Home Improvement: Jill's Story free porn video

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Jill Taylor savored the absolute quiet in the house as she sat at the dinner table going over her psychology notes for the exam she would be facing Monday morning. Normally on a Saturday afternoon, the Taylor household would be filled with the sounds of her three sons, not to mention the noise of her husband Tim’s latest home improvement project. Under those conditions, studying would’ve been out of the question. So it was with great appreciation that she watched as Tim and his sidekick Al loaded Mark, Randy and Brad into the van and headed off to the woods for a weekend of camping.

The clock chimed one and Jill decided it was time for a break. Making herself a glass of ice tea, she moved over to the couch and stretched out her legs.

“All I need right now, ” Jill thought, “Is someone to massage my feet.”

Almost as in answer, the doorbell rang and Jill put aside her cup of tea as she rose to answer it.

“Good Afternoon, Mrs. Taylor.” The beautiful young woman said as Jill opened the door.

“Heidi!” Jill replied as she saw the young assistant from Tool Time standing in the doorway.

“I’m sorry to bother you on a Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Taylor.” The dark haired girl said with a smile. “But this package came for Tim at the studio. I happened to stop by there because I forgot something yesterday and I saw it in the mail bin. It’s the new powered tape measure he ordered and since he’s been talking about it all week, I thought I’d drop it off on my way home.”

“Why that’s awfully nice of you, Heidi.” Jill said as she took the small package. “But I’m afraid Tim took the boys camping for the weekend.”

“Oh well, ” Heidi said. “At least it’ll be waiting for him when he get home.”

“Well as long as you’re here, I was just taking a study break and having an ice tea.” said Jill. “Would you like to join me?”

“Sure.” Heidi said as she stepped inside.

As she walked by, Jill couldn’t help but note how beautiful she was. Aside from a very pretty face, she had a body that just didn’t quit. Her breasts were firm and full, her stomach flat, and her buns small and round. Her long brown hair hung loose across the low cut blouse she wore. The kind men loved because it gave them an ample view of a woman’s breasts.

In the last year or so, Jill had become increasingly aware that she was getting older and gaining weight as well as years. She no longer had the body she once did, not that she ever had a body anything like Heidi’s.

“Lemon?” Jill asked as she poured the tea.

“Yes, please.” Heidi replied as she looked around the living room. “You have a beautiful home, Mrs. Taylor.”

“Why thank you.” Jill responded. “And please call me Jill. Mrs. Taylor sounds so old.”

“Ok, Jill.” Heidi laughed as she took the tall glass.

“Do you enjoy working on Tool Time?” Jill asked, not knowing what else to say.

“Oh yes, ” The younger girl beamed. “It’s a lot of fun, and Tim’s a great boss. I was very lucky to get the job.”

Jill took note of the inflection in Heidi’s voice when she said her husband’s name. The previous Tool Time girl had been fired after she came on to Tim one night when he was working late. Tim had laughed the incident off, but Jill had been shaken by it. She no longer thought of herself as sexy or even pretty. Tim didn’t help matters any with all his jokes about her weight and how he’d soon have to build an addition onto the house so he’d have room to move around. Even their lovemaking had become pretty routine and dull. That was one of the reasons she had decided to go back to school, to recapture the self image she had once had.

“Oh, your studying psychology.” Heidi noted as she saw the books spread out on the dinner table. “I minored in that when I was in college.”

“You minored in psychology.” Jill repeated, when she was really thinking, “You went to college?”

“Well I majored in business administration, and psychology seemed a good minor to go along with it.” Heidi continued as she flipped through the open textbook.

“You have a degree in business and you’re working on Tool Time?” Jill asked in disbelief.

“Well it’s not my great ambition, but it pays the bills. It’s not that easy finding a good position in today’s job market. So for now, if they want to pay me good money to smile and look nice standing next to the tools, well I’m not going to turn them down. Look how well Vanna White did just turning letters.”

“I guess so, ” replied Jill. “Beauty and brains, ” She thought. “I should hate this girl but I don’t, I envy her”

“In fact, I was amazed that the girl before me even quit.” Heidi added.

“Well she really didn’t quit.” Jill said without thinking. “She made a grab for Tim one night and she was asked to leave.”

No sooner had she said it then Jill was sorry she had. Was she that afraid that Heidi would also make a play for Tim. And if she did take him away, that Jill couldn’t find anyone else who would want her.

“That must’ve been terrible.” Heidi said.

Jill just nodded.

“Well I can assure you that you don’t have to worry about that happening between me and Tim.” Heidi said.

“Really.” Jill replied unconvincingly as all her fears suddenly rolled out. “I can just ignore the fact that you’re twice as beautiful as the girl you replaced. That you are already going out of your way to do little things for my husband. That he spends the day with you walking around in cut off shorts and a low tank top and then comes home to me. That he doesn’t even look at me in desire anymore. His hot rod gets more attention.”

If Jill had regretted her first comments, these were even worse. They had all just come blurting out. She felt like a fool.

“You shouldn’t feel that way, you’re a very attractive woman.” Heidi said. “If Tim can’t see that, well than he’s not the man I thought he was. It doesn’t matter if a woman gets a little older or puts on a few more pounds, it doesn’t change who she is.”

“You really don’t have an interest in Tim?” Jill asked.

“Of course not, no interest at all.”

“I wish I could believe that.” Jill answered.

“Listen, I’m going to tell you something I really don’t tell people. Most of them wouldn’t understand, but I’m telling you because I think it’s the only way to convince you of what I’m saying.”

Jill just looked at her perplexed.

“Jill, I don’t have any interest in Tim or any man. I’m a lesbian.” Heidi said.

“A lesbian?” Jill repeated softly.

“That’s right, so you don’t ever have to worry about Tim and me.”

“I never would’ve guessed, I mean you don’t look like one.”

“What does a lesbian look like?” Heidi asked. “Ugly women with crew cuts and logger outfits. Bull dykes who hate men. Most people are so homophobic that all they see are the stereotypes.”

“You’re right, and Tim is one of them.” Jill countered. “And I guess in a way so am I. I guess I expected a lesbian to be just like that.”

“So I assume that you’ll keep my secret.” Heidi asked.

“Oh of course.” Jill replied.

The two women drank the rest of their tea in silence. Jill couldn’t keep her eyes off Heidi. Lesbian, the word brought up a multitude of images in her mind. She remembered all the jokes she had heard growing up. Living on military bases all her life, the image of homosexuals she got was far from positive. Even in college, there were a few girls that people whispered about, but Jill had never really known any of them.

Heidi finished her drink and placed the glass down on the table. She thanked Jill and said she should let Jill get back to her books. She started for the door when Jill spoke.

“Heidi, did you really mean it when you said I was pretty?”

“You mean did I say that as one woman saying it to make another feel good about her appearance, ” the younger woman replied. “Or did I say that as a lesbian who might find you desirable?”

“I guess that’s exactly what I mean.” Jill said, a little embarrassed to hear it put just that honestly.

“Well, I’ll give you an honest answer.” Heidi said as she took a few steps forward until she was only a few feet away from Jill. “As a woman, I find you very attractive. You’re cute, articulate, and have an very good wit. I was never one for empty headed Barbie doll types. If I had the slightest thought that you might’ve been interested, I definitely would’ve made a pass at you. Does that answer your question?”

“Yes, ” Jill laughed, a wide smile on her face. A smile that had been too long absent.

“See, look at that.” Heidi said in response to the smile. “How could anyone not think you were beautiful.”

Jill turned beet red. The idea that another woman would find her beautiful in a sexual way both embarrassed and excited her.

“Well, I’d better go.” Heidi said again.

“Wait, ” Jill exclaimed as she took a step closer. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I can’t imagine I’ll ever be in the situation to say it again.”

“What?” Heidi asked in curiosity, this time the wide smile was on her face.

“Whenever I’ve seen a picture of two women who were, well you know... ”

“Lesbians ... dykes ... women in comfortable shoes... ” Heidi quipped.

“Yes, ” Jill continued, now even more embarrassed. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like ... to kiss another woman.”

“Is that all?” Heidi said.

Before Jill could say another word, Heidi stepped closer and moved her lips to Jill’s. The softness of their touch sent a spark of excitement through the older woman. Closing her eyes, she felt the wetness of the younger girl’s tongue press against her lips. She opened her mouth to admit it. Her own tongue reached out to caress it.

While she indulged in the heady sensation of the taboo kiss, Jill reached up and cupped Heidi’s breast as so many boys had once done to her. Braless under the thin blouse, Jill could feel the warm softness and ran her fingers across Heidi’s erect nipples. The erectness told her that Heidi was as excited as she was.

Finally the kiss ended and Heidi took a step back. She had been surprised when Jill had reached for her breast. Surprised, but pleased.

“I hope that was all you expected.” Heidi said.

“Yes it was.” Jill replied breathlessly.

“Well, I guess it’s really time for me to go now.” Heidi repeated.

Jill didn’t reply as the dark haired woman turned and headed for the door. She had gone so far as to open it when Jill finally spoke.

“I’d really like you to stay, Heidi.” She said with firm conviction.

Taking the younger woman’s hand in her own, Jill led Heidi up the stairs to her bedroom. Her heart was racing and her skin felt warm all over. Part of her felt a little guilty about what she was doing, but a larger part of her wanted it to happen. All thoughts of Tim and the boys had been banished from her mind. All she knew at this moment was that she was with someone who felt she was desirable. That it was another woman just filled a secret long buried fantasy.

No sooner had they entered the bedroom when Jill turned and kissed Heidi. This time she was the aggressor. As long as she didn’t stop to think about what she was doing, she wouldn’t have second thoughts. She again reached for Heidi’s large breasts, sliding her hands across them.

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Homecoming week pt 1

After my encounter with Andrea in our local gym, the rest of my weekend was pretty uneventful. Besides me replaying that amazing night in my head over and over, and going on my morning runs, it was a pretty long weekend. The weekend seemed to drag out forever, simply because I was waiting to see Andrea again on Monday. That Monday was the first day I was ever excited to go to school and not just because it was Homecoming. After my first 2 hours were through I could hardly contain my...

3 years ago
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Sex storys

(All characters in this story are at least 18 years old) Here are some random sex story's that i had on my computer so enjoy...

3 years ago
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It is a beautiful autumn day a week before the big game with the homecoming dance afterward.Rebecca is a freshman at this college who is cute as a button but, oh, so shy. She is five feet tall with long red hair and bright green eyes. She is curvy and could stop traffic if she really wanted to. But she dresses for comfort not to impress anyone. There are enough other girls that dress to get attention.She has decided to go ahead and invest in a sexy off the shoulder red dress for Homecoming. She...

Love Stories
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Homeward Bound

The automatic doors of head office opened and a blast furnace heat encompassed me, taking my breath away. England was experiencing the strangest summer in years. We either had monsoon like rainfall for a couple of days or such tropical temperatures which no one in their right mind could stay outside, which lasted two or three weeks at a time. Everyone hated the rain more than sunshine but when you have to go to work in 30 degrees. “Jesus it’s so hot” I muttered to myself, walking out towards...

3 years ago
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Homecoming Part2

HOMECOMING Even though it was November, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she would not have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her...

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Lessons Learned the prestory

Introduction: A glmpse into the characters involved… very small sex scene involved Nick = handsome, sweet sincere guy with a dark side Anthony = Skyes brother tired of his sisters rudeness and misbehaving Jeremy = skies boyfriend, a jerk all around. Skye = a snooty stuck up 18 yr. old, who has a lack of respect, and doesnt care to spare the feelings of those around her, believes she is so much better than the people in her hometown, some sexual experience. Lessons Learned (the pre-story) ...

2 years ago
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Damnest StoryD

Again the ravings of a lunatic. Fiction. I like this story. It seemed so real when the idea grew in my mind. There is no sex. I have no idea where this should be posted. So I will put in the Loving Wives and get on with it. Copyright by mcwade May 15, 2005. The damnest story you ever heard: OK. Here we go. I am 63 years old. My gut is a bit too large, my waist is 36 inches instead of 32. I am way out of shape. I will walk this summer to regain some of my wind and shape. But that has...

2 years ago
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Lessons Learned the prestory

Anthony = Skye’s brother tired of his sisters rudeness and misbehaving Jeremy = skies boyfriend, a jerk all around. Skye = a snooty stuck up 18 yr. old, who has a lack of respect, and doesn’t care to spare the feelings of those around her, believes she is so much better than the people in her hometown, some sexual experience. Lessons Learned (the pre-story) Skye was sun tanning by the pool when she heard her brother’s voice. What could he possibly want, the fact she was sharing...

4 years ago
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My days in Thailand part 5 A Thias storyy

A NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Following story, although it changed to different girl in different country is true. It is slightly changed to fit the storyline. A word of caution: THOSE WHO DON’T LIKE ROUGH AND EXTREME SEX, DON’T EVEN START. - Master, why don’t you slap me sometimes? – asked Thia once in the middle of cleaning my room while I was working on some project drawings. - Excuse me? - Well…. I know that you love rough sex……and I know that you have some rough games with some girls….Sora...

3 years ago
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(These poems have all been posted elsewhere on the internet, years ago, but I decided to string some together to partly tell a story.) I had dated Jackie David perhaps a half-dozen times before we went dancing. I had found her more and more attractive each time, but had gone slow with her in the hope of building something solid in the way of a relationship - since she seemed to have more substance than any woman I had dated for some time. But the night that we danced I...

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Last Stop Bubbles A Purple Sidestory

- JALEN /-It’s the rattling of chains that wakes me, knocks me back down the hill like Sisyphus’ fucking bullshit rock. Yea. I know Sisyphus. Paint him black and you get the inner city version where the damn rock is America’s racial aggression that never quite dies. Double down by making that sad fuck an addict and shit, there I am, up the hill, down the hill.I groan, head pounding, and pull my face from the salty sweet embrace of a still moist cunt.Nose twitches.I fight back a sneeze. Realize...

3 years ago
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During colleges I worked famous coffee shop, young and sexually active. I had crazy nights with plenty of young college age coworkers, but one in particular she had a boyfriend for a few years and was pretty wild but she never cheated on him. After one day she cracked and we became like rabbits almost every other day,we fine any opportunity to be alone... Fast forward 6 years into the futer... I just broke up a 4 year long relationship and I came back to my old stomping grounds, I was at my...

2 years ago
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you were sitting on the couch watching me undress. i unzip my pants and the back down, revealing my round, plump ass. you like that im wearing a lace thong, think its sexy. i took off my pants and bend over infront of you. i pulled the thing crotch to the side, exposing my hairy glistening pussy. you told me to pull my ass cheeks apart so you can check my holes. i followed as i was told. you ripped off my undies and proceeded to finger my holes. you slap my ass and told me to get on top of the...

3 years ago
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Sex In Goa With Indian Sex Stories Storyreader

Hi how are you all iss story readers… All Male and female me fir ek story le kar hajir hu apko aur entertain krne ke liye or jyada maja dene ke liye.. Mera name Meet he.. Aur me ahmedabad gujarat se hu..jo log pehli baar meri story read kr rahe he unko meri details de deta hu.. I m 26 yr old..doing business in ahmedabad..i m single… So now all readers me aab story pe ata hu.. Ya baat 1week pehle ki he.. Mene meri last story post ki”muslim housewife ki chudai”..uske baad muje kafi logo ke mail...

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Bi Beki TrueStory

This is the girl who is in this story with me : http://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/1352687/bi_sexual_beki.htmlThis all starts off with me going downtown just by myself to a well known gay bar. I have been bi-sexual since I was about 14 and I am 18 now. I was wearing a burgundy dress which flared out a lot at the bottom and was showing a fair bit of cleavage, my legs were bare and I had black lace panties on and a matching bra. I was in the mood for a girl tonight seen as I hadn't had sex with a...

2 years ago
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My sister and I True story0

Nickerlover; My sister and IMy younger sister and I only 13 months apart in age,I was the elder.right from a very early age we would play in those days what we called mothers and fathers and would bath together our parents didn't ever notice that we would play with each others sexy parts and at that early age we new nothing at all about sex. but as we both got a bit older in our later teens we got to play with each other and feelings were starting to become better when we were touching each...

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Turok the Tormentor story1

TUROK THE TORMENTOR By: ROBO Turok sat upon his throne over looking his domain. He was the supreme Demon in the Universe and had no equal. He had defeated and destroyed all whom had opposed him. Ever since he had destroyed Satan his life had become boring and dull. He had conquered everyone and everything and now had nothing to occupy his time leaving him with a dismal boring life for eternity. "Bring me an advisor......NOW!!!" he roared. A man came running up "Yes Sir, your...

1 year ago
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Turok the Tormentor story2

TUROK THE TORMENTOR 2 By: ROBO Bruno was sitting in his Limousine with his maul Tiffany watching the drug deal go down. His father Franko Costintino had finally trusted him with an important task in his drug-dealing cartel. The Asian Gang was purchasing one million dollars worth of Heroin for distribution, after this Bruno would finally prove to his father that he could take over as head of the cartel. Bruno was 21, short black hair, and a muscular build and he was wearing a suit....

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Turok the Tormentor story3

TUROK THE TORMENTOR 3 By: ROBO Turok emerged from the portal into a vacant downtown alley. He did not bother to shift out of the visual plane as there was no body around. He was looking for another victim but he wanted a special someone but did not know who he was looking for. As he walked down the alley he heard "Hey, Buddy have you got some spare change?" John was an old bum who was covered in garbage resting when he had seen Turok's boots. He asked for the change and saw...

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Two lsquomomsrsquo tell this true story2

My son Ken was 18 now, and soon got his own apt. and a room mate….Jen. Lynn and I still have visits from them and we stop by their place. Our husbands who had lost interest in sex, got use to Lynn and I, (Julie), spending the night together a lot. My husband and I have a guest house and Lynn I used that to have our ‘sleep over’s in. Her husband was always gone hunting or fishing and was never there on weekends. Our story telling continued and we kept going further with our mutual masturbation....

1 year ago
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My warstory

This story is purely fictional, and if you are under 18 years of age, you are to stop now. My warstory This story begins just before the war. I was a shy, slim boy at almost 18 years, living in a forsterhome for parentless boys, and I wanted to do my part. I had alway been a strange boy, feminine, slim, with something that might look like tits. I was focus for a lot of attension from some boys and teachers, they liked my apperance. Basicly I wanted to get away. So I joint up for...


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