Oh BoyChapter 21 free porn video

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Baltimore is one of those cities where you could get mugged if you get off the beaten path. Running in the morning was the safest time to be out on the streets, so I was stretching out on the sidewalk when Loney came out. He began stretching, and Andrew Friedman came out to begin loosening up. One more guy came out, shocking me, but I somehow knew the background. Scott asked, "Do you mind of I run with you guys. The girl I'm dating said that Matt runs every morning and I want to get fit like he is."

Andy said, "I guess we're going to have a morning running club when we're on the road. Stretch out so you don't hurt yourself running, Scott."

We were walking fast and began jogging when a Baltimore police car began pacing us. The car stayed with us as we moved up to a run, and followed us as we made a circle back toward the hotel. It was while we were running that Andrew told me, "I bought the condo on the end, Matt. I have an architect, contractor, and interior designer working together. I'm going to have a real bachelor pad."

Loney said, "So you're the one who got that one so fast. Nadia and I looked at a condo on the second floor. We might get that as Nadia and our daughter love the beach."

Scott said, "I'll never be able to afford a place like that, but I know of several places that are nice although not on the beach."

I told Scott, "Wait a while, Scott. A new relationship always has surprises. Let everything settle down, and then discuss where someone might want to live. You also have to allow for your current contract and how you're progressing toward your goal of being a coach."

Andrew was paying attention and I'm sure he had stuffed this information in his mental file cabinet.

Back at the hotel, I went to the desk and told the concierge, "I'm not used to trains waking me up all night long. Can I get a higher room or one on another side of the hotel?"

The man was a little huffy over my complaint, but said he would look into it. My reply was, "Look, I will not stay in your hotel if I have to live with trains going by every fifteen minutes. You should use those rooms for conventions or something else where people won't be sleeping in them."'

"And just where would you go if we didn't give you a different room?" The man was pissing me off.

"I'll ask a taxi driver for where a better hotel is and have him take me. If I don't get enough sleep at night, I can't do my job. Now, get me a better room before I tell the team management."

The man grumbled, "You baseball players think you should have choice rooms when all of you are nobody's that will not even be on the team next year."

I smiled at the man and said, "Find me another room that isn't next door to the train track."

Loney and Scott were standing there and Loney told the Concierge, "Do that for us too. That's the worst night's sleep I've had on the road. If you can't fix it, by noon, I'm going to find another hotel."

I told the guys, "Let's meet down here for breakfast in 20 minutes. We'll ask then if he's found better rooms. If you have clothes and toiletries out, pack them so you can either move to another room or another hotel."

Scott said, "Hey, I don't make that much money and depend on the team for a room and food. I'll have to live with it if they don't change the rooms."

With a smile, I told Scott, "We'll get you a better room. We'll advise management. They will take care of it."

Joe Maddon came in while we were eating, and I waved for him to join us. He ordered and was drinking coffee when I asked, "How do you like the trains that came by all night long?"

"That was bad, wasn't it? I mentioned something to the Concierge out front and he wasn't very happy about it."

"Joe, I told the man that he would move us or I would go to a different hotel. I'm sure the upper rooms aren't as noisy. They could put us on the other side of hotel and that would do it as well. You're not alone if you didn't get a good night's sleep. I'm going to take a nap, but it may not be in the team hotel."

"I'll take care of it," Joe said, as he began eating his breakfast. Andrew Friedman came in before we finished, and Joe asked him to join us. He asked Andy, "How did you sleep last night. Did you hear the trains?"

"No kidding. It sounded like they were coming into the room. I just asked the Concierge if I could have a different room. He was a little testy but I told him I would move the team if he didn't do anything about it. His response was that we had contracted for the rooms and he was going to charge us for them anyway. I've called the team's legal counsel and they are going to talk to the hotel's corporate office."

I told Andrew, "Meanwhile, I think half the team is probably thinking of going to a different hotel so they can get some rest."

It was Joe who probably made the most sense. "The guys are really trying hard and if you noticed, I don't think there were but four or five who went out last night and two of those were coaches. Get this taken care of for us, Andrew. We want to try to be the comeback team again this year."

We went to the Concierge's stand en masse. Andrew Friedman asked to speak to the hotel manager and was given the excuse the manager wasn't available. That doesn't work with a man like Andrew so he said, "Produce your manager, or get him on the phone within the next three minutes or the team will sue this hotel for considerably more than what the room rates are."

The guy's face turned red and he picked up his phone and I noticed he dialed only four numbers meaning the manager was in house. He had to finally say firmly that he had a serious problem and perhaps he could resolve it.

When he hung up the phone, the Concierge said, "The manager will be out in a few minutes. May I get you some coffee?"

Andrew told him we'd wait without the coffee. He pulled his cell phone and made a call. We heard him say, "Prepare for legal proceedings against the hotel chain. When I advise the commissioner how we have been treated, I'm sure he will ban the use of this hotel group."

The Concierge was now alarmed and attempted to have Mr. Friedman cancel that directive.

After over five minutes, Andy made another call and asked the team's travel coordinator to find us another hotel and to make sure the rooms were quiet. He then turned to the Concierge and said, "When your manager manages to show, advise him we are relocating. You must not need the business or you would have responded better to a team member with a complaint. Here is my card. You may have your manager contact me for information as to how to contact our legal group."

Andrew Friedman turned to Joe and told him, "Have the travel secretary contact everyone and have them downstairs ready to relocate immediately. I'm sure she has found quiet rooms and has ordered buses for the relocation."

I went for my bags as did the others in the lobby at the time. By the time I was back downstairs there were buses in front of the hotel. I stopped a second to adjust my bags when I saw police cars stop in front of the buses. Two uniformed policemen and two men in suits holding up their badges hollered, "Is Matthew Williams here?"

Like a dummy I held up my hand and said, "I'm Matt Williams."

The one detective came over to me and pushed me down to the floor banging my head and pulling my arms behind my back. As he was cuffing me he began telling me that I was under arrest for child molestation and sexual contact with minors. When I protested, the man slapped me hard enough on the back of my head my nose smashed into the marble floor. "Shut up you child molester." He then recited my Miranda rights. He picked me up when he was finished, using the handcuffs which pulled my arms and shoulders back and up.

Andrew Friedman came up to the four policemen and said, "There must be some mistake here. You obviously have the wrong Matthew Williams." The big detective swung at Andy, hitting him on the shoulder, knocking him to his knees on the floor.

The detective said, "Say another word and I'll haul you in for obstruction. Now get the ff ... ah, heck out of my way."

I was pushed and half-carried to a police car where I was literally thrown into the back seat of the car. So far I was under control but I was near panic. I could hear Andrew yelling he would have an attorney at the precinct in minutes. He also yelled he would call my girls.

The whole time I was being carried and pushed outside there were multiple TV cameras and as many news people trying to push microphones in my face yelling questions. This was more coverage than my rookie no hitter.

In just a few minutes the big detective was pulling me from the rear of the car and again half carrying me by my wrists and arms and pushing me, we went into the station where they put me into an interrogation room and pushed me down into a chair.

The two detectives began asking me stupid questions about the kids I've been abusing. I had to lean forward to get the pressure off my wrists, arms, and shoulders but every time I did, the big detective would slam me back into the chair.

The big guy was really rude and foul. He kept saying how he was going to make sure I was butt fucked all night long and that I would never pitch against his Orioles. He emphasized they were his Orioles. This kept on for almost a half-hour before the two men left the room.

Wow, my arms hurt and I could tell my wrists were going to be sore. This wasn't good and I didn't know how I could prove I didn't do anything when I haven't done anything remotely like messing with kids.

It must have been about thirty to forty minutes later when I heard a lot of yelling outside the door to the interrogation room. The door opened and the two detectives and two other people entered the room. The man in a suit offered his hand then realized I was cuffed and said, "I'm Max Carwell of Borgen, Montgomery, and Lemon. This is Georgia Curet also an attorney for the firm. We are your attorneys and will be looking out for you."

"You ain't looking out for nobody. This guy's going to jail and will be arraigned tomorrow morning. His bail is going to be so high that he couldn't raise it with a key to Fort Knox."

Good ole' Max said, "Would you like to show me any evidence that my client has actually done something wrong?"

"Screw you. I don't have to show you anything." He then slammed me back in the chair again.

Georgia spoke up and said, "You know morning arraignment court is in session. Let's go up there right now and put Mr. Williams on the docket. It's an open docket."

"Get out of here while we process this scum. We'll take our time doing him and then we won't worry about any open court. He's ours for probably forever."

Georgia whipped out a paper and said, "This is a writ for discovery of evidence against our client signed by a judge. I demand you have the prosecuting attorney come here right now or I will file charges of criminal abuse."

The man was about to open his mouth again when the other detective said, "Don't say it. There's a cameraman and news reporter on the other side of the glass and they are recording everything. I'm getting the prosecutor."

The big detective tried to stop the other man when he went out the door but was pushed aside. The detective came back a minute later with a man in shirtsleeves and suspenders who looked at me, the attorneys representing me, and then the other detective. "Where's this court order these people have?"

The big detective pointed at the wadded up paper in the corner of the room and said, "For what it's worth, it's over there."

Georgia whipped out another paper and said, "I figured we would need more than one. We want to see the evidence now and we want to go up to the open court for arraignment now as well."

The prosecutor read the paper and said, "Go get what you have to show the probable cause you had to arrest the man. That will quiet them down and keep the law on our side."

The big detective took the prosecutor to the side of the room and was whispering to him. The longer the detective talked, the redder the prosecutor's face became. He pushed away from the detective and said, "You'd best take those cuffs off now while I get the Captain."

The prosecutor rushed from the room and returned less than a minute later with another older man with a badge hung on a lanyard around his neck. The Captain said, "If any of what the prosecutor has just told me is true, I want your badges, IDs, and sidearms on the table right now."

The two detectives were getting very nervous and were shifting around until the Captain said, "Try anything and you will spend what you hoped to be your retirement up in state prison with all the men you sent up there. Now remove those cuffs and get this man out of here."

Georgia asked the police Captain, "We need statements from these two men that our client has not molested any children or anyone. That statement needs to say they did this on their own and the reason it was done. You might get lucky and our client won't sue you and your city for a few years of your tax money."

The prosecutor was standing over the two men observing their written statements. Max asked the Captain, "I would think you might want to place these two men into custody for a few charges, including abuse of someone in custody. You could even miss the morning open docket if this takes much longer and they will have to wait until tomorrow morning to be arraigned."

The Captain said, "I hope it doesn't drag on for that long. We don't have segregated cells for guys like this."

I was rubbing my wrists when I asked the two attorneys, "If I'm arrested, how do I get un-arrested? Do they just cancel the arrest or is there a formal something to drop the charges?"

Max, the attorney, answered, "Charges were never filed, so you won't have a record of an arrest. That's just another strike against these guys. Let's get you back to your hotel and with your team. The reporting of this can get very ugly unless we can get the right coverage."

When we went out the front door of the precinct there were several cameramen and newscasters attempting to ask questions. Max held up his hand and said, "The Detectives who brought Matt in have admitted they did this to keep him from playing. They were planning on dropping the charges when there was no possibility of him playing here. They were caught by their own Captain so you can ask him about it. Let us get Mr. Williams away from here and to his hotel."

We rode in a limo to a different hotel than the one where I was arrested. I was greeted in the lobby by Joe and Andrew. They were firing questions at me faster than the news people, until I held my hand up and asked, "Please, one question at a time. If you haven't heard, I'm free and not charged with any crime. The charges were false and the arrest was only to keep me from playing. I can't imagine a city is afraid of one player and not a whole team. I suppose we should all be careful when we're out of the hotel or away from the others."

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Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Michele's Story The four Wrens of Collins Division woke at 'call the hands' at 0640. Doris had got out of bed at 0600 to prepare breakfast and was in the galley. She'd tried her best to do her makeup and dress like a Wren but she still looked like a 'scranbag'; not that it mattered, in the steam filled, greasy kitchen. Her hair was matted and her makeup ran as she sweated over breakfast. Michele, Polly and Mary shaved and...

1 year ago
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My Mistress

Last night my Mistress and I hit new heights (lows?) of debauchery.The evening started simply enough with dinner, after which my Mistress asked me to fetch my collar and leash. I was told to get naked, and she put the collar on me. It was a little tight: not uncomfortably so, but just enough that if she pulled on the leash, the collar choked me and made my head swim. My Mistress sat cross-legged on the couch. She forced me to my knees and had me worship her boots, kissing them from bottom...

3 years ago
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No FutureChapter 58

Sinners, Poor and Wretched Molly & Mark 2074 Was the long-hoped-for economic boom now faltering? Molly wasn't sure, although everyone she knew was terribly nervous that it might be. Mark was still working, thank God. The economy of Korea and all the other countries in the Far East never seemed to suffer as much as those in Europe and certainly not as much as that of the Kingdom of England. All the same, Molly wasn't as lucky as her husband. The demand for her secretarial skills had...

1 year ago
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You’ve got one guess who’s On Screens here in my personal masturbation chamber at PornDude headquarters. If you guessed it’s sexy, beautiful, naked ladies, well, I guess this ain’t your first time visiting the site. I do think of myself as something of a Renaissance man when it comes to masturbatory material, as I like to shake my dick at a little of this and a little of that, but it all kind of boils down to the same thing, doesn’t it? Sure, it comes in a million different flavors, but at the...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
2 years ago
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Well begun is half done

Hello ISS lovers! Another story with the Dining Room as the backdrop. This is inconclusive and would need another 5 stories at least to make it complete. I assure to send them one by one. Enjoy! If it was difficult to smuggle the book into my house, it once looked as though it was almost impossible to read it without being caught. It was during a local train journey that a middle aged man had jokingly remarked about the book and the author, fueling my curiosity to read it. It took me more than...

2 years ago
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Cheryl p2 business dinner

Cheryl freely indulges her desires for other men, while at the same time, she insists that I remain absolutely faithful. Some people might think that Cheryl doesn't truly love me but as a matter of fact she says she couldn't have dreamed up a more ideal marriage, what with the freedom to act out her kinkiest fantasies with other men, but with the security of a faithful, loving husband waiting patiently at home.As for me, this variation on the traditional marriage suits me perfectly. Part of it...

2 years ago
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Slipping New Meat Into My Oven

It was Friday night and as I had been doing every Friday night for the past few months, I had walked to the grocery store to pick up a few things. Normally, I bought too much to carry home and Bob, one of the Assistant Managers would help me carry my groceries back to my condo. Bob would then spend the night and we would have sex a couple of times during the evening and either a quickie or a blowjob for him before he left on Saturday mornings.No one at the store knew what was going on between...

First Time
3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 441

The Retreat ... After a moment, Jeff quietly said, “Too bad Morales isn’t trained. That man would never leave his partner when the chips are down.” The General just stared at Jeff for a moment before adding, “Neither would the wolf.” In silence, the two sat watching as Morales discovered the absence of his thumbnail, but instead of bandaging his small wound, he repaired the ballista. The two passed an approving glance when he saw to his weapon first, as a true warrior would. Both...

1 year ago
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Perfect First Night

Hi all ISS readers! My name is Rohit and I am working in a multinational company and I am handsome with the well-toned body. I do take care of my body very well. I am a regular reader on this website which inspired me to post my story. This story is about how I and my girlfriend decided to lose virginity to each other and planned for a perfect first night. Before starting with the story let me tell you something, any unsatisfied women married or unmarried or any girls want to enjoy sex can...

1 year ago
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I Dominus The Hummingbird and Wolf Part One of Three

Yin and Yang.I held the passenger side car door open for Chiara and extended my hand for her to hold on to as she exited my vehicle. Her manicured, delicate and slender hand looked obscenely unbefitting wrapped in my leathery, rugged hand. My cock twitched as I admired her toned, slender legs as she turned in the SUV’s seat, placed her stiletto clad feet on the underground parking lot cement floor, and with the grace of a ballerina exited my vehicle.Chiara placed her hands on my chest, turned...

4 years ago
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Mistress Adelaides Travelling Gimp CircusChapter 7

Alicia’s Discussion At Henderby Hall, Alicia was anxious to continue her discussion with Adelaide. She waited until her husband had left the room, turned towards Adelaide and leant forward with a conspiratorial air. “I need to confide in you,” she said, her voice at once breathy and tense. “Can I count on your discretion?” “Of course,” Adelaide responded. The two had a long history of shared confidences from when Alicia had been studying at Cheltenham and Adelaide had started teaching...

3 years ago
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Physical Education

I was and still am in High School when this story took place. High School in Denmark is consistent of 3 years.It was the first day of my 2nd year in High School and I decided to leave for school an hour before I used too. During the summer vacation the school had built a new running track outside of the gymnasium and why not run some laps before the classes began? But as I was about to enter my 3rd lap on the running track, I was joined by a guy I’ve never met before. He asked if he could join...

3 years ago
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How I Became A Hotwife Ch 07 Young Temp Staff

My hubby called me one afternoon and told me that one of the junior staff, John, would be dropping by in the evening and told me to be prepared. Of course I knew what he meant. During that evening, we had some drinks together and found out more about him. Since John would only be here for three days, my hubby offered to let him stayed over for two nights sothat he could save on the hotel expenses. He was actually on attachment assignment before moving off to another company.John was only twenty...

Wife Lovers
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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 9

“Nice,” said Liang about the townhouse. It had been built originally in the late eighteen hundreds, but refurbished and changed in the 20s, including the art noveau entrance. The open, shaped metal slat elevator also reflected that soft, decadent style. Definitely attractants. “We like it,” said Joe, unlocking the door. Joe and Cheryl greeted their kids with kisses on cheeks, and their wife with kisses on mouth and a hug. “This is Liang,” Joe introduced her to his family. “Hi,” the kids...

2 years ago
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Halloween Sisters

Halloween Sisters By Carol Collins It all started innocently enough. I, Jim Stone, was very busy on a project for work and barely remembered giving my beautiful but mischievous wife permission to select my Halloween costume when she selected hers. It was a decision absence mindedly made that would affect the rest of my life. I finished my ten-hour a day seven days a week project two days before Halloween. I planned on...

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The Ex

You see me pull up…you watch from the kitchen window as I sit in the car for an agonizing amount of time. Leaning against the counter, you begin to wonder whats taking so long. Finally, you hear a car door slam. As you peek out the window, you catch a glimpse of my little black dress, cinched at the waste, buttoned from top to not quite bottom… Each stride lets you see that the slit in the front is teasingly close to my pussy and with every extension of my golden legs, you strain to see if I’m...

2 years ago
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Old Friends Uncover and Exploit My Bisexual Hunger

My name is Ed, and I grew up in a small town outside of Montgomery, Alabama. I was fortunate to have a lot of friends, and I married my high school sweetheart, Olivia, who we all call Liv. We went to college in Montgomery, like many of our friends did, and were fortunate to be able to find jobs in our hometown.Liv is a petite, but buxom, lady, only five feet and three and a half inches tall and weighing one hundred and thirty pounds, with 34DD breasts that look huge on her. She’s beautiful too,...

3 years ago
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Fourth of July picnic

David and I have been friends since the second grade, and every weekend we'd take turns spending the night at each other's house. We would stay up late watching tv and play video games. After going to junior high school we discovered something else we could do, and we enjoyed it. The weekend of Fourth of July was no different. We sat up watching tv till his parents went to bed. We waited a few minutes to make sure they weren't coming to check on us, then stripped off our pajamas and underwear....

4 years ago
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Mere Husband Ke Dost Ke Sath Chudai

Mera nam nilu he or me kahi rehti hu meri sadi ko 2 sal ho gaye he mera figer 38 he mere boobs bohat bade he mere hubby ka loda bohat chota he vo muje stisfy nahi ker sakte the jub hum apne naye ger me move huve to vaha ke ariya me bohat sare srilankan he un me se hi ek mere hubby ka bohat acha dost ban gaya tha vo roj ger pe ata tha ek din vo aaya mere hubby ger pe nahi the to vo muj se beth ke bate ker ne laga bato bato me usne muje bola me bohat khub surat hu or mera figer bohat acha...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend Ke Saath Honeymoon Ki Raat

Hi ISS readers, yeh meri pehli story hai, asha hai aap sab ko pasand ayegi, please comment karna on , yeh story meri aur meri gf ki hai, pehle meri gf k bare me apko batata hu, voh 23 years old very hot and sexy figure hai, uska figure 34 28 34 hai, bahut hi gora rang hai, maano ke zara sa bhi jor se chhulo to skin pe khoon utar aayega. Me thoda tha overweight hu and have a 6 inch long penis, me strong built hu and look like a very rich businessman. Mujhe yeh story batane ke liye meri sweet gf...

4 years ago
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The Best

Introduction: Hope you like Anna was ready for her first day at her new job on 42nd street. The subway station was very crowded and she was afraid that she was being jostled a little too close to the edge of the platform. Anna was always a little afraid that she would be accidently pushed onto the tracks just as a train was pulling into the platform. She had seen that in a film a few years back and the very thought terrified her. This was the first time she was riding the Eastside line and it...

2 years ago
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Discreet encounters

This is your JJ back with a Diwali script a short and sweet one that happened years ago. No issues it is still poised to bring you off within a short span of time also depends on how you prefer to handle your sex organs as you read through this submission. Getting on with it, my job at manpower contract company just wasn’t paying enough anymore but sure it had add on benefits such as working with the 49 year old Thilaga a widowed beauty and just by looking at her I knew she was dying to get...

1 year ago
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Paddling and Punishment Enema Farts Fm

Firstly, I was suitably restrained on her lovely leather-padded dungeon table. Then she "opened" -- no pun intended -- with a 1-2-3 enema. After suitable time has elapsed I was allowed to fart out/ evacuate my filled, cramped bowels. Then it was back on her table, perhaps on my back this time with my feet hoisted high above me, and she forced a hot, soapy large volume enema into my bowels, between 3 and 6 litres of it! She devilishly used one of her custom-made nozzles, which was thick and long...

2 years ago
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The Home Cuming

Clive look around the room pleased with the results, chair positioned in the centre of the room with rope hanging from the back, gag and blind fold on the seat, second set of rope with pre tied loops hanging on the door handle to the room. Camera setup in the corner to record the subsequent action.Sarah had been away for a few days visiting friends but they had keep in touch via Whatsapp, every night they discussed what they would get up to when she returned. Clive liked his new found freedom...

3 years ago
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The first try V

"-Ok, no problem, sir- I went to the locker room and just started dreaming again: "What does he have planned for next?...""In the locker room it was the usual paradise for the likes of me, as well as hell: peeking until my eyes fell off. If I were to be caught by one of the cool k**s it was going to be hell, but it payed itself of for the first class view I got on some, the differences in development were sometimes staggering: some guys didn't even have pubes and were just like babies, others...

3 years ago
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Secret Passion

Even in the large suite there was no peace, the captain and Marissa were arguing again. Tyaja whispered to Ayanna “what is going between those two?” Tyaja replied “Maybe the tension of being on the lam is getting to them. Suddenly the door blasted open and that bounty hunter that was pursuing them stepped through the remainder of the door. The captain charged and caught the bounty hunter by surprise spearing him to the floor, as they struggled Marissa pulled out her knife and held it to the...

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 12

We made over one room into Cam’s own personal space, getting her set up with a phone, a television, a stereo, all the things a teen should have. I got her an iPad and an iPhone too, then we went to Miami and spent two days shopping. Some for her, lots of clothes; and some for me, lots of gun stores. I even got her a safe for her gold. “Jacques, I do not understand, why do you give me gold?” “I told you, Fayed had it on his boat. We took it when we rescued the girls. They all got a box to...

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