Making A Slave-BoyChapter 4: Confused Confusion free porn video

David woke in the early hours of the morning from a restless sleep. He was in turmoil, his mind working in an endless circle like the dog chasing his tale. Whilst he hated what had happened to him yesterday evening when Dale had used him like a woman and Jason had made him suck on his cock afterwards, he couldn't escape the fact that he had been turned on by the fact others had forced him to submit to their will. It was an inescapable paradox and yet the more he thought about it, the more he realised he had to escape the labyrinth that had become his life.
He had lost his girlfriend, had his ass fucked by a gay man — who inexplicably appeared to be his only ally in the whole mess — and was trapped under the spell of a guy he despised. And he had allowed all this to happen because of some stupid crush he had on a woman old enough to be his mother, was indeed a mother herself. When he broke it down, Jackie was no great loss, little more than a dent to his ego. His encounter with Dale was strange, unexpected and difficult to analyse. Jason was a bastard who took pleasure in the torment he inflicted on David. On the other hand Jason's mother was divine, but the truth was he needed to face the fact that the chances of anything ever happening between them were remote at best. Whist he lived in hope, he had to face the fact that where Mrs Lewis was concerned hope didn't really exist.
Lying in his bed he saw all these things and realised he needed to disentangle himself from the web that had become his world. Dale had told him that Jason would try to trap him into a longer term of servitude and he had to be on his guard to prevent this from happening.
The great distraction was the party. Some part of him deep inside was intrigued by what would happen at Jason's party. He was afraid of the party, there would be a lot of people attending that would know him, but another side of him couldn't let go of the fact that something would happen at that party which would involve him. He knew that Jason was planning something at that party, he just had to be, and whatever it was, he was already excited at the prospect. However much he was repulsed and even afraid of being ridiculed and humiliated, there was another part of him, something deep inside of him that was thrilled at the prospect. And it was that part of him which won the argument, which made him decide to put off any plans of open rebellion from Jason until after the party.
David spent the next day in an exhausted daze, attending lessons at college and simply going through the motions. Lack of sleep and half the previous night mulling over the dilemma that had become his life had taken their toil. He went home and put himself to bed, two hours sleep revived him of some of his exhaustion. He got up and went round to the Lewis house next door.
Mrs Lewis, looking as gorgeous as always, greeted him at the door with a friendly smile. She was polite and cheerful, asking after him in her usual manner. She teased him about his bike accident, asking if he'd fallen off it again lately. They walked into the kitchen where Jason and Jackie were talking. David glanced quickly at the two of them in their swimwear and then looked around for Dale.
"Hi David." Jackie said sweetly. A pretence for Mrs Lewis.
"Hi." David answered awkwardly, barely acknowledging her with little more than a glance.
"Dale's gone to the cinema." Jason informed him.
"I'll leave you all to it." Mrs Lewis smiled. "You know where my room is if you need to borrow it Jackie."
"Yes — thank you."
"I thought we'd have a practice run for the party," Jason said airily.
"A practice run — what's to practice for a party?"
"You have plenty to practice. Jackie and I will just lounge by the pool while you take care of us."
David felt his face redden as he glanced quickly at Jackie and caught her smirking at him. Jason sent David upstairs to get changed while he guided Jackie through to the swimming pool. The two of them were lying on sun-beds beside the pool, deep in conversation when David returned, which immediately ceased on his arrival, suggesting a conspiracy of some kind.
"Fetch me a beer." Jason commanded with authority in his voice. He turned to Jackie and asked her what she'd like to drink.
"I'll have an alcopop's." Her eyes dropped to the front of David's undersized trunks and she made little attempt to hide the sneer from her face. David turned to leave...
"Hey!" Jason stopped him. "Where's your manners, didn't you forget something?"
David stood in confusion. He felt foolish, but he honestly couldn't think what he might have forgotten. To add to his consternation, Jackie was staring at him, particularly down below and it was distracting him, adding to hid discomfort.
"SIR!" Jason spat the word. "Yes Sir and yes Miss. It'll be my pleasure — got it?"
David nodded his head.
"Then say it."
David complied, his face burning brightly, especially as Jackie was all but giggling her head off at him.
"The next time you forget you'll feel my belt across your ass — is that clear?"
"Yes sir — sorry sir."
He beat a hasty retreat to the kitchen where he found the drinks that were requested. When he returned, Jason and Jackie were again conspiring in low tones which immediately ceased upon his arrival. They waited silently for him to serve them their glasses. Jackie's eyes bounced briefly down to his trunks and back again. Her eyes mocked him as she took the glass of him, but she said nothing.
"Did you fix my Mother something?" Jason enquired.
"Err... No sir, not yet. I was just going to ask her if she'd like something."
"Good, see that you do."
Jason never, but never asked him to tend to him Mother. He was just too wrapped up in himself and having David see to his needs to care about anyone else. David was in doubt whatsoever that they wanted him out of the way so that the two of them could continue to scheme in his absence. He needed to be on his guard.
David went into the kitchen and made Mrs Lewis a cup of coffee while he tried to consider what the two of them might be scheming. Whatever they were planning it would certainly involve him, the rest of it he would have to wait and see, only time would tell. He took Mrs Lewis her coffee.
"I see you didn't buy yourself a new pair of trunks then?" Mrs Lewis teased him.
"I took your advice Mrs Lewis."
"Sheila — please, and I'm pleased, they look very nice." She leaned in to kiss his cheek, momentarily taking him by surprise. He smelt her perfume as his eyes rolled down instinctively, stealing a peek down her low-cut front — heaven! Her hand lightly skimmed over his ass and paused. Their eyes met. Sheila smiled, and squeezed his cheek playfully. "Like what you saw David?"
"Err... I'm sorry Mrs Lewis." His face reddened as he quickly turned his head away, embarrassed that he had been caught so easily.
Sheila smiled, but made no attempt to embarrass him further. The smile melted from her face as she looked at him thoughtfully. Her eyes became concerned. "What's happened with you and Jackie?"
"We split up." David shrugged his shoulders and avoided her gaze, aware that she was scrutinizing him.
"I'm aware of that." She replied not unkindly. "How do you feel about her hanging around Jason."
"I guess I don't really know."
"Well do you mind, does it upset you?"

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