RoomersChapter 13 free porn video

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Summertime, and the living oughta be easier. I stood in the window and tried to feel positive. I'd moved Annie and the kids up to the top floor, got myself a little privacy. She didn't seem to mind: needed her space too, I guess. Kids bothered me a tad though. Little Doug watched me like a dam' hawk, copied me some, and Lizzie kept bringing me daisy chains, pretty stones, stuff like that, so my coffee table was littered with dead flowers and gravel. I went to fetch another beer, got interrupted by the phone.

'Yeah?' Kinda abrupt, I guess.

'Doug? It's Kirsty.' Well, shit, that's better.

'Hey, Kirsty, how's it goin'?' Long pause.

'Uh, that's why I'm calling. Mom and Dad are fighting again, and Tanya's at camp, thank goodness, but I can't bear watching them. Can I come rent my room early? I have to get ready for next year, and the workload's going to be terrible and I'm getting worried already and... ' Pause, and I could almost feel the blush.

'And what?'

'And I'd like to see you.' Funny thing, as she was speaking I had two mental images. One kinda normal, her and me and the horizontal tango, but the other was her with little Doug and Lizzie. Didn't stop to consider: shows how goddam desperate I was.

'Kirsty, you promise to spend two days a week with little Doug and Lizzie, keep them outa the way so's I can start organizing stuff, the room's free till school starts. Days might vary, but you'll for sure have five clear. Could you be good with that?' There was a smile in her voice when she answered.

'I've got a car now, guilt present from Dad, so I could maybe do things with them, go swimming, stuff like that.' Like she was reading my mind. Real weird.

'So get your ass down here soon as you like, girl. Pains me to say it, but I'm real glad your folks are fightin'. When you gonna arrive?'

'This evening too soon?' Damn, that'll be nice.

'Cold cuts, salad, peaches, seven thirty. Be here or go hungry.' She giggled and hung up. Damn, but I sure can pick 'em.

Annie was in the old rocker on the back porch. Her hair was growing out blonde again, so she looked kinda strange, but she was cryin' less than she had been. Bull by the goddam horns, I thought, or we're gonna be tiptoeing round this till Christmas.

'Annie, we gotta start thinkin' about gettin' stuff straight before school starts. Shit, girl, it's mid July already. You got any ideas?' She sat up and looked straight at me.

'I been thinkin' that too, Doug, and that you been real patient, real kind, gentle with the kids. Makes me wanna hug you till you burst.' Jeez, today's a good day after all.

'Hell, Annie, any time you like. I'm good for that.' Her face clouded.

'I ain't sure I'm ready to screw yet.' I should fuckin' hope not: for all I knew those rednecks had given her the goddam clap.

'We're talkin' huggin', not screwin', woman, and don't you be so dam' apologetic. No gratitude either, remember? I fuckin' hate that. Whaddya think I am? Some kinda sex maniac?' Hard stare, then a grin.

'Course you're a fuckin' sex maniac, Doug, every chance you get. Now you listen to me. I been thinkin' about how Ray let me down, how I let him down, how both of us did it because of little Doug and Lizzie. Reason he fucked up in the first place was because he thought goin' down that route, he'd be doin' better by them. Dam' idiot, but his heart was good. What I did to him, that was for the kids too, and I'd do it again in a shot, I had to. Hurts like hell though. I'll learn to live with that, my own time, my own way, and when I done that we'll see how we feel. Now, you want me to hug you or not?' Shit, what do you do?

'You gonna get your ass over here?' She was next to me in a flash, arms wide open. I put mine round her, and she squeezed me so dam' hard I nearly shit. Fact is, holding her felt so dam' right I pulled her closer, nipped her ear kinda gentle. She gasped real quiet, pushed me away.

'I said I ain't ready for that, Doug. I'm still kinda flakey and that'd fuck you up real bad after a while, less you've changed one hundred eighty degrees. What you said before though, truth is I can't think much beyond tomorrow right now, so it's gonna be down to you for a while yet. I'm real sorry.' Me too, I thought. I realized the kids had joined us, looking kinda pleased, and a wave of fear ran through me.

'I got a few ideas. Run them past you tomorrow, see if they salute.' Funny thing, part of me kinda liked the picture we made, then the paranoia came back, so I disentangled myself, went and looked out my bay window. Safest place to be, you ask me.

Pressure had been building, I guess, and when I saw a car pull up, Kirsty get out, I felt a sense of relief almost, real unusual. Didn't go help her though: no point setting precedents. Waited for the bell, opened for her, gave her the hug then. Seemed pleased with that, and again when I took the biggest case, hauled it up the stairs for her.

'Gonna have to give you Donna's room, Kirsty. Annie and the kids are on the top floor. That OK?' She rolled her eyes.

'Anywhere that isn't a war zone, Doug, and as long as I can visit some.' The old blush made its appearance, but I didn't call her on it. Gave her another hug though.

'C'mon down when you've washed up an' all, I'll lay out how I wanna organize this.'

'Mr. Control front and center, huh?' Didn't really understand what she meant, but she was smiling so I let it ride.

Annie was kinda surprised to see Kirsty, but the kids looked happy, and when I mentioned the plan, them to spend time doing activities with her while Mom and I went to do grownup stuff, they started telling the world what they wanted to do, how often, where, didn't stop at all hardly. I kinda wished they'd stayed with just nodding, but Annie looked pleased, so I let it alone, thought about Kirsty and the horizontal tango, hoped Annie would be cool with it. Wasn't too worried, but you never know. When they jumped up, told the kids to clear the table, went to see to the dishes together, I felt kinda smug, sat back and hoped it worked out. Damned if I was gonna carry the whole weight. Right after that, Annie scooped the kids up, gave me a kiss on the cheek, took off upstairs. Kirsty came sat next to me on the couch, leaned back, her head against my shoulder.

'She looks a lot better than she did before. She said you'd been very kind, and asked me if I knew you're an enigmatic set of paradoxical contradictions.' Jesus Christ.

'Annie never said anything like that in her life, Kirsty. Figured you'd get on though. Whaddya wanna do now?' Hoping for a real positive answer.

'Unpack, help Annie put the kids to bed, and then come say hello properly.' Hell, I've heard worse.

I was still on the couch when she reappeared, gave me a shy kiss.

'Everyone settled, Poppa Doug, and I'm going to say some things to you, but when we're in bed, so you can't escape. Are there any more chores left?' I swear I don't know shit about women. Kinda depressing, considering how much I like 'em.

'Why are we still out here?' I shooed her into the bedroom, went to fix a nightcap for us both. Big one for her. "In vino veritas", I read somewhere; five minutes, we were in bed, propped up and sipping, my arm round her, stroking her breast.

'First thing, I'm on the pill, because it seemed like a good thing to do.' Dam' right, I thought, and cheered up some. 'Second, ' she went on, 'I've had a nice talk with Annie. She started it, so I thought it wasn't against the rules. I mean, the friend of my friend ought to be my friend too: right?' I guess that's one way of looking at it.

'Hell, Kirsty, I guess that's one way of lookin' at it. Annie and you are sure kinda different though.' She shook her head.

'We're from different backgrounds, and her schooling was sorta skimpy, and she's twenty years older than me, but we've got a lot in common.' She reached down and stroked my cock. 'Apart from liking this, I mean. And the rest of you as well.' Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Whatever next?

'Kirsty, I gotta say, you've sure changed. You wanna explain that? I mean, I'd kinda like to understand.' She chuckled.

'Your fault, and a good thing too. I mean, I was the one who pushed you, and I still don't know where I got the nerve, but the way you did it was so kind and thoughtful; clever too. I was wanting to get it all right straight away, and now I know that's not the point, and somehow I seem to know more about people too. It's like you made me grow up.' She wanted to think bullshit, fine by me.

'You guys come to any conclusions while you were dissectin' me?' She nodded vigorously, as if she'd been hoping I'd ask.

'When I said I didn't have a clue what had happened to her she just smiled and said she knew that already, because the few principles you had were mostly good and not gossiping is one of them.' Balls.

'Kirsty, you gotta stop putting Annie's words into psychspeak. Makes my head spin. What she said to you was real direct, fulla cussin' an' all. I know her, remember?' The blush had a quick outing, then she relaxed and grinned.

'It's what she meant. Then she told me that liking you was great, but loving you was a disaster, and she'd seen it happen twice and both times you did something so they stopped loving you. And that if you wanted something real bad, get out of your way fast. Is that true? I think she was warning me, but in a nice way.' Oh, shit.

'Annie don't lie too much. I got burnt bad when I was younger and now I guess I ain't so great at compromise. Always makes me feel kinda trapped, real antsy, start behavin' badly. I am who I am, I guess.' Didn't say I lie a tad more than Annie does. Kirsty stroked my cock again, squeezed gently.

'Then she said had you done that thing with your tongue yet, and I said yes, and we started laughing, and then she looked thoughtful and said it wouldn't spoil what she and you had, and when it was the other way round she'd help me with that. She's a very wise person, Doug.' Holy shit. I made a mental note to give Annie another hug real soon. All of a sudden I felt real relieved, real horny too. She noticed the horny part and squeezed again.

'You foolin' with my body, girl?' No reply, but she plucked my glass out of my hand, put it with hers on the bedside table, wriggled down the bed till she was horizontal.

'Yes. But I want you to fool with mine first.'

'Mebbe I could show ya that thing with my tongue again. Can't recall doin' that for a while.' Sure didn't want her feeling needy and the party trick's always a good ice breaker. Didn't trust her to stay aboard without killing me though, so I slipped off the bed, hauled the covers back.

'What are you doing?' Hopeful but puzzled.

'Gonna show you the luxury version. Now get your ass down here, bring a pillow with you.' She scooted down the bed in a flash, eyes bright, keen to learn, and I spent a while teasing her, arranging everything just so, stuff like that. Noticed while I was tucking the pillow under her ass that she'd trimmed her bush some and there was naturally alkaline activity going on in the target area: seemed like lube wasn't gonna be high on the shopping list. I guess I spun the preparations out some, and she was looking kinda flushed, scent of need coming off her like steam from a goddam kettle.

'Don't be mean, Doug. Please?' Shit, I love it when they ask nicely, so I dipped into the swamp without teasing her no more. She loved that, breath hissing as she inhaled, legs opening wider, pelvis rocking up to meet my tongue. Maybe she'd give me a certificate of competence, I did real good.

It's kinda difficult to explain how much I enjoy eating a woman. Some of it's pure taste and texture, I guess, but on top of that, you go down on them good, they like to show appreciation. Plus, I have a sorta special fondness for BJ's, better than the main course sometimes, and it's crossed my mind that mebbe the party trick is one more form of delayed gratification. Worked for Kirsty, sho' nuff. I ran my tongue over and round the ball park while she muttered, tried to get it all at once. Then her hands reached down, pushed my head harder into her crotch.

'Quickly, before I burst.' Her voice was a strangled grunt and I had to reposition, but when I got the angles right she moaned deep in her throat, settled down to enjoy. I used the whole box of tricks on her, didn't let her escape, and I swear she was nearly sobbing by the end. Sadistic Doug. Took pity on her then, pushed hard, nose pressing on her clit, tip of my tongue trying to drill through her G spot, and she went fuckin' ballistic, humping my mouth, squawking like a dam' parrot, all kinds of extravagance. Couldn't scarcely believe the noise coming out of her. What with the teasing and the holding back and making sure she had a nice time, I was hard as wood, started wondering if mebbe women could sense when a guy got turned on by muff diving, made them want to give something real good back. I was pondering that some when Kirsty's hands pushed my head away.

'No more, Doug, please, or you'll have to explain to my Dad how you killed me.' I realized I'd been pinning her hips with both arms while I worked on her, and her voice sounded as if she was having a goddam stroke: I felt a tad ashamed for not paying attention.

'Shit, Kirsty, I'm sorry. I guess I got kinda carried away there. Easy to lose yourself when everything tastes so good.' Always a killer line, and she smiled to herself, hitched herself back up the bed.

'Come hold me while I get my breath back and then I'll show you what I can do.' When I was back up and comfortable she nestled into the crook of my arm, let her hand drift down to my cock, real nice, and I flexed it, show her that I was ready any time.

Well, shit, I gotta say she did pretty well. Plenty of tongue work, lips closed, teeth well out of the way, steady rhythm. I was the technical kind, I'd have given her a six. Got to the point where I was having to hold back some, and then she rubbed me delicately right below my asshole. Plain to see she'd been doing some research and I felt a little stab of admiration, let myself go, and damned if she didn't take the full load, swallowed convulsively, then looked up at me, eyes hopeful. Better to show approval.

'Jeez, girl, suddenly you got a style of your own. You been readin' books again?' She gave me a final lick, hitched herself up and settled against me.

'You're not just saying that just to be nice?' Only a little bit.

'No need to watch too many more films, girl, and that's the truth. Practice any time you want' She was pleased with that and dozed for a little, woke up for a slow and easy main course, went back to sleep again. I waited a while, slipped out of bed, fixed myself a fresh drink, went to the window. Only ten o'clock, and there was life on the street still, cars drifting by, the occasional jogger. I sipped scotch and thought about how BJ's are real good personality indicators. Could be there's an original doctorate hiding in that fact somewhere for anyone who could get the funding. Hell, without any dam' funding would be good too. Annie could help some when she quit being so goddam sentimental about dumbshit Ray, plus mebbe an appendix on girls who didn't. I tried to drag my mind back to Annie's problems, but the BJ's kept crowding in. Couldn't much help it, but my mind slipped back some, settled on the class reunion.

The seven year reunions are always kinda big: college tradition, I guess. I'd taken to checking them out, see who I recognized. Fact is, there's a type of woman who thinks a nostalgia fuck don't count. Well, hell, no more it does, but that ain't the point.

The auditorium was full of the usual mix: people pretending they hadn't changed, proving they had, wishing they had, wishing they hadn't, wondering if they should; everyday blend of the made it's and the wannabe's. I was sipping beer, scanning the room, when my heart rate doubled. I gotta admit, I thought some before going over. She'd been the first one I hurt bad, and I guess I beat myself up some at the time. On the other hand, so what?

'Hey, Judy, long time.' Seven years hadn't made a lotta difference. Little thinner in the face maybe, hair styled a little more expensive, but still the same girl. Didn't have the "I got kids" look, no wedding ring neither. She flushed slightly as she caught me noticing.

'Doug!' She was wearing the same goddam scent, I swear, and it was like being dragged back in time. After about a thousand years she let go and I sucked oxygen hard. She leaned back and looked at me.

'Nothing changes, huh? You look pretty much the same, I guess.' She took a deep breath. 'Lot of water under the bridge though.' Love those goddam clichés.

'Hell, Judy, you ain't changed hardly at all either. Recognized you right away. Whatcha doin'? Still salvagin' screwed up kids?' She cracked a small smile.

'I'm a psychologist dealing with troubled juveniles, if that's what you mean.'

'Always did have a weakness for the whack jobs, I recall. How's the doc?' No harm reminding her why we split. She flushed, and I imagined the warmth spreading down under the professional neckline of her conservative dress and staining the top surface of her freckled breasts.

'Uh, Not any more.' She pulled herself together. 'What about you? What's new?'

'Hell, Judy, not a lot, tell the truth. Came into a little money, bought a big ol' house, rent rooms to college kids. Live good enough, read some, go to the gym, have a pretty nice time.' She shook her head.

'You really haven't changed. Do I get to see it?' Voice sorta hesitant. Well, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. The group she was with were looking kinda impatient so no time to fuck around.

'Shit, girl, any time you want. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner, take your pick.' Kinda daring, but seemed to me she'd relaxed some, smile more natural, body language, stuff like that. The hug had been real promising too.

'Lunch would be safer, I think.' She glanced round, flapped her hand at whoever she'd been talking to, dropped her voice. 'Give me the address and tell me a time. Marcy Steiner needs to tell me all about her divorce.' She rolled her eyes comically, dug in her bag for a pen, kissed my cheek before she hurried off.

Well, shit. I didn't stay to check out the rest of the crop, just went home, planning a little. Didn't sleep great either: I mean, I was up and fretting by eight-thirty, for Christ's sake, ain't like me at all.

I gotta admit I went to the gym that morning. I never been a big fan of exercise, but I learned a while back that when my body goes south my mind kinda follows it, so I went at it a mite hard. By the time I was home I knew how I was gonna play it. Older, wiser, a tad wary. Not cynical, please note, nor bitter: my view, that tends to turn women off some, but bruised and skeptical just cries out for understanding.

Couldn't go stand in my front window, case she thought I was waiting for her, so I sat in the kitchen and practiced smart dialog. Then I got to wondering why it mattered so much. Chances were she just wanted to show she was sorry; I cracked a beer, started planning how to help her do that, and was kinda surprised when the bell rang.

'Hi, Judy, welcome to Casa Doug.' She was wearing a little skirt, some kinda scoop neck top, flat shoes, just a hint of makeup. Tell the truth, she looked hotter than chili. 'Hell, girl, you look good. Howdya do it? Witchcraft?' She snorted.

'Being a woman isn't easy. I thank God every day for good genes. This house is lovely: can I have the ten cent tour?'

Fact is, I kinda like showing the place off. I mean, I done a pretty good job on it, and she oohed and aahed, made all the right noises, I never thought you had it in you, real pleasing. Course, I saved my apartment till last, and when I opened the door from the hallway and ushered her in, she stopped dead after two paces.

'This is really nice, Doug. You had help with it though, didn't you?' Well, shit.

'Hell no. I spent years plannin' how I wanted to live. Go look at the rest while I play in the kitchen.' She came through after a while, sat at the kitchen table, poured herself a glass of the wine I'd put out.

'Totally you. Books everywhere, not one square foot of closet space for anyone else, and a bidet in the bathroom.'

'Hell, Judy, there's times I need to wash my ass; there's times guests like that too. Nothing wrong with hygiene, courtesy neither.'

'That says it all. I'm impressed though. This place must have cost a fortune.'

'Told you I came into some money; thought if I was only gonna do it once, might as well do it right. Paillard of chicken, green salad, fruit: good for you?' She took a sip of wine and nodded, and I fixed and served, sat opposite her. She looked at her plate and half smiled.

'Presentation still important, huh?'

'Eat your dam' lunch, girl, and relax, why don't you?' She took a forkful of salad and chewed kinda absently.

'You never answered my calls, nor my letters after we... ' Ah hah.

'Hell, Judy, you'd kinda made your mind up, and I never known the "we can still be friends" line work for real. Time's about the only cure, I guess.' Look of rueful confession. 'Kinda shameful, but there was a part of me wanted to hurt you.' Mature Doug. Regrets but no apology. 'Leave that aside, I guess. Is it OK to ask what happened with the doc?' She drained her glass and refilled it. Hmmm. Definitely drinking faster than she used to.

'One day I woke up and didn't feel anything. Nothing at all. Still don't know why. So I pretended for a while, and then told him, and we just finished it as tidily as we could. He wasn't as upset as I thought he'd be.' She sighed. 'It was a difficult time. Sometimes I wonder why it all happened.' Better not to explain.

'Why? Hell, Judy, shit happens, period. Lemme guess, you threw yourself into your work, felt kinda bad, told yourself it wouldn't last forever, just like the advice columns.' She managed a smile, took in some more wine.

'What else? About six months after that I visited here for Marcy's wedding, and I asked around. Someone told me you were working for that man who was killed in a car crash, and seeing his secretary.' Jesus, who told her that?

'Damn, Judy, when McCarthy was killed the job went too, and Kelly and I drifted apart, I guess. How come you were askin'?' She looked a mite embarrassed.

'I guess I had some foolish idea about apologizing, reaching closure, something like that. Then when I found out you'd moved on, I tried to forget about it.'

'No need to apologize, girl. I never thought you were wantin' to hurt me; fact is, you looked like you were hurtin' too. It's like you said last night: water under the goddam bridge. You want coffee?'

'And a proper drink, please.' Good Lord above.

'Booze in the cupboard behind you, mixers in the fridge. I'll have scotch over ice, easy on the scotch.' I started to clear the table, load the dishwasher, heard her clinking and pouring behind me. 'Didn't know you'd moved on to hard liquor, Judy.'

'If it's been a bad day or I'm seeing old friends. It's not like I need to go to meetings or anything.' Kinda defensive, I thought.

'No criticism intended.' She was on the couch when I took the tray through, body language a mite tense, expectant maybe. Time to prime the pump some.

'So gimme a day in the life of Judy Olsen.' Big exhalation, long drink. Looked like she was on rum and coke...

'Get up, go to the clinic, see a bunch of fuckwit dropouts, go home, fall asleep.' Sounded great.

'Still got that potty mouth. And weekends?'

'Try not to think about Monday.' When I hear stuff like that I know I made the right decisions.

'Shit, Judy, there's gotta be more to life. You're gonna crash and burn, you ain't careful.' I guess I must have spoken kinda harsh, and her eyes started to look a tad too bright. She took another drink and nodded, tried to smile brightly, failed by a country mile.

'I know, and your crack about hard liquor was too near the mark. I'm in a rut and I don't know how to climb out of it.' She looked at me blearily. 'You got any suggestions?' I reached out and took the glass from her, sniffed. Rum and coke my ass. Coke and rum was nearer the mark. Woman was half bagged. I'd wanted her loose, not fuckin' dismantled.

'First suggestion is a nap. You're runnin' on empty, and putting booze in your tank don't help.' I hauled her up, steered her through to the bedroom, laid her down, pulled the quilt over her. She stared up at me for a coupla seconds, unfocused, then her eyes slid shut. Now what? There's nearly always a better choice than a closet lush wanting comforting. I fixed myself a bong, stretched out on the couch. Thinking time...

When I woke up my mouth felt like someone had puked in it, so I put a pint of juice into myself, went to brush my teeth. Looked like she was still asleep, but I noticed her skirt and top were lying on the floor, cute little bra on top of them. Picked them up, went to fix more juice and coffee, Tylenol too.

She took a little rousing, but I persevered, propped her up. Noticed her tits were still defying gravity pretty good, but left it at that, just slipped an arm round her, began pouring juice down her throat. Trustworthy Doug. When her eyes opened I showed her two Tylenol, eased them between her lips, tipped more juice after them. She wasn't responding too much, so I laid her down, let her drift away again. Me, I put some Tom Waits on, picked up my book. Didn't think I'd have too long to wait.

Wrong again. I'd moved from Tom to Steely Dan, watched some trash on TV, wondered if she was dead, before she came out of the bedroom looking embarrassed, wrapped in my robe, a towel round her wet hair.

'Feelin' better, girl?' She nodded and sat in the arm chair. I heaved myself up, fixed fresh coffee, watched while she sipped, began to look a tad more alert.

'I got into the shower without thinking. I'm sorry. What happened to my clothes?'

'Hell, Judy, I came to look at you and they were all over the floor, so I folded them, gave you juice and Tylenol, let you sleep some more.' She shook her head.

'Thanks for handling it, I guess. Maybe I ought to go to those meetings after all.' She looked real miserable, voice wobbling, and I felt a flash of sympathy.

'Need to cut back some, I guess, but you ain't a drunk. Believe me, I seen plenty of those. You want anything else?'

'Maybe some warm milk?' You do one thing for a woman, you end up doing everything

'Comin' right up, ma'am.' She sipped, looked better when she'd done. I just sat and watched her, thought she looked kinda cute. Stay with the play, Doug.

'Where you stayin', Judy? I'll give you a ride, soon as you're ready.' Her shoulders slumped a mite. Not much, but plain enough if you know someone. Well, OK.

'The Days' Inn, right next to campus. You've been so kind, Doug. I don't know how to thank you.' Shit, I know exactly what you can do.

'Uh, I got a spare room here, and last time I looked there weren't no strings attached to it. You can put a pair of sweats on, kick back a while more.' 'No strings at all?' Click. Gotcha. Perfectly reasonable question, but gotcha.

'Jeez, Judy, I never fuckin' took advantage of you in my life, and I ain't plannin' to start now. But we usedta mean a helluva lot to each other, an' I reckon I owe you for the good times.' Shook my head as if I was astonished. 'Hell, girl, your call. Do I fire up the truck or show you your room?' She looked a tad ashamed, no goddam reason to, except I'd pushed her to feel just that.

'I'm ... I'm sorry, Doug. I didn't mean... ' long pause, then a deep breath. 'I guess you've got a wash and dry setting for delicate fabrics, haven't you? Otherwise I'll have to go after all.' Bingo. And trying to make a little joke too.

'Attagirl. I'll make up the bed, you decide what we're gonna have to eat.' Got up and started doing stuff before she started thinking straight.

After that the evening worked out pretty good. Didn't like the sweats I put out for her, asked if she could borrow a T-shirt and shorts instead. None of the shorts suited, so could she just use a pair of my boxers? Fine by me. Said she didn't wanna eat, not really, so I called for pizza, and of course she decided she could manage one slice maybe. Put away nearly half of it in the end. Settled back onto the couch after, her a little closer than before, listened to her ramble on some. Boiled down to life was a bitch, she hadn't been laid in a while, and that had been kinda accidental, not the best five minutes of her life. Thanks for sharing, Judy.

'What about you, Doug? I've confessed, but you haven't said anything about your personal life.' Fish in a fuckin' barrel, but I was gonna let her do the work.

'No-one regular, Judy.' That was the truth for sure. 'I guess I'm not cut out for normal domestic. I gotta coupla good friends, and hell, this is a college town.' Rueful smile. 'Try not to hurt anyone, is my mission statement more or less.' Perfect.

'There are times I think I made a real big mistake.' Whoa there. Don't go that route.

Same as Roomers
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Daughters DelightsChapter 16 Comfort

Just then a tallish man in his late forties approached, and both Sharifa and Zubeydeh fell to the floor with their foreheads pressed to the ground. “Hello,” he said, “You must be Nicola, my daughter’s friend. I’m sorry to keep you waiting, but I had to greet the new U.S. Ambassador on her appointment.” Nicola was now completely lost, but realised that this was the Emir, the absolute ruler of this country. Somehow she tried to curtsey as she had been taught in primary school music and...

1 year ago
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Love Story

Our first moment together will seem too pass so fast in our minds but time will not be able to take away what is being offered to us. For upon that moment I will look to the sky and say thank you. Then I want to depart all the crowded places and settle down for some everlasting tender moments with my Baby. Then I can get my first private look of love in your eyes. Forgive me if scream at that moment because nothing is at all wrong, everything is perfect. Those are the screams of a happy man....

1 year ago
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UniversityChapter 69

"Well, well, both Sarah and Patrick. The game's afoot, Weena!" "Dead to rights, dad. We confess and surrender." "To what?" "That's why I'm here. I'm going to ply you with Thai food and force you to our will!" "Well, I concede. Let me wash up and we can wend our way." Mum disappeared, too. I sipped some of my (instant!) coffee. Sarah just stared at me. "I'm Patrick Manchu in disguise; Fu's ever-more-devious grand-nephew." "I believe you." Dad must have overheard:...

2 years ago
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The Way of WarChapter 40

When Sharon arrived back with David a month later, Shaun found her somewhat subdued. Out on the stoop that night she talked about what was troubling her. “The provisional committee are to demand that UN stands by its commitment to give the Jews their own homeland, especially now the true picture of the Nazi extermination camps has come to life. There are thousands of displaced Jews wondering around Europe that no country wants, all making their way to Palestine. But the Grand Mufti in Cairo...

3 years ago
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Heavy TrafficChapter 3

Just before reaching Camilla, Georgia where they switched from Highway 97 to Highway 300, Sean received a second signal bar on the display of his cell phone and determined that he would be able to maintain a connection that justified pairing the phone with his hands-free Bluetooth feature in his car. Amanda watched as Sean paired his phone and silently demonstrated her appreciation by making a zippered motion across her lips, followed by a smile. Sean saw her motion and grinned as he nodded...

2 years ago
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Spacetran Part 1

Spacetran By Beverly Part 1. The craft landed without any sensation of deceleration and I had to look outside to convince myself it had actually landed on the moon. The harsh cruel outlines of the unweathered rocks and the black sky combined with the fractional gravity to convince me I was definitely not on earth. 'The whole thing must be true.' I thought. The whispered stories about the rescued astronauts had until now been the stuff of mystery and conjecture. For...

3 years ago
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Seductive SisterInLawChapter 5

The day after Betty's encounter with Bob at his new apartment Shirley moved across town to join her husband. Kent was off on another business trip the following afternoon, and Betty was left alone in the large ranch-style house. She was grateful to have the young couple off her hands and felt relieved when Kent announced that he was flying to Chicago for a market-research meeting. She needed time to think and assess the disorder of facts and feeling floating around her brain, so the...

3 years ago
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A Helping Hand

When I was nineteen I was your pretty average guy. I was five eleven, medium build, blonde hair, brown eyes. Lived in a small as town in the middle of South Carolina. There wasn't much to do and when I wasn't forcing myself into the affliction known as homework I was either entertaining myself with whatever I'd most recently managed to scrounge some cash together to buy, or I was usually hanging out with Kelly, my sister.  She was a year younger than me and the family resemblance was pretty...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Suckloving MotherChapter 5

As wild as she was for her son’s cock, Debra found it a little uncomfortable going around the house naked. She wore a bra and panties, but still felt uncomfortable. She had never walked through the house in panties and bra, or naked before. It felt somewhat wicked to do so, deliciously wicked, though. Jerry had no problem with being naked,, she noticed. He took to it very well, without embarrassment at all. Debra loved being naked in bed, in her bedroom, where she could be herself. But...

1 year ago
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How I fucked my aunt

100% fiction! Hi, in General that is the background of my story=). I have a dear aunt, her name is Alla. She is of medium height, with a wasp figure and the chest of the second size. Oh yeah, her ass is a bit too big, paternal aunt Alla looked very sexy. A few years ago, when I was at her house, we happened to notice how she's changing. Of course I could not leave and began to peek on her. She didn't see me, though stood to face me. When I entered, she was already without bikini: mm, perfect...

Adult Humor
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Inspired by Mazza’s “Perfucktory” and written as a companion story. ‘Almost there,’ he thought. He could feel it building.   Andrew went into his signature move, his closer. He knew it was time after he saw her signs. He felt the nails, waited for her to pull her knees up and jam her heels into his butt. Of course he already had her near the edge, and when he’d told her he was close, he knew it would push her closer. Sure enough, just as he started his closing move which consisted of sawing his...

2 years ago
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Sex on the beach

The day started like most other Saturdays. My husband and I worked around the house while the k**s played in the pool. At about noon, as I was making lunch my sister called me. She wanted us to come out to the beach, saying it was far too beautiful a day to waste working. She did make a lot of sense so after talking to my hubby we all changed into our swim wear and headed off to meet my sister at her beach.She was right. The beach was gorgeous. My husband boogie boarded with the boys while my...

2 years ago
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 2

Darlene stepped around the front bumper and gave me a hug as she whispered "Did I mention that this is an all-woman survival commune?" in my ear."You forgot to share that little detail with me. What the fuck are we going to do now?" I whispered back.Darlene was like that. She tended to skimp on the details and fill the void with trivia or useless information. Darleen held my hand as we broke from our embrace, and spoke to the assembled women on the porch. "I would like you to meet my lover,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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My Girlfriends Daughter Saga Scene 2

Title: Heather and DanHeather and I planned the whole thing. Most of it. Well not all of it. Her boyfriend Dan was coming to visit her campus for the weekend. No one is really supposed to come but Heather was going to sneak us in. Heather wanted to see Dan. She was pissed off about something he texted her by mistake. He was chatting with another girl and Heather found out.Heather’s beautiful roommate Deena went home to visit her family. My girlfriend, June, was away with some friends for the...

3 years ago
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Woman Partner Chapter Twelve Oh My God

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 12, Oh - My - God!) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback. ...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Sky Pierce Gorgeous Blonde Sky Pierce Fucking

Gorgeous and sexy Canadian beauty Sky Pierce is ready to be a naughty girl with you as she shows off her sexy ass in her tight shorts and peels them down revealing one hot lacy bodysuit! Small Hands is a lucky man getting this girl in his grasp as she gets on her knees giving him one sloppy blowjob! Her pussy is so tight he doesn’t know how long he can last but he will try his best to not cum until the end. He gets her in doggy pushing his cock deep into her making her want more and more....

1 year ago
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SparksChapter 26

05:50 EDT Monday, August 19th, 1991 Ft Benning, GA CNN began reporting in the mid-morning that Mikhail Gorbachev was under house arrest in the Crimea while a 'hardline' committee was declaring the treaty to decentralize the Soviet Union (scheduled for vote on Wednesday) was invalid. The news spread through the PLDC class during the FTX until lunchtime, when the SGLs assembled them and told them the US military was going on worldwide high alert. 13:10 Wednesday, August 21st, 1991 Ft...

2 years ago
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The Hunt

The Hunt My wife Jenny is a tall slender blond with tight breasts about the size ofsmall apples and long sexy legs. I have marveled ever since we met that sucha beautiful woman would have interest in plain old me. When we met we had bothbeen virgin and had remained such until after we had been engaged for six months.Even after marriage our sex life was so conservative that we normally madelove in the man on top position with the light off. She rarely allowed me tosee her naked and wouldn't ever...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 36 The Visitors

August 4, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “How did you want to celebrate tonight?” I asked Liz as we left the office. “You’re kidding, right?” she asked with a soft laugh. “You stay over once every two weeks! What do you think I want?!” “So that’s all I’m good for?” I teased. “No, of course not! But as I have the opportunity...” “Are we going to eat? Or just ‘adult’ all night? Or did you have something else in mind?” “You know I’m happy with ‘adulting’,” Liz said softly, “but if you wanted to...

4 years ago
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Johns Odd Day

John's Odd Day By The Guyver The bell rang and John Got up from his desk in Photo Journalism Class and grabbed his Guitar. He flashed a brief smile to Elisha, A young blonde female with a smile that made your teeth sweat. John often talked to Elisha in class and admired her, she was beautiful smart, funny and liked everything John liked. 'How can she be so... Nice,' John thought to himself. 'I wonder what it's like to be so happy.' John smiled at the thought. John for as...

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Fairy Godmother

[Disclaimer: I'm not a good writer and this is my first story so maybe don't judge too harshly but comments are always welcome!! I won't do anything scheduled and probably won't finish the story but hope to create a good read. I've read stories on the site for a long time and thought what the heck, so I'm writing one for the lols. Any references to shows and the like are just to illustrate a point. I'll probs use ideas that I've accumulated while looking at other stories but any similarities to...

2 years ago
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BlondeChapter 1

"Mom, Dad," Jane Harte called excitedly as she ran in the front door. "Where are you," the young girl called excitedly as the front door slammed shut and she ran towards the kitchen? Jane was dressed in her school uniform. Her plaid skirt was the regulation maximum of three inches above her knees. Her thin white blouse looked a little rumpled from some kind of activity but you could still see the pale cream of her bra through the material. And a nice bra it was at a generous B cup or...

2 years ago
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Ginie Boomerang

Genie Boomerang by shalimar The Late Summer Festival was an annual event for our town with the proceeds going towards the many charities that needed our support. My employer, Compton Industries, was one of the major sponsors. I worked in the IT department. Because I was unfettered by a girlfriend I worked a substantial amount of overtime. Mr. Compton made sure that everyone who worked for the company, even us nerdy IT workers, would be able to attend this carnival, and sort...

2 years ago
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Chapter 4 FemDom pt4

"Am I interrupting?" Baroness said"no Baroness." i blurted out before Mistress could get a word in. "Mistress was just giving me some much needed encouragement and instruction Baroness."Baroness smiled at Mistress. Mistress smiled at Baroness."Good bitch, you will need it." Baroness said"yes Baroness, and thank you Mistress." i said."You are such a good boy." Mistress said as she reached down to give my cock a few hard slaps before returning to her seat of luxury. Baroness released the leash...

3 years ago
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dark alleyrevelation ch 1 rewrite

sky is getting dark,i looked up enjoying the view of the twilight for it has been lo ng since i last enjoyed such a view.tod ay five years ago my father died the doc tor said it was some sort of animal atta ck for his trout was ripped open and his body was like death itself,i was only 10 when he died and now am in high sch ool.i started walking to my friend's hous e then i saw a man forcing a young girl in her later teen to a lonely area by the street, he seem not to take...

3 years ago
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A Dream Come True With My Aunt Kavya

Hi, guys this is Abhi, 24 years old from Kerala and this is my first story so please forgive me if there are any mistakes and your feedback is always welcome. First of all let me tell u about myself. I’m really slim, but energetic young guy, completed engineering currently working in Bangalore. This story is about how I was seduced by neighbor aunty Kavya (name changed). Kavya aunty (my mom’s frnd) was around 34 years old at that time, very hot with awesome boobs and a nice curvy ass. She is...

4 years ago
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Ned Kellys New Year

After a massive Christmas lunch Ned, his mother, and sister were stretched out in the lounge in front of a roaring log fire. Gentle snores from his mother indicated that she was soundly sleeping, the smile on her lips indicating that her dreams were pleasant. Susie was stretched out along the settee with her head on Ned's lap, whilst Ned reclined with his feet towards the fire. He too had a smile on his lips. Susie looked up at him and asked what he was thinking about. "This morning, and...

3 years ago
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My Wife Loved A Strangers Big Cock But Wont Admit It

Being in our forties and married for more than twenty years life can become very dull and boring especially in the bedroom. This is what happened to both my wife Ally and I. We had a very good love life but it slowly had been eroding over the last few years. We both knew it but just didn’t want to admit it. Ally and I still really loved each other but we needed to somehow come up with some new ideas for the bedroom. I thought really hard about different things including sharing her with a...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Encountering the EnergistsChapter 3 I Will Play a Rhapsody

When I 'woke up' from my Energists induced slumber, I felt completely refreshed and energized (pardon the pun). Based on my last memory, I wasn't dressed for much of anything, so I 'looked' at myself and thankfully discovered I was dressed in my comfortable teaching attire. "We hope you are feeling well and ready for another round of teaching," I heard the Energists say as I became fully aware of my surroundings. When I accessed those surroundings, it reminded me that I really needed...

3 years ago
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Estate LivingChapter 03

I’ve both Nate and Nathan carry a plate with a salad sandwich, one apiece. I say, “These two apprentice Masters will assist me with your training as you’ve not yet earned the right to the proper attention of a Master. They’ve a sandwich each for your lunch and they’ll feed it to you in pieces. You’ll get nothing else to eat until after you’ve eaten all of your sandwich. Choose not to eat it now and it sits here until you do. Be that tonight, tomorrow, or next week. You get nothing until you...

2 years ago
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How I Got Hubby to Crossdress And Suck Black Cock

My husband and I have been married for almost 8 years now, he is 60yr and I'm 54. Our sex life had become pretty routine and to tell the truth, it had become a boring weekly ritual of me faking my orgasm just to get him off. About 2 years ago he threw a little spark into our sex in the form of him always eating me out after he came inside me. I thought it was gross that he wanted to do such a thing, but wanted to keep him pleased, and let him do his thing. After about the fourth time I actually...

2 years ago
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Lesbian Takes To Anal From A Guy

Cathleen walked into my office and as she had so many times, she closed and locked the door and then put the door brace in place. This was so no one would walk in on us unexpectedly. I looked at her and smiled but I reminded her of my schedule."I have to go to President's Council in 30 minutes," I told her. "I know I saw it on your calendar. We don't have time to fuck but I am in the mood to suck your cock," Cathleen said as she approached me.I pushed back from my desk and spun around in my...

1 year ago
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A New BeginningChapter 16 Shy guys

Although things had gone a lot better than I had expected, it had also reached a bit of a stalemate. Over a week had passed since the intimate little threesome with mom and Danny on the kitchen table. So far, I had enjoyed another fun little threesome with mom and Steven out in the tub again, though surprisingly, Danny had declined joining us. He had stated that he had a final exam coming up and needed to study for it, so we had enjoyed ourselves without him. And then last night, though mom...

1 year ago
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Born to be fucked

It was dark and night sky got deeper and deeper into darkness as Nika moaned. Gosh it hurt, the penetration going deeper and deeper. “All done, you should be fine by tomorrow”. What a night it was, you never do expect to get bitten by a dog. That bitch though Nika as she stared at the nasty scratch she had got. As she stared at her wound, the doctor couldn’t help but take a sneak peek at her purple blouse that hung loosely and revealed the top of her round delicious breast, so yummy and soft...

Erotic Fiction
3 years ago
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The L WordChapter 3 Moving in

Wednesday, they had dinner, and then they sat in a movie with Bret’s arm around her shoulders. It wasn’t a bad movie. Then, he drove her back to the dorm and kissed her. The kiss went on and on, as though he was trying to make her sorry that they hadn’t gone back to his apartment. Well, she’d put her pills into her handbag just in case he asked her, but he hadn’t. The dance Friday was as much fun as dancing with Bret always was. The kiss afterwards was as hot and as long. They drove...

4 years ago
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Race Car Widow Part 1

I am going to be a race car widow for a while! Let me explain what that is. When Michael was married to my best friend Kelly, he was in the Marines and also had an alcohol funny car in the garage. When I would hang out with Kelly, she said she was a race car widow because Michael spent so much time in the garage on his race car. Many of you know that Michael surprised me on my birthday and bought me a new camaro. It was the prettiest blue and I fell in love with it. Michael was helping me...

4 years ago
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Deciding MomentChapter 53

Special Agent Downs didn't waste time on ceremony. He didn't say the meeting was over. He simply picked up the pile of papers and walked over to where Agent Barnes was lying. Agent Ling and two other agents walked over as well. Barnes had watched Downs and as soon as he was by her side, she asked, "Who?" "Thompson." "Oh, God. How?" Barnes asked. "A raid at a suspected SCOPE operation. She died immediately, it says. A shot to the head." Neither Downs nor Barnes heard the...

2 years ago
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Huge Butt Italian Granny

This is a true story.So I took a trip to LA for work. I'm originally from Brooklyn. I land at LAX. Walk off the plane and head outside to catch a cab. I get to my hotel, check in and I head out to go get some food. I usually stay in Beverley hills because they have some great food spots. So any who. I get my food and decide to take a walk. From a distance I see this huge wide table ass. This thing had to be at least 65 inches and super small waist. I cant even concentrate on my food anymore. I...

1 year ago
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Anything For Ernie

ANYTHING FOR ERNIE ? by: 'The Present' I sat at my make-up mirror, fixing my hair and my face. I wanted to look perfect for my lover and I knew that he would be home at any minute. After I finished my foundation and blush, I worked on my eyes. I was too young to wear a lot of makeup and had to be careful to accentuate my strengths and not overdo it. 'A little bit goes a long way,' as my mom always said. I used mascara and liner and smudged on some color above and on the...

1 year ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 206 Cont

Althea and Albert went to the door, together, and Albert opened it, with Althea standing in front of it. The first thing Floyd and Maria saw was their daughter standing there, in front of them with dried semen on her thighs, and matting down her pubic hair. Susan peeked between them and saw what they were looking at, and started to giggle. "Was it as much fun as it looks like?" she queried. "If it was," she continued, "I want a little fun, too." Maria was smiling, being she was aware of what...

2 years ago
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BandittiChapter 3

El Paso, Texas - Monday morning at daylight - Bob Conlee walked across the street to a twenty-four hour breakfast diner. After finishing his breakfast he went back to his car to wait. At 8:45, he was sitting in his vehicle when his iPhone beeped, indicating movement had activated the tracking device on his target. Bob drove off the parking lot and around behind The Camino Reál to see a valet park the Manara’s Camaro underneath the canopy then open the trunk. The Manaras were checking...

1 year ago
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Have you ever Shaved a Woman

Last night after a wonderful romp in the tub, I laid totally spent, from pumping myself against my favorite jet, to an amazing orgasm. I started to shave my legs, when I finished, I took a fresh razor, and did my arms... the regular stuff, but for some reason,perhaps, that comfortable feeling of sensuality, that comes from a good climax I decided to shave just around the outer lips of my pussy. Since the razor was new it cleaned real close. I envisioned having you here, doing it for me, after...

1 year ago
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Bold Confession To My Husband

Hi my dear husband! Now I’m sitting tonight, it’s 11 pm and I want to tell you something. Hope, you won’t be offended and won’t get me wrong. I am sorry babe, but I have really tried to be decent and honest while you have been away. However I want to be honest with you, so I should tell you about what happened today. You know I told you that they came to do the sanitary inspection today when I opened the door and I saw 2 men standing door way. I said 2 guys? Well, one of them was in his late...

3 years ago
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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 3

“Remember when we had a talk with the kids how much experience they had with nudity of members of the opposite sex,” said Kevin. “That was something I didn’t want to do, but at the time, I was happy to find out.” The next week, it happened. At dinner, Kathy said, “There was a nude boy in one of my classes today.” Kari asked, “Would you tell us about it?” Kathy took a sip of her milk. “It was third period, history. He came in and sat down. Before the class started, the teacher asked him...

3 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 16

The last report was from the finance department, Matt always gave that one himself and he was the one to give Marcy troubles. He began with his report on the overall county being the largest employer using the combined numbers of all county departments and had the largest fleet of vehicles. Then revenues collected to date and projections for the rest of the year. Matt instructed the agencies to begin putting their budget requests for next year together. The agencies needed to prioritize...

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My Daughter the Sociopath

My daughter Samantha is a true, natural sociopath. She doesn't know right from wrong, she only cares about herself and what she wants. By the time we figured out how she was manipulating her family, her teachers, her "friends", it was too late for my marriage. Her mother and I had her committed to an institution where she couldn't do any more harm, then got a divorce. Maggie just couldn't believe it wasn't my fault. Today, Samantha turned 18, and the institution can't hold her anymore, so I...

1 year ago
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Our First Threesome Part 1

I am starting my story by telling you how my sexy wife is. My wife and I have been married for 25 years. She is a beautiful half German and half Hungarian. She is 5.4” tall, and 130 lbs. She has firm model legs that any man or woman can crave for. Her tight juicy pussy always hungry for a hungry mouth, tongue or a hard cock. Her nice 32 bb tits have two small young suckable nipples that are always erected and ready for action. Before I married Mona, she had no intercourse with any man. She had...

2 years ago
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Second Chance at LoveChapter 6

Jim had a very hard time concentrating the rest of the morning. It was almost eleven thirty when Darlene brought a large expandable folder into his office. It had confidential written in large red letters across the front flap. Jim thanked Darlene and took the envelope. He untied the string holding the flap down and opened it. Fortunately, Darlene had left before he opened it or she would have heard him gasp. Inside the envelope, Jim saw a pair of blue panties. He quickly got up and went to...

3 years ago
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Rosa and the Wolves Prequel

Rosa couldn’t believe that she was even in this predicament, she thought to herself as she urged her horse faster, her big tits jiggling with every gallop the horse took. The horse neighed in fear, its breath coming faster now as it was urged to run as fast as it could, not only for the safety of the rider on its back, but for fear of the wolves that were chasing them. She looked behind her to see how close the wolves were, and she counted three of them, they were less than half a mile away...

1 year ago
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Abis Punishment

A raw, cold, November morning and I was on my way across the frozen courtyard to the punishment room. A cheerless place, furnished in the most basic way where girls who had misbehaved were sent to be taught that sins always catch up with miscreants. As I approached the heavy, dark oak door, studded with black nails and hung on huge black hinges, I noticed a movement in the shadows to the side. There, at the end of the dark and gloomy passage leading up to the door, timorously awaiting my...

2 years ago
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Massage Relief Beginnings

This encounter occurred some years prior to my discovering the joys of male sex. I like to kayak and hike, and was on a trip to central Colorado to do just that. I spent a couple of days kayaking on the Arkansas River with a friend I had known since college, and then climbed one of the 14,000 plus foot peaks in the area. It was an arduous climb, even though I was in good shape. I had begun the climb in the dark of early morning, to make and clear the peak before the usual afternoon...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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What a Day

I had a shit day at work on "fri" and half way back home I decided to stop off for a piss and trawl about at a well known area outside Glasgow. I was in the works van and decided to sit for a while and see who was walking / driving around. There were a few motors and people walking around in the wooded areas but no one doing anything! I decided to go for a piss just off the car park along a path next to some trees and half way emptying my bladder a wee scally Ned looking lad early 20s walked...

2 years ago
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Best Friends To Sex Friends 8211 Part 1

Hi. This is Dastan. The guy among the three best friends. I will share moments when I had sex with my female best friends, Vishakha and Razia. Of course, I have changed the names of the characters in my story because Razia also reads ISS. Nonetheless, she will know if she reads this story. Part 1: I have known Vishakha for the past 4 years. But we came closer to each other two years ago. She has a boyfriend and they are not exactly the best couple – one of the reasons we became close....

1 year ago
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Derby Line Marriage Ch 13

Benjamin sat across the table from his father in a Harlem diner. They were eating their weekly Sunday lunch. As usual, Benjamin did his best to parley his father’s question. He normally kept his cool until the desserts, but this week, Benjamin’s frustration started early. ‘Your mother and I are getting old. When are you going to give us grandchildren?’ his father asked. ‘I keep trying, Pops. I breed 2 or 3 men each week, but none of them get pregnant,’ Benjamin replied. ‘Stop using that as...

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