217 A HEREDITARY PAIN SLUT.[a] free porn video

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if your squeemish about pain , bugger off...
Sylvia, peered over her coffee cup, which she held poised delicately in her petite hand, while addressing Tim her husband of 20 years. She was a pretty, willowy, tall, dark-haired woman, her make up perfect, her hair, that long black hair he loved so much, in a neat bun. Tidily dressed in a dark skirt and a silky white blouse, with just a hint of a cream foundation bra showing through its thin materiel. Even the stockings that enhanced her long-tapered legs where precisely aligned the seams not daring to veer even a millimetre from the straight and narrow her shoes, flat heeled patent leather court shoes glittered, polished within an inch of their lives. She was awesome, a headmistress, of 2 years standing, at 35 years old a schoolmarm of an imposing authoritative style, and a beauty in any man`s eyes, a beauty that knew her power and how to use it precisely and to her advantage.
Tim however was just the opposite, a happy go lucky chap, rotund, and not over tall at 5ft 6inches, of smiling cherubic faced cheerfulness, dressed as ever in a boiler suit, the words Park Steam Railway embroidered on the top pocket his white hair slicked back, grease top hat on the back of his head, the brass badge glittering on its front with the letters PSR and a smile as broad as the pacific.
He was a happy man he had the park railway franchise, had had it for three years now, and it had been a rocky old start, the line had been built many years before, but the old chap who laid it had had a terminal illness, the local council had been unhelpful, but now slowly he had won them over, the line being extended right round the perimeter of the big park and supplying transport from the car-park to the various amenities, there being platforms at the swimming pool, tennis courts, boating lake and the café which was beside the little depot.
Some c***dren came especially, to ride on his train, his happy smiling demeanour perfect for the job, his little steamer a glittering vision of clean brass and copper polished to perfection, with her grey paintwork lined out in gay orange lines and lettering. Her two sisters in distinctive liveries of green, and blue respectively. Each driven by retired and devoted drivers,
Altogether he was a man who enjoyed life, and was a content and happy little soul. Their marriage was a total surprise to their friends, chalk and cheese, she so up and coming, he so laid back, she stiff and authoritarian and he so gentle caring and happy.
Below the surface though like in a lot of marriages there was another persona, a hidden from the public world that they were at great pains to hide from the world.
They had ben left the big rambling old house by her father, the old boy having passed away last year the 19th year of their married lives, her last relative, he had been ill for the last few years of his life, she had equally nursed him and worked for her qualification during his last years.
In his day the old boy had been a rich old chap the legacy he left them had left them well healed and shockingly amazed at what they found in parts of the cellars as you will soon see an area that until his passing they had never been allowed into father holding on to the keys right to the very end, perhaps in embarrassment. He and her mother had had a gay life, part of the London set, keen dancers, party goers, and they later found out, what now-a-day`s would be called Swingers, and Kinky Dominant-Swingers as well as doms at that!
She had had a nanny her parents though loving had little time for her, always being at some party or other. When she was very young she became aware that she saw her parents at weekends, very infrequently, they spent hours in the cellars, there was also a lot of visitors usually in couples, who stayed most weekend and who also spent a lot of time in the cellars too, it was a mystery and she was constantly inquisitive about what they did down in the bowels of the house.
On his death bed the old chap clutched his daughters hand, thrust a small key in her hand and gasped “not till I am gone!” he then lay fighting for breath, before summonsing all his remaining energy, he managed to gasp that “I loved you and you are not to think badly of me or your beloved mother please,” he begged, and then as she promised that she never think less of him he slipped quietly away with a smile.
It took a whole week before they had enough time to investigate the locked door together, days of undertakers arranging a funeral, calling distant relatives and friends, solicitors, and the like as well as handling the grief, while tidying up the business affairs of a one-time tycoon.
Tim was as eager to explore as she was, but until the solicitor had passed her the envelope and the big old key to that big heavy door the solid keeper of the old man`s secrets! So, it was on that Saturday that they finally had chance to open the big oak door that hid away the piece of her life that she had always wondered about.
Her hands clutched the key and an envelope addressed in copper plate to her, as; to Sylvia my beloved daughter. It had held the deeds to the house, now her house, their house, the papers and an extra shares to his fortune and a letter also written in the same beautiful hand, it said, explore the centre of our sexual world my beloved Sylvia, don’t think ill, of your mother and I, we facilitated our friends fetish lives, and enjoyed our own it needed to be secret, then and perhaps even now, Sex is a great leveller, it is something that every man or woman is wrapped around, they each and every one of them from pope to pauper, enjoys sex, in one form or another, they may deny it, hide it even, avoid all mention of it, , but under the façade of their lives there is always some sexual involvement somewhere, big or small and we were no different, wallowing in the pain and suffering side of sex, dominance, and the like being our speciality, and the cellars being our playground every hour of every opportunity we as a club, a group, whatever you want to call it, we were perverts, pure and simple, taking advantage of our financial position, paying women to be used in a time when money talked, shouted even, those women would allow all sorts of liberties for what to us was a little money, to them food, rent, and clothing, some left us unable to walk, and would be weeks before they were right, but their screams were my friends and our music. Some friends paid handsomely for a permanently disfiguring service I provided or the discipline your mother gave.
It`s all still there our films, equipment, our tools, our perversions some would say.
No doubt the pearly gates may be closed to us, we shall see.
Outside that cellar we led god fearing polite and quiet lives, we loved you and I hope it was reciprocated, and we kept this secret from you all those years, my empire was built on it, films and filth. I could think of no way to obliterate this part of our lives, perhaps I didn’t really try, I needed you to know, though as a penance but I was just too embarrassed.
Please don’t hate us, we just lived.
And it was signed in a most flamboyant way with his full five names. Silvester, Simon Archibald Baldwin Blossom and in brackets after it his title (Sir)

The tears welled in her eyes as she read this that first time, but it was not the only time she read and re-read this letter from the man she was so proud of, each time bringing her to tears.
So here they were, the huge old key she had been given by the solicitor, scr****g the tumblers smoothly as it turned in the expensive lock despite it having been so long.
Her Tim, pushed the great door open revealing a short -passageway, an old stile brass topped light switch, prominent on the wall and when thrown, period wall-lamps lit the way, beckoning them down the steps into a dusty room.
In their heart of hearts, they had expected a dungeon, what they found was a luxurious sitting room with a bar, all in 1920`s style. There was a desk, a huge, roll top, bureaux complete with a big swivel chair in green leather, his chair. Tentatively she sat and tried the tiny key he had given her and with a click the big roller released. She slid it upwards her hands working automatically.
In the slots were neat files, giving dates and names, presumably of the folks who attended, kept for posterity in a neat hand, each an incriminating document that would have rung the final bell for the famous names listed if they were still alive!
The left-hand cupboard held cans of film, 8mm, and all labelled, and numbered, cross referenced neatly with the files, precise and organised as her father had always lived.
She opened the right cupboard, in the top shelves was a big box of albums, they flipped through them, all graphic, mostly ‘before and after’ pairs, tidy beauties on the first and blood-streaked and damaged afters. Tim knew they could and would be pawed over later. The central slots at the top holding more albums of the same style though these in a lot of cases with middle pictures of the trussed maiden under the whip, being branded, or having needles inserted.
Hanging from the top shelf on a hook a large imposing key on ring with two smaller keys and a big brown envelope which rather than open immediately, they left for a while still eager to explore. Together they tried the key in the remaining door, the tumblers smoothly operated, and the great door swung back as if it was on oil. Another dusty brass switch, clicked ominously, and more lights led them onwards into a chamber with yet another two, large soundproof green doors. These they found were not locked, and they selected the right one first behind it another room beckoned.
They, by now expected a dungeon, what they found was a tall white painted room the only creature comforts being an empty grated fireplace and a coal bin, a light chain lift dangled in the centre of the big echoing room, a pillory, a doctor`s examination couch and a tall cupboard cum giant wardrobe, stood untouched for some time. Dust thick and untouched for some years coated everything.
In the wardrobe, when opened, hung a strange display of chains, cuffs, a range of branding irons, straps, whips, tawse, clamps, hoods and the like. Tim whistled, then together, they wandered back to the other door.
They exchanged glances, then Tim opened the door, it led to a home cinema, three rows of old red twin cinema ‘back row of the flea pit’ type seats, in rows ten wide, a tall screen in front and a projector behind them on a platform. A bank of those brass switches each with labels, individually addressed with the words power, lights, and heat, and a single seat for the projectionist, again dust laid thick over everything.
Together feeling like trespasser`s they returned to the room with the desk, collected the envelope and locking the desk they returned to the big old kitchen.
Over coffee, they sat quietly stunned contemplating the secret lives of folk that in her case especially she had worshiped all her life as vanilla saints.
Sylvia, became aware of Tim saying he found it all a “total surprise” as he “didn’t think the old chap was into “things like that!”
“Her mother too…well that was a shock”, and that he couldn’t wait to watch some of the films just to see what had been done in that cellar!”
Her reaction, when she could bring herself to speak was tearful, shocked and practical in equal measure; suggesting that “as the film had laid unused so long it may well not be watchable!” and that;” If they had it restored it may open a can of worms and scandal that would be terrible for both them and apparently a lot of other quite well-known folk.”
Tim sat sipping his coffee deep in thought then as if a light had been switched on he exclaimed, “BINKY!”
Sylvia, looked at him a little shocked, and he repeated the name again “BINKY WOODWARD, you remember him I`ve known him for years, runs the photographers in `Great poking` (that`s the local nickname for the little town of… (well perhaps it would be better if we did not reveal the real name for obvious reasons and to save some embarrassment.)
Anyway, she realised the practicalities of his suggestion, and nodded her head as she lifted the envelope and read the label, it was clearly addressed to her by name, and marked private and confidential in block capitals.
With a wavering hand she tore the A3 envelope open,
Pouring forth onto the kitchen table the contents, a few pictures and a long letter, handwritten and as she expected, starting with, ‘My own darling Ess’, (her father`s pet name for her, through misty tear-filled eyes the script immediately blurred, so she handed the thing to Tim asking him to read the letter to her.
In a faltering voice full of emotion, knowing that this missive from beyond the grave would be hard for his wife. He began “My darling Ess, firstly I must apologise for being less ‘strong of will’ than I should have been. For years I have wished to tell you of this our hidden lifestyle, especially since your mother was struck with this awful disease, which I feel is life`s way of punishing us both. (altzymers had taken her mother from them in the last few years of the poor woman`s life)
By the time you read this I suspect we will both have gone, and I hope you will not be disappointed in us by its revelations.
Emily and myself have over the years, as you will see from the films, run a service for our piers, punishing the wayward, or the erotically kinky for fun and marking the wives as their husband`s own property, a fashion of the era, usually though that was a mark that was with the wife`s consent, to ensure that the husband was assured that they were his for life! The choice of the location of the mark was in every case, the woman`s own choice in all cases, that least we insisted on and the signed consent forms are in the bureau
We also used also to supply the discipline (as most of the men had not the backbone to give themselves) to their wives, though they were always present, some just for the sexual pleasure I am sure, your mother being in high demand to administer the punishments, I did the marking and I must admit I did enjoyed every scream, every twitch of the process, reliving it time and again in the cinema, for my own pleasure and the sexual joy of both your mother and myself.
At your mothers request I marked her, for my own sexual enjoyment and I enclose the pictures, to prove how brave she was. I always loved her with all my heart, and this was the proof of her love she wore until her death.
Perverted, well yes, I suspect that is a label I should wear when I get to wherever we go after this world, but god help me I enjoyed the pain I inflicted, and I am sure your mother did also though she could not bring herself to reveal to you her secret. It was a fun way of paying for our lifestyle and your upbringing, in a time of great poverty. Forgive me Ess, it`s your forgiveness that I want, not the forgiveness some great deity, some will of the wisp belief that I am not sure even exists.
Some of the folk are still alive …just… and though in the autumn of their lives, would not want notoriety at this late stage so I beg of you not to reveal them or their secrets.
Finally, Ess, in the bank under our name is a deposit box, the password is ‘Ess’, here there is your legacy, ill- gotten gains true but enough to keep you and Tim for your lifetime along with some videos of our last few years.
I love you my own beloved c***d, always have, always will until we meet again… wherever!
Your ever proud father
You could have heard a pin drop as they sat, silently digesting the content of the letter then they turned to the pictures.
Those pictures, were she found, easy to sort into date order as they each had a date written on the rear lower left corner of every single image along with a reference number. She shuffled them, face down till they were in order, perhaps to put off the inevitable, then at his insistence she turned over the earliest. they were a little faded and sepia.
A very beautiful young woman her own mother dressed in a wedding dress 1920`s style, was the first, stood on the church steps, it was to be the only one of this collection that was fully clothed. Tim grinned, wickedly and said he could see the likeness with mother and daughter and said he wondered if she would age so badly in old age as her mum had, to which she playfully hit him on the arm.
The second when turned was the same subject, dress and location, however in this shot the dress top was open just enough to show a pair of lovely breasts, unfettered, nubile and pale, with nipples in small and very tight silver clamps. They exchanged glances and carefully relooked at the first image and yes there was tiny protrusions at the bust, not enough to be obvious to anyone who didn’t know. Her mother had worn his clamps in church for him as a token of her devotion.
With trembling hand`s she turned the next picture, it was of her mother in the garden, naked, and holding by the penis an immaculately dressed best man Sylvia instantly recognised as her uncle Willoby. and Willoby had a broad smile.
The next picture turned over, this was a totally naked picture, of the same subject, her mother, stood in the dungeon cellar, her hands secured with rope above her head, those pretty breasts now fuller and her belly swollen with c***d.
Sylvia turned this one over and checked the date, then said “that was strange, she thought she had been an only c***d, but this pregnancy was some years before I was born!”
She turned the next picture, again dated 1929, this was of her mother, d****d along a chaise-long, not now pregnant anymore, this time with two men, one she didn’t recognise and the second her father, it had been taken in the cellar the fireplace and fire in the background. Other than they all being naked and smiling there was nothing exceptional about the picture.
The next showed her mother stretched out face downwards on the same couch but secured, still smiling and the stranger holding her hand.
The third shot though in complete contrast showed the length of her body from above her head, her distressed and screaming face and body, contorted in immense pain, the hand still gripped tight though still secured and now straining against the bonds in total agony. There was a smoking hot iron pressed against her left buttock by her broadly smiling father.
The image was oh so powerful, that both of the pair sat open mouthed as they stared at the small piece of photographic card.
Visibly trembling now, she turned the next over. In this the still secure but limp body had collapsed and the stranger was busy untying the wrists, the iron was gone and with the shot being taken from the feet end this time it showed a scar clearly burnt deep in the left cheek of her backside and in the shape of an S. no doubt S for Sylvester, her father`s Christian name.
She sat regarding the three pictures for some time, absorbing the whole sequence in awe.
She turned the next picture, this was less faded dated 1931 but it was of mother once more, in the cellar and comforting another naked woman lying on the apparently new doctor`s examination table secured and looking very frightened, the iron about to be applied by her father under the gaze of no doubt her husband, and another man. Again, a second picture in this set showed the aftermath, a neat but painful B again on the left buttock.
The remaining pictures all showed different women undergoing the same painful ritual on one or the other buttock, all with proud husbands, all with father doing the deed, only one, the very last, of a woman having a small word ‘Whore’ placed on her breast. They Presumed to be different!
They sat pretty much stunned at the pictures, then Tim offered to fetch the albums, which she agreed too. He was soon back with the dusty collection still in its box and a ledger, saying that that ledger seemed to be relevant, it being on top at the back of the albums.
She meanwhile had made fresh coffee, so they sat again and opened the first book. This seemed to be a rather vanilla family album, her mother as a girl, on horseback, playing tennis, on a beach dressed in one of those swimsuits thought at the time risqué covering all of the body but the legs and arms!
Then the wedding pictures, uncle Willoby, as best man, mother of the bride, her austere grandmother, nearing a smile in one, that alone cause for celebration as she was loath to smile in her whole lifetime!
The second album was more fruitful, mostly either taken in the grounds of the house or the reception rooms they showed a collection of youngish 1920`s folk, the well to do, partying, pick-nicking, and enjoying themselves, some not quite fully dressed others naked, all as risqué as the times allowed.
But it was in the third one that they struck oil, each one had a reference number which led Tim to check the ledger and cross reference the entry, for some reason the first was numbered 17, which struck him as odd, however he read each entry aloud it said;
17 Mary MacDougal, daughter of the third earl of Waterbury, married to the duke of Belling. Punished at the behest of the Duke for lude behaviour without him.
40 lashes. It was followed by the date.
The pictures showed the woman in the pillory and father applying the whip to her shapely rear. Pictures, some before, some after of the woman screaming throughout, with her husband stood near her head loving every moment and sporting a raging errection.
There was a second entry, another year-later date with the words- 17 branded on right haunch letter` M` at wife`s request.
There were similar entries, mostly young ladies with names that normally were found in who`s -who, or country life, mostly top industrial household names. Each with an entry either of punishment, or of who requested the branding on one rump or another, probably to show her allegiance to the husband, or perhaps the desire to show her bravery to her friends or lovers. The entries were numbered from 17 to 39. The 40th being the last dated 1954 and read; Mavis Wendover, branded ‘Whore’ on right breast at request of husband as punishment for infidelity.
There were no more details, though a pencilled note said, A very brave woman no doubt in fear of losing her wealthy husband and the advantages the position holds, this subject was not bound in any way and totally compliant holding her husband`s hand and then supporting the breast throughout the procedure which she bore in total silence though biting on a piece of wood throughout.
It was the final entry in this ledger.
Tim by now was so turned on and stiff that he could not resist kissing his wife, and together they moved to the cold kitchen floor for a bout of sexual energy that told that he was not the only one finding the sexual games of her parents a great stimulation.
That night in bed, Tm asked her “what they should do with the cellars?” her reply took him by storm, as she suggested “That they clean them up and use the reception cellar as a games and party room for their large circle of friends, if they put in a bar instead of the big old desk, and the cinema can be re-equipt for videos and films, that ’other room’ she suggested would make a good play room for
ourselves and a very select few but would need to be kept locked to prevent unwanted nosy guests straying from the play area.
He laughed, then said “perhaps she would like to be branded as her mother once was,” fully expecting her to refuse point blank and to swear at him, but no, after a short silence, he was surprised. She asked him if he would like to see her to bear his mark?
He answered, that “ it had turned him on but it was not so far reality for him,” explain that so far it was just pornographic pictures, images from the past and that in reality he wasn’t sure he could inflict that amount of pain, though the whips clamps and the like had distinct possibilities that he would consider only if she wanted to try that sort of stuff out, he wondered how far games could go before his, or perhaps more ‘their’ limits were reached!”
She looked deep into his eyes, kissed him thanked him for being honest then said, “She would think long and hard about it, as she had mixed feelings about it all” and although she had found the pictures a real turn on she was unsure about the pain They lapsed into silence and the day`s events soon drifted them off into the land of nod.

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A Painter And His Muse 8211 Part 2

Hi! I’m Anand, back with the next part of my story’ A Painter And His Muse’. For those who haven’t read the first part, please do so. Now coming to the story. Ananya was still in splits with the request made by Kailash. She was giving it a hard thought but was unable to fathom the fact that if she agrees to it then she’ll have to sit in front of her brother-in-law ‘nude’.  In her bedroom when she was going through this over and over again. At the same time, Aditya came home and wanted to have...

1 year ago
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Hookup with a Freelance Painter An Artistic Sex Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I am a 35 years old man who has a beautiful wife, and a 4 year old daughter. Things were good between me and my wife. We used to be happy. But lately she’s this cranky bitch all the time who always rants about everything going on at her work. She always yells at me, at our child. Obviously our sex life is getting affected because of this more than ever. I wanted peace. One of my colleagues suggested me a dating app one evening. He showed me how to use it, told, “You just gotta right...

Real Hookup
2 years ago
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Ryan Part One Revision of Student Painter

This doesn't mean that it's impossible for him to get me pregnant, it just means that it's going to take some serious effort. I am more than willing to do what it takes, as is my husband. The problem is that his work takes him away so much that it's hard for us to really put a lot of effort into the task at hand. It's not like we don't have sex whenever he's home, we're just not seeing the results from it that we'd like to see. It was a hot summer Friday in July. Joe was out of...

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Student Painter

It was a hot summer Friday in July. Joe was out of town attending a convention. We decided that if we are meant to have a baby, it will happen. My friend Sally went through something similar to this and said that it happens when you least expect it. She should know, she has two kids now and she's expecting a third. This particular day I wasn't thinking about babies. I was thinking about getting the inside of my house painted. Joe's not the handy type. He delegates responsibility, which...

4 years ago
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Student Painter

Introduction: I found my mind wandering as I starred at the book without reading a single word. Could I tempt Ryan out of his clothes all together? Maybe I can can convince him to take a break and have a little adult fun. He was certainly young enough to be able to get the job done. He was on the skinny side, but he did have great arms and an amazing chest and abs. How big was his cock? I did catch a glimpse of a bulge in his jeans, so he must be packing something substantial. These are just a...

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Paintball and Panties Ending 1

I think this story can stand alone, but will make much more sense if you read the first part posted earlier. Paintball and Panties Ending #1 Gang-Banged August 5th-2002-? Erica Wright I crept up to the edge of the small berm. There was a group of at least fifteen guys drinking beer! I thought of the way I was dressed. I thought of how the night could end, worse case they beat the crap out of me. Best case I got gang-banged! I whispered, 'Fuck! Now what...?" Paul had all...

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suicide is painless

Through early morning fog I seeVisions of the things to beThe pains that are withheld for meI realize and I can see...That suicide is painlessIt brings on many changesAnd I can take or leave it if I pleaseThe game of life is hard to playI'm gonna lose it anywayThe losing card I'll someday laySo this is all I have to saySuicide is painlessIt brings on many changesAnd I can take or leave it if I pleaseThe sword of time will pierce our skinsIt doesn't hurt when it beginsBut as it works its way on...

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INTRODUCTIONThis isn't a story but what I really experienced in the year 1977 while Iwas enjoying my summer vacation in Spain. The magic, enchanting andfascinating places of the warm Costa Blanca enclose, as if in a beautifulframe, my true and secret experience. I've always talked about this journeyof mine with many people but never about what happened to me because ofobvious reasons even with peculiar people, I got to know, because theycertainly wouldn't believe me. Today I feel the need to...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 115 Growing Pains

The school year wound down to an end and not a moment too soon. I was really tired all of a sudden. I finally made up my mind that I was going to tell Rhonda Saturday afternoon that if she wanted it, the paper route was hers. I still had a bunch of scrip and a bit of savings and a couple of award trips that I hadn't taken yet. I was supposed to go with a bunch of guys who had won a contest to a White Sox game in Chicago this summer and Cary told me that even if I wasn't carrying papers...

4 years ago
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Painter Plaster Blowjob Man 2

I had been living in my house for roughly 2 years and felt that it was timethat I actually did some work to it. The wallpaper was old the carpet tattyand I was definitely the more modern minimalist type. This house neededsome serious work. I could probably have done most of it, but it would havetaken me more than a good few weeks. Much like the introduction to thisstory, it sounded boring as hell.So let me set the scene, that eventually let to me having 2 hot boyspounding my ass and getting my...

3 years ago
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The Painters daughter

Hi. This is my first story but it's true and only happened last week. Let me et the table for you. I am a semi retired guy who is in his 50's. I retired a few years ago and kept myslef busy by doing reno work. I was on a job last month with the painter when his daughter showed up on her way home from school. She was a skinny young blonde with small tits and a real nice ass in her skin tite jeans. We got introduced and Tom (the painter) told me it was his stepdaughter and she helped him on...

2 years ago
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Wife Gangbanged By Painter And Servant

Hi, I am Rohit from Delhi and i don’t like Delhi much because of its traffic and over loaded population ,last year i got married to Nidhi it was a arrange marriage ,she is 5 ft 5inch she is slim having boob size of 34 she is very naughtoriouse on bad she loves sucking lund and taking it deep in mouth . After two years i changed my job and got chance to get shift in gurgaon in new house but the condition of that house was little worst so i called up few painters to do the job (pankaj and...

3 years ago
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Villa in Spain0

Hi, my name is Vanessa. I was born in December 1975 and now have a 34AA–24–35 95-pound figure with blondish hair. In 1998 I quit my boring existence in a little town in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a middle-aged man in the East Midlands of England. It was a brave decision to make as I’d applied for the job after seeing the job advert in a BDSM magazine that someone had left in the hairdressers where I worked. I didn’t really know what I was letting myself in for, but I...

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Brenda….. …..For years I had wanted to feel Eric’s hands on me. Feeling me up and then us having glorious sex. I had watched him feel up my sister and wished it was me. I kept this to myself and just enjoyed thinking about it, making myself all horny. I never made a move on him. ….Purely by accident our legs rubbed together while playing a board game at the table one evening. I got chills. We both had on shorts and the skin to skin warm feeling got to me. I slipped up and smiled and...

2 years ago
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Bodypainting Competition

I flew to Perth to spend the weekend with my friend Kate, who lives there. Although she is so different from me, we have managed to stay close friends for years. She is vivacious, outgoing and has great model-like looks.I had gone to watch her take part in an annual bodypainting competition. She recently qualified as a beautician, and her beauty school takes part in a national inter-beauty-school bodypainting competition.The beauticians are selected to be either amateur artists or amateur...

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House Painters Son

I was having my house painted by a guy, Ed and his son, Tommy. I had talked with a couple of home owners that had used them and their praise was unbelievable. So they were on day three, still prepping, masking getting ready to paint. Tommy did all of the prep work so his Dad was off finishing another project. I am in my 70’s but still enjoy sex. My cock unreliable as a sex tool but my mouth, tongue, fingers and hands still do great. I truly enjoy giving pleasure to women and to men. I had...

3 years ago
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With a smile, Sarah clicked through the contact ads. She wasn‘t looking for a partner, but she found it interesting from time to see what other people with similar inclinations sought: Teacher is looking for female student  Female student is looking for teacher Father is looking for ageplay daughter  Daughter is looking for ageplay father Long-time teacher offers punishment for money Rubenesque lady punishes naughty boys Sarah found most contact ads unerotic, nevertheless, she found it...

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The Painters Inspiration

The old, wooden floorboards shivered with the added weight of the scurrying feet. The feet belonged to an aspiring, yet starving, artist named Claire. Claire was always known to be the artistic type. Even in school where trend-setting and fashion-followers became the “norm” Claire always seemed to show she was an individual. Usually dressed in some sort of black shirt, stained by the countless efforts of her works, Claire remained the type of person that everyone knew was going in a different...

2 years ago
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Painters Passion

Vanessa lived alone in the mountains near a lake. Tourists often visited nearby cabins. She loved living there, especially during the different seasons. The town took different shapes and same with the people and moods. It was winter then and she couldn’t wait for springtime. In the winter she was often left alone. Vanessa had a boyfriend that would come and stay with her at times, but not as often as she would like. Often she missed a man next to her at night, cuddling through those long...

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Fingerpainting Ch 04

Evan laid back on his bed with a sigh. He was exhausted, stressed, and he missed Cat. He hadn’t seen her in over a week. At least she would say more than two words when he called now. He wasn’t quite sure what he’d done to piss her off, but he was sure that she would tell him. He guessed it had something to do with him being inconsiderate of something. Sometimes, it was easy to forget she had feelings. She rarely showed them. He didn’t feel like things were going so well between them at the...

1 year ago
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Fingerpainting Ch 01

Cat sat in her spinning desk chair with her knees pulled up to her chest and her elbows propped on her knees. People told her she never looked comfortable sitting like that, but she didn’t see why. Her name said a lot about her nature. While ‘Cat’ was short for Catherine, Catherine Williams, she had the natural grace and light-footedness of felines. She was also standoffish and a little prickly at times, as well as well-groomed, adorable, and fun to watch. She was thinking. And she was...

2 years ago
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Fingerpainting Ch 02

Cat couldn’t get Evan out of her head. She had been trying since the moment he walked away from the café table the previous night. ‘Damn’ she muttered as she stood up from the kitchen table in her apartment. She walked to the refrigerator to get chilled water. She leaned against the cabinet and stared at the drawing pad on the table. The beginnings of a cityscape were apparent. The foreground was entirely erased. She often used either herself or Ande for the model of any woman in her art and...

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Fingerpainting Ch 03

It was nice to be able to spend the day grooming, being artistic, and cooking. Cat had just finished taking a pan of cinnamon buns out of the oven and flopped down on the sofa to lounge and think for a few minutes. She had no idea what time Evan would be back. It was still early in the afternoon, so she probably had a little while. He had left her a key and she had wandered the neighborhood around his apartment, going into little shops of various sorts until she had a small supply of grooming...

3 years ago
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A Painters Erotica

The painting was poorly created, but she barely noticed. They stood together at the same piece, his presence so close and intimate with her shoulders and lower back she wondered if he might get an erection, would she feel it. Such thoughts. She had become a monster of passion and desire and she hated herself for it. She’d never wanted anyone so much in her entire life. Not that that meant much in itself. But the very touch of him against her could send her into a chaos of stupid senseless...

2 years ago
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Strokes Werent Limited to Just The Paintbrus

I returned to Kathleen's around 9:30 A.M. to find a note saying she would be out until mid-afternoon, and that she had luch fixed for me in the kitchen. "Make yourself at home dear," was the last line. I set to the business of finishing the painting, and soon realized it was nearly 1:00 p.m. when I finished. I put everything away, washed up, and decided to have the luch she made for me. After finishing, I cleaned up the dishes and sat at the kitchen table having a soda. My thoughts turned to...

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she jumps at my touch,are you here i ask ?turns to me her eyes look past me yes is the reply,i move away from her hand reaching for me always usessex as distraction with intimacy ,with talking in general. you thinking about him again it goes unspoken between us affairs are wildfires burning fast all consuming and over too quicklyi've done worse to her ,and come back empty and emotionally drainedpart of it is the sex and majority is emotional guilt justifying the great sexnew body to...

4 years ago
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Carpainter Ne Mere Chudai Ki

Hi guys!!! It’s me additya here, with an incident that happened with me. I’m not a fiction writer but yes I can write what truly happened with me. So basically, I’m from pune. I’ve a great athletic body and weight around 70 kg and height 5.9 feet so aunties and boy’s from pune can contact me on my mail-id() and we can hangout sometimes. So mein story par atta hun. Baat jyada purani nahi hai yahi kuch 2-3 mahine pehle ki hai. Humne ek samsung ka bada ledtv liya tha. Ghar ka purana tv beich diya...

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Paintballs and Panties

First let me tell you where this story came from. I was mountain biking in a park near my home when I came across two unrelated but interesting things. First I came across the remnants of a huge paintball fight. There were paintballs splattered everywhere, empty and partially filled speed loaders, tons of CO2 cartridges, and between ten and twelve empty cartons that had once contained paintballs. The battle had spanned most of the 25 plus acres of heavily wooded park and there...

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Paing Guest Ki Chudai 8211 Part II

Hi.Sabhe land walo aur chut walion ko mere khade land ka salam.Aap sabhe chut waleo ne meri pichli story anjan ladki divya ki train mai chudai to padhi hogi.Mujhe kafi acha response mila ap loga ka.Aur bahut se mail bhe aap sabhe ka.Un me se ek mail ankita nam ki ladki ka bhe aya tha.Jo ki jaipur ki hai.Use mere kaha ni bahut pasand aye. Ab mai apko apne agle story suna ta hu jo ki aaj se karib 7 month pahle ki hai, hamare ghar mai 3rd floor par ek paing guest rahti hai jiska nam nikita...

3 years ago
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Painsluts of Buttermilk Falls

ONE "You see, Entworth, I saw you last night at the PainCafe, when you were hitting that girl's breasts....she was tied down, her hands were, and you kept, like thrashing her with that wire thing." Jinx O'Casey smiled at Entworth beseechingly. ? Entworth's swarthy face?stared at Jinx through his prescription sunglasses, his copy of "Soap Opera Digest" forgotten. "You-you aren't here about my share of the rent?" He tried to look matter of fact, but this was an extreme relief. ? Jinx shook her...

2 years ago
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                                        "Painaholic" by stHell66(teen,high school,rough,rape,d/s)   Begin the mis-adventures of Ally, a misguided and envy slut, always trusting of her loving boyfriend. Can she find truelove in getting kidnapped and rape 24/7.  main characters:  Ally-the main slut,young envy slut, 5'1" 98 pds, not developed, baby bottle nipples, small breast. Pointy nipples thatembarrass her under her t-shirt, when she gets excited they get more pointier. Black hair in pig-tail...

3 years ago
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Summer Sex School Paula Painal Penistration


4 years ago
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Emmas Painal Journey 01

“Honey! The new neighbours are here!” she called to her 32 year old husband. John emerged from his office where he had been putting a few more things to rights, moving over to the window to see. A tall blonde strapping man with very muscular arms dressed in a white polo shirt and khakis unfolded himself from the driver’s seat and went around to the other side of the car and opened the door. He unbuckled the seatbelt and helped the young blonde woman there to stand up. The young woman...

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Champagne And The Devils Paintbrushes

I got bored with the missionary position real fast. Many of you probably know, once you’ve worked your way through the Kama Sutra, well, then things get really interesting. Being both imaginative and possessed of a somewhat disreputable character I had enjoyed sexual adventures, some of which are best not described, even here.I’d made a filthy amount of money in nanotechnology right out of college having discovered a manner of using molecular chemistry to build atomic level structures for use...

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Painters Delight

I am a painting contractor and doing well. It is a long time since I held a paint-dripping brush in my hands, but now I had promised my sister that I should fix her apartment in a more modern coloration, it would be a combined birthday-present and a celebration for a promotion to her husband and it should be done while he was away for almost three weeks for his company. Paul is a salesman. One of the best. You know the kind that seem to be able to sell a central-heating system to a Bedouin in...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 303 The Painters Union has a Leak Problem

Saturday, May 6, 2006 One of the advantages I hoped a small video camera had was in not appearing on radar, as I didn't want the Air Force to think San Francisco had fired a missile across the country at Washington DC. Its being detected would be particularly possible when I neared my destination, because the address I'd obtained for the Eclipse Project was VERY close to the White House. I kept my sight blob looking all around for trouble and I flew fairly low - about five hundred feet...

1 year ago
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Reddit Painal, aka r/Painal! Not all subreddits are born equal. Some are wholesome, others are filthy, and somewhere in between you’ll find a unique gem or two. /r/Painal is easily one of the most disgusting places on Reddit, and I don’t really mind. You know I don’t shy away from a challenge, especially when it comes to the more extreme smut that you have to go underground to find.Porn’s been getting more and more violent in recent years, but it’s fine when it’s all staged and acted out. Some...

Reddit NSFW List
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Aches and Pains

Aches and Pains Chapter 1As the black sedan plowed its way through the streets of Duluth, it occasionally hit a hidden patch of ice and began to slide crazily until the driver was able to twist the steering wheel around sufficiently to compensate for the slide and get the car in the proper direction down the road again.  It had been snowing periodically for three days straight, and the snow drifts on the side of the road were, in some cases, over five feet high.  It was even worse as the car...

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Aches and Pains

ACHES AND PAINS Getting old is a pain in the arse - literally in the case of Paul Sedgewick. He and his wife, Mary, had, over the years, built up a very successful, small property development company. He had started out on leaving school as an "odd job man," and had gradually grown his business; first into designing patios and garden rooms, then to full- blown extensions, and finally, once he had accumulated a bit of capital, new-builds on small pockets of land he managed to find. As...

2 years ago
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The Slaves of Paine Ch 1

''Finally! So close to being with her! All alone for as long as we please. I can imagine how this will turn out and I REALLY like it.'' I thought to myself and giggled somewhat naughtily. Laying back my head I said to myself and scratching behind my ears I thought, ''Ooooh, it’s driving me crazy just thinking about it as I closed my shockingly ice-like blue eyes and my petite paw-hands wondered to my high, perky, firm, round tits around a C1/2-cup, fondling them, playing with the fur, and...

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The Slaves of Paine Ch 1

Introduction: This is a revision of Trixie – Chapter 1: Waiting with corrections made and a better title. In case you didnt guess from my username, this is a furry based story. There will be humans and half furries in it as well but mainly furries. Half furries are like catgirls and such. Chapter 2 will be here soon. Waiting Finally! So close to being with her! All alone for as long as we please. I can imagine how this will turn out and I REALLY like it. I thought to myself and giggled somewhat...

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