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Janice Stover drove her old Jeep Wrangler into the parking lot of her software company. She felt a surge of pride when she saw all the other cars there. It had been a struggle from her first day of operation, but the hard work and long hours were now beginning to pay off. They now had 23 employees and were recruiting more. She slowly drove to her assigned spot beside the employee entrance and parked her old Jeep. She was dressed in her usual clothes, faded jeans, T-shirt, and broken down athletic shoes. Her honey blond hair was swinging in a ponytail as usual. She almost ran toward the door, excited to once again get to her private office and fire up her computer. From looking at her you would never know she had been working in this same office until nearly three thirty a.m. the night before. She finished her current project last night and couldn't wait to turn it over to the beta testers so she could clean up any bugs they found and move on to her next idea. She was already roughing out an idea she had for a completely new program she thought would sell well.

Like many programmers, Jan worked long hours but the last two weeks had been worse than usual. She put in sixteen to eighteen hour days because all her senior people were hounding her to finish the program as quickly as she could. She snorted and grinned as she thought about the reason for the rush to completion. Todd hired a pushy new Sales Manager several months before and he pushed his sales force to pre-sell the new application. Apparently promises were made, against her recommendation, of an early release date to a new large customer. She grinned to herself as she thought about the uproar and headaches coming down on the Sales Manager as the promised delivery date drew ever closer and the software was just now ready for Beta Testing. Maybe now he would listen more to her rather than to Todd and not aggressively pre-sell software that was still in the pipeline. They were making plenty of money on current versions of their software so there was no real reason to push the new version so fast.

She saw her partner Todd's latest new car parked in his space on the other side of the door as she slid her ID/Key through the card reader. She was once again disgusted by his profligate ways. There were many times she found herself sorry she ever let him buy into her business. Of course, she had no other choice at the time. Not only did she need someone with business management knowledge and experience but she desperately needed a cash infusion to market, package, and ship her first simple program. Now, more and more, she resented his arrogant attitude. He showed up in expensive suits and shoes, driving ever more expensive luxury cars, and sat around giving orders to her and her two other programmers as if he owned the company.

Her business, aptly named S-T Business Solutions, wrote and sold computer applications for small businesses and customized other programs on occasion. Todd had absolutely no knowledge of computers--either building them or programming them. He was barely able to turn one on and use the pre-installed software. On numerous occasions Janice had to help him with his machine when he totally screwed it up. As she walked toward her office, she once again began thinking about a way to get him out of her business and then removing the new management team he hired while she was engrossed in her latest project.

Janice smiled at Hailey, the receptionist as she skipped into, then through the break room. She made a very brief stop to pick up a high calorie, fresh baked cinnamon roll and her usual English Toffee Cappuccino. When she caroled "Good Morning, Hailey" instead of the equally happy greeting she usually obtained she only received a "Morning, Jan". Hailey then quickly turned her back on Janice and began straightening the already neat snack display area.

Jan frowned at the abnormal greeting then shrugged her shoulders and took off for her office. She had a meeting with Todd and two of the senior managers in fifteen minutes and she wanted to do a quick check of her e-mail before she went into the conference room. She didn't know why Todd was so insistent about the meeting last night when she called him to report the project was finished but he was so she agreed to come.

Janice hit her office almost at a run and slammed her ass into her soft executive chair. She reached out to power on her computer, then sat almost bouncing waiting on it to boot. Nothing happened, not even a beep when she hit the switch. Crap, she thought. The cleaning crew must have unplugged it again. She crawled under her desk, nope, it was plugged in. She looked at the back of the machine. All wires and plugs seemed to be in order. Fuck, she thought, it was working fine this morning when I powered it down. Now I'll have to spend all morning working on the damn machine before I can do anything constructive.

Jan left her office carrying her roll and cappuccino heading to the conference room. She was seething at the setback. At least she always made two backups before she quit work so her completed program was safe.

When Jan stormed into the conference room she stopped in surprise. Todd was there as was the Sales Manager and Business Manager. There were also two strangers sitting at the table with piles of paper in front of them. A large man in a security uniform stood just inside the door. She didn't recognize him either. As far as she knew they didn't have a security staff and had no need for one.

Todd looked up from where she normally sat at the head of the table and smiled. He said, "Ah, Jan. You finally got here. I was beginning to wonder if you were going to be late once again and miss another important meeting."

Todd didn't rise to offer her the chair he was in. She stood looking at him waiting for him to vacate her chair. Finally, Todd gave her a dark look and said in a demanding tone, "This won't take long, Jan. Sit down and let's get on with it."

Jan felt her anger surge once again at Todd's attitude. As far as she was concerned this was the last straw. She decided she was going to call her attorney and find out what she had to do to get rid of him. He was more trouble than he was worth and his attitude was horrible. None of the old hands cared for him and as far as she could see he held them all in contempt. This was not the first time she found him in her chair but it was the first time he didn't give it up. She decided not to make an issue of the matter right then and took a chair beside Todd and across from the two strangers.

Todd leaned his arms on the table and almost glared at Janice. He said, "Ms. Stover, there's no easy way to say this so I'll just come out with it. You're fired. This business can no longer put up with your cavalier attitude. Your dress is totally inappropriate for business, you are completely unable to get to work on time, and totally ignore policies and procedures promulgated by upper management. You have been warned numerous times and still have not corrected your attitude. Consequently, I am exercising the option given me when I became your partner and buying your share of this company."

Todd smiled and leaned back in his chair. He glanced over at the older of the two strange men and said, "Would you continue, please, Mr. Rodman?"

The older man said, "I am Terrance Rodman, Mr. Tarkington's attorney, and now the business attorney." He handed Jan a stack of papers and continued talking, "I have here documented transgressions and witnessed statements of the times you were counseled for poor performance. You will notice you were actually given two more chances to improve your behavior than the company policy handbook provides. As it was explained to you when that occurred, you were given the consideration because you were one of the founders of this company. Even with this forbearance, you did not improve your behavior so Mr. Tarkington regretfully decided he had no choice but to terminate you and exercise the buyout rights for the company."

Mr. Rodman handed Jan a check for $15,000 and continued speaking. "Here is the check for the fifty percent of the company you currently own. You will find a copy of the contract you and Mr. Tarkington signed three years ago in the papers I just gave you. We have highlighted the pertinent parts dealing with your termination and the purchase of the remainder of your ownership interests."

Jan sat in shock for only a moment then she pushed the papers away and turned to Todd. She knew her face was red. She was almost shaking with anger as she forcefully said, "You arrogant asshole. This is bullshit, and you know it. Get your things and get out. You're fired. And take these-- GENTLEMEN -- with you."

Todd smiled and gestured to the security guard as he said, "No, Jan. Like we just said, YOU'RE fired. Don't make this worse than it is." He pushed the papers and check toward her then continued, "Take your paperwork and check and go with Tony. He'll escort you to your office so you can pick up your personal items then he'll go with you to your car."

Todd looked at the guard who she now knew was Tony and said, "Be sure she only takes her personal property and make damn sure you get her key card when she leaves. No memory sticks, drives or computers are to leave the premises with her. Don't leave her alone for a moment."

Jan glared at Todd and said through clenched teeth, "This isn't over asshole. If you think for one minute I'm going to let you kick me out of my own business you're crazy."

Jan quickly packed her personal items and grudgingly allowed Tony to look in her purse and bags to verify she had no memory devices hidden away. He followed her to her Wrangler and watched as she loaded her box of belongings and drove from the lot. Jan couldn't help herself; she pulled to the side of the street and sat crying in anger for several minutes. Next she went straight to her small apartment. She started to pick up her bag and get her notebook computer so she could look up an attorney. She'd show that asshole.

FUCK. The bastard kept her computer. Unlike many techies she didn't have a working computer in her dingy apartment. Everything she did was either at work on the larger desktop or on the powerful laptop she used to travel with. All her hardware she supposed was owned by the company, but damn it she owned the company. This was totally bullshit.

Even angrier now Jan grabbed her IPhone and hit the net to find an attorney. After she found a couple of names she made the calls to get an appointment. Over the next week Jan moped around and seethed in anger over what Todd did. During that time she met with one attorney who looked the papers over and sighed. He told her unless she had other documents to support her position he couldn't help her. The paperwork completely supported Todd's actions.

Jan made an appointment with a second attorney and was told the same thing. This time she said, "But this is all wrong. That was, no, THAT IS my company. I didn't agree to sell it to Todd and I was not an employee of the company. I OWN the company."

The attorney very gently, but sadly, explained once again to Jan. He said, "Ms. Stover, I can see where you started the business and I know you were the head programmer, but these documents don't support your contention that you owned the company. I have copies with original signatures that fully support Mr. Tarkington's actions.

"You incorporated the company according to the paperwork when he was hired to help you. You will notice here you and he agreed that you would each provide $15,000 to start the company. His contribution was cash, yours was the company value as agreed between the two of you. Your half contribution included all the machines, software, supplies and good will was valued at $15,000. You were each given badges as employees, his number one, yours number two. All other employees were given badges with their employee number on them.

"You jointly wrote the employee handbook which was later revised when Mr. Tarkington hired the business manager. In each instance you signed off on the policy as the joint owner of the company. You even signed the agreement on dispute resolution. You agreed that, in a dispute, you had resolution authority over anything in the technical side dealing with product development and programming. Mr. Tarkington had resolution authority for all other matters up to and including firing for any reason. You signed the contract authorizing either you or Mr. Tarkington to buy the other major stockholder out for the sum of $15,000 should they violate company rules and policy and have that violation properly documented. There is even a signed employment agreement in this file setting your salary at $30,000 per year. Since you were a salaried employee you never received overtime and are not subject to many of the labor laws. Your termination, and the purchase of your share of the company, was absolutely legal, Ms. Stover. I am sorry."

"But that's bullshit. I owned the company. I never punched the clock. Some days I would work eighteen or twenty hours straight, then I would go home for a break and some rest before I returned to work. Hell, the last three weeks I spent almost all night in the office to meet that assholes deadline for our new program."

"Do you deny coming in late and leaving early some days? I have signed statements from Mr. Tarkington, the business manager, and the sales manager on several occasions when they saw you leave during business hours and not return or when you arrived well after normal business hours commenced. I even have two counseling statements you signed when you arrived late."

"WHAT? That's a bunch of crap. I was never COUNSELED for being late. Let me see those."

Jan looked at the papers in question and sighed. She threw them on the pile of documents and looked down. She said, "Oh, I remember those now. I guess I was a fool. Both times Todd came into my office with the papers and asked me to sign them. He had the Sales Manager in the hallway while he was there. I see he signed them as a witness, the asshole. Todd said I needed to sign the papers because of the labor laws. He said everyone had to be treated the same and if I didn't get counseled for being late he couldn't do it to a regular employee who was late and then he wouldn't be able to fire them if they continued to break the rules. Shit, I guess I'm pretty stupid, aren't I? So there's nothing we can do?"

"Probably not. Oh, I could file a motion or two, we could even contest the value of the buy out if you can provide documentation that would support higher value for the company, but, really, I believe you would probably spend as much as you got in higher value or even more if we did contest these documents. I'm sorry, Ms. Stover."

Jan wiped the tears from her cheeks and stood. She turned and started for the door. The attorney quickly gathered her papers and rushed after her. When he caught her he handed her the papers and said, "Here, Ms. Stover. I really don't know what good this will do you, but I highly advise you to keep these documents safe in case of further need. If this Todd character is as slimy as you say he is you just might need these documents later."

Jan drove slowly and none too safely back to her dingy apartment. After paying the attorneys and her last month's rent she only had about $10,000 left from Todd's check. She still owed almost $6000 on her Wrangler, but that was the only loan she had outstanding. Oh, she had whatever she charged on her credit card for the month. Thank God she always paid the balance off monthly.

Jan sat home alternately crying and thinking about her affairs the rest of the day. After a poor night's sleep she got up the next morning and went to town. Her first stop was the bank where she paid off her auto loan. This left her with $4327.15 of Todd's check and a balance of $829.24 in her checking account. She owed $1344.23 on her credit card. After she purchased a new laptop she would only have about $1750 to her name. There was no way she could live here in town long on that money. She had to either move or find another job quickly. Her next stop was her favorite computer supply warehouse where she purchased a new laptop.

After she got the laptop and her needed software she went straight home and polished her resume. It immediately was posted to many websites and printed and mailed to several businesses.

Janice sat in despair for some time, then grinned. She went to the small fireproof safe she kept in her home and took out the personal backup of her latest software development. She loaded it onto her new computer and went to work. In less than eleven hours she had added so many bugs to it even a whole can of raid couldn't kill them all. Next she drove to the parking lot of S-T and accessed their WIFI. She quickly accessed S-T's server. She was surprised, but pleased, to find her access had not been cancelled. She quickly downloaded and overlaid the completed program with her newly fucked up version. This changed version would do everything it was supposed to do but it would not do it correctly. It would take an accountant to find the math errors she inserted in the program. She also inserted parts of the program that would yield erroneous results if certain criteria were met thus making them infrequent.

After the program was safely uploaded she accessed the offsite backup server to work her magic. She corrupted all but one of the backups from the time before she completed the program so they were unusable. She also substituted her changed version of the program for those on the existing backups. As she vacated the systems she removed any trace of her access until she was completely out of the backup system. She next hid her access to the main server after she changed the date and time on the program she just uploaded.

Her last hack was to read through the system to see what was going on with her ex company. She found that her newly hired programmer now owned five percent of the company stock and was head programmer. One of the two oldest programmers was fired as she had been. The other still worked at his job but he was the worst of the two.

Using her old computer, now belonging to the new head programmer, she terminated her permissions in the system making it look as if he did it. Tired, Jan smiled and leaned back in her seat. She powered down her new machine and drove home. When she entered her dingy apartment she dropped her computer and purse on the couch and stumbled to bed.

Jan woke up shortly after eleven a.m. the next day. She made a pot of coffee then wandered into her living room to drink it. She had no idea what she wanted to do next. Her rent was due in five days and she either had to pay it or give notice then she would have one more month here before she had to move.

As the day progressed Jan decided she was done with this damn town. She had not met one damn person here that was not out to fuck someone, either figuratively or actually. Truthfully, she missed her hometown and the people she grew up with. She now fully understood why many people tried to keep her from moving to California in the first place. The people out here were total assholes. She was going home. She could still program her computers there and she would be with people that understood her, people who were still honest and ethical—or at least more so than most of those she met out here. She called her apartment manager and gave notice. She asked if there was any chance of getting back her last month's rent if she left before the end of the current month. The asshole laughed and said, "Nice try honey. You can leave any time you want but the contract says you have to give a month's notice so there's no refund."

"What if I leave early and you rent the apartment before my month is over? Would I get the money back then?"

"Ha, Ha, Ha. Ohhhhh, Boy. You just don't give up do ya, honey? I told ya, ya gotta give a month's notice." Jan heard a click and the phone went dead.

"Crap. Well, I guess I'm stuck here another month anyway."

Jan began sorting and packing her belongings and cleaning the apartment. At least she hoped to get her damage and cleaning deposit back at the end of the month. The third week of her last month in California she got a frantic phone call from Todd. He said, "Jan, that last project you did for us is fucked up. I need you to get your ass in here today and find the problems. We've installed it on five business servers already and they're all having problems with it. If I had known how incompetent you were I would have fired you earlier but you're all I have. Jerry and Dan can't find the bugs."

Jan laughed and said, "No fucking way, asshole. Besides, how could you possibly have five sites installed by now? The damn beta testing was scheduled for six weeks and it's only been four weeks since I finished the program and you stole my company from me."

"Listen, I don't have time for this crap. We tested the program and it worked fine after you left so we installed the sites we had pre-sold. Now you have to get in here and fix it before we have more problems."

Jan laughed and said, "Not my problem, asshole. I don't work there anymore. My responsibility ended the day you kicked my butt out the door. Fix your own problems." For almost the first time since she was fired Jan sat with a smile on her face.

Over the remaining week she touched base with her few acquaintances in the programming field ostensibly to say good bye, but actually to spread the word on how she was treated by Todd and to find out what the rumors had to say about the failing program. Those who heard about the problems were chortling. This could break the company and send it under. Three of the buyers uninstalled the program and were pursuing legal action to get back their money and damages. Todd hired a high priced programmer to clean up the program. Rumor had it that he found bugs in it galore, but the programming was different enough from the main part of the program he advised Todd a different programmer accessed their copies of the program and trashed it. Todd immediately blamed the one programmer that remained from when Jan was there and fired him. Jan just smiled. She felt a little sorry for the man who was fired but not much. She was considering firing him before she left the company.

Jan did leave her apartment a few days early. She had nothing to do and was anxious to get on the road so just gave up her six remaining days. She felt the worries slip away as she drove toward home.

Jan was in no hurry to arrive home. It was mid July and she had no job so took her time on the trip. When she was in Albuquerque on Interstate 40 she remembered how beautiful the Colorado Rocky Mountains were. Her family owned a small acreage in the mountains west of Colorado Springs that had been in the family for five generations. Rumor had it that the first owner found gold "somewhar in them thar hills" but that was never proven. He and his partner filed on two adjacent sections of land as homesteaders and proved up on it so it was privately owned. As far as Janice knew he never mined on the land. However, until he died he would disappear for several days at a time and show up with freshly mined gold. Sometimes he would have ore, other times he had flakes as if panned from a stream according to the tales. There was a mine site on the section his partner filed on.

Almost without thinking, Jan turned left at Albuquerque and headed for Colorado and the family "spread". When she got to Colorado Springs she had to call her father for directions to the land. After he gave her the directions he also gave her a lecture about how dangerous it was in the mountains for anyone, much less a young beautiful woman, alone. She laughed and said, "Daddy, I still have my rifle and pistol. I'll be ok. Besides, I need some fresh air and relaxation before I get home. I'm an old bear right now, and no one would want to be around me, anyway."

"Well, you be careful girl. You come out of the hills every two or three days and call us so we don't worry."

While Jan was talking to her father a tall slender young man in dirty torn clothing was stumbling up a valley alongside a small mountain stream. His pack weighed more than he did. His hair was long and straggly, dirty looking. His beard hadn't been cut in a week or more, making him look like one of the actors in the old movie Deliverance except for his light weight.

As the man stumbled upstream he gritted his teeth once again and kicked a rock muttering, "Fucking DAMN Cunt. I knew when she went to college in California instead of to college with me like we planned that she'd fuck around on me. I can't believe it took me over a year to find out. If Jason hadn't been laughing about it to his cousin I still might not know. Hell, I didn't even know he was going to San Jose State but I'm glad he was. Fuck, what does she see in that damn arrogant prick? After what she did there's no way I could keep working for her Uncle. Fuck. Brand new degree in Business Management and no fucking job. At least I don't have any debts thanks to the GI Bill and living at home while I went to college.

Frank Ames continued plodding along up the stream. Even in his anger he stopped occasionally to admire the scenery. He hadn't been here in almost ten years and was having trouble remembering landmarks although occasionally he saw something he remembered well. His family had owned this little part of heaven for years but they mostly just used the cabin near the edge of their holdings. His parents both worked in town but were now two states away and didn't have time or the inclination to wander around the mountain on their days off. Twice, when younger he came to Colorado Springs to visit his grandparents he and his grandfather came out and walked up this stream to camp at the old mining camp. He was told that was the same spot his grandfather said his great grandfather and great grandfather's best friend camped and lived for years back in the 1800's. He still remembered the stories told about prospecting for gold and hunting in these mountains. Well, he wasn't going to hunt much, but then again, he might. If he shot a deer even though it was out of season, he could stay longer and try to forget the pain. Seems like everyone he knew found out about Della before he did and now they were asking what went wrong.

Well, he was going to spend at least two weeks at the old campsite while he tried to forget that cheating bitch and unwind. He hoped it was as peaceful as he remembered it. Finally, as dusk was falling on the mountain Frank reached his destination. It was like many other secluded prospecting or old home sites in the mountains. You could see the remains of two or three short log cabins perched on the hillside and a stream running somewhere close by.

The only difference in this site and hundreds of others was its condition. While not in pristine shape there were two buildings still standing and somewhat weatherproof. Most of the chinking was still in the logs and most of the roof was still on the buildings. Of course, that was a result of many hours work by the family while they visited here over the years. When they came here every year or two they didn't have to do much work each time they came to keep the two buildings somewhat decent. Now, if he wanted something to do he could spend his entire two weeks working on the buildings. All he intended to do, however, was make sure one of them was in good enough condition to keep him dry during the inevitable mountain showers. Other than that he planned to hike, fish and, maybe, do a little prospecting.

Frank looked across the small stream at another small building. It was in much better shape than were the ones owned by his family. It belonged to his grandfather's friend's family. From the looks of it they must still come up here fairly often. It appeared to be weather tight and the roof looked good. He was tempted to just camp out in it but didn't seriously consider it. He hadn't been invited and it would be no different than if he went into someone's house in the city without invitation. It just wasn't done except in dire emergencies.

Frank spent the remainder of the afternoon and all of the next day improving his living area and bringing in firewood. Early on the third day he packed a lunch and his water then took off up the stream looking for adventure and relaxation. He took a pan and shovel intending to pan for a little gold. From time to time when he was younger he and his grandfather found a few flakes in the stream. He hoped he remembered how to do everything and was lucky enough to find a little color.

That evening as dusk was falling, Frank stumbled back down the stream and headed for his little cabin. He was halfway from the head of the small clearing to it when he stopped in surprise. There was a small fire in front of the Stover's cabin and someone was working around it. He hesitated, unsure of what to do. Finally, he decided he would go over and find out if they were supposed to be there and try to run them off if they weren't. He checked his pistol before he went any farther. It was almost like the old days, he thought to himself, but what with all the drug pushers trying to grow marijuana in out of the way areas he was better off safe than sorry.

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Hello everyone this is a fictional date, sex escapade of how I imagine I would get dirty with my slut Amulya more about whom can be read in the link - https://xhamster.com/users/sexyamu212. Amulya as is well evident is a slut who is always fucking horny & loves to serve her lovers, masters but she was definitely not ready for the events of her first Meet & Hook Up. This part one of a growing series.Without much time wasting I will now start the story of me & Amulya Day 1 - Part1: As...

3 years ago
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Strangers in the night

I went down to the hotel bar to relax. It was early (barely 5 PM), but I didn't have anything else to do, and I figured I might find somebody interesting to talk to. As I walked in, I noticed a woman sitting at the bar alone. She was neatly dressed in a tight blue blouse, a black skirt that came about half way down her thighs, and black heels. From the back, I could tell that she was curvy, with thick thighs and an ass that was stretching her skirt wonderfully. I sat down a couple seats...

4 years ago
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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 17 Father Ben

It was the sound of voices and the familiar smell of bikes that woke Ben up. Oh, shit. The Leathernecks got us. His whole body hurt and it was hard to think, but something in that equation didn't seem right. Why are we still alive? He felt a damp rag press against his forehead, and the light touch of a woman's hand brush against his jaw. It sent his addled brain reeling in confusion, but after a moment he came to the sleepy conclusion that if some one was tending to his wounds, then they...

4 years ago
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My sister Sarah and I part 2

The second part of the story For all those of you who have asked, here's Part 2 - finally. I re-wrote it a couple of times, but this was the best version, in my mind.For all those who have left their encouraging comments, i thank you for your support. I just hope this part meets with your approval too. if so, please vote? Oh, and I appreciate your constructive comments as well. It's been a while since i've written anything like this, and I've gotten a little rusty. But I'm trying (very much...

3 years ago
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Aakariki Kokukutho Ranku Satisfaction Echindi

Manam naa 2nd part story lo vochamu… Cheppanu kada.. Ma amma nenu commit ayyamu.. Ala amma nenu dengataaniki ready ga unnamu.. Amma sleeve less veskundu… Tharvaatha naako twist ichindi amma… Amma… Kanna thappu ra.. Nee life em avuthadi ra. Nenu…. Em kaade mana desham lo edhi thappu kaani.. Bayata deshalalloo.. Edhi common aaaa Amma… Naaku bayamesthundi ra.. Nenu… Intha manditho denginchukunnav.. Appudu veeyani bayam eppudu enduke… Amma… Edho enjoyment kosam cheshanu raa… Nenu… Naatho kuda...

2 years ago
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Paying rent

I’ve always enjoyed getting dolled up like a sexy girl ever since I hit puberty. Doing my hair, wearing frilly panties, skirts, painting my nails and doing my makeup. But being a boy that isn’t viewed as proper behavior. Which is why I’ve always had to dress in private. But luckily with the power of the Internet I’m able to express my inner girl. I run a blog where I post dirty pics of myself dressed up, erotic stories of young crossdressers being used by older men, captioning dirty pictures...

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Mommy My Love

Iss reader (sabhi chuto aur lundo) ka mere lund ki taraf se saadar pranaam. Mein viplav aaj apne jeevan ka ek true incident aap logo se share karna chahta hoo. Mein delhi ke uttam nagar me rahta hoo.meri family me mein aur sirf meri mom hi hai. Meri mom aaj se 5 year pahle widow ho chuki thi. Now in present I am 24 and my mom is 43 year old. This incident was happened before 5 year. My father was expired in plane crash. My mom and I totally depressed after that. After few months we got some...

4 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 4

Flashback – Tatiana – At the hospital Thank God Ben behaved himself the rest of the way to the hospital. I suppose I had that old Colonel lady to thank for that. While it excited me that Ben felt 'frisky', there was a time and a place for everything and this was neither the time nor the place for that! We approached the hospital and the driver announced, "Sir, you need to see what's going on." The lieutenant laughed and said, "I have already heard about it so do not worry." Ben...

3 years ago
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Lock The Barn Door

It was about three weeks after Bobby and I had out first sexual encounter at the old mill pond. Since then we had been together a few times but never alone. We were both feeling a bit horny. At least I knew I was. It seemed no matter where we went we always had some of our friends with us. I had to find a way to get Bobby alone.I kept wondering if old Mr. Williams had told my dad what he caught me and Bobby doing behind the rock at the pond. My dad had not said anything so I thought our secret...

3 years ago
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Zwei Polizistinnen

Verena war Heute besonders nervös. Es war das erste mal das sie auf Streife fahren dürfte seit sie ihre Polizei Ausbildung abgeschlossen hatte. Kein Mensch hätte Verena für eine Polizistin gehalten dafür war sie viel zu hübsch. Sie trug ihr langes blondes haar zu einem strengen Pferdeschwanz nach hinten gebunden wodurch ihre kein Haar in die schönen blauen Augen hing. Die Uniform spannte über vollen DD Körbchen und selbst die hässliche Uni Sex Hose konnte ihren knackigen Arsch kaum...

3 years ago
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His and Her Jobs Part 3

Chapter 19 The dinner at the faculty table went on as most of the girls were leaving. Ms Sherrim was addressing various inconsistencies she had witnessed and what she wanted done to improve them. The impromptu staff meeting continued and Kelly was the only one who didn't have something pointed out for improvement. Finally about forty five minutes later Ms Sherrim dismissed them. Kelly and Ms Dunterbaum said their goodbyes while making their way out of the hall. Once they were...

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The Bodysuit

Click. Click. Alex slowly opened his eyes, blearily trying to focus on the face above him. Brown hair, green eyes, a smile on her lips. Alex smiled back as Miranda leaned down to kiss him, her lips tickling against the hair of his beard her bare nipples tickling across his own naked chest as she leaned forward. Alex tried to reach around her, but was pulled short by something around his wrists. "Handcuffs." She smiled at Alex, leaning down to place another kiss, this time on the...

3 years ago
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Daves Side of the Story III

Once Sara and I agreed to an open marriage, it was like a whole new world opened up for us. Now we could enjoy sex on a whole new level. Fucking became an experience, like wine-tasting. It wasn't about getting off so much as it was about seeing what sex felt like with other people. The best part was that we could talk about it honestly. Even then I would get excited when I would get a text from Sara saying "busy right now. don't come home". My cock would get hard and I would fantasize about...

2 years ago
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Spread Wide SecretariesChapter 6

Henderson Cummings swayed drunkenly against one of the makeshift bars. He couldn't believe what had just happened to him. A little redhead from the comptroller s office had just sidled up to him and, without a word, pulled his cock from his pants and sucked him off. And now he couldn't believe the sight in front of him. The annual office Christmas party had turned into a full-scale orgy. Oh, everybody always got fucked at other Christmas parties, but they had always been discreet, going...

1 year ago
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Pantyhose Addict

Pantyhose Addict By Cindy Johnson [email protected] Even though it was going to be a hot July day I still enjoyed wearing my pantyhose. Ever since my wife Janet caught me in a pair of hers three years ago I have worn them everyday without objection. They still feel wonderful when I roll them up my smooth legs and even better under a pair of jeans or in a skirt. I honestly have to say I have never grown tired of wearing them. The silkiness of the nylons against...

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Life model Wife

My name is Kim and this is my story. I am a 35 year old happily married woman of 10 years and we have 3 Children. I am a Housewife while my Husband works his fingers to the bone in a Factory making Car parts. Our Children are aged 4, 6 and 8 so I find I have a lot more time on my hands during the day now our youngest goes to Nursery. To earn some extra pocket money for myself I decided I would try my hand at being a Life model at our Local Adult College. My Husband was a bit strange with the...

Group Sex
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After School On the Crowded Bus

It was pouring rain, I huddled under the bus shelter to try & stay dry, my hair was already damp & my white school blouse was more than a little see through, the cold air made my nipples stand to attention & it seemed my breasts were all the boys at the bus shelter could lear at & giggle about. I just wanted to get on the bus, go home, get out of these wet clothes & take a shower & cuddle up in bed with my pj's & a hot chocolate.The bus finally arrived but it was way...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Andy Adams Anya Gold Threesome Fuck Feast

Imagine an encounter with two busty tattooed babes ready to do anything for sex! Here are Big Tits Blonde Andy Adams and Sexy Readhead Anya Gold horny and wet to take a big cock, not without first tease you while the kiss each other and touch their busty bodies. These ladies suck and lick their big tits and fingering pussies before Nathan Bronson enters getting them dick to be sucked. They feast on their sex desires in hardcore sex action, eating pussy, doing many blowjobs and deep throat, swap...

1 year ago
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Saras Protective Dad part 1 corrected

Introduction: Saras Dad had always been proctive, till he falls in love with her. I believe in freedom of speech that means I say or write what I want. Why I write is just for the enjoyable of it. What I write is fiction. There still just characters in a story. Ill certainly Im not the most hard-core author here. But I still would not recommend any of my writings for persons under eighteen. Actions and events in my stories are not recommended for real life, theyre fiction. Hope you enjoy the...

3 years ago
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Pool Boy

Winter was over and the first consistent stretch of warm days with temperatures in the 80s was here and it was time to enjoy the sun and back yard pool. Mrs Kodiak was in her new bikini by the pool waiting for the pool cleaning service to show up. Right on time there was a knock at the back gate. “It’s open - come on in” Jeremy opened the gate and came in carrying his equipment and had a younger guy with him. “I’ll be doing your pool service this year and brought my younger brother Josh to...

1 year ago
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A Little More Than Flirting

Note : This story is completely fictional! I guess to start the story I have to take you back to my senior year in high school, as usual I had been struggling and my math teacher recommended I have another student tutor me or I wasn’t going to graduate. The next day he paired me up with a student who was in some crazy high up math class with honors, her name is Joline, to describe her ill say just beautiful… just breath taking, I had seen her before walking through the halls always wished I...

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My 18 Year Old Niece


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Shared with Sperm Amanda Used

Anyone who meets Amanda thinks she is a very beautiful, intelligent woman with high personal standards and a serious attitude to life. And she is that, but only outside the bedroom! Of medium height, with fine, tightly curled brown hair, Amanda has an attractive, well-proportioned body created by a childhood of competitive swimming and track and field, and maintained by an adult interest in dancing and netball. Her legs are proportioned and well-toned, her hips shapely, her waist narrow with...

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Lovely Intruder part 1

Introduction: This is a multiple part story, If youre not into forced pleasure than I assure you will not enjoy this story. I did not hear the click of the lock, nor did I hear his silent entrance into my bedroom. All I heard was a short cough. I sprang up in my bed, letting my eyes adjust to the hypothesizing darkness. I sat there for a few minutes, sharply turning my head at every creak in the room only to find out it was the house creaking, my house was old. I swore I saw an almost invisible...

4 years ago
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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 46

Within a few days, word of a Wizard's Adventure Troop spread out among the teenagers of the estate. The estate manager told me that about fifteen teenagers had indicated an interest in the secret art training. The set of tools I mentioned were a Bolo, throwing nails and spring-daggers for disarming opponents. I felt the coming invasion of the island in my bones and this was just one element in my plan to build up a strong resistance force in our area. I wasn't training soldiers but I was...

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Long lost cuz cht 3

So there we were on the way homw from a fun night out with friends. I was still wondering a couple of things but didn't know if or how to approach the subjects. First, had Becky shown me her pussy on purpose under the table or did she have a momentary memory lapse. Secondly, what happened in the bathroom between Colleen and Becky? Will i ever find out? I know that's three.We got back to Beckys and we went to her room. She first checked her email and all important social media sites on her...

1 year ago
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Neglected wife

She was married but her husband wasn’t pleasing her sexually. She decided to look elsewhere. Fortunately, I was on the receiving end. She was 46, I was 47. After meeting for the first time and Carol telling me she liked to see cocks, I asked her back over to  my apartment. When she could get away from hubby, we would meet. Always she wore a short skirt.. One Saturday, she told her husband she was going shopping and would be back around 5 PM. She arrived at my apartment around 1:00 PM. True...

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Hi ISS Readers. This is Arun from Chennai. I am a great fan of ISS. I would love to share my experiences with you. I welcome your suggestions. My mail id is I welcome aunties and girls for a hot chat. Coming to the story, I am Arun, 25 yrs old. My mom’s name is Parvathi. We are from kuttralam. My mom married my dad without her parent’s wish. They came to Chennai without informing to anyone. My dad was not a good man. He cheated my mom. The only thing my mom got from my dad was me. My dad left...

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Turned My Boyfriend Out

A few years back, when I still lived in the city, I was dating a girl and we had a very kinky relationship. I was her slutty little bi-sexual boyfriend and we had an open relationship. We had a couple of MMF threesomes with guys she knew, and she always got off really well watching me suck on another man, so being bi, I did that just for her. Eventually she began to peg me while I was blowing these guys.I went along with it all because I enjoyed a lot of it myself, but she seemed to stop...

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Moms Laptop Part 2

My son, Toby, was masturbating when I walked past his room. The door was wide open. He lay naked on his bed, stroking his cock and looking at his cell phone. I walked in and said, “You know, you should close the door when you do that… whatcha watching?” Moms wonder about these things.He didn’t look at me, but held up his phone where two women were kissing and not just kissing, they were slurping each other’s tongues. The video moved back and showed them both to be naked, boobs pressed together....

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Bings new job 1 A change of duties

“Thanks for coming in today,” said Paul, the dean in charge of the university faculty. “I know there have been a few problems with your employment, but I want to put that behind us and get you involved in a new program that I think will suit your skills.” “Oh, thank you,” said Bing Lee. “To be honest, I was a bit worried about this meeting and what you wanted to say to me.” “Yes. It will involve you working in our tourism program. It’s only getting started, so you'll have a chance to make a...

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The Worlds First Futa 06 Futas Beauty Pageant 2 Futas First Sultry Decision

Chapter Two: Futa's First Sultry Decision By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So you said that most of the contestants just sang songs?” Adelia asked, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaned closer to me. She liked doing that, getting close, her thighs pressed tight, stained with my futa-cum. “That's it?” “I know, it sounds so boring compared to the modern competitions where the contestants try to do the most outrageous solo sex acts they can to win style points,” I said...

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Love And Sex In The Time of Zombies Finale

= = = Chapter 15 continued = = = This is still me, Lorrie. So there we were, Tina and I trying to position this car along the ditch. Look, I'm not so good at backing up, ok? I rolled the stupid Pontiac down into the ditch. I mean, who even has a Pontiac anymore?We had this system where some of us moved cars, some drained the fluids, and some guarded us all. But, as Michael has told us during combat training, all plans go out the window when the first shot is fired. Well, the first shot, in this...

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Always Taken Advantage Ofpt2

Daniel stood up behind me and slowly rubbed his hands up my buttocks, I stood there with my gym shorts and underwear piled up around my ankles. I cupped my hands over my genitals more such to hide my penis and balls than to protect them. I could not help but glance over at Bruce and Charlie, the two of them were removing their pants and underwear. Bruce's cock was rigid and stiff, Charlie was semi rigid and hanging. I had to return my attention to Daniel as he was beginning to nibble on my...

3 years ago
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Jessicas Capture Part 10 of 10

Story: #24 Copyright ©2005 Written: February 03 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 10 - Finish off A Traitor The trailer pulled up to the gate of the plant, Jerry and Gene exit the trailer and open the doors "HMMMPPMHHM" was heard from the two gauged girls, "Get the cows numbers and get them in the holding pens"...

1 year ago
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Passion of Pirates

I was not what you would call feminine, though in many ways I was. I wore dresses and cared greatly for the state of my hair, in which I carried so much pride. Groomed to perfection it was, shone in the light with shades of pale blonde and light brown. It was my eyes that my father always said he loved, a pale grey-blue, but they changed in the light. Sometimes they looked as pure blue as the sky above them; for they only showed that particular shade when the sky was clear and the sun was...

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The Pucell Princess

The Pucell Princess Forced destiny: The bars of gold having been stacked neatly against the west wall of the natural cavern picked up and arranged in orderly rows and stacks for the wild dispersal that had occurred in the hectic days of transporting, as well as hectic hours of the fighting and killing, all the accumulated barrels, bags, chests, and boxes. From the devastated wreckage of the once magnificent armed galleon, "Pucell Princess" all these items had been...

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The manicure can wait

Waking up in the morning to the tenderness of Anna’s slender finger gently massaging my clit with a steady circular motion is the most magical way to start the day. Turning my head towards hers I can feel her warm breath on my face as our tongues touch and our lips meet in a soft sensual kiss and I instinctively part my legs slightly to signal my submissiveness. I can feel the wonderful effect of her attention taking me closer and closer to a climax but she teases me by slowing her motion...

1 year ago
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Kombat Champion Part 2

I stood in the middle of the mall, wearing the same violet costume I always wore when fighting. It was amazing I had been able to get into the mall at all with the police all over the place, but there were far too many mall entrances for them to watch them all or to keep everyone out, not that anyone would actually want to get in at the moment, other than me. "I hope Tina won't be too mad at me," I muttered, remembering the look of confusion on her face when I had ordered her to...

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Burning Desire

This story is set just before the events of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, and after Shadows of the Empire. It finds Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker at Ben Kenobi's old home on Tatooine waiting for the call to rescue Han Solo. Lonely, Leia's fantasies lead her to an unexpected night of passion with the Jedi in Training. The all-encompassing heat pressed down in a death grip upon Tatooine as its twin suns beat down upon the desert planet with all of their considerable force. It was the...

2 years ago
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Religious sister

At first i would like thanks and admire the person who open this site through which, we can share our incest experiences. This site is like heaven on the earth for all those who like different sex specially incest .one thing i assured u that amazingly my story based on truth when u will read u will came to know that yeah i mean what i am saying.so lets get start. I am yasir from punjab,gujranwala,pakistan .i am 24 years old with good built 6feet.i m in army now but when this incident happened...

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Willow Book III Master CarlChapter 14

Master Carl awoke in the guest room of Rose House to the very pleasant sensation of someone kissing his face. “Sir?” Heather’s red hair was a halo around her face. “You asked me to wake you if you slept till seven.” It took a few attempts to get his voice to work. The word “Coffee” came out as a croak the first time but he still got the message across. Heather had a large mug of the lifesaving liquid ready for him when he managed to sit up and swing his feet over the side of the bed. He did...

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Vision of the Spirit Ch 14

Penny felt emotionally drained, as she left the hospital and walked to her car. The doctor was satisfied with her father’s improving condition. On Monday, a medical transport would move him to Mercy General, near her home. She’d be able to visit him everyday. A gust of cold mountain air sent a shiver through her, while she leaned against the car fender and phoned home. ‘Hello?’ said a timid voice on the other end. Automatically, mother-mode kicked in. Penny smiled. ‘Hi, Linda. How are you...

3 years ago
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Jackson Hole

The wind whipped around me as I rode my buckskin stallion, Rookie, over the hills of my land. We were riding towards the border of my family’s ranch and that of our neighbor’s. Jackson, the owner of our neighboring ranch, the Double J, had called my cell phone ten minutes ago telling me that the fence was down between our properties. He and his hands were working to keep our cattle separated since neither ranch branded its stock. I had immediately saddled up Rookie, and, along with my own ranch...

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Letter from Prison

Dear family. This is my first letter from prison. They said that they would mail it and I could write anything. I hope you receive this letter. I will be blunt and honest with you. You know why I am here so we'll not talk about that. It's been three years and I've had plenty of time to reflect. You need to know what it's like over here. Not that you can do anything about it. I doubt you'll ever read this letter. They won't mail it bit I will write it anyway.I am locked in a 6 foot by 6 foot...

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