B J Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 126
- 3 years ago
- 33
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Flashback – Masha, Louise and Tanya – Help from the lawyer
I was so furious regarding the reports that the дурак (fool) John Rowan had been presenting about me that I could barely think straight. Louise didn’t help when she suggested I kick his derriere because that’s exactly what I desired to do. Tanya the lawyer gave me something to think about when she informed me I could be deported if assaulted him so I calmed down and asked, “Tanya, how then will we counter what John Rowan said?”
Tanya smiled at me and said, “For a news reporter Martina isn’t bad so I think we could trust her to do a fair report on you. It might be especially effective if I vet the questions before she asks them.”
Louise was still fired up and said, “I still think that he needs his ass kicked.”
Tanya agreed, “Of course he does. But there are other ways to get even than resorting to physical violence.”
Louise asked, “What sort of ways are you thinking about?”
Tanya smiled and replied, “If he was caught in a compromising position with someone who wasn’t his wife...”
Louise interrupted, “ ... I’ll volunteer for that job!”
Tanya destroyed Louise’s hope, “Sorry, but he knows you so that’s not going to work - besides you’re not his type. However I do have a female client who might be perfect for the job.”
I inquired, “So what is his type?”
Tanya laughed and said, “The sluttier the better. Now first let’s call Martina and get her back here for the interview. Then I will call my friend and a PI and get them working on John Rowan.”
Tanya makes the calls while Louise and I listen. She disconnects her phone and says, “Martina will be here later today and agrees that I will have to approve the questions. And once I get my other friend out of jail she will start working on John for us.”
Louise asked, “Why is your friend in jail?”
Tanya replied, “Because she makes her living as a lady of the night.”
I give Louise a confused look so she leans over and explains...
It’s obvious to me that Masha doesn’t understand the term that Tanya used so I lean over and whisper, “Masha, a lady of the night is a prostitute.”
Masha gives me a shocked look and whispers, “Why would Tanya be a lawyer for such a woman?”
I continue with the whisper, “You should ask her?”
Masha didn’t need to ask Tanya because she noticed we had been whispering and said, “I’m sure that you two are discussing why I would defend a prostitute? Everyone is entitled to good defense even women who have made and continue to make mistakes.”
Then Tanya surprises us when she asks...
I can tell that Masha is bothered with the fact that I defend a prostitute. If Masha knew the reasons my client became a prostitute it would probably help. However because she’s my client I can’t reveal anything to Masha. So instead I offered, “If it bothers you that I defend a prostitute, then you are welcome to find a new lawyer.”
Masha thought for a few moments and replied, “Tanya, you are correct. Prostitutes are entitled to a good defense. While I do not know the details of the situation, I do trust that you have a good reason to defend her.”
With that problem solved I begin to talk to Masha, “Masha, John Rowan is going to look for any reason to make you look bad so can you tell me about all the things you have done since you’ve come to America.”
Masha replied, “Tanya, you already know about the teenage gang on the bus. I also killed the girl gang leader here in my living room when she broke into the house. Then there was the men who raped the women and who I helped the police arrest.”
I asked, “Masha how did you get involved in that situation? From what I understand you went to the bar where they worked?”
Louise explained, “Masha went because I told her about the man who raped me and kept bothering me.”
This gave me some concern so I asked, “Masha, what was your intent when you went to that bar?”
Masha looked down and then asked, “Do you wish the truth?”
I clarified, “Yes, I want the truth.”
Masha replied, “Tanya, I went there with plans to kill them for what they did and were still doing to Louise...”
I quickly interrupted, “ ... Masha don’t ever say that again. When you are asked why you went to the bar, tell them that you wanted to get revenge for what the men did to Louise.”
Masha asked, “So you want me to lie about this?”
I nodded my head and continued, “You bet I do. You will be called as a witness for this case and if you tell the jury you went there to kill the men, then you will lose all credibility.”
Masha looked down and said, “Tanya, I am not sure I can lie about this.”
I wanted to slap some sense into her, but knew that wouldn’t work so instead I asked, “So, you’re telling me you would rather be deported back to Russia with no hope of coming back to see your husband.”
Masha glared at me and said, “No! I do not wish to be deported. While America isn’t that much better than Russia, if lying about this is a requirement to stay here for my husband I will comply. However, I do not like it.”
With that problem solved I began to coach Masha on the upcoming interview. It was just in time because Martina showed up after thirty minutes...
The interview was over and it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Tanya had been a great help and even made sure I wore a nice outfit for the interview. Tanya and Martina went over the questions together, so I got to hear them before Martina asked them. The only question I really didn’t care for was ‘How do you feel about the base commander canceling leave for the troops?’.
I told Martina how the police department had promised to have officers posted here 24 hours a day after the teenage gang leader attacked my house and then I told her the police had stopped providing that security. I continued with the fact that I didn’t ask the base commander to cancel the leave and was sorry if it caused problems in the community. I merely reported that the police department had failed to deliver on its promise to the base commander.
When we were completed Martina thanked me for the interview and my hospitality. Then she left to get the interview on the air as soon as possible.
Louise remarked, “Auntie Masha, you did great.”
Tanya reinforced, “Yes that was a good interview and should go far in protecting you from John Rowan’s lies.”
I looked forward to all of this being behind me.
Flashback – Ben – Back at the hospital
I looked at Jack and asked, “Jack can you help me with my stuff so I can assist the doctors with the boys?”
Jack replied, “Sure thing Banzai. I hope that you tortured the fuck out of the bastard who did those things to the little girls.”
I began taking off my gear and replied, “He was already dead by the time we got into the room. A flash bang unintentionally blew a hole in his chest. However Amir pissed on him before we set the building on fire.”
Amir walked up and said, “Ben, that is not all I did.”
He held up something and Jack asked, “Is that the fucker’s penis?”
Amir smiled and said, “Yes, now when he gets to heaven he will have no use for the 72 virgins his religion says he get.”
Jack and I looked at each other and I wondered how fucked up Amir was. A nurse interrupted my thoughts when she walked by, purposefully brushed against me and handed me some scrubs. She smiled real big and said, “These should fit you perfectly.”
Jack laughed and said, “Damn Banzai don’t tell me it’s going to continue here?”
I complained, “Not if I have my way it’s not!”
I was in the scrubs and the doctor said, “Work with the nurse and she will tell you what each boy needs.”
I sure as fuck didn’t like the sound of that because the further I stayed away from these sex crazed nurses, the better. Hell, all I wanted to do was to get back into my gear and rescue more of these children.
Flashback – Jack – At the hospital
Once I figured out that Banzai was going to be in good (and feminine hands), I took off to check on the troops while I silently chuckled to myself about the nurses and Banzai.
John was true to his word. The Pvt. manning the com system came out of the room and announced to me, “Sgt. Reynolds, the additional medical team is in route. They should arrive Ricky-tick.”
I glared at the Pvt. and demanded, “How the fuck long is ‘Ricky-tick’?”
He gave me a sheepish look and replied, “Sgt. I’m just repeating the message, but I think I hear the chopper now.”
My ears must be getting old because it was another few minutes before I heard the chopper. I told the Pvt. manning the com to request a flare from artillery and he waffled, “Sgt. that’s something the Lieutenant normally does.”
This was going to be good! I ordered the Pvt., “Then goes wake up the Lieutenant and tell him he needs to call in a fire mission for the flare.”
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My cock was alive, rearing, throbbing as soft lips enfolded it and soft tongue flicked this way and that up my shaft and saliva dripped onto my balls. My heart pounded, painfully so. “Oooohhh,” I moaned softly. She stopped sucking, “Are you ready for your special treat?” she asked. “My head is pounding, who are you?” I asked in confusion. My gaze was hazy, I had no idea how I had arrived here or indeed where I was. She was a vision in a crisp white uniform, though in a moment her skirt...
You enter my apartment, and you have the most decadent intentions on your mind. You are lusting for some lascivious sex and you want to abuse my body. I knew you were coming over; I knew you had lust in your heart and a hard cock in your pants, but I did not care to give you the satisfaction of knowing that I wanted you to fuck me so hard. I dress for you arrival. A pair of low riding black lace panties which show an exquisite camel toe and my sheer black yoga pants over my panties. I choose a...
AnalI finally managed to write the next part about the three Chines sisters. Somebody complimenting about the previous parts was all it took.All three looked at Re as she entered the room. Xiao and Wei with a surprised look on their face because she had slipped into a bathrobe. something they probably hadn't seen her do in a long time. Seeing her reaction when she noticed me told me she would come back down like this. It only confirmed my suspicion about who Re was. On what site I had met and...
After showing Sara how we have fun at one of the dances, we now move on the next part. Arm and arm, we head over to the beach area. When we get there we find all of the men plus a few others all on their knees in a row. Across from them are a group of women who I guess are their wives. We were the last to get there, so now it was time for the party to start. Bonnie told Sara that since she didn't have a pathetic loser in this group she could share Allen. Julie being the ring leader spoke for...
She is lying on my bed with her ugly face pushed into the pillows. Her fat and unsightly body is naked. I am raking her bare back with my uncut nails – the minging slut craves that. Every time I run my nails hard along her pallid flesh she flinches with the pain but lets out ever increasing grunts of arousal. I intend to draw bl**d – I like to see little beads of crimson whether it is from nails, studded paddles or canes. I do not need to see rivers of bl**d, just a trickle for me to whet my...
(MONDAY, MORNING.) I thanked the pilots for their service, knowing that we would be here in Oklahoma for at least a week. We all put our luggage in the outside storage areas beneath the seats before climbing aboard the ROLLING THUNDER coaches departing for the Reservation, finally. I am not sure just who was the most nervous of those of us on my coach, as we all had at least one loved one we couldn’t wait to see. Plus knowing we should be greeted by more than one brand-new baby, had all of...
I am married since 4 years have not planned any k**, i am average height and good enough to fill my wife’s pussy. since our marriage we tried many things with each other, but never tried anything with other guy. after reading many stories i planned to put spice to our marriage life.I planned our Goa trip. People are free over there and new experience for me and Shruti. Shruti is 5.4 with good body, 34is here breast, 28 is her waist with 38 is her bums. She is milky white and keep herself always...
Although I'm not happy with the idea, this may be the last chapter. There's still plenty of story to be told, but it's not easy getting enthused about writing a story when you get almost no indication the story is being read. It seems time - past time, in fact - to leave the "What If" world behind. What If: Whence Came the Spider - Chapter IV By Bill Hart I am Uatu the Watcher of this particular section of the multiverse. Welcome back once again to this one of many...
Introduction: Just an experimental story to see what happens. Leave me comments! My name is Michael, and this is a story about me, and my exploits as a teenager. Im 16 years old, Im in the 10th grade, and Im fairly average in every way. I look average, Im pretty average at sports, and Ive got an average popularity in school. Im just average. I have an average family, a dad whos hard working at the age of 46. His names James and he works as a lawyer. A hardworking guy, who loves his family, he...
FATIMA RETURNS 9th of Rajab 1416 (December 2, 1995) Fatima inspected her swollen belly in the creases of sunlight which glowed through her small hovel. She had been told by Mama Khadija that she carried a child. Through the tender months of feeding herself extra rice borrowed from her friends, she sometimes stopped her cleaning work and took walks above the slum area. She imagined living in a household with servants of her own and giving her child, be it male or female, a place and home on...
Part 3: Settling inLater that evening, around 23:30, I was lying in my bed. I was thinking about how I would decorate my cottage. The cottage was about 3x4 meters. It definitely needed a renovation. The first thing that came to mind was the lighting. It was worthless! I had a small and weak gas lamp on the ground next to the bed, making it hard to see. I would have to think about decorating in the morning.Thinking about the light, I saw a shadow move outside the window above my head. There was...