BreakdownChapter 2 free porn video

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The phone rang. Henry answered it brusquely. He'd already spent most of the morning arguing with Aly--about Leanne. Unfortunately, her arguments found fertile ground, and he was beginning to question his commitment to his wife. So he was glad for the distraction of dealing with the broken-down truck.

"Ready when you are, Hank," Tyler said. "Do you want me to pick you up at the Grand?"

"Please," Henry said. "I'll meet you out front in five minutes."

When he hung up, Aly stood and reached for her cell phone.

"Uh-uh," Henry said immediately. "You stay here."

She arched a defiant eyebrow.

He softened, but didn't give in. "Look, Aly, I need some time alone. Okay?"

She searched his eyes for a moment. Then hers softened as well, and she smiled. "Sure, Dad." She made a vague gesture. "I'm sorry. I just hate what Mom does to you. You deserve better than that. You deserve someone who loves you. Instead..." She made another gesture, full of anger and frustration. "You deserve better."

"I know, kitten, but you take what life gives you."

"What if life isn't fair?"

He laughed with genuine amusement. It was his first laugh in hours. "Life isn't fair, sweetheart. That's why you have to grab the bull by the horns and take what you can get."

They heard the diesel clatter of the tow truck outside, and they shared a final look. Aly crossed to him and he hugged her.

"I love you, Dad," she said. "I just want you to be happy."

Tyler towed the rental truck to his garage and quickly confirmed the problem: the transmission.

"I can't fix it here," he said gravely. "It needs a complete rebuild."

"What are my options?" Henry asked.

"You can call Ryder and get 'em to send me a new transmission. Or I can take the transmission to Shamrock. I know a place there that can rebuild it for you." He wiped his hands. "But it seems to me like this is Ryder's problem, not yours."

Henry nodded. Unfortunately, he'd been preoccupied with Aly all morning, so he hadn't called the company's emergency number. He took out his cell phone and called Jayne instead. She'd get results faster than he would, and she'd be more polite in the process. Five minutes later, she called him back.

"You should be getting a call in a few minutes," she said.

The phone beeped. "Thanks, Jayne," he said. "They're on the other line now."

Fifteen minutes later, Henry wanted to fling the phone across the dusty parking lot. The rental company insisted on sending their own mechanic, who wouldn't arrive until later that day. They wouldn't send a new transmission until their own man looked at the truck. Henry understood the business logic behind their decision, but it still irked him. At some point, customer service was more important than the bottom line. He should know!

He resigned himself to the wait. Tyler went to work on a broken tractor, while Henry spent the afternoon on the phone. His cell phone battery died in the middle of a conference call, so he had Jayne patch him in on Tyler's battered office phone. He spent four hours holed up in the cramped and grimy office, either talking on the phone or receiving faxes on Tyler's ancient thermal fax machine.

At four o'clock, when the Ryder mechanic still hadn't arrived, he called Jayne again. She called him back with the news that the mechanic had had a breakdown of his own. Henry wanted to pound the desk in helpless frustration. Unfortunately, that wouldn't do any good.

He called the truck company and worked his way through people until he was talking to the fleet manager. The man promised that the mechanic would arrive first thing in the morning, Saturday or not. Henry gritted his teeth and hung up.

"Sorry, Hank," Tyler said from the doorway.

"It's not your fault," Henry grumbled. He forced a smile. "What do I owe you for the tow and rental of your office? I think I used most of your fax paper."

"Aw, let's just see how this whole thing plays out," Tyler said. "Besides, Ryder should pay for everything."

Henry agreed. "But I don't want you to get stiffed."

"I trust you," Tyler said.

"You're a good man," Henry said.

They shook hands, and Henry walked back to the hotel.

"You look exhausted," Aly said as soon as she saw him.

He smiled bleakly. He plugged his cell phone into the charger and sank into a chair. In addition to the real work he'd done, fighting with the truck company had been an ordeal. But he was used to cutting through red tape, and the frustration made him even more determined. Aly started rubbing his shoulders.

"Why don't you take a shower and get cleaned up," she suggested.

Tyler's office had been dusty. Henry didn't care at the time, but he realized that he probably looked like he'd spent the day in a Panhandle garage.

A few minutes into his shower, Aly knocked on the bathroom door. She opened it without waiting for an answer. The shower curtain was transparent, so Henry shielded his privates.

"I brought you some extra towels," she said. "And when you're done, I'll give you a massage. How's that sound?"

He had mixed feelings about the idea, but he didn't want to disappoint her. "Sure, kitten, that sounds great."

She closed the door and he was alone with his thoughts.

Ten minutes later, he emerged from the bathroom with a towel around his waist. He used another to dry his hair and torso. Aly smiled at him, but her eyes seemed to roam over his body. She looked... hungry. Fortunately, he was too tired to react, and his dick remained mercifully limp.

She spread a towel on the bed. "Here," she said. "You just lay here and relax."

He settled on his stomach and crossed his arms beneath his chin. Then he closed his eyes and replayed his afternoon. The conference call had gone surprisingly well. His other calls were a mixed bag of problems and opportunities. Fortunately, he had the ability to either fix the problems or turn them into opportunities.

Aly climbed onto the bed and settled on his towel-covered behind. "Just relax, Dad," she said softly. Then she began kneading his shoulders, and he groaned softly. She was using some kind of warm oil--it smelled like flowers--but he didn't care. He tried to turn his thoughts back to business, but he couldn't focus. Instead, his mind wandered.

Why had Aly been flashing him for two days? And why had she dropped so many innuendos? He wasn't stupid--he understood her looks and comments. She had to know that. So why?

Was she trying to seduce him? Was that what this morning's conversation had been about? He knew he shouldn't talk with her about his problems with Leanne, but she seemed to know about them already. And she seemed to be suggesting... an alternative.

His mind balked at the idea, but his dick twitched in spite of his conscious reaction. Aly reminded him of Leanne, back when his then-future-wife was Miss Bexar County Fair. When they'd first met, Leanne was an ambitious beauty queen, with luxurious dark hair and natural breasts. She'd had pubic hair back then, too. Henry grinned at the memory.

Aly's body was just like Leanne's had been: lithe and slim, but curvy in all the right places. Henry felt his penis growing, and he shifted to let it expand. His mind returned to Leanne, but after a few moments, he found himself thinking about Aly again. He knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't stop himself.

"Are you ready for me to do the front?" Aly said.

Henry's eyes snapped open. The last thing he wanted was for Aly to see the lump of his hard-on.

"C'mon, Dad," she said. She swatted his butt as she climbed off him. "Roll over."

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that she was nude. At first he was shocked--so shocked that he simply rolled over when she prodded him. His shock turned to arousal and he tried to suppress it by force of will alone. Aly casually climbed onto the bed and settled astride his hips. Her pussy was right over his...

She smiled. "Someone's enjoying himself," she said, grinning slyly.

He started to get up, his face hot with embarrassment.

She put a hand on his chest and held him down. "Just relax," she said. She poured more oil onto her hand and set the bottle aside. Then she began rubbing his chest.

The oil was cool, but Henry barely noticed. He shut his eyes, but the backs of his eyelids played images of Aly's pert, round, succulent...

Stop it! he cried silently.

He felt a pressure on his erection, and he realized that it must be her pussy. He wanted to reach down and...

Stop it, he told himself again, sternly this time.

Aly's hands felt good, but her hips felt better. She wasn't being blatant about it, but she was rubbing his dick with her pussy. He knew that in the process, she was also rubbing herself. He wondered if her pussy was wet.

He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to control his imagination. It didn't do any good. He imagined her body over him as she rocked herself on his dick. He could almost feel the softness of her thighs, the heat of her pussy. He opened his eyes with a start.

He could feel the heat of her pussy.

She smiled down at him. Then she moved lower, her hands on his sides, her hips over his thighs. He breathed a sigh of relief. Without her rubbing his towel-covered dick, he could control his desire. He'd kept it in control for years, whenever Leanne refused him. He wasn't going to lose control now, especially with his own daughter.

He closed his eyes and tried to focus on anything but Aly's body. When that didn't work, he tried going over business figures. That didn't work either. He decided to sit up, but froze when he felt her hands at his waist.

Without a word, she pulled his towel open. Cool air bathed his penis and testicles. His erection jerked, and every fiber of his being screamed at him to get up, to run away, to do anything but lie there and let her do... whatever.

His imagination betrayed him. He imagined her straddling his hips and lowering herself onto his erection. He imagined her sucking him. He hadn't had a blowjob in years--Leanne used to do it, but not anymore. Not for him, at least. He wanted Aly to suck him now. He knew he shouldn't think of his daughter that way, but he couldn't stop himself. He imagined her...

She stroked his dick.

Pleasure shot through his body. A wave of guilt followed close behind.

"Just relax," she said, her voice soft and oh-so-reasonable. She stroked him again. She must have put more oil on her hands--her fingers slipped over his shaft.

Henry knew he should stop her, but it had been so long! He swallowed hard, his emotions warring within him. Her hands felt incredible, but she was his daughter. He wanted to come, but if he did, he'd never be able to look her in the eye again. He wanted her to mount him, but he needed to stop her before...

"Mmm, nice," she said, soft and sultry. She stroked him with one hand and kneaded his balls with the other.

Pleasure seared through him and he jerked as though he'd touched a live wire. He clamped his eyes shut and tried to focus through the roaring in his ears. He jerked again and felt a splash of hot semen on his belly. She stroked him, her hand strong and sure. He felt another surge of pleasure, along with another hot gush.

"That's it," she urged quietly, still pumping.

He felt warm all over. Aly kept stroking him, although she avoided his sensitive head. He grew soft quickly, but she didn't pull her hands away.

He knew he should say something, but what? He didn't want to tell her how good he felt, but he didn't want to hurt her feelings, either. What she'd done was wrong, but at least it wasn't sex. He kept telling himself that, over and over again. He didn't quite believe it, but it was all he had.

He struggled to sit up, weak from the intensity of his orgasm. Aly smiled at him. Her breasts were shiny with oil, and they rose and fell with her breathing. He tore his eyes away and met hers. She smiled again, a little whimsically.

"Let me get a towel and I'll clean you up," she said. "And then we can go to dinner. I'm starving. Okay?"

He could only nod.

All through dinner, Henry wanted to talk about what had happened. It was wrong. They couldn't do it again. But a tingling warmth still filled him, and his dick twitched every time he shifted in his seat. He kept up his side of the conversation--about her summer internship, of all things--but a part of him focused on how to prevent a recurrence of...

He called it what it was: incest. It wasn't exactly sex, but it was still wrong. Worse, he remembered what he'd been thinking at the time. His face heated at the memory.

They finished their meal and walked across the street to the hotel. He worked up the nerve to say something, but lost the thread when she smiled at him. She looked so beautiful, so innocent. She didn't look like the girl--the woman, he corrected--who had given him a handjob earlier. She looked like what she was: a teenager out with her father. He felt his determination wither and die.

When they reached their rooms, she changed into a pair of shorts and a midriff T-shirt. The shirt clung to her braless breasts. Her nipples made little shadows when the light was right. She sat cross-legged in the center of the bed, TV remote in hand.

"What do you want to watch?" she asked.

Aly, we can't do that again, he silently told her, working up the nerve to say it for real. It's my fault. I should've stopped it.

"How about something on HBO?"

I love you, and you're my daughter. I'm flattered that you... He stopped. He sounded condescending, even to himself. I think you're a beautiful girl, but... Too patronizing. I know you love me, but... Too wishy-washy.

"Do you want to watch something else? CNN?"

"Whatever you want, sweetheart," he said. He snorted softly at the double meaning of his words.

For her part, Aly seemed perfectly comfortable with what had happened. What I let happen, Henry sternly told himself. I could've stopped it, anytime. He knew the lie as soon as he thought it. He couldn't have stopped it any more than he could've stopped the truck from breaking down.

He yearned to be home, where he wouldn't have to face the shame of what he'd done. He glanced at her. She smiled at him again, the corners of her mouth quirking whimsically.

Henry steeled his nerve and vowed not to repeat his moment of weakness. If it didn't happen again, he wouldn't have to talk about it. He kept telling himself that as he gazed at the TV with sightless eyes.

After an hour of mindless television, Aly yawned. "Are you ready for bed?"

He desperately hoped she'd go to her own room.

"If you don't mind, I'll sleep in here tonight," she said, dashing his hopes for a painless separation.

"I don't know..."

"I forgot to call the manager about my air conditioner," she said. "It still makes a racket. I can't sleep with it on."

Henry didn't think she'd "forgotten" at all.

"Please, Dad?"

"Sure, sweetheart. I can sleep on the floor."

"Oh, don't be silly."

They went round and round for two minutes. She was insistent, but Henry had made up his mind.

"Okay, fine," she said at last, exasperated. "If you're going to be unreasonable, I'll just sleep in my room. I won't have you sleep on the floor."

That started a second round of arguing, and Henry eventually agreed to sleep in his own bed... with Aly.

"I'll be good," she said, sensing his reluctance. "I promise."

He didn't want to disappoint her, but he couldn't--could not-- allow a repeat of what had happened.

Aly changed into her sheer top and panties while Henry went into the bathroom to change into his silk pajamas. He tried not to look at her as she climbed into her side of the bed. He turned out the bedside light and rolled away from her. It took him a long time to get to sleep.

He was dreaming, and Leanne was sucking his dick. Her lips felt so good. He moaned and put his hand on her head. She liked it when he did that. Her hair was soft and silken under his fingers. Her lips felt even better. She sucked gently and then pulled back, her lips tight around his shaft.

He wasn't close to coming, although he could feel the pressure building in his balls. She didn't particularly like the taste of semen, but she still let him come in her mouth. She even swallowed. He thought about the first time she'd given him a blowjob, years ago, in the back seat of his old Chevy.

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Sequel to "Through My Hotel Window" I had just returned to my desk from the cafeteria after lunch when my boss called me into his office. We often had conversations about how to plan and execute tasks on the company servers. I'm a consultant and have been doing computer work for a long time, so while my boss is technically in charge of me, he values my opinions and experience. "Hank," Alan said as I entered, "our corporate auditor would like to have a meeting with us next week.""I figured it...

1 year ago
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Mumbai Se Pune Tak Ki Safalta

Hello friends this is Yash Gadia from Mumbai. This is my first story on ISS. However I have been around this place for a very long time. About me, am 22, a student of one of the most reputed profession in India. Am mostly into middle aged ladies only. All you ladies out there, you can mail me up on Getting to the story, it is about me being with one of the ladies in Pune whom I got along with in a bus while traveling from Mumbai to Pune. Well ya I keep on traveling to Pune ofter for some very...

1 year ago
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Magicians MergerChapter 25

Everyone seemed to be in an upbeat mood as we walked home. We were joking around and playfully throwing handfuls of snow at each other. I thought everyone had experienced a good time, and I silently congratulated myself for thinking of inviting them. As we were ambling down Bradley, a shit-green car pulled up beside us. I recognized it. It was just my most favoritest person in the whole wide world, even more favoriter than Carol. The window rolled down. "What are youse doing out so late?"...

2 years ago
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Food and Much Much More Pt 2

We heard a knock at our apartment door and got very excited. It was the waiter, his name turned out to be Mark. I was wearing a wife beater and a thong which he seemed to enjoy so much he unzipped his pants right away and out came his 9 inch long cock. My boyfriend told him “She’s all yours for the night but I have to sit and watch. My cock will be out too.” “Alright sounds like a fun night.” was Marks reply as he told me to get on all fours on the bed and suck his dick. I did just that,...

4 years ago
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My first circle jerk True story

One weekend when I was hanging out with some buddy's I went to school with. We were at Danny's house sitting around the living room, no parents were around. Danny told us how his dad has a stash of Playboys out in the garage. We ventured in to check them out. Joe noticed there was a old refrigerator running in the corner. We looked inside and saw it filled with beer. So we all grabbed a beer and started checking out the Playboys. After finishing my beer I had to take a leak bad. I asked Danny...

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Fadin In and Fadin Out

And everything faded away. Marie drifted in a warm, mellow haze, not even conscious of the way her body slumped sideways onto the floor. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. Everything in her field of vision had turned bright orange, the color of the inside of her eyelids, and even that connection was too complex for her to make now. Thoughts slipped out of her grasp as though they had been greased, and her mind felt slow and clumsy. An image flittered into her mind of herself as a child,...

3 years ago
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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 4 Ignorance

Introduction: Chapter 4 deals with the struggles and emotons of Izzy Apocalymon felt himself getting stronger. Already half of the digidestined had been corrupted. He felt the weight of his living hell lifting from his shoulders. Soon he would be free and soon he would have his revenge. He felt power course through his veins and a wicked smile appeared on his face. He used his powers to view the digidestined in the human world. He could reach them if he focused allowing him to unleash the...

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Lindsays Awakening

Lindsay pulled into her work's parking lot 15 minutes early like she did everyday. She started coffee in the break room because her office was right next to it, and she loved the smell of freshly made coffee. She clocked in and began working diligently at her computer. Lindsay was a hard worker. She was normally a day or two ahead of schedule, and today was no exception. It was Wednesday, and in just a few short hours she would be done with her presentation she had to do on Friday. She got to...

2 years ago
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2 One Door Closed

Mike saw the rubber band dangling from the doorknob, and cursed into the freshman dorm's empty hallway. He'd laughed when his roommate had suggested the rubber band signal to each other for when they had a girl in the room. He wasn't laughing now. On this Friday after Thanksgiving, the hallway, the building, and the campus were all nearly empty. It had to be a million to one that his roommate and his roommate's girlfriend would still be on campus. But they were, and he was shut out of...

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The Madam Moriarty Club

Not so usual disclaimer At last back to work? It has been over a year since I last posted a story.I would like to thank all my readers and particularly those who took the timeto send a mail. This story is not strictly speaking a Lydia von Sklaverei's story. She ismentioned but not present. Maybe she will make an appearance in a later partof that story; I do not know it myself. This story has a theme which struckmy fancy some time ago. A capture using the most delightful of all...

2 years ago
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Hot Tub Time Machine Sexy Racquel Darrian VS Butc

Hot Tub Time Machine: Beauty and the Butch Starring: Racquel Darrian and Lily CadeLily lay in bed trying to sleep. She tossed and turned restlessly, wearing only a pair of white briefs. The traffic outside her window was louder than usual. The freeway construction was making life pretty unbearable. It sounded like two freeways were merging because that’s pretty much what was happening.She gave up, stacked her pillow against the bed’s backboard and had a smoke. Lily had been watching the comedy...

2 years ago
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Lesbian sex between teen sisters

Anna knelt in her ‘secret place’. It was dark. The only light came in through a crack in the wall. When her family had moved into this house a year ago she had found this small cubby-hole behind a secret panel in her closet. She had covered the entrance with some clothes and hadn’t told anyone about it. Whenever she wanted to be alone, she could come here and nobody could find her. Tonight she knelt, naked, in her secret place, so she could ‘pet’ herself. She...

1 year ago
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Promises of the Wishing Moon

It had been a trip six years in the making. Between juggling school and work, the three friends were excited to be in the place that had held all of their fascinations for the past decade. Now at twenty-four, Beth’s heart gave a small patter as she looked out the plane and saw the infamous skyline of London as they approached. Upon landing, the long process of getting off the plane began and on more than once occasion, Beth had her heels hit by luggage and knocked her not-so-funny funny...

3 years ago
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My Best Friends Sister Part 3

The life was slowly draining away from me. My body, or at least the one I now occupied, laid on the bed in that little room, while my mind was elsewhere. It was like I was observing my own life from an outsider's perspective and I didn't like what I saw. It had been days since I'd eaten. Mrs. Taylor would come in offering food, but I'd refuse to acknowledge her offers. As I matter of fact, I'd stopped communicating all together. I laid there, in the darkness of the room, waiting for it...

3 years ago
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Ill Give Him a Ride Home

I'll Give You a Ride Home By Jessica Aireson When I was in college I met an older divorcee by accident when she knocked on the wrong apartment door, mine. She was a very attractive woman and we hit it off right away. We started dating soon thereafter. I loved the way she dressed and she soon learned that I had a fetish for high heels and always wore five inch pumps or sandals to my great appreciation. I also had a serious fetish for sexy girls smoking long menthol cigarettes and...

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Cruising the Caribbean

Chapter One -----I was 34 at the time and my husband is one year older. We had booked a seven day cruise that island hopped around the Caribbean. We were to visit five different islands during the week long trip. We were looking forward to getting away from the snow and cold and enjoy the sunny warm weather of the Caribbean.First, I must tell you a little about my husband and myself. If you have read any of my previous stories, you know that we have a very open relationship when it comes to...

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This a story about a well known actress that died some years back. Her earliest history is shrouded in the mist of time and some adroit subterfuge on her part. I have taken the liberty of changing her name to Sarah as most all of the readers would recognize her right away if I did not. Her memory in our hearts is well established, and to cast any doubt at this time would be unfair to her accomplishments. I was given her personal diaries by her daughter, so that I could offer a more...

4 years ago
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Something happened the other day that made me end up cumming so hard, I found profile of a ssbbw with huge breasts and a huge ass and I sent a friend request and she accepted, and I sent her a message saying that her huge breasts made me cum hard, and I told from just the little I could see if her face and the from how big her breasts and ass were, she reminded me of a teacher I used to be in love with in high school, in a language arts class where I was made to sit in the front row because I...

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My First Oral

As a college student, it was very hard to believe that I was still a virgin and it didn't help that I looked pretty hot. I had waist-long, golden-brown hair, baby blue eyes, firm D cup breasts and a round ass which I got from my Latin grandmother. Nobody believed that, at 19 years of age, I had never masturbated, given head or been given head. I grew up with the strictest parents and the male anatomy was one area I feared to tread.After a lonely first week in college, I met a very handsome...

Oral Sex
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Vampires Slave pt 2

The ventureThe previous night, after shooting a copious load of cum down the gorgeous vampire's throat, Danny had agreed to drive Sylvia across the country to meet with her brother and sister. Well not her actual brother and sister, but the three vampires had all been turned into bloodsuckers by the same elder vampire and apparently in their world that meant they were family.That morning at 5am, well before the sun was up, Danny and Sylvia hit the road.Sylvia's car turned out to be a very nice...

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The Mistress Monologues

The Mistress Monologues By Cassandra Morgan "You see, Doc, it's like this. I like a boyfriend with titties." I looked at the bartender's face for the shock value. I was disappointed that I didn't see any. Usually, when I told people about my love of the simpering girly-boys, I at least got a flinch. Something. This time? A blank stare. Look, there are all sorts of tastes of all sorts of flavors. Some women liked the blond surfer dudes with their tan bodies and their...

2 years ago
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Pipe Crew Part III

Rusty didn’t last long. Fifteen or twenty deep strokes and he blasted my colon with his second cum of the night. Then he collapsed on me, his hot, heavy breath on my neck. I felt his tongue flick my neck and my ass contracted around his cock. I didn’t know what to do. I had no idea if there was etiquette involved. Was I his boyfriend now? Was I gay? Our stomachs trapped my hard cock between us and I relished the tightness and the pressure. “That was fucking awesome Pauly! ...

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This is another true story told to me by a friend of mine. I had lost my job several years ago and without income I soon lost my house and cars. My wife wanted more so she left me and took the k**s and the dog. I was able to get a job delivering pizza. It was a big change for me to go from being an important VP making six figures to a pizza delivery guy making ten bucks an hour plus tips. It was to be my last delivery of the night and then I could go home to my pathetic garage apartment....

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The Note

The note was on my keyboard when I returned to my office. I asked my assistant who had left it there and she shook her head saying, “I don’t know, didn’t seen anyone go into your office”. I would not have thought anything about it but the paper was all wrinkled and smudged so I was hesitant about touching it. Since I am the H. R. Manager and need to handle the verbal warnings and the terminations you can imagine what I was thinking and my need for caution. Probably nothing, but even a nasty...

Straight Sex
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Princess Slave

Bett had no idea what she was getting herself into when she started dating an older gentleman while she was still in high school. It was love at first sight and a whirlwind romance. He was a Prince, and that would make her a Princess if they married. He showered her with expensive gifts, and took her to the most expensive places in town. That impressed her. Bett was the most beautiful girl Thomoss had ever met, and he knew at first sight that she had to be his. She was a virgin. That was...

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High Lee Likely

It was this past weekend when I finally went out with a buddy's ex LeAnn but I would call her Lee for short ( I hadn't seen in years and decided to go to a venue I was playing at & was getting discouraged cause we where going on our last set list in 20 min. And she shows up & we hugged & complimented on her looking good & she said likewise as she asked me to do a playful spin for her & wolf whistle k**dingly & spanked me & I k**dingly said harder after the show with...

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Becoming Emily Part VII

After Megan left I laid in bed, exhausted, and felt the soreness from my escapades fully setting in. A long, hot soak helped alleviate the effects but I didn’t think I could take another 24 hours like that. I sent the rest of the day at home and I found, to my dismay and excitement, that I enjoyed things that I previously would have considered to be typical female behavior. When I got hungry I ate a salad, and I enjoyed it which was huge coming from someone that wouldn’t consider a meal...

3 years ago
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Sex With A Hot Team Leader At Her Home

Hellow People, my name is Rajveer and this story is about me and a Team Leader in my organisation which took place a couple of weeks ago. (Names Changed) I work in a MNC as a project expert in Pune, Age 26 Athlete body, 5.9 height with a tool of 7.5 inches. This is my 1st story do excuse me for errors. I saw her 1st time in our office on 1st Feb which was the DOJ for her I was sitting with my colleagues in cafeteria and she came in wearing a Black colored tight punjabi suit #Natasha. About...

1 year ago
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Fucked on beach by Rugby Team

It was late summer and the campsite was about 5 minutes walk from the beach. I was 18 years old and on a short cycling holiday. The hot sunny summers evening made me want to take off as many of my clothes as I could without being arrested for indecency. So I set off from the tent across the terrain in a pair of skimpy thin blue briefs. It was easy to see the curves of my bum through the tight fitting cotton. The pants failed to cover the top part of my buttocks so it was easy to see I had a...

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Kabhi Kabhi Bhagwaan Bhi Meherbaan 8211 Part III

Hi friends Aap log to mere bare mein jaante hi hein . Me aryan from delhi , height 5.11 inch , color fair , slim body , 6.2 inch lenght and 3 inch thik of my penis . To dosto ab mein aata hun apni story pe . Kabhi kabhi bhagwaan bhi meherbaan hota he Dosto kehte hein ghar ka bhai gandu or hum gaand ko tarse . means ki koi cheez hamare paas hote hue bhi hum usi cheez ko taras te hein . esa hi kuch mere saath hua . mere makaan mein teen floor hein ek floor pe hum rehte hein or do floor rent pe...

3 years ago
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Adam Comes to VisitChapter 9

Adam: Unbelievable. I had two of the most beautiful women in the world making love to me. I'd lusted over my Aunt Kristen ever since I first started getting erections. Now, her daughter has bloomed into a junior edition of her: hair, breasts, hips, legs and all. Kristen was sucking my whipped cream-coated dick and Amy was rubbing her breasts in my face while I rubbed her pussy between her wide-stanced legs. I hoped my here could hold up through all this. My two lovers switched places and...

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