Loosening Up - Book 4 - RevelationsChapter 18: Esquire. Incest? free porn video

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Sunday morning arrived and Dave was up early given the night he had with Patti, and working on the breakfast-brunch he liked to serve to his Circle-mates. As people arrived from their various homes, he’d come out of the kitchen get their order and then return a few minutes later with the plate. He had help that morning from Patti and Emily.

One of the features of being the chef that he especially enjoyed was the peripheral arousal that he got from seeing who had spent the previous night with whom. Since he had an intimate relationship with all of the women, seeing whom they’d had sex with was like watching your wife with another man times twenty-five or thirty.

He watched his mother Elise arrive with Derek and Kat. Kat was carrying James who was alert and watchful of all the adults. He didn’t know the game but was certainly trying to figure out who the players were.

Dev arrived with Nancy and Holly, the latter carrying Zoe in a crazy sling in front of her that let him look around in all directions. As she was eating, he’d squirm around to see what food was passing over his head and into her mouth.

Ken arrived with the rest of Dave’s wives. He’d seen them starting to get up when he’d passed by the master bedroom in his house on the way to the core kitchen. Aaron arrived with Sasha, who’d flown down for a long weekend. Shelby had flown up to Ohio to keep Martin company over the weekend in a long-distance wife swap. She’d also taken their baby, Linda Jean, in a bit of an experiment to see how she’d do on an airplane.

Dave’s eyes especially rotated when he saw Dale and Susan arriving with another couple. Susan was carrying little Mark, and the woman in their company was also fawning over the baby. The foursome plus baby sat at one of the picnic tables under a large shade umbrella.

Dave went to their table to take orders. “Breakfast-brunch folks?”

Dale grinned, “Dave, I’d like to introduce you to Jason Riggs and his wife Robyn. They stayed with us last night.” Dave understood the coded words immediately.

David shook hands with the new couple and as he did he remembered the association with Jason. “Jason, nice to see you again, especially where you can see the fruits of some of your legal laboring.” He gestured around the homes and core. Jason had been the lawyer that put all the legal documents together to establish the Circle Cohousing Project. Susan had eventually gone to work for him as a paralegal. Now, it appeared, they had formed a new and deeper relationship with the couple. He’d never met Robyn, but knew she was also a lawyer who worked with her husband but more in the real estate and estate planning side of things.

Dave got their orders and raised an eyebrow at Dale. After he’d left, Dale came after him. He said loudly, “I forgot to order something.” Dave turned with his notepad and pen in hand.

Dale came up close. “Just so you know, yes, we had sex, and yes, they brought their clean STD certificates with them. We’re not dumb. We traded but stayed in the same bed and had a lot of fun. They’re kind of new to this. Jason has a pretty good idea about what’s going on in the Circle from when he put together the founding documents, but we kept a lid on most of it except for our own activities.”

Dave smiled and nodded, “Good man. Talk to you later.” He made some scratches on his notepad in case any of the others were watching.

About fifteen minutes later Dave delivered the orders for the two couples on a large tray. As he distributed the plates, he noted that some of the other women from the Circle were already topless as the morning sun got warmer on the first Sunday in November. He saw Robyn’s head spinning around from woman to woman, as the partial nudity became the norm.

As Dave placed Robyn’s plate in front of her, he said, “Don’t let peer pressure make you do something you don’t want to do. We have a culture that allows for a lot of nudity, but also resists peer pressure.”

Robyn smiled at him. “Thanks. I was thinking the opposite. I WANT to do that. I enjoy getting an ‘all-over’ tan. Susan had told me about this phenomenon, but to see it in play I find fascinating.”

Dave chuckled, “At least during the day, mostly, we separate nudity and sex. Without guests or young children around, the bikini bottoms would likely be absent.”

Robyn shucked off the blouse she wore, laying it on the seat beside her. Dave noted that she had beautiful C-cup breasts with dark areolas, his favorite, and well-pronounced nipples worthy of significant sucking. He found himself wishing he had sucking privileges. Instead he just nodded and smiled at her, and then headed back to the kitchen.

A few minutes later, Dave brought his own breakfast plate out of the kitchen. He looked around, and got a wave from Dale and Robyn to join them. After he sat and had taken a few bites of his breakfast, Robyn threw him a curve ball. “I’m surprised our paths haven’t crossed, either professionally with your work at the utility or with the rampant sex that takes place around here.” She gestured at the patio.

Dave gave a thoughtful response, “I’m not sure where we’d pass at the utility, and rampant implies something unwanted or unpleasant, which would surely be an incorrect adjective for the Circle.”

Robyn’s eyes flared. “Oh, sorry; you’re right. I should have said propagating sex, or even better proliferate sex.”

Dave teased, “Ah, now you have it, but what makes you think that such is the state around the Circle?”

Robyn laughed, “I have a number of data points. First, about three or four years ago when the Circle was created as a legal entity Jason came to understand what was going on between some of you at that time. He used the terms ‘an extended polyamorous family’ to describe you. I was fascinated and wanted to meet all of you.

“Second, I know from meeting, Shelby, your sister-in-law, last night that some man named Martin, who is a Circle member, is most likely the father of Linda Jean. A point that suggests there was some significant playing around, and verified further when separately your brother said that he might be the father of Sasha’s baby. Thus, they were playing around. He said everyone knew.

“Third, as Dale, Susan, Jason, and I all got interested in each other a week or so ago, they slid into the sex as easy as anything, whereas Jason and I were as nervous as a long-tailed cat in room full of rocking chairs. They didn’t have any qualms or hesitation; in fact, I took them to be old hands at multi-partner relationships.

Fourth, for now, is that last night after we’d spent the night making love, I felt restless and so I took a walk around Dale and Susan’s house. I looked out the window, and could look down on the patio. Several people were there, naked, and trying to fuck each other’s brains out. Moreover, I saw them switch around several times. It was very erotic and even emotional, but not in a negative way. They clearly loved each other with great passion from the way they all acted.”

Dave nodded, “Oh, I can see the lawyer training coming out in the presentation of your chain of evidence. Really, all you had to do was ask. Yes, we are ‘proliferate’ love makers and we are all ‘proliferators’ of the nth degree. There is, as you observed, significant caring and love behind what you sensed or saw. I venture to say that instead of fucking last night, you made love, whether you were aware of it or not.”

“I was,” Robyn said softly.

Jason leaned in, “We’ve developed significant feelings for Susan, and subsequently for Dale. Those feelings brought us to a decision point, and we jointly decided that we would take our feelings to a new level.”

Dave said, “I kind of figured. That being the case, you can perhaps understand the inter-relationships between all of us in the Circle. We have each been through that process with each other.”

Robyn’s eyes flared. “You really do have sex with each other?”

Dave shook his head, “We make love, and I grant that to some that is a subtle distinction not worthy of consideration.”

“So, you let your wife be with other men?” Robyn asked with a tone of disbelief in her voice.

Dave laughed, “Oh, that leading question is rife with mistakes and moral judgments at the same time. First, I don’t have a wife; I have WIVES – four of them to be precise. Second, they are not my possessions, so I don’t ‘LET’ them do anything; they do anything they please. Third, they are just as apt to be with other women as with the other men in the Circle, especially since we have an imbalance in the population of our small enclave tilted towards the women. Your question is all off kilter to ask in this environment. A better question to satisfy your curiosity would be ‘Do they make love with the other men and women in the Circle?’ and the answer is yes.”

Dave smiled benignly at Robyn who was digesting everything he’d just said.

Dave spoke before she could, “The Circle doesn’t put a moral judgment on sex. If you ask, we’ll tell you that consenting adults can do whatever they want about sex. Beyond that though, we seek a deeper intimacy than just the sex with the people we love. This is why we’re all out here this morning, regardless of where we spent the night. We like to be together and to talk to each other. We think each other are interesting and fun.

“We seem to have a never-ending stream of interesting situations come up: everything from someone that wants to join the Circle to one of our members being a billionaire to another being the heroic pilot that saved over a hundred passengers in his seriously damaged commercial aircraft. We have a lot to talk about. About half a dozen of us are pilots of varying skill levels with more coming along behind us. Several are great videographers. Many of us are professional executives. Another is one of the best developers in the four-state area. I could keep going. The bottomline is that we like and love each other. The sex is only part of the equation, although many people overplay the importance of the subject.”

Robyn said softly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for that to sound judgmental or disapproving. To the contrary, I am very much in agreement with you. Forgive my teasing as an inappropriate taunt.”

Dave chuckled, “Oh, we tease each other all the time, very often in sexual ways. You’re forgiven.”

A couple of women passed by Dave’s chair even though it was out of the way. He got kisses from Bobbie, Maddy, and Ashley. Ash even dipped to lower one of her bare breasts to Dave’s mouth so he could take a short suck on her sexy nipple. She had a naughty expression but then swooned as he did her bidding, and then was gone with a girlish giggle that echoed around the patio.

Dave said, “See what I mean.”

“She’s cute, but not very old.”

“Just eighteen. She’s Erin’s sister. Erin is the girl in the green monokini. She’s also Megan’s daughter. Megan is the flaming red head on the other side of the pool making out with Dev – he’s Wendy’s husband, and Paul is her husband.” At that moment as Robyn turned, Megan was pushing her tongue down Dev’s throat as the two of them frantically made out. Dave guessed that she hadn’t gotten her necessary fourth round of sex the night before.

Robyn said, “Wow. Her mother doesn’t look that much older.”

Dave stated, “Neither do you, and yet I heard you say that you had a teenage boy. How’d that work with law school?”

Robyn laughed with obvious sarcasm, “Not well. Fortunately, my mother lived nearby and could care for Danny when I had classes or intense study sessions. Danny was born when I was nineteen. Jason was there, too; and between them, they got me through the same time he did. We passed the bar together.”

“Is Danny ‘enlightened’ about sex?” Dave teased.

“We think so. Jason and I have both schooled him on the various facets of relationships and the roles sex can play. He just finished his freshman year, but he seems so much more mature than we were at that age. How do you define ‘enlightenment’?”

“I guess I brought that question on myself. First, you embrace the statement I just made: ‘consenting adults can do whatever they want about sex’. In considering that, you understand consent, and that consent to one thing ‘sexual’ is not necessarily consent to do all things sexual. Embracing the statement makes you tolerant of others and their viewpoints about sex and sexuality, even when they’re far from what you believe. Further, you realize that the word ‘adult’ really means someone with an adult mindset; the term is independent of age or legislation. You would know that a consenting adult could not be some sweet young thing who is bombed out of her mind on booze or drugs that would let you do anything to her, and may even be pleading for you to do so. I guess I’d add to that short discourse that one would school their offspring with age-appropriate education about sex, aiming for a complete understanding of all the nuances by about age twelve, and the ability extrapolate the implications of doing something sexual.”

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 10

When Adela, Marcie, and I entered the American History class, I knew that I was going to be confronted by Larry Scott again, not to mention Ms. Howard, but I didn’t know if they would get along better than they did before. I hoped for the best, but I had real worries about them. Larry seemed to be trying to change, but he had just assaulted me that very morning, so it was a real “touch and go” deal where he was concerned. I feared for Ms. Howard’s sake, in case he slid back to his old ways....

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 11

“So, now I’m one of your sworn Companions, Master ... or baby brother, or whatever you wish me to call you in private. I’ll call you anything, except maybe ‘late for dinner,’ that is,” Becky teased me as I arrived, still thinking of what to do with my new power, though as yet I didn’t know the full scale of it ... probably Becky didn’t, either, but she knew more than I did. “Call me, ‘bro,’ or ‘honey,’ or ‘baby brother,’ or simply ‘Mark,’ or something like that. You’re my sister! I’m not...

4 years ago
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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 12

“Oh, fuck, this is terrific!” Chloe yelled out as Becky plowed her ass with the strap-on dildo and I sodomized my sister in another train. Becky’s ass felt incredible, of course, just as Chloe’s had in a way, her fine, sweaty, ebony buns glistening in the dim light as I probed her tight, hot booty. Pulling her hair also seemed to turn her on, just as it proved to excite Chloe for her part. I just knew that she pushed back at me with the same power and energy that I showed her, much to my...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 13

“So, I wonder what Katrina and Dad are doing together tonight?” Becky teased me, her hands very grabby as they fondled me in the shower. “Don’t forget Ryan and Jordan! I bet that your father is busy sinking his cock into each of them, fucking them half to death or vice versa! Knowing Katrina, she’s got your father by the balls and is having real fun with the three of them, in fact,” Chloe snickered while I played with her ass and Becky’s ... and they groped mine. “Well, if I’m the Archon, I...

2 years ago
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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 14

At Mr. Sanchez’s shop class, I was naturally welcomed with a deep tongue kiss by Marcie, who sat immediately on my lap and wouldn’t leave things be. She started sliding her shorts down an inch at a time, until her naked ass was exposed to my cock, and then mounted me before I knew what was up. So, once again, while Mr. Sanchez was teaching shop class, Marcie was busy servicing me in front of everyone, and none objected. Not even Mr. Sanchez seemed to mind, though being a Companion to a Sage...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 15

When I prepared to go the American History class, run by Evelyn Howard (really Theresa, but how many knew that), I was stopped in the hallway by a rather rough-looking man, yes a grown man, who gestured to me that I needed to speak privately with him. I was impatient and running late for class (imagine that worry from the future ruler of the planet!), but I humored him, sensing that this mattered. Something was up, so I agreed and joined him in the men’s locker room, which was now...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 16

“Son, what’s going on? Other than the Rapture, which we evidently missed due to unbelief and sin. I guess that the Pentecostals were right. You can lose your salvation and it’s your fault that I’m going to Hell or have to choose between the Mark and the blade... , “ Dad started to preach at me when he saw the saber in my hand, glistening and sharp, clean thanks to my power, too. “Dad, just shut up for once. Nobody made you fuck Katrina, Becky, Ryan, or Jordan. You did that of your own free...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 17

It had been a very busy evening, what with removing the various leaders of every nation on Earth. At various points, I had decided to teleport each of my Companions and Sages into my presence, for moral support, backup, and intimacy, of course. That didn’t even count assistance with seducing anyone I wanted seduced. I also added more half of my classmates as I went along, growing my posse with each strike into new territory. In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, I even added six teenage princesses who I...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 18

I have to say that Evelyn fucked me within an inch of my life, or so it felt for a bit there The history teacher used me, taking me deeper on each stroke, farther inside her luscious twat. She took me in two or three different positions at least, though I lost track after a bit. She certainly had her share of energy. I had already been fucking off and on for much of the day, so she was definitely the aggressor, though I didn’t mind at all. By the time that I seeded her, well, I had certainly...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 19

I awoke the next morning at my old school, Saints of God Christian Academy, underneath Adela Royce, with Becky and Chloe kissing my face repeatedly. Adela rode me with all of her skill, using her hips enthusiastically to take me further inside her sweet British cunny while my hands fondled her smooth, pale ass. When Matthew Phillips started rimming her, she giggled and squirmed, but rode me harder still. It was evident that it wasn’t entirely his idea, but he enjoyed it nonetheless, just as...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 20

“I do wonder, though, if you’ve factored in the issue of whether or not people will still get injured, not to mention the major potential problem with people not aging as Companions after fourteen. Wouldn’t they get frozen in permanent adolescence, then? Even the most mature fourteen year old would have limitations, wouldn’t they?” I observed as Evelyn and Chloe groped me back while drying me off in the shower. “Well, I merely stipulated what they would specialize in, but, yes, you have a...

2 years ago
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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 21

I spent that night in my former home, taking on Becky, Mom, Adela, Chloe, Marcie, Sarah, Gladys, Katrina, Alicia, Candace, Dawn, etc. in what some might call a “reverse gang-bang.” The old me, even at peak stamina, could never have achieved this, but the new me, the Lord Archon Mark Robert Smythe, well, I could do much that was impossible in the past. I had no male refractory period left at all by now. I fucked anyone who struck my fancy, men and women alike, and even let them penetrate me as...

1 year ago
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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 22

I wasn’t sure just when or how the news of the surrender would be leaked to the press, but it didn’t take very long at all for the members of the Fourth Estate to make their presence known. Damn, they acted fast, I thought, but that was also very useful. Soon, they would be under my control, and the sooner that the public got used to the idea that I was in command, the better. It was also important to get people accustomed to the new legislation that would now be worldwide. That was also true...

4 years ago
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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 23

I knew that I had a greatly increased libido, but I amazed myself that afternoon. I showed off a bit when I fucked Dana straight from Marcie’s twat, making her the seventh consecutive person that I screwed in a row. Dana’s husband, David, finished up inside Nina Popova, while Nina’s new man, President Markov came in Chloe’s ass. Sweet Chloe proudly displayed her puckered ring, leaking the Russian’s cum down to her thighs while she winked at me. By now, virtually all world leaders opted to...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 24

“Do you, Mark Robert Smythe, take this woman, Adela Marion Royce, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, cherish, and protect, for better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?” Mom recited the marriage vows to me, taking advantage of my new law empowering all notaries public to perform weddings worldwide. “I do,” I grinned, holding hands with a tickled pink Adela Royce, my lovely...

3 years ago
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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 25

In all, I married well over six hundred people, odd as that might seem. I had three hundred sixty-nine wives and two hundred fifty-eight husbands by the end of the ceremony, and that wasn’t even counting for the fact that they were all also married to each other. The ceremonies and consummations, which were naturally interrupted by meal, rest, shower, and snack breaks to keep folks from collapsing, extended well into the next day. It ended when my final bride, Vice-President Melissa Nakamura,...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 19 Transformations

As Dave, Holly, and Alice reached the patio, Shelby bounced up to Dave and plastered her nude body against his. They kissed like the world was about to end and the kiss would save everything, and then she reached down and fondled him. “Can we make love again? Matthew’s already gone for his grandmother’s.” “Where’s Aaron?” “He and Julie are probably fucking or making love or both in the pergola at the other end of the pool. We could go and join them.” She smiled, clearly indicating that that...

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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 3 Promotion

Dave made the rounds over the next three days as the opportunity presented itself for him to see every Circle member and affiliate. The question he asked was, ‘What do you think of Dale and Susan Harnett becoming Circle members?’ The response was uniform and enthusiastic, ‘Oh, yes. I’ve been treating them as though they were members, but certainly. They belong with us.’ When Dave had talked to everybody, he suggested to Dale that he and Susan stay over to the following Tuesday before...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 9 Three Tattoos Plus

Alice followed Owen across the hall to another private room at Greg’s Tattoos establishment. Suddenly, she had ideas about a more elaborate couple of tattoos just to get Owen’s attention and tease him. Owner had her sit on the edge of the adjustable chair in the room. “OK, what’d you pick and where do you want them?” He smiled broadly at her, obviously remembering their passion the night before. “I want a small red heart on my left breast, about here.” She touched the outside of her...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 2 Circle 101

Nikky was flying around the office wearing a cellphone headset and talking to someone while she arranged notes and papers on Dave’s desk. He waved at her and blew her a kiss. She held up a finger urging him to stand still for a moment as she ended the call. As Dave heard her end the call, she tore the headset from her head and came into his arms for her morning kiss and hug. “I love you.” “And I love you, Nikky Thomas. What are you going to do with me today?” “I’m going to have you meet...

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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 4 Challenges Flash Bang

The pair kissed and hugged, Alice’s generous bare breasts mushing against Dave’s manly chest and making him most aware of the sharp nubbins burrowing into his skin. She was aroused; so was he. He pulled her over on top of him, and Alice fondled his meat until the tip was rubbing against her navel. She rose up on one knee and sank down onto his shaft, totally enveloping him in a feeling of ecstasy for the two of them. “Oh, God. You are so satisfying – so fucking satisfying.” Dave chucked,...

4 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 6 SituationsChapter 6 Conversations

A large circle of people sat in a Circle in the aftermath of a superb dinner served by Chef Bobbie – miniature Beef Wellingtons with a natural sauce served with fresh Belgian asparagus. The group had just finished praising the Chef as she sat naked in Aaron’s arms incessantly teasing him by grinding her pussy against his bathing suit covered cock. “Keep that up, Babe, and I’ll have to do something about your forward nature.” “Oh, dear, “ Bobbie feigned with a wrist to her forehead, “I can...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 8 Promotions and Propositions

A few days later at Dori and Ty’s house, Dave got tapped on the shoulder. He turned around, “Are you still avoiding me?” Rachel asked in a pleasant tone. Dave counted back the weeks on two hands right in front of her. “Hmmmm. It’s been twelve weeks. You tell me how you’re feeling and let me think about it.” Rachel crossed her arms and then looked peeved, “I’m feeling a bit like a pariah with you, and that makes me sad. I still love you, but I think you accomplished what you set out to do,...

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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 30 Loosening Up

Dave lay snuggled in his bed between Athena and Taylor. He’d made love to each of them twice. Athena seemed more relaxed and talkative after watching Taylor and Dave make love. Taylor was in seventh heaven, and talked throughout the lovemaking sessions about how good it felt and how she never wanted them to stop. Cricket came in and joined the fray. She’d been with Dave’s brother and sister-in-law, and seemed very content and fulfilled. Dave teased her, “What are you going to do when Don...

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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 25 Homecoming

Owen roused Alice from her slumber beside him and as naked as he was. “Come awake my darling lover. We have a plane to catch. I want to briefly show you Rome before we head back to the real world.” Alice moaned, “Come and make love to me first.” Owen was so easy to convince. The serious moves to get from bed didn’t occur for another forty-five minutes. Three hours later, Owen’s plane set down at the Leonardo da Vinci Airport twenty miles from Rome’s center. A limousine whisked them into the...

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