Master PC - Mind MagiChapter 19: Multi-Course Meal free porn video

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I had been pretty sure that Fiona would have an amazing body, but nothing could have prepared me for what I saw.


From the swell, motion and size of her fantastic breasts to the elegant musculature of her taut tummy; from the dangerous transition of her slim waist to the generous and full grace of her hip, Fiona was the utter epitome of sexual desire given form.

There were other men out there who had seen the body I was seeing and they had probably shot off still fully dressed merely from the sight of her. I had a little more control and stamina than that. However, my hunger for sex roared through my body. It was a fire that burned out any reservations that remained in my mind. If Fiona wanted me, she would have me.

It's amusing how often the tone and texture of skin is often compared to various foods, such as cream, milk, chocolate and many others. With the soft lighting and the smooth flawless tone of Fiona's skin, I was reminded of melted caramel. She didn't have any real muscle definition. Even her taut belly seemed to flow into her waist smoother than some of my girls, yet at the same time I could discern the muscles as she breathed.

To say the least, I was in awe. I looked up and understood how well her exotic face fit her yummy body. "I have to say, I've never seen skin tone like yours before..." The urge to touch was there and my hands shook with a fine tremor as I fought it.

Fiona was kind enough to let me drink in more of the sight of her body.

I finally remembered that she had more than just phenomenal curves and extraordinary skin tone and looked back up into her dazzling eyes. She seemed too good to be true. It might have been wrong but I had to know and I asked, "Is that really you or can you alter your appearance, even in subtle ways?"

She didn't seem dejected or insulted by my question. Her smile widened a bit as she answered, "Oh, I can alter my appearance. I like the whole idea of having perfect skin." She ran her hands over her breasts, down her tummy and out over her hips. "What does my skin make you think of?"

My answer was nearly instantaneous, "Melted caramel..."

"Mmm ... Actually my favorite candy."

I grinned, a bad joke on the way. "You don't eat that much of it, do you?"

Again, she either understood my implication of 'you are what you eat' and knew how bad the joke was or simply didn't care. Either way, she smiled more and wiggled her hips as she answered, "Oh no no no. Gotta watch the figure."

For the first time that I could recall, I was biting my lip in anticipation of kissing and sucking on the skin in front of me.

Fiona shifted around and lay on her side next to me. I was on my back and rolled up to face her though I was still covered from the waist down by the bed sheet.

"And you," she said looking over the portion of me still exposed, "Not deeply tanned, but tanned just right. I can't really describe it. Let me guess, you can alter your appearance too?"

I shook my head, losing more and more will to concentrate on what she was saying. "No, but I did change when my abilities first manifested."

"Hmmm... ," she thought as she looked me over again. Her confession that women size up men just as men size up women resurfaced and I had a feeling that she was seeing me with almost the same desire I saw her.

I didn't know why I was still fighting my hunger. I could have just given in and had her. She had already admitted she was willing. Whatever the reason, I just started talking. "I didn't make myself look this way ... It just happened."

She looked up into my eyes and said, "Everyone has a subconscious idea of what they should look like." Then she reached out and touched my chest with just her fingertips. "You changed into this. I'm guessing you weren't quite so defined?"

I nodded, burning with desire from her simple touch.

Her fingers trailed down over my abs. "I'm guessing that I'm not seeing everything that changed," she said with a low contralto that made me shiver.

I just shook my head.

Her fingers push between me and the sheet. I closed my eyes just willing myself to remain still as she touched me. However, instead of just going for the gold, she pulled her hand away, pulling the sheet off me.

I opened my eyes and looked up at her face not sure what her expression would be. The air of the room washed over me and I flexed instinctively.

Fiona had a look of mixed awe and disbelief. "Oh my..."

She was staring at me openly, while biting her lip. I noticed how her breasts rose and fell with her more excited breathing. Her eyes traveled up my body as if tracing me to make sure what she found was actually attached to the same person she had been talking to. "Ral..."

Her hand hovered over me and I ached for her to touch me. Finally, I put my hand on hers and pressed her to me. She gently held me. I ran my hand up her arm, excited by the feel of her baby smooth skin. She began stroking me with a delicate touch as if I was having the same affect on her that she was on me.

However, slow and steady was not what I apparently needed. Another groan escaped me, and Fiona's doe expression shifted to concern. "Ral, if you need to cum, say so..."

I just gazed at her, caught up in the building sensations.

She looked down and watched as her hand slid over my sensitive organ. "I love to watch a man orgasm." Her hand started moving faster. "To see all of his white creamy sperm shoot from him over and over." She moved closer and her handling of my rock hard cock became even more vigorous.

Suddenly she sat up. "I hope you don't mind..." she said but didn't wait for me to respond as she pushed me onto my back and crawled over me. Still on her hands and knees, she stroked me.

I looked down and could barely see what she was doing past her dangling and fabulously round breasts. Looking up, I was presented with a perfect view of the glistening wetness between her legs.

Then I felt the heat of her breath and the soft, wet touch of her tongue and lips. I groaned and reached for her ass. She moved as I directed her, putting a leg on the other side of my head. I then pulled her down by her hips and met her lips with my own.

As fantastic as she looked, she tasted better. I enjoyed going down on all my girls and willingly drank up any fluids they offered during sex. Fiona however was like a drink of fresh water to a man who had just crossed a desert on foot. I simply couldn't get enough. Of course, that could have been my hunger making her seem more desirable but at the moment I didn't care.

If I had any disappointment in what we were doing, it was that she seemed unable to swallow me as completely as my girls could. Still, her excitement and effort more than made up for it.

I held her cheeks in my hands, enjoying the feel of her skin, the way her muscles moved and the pleasant roundness. With my face pressed between them, I inhaled her scent and ran my tongue all over her. Her clit caught my attention quickly, being bigger than what any of my girls had. I sucked on it and squeezed it with my lips. Fiona ground herself onto my face when I did that. It made me happy to know I could bring her as much pleasure as she did me.

I also found that she didn't have a single hair anywhere. Nothing. She was completely bald. That only seemed to encourage me as I lapped not only at her swollen lips, but pretty much anywhere I could reach. None of my girls had shaved themselves. I wondered what they would think of the idea. Again, the idea was a fun one and only drove me to kiss, lick and suck on Fiona more.

The more intense my attention became, the more vigorous she got. It was like our actions not only pleased but also encouraged the other. Soon the soft music was overridden by the sounds of moaning, slurping and wet bodies sliding along each other. It really didn't take that long before I was thrusting up into her hands and mouth, rushing to my own orgasm. Fiona reacted to my actions, as she rolled her hips and pressed herself to my attentive tongue and fingers.

Both of us soon moaned our mutual releases.

I felt Fiona accept some of my cum into her mouth, but then she pulled back and let the rest spray her face. In turn, I kept my face plastered to her crotch as she quivered and shook all over me.

She rolled off me and sat up on her elbows. I rolled over onto my side again, also coming up onto an elbow. Her face and hair were covered with my cum. The smile she had was both astonished and gleeful. After we had both calmed down a bit she said, "You put on one hell of a show..."

I raised an eyebrow, curious by what she meant.

"I've seen men in videos that spray down women with incredible amounts of cum, but I never thought I would actually be with one. I always thought those guys had taken some kind of pill to produce so much cum."

I smiled and shook my head, not sure I was ready to talk just yet.

She watched me for a minute and then asked, "So, how do you feel now?"

I nodded. "Better. There's still a slight twinge, but I'm feeling better."

"A slight twinge?" she asked. Sitting up, she spoke with the same teasing lilt, "Sounds like you've only had the appetizer. Time for the main course..."

I chuckled. "The main course?"

She nodded. "Mm-hmm ... I know I'm ready for more."

I felt somewhat giddy; happy to be with her as much as knowing her willingness to help me. "More?" We both know what more meant so I went on, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure about a lot of things. Like wanting you, like knowing you're going to end up spraying me down at least two more times tonight, and like I'm going to enjoy every minute of it." She moved over me, pressing her body into mine. "The only thing I'm not sure about is fitting every hard, thick inch of your gorgeous cock into my wet little pussy, but I am sure that I'm damn well willing to try," she finished with a luscious smile.

I held her to me, but she reached up to the cart. I watched as she used some of the napkins to wipe my spend off her face.

She looked at the goop on the disposable napkin for a moment. "You taste so good, I hope you don't think me disgusting..." and she pressed the flat of her tongue to the napkin, lapping up the fluid with a single stroke.

I chuckled. "My girls would do the same. Only they usually clean it off each other whenever I shoot one of them like that."

Fiona looked me in the eyes. "And how many of your girls have you slept with all at once?" She continued to wipe cum from her face and lick it from the napkins.

I nodded at the napkin, "If you want to use your fingers, it won't bother me." Then to answer her question I said, "And in reality, I think the most I've pulled off was three. In our shared dreams though, I've taken turns with all of them."

"Your shared dreams?" she asked as she used two fingers to scoop a glob from her cheek and sucked it into her mouth.

I nodded, watching her continue to clean her own face. "Yeah. Part of me wants to sleep so I can see them and another part wants me to get up from this bed and search for Jennifer."

Fiona stopped wiping her face and looked at me thoughtfully. "If Jennifer is one of your girls, your Schiavi, then wouldn't she be included in your dreams?"

"Normally, I would say yes, but one of the Dragons, Leland, did something to her which is what makes me worry so much about her."

Her expression softened. Again, she was sympathetic but this time it wasn't just for me. "What did he do?"

I licked my lips wanting to choose the right words, but there was no other way of saying it. "He removed her soul and put it in that vial I had asked about."

Appropriately, Fiona's eyes widened with shock. "H-How can he do that?"

I knew how. I had gained his knowledge not only of how to remove a soul but how to put it back too. "It's part of his talent with the dead."

"So she's... ?"

I shook my head, not ready to believe what Fiona feared. "No. He says she's in a coma and will stay that way until her soul is returned to her. If he opens the vial and releases the soul though, she will die. I know he's telling at least partly the truth because I can feel her. It's like she's asleep."

Fiona calmed but still wore a shocked look. "Wait, if you share dreams with your girls and she's asleep, then when you sleep won't you see her too?"

I shrugged. "I don't know..." I considered that. If she was asleep because her soul wasn't in her body but not dead could she dream? If she could, would she show up in my dreams? I put it as simple as possible. "If she can dream, then maybe..."

Fiona rubbed her body against mine. "Then we need to get you taken care of so you can get a shower and sleep soundly. If you see her in your dreams then you'll know she's all right. It would take some of the edge off your worry for her. Wouldn't it?"

I held her tightly, not trying to stop her from rubbing against me but more as a hug. "It would help but I would still want to make sure she's put back together properly." I had seen enough of Leland's memories to know what would happen if a soul didn't go back into a person correctly. It would leave her not quite right in the head, as if there was a misalignment that no medicine could correct. Even people with Down Syndrome had better coordination and speech articulation. It was something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

I didn't say anything more. Fiona was right about me needing a good night's sleep so I could find out if Whisper was even partially okay. Knowing that my hunger could disturb my sleep, it had to be fed and fed well.

I rolled Fiona over, taking her by surprise. She yelped and laughed at my sudden aggressiveness. "Mmm ... now this is better," she purred as I kissed her neck and jaw-line. I moved up her body and kissed her lips. She opened up for me and our tongues writhed against each other as much as the rest of our bodies did.

Fiona spread her legs wide, welcoming the feel of my hardness pressed against her heated opening. I ground my hips into hers even though I hadn't entered her and she moaned deeply into my mouth. Her hands slid down my back and gripped my butt, helping me to press into her harder. I started humping against her, as if fucking her without being in her. I would have considered it dry-humping but she was too wet and my movement spread her fluid all over both of us.

Her hips moved in tandem to mine, making the motions more exaggerated and apparently driving her closer to the brink. Not entirely sure what exactly my hunger wanted, I was willing to forgo my climax both to watch her writhe in bliss and to find out if her orgasms helped me.

I kissed my way around to her ear, sucked on the lobe and whispered, "Cum for me. Grind against me and let it all out. Soak me down with your cries and fluids. Give in to the carnal gratification and cum..."

She held onto me so tightly I thought I would have to peal my body from hers when we finished. Her hips continued to move but became more and more focused, using shorter strokes. I was certain she was rubbing her clit along my shaft, racing to the raging orgasm I asked for. Then she locked up, her hips pressed up against me, her fingers curling into my butt so that I could feel her nails, and she didn't so much as scream as moan and groan really loudly. It was a guttural call and I could feel the pleasures coursing through her. It fed my hunger. It made me feel better.

Finally she relaxed. I didn't move because I wasn't sure if it would set her off again, potentially too soon. I also knew my girls liked the feel of me laying on them after such a fantastic climax. Something about my weight on their bodies made them feel warm and safe. At least that's what they told me.

Fiona looked me in the eyes. I wasn't completely surprised to find she wasn't quite sated. My girls could go more even if they were with me one-on-one, and something told me that Fiona wasn't a woman who was finished with sex after only one or two orgasms. No, she was more along the lines of a six-or-seven-orgasms-per-session girl.

I smiled at her and she smiled back. "Feeling better?" I asked.

She nodded eagerly. "I've had a few guys do that to me, but I've never come so hard from it."

I continued to smile, enjoying the physical rapture she glowed with. I hadn't thought it possible for her to get any sexier, but I had been wrong. "I want to try something..." I started.

She squeezed my butt with both hands and pressed her crotch to mine with a low groan. "Yes, please..."

"You don't even know what I want to try yet..."

"Anything," she said, her eyes glazing over at the prospect of what was to come.

Same as Master PC - Mind Magi
Chapter 19: Multi-Course Meal Videos

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It was obvious from the moment they arrived that this was not an ordinary medical practice. First, it was located in a large house with a very long driveway. A tall fence surrounded the entire property and it was miles from anything else. Within the fence it was almost like a forest. There was no way anyone would see inside the house without permission. The front gate had an actual guard stationed 24 hrs a day. Honestly it gave Pixie the creeps, but she trusted her Master enough to have...

4 years ago
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Master part 2

Note from the author: After reading through all of the comments on part 1 I couldn't resist sitting down and continuing this story! Thank you very much for the kind words and helpful suggestions everyone! This part is hopefully improved over the last, but with the same theme that everyone seemed to enjoy. I hope you like it! Feel free to comment and make suggestions and I will happily take them into account for part 3 :) Master part 2 Would work never end? Time seemed to slow down...

3 years ago
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Master Master Part 21

"Didn't I tell you I was feeling sick yesterday? What do you mean you don't remember? I definitely remember telling you. Well look, I'm not coming in today. Whatever I ate, it's coming out both ends. I'm glued to my toilet. What are you, nuts? I don't even want to get in my car, let alone my cubicle. Yes, I swear it's the truth. Ok, hopefully I'll see you tomorrow." I hung up the phone and Momo pounced on me, wrapping her arms around my neck and purring like a Ferrari. "My boss...

3 years ago
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Master Karl8217s dog

Master Karl inserted a funnel gag into its mouth, strapping it around the head. He bound the arms behind the back in leather cuffs shackled together with an S clip, separated and secured the legs with a spreader bar attached above the knees, locked the neck in a thick steel collar and then connected that with a short steel linked chain clipped to an iron ring on the floor so it couldn’t escape from a prone position. He allowed it to kneel on a cushion, although he could just as easily...

4 years ago
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Master Takes Me Away

After having yet more disappointing sex with my husband I roll off the bed when he starts to snore and I look down at him, casting my eyes over his body. Bob is still sexy with his medium build and brown short hair but I know that need more. I grab my phone and send an email to my Master explaining what has just happened. I tell him in detail about the frustrating and unsatisfying sex I have just had and although I know that my Master won't get the mail as he's away on business, I have to send...

3 years ago
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Master PC: the Urge for Self- Loving By Aphotic Disclaimers: If you're under 18, leave now! This story ain't for the faint of heart. Go find Disney. Com or something. My thanks to: J R Parz, the inventor of the Master PC universe, one of the better class of MC stories. My heartfelt appreciation to J R D author of the magnetically compelling Witch Chronicles series. Xanthos Pendragon , his Master PC Eclectic's Edition reminded me of the consequences of messing about with...

2 years ago
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Master Master Part 14

Jenny gasped and panted as I pierced her, sheathing my manhood deep within her slender form. She was pressed against the shower wall, her long ears hanging down over her face from the weight of the water. Her parted lips drew me in and I joined them with mine. My hand slipped down her smooth thigh and I lifted her leg, granting me an angle with more room to maneuver. Her moans came in tandem with my thrusts, her body welcoming my cock as our tongues danced. She wrapped her arms around me and...

1 year ago
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Master and His friends

The phone rang and i jumped out of my seat. I had been waiting for a call from Master all day and i hoped this was he."Hello?" i said."Be at my home by 8PM and be ready to be used really good" said my Master, and he hung up before i could speak.I was so happy when he called and felt so wanted when he gave my orders.It was already 6:30PM and i decided to get ready. In the shower all i could think about was what master had in store for my tonight. I didn't care, all i wanted to do was, please...

2 years ago
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Master Sam and Miss Pan

                       MASTER SAM AND MISS PANIgnoring the "Do Not Disturb" sign suspended from the door handle, the nervous submissive tapped lightly on the door to his Master's room in the Starmount Guests section of the Atlanta Sheraton Inn where She was staying.  It was always this way, though this was a 5th visit to Master Sam.  After a brief pause, his Owner for the next few hours pulled open the door and, without speaking, gestured for him to enter.  He stepped past Her into the room as...

3 years ago
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Master and slave0

"Come in, slave," he ordered. The submissive entered, trembling. "Undress," barked the master, "and pay attention to the house rules. You are to be naked in my presence at all times, unless I instruct you to wear my wife’s soiled panties. You will not speak unless asked a direct question. You will address me as Master or Sir. Since you are a miserable apology for a man, I will call you Alice although you will answer to any other name I choose to call you such as slave, or slut. Failure...

3 years ago
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Master and His slutThe Weekend PART FOUR

When I got out of the shower, I sat at the vanity, carefully looking at myself. I began to apply my makeup so that I would look seductive and trashy. My Master came and stood in the doorway. He smiled at me as he walked over to me, his fingers in my hair leaned over and kissed the top of my head. My body even though tired responded instinctively with a tingle and my nipples perked up.“My beautiful slut,” he said as his hands slid down from my shoulders to my tits. “Thank you Master”, I said...

3 years ago
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I've never written anything before but after spending so many hours reading all the wonderful works of art of fictionmania I wanted to try and get some ideas of my own down. I'm sure my writing style must be terrible and I'm hoping to improve. Hopefully some people will get some enjoyment out of my 'writing exercises' ;) Master Tim stood in front of his master. He had been waiting for this day for quite a long time... the day when he would finally meet the man who had been...

1 year ago
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Master STanleys Rubber Slave

I finished shining the black latex to a glossy sheen admiring my reflection as I did, I then stood back to admire my work. My wife Penny stood before me covered head to foot in latex, panting with excitement I admired the ample contours of her beautifully body. The suit was made to measure so it fit in all the right places. My mouth watered at the sight and I could see the lust in her eyes. In return she took the shining gloss and began to shine the latex suit I was wearing. You see I too...

1 year ago
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Master at Meridian Manor Part 1

LeelaThis slave is activated as Chronicle 7 in the presence of the Master. This slave is tasked with making a detailed unbiased record of the events taking places around the Master. This slave begins by asking the Master for today's date. This slave is given the date of Oneday, first of Am 7851, new years day. One of sixteen auspicious days in the ten month two hundred eighty day calendar devised by the Master. Thanking the Master for his knowledge, this slave begins the chronicle.Oneday, first...

4 years ago
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Master Master Part 13

Journalists and photographers from all nations flooded the CDC headquarters for the press conference. They packed the lobby from wall to wall, every conversation, regardless of language, was speculative. Normally a conference like this would take place in Washington, but this time the CDC was addressing the world alongside a representative of the WHO. On top of a raised platform at the end of the lobby, a doctor with his credentials clipped to his suit stepped up to the podium. He was the head...

3 years ago
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Master Ross

I had developed a curious fascination with Master/sub relationships. I being a submissive, longed for a Master. I had no luck meeting a real Master. It was becoming frustrating. It wasn’t until I saw Master Ross’ webpage and filled out his application. I had to include a detailed background report on my upbringing and sexual history. I also had to send pictures of me naked and clothed holding a sign for Master Ross’ and the current date. It wasn’t until about a week later he emailed me back. He...

2 years ago
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Master Ross

I had developed a curious fascination with Master/sub relationships. I being a submissive, longed for a Master. I had no luck meeting a real Master. It was becoming frustrating. It wasn't until I saw Master Ross' webpage and filled out his application. I had to include a detailed background report on my upbringing and sexual history. I also had to send pictures of me naked and clothed holding a sign for Master Ross' and the current date. It wasn't until about a week later he emailed me back. He...

3 years ago
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Master Master Part 6

Chloe whimpered as I used my penis to play whack-a-mole, though there was only one mole and it was her cervix. We were in the missionary position, her small body almost invisible under me. She had her face buried in my chest, letting me smell her hair and nibble on her ears. I had emptied my tank last night, so I decided to top her off before breakfast. She gave her signature squeal, letting me know I could release everything. I pulled out of her, watching my semen dribble out of her pussy....

3 years ago
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Master Master Part 3

"Momo! Momo!" Sonja and I were wandering around the property, calling out her name. It was getting dark and she still hadn't come, and every minute that passed was making me more worried. Had she gotten lost? Had she eaten something poisonous? Had she tripped and sprained her ankle? Had people found her and taken her? "Master, over here!" I followed Sonja's voice to the front of the house, where she was crouched down, her noise to the ground. "What is it?" I asked. "Momo was...

2 years ago
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Masters First Inspection

Master’s First InspectionBy Daddy_JackThe little one stands before Him for the first time. As instructed she stands in the middle of the hotel room and keeps the eye contact her Master demands. She waits, lost in her thoughts with the tension of the moment making her entire being scream inside.Master’s instructions for dress were specific and the girl made sure she did as ordered. She is wearing a white button down blouse, dress jeans, a red bra and panties. The outfit extenuates her...

1 year ago
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Master Master Part 5

The girls were sitting on the floor, eyes downcast in shame with me looking down on them. "So, you watched HOW many porn videos?" Momo and Sonja looked at each other and then held up both their hands. "This many," Momo said. Beside them, Chloe looked like she was about to cry. I turned to Momo. "And I'm guessing you were the ringleader?" "Ringleader?" "It was your idea." "We thought we could impress you by using the computer and you would give us cake." It's pretty hard to...

2 years ago
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I pushed open my bedroom door and a crowd of girls rushed me. “Master!” they all yelled in impatience. “Sorry, girls, sorry, I had to get our last member.” Neija, clinging to my arm, gave a sheepish smile. “Sorry.” We stepped into the bedroom, to find that the entire floor was covered in beds. Lean a few on the walls and we’d have a giant padded cell. “Ok, girls, are you all ready to play tonight?” “Yeah!” the cheered. “Momo wants to go first!” my cat demanded. “No, me!” shouted...

3 years ago
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Master and his slut The Weekend PART ONE

I knew that I always had an unusually high sex drive and for years kept it repressed until I met my Master. He knew i was built to be a fuck whore. I am a pleasantly plump woman with huge tits that can draw men's attention towards them and I have an insatiable thirst for cock and sex.The first time he shared me I had been scared and excited at the same time. He had told me that we were going away for the weekend and I was to pack a bag and be ready at 3 o’clock, I kept watching the clock...

1 year ago
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Master and Mr Sybian

Today was the most horrible day of my life. It all started a couple of days ago. Master Paul and I had been having problems for a while – no matter what I did, it didn’t seem to be what He wanted. After being chewed out, and being told I didn’t do this right or didn’t do that right, I started getting fed up. Can you blame me? I mean a sub can only take so much! So I started messing up on purpose – I figured if I was going to get blamed for it anyway, ya know? But I guess Master Paul had finally...

2 years ago
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Master and His two Friends

I'm kneeling by the door and it is five minutes before my Master is due home. I run my hands over my short skirt making sure it's hanging down smartly. My stockings are black to match my skirt and my pink heels combine with them perfectly. My heels match the pale pink; almost see through, strappy vest top. I am not wearing a bra as Master loves my breasts so they must be easy for him to get to, and my nipples are just visible. Neither am I wearing panties. My blonde, shoulder length hair is in...

Oral Sex
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Master Master Part 11

"Don't think you'll be able to break me so easily," Betty scoffed. Her pride was admirable, considering her position. We were in Elise's guest room and I had Betty tied to the bed with a bandana covering her eyes. Her legs were in the air, forcefully spread with ropes leading to the headboard where her wrists were bound. With her body in such a position, her titanic breasts looked even more magnificent, two avalanches of flesh just begging to be manhandled. Her pussy and anus were on...

2 years ago
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Master misty Return to the Porn Theatre Ju

Having been a slave for nearly 6 years, I am now convinced of the fact that once you fulfill a fantasy in the Master/slave relationship, you will always try to top it. Just when Master and I didn’t think we could out do ourselves, we suddenly did.I sweated thru my black cotton dress in the heat and humidity of the city. Master and I met, crossed the street and ducked back into the porn theatre we had visited 2 years ago for public sex. I remember it exactly the same way; smoky with a musty...

3 years ago
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Masters Double Subbing Part 8

Master’s Double Subbing Part 8When Master seen the slave looking He got upset and told the slave that He had something to keep that from being a problem. He pulled out a blindfold from His box of goodies. This was something new that Master had never used with slave before. It found out later that Master had bought it for just this occasion . Master instructed the lady to place it on the slave and to make sure that it could not see. Oh she listened real well cause the slave could not see...

4 years ago
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Master and us part 1

I wake up and look at my clock, surprised by the fact it’s almost lunch time. Normally even on a day off I never sleep this late. I lay there and stretch, thinking about what I’m going to do for the rest of the day when my phone beeps, letting me know that I have a new message."Good morning My slut, I trust you are well. You will meet me tonight at 7pm - the normal place. Tonight you will also meet your new sister." Master.I read the text about four times, a big smile spreads across my face,...

3 years ago
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Master Goes Away

Next morning I woke early. Master was stirring beside me and soon he nuzzled against me. My arse and pussy were tender, but recovered. My nipples were swollen and sore, full of milk and ready for milking. Master released me and we showered. I sucked him to hardness and allowed him to fuck my mouth hard and long in the shower. He was firm with me, pushing me against the wall and down to the floor.  I knelt in front of him, bringing his cock to attention with my hands and mouth, then allowing...

2 years ago
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Master Voodoo part 2

Chapter Two. How long I waited I do not know but suddenly I heard the front door being unlocked. A well-built black man entered the kitchen and when he saw me he smiled. "Follow," he commanded curtly. Obediently I stood and followed him out of the kitchen. Not outside, no further into the house. As he exited the kitchen he pulled off his tight t-shirt and threw it on the floor. "Pick it up." I obeyed, but inside I was seething I wanted to tell this guy to fuck off and...

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