SullyChapter 25
- 4 years ago
- 22
- 0
I lost the game with Charlene, and Debbie giggled. We were sitting together on one of the couches in the back room when Linda rushed in and spotted us.
Debbie smiled and said, "What are you doing here?"
"I just came to warn you that Dad is right behind me," she replied.
"Oh fuck!" Debbie groaned.
Five seconds after Debbie's outburst, a tall silver-haired man came walking slowly into the back room. He walked up to us and held out his hand to Debbie. He was about fifty, and carried himself with the self-assurance of wealth and privilege.
"Come on, honey, let's go," he said quietly.
She stayed in her seat and said, "I'm twenty-one. I don't have to go with you."
He dropped his hand and said, "This is going to break your mother's heart. You know that, don't you?"
Linda said, "Mom knows! And she doesn't care! She loves Debbie!"
He seemed to wilt, and his shoulders slumped. He sighed, then looked as if he was about to say something else.
Debbie raised her head and said, "All you care about is getting me married off to one of those creeps at the country club! You don't care what I want!"
He squatted with his elbows on his knees and said, "I don't think you really want this. Do you?"
Debbie said, "Daddy, this is Megan. I feel more alive and loved when I'm with her than I've ever felt in my life! You don't understand!" The tears were running down her cheeks, ruining her makeup.
He glanced at me with a curious look and gave me a brief tight smile. The talk was getting very emotional and loud, and a couple of girls peeked in the doorway. I waved them away and waited.
Linda grabbed Debbie's beer, took a big swallow and stared defiantly at her father.
A long minute later he sighed and said, "We'll talk when you come home, ok?" Then he turned and walked out.
Debbie sat and cried, and I exhaled a sigh of relief. Linda and I tried to comfort her, but nothing stopped the tears. Last call was shouted out, and I put down my bottle. I'd had enough.
Linda kissed her sister in the parking lot and told her not to worry, then got into her car. I bundled Debbie into the Jeep and went home.
I put her to bed and cuddled with her, stroking her hair. She cried for a little while, and then seemed to pass out. Her mental exhaustion had kicked in, and I slept fitfully beside her.
Saturday morning about ten she drank coffee with me and prepared to go home.
"Before I go I want to say something to you," she said. "Something important."
I thought she was going to say she cared for me. I could deal with that; the feeling was slowly becoming mutual. I wasn't quite prepared for what I heard.
She fiddled with the handle on her coffee mug and said, "I feel alive with you. After we met the first time, I asked around about you; I talked to some of the other girls in the club when you weren't there."
"What did they say?" I asked.
"They said you were a loner," she replied, "and you didn't have a steady girlfriend."
I got confused and started to get angry. "So that was why you picked me to show you the ropes?" I asked sarcastically.
"That's not it at all," she smiled. "I could tell you were special, even from the beginning. And as much as I thought I liked girls, I didn't want my first experiences to be with anyone else but you. Some of the girls in the club scare me."
Somewhat mollified but still upset, I said, "Some of the girls scare me too. You're telling me I was special and you trusted me not to hurt you. Where does that leave us now?"
"I can't do a decent job of explaining it to myself, much less you," she said, "but I think I love you, in any sense of the word. You have jolted my emotions, made me feel, deep down, like I made the right choice. I'm right to love women, and I'm right to love you."
"You don't know what you're saying," I said. "Ok, you like women. I have a lot of baggage from the past, and there's a lot about me you don't know. The thought of being in love again scares me shitless."
"I know enough to know that I love you, and I'm willing to listen to anything you have to tell me," she said. "Are you going to let the past interfere with your future?" She added with a little giggle, "The thought of being in love scares me too, but I want it so bad I can't - I won't - let the fear stop me."
I got up and refilled our cups, then resumed my seat. So many different emotions were flying through my head at once I couldn't keep track of any of them.
She continued, "You were my first. I want you to be my last. When you hold me I tingle inside. When you kiss me I melt. When you put your hands on my body and your lips on mine, all of it feels so right. You've made my dreams reality. I just think of you and my panties get wet."
I laughed nervously and said, "That's your hormones."
"No," she said. "You taught me that everything on my body is connected to everywhere else if I became aware of the signals my body was sending me. I took you at your word, and listened to it."
"Oh Debbie," I cried, "this is a lot for a girl to handle all at once!"
She stood up and drained her cup, then leaned down and hugged me. "I've got to go home and face my father and mother. I don't want you to confess to undying love or anything right this second. It would be enough for me to know you're willing to give us - you and me - a chance."
I hugged her and said, "I'll try. I really will."
She headed for the door and said, "I'll call you soon."
We shared one more brief kiss at the door, and she was gone.
I spent the rest of the weekend in a mindless haze. Not one thought connected to any other. The habits of living went forward: I peed, I brushed my teeth, I vacuumed the floor, I slept. I ate when I was hungry, and wandered aimlessly around inside the house. I drove the Jeep to the lake and sat at the shore, staring. I took the trail to the summit again and sat there, trying to make some sense of what I knew.
I was a little scared of the word love. I hadn't used it with anyone since Karen. To me, loving meant opening, and opening meant hurt. I had started loving Karen in ninth grade. I was naive enough then to believe that my love shielded me from harm, and then the harm came. Ostracism and taunts from fellow students for being different. Foster care because my mother wouldn't accept my choice, then the pain of losing both of them. My world changed into something horrible overnight, and it was judged - by others - to be my fault. I had resolved long ago not to let anyone get close enough to hurt me. I believed I'd been successful. I suddenly realized I was wrong and my hands started shaking. Sunday afternoon about six o'clock I made up my mind.
Debbie called Sunday night about nine. She said she was fine, and her Mom understood. Her Dad had a problem with it, but he was slowly accepting the facts. All three of her sisters said to say hi, and I said hi in return. After a slight pause, the conversation turned serious.
"I miss you," she said.
"I can come over or meet you somewhere," I said. "I miss you too."
"I'd like to," she said, "but I have to do something for myself first. I've admitted my choice. I'm very happy with it now that it's not a secret anymore. I want to get settled into my job, and then I can come see you."
"You don't need a job to see me," I joked.
"Yes, I do," she insisted. "I don't want to be like Janice. I want to be an equal partner in our relationship. I want you to know you can count on me as much as I count on you."
I must have lost track of time, because I heard Debbie say, "Are you there, Megan? Hello?"
"Yeah, I'm here," I said. "You do what you have to, and come see me when you can. I'm as close as the phone, and you can call me as often as you want. I really miss you."
"I'll see you Friday for sure," she said. "Bye for now. I miss you."
"See you then," I said. "I miss you too."
I hung up the phone and grabbed a beer. I lit a smoke and sprawled on the couch on my stomach. I dissected the conversation backwards and forwards over the next two hours, and I always came to the same conclusion. By substituting the word 'love' for the word 'miss', the whole thing made more sense.
Monday at work I had two visitors; Aaron and Alvin.
Alvin took me to the side of the machine and said, "He only wants to talk. He has Teddy's permission, and I'll be right here. Will you do it?"
"Do I have a choice?" I asked.
"Yes," Alvin said. "You don't have to talk to him unless you want to, but I'd recommend you get it over with."
"Ok," I sighed.
I sat at my bench and Alvin watched my machine. Aaron sat across from me and put his hands on the chair.
I watched him consider his words for a time, then he said, "I apologize. I realize I carried my little joke too far."
"Next time it'll cost you another broken arm," I said, "but I accept your apology. On one condition."
"Which is?" he asked.
"You quit undressing me with your eyes every time you see me," I said. "That shit gives girls like me the creeps. I don't think the regular ones like it any better either."
"I can do that," he said, "but what does a woman do for you that a man can't? I don't understand."
"You never will, Aaron. You never will," I replied.
He thought a minute and shrugged, then offered his hand. "I'm sorry, I really am."
I shook his hand and said, "Ok."
Aaron motioned to Alvin and they left. The rest of the day was quiet.
Janice called that night, and said she'd quit drinking. We talked for two hours and had a nice time reliving our memories of the past, then she asked me what I was going to do about Debbie.
"I'm going to love her," I said, "as much as she loves me. Or try to, anyway."
"I guess I'll have to find another fuck-buddy, huh?" Janice asked.
"It looks that way, pal," I said.
Friday night at six-thirty I was sitting at the curb in the Jeep smoking a cigarette and Debbie tapped on the passenger's window. I jumped and opened my door as fast as I could. I ran around to the curb side of the Jeep and hugged her tight. Then I kissed her, and she flowed into my arms.
She wiped her eyes and said, "Hi, stranger."
"Hello, my love," I replied.
"You mean that?" she asked.
"I do," I said.
Her hand smoothed its way over my stomach as she kissed me hard, and then dived for my panties under my skirt.
"You're wet!" she hissed in my ear.
"I am, and that's a fact!" I laughed.
We stood on the sidewalk staring at each other for a couple of minutes. The joy of seeing her and the happiness that came along with it made me babble uncontrollably, then we hugged again.
She said, "Let's go park. I've got something to ask you." I gave her the 'where' look, and she said, "Around the corner."
I drove the Jeep to the furniture lot and parked, then got us a beer from the cooler.
She lit our smokes and said, "We've been invited to a party tonight. Do you want to go?"
"Whose party is it?" I asked.
"Tracy's," she replied, "but it's at someone else's house."
"I'll go if you want me to," I said.
"I do, I really do," she said. She kissed me softly then, with her warm wet mouth and softly probing tongue. Not passionate as kisses sometimes get, but with a promise of something more to come.
I touched her leg and her shoulder, patted her arm, kissed her cheek and smoothed her hair. I couldn't keep my hands off her. It was good to see her and have her near me. I kissed her back.
By seven-thirty we were on the highway going north. I passed the cutoff to my place and kept following Debbie's directions. About eight, I turned off the highway onto a paved side road, and two miles later we pulled up at a very large house.
I parked in the circular driveway and Debbie said, "We're here!"
I slept well that night, nearly exhausted from the sexual marathon with Shelly and that day I was surprisingly refreshed at work, completing two days work in one. I made a point of dropping in on Jack at the ice cream parlor to learn if he suspected anything. He didn't. In fact he greeted me effusively, bought me an ice cream sundae and began to regale me with his seduction of one Merry Slaught. "You ain't gonna believe this, Farrell." "Oh, no?" I said. Then pointed at the afternoon...
A loosely autobiographical novel of my younger days and nights. Originally written 2001-2002 Chapter One I know, I know, they say you can’t go home again. But after all those years . . . there I was, in my hometown for a day or two with nothing much to do, it was mid-October of 1999 and snowing lightly, not sticking to the streets, but the grassy areas were already a pretty white. I’d heard Lynch’s Bar & Grill had reopened, so I dropped in. It wasn’t the run down beer joint I had frequented...
Merry just lay there -- quivering after Sully's vigorous analingus brought on a fevered climax that must have sent stars swirling through her consciousness. He chuckled and gave me the Nicholson grin, "God! I had my tongue deep in her little ass. Is she sweet, or what?" I chimed in with, "They come early and often, that's pretty good, especially for novices." "And did you see her going down on her friend?" "Oh, yeah! First rate stuff, right out of the box." I added. Sully...
Well dear reader, this is the end. The story has to end somewhere. There are however, several loose ends which I shall try to remedy here and now. First off, let's pick up where I left off. A business trip kept me from co-joining with Sully, Merry and Bernie for roughly two weeks. However, I did manage to pay several visits to Shelly, who couldn't get enough of my cock. I recall spewing a gigantic load on her face as I knelt over her recently enhanced chest. It was on my third visit to...
I couldn't believe Jack was asking me who I wanted to fuck. That was easy. I'd already had Merry and knew I'd have her again. "Bernie's stoked just right Sully, I'd like to fuck her." "You hear him, girl?" "Uh huh." "Give me a clear answer, please." "I... I'd like it if he'd fuck me." Not needing any further prompting, I knelt between her thighs and bent to the task. No, sucking Sully's sperm from her snatch didn't bother me in the slightest. And Bernie's thighs...
As we finished off our beers I found myself studying Shelly. Sully was watching her too, both of us taking in her beauty, both of us wanting her. She noticed our newly risen erections and languidly reached out for us to come closer to her. We did. She closed her eyes as we drew near. I reached out and ran my fingers along her jaw line, down her throat to her chest, and began to run small circles around her nipples. She gasped, but didn't open her eyes. I glanced at Sully he stood by...
I knew I was in for an interesting evening with Jack because he bought the first round at Lynch's Tavern. We were supposed to meet the following after noon at his secret room for some prime time fucking, and I supposed he was anxious to fill me in on tomorrow's pussy. "Jack... first off, I gotta tell you I'm not up for and fucking around for a few days." "How come?" "I'm just getting over the clap." "You're shitting me!" Then he got a worried look on his face and asked, "Was...
"Jesus! James, that was hotter than hot!" Shelly said and took a long pull at her Budweiser. "You liked it huh?" "Wow!" Sully chimed in, "Told you." "So you did, so you did." I drained my beer and headed to the fridge for another round. When I returned, Shelly was kneeling between Sully's legs, examining his cock. I was curious myself and saw that head of his cock was like a small apple, with a deep cleft at the bottom of his glans that flared up like a big giant mushroom. She...
We were completely sated for the moment and I decided to continue with the story. Turns out that after Sully returned from a brief four-night honeymoon we met in Lynch's Tavern for a couple beers. That's right. The same place we met earlier tonight. It was a different kinda place then. It was just a bar, no frills. Nowadays it's more of a meeting place for the boomers. Back then it was beer and a shot type hangout. Anyway, he was totally preoccupied with the new Ice Cream Parlor he was...
"I'll get us some beers," Sully said as he ambled off to the kitchen while Shelly and I lay entwined, too tired and too relaxed to move. "Ah shit!" Sully's voice reverberated throughout the apartment. "What?" We called out in unison. "There ain't no more fuckin' beer." Shelly giggled and I laughed, calling out, "Go get some, you're the host at this party." "Yeah, yeah," he called out from the other room, keep your pants on." then he cackled at his own humor and shambled...
I didn't see Sully for a while after that night. For a while there I hung out in Brooklyn and an old friend introduced me to Joe Pepitone, the former Yankee first baseman. Peppi had just returned from Japan where he'd played for three years. But he told me the Japanese were too set in their ways for him. He was always a little wacky so my guess was that they didn't know what to make of him. Anyway he jumped the Yakult Sparrows in 1973. He was only hitting.163 at the time and that alone...
I drove to Sully's apartment and was lucky enough to find a parking space only one door down. It was still early, not quite four thirty, so I had plenty of time. I pressed the buzzer in the vestibule and squeezed my dick on hearing Shelly's voice. "Hello?" "Shelly, it's James Farrell." "James? What are you... what's wrong?" Her tone reflected an unspoken concern for Sully's well being. "Nothing's wrong. I just thought I'd drop by and see how you were doing." "Jack's not...
"He's really a son-of-a-bitch! Velvet swore her tone full of contempt. "Oh, I don't know," Erin countered, and I thought the two would square off and I'd have a brawl on my hands. But Velvet calmed down enough to ask, "What do you mean? He pissed on them and they were just kids!" "I know! I know! What I mean is... Sully was introducing them to sexual fun and games..." "Still," I objected, taking Velvet's side, "the timing wasn't right. It was too fucking early in the fun and...
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The following morning during breakfast we all agreed to look for a larger place that would accommodate the four of us, while affording the group some semblance of privacy. What was not decided was whether Erin and I should get married. As it turned out that was a prudent decision. For soon both Velvet and Mickie would also be carrying children of mine. And one Sunday In an informal ceremony, I married them all. But, that's getting a bit far ahead of the story. The following day Velvet...
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IncestYou know I love a woman who smokes. It doesn’t matter if she’s blonde, brunette, red head, if she has a thing for cigarettes I have a thing for her. I just love to watch a girl’s big tits heave up and down as she draws on her smoke. I love to watch her exhale and the creamy white fog surround her head. I once knew a girl who trained herself to get wet while she smoked, like a sex primer and by the time she was done you better be naked. Kristen was her name and she was quite the little...
FetishWhen we got up, Nancy and I walked to the main house so I could say goodbye to everyone. We all had breakfast together, and they told me their plans for the day. Devin was taking them all horseback riding in the morning. In the afternoon, the guys were going to watch football bowl games. The girls were going to go to another movie. I caught a ride with Sandy to the airport, after Nancy gave me a kiss or three. It was a bittersweet ending to the vacation. I liked her a lot, but we were in...
I would like to thank bunnydoll15 for editing my story. She is the greatest editor and a fantastic friend. Please check out her writings too. Thank you so much!!! I hope you enjoy this long chapter and please remember to vote and supply feedback! Suddenly the vision I saw was no longer sparkly. I heard a faint chime from the clock, almost as if it was a great distance away. My breathing was heavy and my legs trembled as I looked around the room. ‘Welcome.’ I heard in a soft almost whispered...
The Last Sunrise "Well for Christ's sakes. Where in the hell did the old fool get to now?" Son Bob began to bitch, just as he usually did when the old man wandered off the front porch. The old man heard his angry son and derived a bit of satisfaction he had been able to piss Bob off. It just wasn't right to make a man sit in one place all day long. It just wasn't right for a man who had been where he'd been and done what he'd done to be forced to sit and not be allowed to move about ......
Note : This story is completely fictional! Part 1--Just Passing Through During my childhood a great many women stick out in my memory. Some for what they looked like, (there are so many gorgeous women in this world) and some for what happened while I was around them,(they taught me everything I would soon need to know). It all seems like a blur when I look back on it now. This excerpt from my life starts when I was nineteen. Life then was fairly simple. It consisted of work and trying to get...
IncestDaisy climbed the long ladder to consciousness. She glanced at the time. It was almost five o'clock. She'd have to hurry to get home and get her chores done. Pulling away from Lilly's body snuggled to her side was the hardest thing she ever tried to do. She reveled in the feel of her lover for another ten minutes before time ingrained honor drove her to do what she knew she had to. She gently pulled away, instantly sorry for her action. Lilly stirred next to her and opened her...
I logged onto the chat site, already a little aroused. In just a matter of a few months, 321sexchat had really changed my life -- for the better. I had no idea that things were going to get even more exciting in a short time.As usual I clicked into the lesbian chatroom first, wanting to say hello to my favorite girls and see if there was anyone interested in private messaging. There were a few messages already waiting in my inbox, evident by the little red number in the corner. I opened them...
Group SexMy operation had been a success only I was unable to get about and was pretty much housebound. Luckily I had very good neighbours. Mr and Mrs Khan would call in every day to see if there was anything I needed from the shops and often brought me a meal in the evening. Now Mr and Mrs Khan had a daughter Khandi. Over the years I had seen her go from a young schoolgirl and just before my operation had been to her sixteenth birthday and realised what a beautiful girl she had grown into. She was slim...
Taking My Daughter and Her Friend to Work for the Week – Chapter 9Taking My Daughter and Her Friend to Work for the Week – Chapter 9After the fantastic sex, I slept like a rock. The alarm was in it’s last throes of beeping when I came out of the comatose sleep I was in. I showered, dressed and looked in on the girls before I left for the course.After a quick breakfast I met Mike on the range for my warmup. There, I hit every practice shot perfect.Well, I see you’ve got yourself back in the zone...
Favor needed: Disceet anonymous birthday present needed for ailing older husband. Send secret phone number to discuss details. Can offer influence at XYZ Pharmaceuticals or other suitable recompense. Update: Birthday is fast approaching. Getting Desperate. Please respond. I stared at the entry on the website for five full minutes, trying to make it say more. Trying to gain certainty about what it meant. I had received the link from an email message sent to my club email address. Mrs. Cardinal...
Straight SexRigby joined what was usually called the stage crew at school and learned how to operate projectors, the stage lights and other equipment. The club’s biggest task now, with most of the custodians drafted or gone to better jobs, was to clean the school after classes. It usually took only a half an hour for the twenty-some boys and two girls to empty trash cans, pick up debris, wash blackboards and sweep the steps and halls. He met kids he hadn’t known in elementary school and made some new...
18/male/slave seeks mature mistress in New York Columbia student, works out regularly, intelligent, somewhat shy, the guy next door type except for my interest in rope bondage, discipline, and pain seeks mature mistress who will make me her slave and instruct me in how to satisfy a woman sexually. ?PM me telling about yourself and why you want to be my mistress, include a photo. ?If we seem to click we will arrange a meeting in a public place of your choice in the city....
Since Kathy and I had lived together sharing the same one bedroom apartment at our community college we had become an item. An unusual item. Kathy had a cock. A huge cock. Bigger than my seven inches. But I adored her and we were really good together. I'm Greg and we had completed our first year. We had gone our separate ways and then I was invited to Kathy's home to meet the family. It had went so fucking well. Her mother and father had the master bedroom downstairs. I had a guest room...
TransHi every one I’m new to this site i want share my experience as i am writing this story first time and don’t have experience of writing stories, so please ignore any mistakes and enjoy it. Any one contact me on i am sorry for not discuss their names here for safe only. My name is Vijay (name changed) 24 years old and live in Hyderabad i am going to tell my true story in my life that happened few days back i don’t want to waste time so i will come quickly to the story. I am 28 young 5.11 and...
Dosto ye meri pahli our sachhi kahani hai meri umar us samay 21 saal thi aur main pune me job karta tha main wahan akela rahta tha man na lagne ke karan mai aksar parivar me aur rishtedaron se baat kiya karta tha baat kuchh iss tarah shuru hui main apni bhua ke bete ki shaadi me delhi nahi aaska isliye meri bhabi nitu (change) ne mujhe nahi dekha tha lekin meri photo jarur dhekhi thi main dikhne me smart hun Meri height karib 5’7″ hai aur rang gora hai aur main bhabiyo me kuchh iss taraha se...
I always knew i was gay, but I never wanted to be. I always thought that it was just a phase. Until it became something more. Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Johnny.I just turned 19 years old, and still in high school. I have dark brown hair, and green eye's. I'm six foot two, I have a nice rock hard eight pack,a very athletic, tanned, and toned body. And have a eight in a half inched thick cock. It was right after football pratice, and i was in the locker room getting naked...
GayMy wife’s naughty night with black cock My wife, is now in her 60’s, with short straight chestnut colour hair, with lovely rounded non saggy 38dd breasts that even a 20 year old would like to have. We have been married for 20 years and have a very active sex life since I first fucked her in the changing rooms where we worked. We have always discussed and acted out as many of each other’s fantasies as possible and this is the story of one of my wife's, and my own, longest standing fantasies and...
His hand gripped my cock tightly. There was a slight element of pain there, but this was countered quickly with pleasure. When he held me this way my knees felt like they had gone liquid. I was powerless when he held me this way but, honestly, I was powerless whenever I was around him. I gave myself to him fully.I would have had trouble standing had I not been lashed to the cross, my arms and legs akimbo. The leather cuffs held me fast to the wooden cross. He moved his hand from my cock back to...
Gay MaleMe and my friend John have been friends since 2nd grade. Me and John would spend the night together all the time. Back when we were in 10th grade, things got interesting. One night, we were spending the night, it was at 3 a.m. I say "Hey John, you up?" "Yeah man, whats up" "Look what this girl sent me yesterday" I show him a picture of this girl, who sent me a nude pic of her. She was sexy as hell. Anyway, he was like. "Dude, Can you send me...