Leaving...Chapter 4 free porn video

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Andrew stopped his daydreaming about the past; he was delighted by Megan showing up unexpectedly a few hours ago. His reminiscing was sweet but he knew that tomorrow he would be offering them a future together - an option to work out their constant separations.

He was ready to have Megan become a permanent part of his life and carry on the traditions of both families in both countries and cultures.

He looked over everything and quickly ran down a mental check list - Meat and cream sauce finished - green beans in the microwave - bread needing to be sliced - the noodles were almost ready for Megan - the wine was chilling and the table cleaned off and ready to be set. Once he took the noodles off he went upstairs to wake his lady love.

Megan awoke feeling rested and happy as Andrew kissed her neck. She smiled looking up into those brown eyes brimming with love. He told her to get dressed and come downstairs and help him prepare for dinner.

Megan joined Andrew in the kitchen and after a wet sloppy kiss helped him with the noodles and sliced the bread. She looked around thinking back to how Christmas was at both of their parent's homes. She remembered the Christmas she spent with his family.

As she and Andrew drove up to the house Megan sat and stared at Bart and Denise's house and yard in awe. Innumerable multicolored lights were blinking and moving around the house, up and down posts and banisters on the porch and even through the shrubs and trees in the yard. The lights combined with wooden cutouts of different cartoon characters gave the yard a dream like aura.

Caitlyn had run out and tackled Megan, the two of them frolicking in the snow looking at all the different decorations. As Andrew brought the bags inside Caitlyn said, "Well now my friend you are about to see me whip up on your beloved."

"How so," Megan asked, mischief dancing on both girls' faces.

Caitlyn bent over and made a dozen or so snowballs and put them in front of her, then held one in each hand. A few moments later Andrew and both his parents came out onto the big wrap around porch.

Denise called out, "Megan would you come up here please?"

Caitlyn whose eyes were on Andrew said, "You better go up there it's going to get real messy down here."

Megan looked at her friend then quickly made her way up to the porch. Andrew looked around the yard as did Caitlyn then with a quick nod of both their heads he walked down the five steps and stood in front of the house.

"Caitlyn," he shouted although his sister was only twenty feet away, "Save yourself the embarrassment this year and surrender..." His comments were cut short by a loud splat as a snow ball thrown by Caitlyn smacked Andrew in the chest.

Caitlyn giggled, he turned slightly and brushed the snow off of himself then said, "Of course Madam you know this means war," quoting an old cartoon show.

Moments later the riot was on and for the next twenty minutes the yard was filled with running, snow covered bodies. Snow balls were being thrown, then handfuls of snow being dumped on one another and bodies being rolled and covered in snow.

Through it all Megan laughed herself to tears as Bart explained, "We don't really understand why, but every Christmas season that these two are together this little display occurs. It's been this way for 18 years but they refuse to perform unless we are here to enjoy watch the show."

A few minutes later Caitlyn and Andrew, who were cold, wet and shivering wandered arm in arm to the porch, bowed, then headed inside to take showers and change into dry clothing.

Megan and Denise followed Bart into the house. Much like her own home, the Scotsdale's had decorated the inside of theirs with the holiday's finest colors. It was the tree that caught her attention; it had to be twelve feet tall and at least that big around. But there was no space anywhere on that tree to put anything. Lights, and ornaments, and garland and tinsel were everywhere. The tiny lights slowly faded on and off as bubble lights, (which she soon found out they were called), gave the whole tree an illusion of upward movement.

The presents in their multicolored packaging filled the bottom area underneath the tree and up both sides of the walls behind the tree. Only then did Megan smell the hot chocolate and cookies that Denise had brought out for everyone to share.

When Caitlyn and Andrew showed back up Megan greeted them both warmly. Soon everyone was sitting looking at the big tree and catching up. Megan was so happy, "I only have a few more weeks of study, then time to find a job."

Andrew smiled, "The quicker you get settled the quicker we can get settled."

Megan looked at him cocking his head in an obvious signal she didn't understand.

Andrew just said, "It can wait for now so just relax."

Caitlyn mentioned, "By the way Megan we have four trees in the house, this one and three themed trees. They are smaller but one is an old fashioned tree, only handmadeornaments and antiques are on that tree. Then we have a Teddy Bear tree everything on that including the lights are teddy bears. Then lastly we have Dad's nautical tree. Since he spent five years in the US Navy everything is either nautical or sailing ship themed."

Megan asked to see the other trees and Caitlyn proudly showed them to her.

Andrew then showed Megan that all the women in the house had their own mistletoe. A large one for Denise, a medium one for Abigail, and two small ones for Caitlyn and Megan were hung in different doorways. Andrew kept pulling Megan to her doorway to ensure he could keep the Christmas spirit. Megan for her part was not complaining.

"Megan" Caitlyn called "you are supposed to take a berry from the mistletoe each time you are kissed."

"Not on your life" replied a laughing Megan. "This mistletoe plays by My Rules" and she beckoned to Andrew, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.

For Megan, her experiences in the Scotsdale home were wonderful, but the crowds at the malls and supermarkets were disquieting she told Andrew, "All this last minute rushing and buying and crowding takes so much away from the heart of the season."

Andrew waxed philosophical and replied, "Everything you do in life is a trade off. Some times those trades are easy, like making time for family. Sometimes they are hard, like dealing with the commercialism of the season."

Megan and Andrew went out with a group of Caitlyn's friends and sang Christmas Carols door to door in different housing developments on two different nights. Megan sang so loud she was hoarse after the second day.

Christmas Eve was a night for family. All of Bart and Denise's family sat down together and enjoyed a dinner of prime rib roast and mashed potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, green beans and hot rolls. There was also a large assortment of pies for dessert.

After dinner Caitlyn entertained everyone by playing the piano for the rest of the evening.

Christmas morning the family gathered again. Denise had all the kids sit near the tree and Megan was thrilled for the children just watching their wide-eyed excited faces. The two grandkids were almost unable to control themselves as the gifts were handed out to everyone and they were allowed to open theirs. Lastly, the adults were able to open theirs too.

Megan, without saying a word to Andrew, had brought parcels from England that she self consciously handed to each family member, shyly saying "Happy Christmas" to each one. For the children she had colouring books and pencils of Bob the Builder, Harry Potter and other English children's favourites. Her friend Caitlyn opened her slim parcel to discover musical scores, bound in leather, for English Church Organ Music. Her siblings received assorted Belgian chocolates, exotically made and beautifully presented with many containing varieties of liqueurs. Her gift to her hosts, Denise and Bart, revealed an Irish cut glass punch bowl complete with eight silver plated goblets and ladle. She kissed them both on their cheeks and said "I hope you like these. They say a special and permanent 'thank you' for making me feel so welcome, and giving me an American Home to come to."

Andrew cleared his throat noisily. Getting no response he 'Harrumphed' again. Megan turned her innocent blue eyes on him "are you getting a cold?" she asked. He stood and walked menacingly towards her and Megan dodged behind her friend calling "save me, Caitlyn save me" while laughing her head off. Finally she gasped through her laughter "Andrew behave! Your present is upstairs in our bedroom." The whole family erupted into laughter and cries of "way to go." Megan suddenly realised what she had said and blushed scarlet. Andrew grinned and said "come on then. Up we go."

"No, no... I mean... Andrew don't you DARE grab hold of me. I meant I haven't yet brought yours down here" and she ran out of the room.

Moments later she reappeared, still blushing and handed a gift wrapped parcel to him. He hurriedly began to open it. It was protected by a hard case and he cautiously opened it. It was a studio portrait of Megan herself in a silver frame, robed in her academic gown, erect, serene and confident, her blue eyes seeming to smile at him and follow him wherever he might stand. There were "Ahhhs" from everyone.

"Oh Meg." And he swept her into his arms and kissed her, much to the noisy delight of his family.

After the gifts and a light snack of homemade coffee cake, Denise had everyone pitch in and help load the cars with food baskets, blankets, water jugs and other essentials as well as a few small toys and games. The caravan of four vehicles moved swiftly through the deserted streets to areas where homeless people were known to congregate. When they found people they stopped and passed out anything they had that could be of help including bringing them to shelters if someone requested it. It took three hours but all the goods were finally given out.

On the way back home Megan asked Andrew, "How long has your family done this on Christmas Morning?"

He smiled, "Since before I was born, and they run a network of about twenty-five other families around town that were out today also. This is important to them to share their abundance with others, on the one day the homeless feel the need the most."

Megan held his arm, "I can't begin to tell you how full I am right now, my heart is just singing."

"I know just how you feel." Andrew said as he turned into the driveway.

Andrew brought Megan back to the present by whispering in her ear. "Hey, Dinner is ready," then kissed her lightly on the cheek.

Megan smiled, a sudden redness in her cheeks. "Sorry just thinking about some great memories, come on I'm hungry."

Dinner was great and Megan told Andrew so repeatedly. By the time they washed the dinner dishes and went for a walk to settle their food it was ten o'clock and they decided to call it a night. As they crawled into bed both of them became aroused as the other's naked body touched their own.

This time it was a slow sensuous session, Andrew's fingers played along Megan's back and over her arms and thighs. Hers danced on his face and chest, with a touch of her lips on his nipple, his hand now gently massaging the globes of her ass. Both bodies shivered in anticipation as they moved in unison to please the other. Her warm hot breath on his cock was followed by a hot wet kiss that enveloped him. His kisses on her puffy engorged nether lips, and that flick of excitement on her bud that made her gasp then tremble, and finally groan in her pleasure.

He was moving up and down her body; she needed his love around her and inside her. His touch was kindling her fire now and she craved it and the tension within her began to build as his actions became more frenzied. She knew she had cried out to him. Their bodies throbbed and pulsed. He stopped breathing for an ecstatic instant, but finally his long slow groaning exhale was the only noise in the room. Her mind was numb and he was heavily on top of her, slipping from her. Their loving slowly became quiet. Then he lay beside her, holding her in relaxing arms as sleep took them both.

Megan woke in the early hours and lay still beside her lover. She had failed. She had not told him. She was angry at her cowardice but what could she do? She was distraught at the thought of waking in his bed - he always reached out for her and renewed his love. Once he touched her she would be lost and would only want to be in his arms. She could not let him make love to her again and then, in the afterglow, tell him she must leave him. She must leave while he slept... should she leave a letter? Ahhh, when she had impatiently stuffed her study papers in her briefcase had she... ?

She stealthily slipped out of bed, naked as she collected her clothes and sneaked into the bathroom. Taking care to make no noise she closed and latched the door. She dare not shower, much as she needed to after Andrew's loving, because of the noise it would make. She ran hot water slowly and silently into the basin, took her flannel, or wash rag as Andrew called it, sponged her hands and face then used it to bathe her thighs. A little of her fragrant talcum here and there - god, she hoped she didn't reek of sex.

She dressed and gathered her toiletries then quietly slipped back into the bedroom and carried her shoes into the living room. Andrew lay quiet, resting after his exertions of the night. Her case was still by the door; their need to be together had made unpacking a task to be deferred. She rapidly re-packed her makeup, looked around for her coat and found it discarded, left where she had dropped it yesterday evening. Opening her briefcase she rapidly searched among her papers and found it. The letter she had written when in despair in her own flat in England. It would have to do.

She took a big chance going back to the bedroom and gently kissed his lips. He had hardly moved but a small smile moved across his face much the same way it does on a baby when you touch his mouth. She moved quickly to the bedroom door and looked at him through her tears. She held her breath then in almost a whisper said, "Good-bye my love, Good-bye my Andrew."

One final act, an act she was now thankful she had unwittingly prepared for. She placed the envelope with her letter, together with her keys, the ones he had given her when he first brought her to his home, prominently on the small table that held his own keys.

At last she was outside the door without disturbing him. She was at her car, ignition fired up and Megan drove slowly and quietly away. Before joining State Route 20 she saw a small rest stop and pulled off the road. Her chest was tight, her tummy a hollow pit of misery, her throat strangling her. Her head fell onto the steering wheel and she wept, her chest heaving as she sobbed. It was too much. It was worse than she had thought. It seemed that her body had ruptured and left part of her behind. Slowly she forced herself to be more calm "now the time has come to leave you... one more time let me kiss you... I hate to wake you up to say goodbye but the dawn is breaking, it's early morn'... the taxi's waiting he's blowing his horn... already I'm so lonesome I could die..." But she had no taxi. She was driving. She could go back. 'Oh god don't let me think this, not now.'

She switched on the car radio. It was still tuned to the classical channel and the music flowed and helped. Again the concentration on her driving, at least THAT made her push the agony to the back of her mind.

Albany. Return the car. Settle the bill after which she moved into the general waiting area. Coffee! She needed coffee.

It was very quiet at that time in the morning and few people were in the open dining area adjoining reception and the ticket counter. Two tables away sat an elegant, beautifully dressed woman whose dark brown hair, untainted by rinses, showed distinguished grey streaks. She wore a business suit in charcoal grey with a single brooch of silver and diamonds in her lapel. Other than that, simple pearl studs and a necklace of pearls were her only jewellery. Her blouse was white silk with a scarlet cravat giving a splash of colour to her sedate attire. Everything about her spoke of restrained dignity coupled with authority. She looked to be around 60 years. Her make-up was skilful and understated, her lips a soft coral pink, a tint of her cravat.

There was bustle and childish voices as a group of passengers entered and made their way to the coffee bar. An elderly man, tall, well dressed, tanned and with white hair, accompanied by a woman, perhaps mid thirties with a soft resemblance to the man, and three children. A girl maybe 11 years and two younger boys.

"Grandpa, Grandpa can we have cookies please let's have cookies" shouted one of the boys. The other was calling to his mother "Mommy Mommy it's my turn to choose you said I could choose going back."

The young girl with the superiority of the eldest child, said to her Grandfather "Grandpa don't give them anything. Boys are the pits."

The mother had laughed and said "Honey you won't think so in a year or two."

A movement to her left caught Megan's eye. The elegant female was sitting bolt upright, obviously discomfited, eyes staring, her hands over her cheeks.

The elderly man casually looked around as he waited for his order. His eyes flicked over Megan and rested on the woman. His glance swept over her then snapped back and focused. A frown. Pensive. Then he walked hesitantly towards her. He stopped at her table and she lowered her hands.

"Excuse me. But... Elizabeth?"

"Yes, Donald, it's me," and she attempted a light-hearted laugh.

"Elizabeth how are you? I haven't seen you in... It must be more than thirtyyears."

"Thirty three actually, Donald. Thirty four years come this September. September 12th to be exact."

"Elizabeth you have done great. I've seen your name more and more in the newspapers. You're the President of EM Enterprises aren't you?"

"Yes. That's the holding company. We have four companies in the Corporation now. I've been visiting one here in Albany for the last few days."

"I saw you on TV last night. Big expansion I gather. Well Elizabeth you always said your career had to come first. You always were determined to get to the very top. I congratulate you. Did you ever marry after we... you... you know... after you went away."

Elizabeth attempted a laugh "No, Donald. No, I never married. I told you then that you had been the only man for me, if... if... I decided..." she stopped, her face troubled, a catch in her voice. "I heard of your marriage. A friend wrote and told me. I hope you found happiness."

"Yes, I met another girl. Fell in love all over again. Lost her last year." His face showed his pain. "That's my daughter over there with three of my grandchildren. I guess I've been one of the lucky ones to know two exceptional women. You were the first, Elizabeth."

There was the metallic call of the speakers "Passengers for Flight ABY 201 to Chicago is now boarding. Passengers please proceed without delay to Gate 5B."

"Well that's me" he said "Gotta go. Elizabeth it's been great to see you, even briefly. Sure glad that you got all you wanted out of your life. I admire you. Bye now."

"Goodbye, Donald. Good luck. I am sorry about your loss. But you are blessed with your family and grandchildren."

He stooped and kissed her cheek.

The children were calling "Come ON Grandpa you will miss your flight."

He walked away, the children running in front of him, finding the way he must walk. His daughter hugged his arm and was chattering to him.

Megan looked out of the corner of her eyes at the woman. She sat. Her face crumpling. Tears glistened in her eyes. Megan heard the whispered "Goodbye my only love."

Taking in a deep breath she let it out forcefully then looked again at the man slowly moving away from her. "Oh Donald, I have it all... power, money, recognition in a man's world, but I know now, without you I have nothing, nothing at all."

Megan was surprised as Elizabeth suddenly stood and walked hurriedly to the ticket counter "Are there first class seats on the Chicago flight you've just called. I now want to go to Chicago. I must catch that flight. Hurry, please it's very important."

Megan heard the boarding announcement for her own flight, gathered her things and made her way towards her check-in area. As she approached the boarding gate the song echoed in her head one last time, "I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again, Oh Babe, I hate, to goooo!"

She walked down the tunnel towards her plane with a deep foreboding, the voice of the woman singing the song etching the words into her memory. Repeating itself like a suddenly out of control tape player.

Andrew stretched and opened his eyes, after a big yawn he rolled over to find Megan was already up. As he turned over he caught her lingering scent on the pillow. He inhaled deeply taking in the familiar fragrance. It was elusive because she always used it sparingly but it was as if she were still there with him. He smiled then whispered, "I can't wait until I can wake up every day smelling, seeing and touching you my love."

He got up and looked at the clock. 9:30, he never slept that late, so he decided to jump into the shower then go looking for Megan. He needed to talk to her first thing this morning. Andrew looked around the bathroom as he entered the shower and he felt like something was amiss. He couldn't immediately place it and quickly dismissed the feeling as the hot water fell invigoratingly on his shoulders.

When he was finished he quickly dried off and threw on a tee shirt, shorts and slippers, then bounded down the stairs. He yelled out, "Meg, where are you babyyy?" Before his voice quit echoing in the empty house he noticed her bags were missing. A sense of dread filled his being, his arms and legs energized only moments before, now suddenly felt heavy and fatigued. Then it hit him; the sense of something being wrong when he was in the bathroom. All of her stuff that she always scattered across his bathroom counters when she was with him-it was missing. Andrew felt the bile rise in his throat even as the tears rolled down his cheek.

"Why, what had he done wrong, what in the hell was she thinking?" His voice sounded hollow. He moved quickly through the downstairs checking everywhere, but all the doors were locked. Taking a deep breath he looked outside; as he feared her rental car was gone too.

The pain was so intense his head hurt and now his stomach was in knots. His mind was going a thousand miles a minute as an intense anger began to percolate through the fog of his mind.

Running upstairs he grabbed for his wallet then headed downstairs to get his keys. As he jumped and cleared the last few steps he began talking to himself. "This is bullshit, she isn't going to pull this act on me I'm going to catch her in Albany and..." Suddenly he felt weak kneed, his throat constricted and mouth so dry he couldn't utter a peep.

He saw the letter and her house keys on the table beside his. Reaching out, his hand wavering, he took the letter and wet his lips as he said, "Oh God no! Please no!" Stumbling to the sofa he gently opened the envelope. His name was inscribed on the envelope in her beautiful handwriting. He was careful as he removed and opened the letter; it was as if Megan was somehow contained in the paper he held in his hand.

He opened and read her message with tear filled eyes.

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PrettyDirty Piper Perri Good Little Girl Part Three

Bookworm has noticed a lot of changes since Charity showed up. And even though having Charity as her new big sister, she’s a tad jealous of the way Mr. Chase looks at Charity the way he used to look at her Momma. Charity, being the master scheme specialist she is, intends on rustling some leaves. She devises a plan to get Bookworm laid by her stepdad’s business partner, Roger. He turns out to be the perfect bait too! He’s a dumb guy with his brain on his dick, and the perfect...

2 years ago
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Teacher Teacher Ch 03

I slept well Wednesday night, my first threesome having exceeded my wildest expectations and building my sexual confidence to a zenith I would never have thought about two weeks ago. My anxiety about the night was now gone and my muscles had been quick to relax and allow me to fall into a deep sleep. I don't remember dreaming but I awoke Thursday morning with full-blown erection and was humping the mattress. This was not just morning wood or a piss hard-on. I was already in a state of full...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Penelope Kay Harley Haze What8217s In Her Box

Harley Haze and her friend Penelope Kay are hanging out in Harley’s living room, discussing how they can get more followers on social media. Penelope says that doing makeup tutorials is super popular. Harley perks up at the idea, but then sadly points out that would require buying lots of makeup, and neither of them can afford that. They come up with several more ideas, but end up rejecting all of them. They finally decide to do an unboxing video, but neither of them can afford to order...

3 years ago
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The Touch of a Total Stranger

Debbie was basically a normal girl. She was 19 and out on her own with her own job and a nice boyfriend to play with her nipples at the movies. Well, maybe not quite out on her own, since she still lived in her parent’s basement with her very own TV and furniture. Her hair was long and naturally red, and she liked to wear high heels because they made her legs and her ass cheeks look so toned and young. Recently, she had gotten into the habit of not wearing panties to work because they made her...

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High School Jared

**This story is completely fictional and doesn't depict any real life figure.There's a small town in eastern Colorado by the name of Holyoke. It's a quaint little town with a friendly community. This is where Jared Robinson had lived for all of his 17 years. He had been brought up in a middle-class household where hard work and honesty were regarded highly. He was in his 2nd semester as a Junior in high school when this story begins.It was the middle of May, the hurdles were out and Jared was...

First Time
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Still Faithful Always Chapter 8

Languishing on his bed on a Friday evening following a vigorous assault on Laura’s body that had been item one on Greg’s agenda he asked his item two question. “Hey Darling, are you going to be out here three weeks from now, three weekends? I’ll need you that Saturday night.” “If you promise to ravish my body just exactly like the marauding horde screwing you just gave me I’ll be here as fast as I can get here whenever you call me. Kiss me again and then tell me about Saturday.” “Do you...

Wife Lovers
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Vintage Platinum 1

Vintage Platinum By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers West Hollywood, early fall 1957. Nate pulled up his shiny new red 1957 chevy to the first bar he saw after leaving a difficult client meeting mentally exhausted after a long week at his new job. He'd been an accountant for six years now since college but it was like he was starting over as the low man on the totem pole only one month into his new position. Working in a small firm directly for the partners he was receiving...

3 years ago
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The BootleggerChapter 9

While I driving home from the park, I tried to come up with something. The options were few. If he could be reasoned with, it would make the whole thing easier. If he couldn’t be reasoned with, then the options weren’t good at all. Putting the good doctor in the ground to join Jarrett in the long sleep was an option, but it wasn’t one I wanted to even consider using. There had to be a middle of the road somewhere. I talked it over with Lucy. The first decision we made was to keep her kid...

3 years ago
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Marie the Pinay Slut WifeChapter 3

With three more hours of flight, Marie wondered if there was anything she could do to satisfy her desire to be as slutty as possible. She considered asking Peter if he wanted to join the mile high club, but the toilets were beside the galley, and the cabin crew had all gathered there, so it would not be possible to enter and leave the toilet without being seen. Instead, she lay back in her seat and closed her eyes, and let her mind wander back to the time that she had been at her most out of...

2 years ago
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Hotel sex with sis

True story - happened about three years ago.It only happened the one time but I still think about that night that my sister and I fucked. My family decided to travel together to my brother's college graduation. When we stopped at the motel, we were exhausted from driving all day and one thing after the other happened. To top it all off, the only room left had two double beds --there were no cots. My sister and I would sleep together in the same room as my parents. At our age, we were way...

4 years ago
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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 25 Maidservant

It was almost a week after the visit from the man she thought of as 'the Man with Two Hands' before Sister Lucia had another call to become Molly. This time the sheer blouse and tiny skirt were laid out on the bed, with the apron and the silk stockings. She noticed that the silk drawers she loved to wear were not there, so she assumed she was not to wear them. Dutifully, Molly put on the sheer blouse, and the tiny skirt, tying the apron round her waist. The silk stockings felt lovely on...

3 years ago
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On Vacation With SaraChapter 11

The mindless fucking went on for another hour; I would guess when Becca finally arrived. Only Jack, who had gone for the supplies hadn’t fucked me at least once. “Hey Terry, I got you this.” And she handed him several different colors of sharpie pens. “Great idea, Thanks Becca.” And with that he began to get creative and he and Tommy began to write every nasty thing they could think of on my body. People shouted out their ideas and some of their masterpieces included: “Cum Whore, Slut,...

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Straight to Bi to Gay to Trans to Straight Pa

I don't want you to think we simply lived happily ever after. Nothing is that simple.We've had our ups and our downs, and our ins and outs. We've had three major hurdles, so far. The first was me freaking out over the idea of having a boyfriend. As natural as it seemed to be with him, and as mind-blowing as the sex was, it was still a huge shift in thinking for me. The second hurdle was coming out. The third was his affair. But more on that in a minute. As I want to talk first about...

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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 19 Bonding

Monday, June 03, 1996, Sanford Maine “Davey, wake up,” a girlish voice hissed into my ear. Poke. “Ouch!” the She-Devil had crawled back from out of the pits of Hell; I had thought that maybe we were finally free from our evil tormentor. “Wake up, Bro!” Poke. Poke. Poke. Grab. Shake. “Owww! Shit! FUCK ME; I’M DYING!” the She-Devil had gone in for a multi-strike approach this time, penetrating our blanket defenses. Cackle. Our right side had suffered a breach between the fourth and...

1 year ago
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Market ForcesChapter 2 An Organisation

I looked again at the photographs. I'd often fantasised about having Rebecca like that but somehow things had never worked out that way. I handed the photographs back to Clegg. "There's only one trouble with your suggestion though," I said as I pulled an envelop from my own jacket, took out the sheet of paper within and handed it to Clegg. He peered at it and read it out laughing, "Rebecca, I'm sorry. This will be a shock but there's no easy way to say it. I think we should end it....

2 years ago
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Bus Mein Stranger Ki Jamkar Chudai

Hello guys and girls. Agaya main vapis nayi story leke. Hai toh yehh meri one of the favorite fantasy jaha pe main ek stranger ko bus mein chodata ho aur fir usse apni rakhel bana leta ho lifetime ka liya. Toh bina waqt gawaye chalu karta ho main. Main bus se Ahmedabad to Surat jaa raha tha. Ac bus thi yeh aur karib raat ke 9 baj rahe the. Jaise hi bus nikalne wali thi tab heroine ki entry hoti hai uska naam hai Shreya. Figure (36-30-36) bad mein usne bataya tha. Woh meri seat ke pass ake saman...

4 years ago
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Classroom Fun

I hopped in the shower but kept thinking about the dreams as I started soaping up my body. I was standing facing the shower faucet rinsing my face as the warm water made its way down my neck over my tits and down to my pussy I felt my nipples getting hard and the tingling sensation in my pussy when my nipples were hard. My clit was still engorged and swelled more as the sensation made my pussy hot and pulsate. I started rubbing my nipples with the palms of my hands in a circular motion and...

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BrattySis Lacy Tate Macy Meadows Giving My Stepsister Her Christmas Present

Lacy Tate and Macy Meadows are on the search for Christmas presents, but they keep getting caught by Macy’s stepbrother Jason. Jason catches them twice and tells the girls that if he finds them sneaking around a third time he’s going to fuck them. They don’t believe him, so they keep up the search and go to Jason’s room, where he finds them again. Lacy tells Jason that she dares Jason to do it and Macy doubles down by pulling down her shorts so Jay can stick it in. Lacy...

2 years ago
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Daddy Urges

Tom rarely had any sexual thoughts about Jenna but now realized she had blossomed into a very attractive 17 year old teenager with a ripe body that is a visual feast. He marveled at how big her breasts looked and wondered what was the real size, since it seems more prominent on her five feet four inches slender frame. In another picture he noticed her small waist gives way to curvy hips that supported the magnificent bouncy ass cheeks. His eyes meandered on her fleshy thighs traveling up to...

1 year ago
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Losing Our Bearings 5 The Truth Hurts

I was taken aback by Lisa’s beauty. At first, I found her intimidating. Her dark skin, her wide mouth, her brown eyes all made it difficult for me not to stare at her.She sat down and I followed. She smiled at Michael and then looked directly at me. “Is there anything I can help with?” Her voice was calm and soothing.Michael spoke again. “Paul, I’ve tried to be as open as I can about what happened the night we went out with Maggie. Lisa spent more time with Maggie than I did that night and so...

Wife Lovers
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Living With Sweet Vicky

November 1980, It all started in this month when Vicky was only eighteen years old. Vicky and her brother, had come to live with my parents and I because her mother 'my sister' had got a new job in London and her farther had gone to live back home with his parents in Scotland. I remember that Vicky and I were alone in the utility room at the back of the house. Vicky was just chilling out, lying on her back over an old box-seat that we used to keep toys in. As she stretched herself out over the...

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Enslaved by my Daughter

Enslaved by my Daughter – part 1.My name is Carrie. I was Cassandra’s daughter, then became her Mistress and Owner. When this actually began a couple of years ago, I directed her to keep a journal of her ?journey?.I’ve had a dominant nature as long as I can remember, and as far as I can tell all of the women in our family are the dominant sort (including mom until now). I don’t mean necessarily acting as sexual Dommes (but I don’t know for sure), just confident and sure of themselves and...

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Harry Potter and the teachers

Elizabeth felt a pair of calloused hands roam her body and she moaned. Merlin, the lad had magical hands. They knew how to touch her and where. They then cupped her swinging breasts and she groaned. She was on her hands and knees with Harry in back of her thrusting in and out of her gushing cunt.“Mmmm, Harry” she moaned.“Yes professor?” Harry asked.“Harry, you know you should call me Elizabeth during your tutoring sessions” Elizabeth chided gently.“Sorry, Elizabeth” Harry said.“No problem...

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Angels TaleChapter 14

The ringing phone woke her up. At first, Angel didn't remember where she was. Wherever it was, it was fancy and comfortable. The spa. She answered the phone. "H'lo?" "This is your wake up call, Miss O'Connor. I am to remind you that you have school this morning. Would you like anything specific for breakfast?" "Uh..." "Shall we just prepare something from your usual preferences?" "Ok." "Your transportation will be waiting when you get downstairs. Feel free to call if you...

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Summers day being watched

It was one of the gorgeous summer’s days that appear in April when it’s totally unexpected and stunning. Sunshine has always made me very horny (just ask any of my ex’s that I’ve been on holiday with – I become insatiable) So I woke up to find that the sun was out and it just felt like a great day. I pottered into the kitchen in my silk nightdress to get a drink and spotted the young fit window cleaner…that boy doesn’t have a clue how hot he is. I stood in the kitchen for what felt like hours...

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Cult of SexualityPart 5

We picked up our scattered clothes and got dressed. He took the driver’s seat and I climbed into the passenger’s seat. He turned the car over and pulled out. Still, I had no idea where we were going. The both of us were silent as if we refused to acknowledge something. The ride took about 20 minutes before we pulled into the Municipal Parking Lot. I knew better than to ask where we were. “Now, don’t be nervous. You’re not in any trouble,” he said as he fixed his tie. He exited the car and...

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Double Your Pleasure Double Your Fun

Double Your Pleasure Double Your Fun By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "I can't believe we pulled this off!" Melanie said, breaking a kiss with her boyfriend, Steve. "This is going to be an incredible weekend." "I'm so psyched," said Steve, wiping his sweaty palms. "You're sure your dad won't be home? You tell me how over protective he is, and that makes me pretty nervous." "Relax, he's so excited about taking Brenda away for a romantic weekend for the first time,...

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Threesome with paul

So its been a few months now that i have been seeing paul behind his wifes back and we have been getting upto some very exciting stuff. One evening we met we got round to talking about threesomes and paul had asked me if i have ever had one and to his supprise i had told him that over the years i had been involved in a few . As i proceeded to tell him about some of mý experiences i could tell that i was really turning him on i could see his big cock starting to grow in his trousers as a started...

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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 63 Surviving Disasters

I immediately got on the phone to Chaos and passed on the info needed to help with the kidnap victims. Between her and Law they got all the women corrected before the medics arrived. For all the women that acted as her entourage, I cleared out the code that had been entered and updated them. My four, Mandy, Alexandria, Carrie and Tanya, had the same short code from binding with me and just like the others it couldn't be removed. I also pulled up Agent Joan Davis after she left. I removed...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 4 Song of DesireChapter 6 Hot Mage Menage

Acolyte Sophia – Lor-Khev, The Magery of Thosi Jathibiyya’s hands grasped my naked hips, swaying them from side-to-side. Her breasts pressed into my back, her nipples hard points that caressed my skin. My body moved under Jathibiyya’s direction. Chaun’s music wasn’t playing right now, but my body still boiled from the lust of his song even after the danger of the attack. Why had the changeling infected us with lust? To get Angela alone? “That’s it,” Jathibiyya purred, her fingers lightly...

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A fun loving hottie from Hyderabad

Let me introduce myself first. I am a 26 yrs old lady residing in Hyderabad. I have been here since last one year. I am a FUN-LOVING GAL who thinks that “WE LIVE ONLY ONCE” and life should be used to the fullest. I had been in Mumbai for 5 yrs and needless to say that I enjoyed a lot there. I want to share one of my experiences with you. I have had several experiences from incest, threesome, oral, group etc. Today I want to share with you guys, my latest one. Hope you will like it. Sanchit is...

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Neighborhood weirdo pt2

So I visited kevin a few times after that. We pretty much just got high and fucked. We didn't really need to change the routine. We were both vers while I tended to bottom only slightly more than half the time. I think this was mostly just because he was older and more experienced, and partly I guess because I loved it that way. After a couple weeks kevin brought up my promise to get revenge on david for stealing: read part 1, basically kevin kinda used weed to seduce my friend david, but when...

4 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 29

Presidents Day dawned cloudy and blustery. There was a storm front hovering off the coast, coyly teasing the weather forecasters about if, when, and where it would decide to come ashore. The warmth and love inside the church made everyone inside forget the weather outside. Sandy Goodwin attended to Barbara and Sammy, as they first helped Sammy into her bridesmaid's dress, then Barbara into her wedding gown. Barbara's brother Scott ensured Raul and Bobby were safely in their tuxes, and he...

2 years ago
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The one time I was taken for the team

I previously posted an account of my 'taking a woman for the team,' and how blissful an experience it was. Fair is fair, and now I'd like to share a story in which a woman 'took me for the team.' It was the early 2000's. A buddy of mine was first dating a girl and I went out with them and this girl's friend. The girl's friend was turned off (or intimidated) by my intellect. I forget what she said to her friend or how it was re-packaged for my ears, but after this first outing she did not hook...

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Maine Aunty Ki Gaand Mari Bathroom Me 8211 Part V

To auntiyo apane mere kahani ka 4 tha bhag to padha hi hoga ki kaise maine aunty ko pataya aur unko unke hi bedroom me chodane ke liye leke gaya agar abhi tak ki story kisi aunty ko pasand aai ho to jarur mujhe mail karana ye sab maine apane aunty ke sath kiya hai wo unke sath bhi karunga mera email id hai “” me apake mail ka itazar kar raha hu to abhi me story pe aata hu rat me aunty ke sath dudh pine ke baad me aur aunty ek hi sath so gaye me Aunty ke pure badan ko chusata raha aur wo ek blue...

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The Day I Caught Jenny

Hi my name is Gareth I am forty three years old I am six foot one inch tall with brown hair and grey eyes I am an average looking guy who’s quite slender. I work as a security guard at a shopping centre in Birmingham. It’s 45C today so a hot sticky day.Today is like any other day until I get a call from a clothes retailer in the centre who’ve called me about a female customer whom they alleged were trying to steal some clothes. I arrive at the store I ask the staff what happened they tell me...

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Tit for Tat MFLesbianFFM

Tit for TatOneWe were lying in bed, naked, intertwined, sated from our lovemaking. Sheri snuggled her head deep into my chest, breathing in my scent and sighed.“Mmmm, that was wonderful.”“Thank you,” I said. “Believe me, it was my pleasure.”She laughed softly as a self-satisfied grin crossed my face.“You’re silly.”“Who me? Never.”Sheri d****d her leg over mine, drawing herself even closer into my embrace.“Do you ever have fantasies? You know, sexual ones?”This was an area we had never really...

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Life Changes Through HypnosisChapter 3

We headed toward the car but Jackie screamed: “Stop here. I want to get my nipples pierced.” “Are you serious?” “Yes, come on.” We went in to this tattoo and piercing place. It had about a dozen men and women wandering around and one guy getting a tattoo on his biceps. A young man about 18 came and asked if he could help. “I want to get my nipples pierced. Can I see what type of rings you have?” As he walked with us to this display case, “We have the best assortment of rings and bars in...

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Early Perversions

I wrote a story earlier about when I first realized that I might be gay. The story is true but I knew that I had some unusual cravings and desires at a much younger age. At a younger age (I deleted the number) I remember becoming fascinated by my mother's tennis shoes. For some reason I smelled them which resulted in a strong little erection. I spent a lot of time in that closet sniffing her shoes. Around the same time I discovered my sister's bobby socks. I used to love rubbing them against my...

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The Newly Cuckold Husband

Most of the stories I have posted so far have centered on some of my experiences on board my 100' charter yacht. It was a very high end (and expensive) operation based in Alaska.One year a couple was on board for a 12 day trip. They were unusual in that they were African-Americans, and in their early thirties. Very few minorities signed up for trips, and not too many people under 50 y/o. The cost for a trip was very high and typically younger people were unable to afford it.This couple was...

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