The Stanley Room 217
- 3 years ago
- 31
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At least she got a quick nap on the way.
The drive to Segovia barely took an hour at this time of night. Our driver knew exactly where to take us, so there was no wandering around trying to find our hotel. I had finished getting the luggage inside and went out to tip the driver only to find he was already gone. Elena stayed awake long enough to make it up to the room, strip, pee, brush, her teeth and fall into bed.
April needed a bath, so I filled the tub and enjoyed a nice long soak with her sleeping on my chest. We both woke up when the water got a little cold, and she got hungry. I got her dried, fed, diapered and laid in the stroller. She was sound asleep before I finished tucking two blankets in around her. I spooned in behind Elena. All three of us slept until two in the afternoon.
Elena didn’t want to have to deal with waiting on some hired car, train, or bus, so we rented a small car with enough of a trunk to keep our stuff out of sight of thieves.
As we toured Segovia, Elena was ecstatic as she rattled off facts about what we saw, what made it famous, and things like that. We had headed into a big church to look around, but it didn’t interest me, so I told Elena I was going over to look at the aqueduct with April. I found it quite amazing that something that seems so simple to everyone these days was a significant improvement back when the Romans were building it.
I remembered going to one of the frontier towns that the national park service had taken over and preserved. One of the things they had there was a grist mill powered by a water wheel. They used a wooden waterway to direct the water from where they had damned up the river down to turn the waterwheel. Except for the construction materials, the aqueduct and water wheel sluice looked to use the same principals. From the higher ground, I was able to watch for Elena leaving the church. I texted her where I was and that I would be down soon. She told me to stay put because she wanted to check out the aqueduct out too. While I waited, the-man-in-the-machine sent me a message.
There was a small estate about one-hundred kilometers from Segovia. For some unknown reason, the previous owner had abandoned it. The property had been up for sale for some time but had not had any real interest. The place was outrageously underpriced even if it only included the house and grounds. His message gave some details about then having converted part of the barn into being a computer-controlled hydroponics garden. The other half was a small dairy. The man-in-the-machine bought it outright and put it in my name. Based on what he was able to find, the property had at least thirty milk cows, a heard of goats, a purebred bull, and more cats then we could count. The origin owner planned to convert it to a bed-and-breakfast. From what he sent me, there was a running bed and breakfast nearby, but it was on borrowed time.
His research found another bed-and-breakfast showing how the house passed down through the same family over two-hundred years. When the last owner died, one of their children and their spouse took over running it. The new owners had no clue how to run it and only done minimal repairs to keep the rain out, fifteen years ago. Now it needed significant repairs and they had no money to do anything. Times have drastically changed since their parents ran it. People weren’t willing to pay to sleep on worn-out beds, barely functional bathrooms, and drafty rooms. Their only saving grace had been their fabulous breakfasts. In the last five years, the reviews said the pub down the street had better food. If not for the out-of-work drunks that never left the pub, unless thrown out, it would have closed long ago. One comment joked that jar of pickled eggs on the counter in Mel’s Bar, from The Simpsons, was a gourmet experience to the food served in that pub.
Harsh. I wouldn’t pay a premium to stay there.
When Elena made it up to the top of the aqueduct, I gave her a bottle of water and told her, “It appears whoever is handling the money I have earned, from just being me with a different name, found a small estate around a hundred klicks from here. They plan to make it a bed and breakfast because the only one in the town near it is just waiting for a priest to give it last rites, or some movie crew to destroy it for a one-take shot. He said since we were close, we might as well check it out. We could stay there tonight and not have to worry about being robbed or attacked.”
She only heard about half of what I said. Between the walk and the late nights recently, she was beyond exhausted. After making sure she ate something, I then took care of April’s needs before we hit the road.
When I think of a small estate in the US, I expect a house on a few manicured acres, a four or five-car garage, six to eight bedrooms, eight to ten bathrooms, and a pool. Not quite a mansion. Those have guest houses, high fences, and gates.
I was expecting the same as I drove onto the un-gated road that led up the house. The trees on the sides of the road made it difficult to see the house. I stopped when I could see it all and then made sure I drove to the right place. I got back a live satellite feed showing our rented car in the drive of the estate with a big arrow pointing to the house. I made a quick guess that it had at least ten bedrooms on the top floor alone. With both girls still sound asleep, I continued driving along the road that paralleled the house.
It isn’t one of the “See Rock City” barns that I was expecting.
The barn looked like the one at the commercial dairy farm my kindergarten class visited. The only difference was it being all stone except for the roof.
I headed back to the house to drive around it to get a feel for the place. I got a feeling, alright. It seemed to keep on going until I finally came to where the road went between the patio and the biggest pool I had ever seen. It was bigger than the pools at the places Elena’s dad owned. I got out to look only to see that it had to be at least a hundred meters long, but I wasn’t high enough to tell if it might be longer.
Molly would be beyond happy, at least beyond for her, to swim in this pool.
I continued driving around the various roads but didn’t see any animals or pasture anywhere. Someone had been caring for the place because of the manicured grass and bushes with nice straight edges. I saw no branches sticking out that needed to be trimmed. I went on to pull up around the front of the house to get April in her front carry harness so I could carry Elena inside before getting our bags. I didn’t expect to have a butler waiting to get our luggage and show us around.
He gave me a quick smile when I managed to get Elena into the house as far as the first comfortable couch. A blanket magically appeared in his hands that he used to cover her up with while I changed April. Once fed, she went back to sleep almost as soon as I had her in the carrier.
This place defined a mansion. There were twenty-two rooms on the top level, each a bathroom and ten more rooms on the main level. Every room on the main level was a suite with their own separate sitting room, bedroom and bathroom. Some had a nursery off the bedroom. The basement had fifteen rooms for the staff, but they were smaller and three shared a bathroom.
Currently, there were two butlers, one who doubles as a chauffeur when needed, six maids, and three cooks who lived in the basement. The barn had a large bunkhouse for the staff that took care of the hydroponic gardens, cattle, sheep, chickens, pigs, fields, and grounds.
“I don’t understand how things happen over here. Why would you stay if the owner abandoned the place? Is he still paying you?” I asked.
I could see him biting back the butler response as he said, “I’m sorry, sir. It appears you don’t have the full details of the property. We are completely self-sufficient here. Within weeks of the former owner moving in, they retrofit the barn with large solar panels and the roof of this building re-shingled with solar panel shingles. As part of the construction of the hydroponic gardens, they drilled six wells around the properly to feed into a self-contained water treatment plant in the barn. We do use the public sewer system here, but they negotiated a deal with the sanitation department to annex one square kilometer on the edge of the property to house a sewage pumping system. The hydroponic gardens provide us with an excess of vegetables. We get meat, milk, eggs, and manure from the livestock. Without being restrained by a growing season, we sell our organic vegetables for a premium due to the freshness compared to imported produce. That income covers our salaries, feed for the animals, veterinary services, butchering, building repairs, grounds maintenance, taxes, and purchases of small plots of land adjoining the property as it becomes available.”
I thought about it some, was still clueless, and asked, “If the place is self-sustaining, why did the last owner abandon it and dispose of it so cheaply.”
“Sir, it is ill manners to discuss others behind their backs,” he lightly scolded me. “As you are the new owner, it is pertinent in this case. There were no signs of anything amiss with the gentleman during his period of owning the estate. He was exceptionally kind and permitted us to bring our families to live here on the property if we so desired. Those with school-aged children had tutors to remove the need for them to go to town for schooling. He made a significant investment into this property to make it as it is now, never once asking for an accounting of the income generated on the excess that would spoil if not used promptly. We had no warning whatsoever regarding the sharp decline in his mental state. One morning he was in the process of eating his breakfast when he decided he didn’t deserve to eat fresh from his farm. That afternoon a moving company packed all his personal belongings in their truck and left. He gave me the free and clear deed to the property to hold for when the property sold. Late that day, he drove off. We’ve never heard anything from him since. He specified that the proceeds are in high-yield investments to cover the cost of university for our children and grandchildren, for those who seek to go. He was a kind soul that went stark, raving mad.”
When we came to one of the main-level suites, he told me that it was probably best for us to have one of the bedrooms with a nursery.
“Sir, you are aware of the time and attention required in caring for an infant. There are times where you and your lady need private time without being interrupted by caring for her. Two of our maids live here with their husbands and children. Each maid is still in their late teens with children who are still breastfeeding at night. Each of them would be delighted to watch your precious little lady and see to her needs,” he told me.
As if she was waiting to teleport into the bedroom, a girl about my age came in to introduce herself. April must have sensed fresh breast milk on tap because she woke up very hungry. Her short period of crying, to get our attention, had the new arrival quickly undressing from the waist up due to how the design of her maid outfit.
It is surprising to find the butler turning away and blushing at her bearing her breasts.
He excused himself quickly, leaving the maid and me alone as she fed April.
“Sorry about surprising him like that. My father hasn’t seen my breasts since I used to sunbathe nude until I was twelve. I would have continued to sunbathe here in the nude if not for my mother passing very suddenly from aggressive cancer,” she explained. “It was too hard for me to live here without her and my father buried himself in his work. My aunt lives two towns over, so she offered to allow me to come live at her house with her children. Dad would visit me when he had days off. On occasion, I would take a bus close to town and walk out here to visit him for a few days. My grades in school weren’t remarkable, but I knew I didn’t have the desire to go to university. I had a girlfriend from school who was able to get me a job as a maid with a service. It was during that time that I found I love sex, but the only children I desire to have are those I have with my husband. Around a year later the same friend told me of an opportunity to make much more money as a wet-nurse. Before I could even say I wasn’t getting pregnant to be able to breastfeed, I found that I had all the equipment I needed. My having a baby was not required. We worked each night and on weekends to convince my breasts to produce milk. Two months of trying to express milk at every opportunity, even during breaks, I began to have a few drops at my nipples. A month after that, I was producing enough milk for me to get four to nine good strong squirts shoot across the room each time I tried. I changed jobs to work for a service that provided wet-nurses for breastfeeding mothers who had to return to work, those whose milk had dried up too soon, or those who had no desire to have their infant suckle their breasts. When I received my pay for my first two weeks of work, I believed my boss made a clerical error. I was correct. Upon checking their books, they found they underpaid me by fifty Euros. Shortly after that, one family expressed their desire to retain my services permanently. They paid the service a fee and I became employed by that family. As you know, an infant frequently feeds when breastfeeding. I’m not one to sit and rock, or idly watch TV, while the child feeds so I would walk the main floor. At first, I was walking with the baby with a blanket covering my breast from the child’s father and any guests. The lady of the house feared that her child would overheat, so she told me there was no need for modesty, her husband and any guests would have seen breasts before. With the frequency the child was eating, I began to unbutton my shirt to let it be open as the baby fed. The baby’s mother said that she had no problems with me being naked above the waist, especially when her husband decided he wished to walk with me.”
She slipped into the bathroom quickly to wash both breasts and nipples before she came to put April on one a breast to feed.
“Her husband became a frequent companion in the evening. After only two months on the job, the lady of the house told me that she thanked me for walking topless with her husband. He is a breast man, and hers were quite small. She told me what I knew already from my own experience that guys usually don’t last very long during sex. His sex drive appeared to have greatly increased since I arrived. She told me that when he excused himself from walking with me, he went to tell his wife he wanted to have sex. Soon she tired of his frequent quick pokes and then leaving her to clean herself up,” she told me as she switched April to her other breast. “As the baby aged, the periods between feedings lengthened. The husband continued walking with me even as I took the baby into the nursery to change them before putting them to bed. One evening, he locked the door behind me after he entered. I was sure what he wanted. The hormones permitting me to breastfeed gave me the desire to get pregnant. My IUD and birth control shot ensured it impossible. Him caressing my bare breasts set me on fire. I needed sex so badly that I came twice before he did, and he only lasted a bit longer than a premature ejaculator. At first, it was only once a night, but whenever he saw me walking as I breastfed his baby, he would follow me back into the nursery to give me the dick I needed. During my time of the month, he used my ass or I blew him. I was very cranky one time, so I told him that if he wanted me to blow him, he had to get between my legs to eat and finger me until I told him to stop. I never expected him to go down on me right then and there because I was on the rag. If he didn’t go off while eating me, a few licks busted his nut. His quick fuse finally pissed me off one night, so I told him if he wanted my tight pussy, he had to lick his cum out of me to keep me ready to go while we waited on him to rise to the occasion. Like an obedient child, he did what I told him without question/ He disliked the taste of his cum but loved the feel of my pussy around his dick. I don’t know if he had the maids blow him, or what, but soon he was lasting longer and longer before he came. Soon he was able to fuck me until I was way past sated, briefly, or the baby needed to feed again. Sometimes I had to blow him quickly before getting the baby to make sure he got off.”
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Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. This story takes place in the fictional town of Chrystal Heights. This is not significant in any way other than I hope to continue creating stories involving this town. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. Synopsis:...
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Gay MaleJennyWe had only been married about a month when my wife, Jenny, and I attended a party for a friend's birthday. We had been there a couple of hours and had a few beers. I think Jenny was in the lounge whilst I was in the kitchen with a group of lads. Anyway, the conversation got around to what we liked about girls' underwear. There was a general agreement on stockings and garters. When I agreed with this someone said that presumably Jenny wore stockings. I didn't know what to say to this. I...
Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah My pussy boiled beneath my dress, juices dribbling out of my shaved snatch and down my thighs. I felt Daddy’s eyes on my ass as I led him up the stairs, the steps creaking beneath my bare feet. Nervousness twisted about my stomach. It was time to put all I learned from Mom with my younger brother Jalal to the test. Time for my sixteen-year-old body to please my father. I wasn’t a good, pure Muslim girl. I was a slut. A depraved...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Thinking back I recalled the numerous times that I had sex in a vehicle and I decided to write about those times in my life. My first thoughts were to rank the encounters from the least memorable to the most memorable. However since the best car sex partner ever was also my last, I decided to just go in chronological order. CHAPTER 01 – Penny 1963 CHAPTER 02 – Erica 1963 CHAPTER 03 – June 1967 CHAPTER 04 – Jackie 1969 CHAPTER 05 – Charlotte 1971 CHAPTER 06 – Pam 1975 ...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Thinking back I recalled the numerous times that I had sex in a vehicle and I decided to write about those times in my life. My first thoughts were to rank the encounters from the least memorable to the most memorable. However since the best car sex partner ever was also my last, I decided to just go in chronological order. CHAPTER 01 – Penny 1963 CHAPTER 02 – Erica 1963 CHAPTER 03 – June 1967 CHAPTER 04 – Jackie 1969 CHAPTER 05 – Charlotte 1971 CHAPTER 06 – Pam 1975 ...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Thinking back I recalled the numerous times that I had sex in a vehicle and I decided to write about those times in my life. My first thoughts were to rank the encounters from the least memorable to the most memorable. However since the best car sex partner ever was also my last, I decided to just go in chronological order. CHAPTER 01 – Penny 1963 CHAPTER 02 – Erica 1963 CHAPTER 03 – June 1967 CHAPTER 04 – Jackie 1969 CHAPTER 05 – Charlotte 1971 CHAPTER 06 – Pam 1975 ...
"Wait, what?" I said raising my face out of my wife's cum filled pussy."He wants you to suck his cock johnnie," Cin hissed. "Thomas said that if you like eating his cum from my pussy, you might like getting it from the source. Now finish what you started my dear sweet cuckie and get the rest of the gift Thomas sent you."With that my beautiful wife of 8 years pushed my face back between her thighs. I lapped at the plump labia and teased her clit. Cin tells me no one can eat pussy like I can....
I woke up not having moved a muscle. After last nights fucking, I barely had enough energy to open my eyes. As I opened my eyes, everything was still pitch black. Maybe it was still the same night? She apparently had fucked my sense of time right out of me. As I woke a bit more, I tried to move my hands to rub the sleep from my eyes, only to find that both my arms had been secured down. Sarah apparently had decided the fun was not coming to an end... And I couldn't wait to find out what she had...
She said "cum in my mouth and then we will make out" before I knew it she had my pants down and was sucking my cock. I felt my balls tighten up as she deep throated my cock, my balls where being sucked on more and more as she violently sucked up and down.I exploded a huge load of cum in her mouth, and not one drop of it escaped her swollen lips. She got up and planted a big kiss on my lips. I was so horny I wasn't thinking straight, I opened my mouth and she stuck her cum coated tongue all the...
"That's it baby! You are such an amazing cock sucker!" I moan around the cock in my mouth as I bob up and down quickly. I feel hands on the back of head grab my hair to stop me from moving up and down the amazing 10 inch black cock. I've been kneeling for almost twenty minutes slowly working this monster. I've only been able to take just over half of the cock so far. "You are doing very well sucking your first dick. Though a good cock whore needs to learn to deepthroat and feel what it's like...
I tossed and turned trying to sleep. I couldn't get the images out of my head - me, kneeling naked, sucking on a friend's cock. Up until a couple of weeks ago, I hadn't given any serious thought of sex with another man. Now here I was trying to come to grips with how I found myself in this position. I have a steady girlfriend and consider, still consider, myself a straight guy. Yet a few nights ago, I found myself surfing the web and came across a slew of free porn sites.It's nothing I hadn't...
Looking back over the last few months, I never would have imagined myself in this position. I have a steady girlfriend I have been seeing since college. I have a good paying job in spite of the recession we have all been dealing with over the last year. And I consider myself better than average when it comes to my social life. While I've dated quite a few women over the years, I've pretty much been going steady with Sandy since we both graduated from Duke a few years ago.Sandy is a...
Most women hate the idea of growing old, and my submissive wife is no exception. When she turned 30, it didn’t matter that she was a gorgeous blond with a tight hard body sculpted from years of intense daily workouts and a low fat diet. As she approached 30, she was 5’2″ and 108 lbs., with D cup tits and legs to die for. She gets lots of attention from men of all ages, and even some women. Yet, the week before her birthday, she was moody and bitchy, complaining about how...
A few days after Christmas, a mother was working in the kitchen listening to her young son playing with his new electric train in the living room. She heard the train stop and her son said, "All of you sons of b*tches who want off, get the hell off now, cause this is the last stop! And all of you sons of b*tches who are getting on, get your asses in the train, cause we're going down the tracks." The mother went nuts and told her son, "We don't use that kind of language in this house. Now I want...
Cleaning The Cars One Saturday during July Mom and Dad went on a bus trip to Atlantic City to gamble, take in a show, and walk the boardwalk. While they were gone I decided to clean their cars. I was sixteen years old and Dad gave me his old clunker when he got a new one. Mom said that Dad went through a mid-life crisis and that he bought a chick-mobile. I had nothing better to do that Saturday so I decided to wash and wax both of their cars. After that I decided to clean them out....
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Thinking back I recalled the numerous times that I had sex in a vehicle and I decided to write about those times in my life. My first thoughts were to rank the encounters from the least memorable to the most memorable. However since the best car sex partner ever was also my last, I decided to just go in chronological order. CHAPTER 01 – Penny 1963 CHAPTER 02 – Erica 1963 CHAPTER 03 – June 1967 CHAPTER 04 – Jackie 1969 CHAPTER 05 – Charlotte 1971 CHAPTER 06 – Pam 1975 ...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Thinking back I recalled the numerous times that I had sex in a vehicle and I decided to write about those times in my life. My first thoughts were to rank the encounters from the least memorable to the most memorable. However since the best car sex partner ever was also my last, I decided to just go in chronological order. CHAPTER 01 – Penny 1963 CHAPTER 02 – Erica 1963 CHAPTER 03 – June 1967 CHAPTER 04 – Jackie 1969 CHAPTER 05 – Charlotte 1971 CHAPTER 06 – Pam 1975 ...
Angel sighed deeply, her mouth slightly pursed as the air pushed out over her lips. She had been preparing for this for so long, and now it was so much that she could barely restrain herself. Tom was behind her, leaning against the club wall, his arms wrapped around her as he kissed the back of her neck. His teeth on the soft skin of her neck, his breath on her scalp, was all nearly drowned in the sensation of his cock head rhythmically stabbing deep into her vagina. On and off all night he...
"Good. Then let me partially introduce myself. For your purposes, my name is only Mistress. Your wife hired me from an escort site online. With very specific requests, mainly that I had experience fucking men with a strap on." Mistress continued in a whisper.After the word strap on, she grab the base of the one still in my ass and gave it a little tug. I moaned at the sensation inside me."And while plenty of men have felt my cock in their ass, fucking a man with his wife is a first for me." she...
I could not remember the last time I had slept this hard. My nights are usually filled with vivid dreams, but I had no dreams this entire weekend. As I woke up from my most recent blackout induced sleep by my wife's life-like strap on, I made a more conscious effort to pay attention to my immediate surroundings. The last few times she had been busy while I slept. I blinked open my eyes and noticed immediately that she had again blindfolded me. As I began to stir further, I started to hear soft...
Friday had finally arrived. Time this week seemed to creep by after my wife Sarah had told me earlier this week that our k**s would be spending the weekend with the grandparents and that we had the weekend all to ourselves.As much as we love spending time as a family, we needed some adult time to pay attention to each other. When the k**s were younger, "adult time" meant basically sleeping all weekend with some occasional playtime. But as the k**s got older, we started to do less sleeping and...
I have always been interested in kinky sex, but when I was with my girlfriend, Lisa, she made me into a fucking whore. She was living in a house with 4 other girls in university, and she is open to taking turns with who was the dominant one when it came to sex. She loves being fucked but she also occasionally likes being in control.We have this fetish: a thirst for cum. We both love eating it. Over the first two years of our relationship we slowly moved from her giving me blowjobs and...