Ashlee's Undoing free porn video

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And every single day, or so it seemed to Anthony, the teenaged blonde became ever more daring. He recalled that, when his interest was first aroused, back at the beginning of summer, Ashlee would barely ruffle the white kimono, let alone remove it, rarely venturing to unveil the turquoise bikini beneath, a micro one, and only then when the heat reached its zenith.

But, as the first week of the holiday blurred into the second, the delightful teen somehow found the courage to up the tempo, to reveal more flesh by resting on her front and allowing the spaghetti straps to fall alluringly to the sides to showcase a hint of budding breast in profile. By the fortnight mark, she had, from somewhere, uncovered a whole new daring, going so far as to turn over and balance the tiny top on an elevated chest. Occasionally, to Anthony's delight, his neighbour would allow - knowingly or otherwise - the micro-top to slide away to the grass to fully expose a pair of ripe young breasts.

It was by the middle of week three, Anthony recalled, that topless became the norm for Ashlee. No sooner was she on the sunlounger than her breasts were revealed to the scorching sun and his peeking gaze. Finally, the bikini bottom too was dispensed with completely, though Ashlee's modesty was retained by remaining stoicly on her front, chin supported on hands as she digested a book or magazine, a perfectly sculpted peachy arse revealed to prying eyes.

And then finally it happened - the previous day in fact - Ashlee threw caution to the sun and went the whole way. Not, as he'd imagined, that there was much to see in that shaven haven: a mere pink crack between a pair of shapely, tanned legs. Personally, Anthony preferred girls with hair, though everything else about Ashlee made him lick his lips and battle to suppress the urge to unleash a torpedo-like cock and start masturbating behind the potting shed. By now, of course, and perhaps all along, Ashlee was fully aware of his less than discreet interest in her.

Thus, with the dispensing of that final act of modesty came an overwhelming desire to take things further - on both sides. Yet Anthony was weak-willed and painfully shy, a nondescript kind of man whose big ideas were all in his head and who'd never been able to hold down a proper relationship. Were it not for the fact he happened to live next door and her hormones were at a critical level, a girl like Ashlee wouldn't even have given him a second thought.

That night in bed, he took matters into his own hands for the final time, he convinced himself, lying on his back with the object of his desire a mere foot or so of bricks and wallpaper away from him. Sometimes he swore he could hear her moaning lightly in her own bed, and he'd speed up the masturbation. Was she perhaps pleasuring herself too, thinking about him, or was it a simply bad dream inducing the reaction? God how he craved to find out.


The following morning, on cue Ashlee nudged open the double doors and tiptoed across the baking hot patio, sucking at the air like she was walking across burning coals. Opening out the sunlounger in the middle of the garden, a sly glance to the right revealed the curtains in the next door window flutter, a bright knowing smile illuminating her pretty face as she began the ritual.

Sitting on the edge, the pretty student took time, as she always did, lotioning the outsides of each arm, then her shoulders and then the tops of her breasts above the bikini top. Her firm, toned belly next, the teenager circled lovingly, dispersing the oil generously and feeling the first tingle of desire, somewhere deep in her young loins. She planned at some stage to have her navel pierced, though her mother was against the idea and she would doubtless have to wait till eighteen.

Coating each leg from the ankle up, she paid extra special attention to the soft inner thighs, the tingle becoming a deep pulse, a dark dot appearing at the crotch of the turquoise bikini bottoms. Lying back, she allowed the sun to radiate its warmth over her whole body, quickly drifting into semi-consciousness.

Awoken moments later by the hum of the motorised mower, she grinned inwardly and then outwardly, furtively lifting one eyelid to observe her neighbour as he passed by slowly, watching her intently, yet strangely aloof. Though he was a little paunchy, overly hairy and beetle-browed, there was something about him that intrigued her.

Easing up on her elbows, Ashlee unhooked the bikini top, letting it slip over a pair of firm peach sized breasts and glide feather-like down her belly. Taking the bottle of lotion she began to massage each round young orb. A discernibly paler shade of bronze than the rest of her body, owing to an initial reticence that no longer seemed to matter, she loved their spongy feel in her palms and imagined that Anthony would too.

The hypnotic motion of her sure hands caused each nipple to stand proud and the throbbing between her legs to intensify like a pneumatic drill. Glancing down, she must have been dreaming filthy thoughts just now, for a circular patch, an inch across, had spread lewdly at her crotch. With Anthony so close and still a little shy, the bikini bottoms remained in place - for now. Head falling back, once more Ashlee allowed the sweltering sun to mesmerize her.


From his side of the fence Anthony felt the first stirring of arousal the moment Ashlee allowed the bikini top to fall, cock rubbing painfully against his canvas shorts. Raising a hirsute forearm, he wiped a sweat covered brow and moved in as close as he dared. The gentle inflate-and-deflate motion of her chest suggested she was asleep, but it might just be a pretence. There was so much sexual tension, it crackled in the air like an electrical storm about to break. Perhaps the time had arrived arrived to call her bluff...


Ashlee awakened drowsily, pushing the sunglasses down her nose and peering over in Anthony's direction. Her heart raced as the realisation dawned that he was at the fence, staring straight back at her with unerring eyes. Front sufficiently tanned, she rolled over teasingly, reaching for the lotion. Holding out her palm, she squeezed, a raspberry sound ejaculated, the bottle all but empty. "Damn," she cursed, then turning to address Anthony for the first time in over a month, she said: "Hi."

"Hi," he replied, uncommunicative at the best of times.

"Erm I don't suppose you've any spare lotion I could borrow?"

Anthony looked back, startled and a little flummoxed, but he nodded knowingly, coolness just about remaining intact. He disappeared then returning a minute later with the orange plastic bottle. He went to toss it to her but, summoning up all his mettle, decided against that course of action. Clambering over the low wall, to her evident surprise, he stood mere feet from Ashlee, a big shadow covering her whole body. Still reticent, he held the bottle at arm's length like a combat soldier gripping an unpinned grenade and it fell upon Ashlee to be bold. "I have real problems doing my back," she revealed shyly.

She thought she heard Anthony snigger to himself as silently he moved closer, with a shake of the bottle. Before even the merest of contact with her flesh, Ashlee felt her clit spasm and a rush of cumjuice squeeze from her tight pussy lips, staining the crotch of the bikini. Thank God she was face down and it was out of sight.

The first dollop hit the middle of her back and soon, to both their surprise, Anthony's big strong paws were circling manfully, ensuring every inch of sunbaked flesh was coated. Surprisingly adept, firm fingers prodded, leaving indents and causing Ashlee to sigh and swoon. She'd never have believed this aloof guy could be such a marvel with his hands. Her pussy was wringing wet and surely he could smell her arousal.

Another dollop of oil sploshed her lumbar spine and he worked the lotion in assuredly, kneading like a master baker. Ashlee was in rapture, her lips vibrating contentedly. And then he stopped, precious moments passing by as Ashlee dared not speak. Or look. Or breathe. Just how much further was he prepared to go?

The answer came quickly, as suddenly the whole mood in the garden changed, his shadow seeming to cling tight to her body, causing a huge goose-pimply shiver. She felt a tug on her long blonde hair, forcing her face away from the sunlounger, a huge hand reaching round to cover her mouth. Muted protests were met with a tightened grip, fingers pinching her facial cheeks painfully. Barely able to breathe, eyes as wide as ping pong balls, Ashlee screamed as loud as she could, an eardrum bursting wail. Yet the intensity of the scream reverberated only inside her head. Tears welled up in her eyes as he wrestled with her, emitting such strength for one so lean and wiry.

A strong arm snaked around her waist and she was lifted easily off the sunlounger. Thankfully the grip on her mouth finally abated and poor Ashlee was able to catch a breath, heaving lungfuls. Scared now, she bit at the fingers at her mouth, punched down at the arm at her waist and kicked and kicked. All were token efforts, so strong was this grown man in comparison.

Within seconds, gone was the comfort of her parent's backyard, carried away like a sack of potatoes to the threshold of the potting shed in her neighbour's garden. Using a foot, Anthony booted open the door, a dank, earthy aroma invading Ashlee's nostrils. Anthony's arm extended, swiping clear a wooden surface of its clutter. As he tossed her down on her back, Ashlee took the opportunity to scream, yet it was a hoarse, hollow effort, absorbed easily by the surrounding walls. She saw his face cloud angrily, a hand raised to threaten violence, hers lifting also if to say she wouldn't scream again.

Few preliminaries, Anthony wasted no time in tearing down his shorts, revealing an average sized appendage. Yet it was thick and meaty with a look of menace to the raging purple head. Laid on her back, Ashlee tensed and winced as he reached to press her cheek with the tip, causing her head to lull sideways towards him. Shorts pooled at his feet, Anthony exhaled deeply as the knob brushed across her clamped tight lips, depositing a smudge of precum. Though Ashlee was inexperienced, she knew what he wanted, what she was supposed to do, yet defiantly she clamped her lips together. "Uh uh," resonated Anthony, reaching in to squeeze the two nostrils together.

Tears ran down her cheeks as Ashlee fought for air, head swimming. The standoff continued until her face turned red, then blue, then purple. Finally, her jaw slackened. Quick on the offensive, Anthony shoved his cock towards the invitingly pursed lips, hitting her tongue before she could clamp shut again. The thought raced through her mind to bite his cock, yet it was so damn hard, like vulcanised rubber. Besides which, she had no wish to antagonise him to more violent extremes. Soon this would be over and he'd let her go, she reasoned.

Eyes wide with fear, she moaned onto the spongy tip, tasting a combination of sweat and precum. More so for comfort than a wish to offer pleasure, Ashlee tilted her head further to the side, allowing Anthony deeper penetration. He moaned, leaking more precum on her tongue, before suddenly retracting, her saliva clinging to the hard shaft. Ashlee spluttered as she fought for air, regarding Anthony in stunned silence. "Get off there and on your knees," he ordered.

Unquestioningly Ashlee obeyed, climbing from the wooden unit and kneeling subserviently before him. Placing a finger beneath her chin, he elevated her head so she was forced to look deep into his eyes, as cold and devoid of emotion as an alligator's. He slapped the left cheek, not hard but sufficient to make her wince, more through surprise than pain. This time she opened wide without needing a further prompt. The thick cock felt more comfortable in this position. Suddenly a startling thought crossed her mind: she was far from being repulsed or revolted as she should be in this situation. Indeed her treacherous pussy was sopping wet. "No!" she screamed inwardly, nonethess refusing to be manipulated in this manner, even if it was the most thrilling situation she'd ever been in.

Out of instinct, she elevated her tongue, the huge cockhead rolling yet barely moving, so tight was the fat slab of meat inside her mouth. Easing her head back, keeping her eyes locked on his, Ashlee pressed the tip of her tongue into the eye, flicking generously. The quicker she made him finish, she figured, the sooner her ordeal would be over. It seemed to have the desired effect for Anthony groaned, more precum souring her tastebuds. Never having given a blowjob before in her life, she was guided by the familiarity of porno movies.

For over a minute Ashlee's head bobbed back and forth down the shaft, until her lips were sore and her gums ached. Just as fatigue forced her to slow, Anthony reached to grab a clump of hair, forcing her head back down the shaft and using her mouth like it was a cunt. Ashlee moaned in pain, though the protests were muffled on the erect shaft. Mouth numb, spittle dribbled in rivulets from each side of her mouth. "Cum, you bastard," pleaded her inner voice, the thrill beginning to fade.

For two more minutes that seemed like two hours he ploughed at her face. Suddenly a switch flipped and subconsciously Ashlee found herself reaching to rub at a swollen clit, trying to diffuse the hurt with some pleasure.

Just when the girl thought things might go on forever, his cock jerked, the motion causing it to slip from her mouth, yet not before a length of spunk spurted on her tongue. The head inches from her face, a second wave-like ejaculation sploshed her nose and cheek, before the cock was rammed back inside the warm crevice. Two, three then a fourth spurt flooded her mouth. She gagged uncontrollably, fighting to keep it all inside and not to risk inflaming him. For already Ashlee knew better than to spit it out, swallowing hungrily as the deflating penis retracted and rolled down her chin with a silvery slither. Then all of a sudden she went heady, eyes rolling back into their sockets, and everything went pitch black.


Slowly Ashlee came round, the room assembling before her gaze like a jigsaw puzzle. She made to groan, but quickly discovered the impossibility of doing so. Something was restricting the movement of her mouth, lips clamped tight. She motioned to remove it, again finding a further physical restriction, both wrists pulling up sharply, resulting in two shots of pain. The harder the teenager pulled, the more painful was the reaction, until both wrists were sore with the effort. Another miserable attempt at a groan was muffled, never to be heard outside her own sphere. Craning to look, it became swiftly apparent that her arms were tied above her head, two lengths of wire knotted firmly to the black metal bedstead. Thin red lines marked each wrist where she'd pulled.

Then the realisation dawned upon the youngster like a bolt of lightning that she remained under his control. He hadn't just fucked her mouth and dumped his cum in it but had taken her captive, doubtless to finish the job. Tears welled in her saddened eyes and ran disconsolately and unchecked down each soft cheek. Then sheer panic set in and she yanked desperately at the bonds, failing to learn the lesson of experience as deep grooves scored each slender girlish wrist. Calm yourself, she pleaded inwardly yet the overwhelming urge to tear herself free prevailed.

Taking a deep nasal breath and staring upward, Ashlee's reflection flashed back from a full length mirrored ceiling, revealing a rectangular strip of black duct tape at her mouth. Her tanned body, fully exposed, lay star-shaped on the top of the bed. It was not a pretty sight for her to see. Streaks of dried cum covered her chin, there were patches of congealed blood spread around and finger-shaped bruises on her hips. As she shifted within the restrictions, the pain matched each bruise. Soon her earnest weeping became a pitiful silent sobbing.

Yet there was one really fiery pain above all else, a searing that seemed to come from deep within her belly. She grimaced, the pain overwhelming every other emotion until she almost passed out. In the reflection up above, she searched with beady eyes and saw with shock what it was: there was a gold stud nestling by her navel, right at the pain's epicentre. Whilst she'd been out for the count, it appeared that he'd pierced her there and, though it was something she'd craved anyway, Ashlee became incandescent with rage, thrashing wildly, wrists inevitably baring the brunt. The bastard had violated her body against her will, permanently and irreversibly. She felt the anger boil to new heights yet, had the girl realised the violation to come, she'd have held her rage and spared those dainty wrists further anguish.

As one by one, each of her five senses grew accustomed to the surroundings, it was the fetid taste in her mouth that caused Ashlee's face to contort next. She recalled with disdain the wad of thick cum he'd unloaded in her mouth. She'd swallowed what she could before passing out, though inevitably some lingering traces remained. She dared not to taste though, like a child with an ulcer, she just had to torture herself, running the tip of her tongue across the line of the front teeth, retching as her tastebuds were assaulted by the congealed sperm that clung to them. Breathing in deep and stacctato-fast through her nose, battling to impose some calm, she strove to regain the assurance of sleep yet, every time she drifted close, the tethers at each wrist jerked clumsily, dispersing a dull pain and bringing unwanted wakefulness.

An hour, maybe more, elapsed as Ashlee sullenly awaited his return and her fate, the prevailing eerie wall of silence finally punctuated by a first creak on the stairs, causing every hair on her flesh to stand erect. Craning towards the door, and in spite of the pain conferred by any sudden movement, she witnessed his entrance out of her peripheral vision. "Hello again, Ashlee dear," he said uncomplicatedly.

His nakedness and a full, unerring erection did not augur well, the only apparent relief the clear fizzing glass in his right hand. Oh how she needed a drink like nothing else to nullify the toxic taste. On the other hand, the shiny contraption Anthony held in the left appeared less welcoming and more foreboding. It looked to Ashlee's untrained eye like some kind of torture device. She swallowed hard, the foul taste making her gag, mind awash with nightmare visions.

Taking a seated position on the edge, Anthony's sudden movement caused the bed to dip and the wire ligatures to tear once more into the soft skin at each wrist. Ashlee whimpered silently into the duct tape, eyes appealing for clemency. As her tormentor leaned in close, impulsively she turned away. That meant his lips were level with her ear and he wasted no opportunity to nibble the fleshy lobe. "Would you like a drink, Ashlee dear?" he asked almost fondly.

Her head rolled back, eyes continuing to plead and implore a drink to take away the shitty horrid taste. Anthony pursed his lips. "Now that means I'll have to remove..." he observed, gesturing to the duct tape, "which means that if you scream, I'll have to hurt you bad. You won't scream, will you Ashlee?"

She shook her head violently in agreement.

"Are you sure now?" he enquired. "Cos if you do..."

The mere threat was enough. A more vigorous nod that stretched the bonds at her wrists and made her wince brought a satisfied smile to Anthony's lips. In any event, she knew forlornly that her parents were still at work and the chance of anyone coming to her rescue virtually nil. She was stuck in this mirrored prison until Anthony deigned it was time to release her. Jesus, she was frightened like never before, yet she could get through it, she covinced herself by holding things together.

"Pleasure, pain...pain, pleasure..." Anthony mused, holding both hands over Ashlee's head.

As she gazed up, her eyes expanded.

"Pain," he decided like a judge conferring the death sentence.

"Nooooooooo," she screamed inside her head, craving that drink more than anything, more so even than her liberty.

She watched as Anthony fiddled inside the glass, removing a dice-sized cube of ice. A dollop of cold water eased from the edge like one of Ashlee's tear and landed on her ribcage, inducing a spine-tingling shiver. With that he leant in and drew the frozen edge across her right nipple. Ashlee's whole upper body reflexed, hands almost pulled from her arms as he rubbed back and forth and she spasmed. Thank God for the duct tape or she'd have surely deafened them both. He marvelled in the effect it had on her, deriving sadistic pleasure. And then, as soon as the initial surprise wore off, perversely the teenager felt nothing but a numb, almost sensual, tingle. It was a numness she'd pretty soon be thankful for.

Cupping the right breast so that the swollen nipple extended upward, Anthony flicked at it with a finger. A sudden jerking movement, just out of sight, and the cold metal clamp crushed the perky teat. She screeched so hard that the duct tape was almost torn off, yet it remained agonisingly in place. A raft of painful shockwaves pulsed throughout her body, nerve ends on fire. She had never witnessed such ferocious pain in all sixteen years on God's green earth, a pain that threatened never to abate, the only consolation being the semi-anaesthitisation of the icecube. Yet it provided little solace for the tortured young Ashlee. Extra tears flooded from each eye seemingly to compensate for the staunched vocal reaction. Oh Jesus, would this anguish ever end?

It would and it did, at least this part, and only after five tortuous minutes, during which her body was wracked and wrecked, the ordeal exacerbated by Anthony's matter-of-fact observation, poker faced and psychopathically aloof. As the pain in her nipple finally levelled to a dull throb, Ashlee was able breathe again with relative comfort. Her eyes focussed on the drink, a film of ice-cold condensation clinging to the outside of the glass. "No screaming out now," implored Anthony, the prevalent menace in his eyes sufficient to dissuade Ashlee from even so much as contemplating a battle.

Prodding a fingernail beneath the strip of heavy tape, Anthony loosened a corner, the sudden swipe compassionate, hurting restricted to the bare minimum. No scream, as promised, all that came was a huge outpouring of air, lungs evacuated. He looked pleased, whispering benevolently: "Good girl."

As a reward, the glass was tilted to her eager lips, the fizz and taste of ice cold lemonade making everything in the world all right for a moment and neutralising the foul taste. Ashlee churned the drink around her cheeks like mouthwash before swallowing gratefully into the pit of her stomach. Drawing the glass away, accompanied by a look of abject misery from his young captive, Anthony reached for the clamped breast, stroking its underside and sending several short pulses of pain through her body. Ashlee moaned yet, incredibly this time, it was a moan of pure desire as quickly she came to appreciate the thin line between pain and pleasure. "You want me to take it off now?" enquired Anthony.

"No," she implored earnestly and truthfully, actually craving the comfort it brought to her ravaged body. "Please don't."

Anthony smiled knowingly as he leaned closer, stroking the blonde fringe from a moistened brow. Face dipping, his lips found hers. Ashlee held still, shocked that the instinct to turn away in disgust had suddenly deserted her. Their lips brushed and hers parted almost subconsciously, two tongues impacting. Never before had Ashlee experienced a kiss so intense. Screwing her eyes tight she allowed her assailant to taste every inch of her mouth, eager tongue working busily inside. A slight, unintentional nudge, and the clamp vibrated on her nipple, causing Ashlee to hold her breath. Yet it was a welcome pulse that coursed her body with warmth. By the time it reached the tops of her legs, it was a sensation of liquid desire, her pussy ablaze. She didn't know whether to smile or cry.

Breaking the embrace, Anthony reached over to untie the wrist bonds, Ashlee's arms falling to her sides, weightless at last. An immediate reaction to reach for her pussy and stench the desire, she plunged three fingers deep, rolling her clit and frigging with abandon. Anthony's face clouded. "Did I say you could...?" he thundered authoratively.

"Sorry," she mouthed guiltily, quickly removing the digits to leave a gaping vacuum in her pussy.

"Now lick them clean," he ordered.

Subserviently Ashlee raised the fingers to her lips, tasting her own arousal ingrained in the skin. The scent had barely settled on her tongue when Anthony lifted her easily, limp body tossed over his knee, arse plumped up. Turning her head to the side, Ashlee gazed into another huge mirror opposite, relaying events in real time. Her brain was jumbled with fear and at first she didn't recognise herself. It was like some out-of-body experience and that wasn't her in the reflection but some other poor girl. It was a film or a show she was watching, she reasoned. She observed in the mirror as Anthony fumbled beneath the bed. Oh God, what was he searching for? The answer came soon enough as he produced a two foot long riding crop. Ashlee's eyes waxed and waned, her breath raced and every hair on her body stood rigid once more.

Anthony raised an elbow to shoulder height, the crop quivering menacingly in the air. Ashlee dared not breathe, let alone move, bracing herself and pre-empting the pain long before it arrived. Anthony savoured the moment, confounding the sasdism, evidently in no particular hurry as his captive's heartbeat thumped away like a metronome.

The movement, when eventually it came, was all from the wrist, two swift thwacks. Ashlee wailed miserably as her arse was whipped mercilessly, a brace of red parallel lines tearing the flesh. Oh fuck that hurt. Oh FUCK that really hurt. An inexpilcably delayed reaction, Ashlee shrieked. Yet as soon as the initial welt of pain subsided, all that was left was an intense, almost orgasmic desire. She gazed on, mesmerised as Anthony traced each red groove with the tip of the crop, her mouth sucking loudly at the air. "Oh God, yessssssss," she hissed, arching so her wet pussy rubbed at his knee.

Anthony grinned, lowering the crop to stroke each inner thigh, almost lovingly. Up and down it tickled, causing Ashlee to bite down hard on her bottom lip. Being able to watch in the mirror as her body was tormented in this manner somehow distanced Ashlee from the ordeal yet, at the same time, it merely served to intensify the desire. As the teenager spread her legs, the tip of the crop brushed the swollen lips of her gorgeous virgin pussy, caressing its length and prompting a guttural purr. Anthony worked the tip of the crop back and forth without actually penetrating her innermost sanctum and causing Ashlee untold anguish. "Please," she implored.

But, having taken her this far, evidently Anthony wasn't about to just assent to her whim, and Ashlee knew it, expected it even. He was going to toy with her like a cat with a mouse, play mind and power games and exact revenge for her teasing him so relentlessly over this past month. And deep down the girl realised that she deserved every bit of punishment he chose to impose, and more perhaps. Lifting the girl from his knee, Anthony placed her upon her hands and knees on the carpet, crouched before the mirror. She could see him behind her in the mirror, toying with an erection that the wonderful little preliminaries had made rockhard. "Fuck me," she pleaded, imbued with a newfound strength of will and wantonness.

He grinned over her shoulder, crouching behind to tease the lips of her slick pussy with the spongy tip of his hard cock, spooning up a juicy deposit. Firm hands held her waist, and she'd never felt so desirous. Ashlee's whole body yearned for a release. Nothing else mattered. She could probably escape if she wished, yet nothing could be further from her mind. As she braced in readiness for his entry, the mere thought of losing her virginity in this way caused her to spasm. Her pussy glistened.

Yet Anthony wasn't into the conventions of loving coupling, and Ashlee was to be left sorely disappointed as his juice-stained cockhead roved north, over the perineum and nudging at the puckered ring of her arse. Just as she was starting to feel she could trust him, Ashlee felt a cold pang of fear. That fear quickly coalesced as he rammed hard and mercilessly at the tight brown hole, the lube from her pussy and a concrete hard constitution helping to bury a good half of the shaft. Muscles strained and sinews ripped, causing Ashlee to yelp in an humiliating combination of pain and shame.

Anthony held there for ten seconds, hands tight to his captive's hips. Ashlee winced and moaned and whispered how much it hurt and please could he do anything but her anus. Anthony withdrew carefully, yet it almost seemed to draw out with it the inner flesh of the tight passage. Her arse felt like a red hot poker had been inserted and she very nearly vomited. "Please, no," she begged. "Please not my bum, please Anthony."

She knew they were vain protestations. In fact, having come this far, she would have felt somewhat let down had he relented. Trying desperately to relax her sphincter for the next inevitable thrust she feared would bury his cock to the hilt, Ashlee flicked at the clamp that held her nipple tight. Yet it was impossible to disperse the pain away from her raging backside.

Taking aim, Anthony slammed his hard tool against the little virgin knot, issuing a battle-cry. Ashlee screamed too, the pain far outweighing anything she'd felt earlier from the clamp or the crop, elements of pain that now barely registered on the scale. Having her arse torn to shreds by a monster cock was nowhere near the fun she'd salivated over whilst digesting porn movies on the internet. Her face in the mirror was pale and wan, jaw fully extended. "Nooooooo," she squealed, fighting both Anthony and the pain.

"Yesssssss," thundered Anthony, holding his cock inside, marvelling at the feel as the walls of her arse clamped around tightly.

And then he started to move, slowly at first yet each length brought a searing white-hot pain. Ashlee willed him to cum quickly, to end the ordeal, but Anthony was no lightweight. He pumped a dozen times, tearing open the hole ever further with each sure thrust, every jerk causing a grunt or a whimper to slip from Ashlee's lips. When he withdrew, she was convinced the hole had no longer tightened back to its original knot, surely distended from the forceful attack, raw and painfully sore. Ashlee doubted miserably whether she'd ever recover from this anal barbarity, doomed to a life of incontinence.

One hand holding her waist, Anthony's other snaked up her spine, pinching at the nape of her neck before taking a grip on her hair ends. Ashlee felt herself being pulled upwards towards his chest, hot breath warming her neck. Her head lolled as Anthony bit at the flesh, leaving a teethmark. Unrelenting in his invasion of her arsehole, his powerful thighs slapped her buttocks repeatedly. Ashlee groaned as the first stirrings rose within her clit. She knew that the merest touch upon it would tip her over the edge.

Finally Anthony relented, slipping from her arse with a discernible plop, before slamming deep inside her cunt. Ashlee felt her hymen rip, the pain barely registering. A series of long, purposeful strokes ploughed deep, causing both to grunt in unison, his huge gush meeting her powerful squirt, pussy flooding. His cum threatened never to abate, each fresh load triggering a new shattering orgasm like little explosions. Ashlee screamed and screamed and screamed until Anthony was forced to cover her mouth.



The teenager looked up from the sunlounger, cowering as a shadow fell upon her. Yet it was her mother. "You were screaming in your sleep," explained the older woman. "I thought you must be having a nightmare."

"A nightmare?" questioned Ashlee, still groggy, but quickly establishing that she was in her own backyard.

She didn't need to look down to realise the whole crotch of her bikini bottoms was stained a two-tone blue. She could feel how squishy it was. Taking evasive action, she crossed her legs so that the older woman wouldn't see. "No mum, I don't think it was a nightmare," she said with a half-smile. "Actually it was more of a dream."

Yes, it had all been a dream, she convinced herself. Yes, of course it was a dream.

Suddenly her mother shrieked hysterically. "Ashlee, oh my God, what have you gone and done now?"

Ashlee looked back uncomprehendingly before following the line of her mother's eyes to her navel.

The End


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Brighton strode along Bow street with Ned and Sergeant Smythe, his step keeping in military time with theirs. Hove turned his head briefly to stare at a Black Maria, after a little while he spoke. "So this fits the pattern then Holmes, what say you?" Ned grimaced, "I say we wait and examine the evidence Hove, it is better to act once one is more fully informed." Holmes cocked an eyebrow, "Would you not agree?" "Ah, yes of course. Quite right!" Hove replied. He then glanced downward...

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Prurient ParishionersChapter 9 Cockteasers Undoing

The house was dark, the silence broken only by the intermittent sounds of the settling foundation as his footsteps traced down the stairs. He passed into the basement recreation room to find Cheryl asleep on the open hide-a-bed, her tousled hair spilled across the pillow, a comforter wrapped up to her chin for warmth. He stopped a few steps short of where she was sleeping and watched her body rise and fall with each heavy, wine-sedated breath. He jumped as her hand inched out and dangled...

2 years ago
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She pushed me down into the chair that I had been standing next to and pulled off my pants. My cock was only somewhat hard but with her small hands she worked it until it stood at stiff attention. I squeezed and played with her small breasts while she stroked my cock. After it was hard she wrapped her lips around the tip of my cock and with out pause deep throated me. Compared to her small body my cock was rather large. She brushed her hands over the sweet spots on my hips as she took me all...

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What does it mean to be a sissy

Sissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire. Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy. Sissies are...

2 years ago
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Money Is No Object My Bridal Makeover Chapter 4 Rachael Has A Suggestion

'MONEY IS NO OBJECT' ... MY BRIDAL MAKEOVER! CHAPTER 4: RACHAEL HAS A SUGGESTION As it was nearing tea time, Rachael suggested we find a nice winebar and have something to eat, to save having to cook when we got back to the apartment. I agreed. Although I was dressed as a woman, I felt confident enough in my appearance to go to regular restaurants and bars now. We arrived, parked the car and went into the winebar. It was quite busy, but the waiter at the door found us a table for...

3 years ago
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SpaceChapter 14

"But that was ten thousand dollars." "That's not a lot of money. Look what a car costs or a home." "But it is a lot of money for a boy." "I am going into business too. I do not know what but I am going to be rich. I want you to help me. As time goes on I will add to the figure in your account. You will earn the money and perhaps grow yourself." "You are a strange young man but I'll help." "Good, then I have another job for you." "What is that?" "The guys are probably...

3 years ago
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Blackfeather13 Wolf

NEITHER OF US traveled. But what an adventure. We obeyed Moms and Pa and closed the windows, even though I had to turn off the heat. Seemed like it was either all on or all off. In a month or so, when it was snowing and cold, ‘on’ would be fine, but right now I wished for just a little fresh air. Cold or not, that wall between our apartments was like paper. I swear I could almost smell Aubrey getting turned on. Then I pulled the covers up over my head and I really could smell her. Oh yes....

3 years ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 13 Shark Warning

After reading the paper Gracie said something was confusing and wanted to talk. I let her keep the bag on without tape. “Look,” Gracie said, “I am smart enough to know that you can’t admit too much about the events when we met. But I got the impression that none of the folks I went into that basement with left that basement.” “I won’t argue with that,” I said. “I am sure the parts were removed by now.” “Yuck. But I am confused because the pictures in the paper today showed three black...

1 year ago
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La verne you have been a very BOD agent

The last door on the presideo was mine for three days,pre paid, on her GOVSAT card. Monday would be a busy day for everyone I had on my list. So I am going to enjoy the next 24x2 like I never had in my MENSA/Government controled life. A whisp of hand on my naked cold back and buttock rise warmed deep into the core of me from a single point of contact."OHH good I left the keycard in the slot" I was hoping She would wait till we were inside before she kissed me , The next room over was looking...

2 years ago
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The Spirit of EcstasyChapter 3

Wednesday 17 September 1975, 1.30pm I picked Gina up from the office just after working through lunchtime, so we could shower or bathe and change for the board meeting in London. I eased the car through the heavy afternoon traffic, with Gina sitting up front next to me. When we got close to head office, set in a large steel and glass building, I stopped at the side of the road for a moment and Gina transferred to the back seat. For this occasion, I thought it was best to just be her driver....

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Alice And The Package

Part One: The Arrival Alice had no idea who sent the package.The return address indicated a P.O. box in another city but she didn't knowanyone there. She opened it with more than a little curiosity. Her curiosity was replaced with puzzlementwhen the wrappings were finally on the floor and she could see the pictureof the box's contents. 'Sybian for sexual gratification', it read. It lookedlike a tiny saddle on half a beer keg with a remote. Judging from the expressionof the model in the...

2 years ago
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Blindfold Wife Fantasy

We have a fantasy box each and my husband’s last fantasy was for me to be blindfolded and have sex with an unknown guy. We usually arrange the fantasy for our other half but he was to arrange this and film it so I could watch it afterwards. This was something new for me and I felt rather nervous at first but the more I thought about it the more exciting I found the idea. Loads of questions were going through my head, “Who would he get to do it? Would I know them? When would he do it? What...

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Scrolller 3D Porn

Scrolller is one of my favorite porn sites in general. No matter what you are into, you will find a great selection here. The name Scrolller says it all. They make it extremely easy to scroll through pics and videos. The amount of porn one can absorb on Scrolller in a short time is incredible. Often, I’ll lose a whole week to Scrolller before I notice it happened.The Cogs and Pulleys of Cock PullingAt the top of the site is a small menu with the options Photos, Videos, and notifications. The...

3D Porn Sites
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Holiday part

About two years ago I went on a trip to Spain and stayed at this lovely yet very dull resort in Alicante at the Costa Blanca. I spend most my days either at the beach or at the pool but there was just no action to be found (if you catch my drift)even the times I went shopping nothing.One day I went shopping and met two lovely older ladies named Diane and Jessica who stayed at the same resort as me, we had lunch together and they told me that the buzz around the resort was that they nurse at the...

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SecretsChapter 17

Matthew sat around the coffee table at his Aunt's house who looked down at him. Lynn Styles, the divorced sister of his mother was celebrating her sixtieth birthday and her entire house was being occupied by her entire family who had all travelled the small Worcestershire village to see her. Robert Styles, Matthew's younger brother, had just finished his PhD, was engaged to be married, and was about to start work at a pharmaceutical company in London. Amelia Fetherstonhaugh-Hamilton, their...

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How brother solves the mathematical problem2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Now I took her in my arms gave a long french kiss she said again “its enough bhayia “ I said don’t worry its just start try to feel the enjoyment and slowly I tried to took off her t-shirt she was not helping but also not restricting me, so I finally removed her t-shirt oh man what a size of her boobs were I have never seen any girl in bra. She was looking as paragon of beauty. I massaged again on her bra it was white half cup bra and was showing a...

2 years ago
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Feedback Synopsis :With all the advancements electronics have made over the last few years, it is inevitable that certain... unlikely, glitches will turn up. For me, it was a gender change that I and my girlfriend wanted. [-][+][-] Carl's View [-][+][-] I simply can't believe my good fortune, but I have found completion in becoming the woman that I always wanted to be, all because of a glitch in the identity software of Computech. Now, I am in my girlfriend's body and she is in mine...

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Fuck her cunt

Raveena tandon, the famous Bollywood actress and mast mast girl of the 90’s had been enjoying her married life, and being mother to her 2 Kids. But she was thinking about making a comeback and start working In films again. Her husband was also supportive of her idea. She was Going through a few scripts but was not able to decide which film she Should accept. Then she went to attend a high profile party at a five Star hotel on a saturday night with her husband. Raveena and her Husband were...

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Wife Fucked By A Friend

hi my name is tej and wife name is mona she is a working women and as well as me my wife and love to have hot sex on bed and v watch blue movies together and do the same as they do it is great fun.she has nice pair of boobs and i love them them as they jump.i and friend usaly sit for drinks in wek and talk about sex and r cock lengths . one day i invited him home for some drinks as parents and maid was at home v decided to go for ride and drink in the night .my friend was good fucker as i knew...

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Getting Devon Sawas Autograph

He was in Middle America somewhere, a small town where he was shooting a movie. They had just wrapped up on the set and he had a few days to himself. He decided to venture into town one day and was swarmed by fans at the local movie theater. Dozens of adoring teenage girls surrounded him hounding him with questions and eager to just see him, but being a horny sixteen year old virgin himself Devon wanted a real experienced woman not small town girls, most of who were probably just cock...

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How I became a sissy

Well, i guess it all started when i was 13. My neighbor and i were at his house during the summer break and his family had all left for the week and he said he was looking for the video game controller and was sure his sister (25 at the time) took it and hid it in her drawer like she does sometimes. So he asked me to help him look for it. Ironically enough while i was turned around, digging thru one drawer he came up behind me and put a 'spiderman mask' over my face..but it wasnt a spiderman...

2 years ago
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Replacing mom

A big thanks to Zoomie69 and Mark (I wasn't able to get your lit name) who both edited this. ***** Chapter 1 – The Talk. "Come on, Megan..." Greg watched his wife continue to lie in bed while she read her tablet. She appeared to have no interest in what he was talking about. "Megan..." There wasn't a response. "You can't just stop having sex with me." "I'm pretty sure I can," she told him while continuing to look down. Greg took a deep breath. "Did I do something?" "Nope," Megan coldly...

1 year ago
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Men Do and Women Must Endure

Justin rushes to the far side of the table and holds the chair out, looking at me anxiously, patiently - the suggestion obvious. With a hidden sigh I glide forwards on my low-heels and sit with my knees together, back straight - like a lady should. Pushing my chair in so that I am facing my plate, my son leans over and sniffs my hair which causes me to freeze. A second later, the kiss is gentle, at the nape of my neck, then another deep inhale through the nose which is almost touching my...

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The Dare Book 2Chapter 3 Show and Tell

Over the next couple of days, Talia got around to eventually filling Mason in on all that had transpired, though she found it hard to make the time to write. Still, they exchanged a number of ideas, lots of them in fact. Dares that she could consider now and in the future. The constant discussions of her need to be dared, and the types of things she liked, kept her mind in a playful and game playing mood, which made her more than a little happy. She hated those times when things got all muddy...

1 year ago
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Playtime Stories Ch 5 Best Leather Sales Lady Ev

5. Shopping is not one of my favorite things to do. I still want to get there, find the items, buy them, and leave for home or wherever and use the items. However, I am female enough that I always want to have instant gratification and see how the item really looks on me. A couple of years ago I had just begun to buy good quality “stuff” for my little whore-adventures. I was always awkward doing this because it is kind of embarrassing to buy erotic women’s clothing as a guy when it is...

3 years ago
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Etched In StoneChapter 9

"Why am I learning how to fight with a knife?" Jorie said to Dothan. "Knife fighting builds mental strength and coordination. It teaches one to overcome the fear of death and to fight it," Dothan said. "I hope this hurts you more than it hurts me," Jorie said. He looked at the stone face of the royal and admitted aloud, "probably not." An hour later, Jorie sat on the table in the med lab enduring the application of strips of skin melt. Mista was taking her time and trying to be...

1 year ago
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Learning Together 3Chapter 4

The next morning, the women slowly walked out of the gate from the healing house. They made their way somberly across the field towards the meeting post. In their midst, was one dressed in a forest green robe with it’s hood hiding her face. “What’s all this about?” Kevin asked. Ben shrugged. “I don’t know. Momma, told me last night to have us here this morning.” The women stopped. Kathy took two long side steps and stood alone with her head bowed. The person in the green robe came forward...

4 years ago
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A Broken HeartChapter 8

Heidi laid in bed, the lights were out but she couldn't fall asleep. Jake hadn't come home yet. He always came home right after work, not even a moment late, but it was already dark and he hadn't come home yet. Lying as intently awake as she was, and the night being so still and silent, she had no trouble hearing the car as soon as it pulled into the driveway. She listened to his steady gate coming up the stairs, until he was flicking on the bedroom light. She sat up and looked at him...

3 years ago
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Chocolate and GoldChapter 3

My plan worked perfectly. We left Monaco just before eleven the next morning with Vannie almost fifty thousand dollars richer, thanks to a generous casino roulette wheel. Naturally, she repaid my investment in her good fortune. I had made a few side bets, but nothing had come up the way Vannie's good fortune did. I was probably down a couple of hundred. We stayed at the very nice Principe De Savoia in Milan. In fact, all the hotels her company's travel agent had booked for her were...

2 years ago
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Reality Flux 4

Reality Flux 4 By Paul G Jutras "Mommy, what happened?" Six year old Benjamin asked in a confused tone, as he lay stretched across the wooden kitchen floor after a twisted ankle caused him to collapse from the breakfast table. Dressed in a floral print dress, suntan hose and six-inch spike heels, he was afraid to try to stand again. "I... I don't know honey." Mrs. Sawyer said, looking down at tiny feet that couldn't reach the ground. "The radio was just talking about another...

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Hiking Threesome

It's late after work and we're walking on our favorite hiking trail. It's close to dark on our way back and there's no one around. That is until we see two young guys walking towards us. It's kind of strange since it's so late and getting dark. They look like older teenagers and probably heading into the woods to smoke pot or something pathetic like that. We can both see them giving you awkward glances as they approach us, trying to hide it from you and especially me, and I squeeze your...

4 years ago
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Caught In The Act

“Hi, honey. Listen, I’m calling to let you know I’m going to have to work late tonight. The boss wants me to get this project wrapped up so the client can review it tomorrow when they fly in for the meeting. I’m not sure when I’ll be home. I’ll grab a bite to eat here at the office. So have a good night, and I’ll get home when I can. Hopefully, before you go to bed, but we’ll see…”That was the message he left on the answering machine. Julie was in the laundry room doing another of the seemingly...

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The Twelve Lays of Christmas Ch 03

Day Four Snuggled against him, Thomas thought if felt right, her being there. They’d spent the night having the best sex of his entire life, Thomas was drained by the time they drifted off to sleep around 4 AM. Cherie snuggled into him and he didn’t mind that a bit, it was comforting having her close. He was awakened from a peaceful slumber by the slamming of the cabin door and a slough of profanities. Cherie awakened a few seconds later, when she heard all the commotion, she said ‘Uh-Oh’. ...

1 year ago
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Doing it with my girlfriend and her daughter

Roxanne just grinned, and I knew that face. She made it many times during our relationship, and it was always good. It was mostly when I ate her pussy, and she was about to cum all over my face. She kept that face, and slowly walked over towards us. She didn't seem mad, but she was something. I didn't commit to being sorry, or entitled to fuck her daughter, I just let her say whatever she needed to say. She actually leaned towards Sofie, and not me. She took a good look at her naked body, and...

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The Debt Payoff

Alright, I’ve read enough. I’m hijacking this novel. My name’s Patty and I’ve read enough details to know that this story is about my husband and my drama queen roommate from college and also a little bit about me. Hi, ‘Vickie’. I’ll bet you didn’t think I was a member of this band of Lushies. Thanks for finally letting me know what happened between you and Charlie. It was one of the possibilities I’d considered. It’s nice to get an explanation for why you got better at picking men. Six guys...

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My First time

I had just turned 18 that summer and only just graduated it was the mid 80's.. I got a new job and was working evening at a restaurant. I had only been working there a few months and was kinda enjoy it, I wasn't used to being out of the house on my own in the evenings as I was mostly under the rule of mom and dad, but I was a working man I guess so they didn't impose any more restrictions on my time out of the house so long as it was job related. I didn't own a car so I had to barrow dads which...

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Master of the SwampChapter 5

Erik rocked back and forth in his easy rocking chair while he smoked a cigar and overlooked the clearing in front of his house. The heat of summer started to make way for the storms of autumn. Several birds sang their songs, but other than that, it was surprisingly quiet. The lack of croaking frogs was yet another indicator that the seasons were changing. Three months had passed since Erik had fucked his daughter’s ass for the first time. She requested a repeat performance almost every week...

3 years ago
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Older woman giving her good boy public blow job

This is a story my girlfriend text me about sucking a much younger guy in a car park. She's the woman in all my galleries, enjoy!Ok so a few years ago this young man I was chatting to came to see me and we went for a drink in the pub down the road from where I liveHe was only 18 and I was 32 so I was a lot more experienced than he wasHe had told me he was seeing other girls so I wanted to impress himI was wearing a leather mini skirt, knee high boots and a nice topWhen I sat down you could see...

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Girls Only Tails That Can Be Told

After posting the invitation for the GIRLS ONLY event, I was privately contacted by several titillated cuties. Some wrote that they were “shy” but found the invite intriguing. Each was concerned that they would be pushed past their comfort level.Even though the event was a place to test personal boundaries, it was set up to be a safe and respectful environment. Everyone was invited to think, listen, watch and perhaps engage in some kind of erotic or kinky play. They would be responsible for...

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FapHouse Latina

Fap House is a site that I have written about before, and since it hosts so much carnal content, I had to revisit it. New additions are being made all of the time, with an average of six hundred films being added, many of which are of a particularly popular genre: the Latina category. So, I had to ask myself, "what does Latina-specific smut look like on this platform?" If you are thinking, "yes, is it any good," then continue reading on.The Starlets You Are Going To See Are FeugoSince Fap House...

Premium Latina Porn Sites
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My initiation

My story starts in a summer when I was young. Everything started so casual. Mom asked if I could help in one of the houses up the street from our house. There was apparently some garden work to be done and I needed some pocket money for the summer holidays later, so I said, “yes of course”. I headed up there and found that the couple living there needed some help with the garden. They were in their early-thirties - I guessed. The husband was in a wheelchair and was unable to do the lawns...

2 years ago
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The Unknown Lord Pt 03

Chapter 11 At that point Derek arrived with the liquor and another man was helping him and I seen the ruby aurora it was hidden but there. I said to Roger and Larry, ‘Get behind me and I unmasked coming to full power thinking the Bull was here and ready or not I was ready to take him on. Larry went to his knees seeing the white brilliant light and Roger shield his eyes. Frank bowed and shut his eyes ‘My lord I am Frank Mill, Lord Cancer.’ ‘By the lords you guys need name tags, I thought you...

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Eddies tale part1

I never knew my father. Mom had told me he died in a car accident but as I got older I believed her less and less. Whenever he was brought up she always changed the topic which was fine with me because I couldn't even remember him. And so it was growing up just me mom and my brother tom. My mom, Kathy, worked hard to support us. We weren't rich by any means but she did the best she could to make sure we never went without. The years had taken their toll on her but she was still beautiful....

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The New Secretary A postscript Busted

A New Secretary A Postscript, Busted! By Trish. Edit by Robyn Hoode. After Robbie and Simon, or rather Bob and Sarah discovered that they shared a similar dream, they settled into what can only be described as harmonious bliss. Although from radically different backgrounds the relationship they formed as co-workers bloomed into an equally strong personal relationship. Egged on by their equal acceptance...

1 year ago
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My Sister Is My Teacher To Learn Fucking

I am working in a town. My sister is married and is living with her family in a city. She is having a daughter. Yearly twice or thrice, sister used to come to our house. Sister is looking very bright and sexy after marriage. Meanwhile I was transferred to the same city where sister is residing. Till I get an accommodation, I decided to stay in my sister’s house, When knowing my transfer , my brother-in-law told me to come and stay with them as his job required overstay in the night and...

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RevengeChapter 13

I had done my best not to lie to Sofia; yet it seemed to me that she either had not understood, or she did not want to understand. I had explained to her that I needed to go up North to get the revenge of the guy who had caused all this, and to reconnect with my wife. She just kissed me and smiled. "That is okay, Jooel." She knew quite well how to say my name but she prolonged the vowel always when she wanted to tease me. "I'll promise to wait for you. I'll only use my fingers and...

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A Skater8217s Fantasy

Katerina Bronislow was a picture of beauty and grace. The young champion figure skater glided to an abrupt stop, sparklets of ice showering from her silver blades as they bit into the hard surface. A moment of silence, then the music came back to life in a burst of joy, and the young woman flexed at the knees to push herself into another change-double-three. She was concentrating on nothing but her routine and the sound of her skates slicing through the fine layer of liquid crystal...

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SRU Satisfaction Guaranteed

SRU: Satisfaction Guaranteed by Enigma She saved my life. I met Bonnie part way through my senior year of high school, just at the point that I was ready to end it all. When we met, something just clicked, and shy talks gave way to solid friendship which evolved into love, much to the amazement of both of us. Bonnie Sampson is really cute. Not classically beautiful, but still with a body to send most hormonal high school boys into daydreams of sex and lust. Her build was just a...

1 year ago
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The Telescope

San Francisco at night, in all its neon glory! Rooms with a view cost extra, but the company was paying the bill. After the plane trip from hell I needed a shower and a rest before dinner. I studied the landscape before me as I undressed. There is point paying extra if you are going to shut the curtains. The Downtown SF Marriott, otherwise known as the jukebox is a retro Art Deco affair with sweeping curves and mirrored glass. At the very top there is a bar with one of the best views in the...

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Learning From Mom

We had gone a vacation to some fancy resort. Dad was taking my brothers off somewhere and would be gone all day. This left just me and mom to ourselves for the day. The resort we were at was huge, several pools, clubs and all kinds of stuff going on. Mom and I decided to start at the pool. We both had on our bikinis and the guys were checking us out. Mom looks like she could be my sister, I am not sure if that means she looks younger or I look older. It is my last year of high school and this...

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My Wicked WaysChapter 71

Temporary Chancellery, Mead, Washington 0600 hours local time, 29 October, 2014 “The various tribes of Arizona and New Mexico are much stronger than elsewhere now, and fully control everything inside their reservation borders, plus have added considerable territory by annexing nearby towns. Many folks have found themselves under tribal rule for the first time in their lives, including many in Colorado City, the former FLDS hub in Arizona. “To secure their position, the Navajo Nation in...

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Chennai It Guy As An Male Escort

Hi to all ISS readers am your sujith back with the wildest sex encounter which took place between me, my client Aditi and her cute daughter Ankita.After reading the story kindly post your comments and feedbacks on You can contact me through Gmail or hangouts.Ladies, aunties, college girls and schoolgirls in and around Chennai can contact me for sex, massage, hot chat, short term and long term fun.My dear girls just ping me to have the wildest sex.I never worried about your age, caste, creed or...

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My grateful niece

Way back, it must have been about 20 years ago, my niece had just gotten a divorce and her first born was like 2 or something, my niece was 23 or so. She was moving into a very small, one bedroom apartment and I went over to give a hand, move furniture, clean up stuff. We had been had this, a large part of our family and I, when I cam to realize that we really didn't have a lot of money and in fact was missing what I considered essentials when you have a baby. So I asked my sister, her mom, if...

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Crossroads RulesChapter 3

The main street of the town was a mess. Rain had turned it into a strip of mud that sucked at his feet and threatened to pull his boots off with each step. Although he had expected to see wood planks laid out to make crossing the street less messy, there were none. It wasn’t even clean mud, but had manure from a variety of animals mixed in with it. The air was ripe with the odor of shit, spoiled food, and human activities. In the middle of the town, a two wheeled cart pulled by an ox had...

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Im Chosen For A Little Revenge Sex

From the caller ID, I knew who it was right away and there were only two reasons for her to call - either she was fighting with her current boyfriend or she was looking for a place away from him to party a little. “Hey, Sweetie” I answered. "I'm done with him once and for all!" she said between sobs and I knew right away it was a fight and I was going to be her sounding post for the inevitable tirade that was sure to follow. She said she had told him that she knew he was cheating on her again....


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