Lisa & Ryan - Naked In SchoolChapter 8 free porn video

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I was dreaming. I was sure of it. There was this wonderful mouth on my cock. It was teasing me, just getting me hard and then changing to licking my balls when I was getting some rhythm. Then I woke up and found out that there was a li'l cocksucker working over Mr. Meat with her mouth.

Then she wrapped her hair around my shaft, and began stroking me with a fistful of her silky, soft blonde/brown mane. OOOoooo. That felt real nice.

"Morning, Ry," said the voice from under my sheets. The sheet went flying off and I could see her now. She was all dressed and looking like the million dollars that I would have paid for her, at least, I would have paid that much for her to not stop. "Listen, stud, I've already done my hair, so you tell me before you get it all sticky again."

After a few more strokes, she stopped entirely. "RYAN WYLIE! Did you hear me?"

"Uh. Yah sugar. I heard you. No cumming in your hair. But you're not gonna leave me hanging are ya?"

"Do I ever?" And she went back to the hair-wrapped stroke. It was different. All smooth and soft and yet she was stroking and ... well, real nice, like I said.

Pretty soon, I tapped her on the shoulder. "Won't be long now, Beck." With that she shook her head and all the hair came around to the other side of her face. Then she swooped down and took me in her mouth. Just the head, but she was sucking HARD.

It didn't take me long to respond to the change. Cool, silky stroking to hot, liquid sucking. After filling her mouth in the first few spurts, she showed it to me. A beautiful open mouth smile, her tongue covered with my seed. She bored into me with those blue lasers that normally were so innocent looking. Then she closed her mouth, swallowed, and opened her mouth again.

"All gone, baby."

"Oooohhh. Beck, I'd rip your clothes off and rape you right here ... if I didn't have to pee like a racehorse."

"Wait a minute." And she bent down, took me in her mouth again, and I'll be damned if she didn't suck a hickey on my dickey. Right on the head. "Now we're even." She laughed and got out of bed. Then she followed me into the bathroom. But she wasn't interested in my attempts to get Mr. Meat's morning hard on pointed down to the bowl. She wanted mouthwash. "Nothing personal Ryan. But I don't feel like talking to your dad with a mouth full of YOU." And she laughed again. It was an awfully nice laugh.

We got upstairs today, in plenty of time. Becky headed right for the pantry, and started to look for something. Not finding it, she opened the fridge and took out a bottle of ready-made pancake batter. I guess she wasn't satisfied with my batter, she wanted more. HAHA

Today she was wearing a thin, white, little belly shirt. Meaning that it showed her belly every time she moved. And it was thin enough that you could see she was wearing a black bra. Real sexy if you ask me. Plus a short white skirt that only came a couple of inches down on her thighs. It looked like it was gonna give me a panty shot any time she moved. If I hadn't just come in her mouth, I'd want to come in her mouth. In fact, I wanted to grab her and fuck her again anyway.

She looked at me over her shoulder, while she was working the stove controls. "Ryan?? Forks? Plates? OJ? You know?? So we can eat."

DOH! I woke up from my pussy-filled daydream. I never ate breakfast at the table. Or with silverware. But I knew where it was. I got two plates and silverware and glasses and stuff. Becky looked at me again ... like I didn't have enough brains to step on worms. "THREE plates, Ryan."

Oh. Three. Right. What was I thinking? She was making breakfast for me and her, so naturally I'd know to get three plates. I guess. So I went to get another plate and the et cetera. About then daddy came out of his room, looking all spiff again in a polo shirt and jacket. He smiled at seeing her at the stove, cooking for us.

"Hi Mr. Wylie," she threw over her shoulder at him. "Take a seat. Almost ready here."

"This is nice," he said. "And it's Mike, ok?" He took one of the seats at the kitchen table.

"OK. Mike it is." She put some pancakes on the middle of the table then went back to make another batch.

"Mike? A real nasty thing happened at my trailer yesterday." She dropped it into the morning chat like it was nothing. "Some guys showed up and worked my father over pretty good. They were from Houston or something." Daddy's fork stopped halfway to his mouth, and he looked at me - hard. "I asked Ryan about it, but he doesn't know anything, and I believe him. I sure hope that nothing like that ever happens again, 'cause I don't know how he or I would ever hold up if the police came to question us."

Daddy put the piece of pancake into his mouth and chewed real slow. "He's my father, and he may be a rotten father, but he's MY father. And I can handle things. I sure hope that's the end of it." She turned around with another plate of pancakes.

"Yeah, that sounds bad. Maybe it was the cops or somethin'. I hear they don't like that kind of stuff," daddy said. And he was looking at me for a minute, then he was all smiles at Becky. "So your boyfriend is naked in school this week? Does that bother you?" He knew about NIS? How?

"Yes, frankly. It does," she answered. This was news to me. She said she was setting me up with girls and stuff. "I mean ... how do you think I should feel, seeing a bunch of other women with their paws all over my man?" This was a whole 'nother side of her that I didn't even know about. Daddy was nodding, and drinking OJ.

"You know people in LA don't you?" Again Daddy stopped drinking, this time he just looked at her. "Don't you think you could ask somebody out there who'd know somebody who could get Ryan a shot at going to USC? They have an opening for a quarterback next year. I bet Ry could get it. It's a super opportunity."

"And uh..." she continued "If he was out there, away from Austin I mean, there'd be a better chance that he wouldn't go into the nightclub business, you know?" She stuffed some pancakes in her mouth. What was she talking about? ME? In the nightclub business? I wasn't even thinking about that.

"That true Ryan? You interested in USC?" Daddy was looking at me.

"Well, uh..." Becky had kicked off her sandal and was rubbing her foot on my leg a little. "I guess so. I mean ... they didn't come out here, but yeah, I'd be interested if they were."

"I'd go to USC if Ryan did," Becky said. "I got a scholarship out there, but I want to get Ryan the best chance he can get, so I'm not saying yes to them yet." She smiled that 10,000 watt smile at me, and reached out to hold my hand. "We've been talking about the future, some." Then she turned her smile on daddy. "Somebody has to think about that ... this dopey guy won't." She laughed a little.

HUH?! Future? I supposed that meant marriage. She was right about one thing though: I didn't really think much past the next pussy I could get. I guess I had a dopey grin on my face.

Daddy looked at me then at her. "Yeah. I can see that." He laughed much more than Becky had. "Ryan, if you're even a little smart, you'll catch this one while you can. She's smart and - if you'll excuse me - real easy on the eyes too."

Becky just smiled at him. Like they had come to an agreement on something.

Thursday am - Lisa

Robert was still sprawled over me like the warm blanket that I used him for. I woke up when the sun thru the window hit me in the eye. It hurt. I did some figuring and guessed that I wouldn't be too late for school if I got up soon. I pushed on Prescott and got out from under him.

I stood up and immediately regretted it. I never drank anything at all, and last night I had so much to drink that I could barely remember getting deflowered. "Deflowered!" More like: I used Robert Prescott like a human dildo, just to get off. That wasn't nice. But it was satisfying, physically. And I REALLY needed that.

I looked over at Prescott. He was still asleep in the middle of a thoroughly demolished bed. Somehow, I doubt he'd complain about how he was "used."

Clothes. Somewhere there was my dobak. And my red lace underwear. I staggered around lifting things until I found them all. I stuffed my bra and panties under my TKD belt, then I tiptoed out the door and found my car.

I drove home ... slowly. My head hurt. The sun was too bright. The radio was too loud. The bumps in the road hurt. When I got home, I pulled in next to my dad's Taurus, and I walked slowly to the front door, and opened it. My father was sitting in the living room, sipping at a cup of coffee.

EEEK! My father. That was his car in the driveway. He was home. Oh crap!

"HELLO LISA. DID YOU HAVE A GOOD TIME?" I swear he was shouting on purpose.

I cringed and begged, "Not so loud, please! Pleeeeease!"

He looked at me, and I guess, decided to have pity on me. "We'll talk about the details later. Right now you look like a perfect description of 'what can happen to your daughter if she's left alone.' You have a hangover, your underwear is tucked into your belt, and your pants are inside-out." He laughed. "I hope it was worth it. I hope HE was worth it. Now go get in the shower. Take some aspirin first and have a drink of Gatorade. If you feel like breakfast, you can have some later."

"I was thinking of staying home today," I said - very quietly. Usually your own voice doesn't hurt when you talk - not today.

"Oh no. You do the crime, you do the time." That was one of his favorite sayings. "At least you had the good sense not to try and drive home last night. But you are going to school today."

I let out a groan and staggered up the stairs. I realized that I was walking a little bowlegged. My pussy hurt. That made me remember all the things that we did last night.

At least I wasn't a virgin anymore.

Thursday am - Lisa

Me and Becky drove to school. This was getting to be something I could get used to. I looked down and her hand was in my lap, casually stroking Mr. Meat. Yep. I could definitely get used to it.

I thought about what she said at the breakfast table. USC would be a great chance for me. I'd be sure to get noticed by the pro scouts. Even if I was a backup there. At UT, I wouldn't be more than second string for a long time. What did she mean about me not going into the nightclub business? Was that some sort of code for not working for Certain People who knew people - like those two goons from Houston? I didn't want anything to do with that or them or whatever.

"Why so quiet, Ry?"

"I was just thinkin', that's all."

"Ut.Oh Scooby, I can smell something burning." It was a standing joke between us. I didn't need to think, I just need to fuck her and play football. But I wasn't so sure I wanted her to make all the decisions. Me being a pussy-whipped wimp, following instructions.

"Becky," I said. "You seem to have done a lot of planning here. I'm not so comfortable with not making any decisions about my own future."

"Ry," and her stroking of my cock got a little more of a squeeze to it, "you make ALL the decisions. Have I ever done or said ANYTHING that I didn't talk about with you first? And for that matter, have I ever done anything that you didn't approve of? I may make all the first plans, yes. But I'm a planner, always was. But YOU are the one who can say 'yes' or 'no.' You decide if something is right or not.

"Like USC. Totally your choice. I mean, think about it and decide. Or we can talk about it some more. If we lived in Southern California, together, you could wake up like this morning. I'm not saying it would be like that EVERY day, but I like that too, you know. Oooo. I can tell you like that idea." Mr. Meat was paying attention; he liked morning BJs.

"And once in a while, I could set up a little something with one of my friends. I mean, I don't have any yet, but I will have some. Maybe surfer girls, or cheerleaders, or just 'friends' - like Coral yesterday, you know?" I was just HARD now. Surfer girls? Ooooo. And in 3-ways with Becky and me? She was dipping her hand under my waistband and tickling my cock directly.

"Well, I'll think about it." I tried to shift around in the seat, to let her get at me more.

"Just so long as YOU decide. I'm not the guy who has a shot at being the USC quarterback. It's your call. If that kind of life appeals to you. It sure appeals to me." And she gave Mr. Meat a little pat, and then pulled her hand out.

I looked at her. "Ryan," she explained, "We're here. School?"

Oh yeah. High school. What a drag. Didn't compare at all to surfer girls.

Thursday am - Lisa

I thought about things in the shower. My dad must be the coolest guy on the planet. His daughter - only daughter - who has been virginal 'till now, shows up looking like I did. And he just says "We'll talk about it later. Go take a shower." I mean ... who does that? Not even the understanding fathers on TV. And then he gives me hints on what to do about the hangover.

I finished the shower and dried off. I was feeling about 20% human again. That was good. Back in my room, I saw that he'd picked out some clothes. A top and some denim cutoffs. No underwear though. Was I supposed to go commando, or pick out my own. Well, he'd never know ... so I went commando.

When I went downstairs, he was there, all suited up and looking very much the US Attorney. "Better?" he asked. And on the counter, there was a sports bottle full of Gatorade and an aspirin bottle.

He gave me a hug and said, "I'm glad. GLAD! Now we'll talk about it later, OK? I'll be home about 7 tonite. Can you be here too?"

I didn't understand at all, but there were tears in my eyes. I just nodded.

At school, I needed to go to the Stripping Post today. I chuckled a bit to myself. Sorry Officer Lupis, no free show if I get stopped today. But it was Thursday, already, and the gawkers knew there wasn't going to be a show. I left the car, fully clothed and with my sunglasses on. My eyes were all bloodshot and the light hurt. I looked like I felt like shit. 'Cause I did.

Rebecca and Ryan were just coming out of the office when I went in. Ryan started to say something, but he got an elbow in the ribs and stifled himself. When I came out, sans clothes, but avec shades, Rebecca was still there, but Ryan wasn't. She was just looking at me, and said, "We have to talk." And led the way to the local chat room - used to be called the Girls Rest Room.

She looked at her watch - we had about 20 minutes before classes would start - and then lifted my sunglasses to look at my eyes. I winced away - light hurt, remember? "Booze or drugs?" she asked. "And is this a regular thing with you?"

"Quiet please. Please." She wasn't talking so loud, but my head was about to go nuclear. "First time. Booze." I had no idea why I was even talking to her, or why she was talking to me. I couldn't think about it right now.

"Good," she said. GOOD? This was a good thing? "You keep pushing liquids. You'll pee a lot, but you'll feel better." She looked me over - all over. "Oh My God. You got laid didn't you? You're pussy looks redder than normal." She knew what color my pussy was normally? I have to read more stuff on the internet, buy a vowel or something. What normal people seem to notice is a mystery to me.

She held me at arms length, and was as serious as a judge, "Lisa, tell me the truth. Was it rape? Did somebody give you drinks and then take advantage of you? Did you drink anything that he didn't drink?" She shook me a little. "Lisa! Think!"

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A blade for Ryan

100% fiction! Ryan restlessly squirmed in his chair while he waited for the principal to get off the phone. he was geting tired an it was getting dark out. He didn't like athority and he hated to answer all those questions he knew mr's snipit would be hurling at him. so what iF HE skiped class. Big deal. But what really had him hacked off was being ordered to go to the principal's office after Chief Rayborn an mr's brisk smelled pot smoke. ryan stood up and stretched his arms above his head. He...

1 year ago
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Ryan and Billy Make a Noise

“Out here you two.” Ryan and Billy knew they were in for a spanking. They had pushed their luck and were now going to pay the penalty for disobeying their Mum’s. Audrey sounded really annoyed. The two boys stayed inside the tent. Audrey said again even more sharply “I will not ask you again boys, out here now.” Ryan and Billy appeared from the tent looking sheepish. Billy saw his Mum, standing, arms crossed, not happy at all he thought as he eased himself out of the tent and stood up. He...

4 years ago
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Ryan Michelle The Good Elf

As usual this story is my property and may not be republished or redistributed without my express permission. This story is a work of fiction, any resemblance to people living or dead is a coincidence. — Ryan loved Christmas, it was his favorite time of year. All the hustle and bustle, kids bursting with excitement and parents trying to keep up with them. That’s probably why he’d worked as one of Santa’s Elves since he was sixteen, and had continued doing it for the past ten years. He loved...

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Ryan Part Two

Since R.J., our son, was born, Joe had made an effort to be home more often. This weekend, though, he had to go out of town. I didn't really complain since he had been home almost non-stop for about a month or so, which was a new record. Joe left on Friday and I got up early Saturday morning to meet the construction crew downstairs. They knocked on the door a little after eight. I opened the door and there were two middle aged men standing there. "There was no chance I'd be tempted by...

2 years ago
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Erin and Ryan Lead Meagan into Her First Threesome

Despite having been out with Ryan until after 2:30 A.M. that morning and despite having received a thorough, quite painful paddling from my dad when I returned home late, I woke up early that morning as the sun rose above the horizon and its rays showed through the thin curtains that crossed my bedroom window.I looked at the clock.  6:55 A.M. the red digits read.I yawned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.  As I sat up, a twinge of uncomfortableness overwhelmed me.  My ass was still a bit...

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Ryan and the Red Heads

Introduction: Ryan builds a harem, Red Headed twins and his 14 year old niece Just a word before you start, its long, ninety pages. You may want to take a chapter at a time. Ryan and the Red Heads (Chapter one) I got home to learn that we are getting a visitor, a visitor that will be with us for two months over the summer taking in the big city sights with my wife as her tour guide, museums, galleries, plays, in the evenings well be visiting a variety of restaurants so she can sample the...

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Rati And Ryan8217s Adventures 8211 Part 1

The real-life adventures of Rati and Ryan (names changed) would be spread over multiple parts, slowly highlighting the live-in couple’s adventures to spice up their sex lives. I am Raj, Rati’s colleague and I am writing about Rati’s adventures, as told by her. FYI, this is my story and I own the rights to the story. This first part is on Rati and Ryan pleasing each other orally. Ryan understood Rati very well. He now lifted her face by putting his forefinger under Rati’s chin to lift her head...

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The Life of RyanChapter 34 A Cum Contest at Sea

Ryan was always thinking up new ways to have as much sex as possible, and to challenge those around him to push their limits as well. To him, sex was not just fun ... it was healthy and vital. It charged your life force. It exercised your body in the very best way. It made you feel alive and strong, and connected to other people. Orgasms were the best and most incredible thing you could give yourself, and no matter how many he had, each one was always a special and relished experience of its...

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Ryan Silverstone

Chapter 1 Dressed in black with a white collar and white-on-black nametag identifying her as Lucy, the slightly tentative waitress with a soft smile said goodbye and to call again, her eyelids fluttering. At that Ryan knew he only had to ask and she’d date him. Oh brother, act your age, the newcomer to the city mused. He’d welcome her company but that would almost amount to cradle snatching. ‘I’ll call again,’ he said pulling out a friendly smile instead of a flirty one and pushed five bucks...

4 years ago
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Ryan and His dad Get Spanked

“Hullo Mrs Grant.” Audrey liked Ryan’s new girlfriend Sonia, 24 years old holding down a good manager’s position at her office, and Ryan was better behaved as well, through Sonia’s influence she suspected. She had to admit that even she felt a flutter between her legs when she eyed the young lady, slim, a good figure, long flowing hair, dressed in a figure hugging sleeveless t shirt that showed off a bare flat midriff and a very short skirt revealing slim long bare legs. Audrey took a breath...

3 years ago
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The Kidnap Of Our New Slaves Ryan Jenny Part 2

Introduction: Ryan has fun with his new pet, fucking her for the first time. What?! Im not your pet! She screamed, kicking the bars again. I think you are now. Ive always wanted a pet to play with Maliciously taunting her with the double entendre. You growl and youre locked in a cage like a good girl Jenny stayed quiet, she knew she was screwed. She was going to get fucked and there was nothing that she could do about it, she thought about Alice getting fucked as well. Well she does like...

1 year ago
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Ryan and the Red Heads

Ryan and the Red Heads (Chapter one) I got home to learn that we are getting a visitor, a visitor that will be with us for two months over the summer taking in the big city sights with my wife as her tour guide; museums, galleries, plays; in the evenings we’ll be visiting a variety of restaurants so she can sample the exotic cuisines of the world available here, all of the highlights of big city life. My wife, Suzette has a twin sister Annette, identical twin, her fourteen year old...

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Ryan Jessica Rob Tricia

Just then, Rob’s wife, Tricia, walked into the kitchen, having gone upstairs to attend to one of her sons. Ryan, who'd known Rob and Tricia for a few years before being introduced to Jessica by Tricia, got her attention and waved her over. “What is it,” she asked out loud. Ryan pointed down the basement stairs and out a finger to his lips. As long as Ryan had known Tricia, he'd lusted after her. She was tall (5’10), blonde, and leaner than he usually liked, but had a very cute little...

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Sex Trafficking Part 5 Ryan the Collector1

Even before becoming involved in human trafficking, Morris had come to a firmly held conviction in the unpredictability of human behavior in dealing with other humans. Except for making him very wealthy, nothing had occurred in his 20 years of filling orders for clients to change that conviction. For complete strangers with whom that they had no involvement humans could be kind, giving, and sweet but when the other humans were closer as neighbors and family might be they could be heartless,...

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Ryan And Gemma Want To Fuck II

"What the fuck is going on here? Did she just-?" Ryan stammered."Yes, she did," I answered, coming over to him. "As it turns out, Gemma would like to fuck you again too, Ryan. I can't believe you had no idea that it wasn't me, I should slap you, but I love you," I reminded him, before kissing him, and she kept his cock in her hands."What the fuck, you just let my ex blow me, and titty fuck me too?""Yes, don't you remember eye-fucking her a couple of hours ago? Wait, you aren't mad, are you? I...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 7 Ryan

NOVEMBER 2001, THANKSGIVING BREAK [WHUMP] The impact of her body against mine was enough to stagger me. I just barely stayed upright, my knees threatening to buckle but holding firm while Dawn wrapped her legs around my waist and planted a volcanic kiss on my lips. And only now did I feel like I could relax. At first, I'd been rather disappointed not to find my girlfriend waiting for me at the end of the jet bridge. My heart sunk like a stone into the pit of my stomach at the thought that...

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The Life of RyanChapter 23 Troublesome Twins

No one got up very early the next day, but later in the afternoon Chad came over, and he, Ryan and Matt headed down the crude stairs off the bluff behind the back yard, down to the beach. Despite living right on the beach, Ryan hadn’t been down there in a couple weeks, and it was a perfect afternoon for skimboarding. The tide was in at just the right level, and there was a long, smooth flat section of beach just a little ways down from Ryan’s house. The three young bucks spent part of the...

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milking of ryan pt 1

Ryan Connolly stood in the arena, stripped to his shorts, a sneer on his perfect lips. The x-treme fighting match had yet to begin, but his confidence practically glowed with the same sheen as the arena lights reflecting off the sheer layer of perspiration on his smooth chest and perfectly defined six-pack. The light caught the coppery highlights of his auburn hair as he turnes to face the crowd, emerald green eyes sparkling. He sneered again. In his head he knew that every man in the arena...

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Cody Ryan Leo

“They’re finally ready... Cody, Ryan and Leo,” the Scientist announced, making some notes briefly on his clipboard, and then asked, “But where will you keep all three clones, Sir?” “An Island,” I answered, “A little one just off Maldives... Tell me, Doctor, why did you need so many of my pictures, a video of me, and even a sample of my DNA? How am I a part of their creation?” “We factored it all in. The technical details are rather tedious to outline. But in the process of manufacturing these...

Gay Male
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Fucking Ryan

Like a fair number of the guys I’d had sex with, Ryan’s head dove straight for my cunt. We’d barely taken our clothes off and he began to lick my clit. I think they saw this on TV, Cinemax I guessed, softcore porn where the man almost always pleasured the woman before himself. Although, come to think of it, on Cinemax movies he always quit doing his work down there before she came and proceeded to fuck her in various positions for ten or fifteen minutes before he came. Although generally his...

Straight Sex
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Cody Ryan Leo

"They're finally ready... Cody, Ryan and Leo", The Scientist replied, making some notes briefly on his clipboard, and then asked, “But where will you keep all three clones, Sir?” “An Island”, I answered, “A little one just off Maldives... Tell me, doctor, why did you need so many of my pictures, a video of me, and even a sample of my DNA? How am I a part of their creation?” “We factored it all in. The technical details are rather tedious to outline. But in the process of manufacturing these...

2 years ago
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The Life of RyanChapter 14 A few more days

Matt was released from the hospital later that afternoon, and spent most of the next three days recuperating in bed. Amber had come up to tend to his needs, for which Ryan was thankful, especially since Kerri had left the first day for a week-long trip for a friend’s wedding. Jenna had also come down with a bad flu, and Ryan didn’t like the militant, butch lesbian nurse that his service had sent him, so he’d kicked her out and took Matt’s suggestion to call Amber. That first night, with Matt...

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The Life of RyanChapter 16 Another Day at the Club

A knock at his bedroom door awoke Ryan just after 9 am. He stretched, rolled over, and asked who it was. It was Amber, and of course he told her to come on in. She pranced in, wearing a very low-cut, half-sheer, lavender slinky nightie that accented her remarkable breasts in a tantalizing way. She had a mischievous smile on her face as well, and sat on the edge of the bed. Ryan was thrilled she was here, and knew exactly what was supposed to happen next. “How long are you staying?” Ryan...

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Ryan8217s surprise

Hello I am back again here remember me , I am Abhishek 18 male Delhi. I am posting u another story here. Hope u will enjoy. Lori had just returned from school and heard the soft noises coming from her brother’s room. The door was ajar, so she pushed it slightly open. Her eyes widened as she beheld the sight of her brother, Ryan lying on his bed masturbating and whispering her name. It had been only recently, that they had discovered their mutual desire to share their bodies with one another....

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The Life of RyanChapter 2 The History of Ryan Part I The Good Luck and the Bad

Ryan Sheaffer seemed to be a ridiculously fortunate young man. He was born to self-made multi-millionaires David and Ellen Sheaffer after they had made their fortune in the real estate and investment industries, and were already in their early forties. They wanted to give their son the world; however, in many ways, having their first and only child this late in life was kind of an afterthought, once their financial empire and lavish lifestyle were fully established. David, a former Olympic...

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A Ride With Ryan

"It's my party today!" Sarah shrieked down the phone.On the other end Maxine rolled her eyes. "Of course it is honey and it'll be a brilliant night. We'll have so much fun!" Sarah was her best friend, they had been friends for nearly fourteen years. Today was her twenty-first birthday party and it was going to be epic. Her parents hadn't spared a penny, and everyone who was anyone would be there."Oh my god! I can't wait for you to get here. When is your train at?" Sarah asked excitedly."About...

Straight Sex
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The Life of RyanChapter 26 After the Tournament

At the end of the tournament, the Chad/Matt/Selena/Sabrina team finished 3rd in the whole tournament, losing their semi-final round but winning their consolation game. Ryan/Derek/Jenna/Kerri played and won two more games in the consolation rounds and tied for 9th overall or something like that. Afterwards, dozens of sweaty, exhausted, tan, athletic, hot and horny young people joined together for a party on the beach, with a live band, a no-host bar, and a sort of luau complete with roast pig....

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Ryan The Coachs Wife and Mom0

Ryan preferred to live at home with the folks , a year ago he had also hypnotized his mom Joyce who was a 5ft 9 brunette with a strippers body & 40 dd fake tits ( which his step dad had bought her ) and a nice fat ass. While Bev kept her mouth full with his prick , Joyce opened the door & brought Ryan a cola , his mom was wearing a red thong bikini & 3 inch heels , she had been tanning by the pool , with Bill ( his step dad), before he had sent her text to come join them in the bedroom ....

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The Life of RyanChapter 22 PostGame Traffic

The effects of the intense supplement regimen Ryan had taken still lingered in his body the next morning, as evidenced by the sore, painful erection he awoke with. He thought about the last few days and realized he had had tons of pussy lately, but not much boy flesh. He buzzed Matt’s call button, and was delighted when his cute, tight friend jumped on his bed in just his underwear. “Hi boss,” Matt said, playfully. “Had some fun yesterday?” “Oh just a bit, yeah,” Ryan said sheepishly. “We...

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The Life of RyanChapter 4 The History of Ryan Part III A Little More Sex in Europe

Ryan gave his gorgeous and well-christened boat as a wedding present to two of his friends on the island who were getting married, with the agreement that if he visited the island in the future, he could always have use of it. He surprised each of several other friends with cash gifts equivalent to approximately two month’s earnings for a middle class Greek worker. None had really known how wealthy he actually was. And, he informed Spiros and Alexis that they would also be accompanying him on...

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The Life of RyanChapter 25 Volleyball Tournament

Ryan woke up with both his ladies snuggled up on either side of him. After they’d come back up to the house last night, he had gone to bed. Matt had headed to his suite’s bathroom for a shower, and Jenna and Kerri had decided to ambush him there, suck his cock, and fuck him good once more before he went to bed. They thought about ambushing Ryan too and waking him up for sex, but they were truly tired themselves, so they settled for crawling in bed naked with him and going to sleep. However,...

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