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Janice Stover drove her old Jeep Wrangler into the parking lot of her software company. She felt a surge of pride when she saw all the other cars there. It had been a struggle from her first day of operation, but the hard work and long hours were now beginning to pay off. They now had 23 employees and were recruiting more. She slowly drove to her assigned spot beside the employee entrance and parked her old Jeep. She was dressed in her usual clothes, faded jeans, T-shirt, and broken down athletic shoes. Her honey blond hair was swinging in a ponytail as usual. She almost ran toward the door, excited to once again get to her private office and fire up her computer. From looking at her you would never know she had been working in this same office until nearly three thirty a.m. the night before. She finished her current project last night and couldn’t wait to turn it over to the beta testers so she could clean up any bugs they found and move on to her next idea. She was already roughing out an idea she had for a completely new program she thought would sell well.

Like many programmers, Jan worked long hours but the last two weeks had been worse than usual. She put in sixteen to eighteen hour days because all her senior people were hounding her to finish the program as quickly as she could. She snorted and grinned as she thought about the reason for the rush to completion. Todd hired a pushy new Sales Manager several months before and he pushed his sales force to pre-sell the new application. Apparently promises were made, against her recommendation, of an early release date to a new large customer. She grinned to herself as she thought about the uproar and headaches coming down on the Sales Manager as the promised delivery date drew ever closer and the software was just now ready for Beta Testing. Maybe now he would listen more to her rather than to Todd and not aggressively pre-sell software that was still in the pipeline. They were making plenty of money on current versions of their software so there was no real reason to push the new version so fast.

She saw her partner Todd’s latest new car parked in his space on the other side of the door as she slid her ID/Key through the card reader. She was once again disgusted by his profligate ways. There were many times she found herself sorry she ever let him buy into her business. Of course, she had no other choice at the time. Not only did she need someone with business management knowledge and experience but she desperately needed a cash infusion to market, package, and ship her first simple program. Now, more and more, she resented his arrogant attitude. He showed up in expensive suits and shoes, driving ever more expensive luxury cars, and sat around giving orders to her and her two other programmers as if he owned the company.

Her business, aptly named S-T Business Solutions, wrote and sold computer applications for small businesses and customized other programs on occasion. Todd had absolutely no knowledge of computers-either building them or programming them. He was barely able to turn one on and use the pre-installed software. On numerous occasions Janice had to help him with his machine when he totally screwed it up. As she walked toward her office, she once again began thinking about a way to get him out of her business and then removing the new management team he hired while she was engrossed in her latest project.

Janice smiled at Hailey, the receptionist as she skipped into, then through the break room. She made a very brief stop to pick up a high calorie, fresh baked cinnamon roll and her usual English Toffee Cappuccino. When she caroled ‘Good Morning, Hailey’ instead of the equally happy greeting she usually obtained she only received a ‘Morning, Jan’. Hailey then quickly turned her back on Janice and began straightening the already neat snack display area.

Jan frowned at the abnormal greeting then shrugged her shoulders and took off for her office. She had a meeting with Todd and two of the senior managers in fifteen minutes and she wanted to do a quick check of her e-mail before she went into the conference room. She didn’t know why Todd was so insistent about the meeting last night when she called him to report the project was finished but he was so she agreed to come.

Janice hit her office almost at a run and slammed her ass into her soft executive chair. She reached out to power on her computer, then sat almost bouncing waiting on it to boot. Nothing happened, not even a beep when she hit the switch. Crap, she thought. The cleaning crew must have unplugged it again. She crawled under her desk, nope, it was plugged in. She looked at the back of the machine. All wires and plugs seemed to be in order. Fuck, she thought, it was working fine this morning when I powered it down. Now I’ll have to spend all morning working on the damn machine before I can do anything constructive.

Jan left her office carrying her roll and cappuccino heading to the conference room. She was seething at the setback. At least she always made two backups before she quit work so her completed program was safe.

When Jan stormed into the conference room she stopped in surprise. Todd was there as was the Sales Manager and Business Manager. There were also two strangers sitting at the table with piles of paper in front of them. A large man in a security uniform stood just inside the door. She didn’t recognize him either. As far as she knew they didn’t have a security staff and had no need for one.

Todd looked up from where she normally sat at the head of the table and smiled. He said, ‘Ah, Jan. You finally got here. I was beginning to wonder if you were going to be late once again and miss another important meeting.’

Todd didn’t rise to offer her the chair he was in. She stood looking at him waiting for him to vacate her chair. Finally, Todd gave her a dark look and said in a demanding tone, ‘This won’t take long, Jan. Sit down and let’s get on with it.’

Jan felt her anger surge once again at Todd’s attitude. As far as she was concerned this was the last straw. She decided she was going to call her attorney and find out what she had to do to get rid of him. He was more trouble than he was worth and his attitude was horrible. None of the old hands cared for him and as far as she could see he held them all in contempt. This was not the first time she found him in her chair but it was the first time he didn’t give it up. She decided not to make an issue of the matter right then and took a chair beside Todd and across from the two strangers.

Todd leaned his arms on the table and almost glared at Janice. He said, ‘Ms. Stover, there’s no easy way to say this so I’ll just come out with it. You’re fired. This business can no longer put up with your cavalier attitude. Your dress is totally inappropriate for business, you are completely unable to get to work on time, and totally ignore policies and procedures promulgated by upper management. You have been warned numerous times and still have not corrected your attitude. Consequently, I am exercising the option given me when I became your partner and buying your share of this company.’

Todd smiled and leaned back in his chair. He glanced over at the older of the two strange men and said, ‘Would you continue, please, Mr. Rodman?’

The older man said, ‘I am Terrance Rodman, Mr. Tarkington’s attorney, and now the business attorney.’ He handed Jan a stack of papers and continued talking, ‘I have here documented transgressions and witnessed statements of the times you were counseled for poor performance. You will notice you were actually given two more chances to improve your behavior than the company policy handbook provides. As it was explained to you when that occurred, you were given the consideration because you were one of the founders of this company. Even with
this forbearance, you did not improve your behavior so Mr. Tarkington regretfully decided he had no choice but to terminate you and exercise the buyout rights for the company.’

Mr. Rodman handed Jan a check for $15,000 and continued speaking. ‘Here is the check for the fifty percent of the company you currently own. You will find a copy of the contract you and Mr. Tarkington signed three years ago in the papers I just gave you. We have highlighted the pertinent parts dealing with your termination and the purchase of the remainder of your ownership interests.’

Jan sat in shock for only a moment then she pushed the papers away and turned to Todd. She knew her face was red. She was almost shaking with anger as she forcefully said, ‘You arrogant asshole. This is bullshit, and you know it. Get your things and get out. You’re fired. And take these- GENTLEMEN – with you.’

Todd smiled and gestured to the security guard as he said, ‘No, Jan. Like we just said, YOU’RE fired. Don’t make this worse than it is.’ He pushed the papers and check toward her then continued, ‘Take your paperwork and check and go with Tony. He’ll escort you to your office so you can pick up your personal items then he’ll go with you to your car.’

Todd looked at the guard who she now knew was Tony and said, ‘Be sure she only takes her personal property and make damn sure you get her key card when she leaves. No memory sticks, drives or computers are to leave the premises with her. Don’t leave her alone for a moment.’

Jan glared at Todd and said through clenched teeth, ‘This isn’t over asshole. If you think for one minute I’m going to let you kick me out of my own business you’re crazy.’

Jan quickly packed her personal items and grudgingly allowed Tony to look in her purse and bags to verify she had no memory devices hidden away. He followed her to her Wrangler and watched as she loaded her box of belongings and drove from the lot. Jan couldn’t help herself, she pulled to the side of the street and sat crying in anger for several minutes. Next she went straight to her small apartment. She started to pick up her bag and get her notebook computer so she could look up an attorney. She’d show that asshole.

FUCK. The bastard kept her computer. Unlike many techies she didn’t have a working computer in her dingy apartment. Everything she did was either at work on the larger desktop or on the powerful laptop she used to travel with. All her hardware she supposed was owned by the company, but damn it she owned the company. This was totally bullshit.

Even angrier now Jan grabbed her IPhone and hit the net to find an attorney. After she found a couple of names she made the calls to get an appointment. Over the next week Jan moped around and seethed in anger over what Todd did. During that time she met with one attorney who looked the papers over and sighed. He told her unless she had other documents to support her position he couldn’t help her. The paperwork completely supported Todd’s actions.

Jan made an appointment with a second attorney and was told the same thing. This time she said, ‘But this is all wrong. That was, no, THAT IS my company. I didn’t agree to sell it to Todd and I was not an employee of the company. I OWN the company.’

The attorney very gently, but sadly, explained once again to Jan. He said, ‘Ms. Stover, I can see where you started the business and I know you were the head programmer, but these documents don’t support your contention that you owned the company. I have copies with original signatures that fully support Mr. Tarkington’s actions.

‘You incorporated the company according to the paperwork when he was hired to help you. You will notice here you and he agreed that you would each provide $15,000 to start the company. His contribution was cash, yours was the company value as agreed between the two of you. Your half contribution included all the machines, software, supplies and good will was valued at $15,000. You were each given badges as employees, his number one, yours number two. All other employees were given badges with their employee number on them.

‘You jointly wrote the employee handbook which was later revised when Mr. Tarkington hired the business manager. In each instance you signed off on the policy as the joint owner of the company. You even signed the agreement on dispute resolution. You agreed that, in a dispute, you had resolution authority over anything in the technical side dealing with product development and programming. Mr. Tarkington had resolution authority for all other matters up to and including firing for any reason. You signed the contract authorizing either you or Mr. Tarkington to buy the other major stockholder out for the sum of $15,000 should they violate company rules and policy and have that violation properly documented. There is even a signed employment agreement in this file setting your salary at $30,000 per year. Since you were a salaried employee you never received overtime and are not subject to many of the labor laws. Your termination, and the purchase of your share of the company, was absolutely legal, Ms. Stover. I am sorry.’

‘But that’s bullshit. I owned the company. I never punched the clock. Some days I would work eighteen or twenty hours straight, then I would go home for a break and some rest before I returned to work. Hell, the last three weeks I spent almost all night in the office to meet that assholes deadline for our new program.’

‘Do you deny coming in late and leaving early some days? I have signed statements from Mr. Tarkington, the business manager, and the sales manager on several occasions when they saw you leave during business hours and not return or when you arrived well after normal business hours commenced. I even have two counseling statements you signed when you arrived late.’

‘WHAT? That’s a bunch of crap. I was never COUNSELED for being late. Let me see those.’

Jan looked at the papers in question and sighed. She threw them on the pile of documents and looked down. She said, ‘Oh, I remember those now. I guess I was a fool. Both times Todd came into my office with the papers and asked me to sign them. He had the Sales Manager in the hallway while he was there. I see he signed them as a witness, the asshole. Todd said I needed to sign the papers because of the labor laws. He said everyone had to be treated the same and if I didn’t get counseled for being late he couldn’t do it to a regular employee who was late and then he wouldn’t be able to fire them if they continued to break the rules. Shit, I guess I’m pretty stupid, aren’t I? So there’s nothing we can do?’

‘Probably not. Oh, I could file a motion or two, we could even contest the value of the buy out if you can provide documentation that would support higher value for the company, but, really, I believe you would probably spend as much as you got in higher value or even more if we did contest these documents. I’m sorry, Ms. Stover.’

Jan wiped the tears from her cheeks and stood. She turned and started for the door. The attorney quickly gathered her papers and rushed after her. When he caught her he handed her the papers and said, ‘Here, Ms. Stover. I really don’t know what good this will do you, but I highly advise you to keep these documents safe in case of further need. If this Todd character is as slimy as you say he is you just might need these documents later.’

Jan drove slowly and none too safely back to her dingy apartment. After paying the attorneys and her last month’s rent she only had about $10,000 left from Todd’s check. She still owed almost $6000 on her Wrangler, but that was the only loan she had outstanding. Oh, she had whatever she charged on her credit card for the month. Thank God she always paid the balance off monthly.

Jan sat home alternately crying and thinking about her affairs the rest of the day. After a poor night’s sleep she got up the next morning and went to town. Her first stop was the bank where she paid off her auto loan. T
his left her with $4327.15 of ToddÕs check and a balance of $829.24 in her checking account. She owed $1344.23 on her credit card. After she purchased a new laptop she would only have about $1750 to her name. There was no way she could live here in town long on that money. She had to either move or find another job quickly. Her next stop was her favorite computer supply warehouse where she purchased a new laptop.

After she got the laptop and her needed software she went straight home and polished her resume. It immediately was posted to many websites and printed and mailed to several businesses.

Janice sat in despair for some time, then grinned. She went to the small fireproof safe she kept in her home and took out the personal backup of her latest software development. She loaded it onto her new computer and went to work. In less than eleven hours she had added so many bugs to it even a whole can of raid couldn’t kill them all. Next she drove to the parking lot of S-T and accessed their WIFI. She quickly accessed S-T’s server. She was surprised, but pleased, to find her access had not been cancelled. She quickly downloaded and overlaid the completed program with her newly fucked up version. This changed version would do everything it was supposed to do but it would not do it correctly. It would take an accountant to find the math errors she inserted in the program. She also inserted parts of the program that would yield erroneous results if certain criteria were met thus making them infrequent.

After the program was safely uploaded she accessed the offsite backup server to work her magic. She corrupted all but one of the backups from the time before she completed the program so they were unusable. She also substituted her changed version of the program for those on the existing backups. As she vacated the systems she removed any trace of her access until she was completely out of the backup system. She next hid her access to the main server after she changed the date and time on the program she just uploaded.

Her last hack was to read through the system to see what was going on with her ex company. She found that her newly hired programmer now owned five percent of the company stock and was head programmer. One of the two oldest programmers was fired as she had been. The other still worked at his job but he was the worst of the two.

Using her old computer, now belonging to the new head programmer, she terminated her permissions in the system making it look as if he did it. Tired, Jan smiled and leaned back in her seat. She powered down her new machine and drove home. When she entered her dingy apartment she dropped her computer and purse on the couch and stumbled to bed.

Jan woke up shortly after eleven a.m. the next day. She made a pot of coffee then wandered into her living room to drink it. She had no idea what she wanted to do next. Her rent was due in five days and she either had to pay it or give notice then she would have one more month here before she had to move.

As the day progressed Jan decided she was done with this damn town. She had not met one damn person here that was not out to fuck someone, either figuratively or actually. Truthfully, she missed her hometown and the people she grew up with. She now fully understood why many people tried to keep her from moving to California in the first place. The people out here were total assholes. She was going home. She could still program her computers there and she would be with people that understood her, people who were still honest and ethical or at least more so than most of those she met out here. She called her apartment manager and gave notice. She asked if there was any chance of getting back her last month’s rent if she left before the end of the current month. The asshole laughed and said, ‘Nice try honey. You can leave any time you want but the contract says you have to give a month’s notice so there’s no refund.’

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This happened many years ago, when I was a green teenager and was dating my first serious girlfriend Sandra. We were both 18, still at school, but had just finished our final exams and looking forward to the summer holidays.Sandra was my first sexual partner, and we were both learning about sex with each other. We had got engaged just a few weeks earlier. Sandra had dark brown shoulder length hair and a lovely young figure, firm breasts and smooth hips and long legs. She had two younger...

2 years ago
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Because of an affair my late Mother had resulting in the birth of my younger brother Austin her sexual relations were poor as my late Father nevervreally forgave her and would rarely have sex and even then he forced himself on her. Eventually my Mom who at one time treated me badly had changed completely once she seduced me. I had been a virgin till then despite messing around with my best friend Burt, butbthen both at sixteen Burt and I had not had sexual relations with a female or so I...

1 year ago
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The Landlords ProtgChapter 21

For Susan the second week before Christmas was dreadful. There was a serious leak in the roof of one block, a fight between two tenants resulting in broken glass in the hallway of another and of course there was resulting police interest. Then there was a power failure in yet another. It was Friday morning when she was able to relax in exhaustion. She had every intention all week of going to see Victor, so on Friday afternoon she took Carl and drove to Victor’s house, only to find the house...

2 years ago
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EdenChapter 7

"Well, madam?" Due courtesies had been extended; he'd answered her knock quickly, had politely taken her coat and hung it up, had ushered her to a chair that was ostentatiously positioned on the opposite side of the hotel room's sole table from the only other, which he took. She accepted the pleasantries with evident appreciation, but no other words had been spoken by either. For a time they simply studied each other. He found her unusually attractive, only a few centimeters shorter...

2 years ago
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Miles Apart Chapter 1 Circumstances of kink

I remember this like it was a minute ago, but in reality it's been years since his fingertips engraved every inch of me.Embark with me on this story of how Josh and I dismissed the fact that we were the same blood.---Me and Josh, although closely related, never met until I was eleven and he turned twelve. He is from a completely different continent, and our families are thousands of miles apart. They came over to visit Europe and decided to stop by our home. Josh and I didn't talk a lot,  we...

3 years ago
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Capricorn Part I

We travelled very far in a small car to a house that had many girls. I was excited because some were my age, but there were many more of various ages. I was happy for the most part because I was fed, clothed and allowed to play all day. I started going to “school” when I was ten, and I remember it wasn’t like the school I attended when I lived with my parents. All the ten year olds were gathered in a room that had desks. It almost looked like a classroom, except there was no chalkboard. My...

1 year ago
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FilthyTaboo Violet Gems Dad Let8217s Share My Little Hot GF for Thanksgiving

Going through a divorce is tough, especially around the holidays. Johnny is spending Thanksgiving with his newly single dad Rich. Johnny even brought his new teen girlfriend Violet along to keep his dad’s spirits up. But no matter how Johnny tries, he can’t seem to lift Rich out of his funk. When Violet goes to the bathroom, Johnny sees an opportunity to up the stakes. He tells Violet she’d really help Rich’s morale if she sucked his dick. Well, Violet was in a giving...

4 years ago
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Limit of Authority

************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan September 2005 revised July 2014 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* I couldn’t own and run my company without being sometimes not very nice and...

2 years ago
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Closing TimeMy First Erotic Story

It was a Friday night, I didn't have to work the next day, and I was bored, lonely, horny, and maybe looking for a bit of trouble. What do you do given that combination of circumstances? Go Drinking of course! Not feeling up to going into town proper, I stopped at the dark and smokey little dive on the outskirts of town called the Buckhorn; or the Fuckhorn by the more colorful locals. To some, it's a love-hate relationship, love to hang there sometimes, hate to be seen slumming there? Whatever...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Nude Dares2

I was scared that when we woke up next morning Saanvi would freak out about being naked, and everything we’d done, but I’m happy to report she didn’t. I watched her with my eyes half closed while she lay on her back and stretched, and she did a sly move where she dipped her fingers between her legs, then passed them up over one titty, and finally under her nose. That made me smile. “Hey,” I said, doing my own stretching, and my own sly move. “Oh. Good morning.” “Sleep OK?” “When I finally...

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Tina and Daddy a sequel

am simply sharing hereMy Daughter Tina......I'm Tina, this is the continuing story of the relationship between my daddy and me...I was laid on the bed by daddy after I seduced him and got him to take my virginity in the bath tub. I and sucked him good, but didn't let him cum in my mouth. I wanted all that hot cum in my once virgin pussy instead. Daddy was so gentle with me! I don't think any other man could compare the way he treated me. He made me a woman! I'm finally a woman!* * * * * *...

1 year ago
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The Surfer Dude And The Soccer Mom Part 1 of 2

Jake was standing on the sideline watching his nephew Bryan’s team, the Rattlers, play soccer. He would go to the games whenever he could make it, which meant when he didn’t have to work. His work consisted of two different occupations: running charter boats out of his brother’s marina and playing music in the bars up and down the beach. He made a pretty good living between the two, and one of the fringe benefits of his work was that he met plenty of good-looking women.His older brother Fred...

2 years ago
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The ProfessorChapter 13 Dating Finding Lisa

Wednesday afternoon after we got back from Robotix the girls were bundles of nervous energy about the impending arrival of their dates. I asked whether specific pairing had taken place, but was informed that it was the two of them dating the two teens. Ash said, “I guess we’ll pair up after they arrive in some way, for instance, who rides next to whom in the car, or ... well, maybe who gives who a blowjob first.” I shot an evil stare at her and she burst out laughing. “Hey, if we don’t get...

3 years ago
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Lost and found

I was lost, that was obviously true. I wasn't even that sure how I'd ended up in Damascus in the first place, there had been some kind of problem with the plane causing a landing for evaluation and repair I think. So rather than sitting and waiting in a noisy hanger I'd taken a walk and I was very lost. And quite scared too. The four street thieves or local chancers had spotted me quickly enough as I meandered away from the airport, a single lost foreigner alone in the afternoon sun, and...

2 years ago
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Chatwhore I was being blackmailed. It didn't start that way of course. It all started about six weeks ago. I was in a chatroom and I started talking to a girl named Rachel. We chatted for a while and then I asked her about makeup. She was amused and asked me if I wanted to put on makeup. If I was a sissy. I meekly told her I was and asked her to help me learn how to do my makeup. Over the next few days she trained me step by step how to apply my makeup. Sometimes when she...

3 years ago
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Thanks That Was Fun Ch 03

By Saturday evening, Jane’s head was still pounding, the cause of which was equal parts wedding planning, a waning hangover, a half-hearted attempt at sorting Luke out in her head – and mentally avoiding any thoughts of the man she’d spent the night with. Matt dropped them at the coordinator’s office at noon, leaving Lucy and Jane to follow behind Carrie while her wild ideas spun around, with Mrs. Brantley and her wedding staff looking confused and a bit out of breath. Carrie and her...

2 years ago
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Punishment Mistress

The Punishment Mistress [F/M noncons institution, spank, milking]"No... No," he moaned aloud, to no one in particular, because he knew that the punishment mistress would take no heed of his protest. "Please, no," he said, louder, this time addressed to the punishment mistress. Part of his fear was his total vulnerability. He knew that there would be no escaping the severe strapping that he had been sentenced to for the week's misdeeds at the institution. He was totally naked, bent over a heavy...

2 years ago
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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 36 Paying A Debt

Alf arrived the next afternoon to accept his free visit to the new brothel. What he couldn't understand was why Martha had been so amused at the idea. Free fucks were the standard way for the girls to pay for any favours they asked, and he had helped Jacqui yesterday, she had offered and he had accepted. What was so funny about that? The new, darker skinned Sarah looked a cracker to him, and first go on Csadia at a new girl usually cost quite a lot. He thought that Jacqui was being a bit...

4 years ago
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Loris Story 4 Decisions

Lori's Story 04 - Decisions By Sheila Anne Morgan I went up to my bedroom early on Sunday night. Tomorrow I would have to go back to work and be Danny again. I sat down at my dressing table with the nail clippers and polish remover in front of me. The solvent for the adhesive holding my breasts in place was also there. I looked at the pretty girl staring back at me in the mirror and thought about everything that had happened over the past two weeks. There were the wild nights...

2 years ago
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Hotel Rouge Part Five

The young woman at the desk looked up and smiled as I made my way to the bar to wait for Rayanne. I had been coming to the Rouge on Saturday mornings for six weeks and had a surprise in my shoulder bag along with my swim gear. But then she held up a hand. 'One moment, please, madame.' She crossed the reception area to meet me.'Miss Rayanne asked me to show you to the private elevator, madame.' Surprised, I followed her to the last in a bank of three elevator doors, almost hidden in the...

2 years ago
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College Party Scene

It all started when my fraternity decided to throw a party before the home football game the next day. The party was to have an army theme, so me and a couple of buddies went out and picked up some camo vests and black shirts along with some face paint. I wasn’t planning on doing the face paint, but I have to say that I looked pretty damn good in my camo vest and long black pants. I decided not to wear a shirt underneath the vest to show off my arms, chest, and abs. The party was a big...

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Little brothers little girlfriend

Introduction: How I fucked my brothers little middle school girlfriend So, yeah, Im 27, and this story is as much a confession to get off my chest as it is a fucking boast, its not like I can go around to my friends and brag about this little hot thing. No names will be used. I guess Im a perv, sure, I figured this out quickly. I was always sexual and aware of girls sexually quite early and as I grew older I couldnt help notice that I am still attracted to the same kind of girls I was attracted...

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The BachChapter 2

'Bored, bored, bored, ' thought Natalie as the car sped along State Highway 1 beside the eastern edge of Lake Taupo. Truth to tell she could hardly wait until they reached their destination so she could escape the vehicle and collect her wits. 'Why don't I feel guilty?' she wondered. 'Why the hell did I do it?' The 'it' was of course having sex with her son on the back seat of the car whilst her husband and daughter sat in the front, even if their view was totally blocked from the...

1 year ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 71

We took Yann, Ivan and Juan. I tried not to resent Dave during the too long 30-minute drive to the club. It was especially hard not to with Yann sitting in pants between us. "And so how does life fair in the Sultan's domain?" Mohan asked after his first drive. "Pridath tells me that we must not miss the coming wedding." "Why the hell are you coming?" Dave glared at me as he put his ball down. "I invited them." I admitted. "Lorraine told me I could add a few guests. It is my...

4 years ago
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I Dream of Tweenie The Queen of the Sluts AwakensChapter 11

"Olivia, it's almost eleven o'clock. It's time to get your butt out of bed!" Lauren Hastings stood there in the doorway of her daughter's bedroom, waiting for her normally early-rising child, to get out of bed. "Come on kiddo, it's time to get up. You've slept away most of the morning. Rolling over opened her sleep eyes and saw her mother staring at her from the doorway. She'd been so exhausted after Steve left that Olivia momentarily couldn't remember if she'd put any clothes on...

4 years ago
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My Brother and I

I had always had a fondness for my brother. My feelings that I had towards him came naturally, and I didn’t know what to do with them. I knew my lust for my brother was morally wrong, even considered a sin. But knowing that didn’t stop all of my dirty fantasies I had about him, James. James was only a year older than me and we had always had a deep connection. He would pick me up and swirl me around in the air when he wasn’t studying. I noticed recently that when my brother would spin me in the...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Lena Anderson Christie Stevens My Boyfriends Mom

Lena Anderson knocks on her boyfriend’s door. His stepmom Christie Stevens answers, introducing herself. When Christie invites Lena in, her eyes go wide as she checks out the stunning woman her son is dating. Lena and her boyfriend settle in to watch TV. Hearing someone going up the stairs, Lena turns around on the couch, just in time to get a great view of Christie’s luscious ass nearly bursting out of the seams of her tight dress. As Christie walks up the stairs, she turns around,...

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r/BDSMGW aka Reddit BDSMGW! If you haven’t come from under some fucking rock, then you know how the (in)famous 50 Shades Of Grey sparked an interest in BDSM when it was released a few years ago. Fun fact for y’all slow fucking knobs; BDSM stands for “bondage, discipline, sadism, and masochism” and is perfect for anyone looking to spice their bedroom with a bit of kink that includes but not limited to being choked, bound, spanked, and bitten among other lists of weird stuff some of you...

Reddit NSFW List
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Girls get horny too wants a BBC

I was out of town on business and was staying at this blush hotel. After dinner I went to the bar to see what the bar scene was like. I barely sat down when a handsome man approached me saying, "Can I buy you a drink?" I look him over and agreed. He slid in next to me and we began to chat. I was wearing a low cut blouse to show off my cleavage and a short skirt to reveal a lot of leg for those guys who like legs. He very blatantly looked down my dress many times as I moved into position to give...

4 years ago
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Strip Trivial Pursuit Challenge

I had always flirted with Clare, she is good fun and desperately in need of a boyfriend. We had tried to match her to several of our single friends and her best friend my girlfriend Susan used to say she would have a much better chance if she lost a little weight. Clare was not really fat, she had a very big round bum and big breasts but quite a trim waist and had I not been with Susan I would certainly have been interested myself. She has short black hair, which I think if it were a little...

2 years ago
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Infidelity Revisited Ch 15

Over the next few days, Ryan could not get Charmaine out of his mind. She was so fucking hot! Just…everything about her! The way her beautiful face looked with her hair up, or with her hair down, or when he was fucking her, or when she had his cock in her mouth…was enough to blow his mind! And her body…her tanned, naked body with those nice tits and that perfect ass was enough to have him spanking all day long! It was all Ryan could do to stop himself from reaching for the phone and calling...

2 years ago
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Art Part Two Ch 04

Art, part two. Ch. 04 Dr. Lisa tries on Art for size. We were walking back to her cottage when Lisa said, ‘You’re a strange man, Arthur Jones.’ ‘I know you won’t be too surprised when I tell you you’re not the first one to make that observation’. That brought a small chuckle out of this very serious lady. ‘I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot and the only excuse I can offer is that I was startled when you showed up dressed like a young girl.’ ‘There’s nothing to be sorry about. I’m just...

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Ek Pub Ki Masti Ki Raat

Namaste doston.. Kaise ho aap? Main pehle aapko apne bare mein bata dun. Main richie hun and meri age 38 hai. Meri shadi ho chuki hai aur main apne husband ke saath bangalore mein rehti hun. Meri arranged marriage hui. Waise main delhi ki rehne wali hun and shaadi ke badd main bangalore mein shift ho gayi kyunki mere pati wala pe job karte hain. Ok main aapko apni body ke bare mein bata dun, meri height 5’5 hai and figure 34-30-36 hai. Mera ek beta bhi hai jo ki 14 saal ka hai. Maine apni life...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 33 Resolving a Core Issue

November 1978 I woke up Monday morning feeling uneasy about everything. The last week had brought to the surface some kind of problem with Jennifer. I couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong. I knew she was unhappy with Melanie. Her visceral reaction to Melanie was similar to her original reaction to Becky. It made me wonder if the same would come for Joyce at some time. What would I do in that case? I could understand better if Jennifer hadn’t refused my offer of a promise ring. I had...

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