Uncles wife first then Tracy
- 3 years ago
- 49
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After the day my uncle took my cherry, I continued to have sex with him from time to time. Mom and he decided to have an open relationship. I enjoyed fucking him, but I did not do anything with Mom.
It was a turn-on seeing Mom eaten out and fucked. Aside from that, I was not interested and she felt the same way. After all, she's my MOM! The way I felt about it was EWWWWW, NOT with my MOM! I mean, doing it with my Uncle was one thing. He was a man and he was HOT. I had never had any ideas of doing it with her. I mean, I might one day decide to explore that side of myself with another girl, just not with my Mom.
Mom was afraid that I would get pregnant and insisted that I get on birth control immediately. She did NOT want me to wind up like her and have a baby before I had a chance to complete school and I agreed with her. I loved my Uncle, but I was not ready to have his baby, or anyone's baby for that matter.
As the summer ended, I knew that my free days would once again be gone. I would enter the local, private college to get a degree in computer science. I decided to stay to home while I went to college. The drive would only be about an hour at the most to school, so I figured that it wouldn't be a bad drive. This would reduce my tuition.
I went up to the college this morning, met with my advisor. I also registered for my fall semester. The advisor helped me schedule my classes and they were surprisingly all available, so registration happened without a hitch. Apparently, Uncle Grant's advice of registering early was a good idea after all, as I was able to schedule my classes for the kind of hours that I wanted.
I got 10 o'clock classes for all 5 days of the week, followed by classes at 1 and 2 in the afternoon for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesday and Thursday, my classes would be at 1 o'clock. This meant that I was done with classes by 3:00 every day. As a result, I would get to sleep in a little and I would have plenty of time for the rest of the day to do my homework and studies. I would thus have the entire evening free.
I met a cute guy while I registered and found out that we had the same classes. He was pursuing the same kind of degree that I wanted. He was also a freshman. His name was Tray Bentley and he moved to the Amherst area from Springfield. Coming from "old money", he could afford to attend a private institution like Hampshire College as well. He lived with his older brother Drake and his brother's fiancée Amber in their 3-bedroom house. Drake had graduated from Hampshire the year before and got the house from their parents as a graduation present, due to his expected marriage.
I still had 3 weeks of summer left before the fall semester started. Tray and I found that we enjoyed talking to each other. I learned that Tray had moved here at the beginning of summer. I invited him to come over to my house for swimming today and he accepted. I called Uncle Grant to ask for permission.
"Hey, I met this guy, Tray. He's new here and lives with his brother. We have the same classes. I want to invite him over to the house to swim. I'm just calling to ask if that's okay with you and Mom. He's cool. Do you mind if we hang out at the house for a while?" I pleaded.
"Yeah, that sounds fine," he agreed, and then asked, "Would you like your mom to fix you some snacks?"
"Thanks! We'll be there in about an hour. Yeah, we would love something to eat. We're starving. Some ice-cold lemonade sounds great," I answered, and hanged up the cell phone and turned to Tray.
"My Uncle Grant said that we could come on over to swim. He is going to have mom fix us some snacks. Knowing my mom, she is going to fix almost everything under the sun. Hope you're hungry. She loves to cook. When new people come over, she likes to show off," I laughed.
"That sounds great. I haven't had a good home cooked meal all summer. Unfortunately, living with my brother and his girlfriend, none of us know how to cook that much. Amber is trying to learn, but she still has a way to go. About all any of us can do is barbeque. Speaking of which, you should come over tomorrow and meet them. We are going to barbeque and would love to have you," Tray replied.
"I'll ask them for permission to make sure that nothing is planned. Then my mom will REALLY have fun feeding you! Do you want to follow me home?" I asked him.
"Yeah, that sounds good. I'll call my brother on the way and tell him what's up," he commented.
We got into our cars and he followed me home. I lived some distance from the college and our closest neighbor was about 4 miles away. My uncle had bought a large piece of land off the road, way back in the country and I loved living there. We were close enough to the city without being alienated from the country. We lived just far enough to have privacy.
I pulled off the main road onto the side road that would take us to my house. It would be another 10 minutes before we would get there. You could say that we had a LONG driveway. I pulled up in front of my house and got out of my car. I walked over to Tray's truck and waited until he got out.
"Damn girl, you really do live off in the country! Is THAT your driveway?" he asked incredulously.
"Yeah, you could say that. Though, we only own the last five minutes of land," I replied and laughed when his mouth dropped open.
"Guess that means you can afford the tuition, eh? Is your Uncle Bill Gates, by any chance?" he teased me.
I laughed at his joke, "Come on, I can see my mom and uncle watching us from the front window. It seems they are eager to meet you. We are a very close family."
"Yeah, Drake, Amber, and I are too," he commented.
Right as we got to the front door, it swung open and both Mom and Uncle Grant were standing there. You would think that this is the first boy I brought home for them to meet from the way they were acting.
"Geez, guys! Can't we even get into the house before you pounce all over the poor guy! I would like him to WANT to actually stay and swim, not want to run for the hills. I am 18-years old now and will be going to college in a few weeks. You don't have to protect me anymore. I am a big girl now!" I half-heartedly complained.
I actually thought it was somewhat cute, the way they still treated me as if I was a kid. However, I also wanted them to realize that I was an adult. I would one day be on my own, and they would not be here to protect me. My uncle dominating my mom and me didn't mean that I would stay with him in a long-term relationship. I wasn't the same kind of slave as my mom. I might continue fucking him now and then, but that was about it. I wanted to be with someone with whom I was IN love, not just loved.
"Young lady, don't talk to us in that tone of voice! I will protect you as long as I can, whether you like it or not! Now, introduce us to this young man here. Your mom has snacks out by the pool for you," he half-chided me.
"Oh, Uncle Grant! Quit treating me like a kid! I hate that! Anyway, this is Tray Bentley. Tray, this is my Uncle, Grant Gordon and my Mom, Megan Gordon. We are famished. Tray lives with his brother and his brother's fiancée, and none of them can cook other than barbeque, or at least that's what he says. Speaking of which, can I go over to their house tomorrow for a barbeque?" I responded.
"I suppose that would be ok with me, as long as it is ok with your Uncle," my mom replied to me, before turning to Tray and saying, "It's nice to meet you, Tray. You must come over for dinner one night. I love to cook, as my daughter has probably told you already! I have made sandwiches, pigs in a blanket, chips, dip, and fresh VEGETABLES! There is also some ice-cold, homemade, strawberry lemonade, which happens to be Gracy's favorite, Tray."
"Yes, that is fine with me too. Just be careful and call if you are going to be late or anything. Don't forget to keep your cell phone on, in case we need to get a hold of you," my uncle replied.
"Thanks, ya'll, but why did you make VEGETABLES, MOTHER?! You know they probably wont be eaten, what with all of the nice junk food that you made. Yes, your strawberry lemonade IS my favorite, outside of soda! Let me run upstairs and put on my bikini. Please don't interrogate him while I'm gone!" I laughed.
"Gracy Anne Gordon, you had better eat some of those veggies! You don't eat enough as it is! At least your mother was nice enough to put dip next to them. As for why she did it, well, it's not as if she had to COOK them, unlike pigs in a blanket! She had them cut up already! She just placed them on a plate. Anyway, if we want to play '20 Questions' with Tray, we will! By the way, Tray, do you have any trunks? We have plenty of trunks and swimsuits for guests," Uncle Grant interjected.
Pretending to ignore my Uncle's comment, I ran upstairs to change. As I headed up the staircase, I heard Tray inform Uncle Grant that he DID bring his own trunks, which he kept in his truck for just such an occasion.
When I came back down, I found Tray waiting by the pool, already in his trunks.
"Would you like to eat or swim first?" I asked.
"Let's eat. I'm starving. By the way, your mom's veggies look good, as do the rest of the stuff she made. I can see why you love her strawberry lemonade so much," he teased while drinking some more lemonade.
"Looks like my mom and Uncle Grant decided to give us some privacy. And you can have all of the veggies you want, just let me take credit for some of them!" I teased him back.
At this point, Uncle Grant and mom came out, telling us, "We have to go into town for a few hours. Are you guys gonna be okay by yourselves?"
"Sure, we'll be fine," I reassured them.
"Okay, but don't do anything we wouldn't do!" Uncle Grant winked at me.
"That's not saying much, Uncle Grant! I know what you 'would do'. So, can I do what you WOULD do?" I returned impishly.
"Don't get sassy with me, young lady!" he scolded me half-seriously.
"Okay, I'm sorry, but can I?" I asked again.
"Sure, but you know what I'll want from you later in return!" he warned me.
"Grant! She has company!" Megan admonished Uncle Grant.
"Watch it, Megan Renee! I may have to punish you later! Come on, let's go into town and leave these two lovebirds alone!" he ribbed all of us.
"What was that about?" Tray asked as they drove off in the Jeep.
"Uncle Grant and my mom are very 'indulgent', especially with sex," I explained.
"Do you mean that they allow... ?" he stammered.
"Me to fuck? Yes, you could say that! And then some!" I hinted.
"What do you mean by 'and then some'?" he probed, somewhat flustered.
"Let's just say that I'm no longer a virgin," I answered cryptically.
"Interesting, but what does that have to do with 'and then some'?" he inquired.
"Promise that you won't judge us?" I requested.
"No, I won't judge you," he reassured me.
"Well, you could say that my uncle saw to it that I'm not a virgin," I finally told him, waiting nervously to see his reaction.
"Wait, you mean that he popped your cherry?" he asked surprised.
"Yes. Before you ask the next question, yes, my mom knows. He also fucks her frequently," I told him.
"Damn, your family IS close! And I thought that Drake and I got a little wild!" he slipped.
"What do you mean that you and Drake are 'a little wild'? Is there anything that I should know about you guys?" I probed him curiously, knowing that I would HAVE to solve this mystery!
"Uh... well... we're not gay or anything, if that's what you're wondering! How shall I shall put it, Drake and I share quite a few things!" he stuttered to explain.
"What exactly DO you share that would make you wild?" I demanded.
"We share Amber and any girlfriends I might get," he explained.
"So, does that mean that you're both swingers?" I asked for clarity, my pussy getting wet from all of the talk of sex.
"Yeah, we're swingers," he said, beginning to harden into a bulge as he thought of fucking Gracy.
"So, do you and your mom... uh, do it?" he inquired.
"EWWW! No way! She may be a sexy woman, but she's my MOM! I would NEVER do it with my MOTHER!" I reacted, making him laugh.
After we finished eating (and to appease them, I DID eat a couple of veggies, albeit loaded with ranch dip), we decided to swim.
"Would you like to go skinny-dipping?" I invited him, while removing my bikini.
"Hell yeah, I'd love to!" he said, scrambling to drop his trunks.
It turned out that Tray was well-endowed, and I don't just mean monetarily. He could even put my Uncle to shame, and that is saying a lot, 'cause my Uncle is 8 inches long. It would appear that Tray was at least an inch or two longer and much wider. I could not wait to ride that one!
I jumped into the pool and heard him follow me in there with a splash. I dunked under the water and swam away from him. I turned my head and saw that he was gaining on me. I swam faster and laughed when he caught me in the shallow end.
"Well, look who I have caught swimming in the buff. What shall I do with her?" he teased me.
"Hmmm, what do you have in mind?" I winked at him.
"Oh, I don't know maybe take advantage of the situation and fuck her," he grinned at me.
"Mmm, I think that she would love that!" I looked down at his package through the water and saw that he was sporting a raging hard-on.
I reached out and touched it. It was silky smooth and hard as a rock. It was definitely bigger than my uncle's was. I was going to be sore after taking that one inside of me, but that did not deter me from my plans. I desperately wanted him to fuck me. I hadn't made love to my Uncle in a few days. I had not had sex with anyone else yet. He had not forbidden me to do it with others; I just hadn't found someone else that interested me, not until I met Tray.
Tray leaned over me in the water, captured my lips, and kissed me. If he had not been holding onto me, I would have swooned, which was saying a lot. I was NOT one of those girls that fainted at the slightest thing. Boy, did he know how to kiss a girl! I couldn't help but wonder if he was as good at fucking as he was at kissing! I would soon find out. I arched into him, pressing my breast into his chest, while I stroked his shaft up and down gently. I heard his sudden intake of breath when I did this.
He repaid the favor by reaching down and cupping my womanhood. I had to have him NOW!
"Tray, take me! I can't wait any longer. Please just fuck me!" I implored.
"I can't either! I must have you now! You are doing sinful things to my cock. Your Uncle has taught you well on how to touch a man. If we plan to continue this relationship, my brother will want to have you too! After all, he's been kind enough to share his fiancée with me. Though I DO plan to tease by pretending not to be willing to share you with him," he reacted.
"Oh, I certainly plan to continue THIS relationship! Is your brother, by any chance, as big as you are or BIGGER? That is naughty of you to tease your brother that way. I would LOVE to help you! Sounds like fiendish fun! When do we start?" I agreed as we walked out of the pool.
"Tomorrow too soon? I have always liked to tease my brother. Isn't that what little brothers do? Yes, he IS as big as I AM which you will find out tomorrow. You are a NAUGHTY girl, who needs to be spanked once in a while!" he replied.
"What has my Uncle Grant told you? What gave you THAT idea that I would ever need to be spanked?" I asked with mock outrage.
"Oh, HE said nothing to me. YOU gave yourself away by being eager to tease Drake! So, at 18, your uncle still spanks you?" he clued in on me.
"I refuse to answer THAT question! What makes you think that I'd let YOU spank me, even if I am naughty?" I reacted.
"Well, your NOT answering that question tells me everything I need to know, and I WILL spank you if I see fit! Something tells me we would BOTH enjoy that! So don't tempt me, or I just might spank you now!" he warned me.
I led Tray over to the chaise lounge, the same one where my uncle took my virginity, so we both could lay down on it. He began toying with my pussy and clit, getting me ready for his entry. He spread my legs and ate me out for a while. Boy, he had a way with his tongue! It didn't take too long for me to cum with his oral assault on me. By the time that I came, I was begging him to fuck me.
"Please, Tray, just stick it in me! Stop torturing me!" I begged him.
"Oh, I'm not torturing you, YET! That comes tomorrow, when both Drake and I take you! You will even experience a DP!" he said.
He climbed up on top of me and positioned himself between my spread legs. I wrapped my long legs around his hips and pulled him into me. He quickly pushed deep into me and began rhythmically screwing my brains out. He astounded me at how big his dick was. I was not use to such a large size of cock. He touched me in places that Uncle Grant had never touched before. I was enjoying every minute of it.
Given that he was the 2nd person I had ever shagged, I began to compare him with Uncle Grant. While there are clearly advantages to doing it with an older, experienced man, there are also benefits to fucking a younger, more forceful one. There was a difference and I was sure that guys compared girls too.
I grabbed a hold of him and began meeting him thrust for thrust. I even clenched my inner muscles, that I learned how to use, to milk his rod. His breathing quickened as I did this, indicating that it had its intended effect. I was unsure of how long either of us would be able to last. It seemed that he was as hot and bothered as I was. Maybe, I thought, it had a couple of days since he last had sex.
"Damn girl, you're the best lay I've ever had! It's been 3 days since I had any partner but my right hand. At this rate, if you keep milking my cock this way, I won't last very long at all! Would your uncle have any problem with us spending the night together?" he exclaimed.
"Thanks! I don't think that my uncle would have a problem with that. I can't last much longer myself! I too have gone without it a few days," I returned.
"Maybe you can ask your uncle to let you spend the night at my place tomorrow. I'm tired of only fucking when Drake and Amber are in the mood to include me. I don't mind sharing Amber, but I want to have first place in someone's life. I want a real relationship," he declared right before he came in me.
The feeling of Tray cumming in me sent me over the edge. I came with more force than I had in a long time. The tightening of my pussy muscles milked the rest of his load from his cock and balls.
We relaxed for a few minutes enjoying each other. Due to the August heat, we were both sweating. I suggested that we cool off in the pool.
"That sounds great," he told me.
After jumping into the pool, I picked up the conversation where he had left off.
"I know what you mean when you mentioned about not being first place in somebody's life. That's how I feel with my and my uncle's relationship. He would be perfectly happy for me to stay here and continue our affair. That might work temporarily, but in the end, I want to be IN LOVE with somebody and have a primary position in their life. That would NOT happen if I stayed here. Mom is my Uncle's soul mate. I want my OWN soul mate as well. I will continue to fuck my Uncle on occasion, but I am determined to move on with my life," I explained.
"That is EXACTLY the way that I feel. Drake and Amber even know that and it doesn't bother them. They want me to be as happy as they are. We just want to share our women with each other for mutual pleasure. However, we understand that Amber is Drake's lady and whomever I choose is MINE! I'm glad we met up today. I know that it's too soon to say that I actually love you, but I do believe that I'm starting to fall in love with you. I believe that we're destined for each other, if you'll pardon the cliché. We're even in the same boat sexually," he empathized.
"Like you, I agree that it is too soon to say that we're in love, but I'm starting to fall in love with you as well. It DOES seem that we're destined for each other. We're even taking the same courses for the same degree. Would you like to come up to my room to rest? I have game boxes and satellite TV. We can watch anything that we want, including porn! My uncle subscribes to several different channels and does NOT object to me watching them. After all, we are 18," I invited him.
"Given your relationship with your uncle, I imagined that he WOULD be cool with it! Sure, I would love to come up for a while. We're gonna burn if we stay in the Sun too much longer. I could use a quick, cool shower too," he accepted.
I led him up to my room, stopping along the way to get his clothes. I knew that Mom would take care of the food outside when they got back, so I didn't worry about that. When we got to my room, I showed him my private bathroom.
"You can go ahead and take your shower if you want," I offered him.
"Only if you join me!" he urged me.
"If you insist!" I teased.
"Oh, I DO insist! Very much so!" he rejoined.
"Mmm, then let's go shower off. I feel sweaty." I replied.
Tray opened the shower door and stepped into the shower. He pulled me into it with him and washed me off with the body wash. I enjoyed it when he ran his hands all over my body. The water cooled us down from the late summer heat. I relaxed even more as he washed my hair. His magical hands massaged my scalp and shoulders. He continued down my back until he reached my buttocks. I moaned in pleasure when he kneaded every knot along the way.
"I'm not sure which of us enjoys this more, you or me! You have such a smooth ass! I love rubbing it!" he observed.
"I love having it rubbed, too! Where did you learn to massage muscles this way? You are doing wonders to my body!" I reacted.
"Drake showed me a thing or two about the female body. I also used to rub my mom's shoulders. She wanted me to know how to massage. Both of them felt that it was an important thing for me to learn," he explained.
"Well, I am glad that they taught you. You learned very well," I noted.
He then pulled me back up against him and started on my front. I loved it when he played with my breasts. His hands then slipped to my cunt and wreaked havoc on me. It did not surprise me to find that I was ready to go again. He hardened, clearly ready for another round too. I turned around so I could wash him off.
I began washing him off. I enjoyed the dark, curly hair that covered his entire body. He had dark brown hair, deep brown eyes and a handsome, oval face. His body was quite muscular and lean. He even had 6 pack abs and firm buttocks. I could tell that he worked out a lot.
"I love all of your hair," I informed him.
"That's good to hear, because I have lots of it. I have found that most girls aren't attracted to hairy men," he returned.
"I am NOT most girls! 'Most girls' don't do a lot of things I do!" I firmly told him.
I finished washing him and turned off the shower. We dried each other off with the towels and I led him back into my bedroom.
"What should we do now? You mentioned that you could watch the adult channels. Maybe we can lie down on the bed and look at them," he asked me.
"Yeah, let's get on the bed and we'll find an adult movie to watch," I replied.
I climbed on the bed and Tray lay down beside me. I reached over and grabbed the remote off my nightstand. I looked through the adult movie guide for a good movie. I located one that I had seen before. It had scenes of three-ways and four-ways. It also involved deep-throating and light BDSM. This was one of my favorite films. I flipped over to it and we lay back to watch it.
"This show is steamy! The deep-throating scenes are very stimulating! That redhead really seems to enjoy the DP that she's getting from those guys!" he remarked.
"I've seen this movie many times. That redhead even gets a triple-penetration later in the movie! Your cock seems to need some attention," I said.
"Yes, it does!" he exclaimed.
I leaned over and took his enormous cock into my mouth. I looked into his eyes, watching his facial expressions. I sucked the head while licking around it. I used my tongue to play with the opening of his dick. At the same time, I played with his balls, while stroking him up and down with the other hand. I gradually took him deeper into my mouth. When it reached the entrance to my throat, I took a deep breath and plunged it all of the way down my throat. His pubic hairs tickled my nose.
"Damn, you're good! Keep this up and I will cum soon!" he cried out.
I pulled off of his cock to take a breath and replied, "My uncle taught me how to suck a man's cock. After his first blowjob, he said that I was a natural."
I resumed deep-throating him. He grabbed my head and began to thrust harder into my mouth. I swallowed to take him deeper into my throat. He wasn't able to last any longer. He grunted as he came down my throat. After he finished, I raised myself up and asked him if he enjoyed it, grinning as I teased him with a stupid question.
"Yes, I did and you know it too. What do you say we rest and watch the rest of this movie," he asked, while pulling me into the crook of his shoulder so we could relax together.
I pulled the comforter up over us and lay my head on his shoulder. I fit perfectly on the crook of his shoulder. His chest hair felt soft against my skin as we snuggled on my bed. I then heard my uncle and mom come home.
They knocked on my door and asked, "Gracy, are ya'll in there?"
"Yes, we are. We're just chillin' and watching some movies," I replied
"Okay, your mom will have dinner ready in about an hour and a half. Is Tray staying for dinner?" Uncle Grant asked us.
"Yes, I am if that is okay with you, Sir," Tray answered him.
"Of course it is fine! I am glad to see Gracy finally find someone that she likes. You 2 have fun and I will let you know when dinner is ready," my uncle responded, while I heard his footsteps moving away from my door.
We laid there and talked about the upcoming college term. We both had similar goals. Both of us wanted children, but we wanted to wait until we graduated from college. He was going to pursue a career in software engineering and I planned to work in database research. We both wanted to learn how to build a computer from scratch. That was to be a hobby, which might turn into a secondary source of income.
After what seemed like only minutes, my mother knocked on the door and announced, "Gracy, Tray, dinner's ready!"
"Okay, Mom. We'll wash up and come down," I answered.
We quickly dressed and washed up for dinner. When we got downstairs to the dining room, we noticed that Mom had made meatloaf with brown gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, and her homemade biscuits. My mouth watered at the sight of supper. She had cooked all of my favorites.
"Wow, I haven't had real mashed potatoes and meatloaf in ages! Are those homemade biscuits? My favorite! You even have real butter for them! Kewl!" Tray exclaimed.
Apparently, Amber's cooking skills lay more with INSTANT mashed potatoes than real ones and canned biscuits instead of home-cooked ones.
"This is one of Gracy's favorite meals, and about the only way she will eat her vegetables is with some kind of starch. We love to use REAL butter with our biscuits. It makes them taste SO much better!" my uncle replied to Tray.
"I'm glad that you find dinner so appealing. I hoped that you would like it. I wanted to make sure that you got a GOOD home cooked dinner, since you said that none of you know how to cook, and I insist that you take some home for your brother and his fiancée," my mom replied.
"Thank you Ma'm. They will be glad to see me tonight," he joked, "I might even be their hero tonight."
We all laughed at that joke, but we knew he was not far from the truth. My mom had taught me how to cook when I was only 8 or 9. By the time I was 12, I was able to cook complete meals by myself, and was proud of it. My favorite meal to cook was Southern Fried Chicken. Despite the fact that we lived in New England, it was the style of chicken that I most preferred.
We sat down at the table and started eating. My mom and uncle asked Tray about his career plans and more about his living situation with his brother. He didn't mention to them that he sometimes "slept with" Amber, though he DID tell them everything else. He even told them that 60% of their meals turned out either charcoaled or almost raw.
My mom offered to give them cooking lessons if any of them wished to learn. She always made it a hobby of hers to teach other people how to cook. She only did this informally and at home. Most of her "pupils" were either newlyweds or college students.
"Amber would really love that, since she lost her mother when she was 7. Her father never thought of teaching her how to cook. He never remarried, so she had no step-mother to teach her either. Drake, on the other hand, is only interested in using a barbeque pit. However, I would enjoy being taught how to cook," Tray responded.
Hi, everyone, it’s been a long time that I haven’t posted any experiences. Hope you all are having wonderful sex lives. For those who doesn’t know me, I’m Roshan well-built horny stud from Hyderabad. And you can read my previous stories by clicking the author name. Please feel free to share your comments on my mail Well coming to the story it happened yesterday on Sankranthi between me and my two aunts (my father’s sisters). We invited our aunts and uncles for Sankranthi celebrations at our...
IncestChapter 1 My name is David. I am 18 years old and just finishing high school. I live with my mom in a small apartment. We struggle a bit as my mom has had problems in the past and my dad’s not around and never has been. I don’t know anything about him my dad and I don’t want to. Mom works really hard, holding down two jobs to make ends meet. She works in a local store during the day and a late night diner most evenings. It means that I fend for myself most of the time which is fine....
ess sat quietly next to her uncle as the car sped away, leaving the teenage correctional institution behind them. She'd been locked up as a 13-year old and now that she'd turned 18 she'd had to be released. She hadn't seen her uncle in those 5 years, nobody had wanted to visit her. They all blamed her for the death of her parents and younger sister.Bess had been an uncontrollable c***d. Her parents and sister had been hit by a bus and died instantly when they were driving to pick up Bess from...
I lay perfectly still listening to his breathing, his constant shifting and jerky movements exciting me, I knew he was being naughty, but he was an adult doing an adult thing, and in the darkness of the room his close proximity stirred feelings as yet unknown or undiscovered in my being, it was secretive and primeval, it was awakening feelings of desire and I involuntary moved closer, as if being drawn in, I waited for his response, and then my heart sank as I realized he had finished, I closed...
Hi this is xxx with my real life story which happened in my 15th year. I am from a conservative Muslim family. I never ever had sex with any women or girl, but I love sex any kind it may be. Ok come to the story on that time I am just fifteen and completed my 10th & waiting for results. Me and my family has gone to Mumbai in vacation there we have stayed for more than 20 days. First 3,4 days gone smooth and enjoyable. I always sleep with my uncle who is two years elder to me. On the fifth night...
LesbianAuthor's Note: Those of you who have already read some of my other stories posted at this site may recognize specific passages in this story. In writing this story, I have chosen to make use of several excerpts--either copied over verbatim, or in most cases, edited--from other stories that I have already written. I felt like there was no need for me to "reinvent the wheel," just so that I could share this particular facet of my life story with you. * * * * * My Four Favorite...
So, my favorite thing is about to happen. I am being led into a bedroom with a large, flat, king sized bed by two of my regulars. These two guys often tag team me. That's my favorite thing.I was naked in less than 10 seconds and helped both of them with their pants. That's my favorite thing. Each cock in hand alternating balls and cocks in mouths and hands until both were supremely hard and ready.I got on my hands and knees doing my favorite thing. Sucking on one cock while getting my ass eaten...
1favoritepet’s tale She comes home from work unlocks the door and steps inside. She does not see her Master so she makes her way to the bedroom where she changes into the house clothes that He has laid out on His bed. It is a simple outfit, the color matches her skin tone, it slips over the head, has no sleeves or neck only a thin elastic band to hold it to her body. The top is connected by a single thin strand from the cleavage to the waist with a very short rippled skirt. The...
Becoming Big Brother's Favorite Afraid of coming in second place to oldest sister, Lizzy seduces her big brother big time. My older sister Emma always seemed to have everything I didn't, so when our older brother Henry started sneaking into her room at night, my jealousy hit an all time high. Henry was sort of the pride and joy of our family. All three of us females in the house favored him for different reasons. Ever since dad left us mom had sort of looked to Henry for help...
Introduction: Afraid of coming in second place to oldest sister, Lizzy seduces her big brother big time. Posting this over because the first time the formatting was so jacked you could barely even read it. I couldnt figure out what it said and I was the one that wrote it. Hope you enjoy this new unmarred version. Becoming Big Brothers Favorite Afraid of coming in second place to oldest sister, Lizzy seduces her big brother big time. My older sister Emma always seemed to have everything I...
My Favorite MILFs Day At The Beach I live in Orange County, California near one of the very large shopping malls located in this area. In fact, my apartment is only two blocks from this particular mall, which houses several of the large, high end, department stores. The type stores that have departments selling expensive women's shoes and apparel. It will soon become clear, why I mention these stores.This past Friday, my favorite MILF, girlfriend Sarah, and her on / off friend...
Ever since dad left us mom had sort of looked to Henry for help with us girls and things around the house. Since he was in college Emma looked up to him as a role model. To me, a nerdy 16-year-old who everyone seemed to ignore and forget - even at home - he was like a star. Even just a bit of attention from him would put me on cloud nine for a week, and that was partly because he never seemed to have time for me. He was always busy with classes, homework, friends, girlfriends, helping mom...
Introduction: Afraid of coming in second place to oldest sister, Lizzy seduces her big brother big time. My older sister Emma always seemed to have everything I didnt, so when our older brother Henry started sneaking into her room at night, my jealousy hit an all time high. Henry was sort of the pride and joy of our family. All three of us females in the house favored him for different reasons. Ever since dad left us mom had sort of looked to Henry for help with us girls and things around the...
When was about eight my dads brother married married someone about 10 years younger than him. His k**s were my age. I stayed with them a lot. She was 11 years older than me. She became very close to his k**s and my self. She took us many places to have fun. After about six years they divorced. My cousins and I were very sad. She was a petite 5ft tall very beautiful women. Fast forward twelve years. I stayed close with my cousins. I was 28 now. One day my cousin called and said M had moved back...
Note : This story is completely fictional! *** From Gracy’s point of view After the day my uncle took my cherry, I continued to have sex with him from time to time. Mom and he decided to have an open relationship. I enjoyed fucking him, but I did not do anything with Mom. It was a turn-on seeing Mom eaten out and fucked. Aside from that, I was not interested and she felt the same way. After all, she’s my MOM! The way I felt about it was EWWWWW, NOT with my MOM! I mean, doing it with my Uncle...
IncestTHE FAVORITE I sat at home, alone and in just an A-shirt and boot socks. Almost into the television, but much more into the memory about the hot time with the guy who’d left an hour or so before. The growling of my stomach soon put me in the kitchen, still in recall, but I prepared my pork chops to be seasoned. A few minutes after I put them in the oven, I heard a knock on the kitchen door. I stepped into the bedroom, slipped on a pair of shorts and then went to the door to see who was there....
THE FAVORITE I sat at home, alone and in just an A-shirt and boot socks. Almost into the television, but much more into the memory about the hot time with the guy who’d left an hour or so before. The growling of my stomach soon put me in the kitchen, still in recall, but I prepared my pork chops to be seasoned. A few minutes after I put them in the oven, I heard a knock on the kitchen door. I stepped into the bedroom, slipped on a pair of shorts and then went to the door to see who was there....
Favorite Things By Donna Williams "We'll be dining out for Christmas dinner tomorrow, Marie. You don't need to slave over dinner this holiday." "That sounds wonderful," I responded. I so rarely have a day off from my maid duties, since I confided my cross-dressing desires to my wife three years ago. "Finish cleaning the kitchen and go to bed early Marie. Santa won't come if you're awake. I want you wear your little girl, pink, satin pajamas to bed, so when my little girl wakes,...
This is a work of adult fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. Readers who have reached the legal age of consent in their jurisdictions are welcome. This story may NOT be reproduced or posted anywhere without the express written permission of the author. Simonnedanielle1204 @hotmail.com - All Rights Reserved. Synopsis: Paul is an absurdly small and definitely curious fifteen year old. He has this irresistible urge to discover, up close and...
This is my first attempt at erotic literature so.... it is what it is lol this is a story of sissification and cuckolding so if your not into that you have been warned Embarrassment and arousal... how and why those two things combine in me I dont exactly know, but I have spent many hours pondering the thought, and yearning for it. My current girl friend, my goddess, the one I am hoping is the one, she has obviously spent some time thinking about the same thing. I sit here right now...
My Favorite MILF Took A Creampie To The MallMy last story was a detailed account of the day my favorite Milf Sarah, and her Friend Lisa, went to the beach. They chose a distant, and fairly private spot to put down their towels. After enjoying the sun for a while, they became hungry. The remote section of beach they settled on was almost a half mile from the concession area, but the girls, (actually I should say women, because they are both over 50 years old) didn’t mind the walk down to the...
My favorite Aunt and the Divorcee Landlady By Julie D Like most trannies it all started with a favorite aunt and progressed through a series of experiences such as sexy landladies. I have been an avid reader of FM for the last two years since I got a PC. I was told about the site from a fellow TV in one the London clubs I used to go to as Julie. I go into the site most days to see if their are any interesting stories as some are very rewarding when you are alone and feeling...
My Wife's Favorite By Squidonhead Copyright Notice ©(2017) AUTHOR OR PUBLISHER. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this book may be reproduced or copied without the expressed written permission of the Author. This book is a work of fiction. Characters and events in this novel are the product of the author's imagination. Any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincident CHAPTER TWO I...
Copyright© 2006 SexyBeast "To you, the best mother a guy could ever ask for," Erik said, chinking his glass against his mother's in a toast. They were both drinking mimosas, as they were at brunch. "Thank you, sweetie, you're very nice," Rita answered. She leaned over and kissed her son on the cheek after sipping her mimosa. They were sitting at a small wrought iron table outside in the sunshine at one of their favorite restaurants. They were in a small, secret garden in the rear, which...
It had been a few days since they had last had a chance to have sex and it had only been a quicky and as much as she loved any sex with him she was really feeling the need to climax. He would be at work for another few hours yet so she went to the bedroom and got a few toys out of her top draw and settled down on the sofa with just a silk dressing gown on, her laptop opened on her favorite porn website and her toys next to her on the sofa. She didn't often use her toys much but sometimes when...
Straight SexIntroduction: exava has always been my favorite card. and i wanted to write an action, romance and lust filled fan fiction for her. but i have so many other cards i love too. so i decided to make them all characters. so enjoy Chapter 1: of love and lust youre lucky my master has mercy a woman spoke with a dark tone picking another woman up by the throat and tossing her aside rakdos the other woman winced in pain he is no longer my master. and if was youd be dead. she sighed happily concider...
One very faithful Friday night, my mom called to let me know she had to work overtime. My dad wasn't home from work yet, but I knew he'd be home soon. I decided to take up an opportunity and hit the liquor store. I figured getting both my dad and I tipsy, would be a lot more fun than us having sex while sober. At the liquor store, I managed to purchase two bottles of my favorite wine, Arbor Mist. As soon as I got home, I saw my dad's car in the driveway and knew the fun was about to begin....
By the time I arrived at the home of my grandmother in Chicago, I had convinced myself that this would be the most boring and wasted weekend I had ever spent. My parents had moved away from the city years before, when I was in junior high. We visited my grandparents regularly in the years since, and my parents continued to do so after I left for college. Grandpa died a few years ago and left my grandmother, whose health is excellent and whose mind is still competent, in charge of their large...
Maybe I was giving up. I was five months into my year of teaching in Korea, and all I had managed with the ladies was a spontaneous blowjob in a kiss booth on Hooker Hill. Although it was the best blowjob of my life, the girl turned out to be a bit of a flake. Every time I called her, she encouraged me to visit her in the kiss booth again. But that was an expensive dead end, and if I kept going back for whatever she offered, I would have started to hate myself. If this was the most I could get...
InterracialFucking My Favorite Blonde MILF Getting to know herI have several damn hot stories to tell about a very special woman I have been seeing for almost 6 years. I have already posted one I wrote, and one written by her. The titles of those stories refer to her as “My Favorite Milf ”. I had a few people tell me how they felt those stories, as well as any future ones I post about her, could be better if they new more about the real person she is. So here are a bunch of short tales that I hope you...
This is a true story about a two night getaway with my favorite MILF escort. She and I have spent more than 500 nights together over the past six years. We have an awesome relationship which is far outside the usual bounds of client, provider. We have traveled together for weeks at a time, and this happens to be one of the most interesting Times we’ve had together. After returning home, she wrote this story in its entirety, with some intentions of posting it in a women’s forum she is part of....
I always remember the first no matter how many times I get to watch. Every time I see her fucking I remember seeing that first cock push her lips apart, hearing her initial cries as it slipped inside her horny cunt. Seeing how wet she was, seeing her juices coating his entire shaft. Remembering how she had sucked him first, looking at me as she took his cock in her mouth, stroking the wet shaft while she sucked his balls. How she lay down for him, pulled him on top of her. Seeing her legs...
CuckoldIt was when I was a young Teenager that I started developing sexual feelings for my Aunt Tammy. Aunty Tammy was always the flirty open sexual type. She has long dirty blond hair, she was always on the thick side, not fat, thick. Nice big ass and big beautiful tits and all the meat in the right places.The good things started happening when I moved in with her, my Uncle, and my Cousins. Living with people eventually everyone becomes comfortable around each other. Ya can walk around in your...
I am a twenty-seven year old woman who has been married five years and has two beautiful girls. A few months ago my husband got three XXX-rated videos for us to watch because he knew I had never seen any and he wanted to spice up our sex life. We watched the first two videos and although my husband was very aroused, they were just OK with me. Then he put on the last one. WOW - did it get to me. Its plot was simple, a gang rape. Five male bikers are driving down a country lane when they see a...
Group SexI stop at this gas station almost every morning. I know all the current employees and owner, as I have for the last five years I have come here. All have their own unique personalities and sexual appetites. I have my favorites, as I am sure they have their own personal favorite customers.It is owned by two brothers who couldn’t be more opposite. Seth, the older, more laid-back Arab brother, is in a very unhappy, boring arranged marriage. He is a gentle, caring lover. He likes sex on clean...
Quickie Sex"youre lucky my master has mercy" a woman spoke with a dark tone picking another woman up by the throat and tossing her aside "rakdos" the other woman winced in pain "he is no longer my master. and if was youd be dead." she sighed happily "concider yourself lucky" she said again walking into the night. "oh master you're home!". a woman in bloodied armor that barely covered her squeed as a man walked in. she glomped him. "oh master how was your day!?" she asked excitedly. "it...
I was shocked when one of the other teachers, one of my best buds, showed me the story. Of course I knew who had written it. Everyone could have guessed. She was a unique seventeen yeard old girl. She wasn’t makeup-and-clothes-obsessed, she wasn’t a mouthy brat, she wasn’t an angst-ridden teenager, she just was who she was. Her hair was a shade of red you could never bottle. Her eyes were hazel, my favorite eye-color on a woman, always swirling with emotions and mystery. She liked the same...
Winds of Change Feeling completely relaxed in the warm, tingly afterglow of the best orgasm experience in her life, Jean felt different. The fog of satisfaction coated a dull but persistent feeling that something was different. It was easy to ignore however and shifted her attention back on the pictures and video Ben took of her. She felt like an exotic creature of the woods. Lying on the ground naked in the forest, her senses heightened, the mental wash of the high energy level of...
There be Forest Nymph’s here! The shower tub just fit the two of them as they washed each other. The lukewarm water refreshed their skin and state of mind. The day outside was in the nineties already and the humidity was over eighty percent. The cottage didn’t have central air conditioning but each room had a window unit in it and a wall unit in the living room similar to the ones found in hotels. Once the cottage was closed up, the A/C units did their job pretty good. The bathroom...
I would like to say first that I appreciate your comments on my first version of this story. They helped me focus on a few things that needed attention which encouraged me to write this revised edition. If you have read the previous version, please read this one. I would like to know your take in a sort of "before and after" snapshot on whether the story flows better or not. By all means, keep the comments coming. Also, if you’d like, please send me a private message to discuss the...
“Pass it and turn it up!” She had that infectious grin on her face and reached for my pipe with her small nimble fingers.I handed it to her and without hesitation, she brought it to her beautiful full lips, lit the lighter and took a deep hit. I was mesmerized by her. I always had been. Her small frame squirmed, dancing in the overstuffed armchair and took another hit. Music. It was always music with her. Whenever she was around there was an endless supply of music she could dance to. I looked...
Oral SexMy favorite guy to give a tit wank is a former boyfriend I refer to as the “big seeper.” (He’s not to be confused with the “big cummer,” the subject of one of my blow job stories.)He’s my favorite because of the incredible amount of pre cum he always emitted. It was amazing! I absolutely loved it. He produced more pre cum than anybody I have ever been with. He told me he never felt so aroused with any other woman.I love the feel of cum on my tits and the excitement I experience when a guy...
Straight SexAmina glanced out of the palace window, searching the cloudy skies for the moon. The bright crescent had almost reached its zenith, and Hakim would be here soon. He had no obligation to be on time, no one commanded a Sultan to be anywhere, but she knew that he would be punctual for Amina. He always was. She walked over to her large bed. The most expensive silk sheets in the entire palace covered a mattress so soft that Amina was convinced a feather would sink into it. Sleeping on his perch...
HistoricalI noticed in the afternoon that my stupid Boss was in danger as I thought about killing him; but I suddenly saw it was time to leave the office; so the lucky bastard survived one more day to my fury and anger…All I wanted as I drove my car, was getting home, enjoy a warm relaxing shower and fuck my sensual wife during all night long…But I found Jerome’s car parked at our driveway…Once inside the living room, I got a full sight of that nigger bastard sitting at my favorite recliner, with his...
The house looked deserted as it always did these days. As Anne parked in the drive, her mind drifted back. They’d had so many picnics and parties in the back yard over the years but she had some favorite ones that she always replayed in her mind whenever she found herself here. He would be asleep. She knew his schedule and always tried to arrive when he was sleeping. She told him that it was the best time of day for her and he accepted that at face value. But sitting here, reliving the...
IncestWe all need role models. My personal favorite is a first class cocksucker I met out West while serving in the military. He was a piano player in a local lounge near the training facility I was attending. The back room of the lounge doubled as a private after-hours bar for selected clients. Our facility provided the majority of those who were selected: young, hung, horny studs.Don't get me wrong, this wasn't the backroom/black room, anything goes kind of gay bar scene. No, it seemed to be a...
It was a nice warm summer day, so I decided to go to the beach and work on my tan. I got out my favorite little black bikini, it’s my favorite bikini because it’s the only one I’ve found that really holds up my double D breasts and makes them look nice and perky.its also got a matching pair of thong bottoms that really show off my ass. After the bikini I put on my little jean daisy duke shorts, the ones that let you see the bottom half of my ass. And a cute little tank top.then I pulled my hair...
My latest trip to my favorite hot springs had a different, somewhat less exhibitionistic tone than my last two visits. Rather than doing my nude adventure weekend at the campground, where I was the only one naked and really pushing the limits a little too far, I drove closer to the springs and hiked in on the road, camping i*****lly right below the springs.I stayed dressed for the drive this time. That was a good idea, because I ended up having to stop a few times, and getting dressed would...
My name is Tiffany. I'm nearing fiffty, and recently a granma thanks to my eldest one who just had his first born. Despite all this, I still look amazing from head to toe and I actually feel more like thirty.My youngest one moved out just a few years back and I've been living by myself ever since. I divorced their dadd when my youngest was still in diapers, come to think of it so was my eldest, but it was only at night due to his compulsive bedwetting issue which took the poor boy over a decade...
I first started corresponding with Amanda on Adult Friend Finder a couple years ago after using the site for about 6 months. She was a gorgeous redhead about 5 1/2 feet tall with a great, big tits with the most recognizable nipples and amazingly curvy body. Her nipples truly mesmerized me, they were thick and bright pink surrounded by somewhat small areolas compared to her breast size. Those nipples creep into my imagination time after time since our adventures between the sheets. It didn't...
I was shocked when one of the other teachers, one of my best buds, showed me the story. Of course I knew who had written it. Everyone could have guessed.She was a unique seventeen yeard old girl. She wasn't makeup-and-clothes-obsessed, she wasn't a mouthy brat, she wasn't an angst-ridden teenager, she just was who she was. Her hair was a shade of red you could never bottle. Her eyes were hazel, my favorite eye-color on a woman, always swirling with emotions and mystery. She liked the same music...
TabooA WELL-ENDOWED STUD IS HIS WIFE’S FAVORITE TOURIST ATTRACTIONMy wife and I have always fantasized about her getting fucked by some big stud, and she sure got all of that and then some on our last trip to the Caribbean this past January. On the second day of our vacation, I noticed a very well-hung man coming across the nude beach and asked if that was the sort of guy she wanted. Jan answered with an enthusiastic yes, adding that she’d try to wangle an introduction. We spent the rest of the...
*I didnt write this, just wanted to get this hot story out there more. This story makes me so horny and hard because I always wanted to fuck my big tits and round ass sexy aunt... by TooMuchTime ([email protected])Copyright(c) 2003, TooMuchTime. All rights reserved.I wasn't happy. For months, I'd been looking forward to my parents' vacation, if only because it meant I'd have the house to myself for two weeks -- the big dream of any 14 year old boy. Then, at the last minute, my stupid...
I have to warn you right from the start this isn't a pretty story. I'm only writing this on paper because the judge says I have to. Well, not the judge, but you. But since the judge said I have to see you, well....My name is John, and I'm the youngest of five k**s. All girls, except me, of course, and there's only about a year that separates our ages. We were raised on a farm about a hundred miles from the city—it might as well have been a million miles—my dad never took us there. He believed...
Hello Indian sex stories readers, myself Kiran from Pune, I have completed my B.Tech this year and right now seeking a job.. The story that I’m gonna narrate is actually a incident or you can say my luck or destiny.. It’s all about me and my college mam how we got intimated and are in a relationship.. So here we go.. It all started in 2nd year of my B.Tech, after first year all the students were separated to their respective branches so was I, the college started as usual and new faculties were...
When my mind wanders, it often meanders into erotic memories of Nancy, my favorite Filipina from my past. She was a DJ/VJ at a club in Manila, very out-going, quick to laugh and tease, usually horny, slightly kinky, and often enjoyed indulging her bi-sexual lusts. One of my favorite memories of our fun together started with a night out with a group of friends bar-hopping around to some of Manila club's. Later, we were well into a night of partying and dancing, and I took a break from the dance...
I’m writing to tell you about my husband’s favorite fantasy. I didn’t know he had this fantasy until it happened. He knows I am writing and doesn’t object.Several days ago, I was reading your book and one of the letters excited me. The writer spoke about “whacking off her cunt” which referred of course to playing with her pussy. I had never heard that expression and I thought I’d like to read about her whacking off her cunt, while I whacked off my cunt. My husband wasn’t due home for two or...
television show of all time is "The West Wing." I think Aaron Sorkin is beyond genius as a writer. Wait, what did you think I was going to blog about? Did you guess I was going to recount some lip-biting sexual fantasy that would have you jerking on your hot rod until the sweat dripped down your tense thighs? I mean just because it's a porn site am I therefore restricted to cocks and pussy alone? Lol, you're right, I completely should be. Though I will say that this show was so good I bought...