For that?” the hooded figure pressed, the tone of their soft voice a little disapproving at the price, glancing...

1 year ago
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shy wife not shy beware

After she told me that she had fucked Mark she would still apologize to me when we had sex, and saidshe was doing excersises to tighten herself up, I told her not to worry with the excersises that Iliked the way she felt it was sexy to me knowing that my shy little wife had sex with another guy.This would always make her blush, then I would ask her to tell me how it felt when she was with him.But she would say she was embarrassed and ashamed that she let it happen and didn't want to talk...

3 years ago
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Hikers beware

When you go hiking there's a few things to remember. 1. There may be large carnivorous a****ls, 2. There may be snakes, 3. Always have protection. Ok with this advice we go to the story. My ex-husband and I loved to go hiking and camping and rappelling when we lived in Alaska. We would always go to the area around Turnagain Arm. One afternoon we were just out messing around, wandering the trails, basically just having fun. As we were walking along I noticed he was getting further and further...

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All readers beware

Hi friends I’m Ash from GOA again with my new & latest story, actually not a story but a truth of once life. 1st of all let me thank all the ISS reader for making it a munch, with your mails & calls, & rating my stories (“sex with granny”, “reading iss was never so fun”, “please help me” “this can happen to u”, “not all the maids r same” & “got lucky this time”) as hot. Before starting the story I must tell u 1 thing, I got lots of mails from my fans complaining that the stories posted by them...

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Buyer Beware

I was a bit early. Forty-five minutes to be exact. But I'd done that on purpose. The listing I was interested in was clear across town from where I currently lived. Not only was I unfamiliar with the area, as far as ever having gone there to see it, I wanted to get a look at the place from the outside myself first. If I didn't like the way it looked from the outside, there was still plenty of time to call the realtor and cancel my appointment. I'd recently been published, my first novel. My...

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School Bullies

I grew up in a small Midwestern town where there was only one school for all twelve grades and only a few hundred students in total. The older kids were in the same building as the younger ones, making the younger ones easy targets for being pushed around and bullied. But I had a different kind of bullying against me, a kind that turned out rather interesting. It all started when I entered the 7th grade. As a boy, I was small for my age, being both short and a lightweight, just a little kid....

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk1Chapter 4

Jamal led the way down the stairs and back outside, Elliott close behind like a puppy following its master. When they stepped out of the house onto the pool deck, the boys standing in the hot tub were taking turns fucking Tanya’s face. Right now, she had her lips wrapped around Zeke’s cock, while Gunner stood next to his friend, grinning as he stroked his rigid prick. Tanya had a blissful look of pleasure on her face, her eyes half-closed as she compliantly let her head be pulled back and...

4 years ago
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School Bullies 2

Introduction: Jane gets revenge on the bastard who popped her cherry. Jane dressed herself with shaking hands as she prepared to go to school. She had been mentally prepping herself for this since Saturday, hoping to be strong enough to face the slimy boy who had raped her on Friday. How would she be able to do it? She honestly didnt know. She ran the hair brush through her long, thick, chocolate brown hair and thought of what had happened. She closed her sage green eyes tightly, wishing that...

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College Bullies

((Instructions are in parentheses! Do what they say for a more immersive experience!)) You were a nerdy sort, petite and unassuming, with long, dark brown hair, glasses, and a flat figure. Of course, this meant that other girls, the more popular sorts, were always wanting to pick on you. It was no suprise when one day, they chased you down. It didn't matter how fast you ran, braids bumping on your back as you struggled to get away. The other girls, popular ones, too powerful to be risking...

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