RunChapter 53: Quincy free porn video

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Stutter ... Shift

“Charles, good grief,” Tamara laughed, “That was not funny.”

The man grinned, never awkward except when it was just the two of them alone. In front of others, Charles Utah was the most charismatic man in the room, but in the rare moments he and Tamara were on their own, his carefully-controlled demeanor became a little hesitant. It was like he tried just a little too hard to impress her.

Tamara found it adorable. Sure, he was a reasonably attractive man, and, in some other life, she would certainly have given him a shot to take her to bed. But she was married, reasonably happily, and with all the other deep secrets Charles had gotten them involved in, Tamara was not about to add adultery to her list.

“Sorry,” he said, “I heard that one from the Russians who came into town last week. I thought it was clever.”

“Not nearly up to your usual standards.”

“My standards are rather high, I agree.”

His eyes lingered on her a moment too long, and Tamara looked away.

“Sorry,” Charles said, “Quincy, I’m sorry. I know you’re married, I ... I shouldn’t look at you like that.”

Tamara shrugged, not really bothered by his attention. Just the opposite, really. It was just flirting, after all. “It’s fine.” Her eyes met his just long enough to let him know there was an interested there, but short enough to suggest it could go no further.

“So,” he said, shrugging and shuffling his fingers rapidly across the keyboard, “what to help me settle a score with two Russians who stiffed us and left me with an inadequate joke?”

Tamara grinned, “Naturally.”

Stutter ... Shift

“I don’t walk to talk about it, Charles. I just ... need to not work with Mason for a while, okay?”

“Your husband is core, Quincy! You can’t not work with him.”

“Then I quit.”

“Just tell me what happened. I can help!”

“Don’t push it, Charles. Just drop it. Give me a few days. I just need to think.”

Charles sat the device he’d been showing her onto the desk and lowered his head. “I’m sorry, Quincy, whatever happened. If I can help...”

His soft tone helped her calm down a moment. “Thanks, but I’ll deal with it. I need to fly home and confront him. I’ll be in touch.”

Stutter ... Shift

“What do you mean he won’t be around? I fucking need him, Quincy!” Charles’s anger was slow to rouse, but this time he was in an absolute rage. “What did you do?!”

“I did nothing, Charles. Nothing at all. He decided to walk away. Not me.”

“Goddamn, woman. It is vital he fly in immediately. We turn this deal or we lose it. It won’t work without him here!”

She shrugged, “Sorry. Out of my hands.”

Stutter ... Shift

“I’m glad you’ve both decided to be reasonable,” Charles said calmly in that silky voice which always seemed to lessen the tension in any room. Across the table, Gene growled to himself, but he didn’t continue the argument which flared up just moments earlier as he and Tamara saw each other for the first time in weeks in the hallway outside. “Reasonable,” Charles continued, “is how we move forward. Now, I don’t care one bit about your personal life. But I do care when it affects our work. Poppy will be here shortly. I expect you’ll both remember your place in this plan? It needs to be ... perfect...”

Tamara nodded. She was still furious at Gene. He’d been meeting with some woman named Vangalina over the past several months. She wasn’t completely sure that Charles was ignorant. She’d seen him flinch, just once, when she’d used the name. Gene had refused to discuss it, saying only that Tamara had misunderstood something, that he wasn’t cheating. But there were signs of his infidelity all around, and she’d seen them before. This wasn’t the first time Gene had strayed. But it might be the last.

Stutter ... Shift

“Charles ... I’m tired ... Poppy’s left for the day. Gene’s ... somewhere else ... Can’t we just take a break?”

The man looked up from his monitor and keyboard, pausing to see that Tamara’s expression held a measure of something other than exhaustion. “I ... I suppose...”

Tamara hadn’t really meant to try to seduce the man, or maybe she had. She really wasn’t sure. Gene’s behavior, namely his cheating and then the denial of his affair, had torn Tamara apart. Something broke inside her, and right that moment, she wanted to fill that break with something pleasurable. Charles was right there, reasonably handsome, attentive when needed, and she knew his interest in her went well beyond their secret projects for Whitehead. He’d never come onto her, never suggested she come to his bed, and that made it all the more intriguing for Tamara to take the lead.

She stood and leaned over him, taking one hand in hers and stroking it. Charles seemed nervous. He never seemed nervous. Awkward, in private moments with Tamara, but never nervous. It brought a delighted smile to her face.

Stutter ... Shift

“Oh, Charles...” Tamara was on her back, legs spread, in the bed Charles used when he was in this apartment a few times a year. His form was awkward and uncertain, his movements more so, but Tamara loved it, regardless. It was like teaching a young boy about pleasure. Each step, she instructed him, guided him. Even to the point where his hard cock slid home, she coached his movements. “That’s it,” she breathed, “just like that ... just like that ... you’re making me cum...”

Stutter ... Shift

“No, Charles, Goddammit!” Tamara shouted from across the room, keeping her distance from the man whose behavior had become increasingly bizarre over the last few months. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“He doesn’t understand you, Quincy! Only I get the real you! Please, leave with me and we’ll put everything behind us ... everything!”

Gene’s infidelity had led to a strained period in their marriage, but they had not broken, and over the last few weeks, things had gotten much better. Tamara didn’t tell her husband about the three times she’d bedded Charles, and she had no desire to do so. Lately, Charles had been aggressive. Tamara last shared a bed with him many weeks earlier, at first telling him the timing was wrong and encouraging him to work on Whitehead projects. More recently, Charles seemed to fixate on Tamara, talking ill of Gene, clearly lying about events Tamara knew had never happened. Charles was a manipulator, Tamara knew, and he wasn’t even trying to hide it from her then.

“He understands me well enough, and I told you ... What happened between us was a passing moment, something we both needed at the time, nothing more. It will never happen, Charles. Just unlock the fucking door and let me leave!”

Charles held the unlocking remote in his fingers, turning it over. He was fuming, as he did a lot lately, but then he calmed. A smile spread over his face. “One day, my dear, you will regret this. I promise you that. One day, you’ll remember what you could have had, what we could have been, and you’re going to regret this decision. One day ... you’re going to wish you’d chosen differently when your life is in my hands...”

Tamara’s pulse raced, afraid that Charles was planning to kill her. Instead, she heard the various locks open behind her, one by one. She stared at him a moment. “I’d done with Whitehead, Charles. Forever.”

“Oh, we’ll see, my dear. We’ll see...”

Stutter ... Shift...

The battle for the port complex had ended moments after Logan had killed three enemy soldiers and wounded two more. The main fight had turned when Major Danielson and her guard of three or four tough veterans took captive the enemy company commander, causing the will to fight to bleed quickly from the opposing forces.

Logan had begun to shiver and feel quite weak immediately after the sounds of battle had died off. His ears were full of thick cotton, it seemed, his hearing clearly suffering from the long minutes of loud noises and concussive blasts. He slumped against the side of a warehouse and tried to regain his composure.

It was only starting to sink in that he’d killed three people. Two more were wounded and taken prisoner, and Logan knew they might die, as well. All because he’d been a hero. It left a bitter sting in his mouth. Why would a hero feel bad about doing the right thing?

“You alright, son?”

Logan looked up to see Major Danielson staring down at him. He tried to nod but it turned out to be more of a drooping slide further down.

She squatted and watched his face. Logan felt tears coming on.

“First time I ever killed somebody ... I was sixteen,” she began.

Logan listened as best he could through cottony ears.

“Was alone, near my home, got grabbed by this man and thrown into his truck. He tied me up, planning to rape me. I got lucky. The rope slipped and I was so angry that I used a screwdriver to stab him over and over and over and...” She was clearly reliving the experience and Logan watched her pause, shiver, and then Major Danielson collected herself. “The point is, Logan, sometimes killing is right. It’s not easy, it’s not fun unless you’re a psychopath or a sadist. Mourn, my boy. That’s natural. I cried my eyes out for days after I killed my wannabe rapist. But it was the right thing to do. No other young girls would suffer at his hands.

“You killed the enemy today, Logan, and do you know why it was the right thing to do?”

He thought a moment, then wearily shook his head.

“Because they would have killed you. They would have killed me. And Erol and every other ally you have on this island. And they would have tried to find your mom, and your dad, and your brother and sister, and they would have tried to kill them, too. Take comfort in that, my boy. Take comfort in knowing you suffer now for what you’ve done so that others don’t suffer later. Others you love are safer because of your sacrifice. I won’t pretend it’s easy, Logan, but it is necessary.”

He felt a little resolve inside him even if it was largely drowned out by his emotional response to the events of the day. “Okay...”

Major Danielson looked out over the complex, silent.

“Uh, can I ask a question?”

“Of course,” she replied.

“What happened to the tank?”

Major Danielson shook her head and gave him a frustrated smile, “Never was a tank, it seems.”

“What? I thought they had one.”

“Fog of war, my boy. Fog of war. Information in battle is incomplete, at best, and incorrect at the worst times. There was no tank. Just a mistake. Good for us, yes? One fucking tank would have been a little difficult to deal with. We have no anti-tank weaponry here. Might have taken a fucking Sergeant York sort of hero to run a Satchel charge up on it.”

Logan managed a weak grin. “I’d have done it.”

Major Danielson smiled at him. “I have no doubt, solider. No doubt at all. Rest up. We’re gonna evac out of here in about thirty mikes.”

“Where are we going?”

“Israel. On our way to HQ to consolidate our forces. The fight is getting stretched out, thin in spots. Good time to check our strategy and use our forces where they can have the most impact. You’ll be happy to learn, I’m sure, that your family, all of them, are fine. Just had word from the man Bridgewater himself.”

“That’s great!”

Weary, emotional, overwhelmed, Logan curled into a ball and hid his head as Major Danielson rose and left him alone. He cried hard, perhaps harder than ever before. Deep in that personal, confusing misery was a nugget of happiness that he might get to see his parents and siblings again some day. He wondered how much would have changed for all of them before that moment happened.

Stutter ... Shift

The Chancellor’s manner was a mask of control and cleverness. Tamara needed little observation to see that the man really thought a lot about himself. Not quite openly pompous, certainly a tone of arrogance, but it was an indulgent arrogance, a charismatic personality accepting that other people must, in some way, assist his rise to even greater power and glory.

“And so, you see,” the man said to the four of them gathered in the jet’s comfortable lounge area, “the good Barron’s skills will be put to great use. Great use.”

“We don’t take in strays, Chancellor,” Charles Utah growled with less menace that Tamara felt necessary. The man talking to them had only recently been introduced to the group, and while he was clearly a man of means and power, his insistence in bringing in his own operator was meeting furious resistance from Charles. “We don’t work with people we don’t know.”

“I understand, my good man,” the Chancellor replied, “I so understand you. And that is why we are on our way to meet with him. I promise you, all of you, will be surprised by how many skills he brings to your team. Not just creativity and improvisation, but planning, and strategy, and ... I daresay ... some unique talents the likes of which you’ve never known.”

“What sort of talents,” Poppy asked to Tamara’s left. The woman displayed the least emotion of all of them, a rare thing when Charles Utah was in the room. Poppy’s demeanor suggested openness to the Chancellor’s ideas, but Tamara knew the woman well enough to see through her mask. Poppy was pressing for weaknesses, and if it wasn’t Charles doing the pushing, it was good to see the woman probing the Chancellor’s suggestion with a delicate knife. “We have a wide range of talent, here tonight and elsewhere.” Only Tamara, Gene, Charles, and Poppy had been brought to the inpromptu meeting at thirty-thousand feet, on their way to Nova Scotia to meet with a man calling himself Baron Quick. The other members of Whitehead would be informed if anything came of the meeting.

Everyone was in on the ruse of ignorance but the Chancellor. The seated members of Whitehead were already familiar with Baron Quick. The act had to be convincing, though.

“Ah, my dear, it is not really for me to describe to you the wondrous means at Quick’s disposal. He is, shall we say, a man of many ... techniques.”

“You’re dodging,” Poppy replied.

“So I am, so I am,” the Chancellor responded with a wave of his hand. “Do you have among you a man, or woman, capable of planting seeds of doubt? Of ensuring a certain person remembers events in a way you can control?”

“What are you talking about,” Charles muttered, “sounds like hogwash.”

“Not hogwash, my man, not one bit. No, I fear, instead, that I am doing the good Baron a disservice. I can only understate his abilities. I cannot do them justice.”

“So, what,” Tamara asked, “is he some sort of ... brainwasher? Torturer?”

“Not the latter, I think,” the man replied, “not intentionally, anyway. But your first guess ... closer to the mark, perhaps, but once more, it does his work no justice. I feel you can only accept his genius by seeing him in action.”

Tamara saw Charles flinch, and Gene’s posture became a little defensive. You’re overdoing it a little, boys, Tamara thought. Gene growled, “If you’re planning a demonstration on one of us, you’ll be dead before we reach the ground. That wasn’t part of our agreement.”

“No, no,” the Chancellor waved away Gene’s concerns, “We have a subject ready for tonight’s demonstration. You four will only watch, of course. I would never do anything beyond our agreement.”

Tamara knew that last statement was an obvious lie, but it did nothing to call the man out on it. “And what, exactly,” she said, “does Baron Quick do for us to help you achieve your goals, Chancellor?”

The man smiled. The look wasn’t exactly evil or cruel, but something about his expression raised Tamara’s hackles. “My plan involves a long wait, my dear. I need ... certain things ... hidden ... until I am ready to activate the final steps. Baron Quick will bring the ability to ensure such things ... remain locked away ... until I am ready.”

“We still know almost nothing, Chancellor,” Charles said evenly. “We don’t even yet know how exactly we fit in to all this.”

“You will, I promise,” the man responded. “Before this day is out ... you will...”

Stutter ... Shift...

Gene woke with a start to feel Lauren’s body against his, Finch cradled on her other side. They were in a narrow bed, crammed together. It took a moment to remember the state of things and Gene’s stomach soured all over.

Tamara was in a coma, of sorts, restless in her unconsciousness. Mumbling incoherently a few seconds before growing still and silent again. Lee Lee and the medical staff were uncertain what was happening. Something in the sounds played had triggered the reaction in Tamara, but as of yet, no one knew how things might turn out. For all Gene knew, she was locked away, forever. He wished he’d protested more, done something to keep this all from happening, but it was too late for that, and Gene stewed, miserable and heartbroken, clutching his daughter as tight as he could against him.

They’d been convinced to get some rest by Holly, the short blonde’s compassion deep and a small silver lining in a very cloudy day. Gene had led Lauren and Finch into a private bunkroom and together, they’d crawled on top, his kids soon snoring lightly and Gene not far behind. The exhaustion was extensive and deep, and despite his desire to remain alert and beside his wife, he recognized the need to get rest while her condition remained unchanged over the long hours.

Gene gripped Lauren and kissed her neck on instinct. It wasn’t really sexual, the way his penis hardened. There was weakness in him, vulnerability, the real possibility of losing his wife sinking in. He needed assurance, most any sort, and having Lauren’s warmth against him stirred deeper reactions than he could control.

He let her sleep, though, not doing much more than holding her, sometimes touching her face gently, his teen daughter’s smooth skin so lovely to stroke and caress. She looked so much like her mother when she slept. Peaceful. Beautiful. He thought back to the day he’d mated with Lauren, fucked her, made love with her, and it did nothing to calm his erection despite the sadness invading his every thought.

A hand slid down between them and Gene felt Lauren’s fingers press against the bulge in his slacks. She stroked it slowly, gently, then Lauren turned over to face him suddenly, staring into his eyes. She whispered, “I need you so much, Dad...”

“I need you, too, Lauren ... God, I need you.”

They kissed and caressed each other, and Gene’s fingers started to draw down his daughter’s pants and slide inside her panties.

Finch knew there was movement a moment before he opened his eyes. He could feel the bed shifting. The sounds of moderate breathing, light sighs, gave away what was happening. His eyes cracked open, weariness still heavy in his body, but when he saw the way his father was moving over Lauren, her legs spread, Finch’s cock responded the only way it could.

Lauren turned to watch him as their father penetrated her. She sucked in her breath, staring at Finch. Her hand came to his face and she touched his cheek, then she moved the hand lower, lower, stroking his erection through his pants. Finch strained. He saw his father’s tired smile watching him, each thrust into Lauren smooth and gentle. Finch simply loved seeing that moment.

Her father sliding in and out of her pussy, Lauren slid a hand down Finch’s pants and grasped his cock. It was smaller than her dad’s but it had clearly grown a bit over the weeks on the run, catching up in size quickly to the man inside her. Lauren shuddered as her dad elongated his strokes, hitting her cervix when he was fully in, then pulling back till just the tip of his penis was still nestled inside her wet vagina. It felt so good to let her father fuck her.

“Would you like to fuck your brother?” her dad whispered as they both watched Finch starting to hump Lauren’s fist. Her father’s question seemed to be less about Lauren’s desires and more about her dad admitting this was something he longed to see.


Gene slid off Lauren’s body and stood beside the bed, his cock wet from Lauren’s creamy cunt. He watched as his son shed his pants and quickly crawled between Lauren’s thighs, replacing Gene’s dick with his own, soon humping his sister in movements more rapid and urgent than Gene’s had been.

He just watched, stunned and loving the way his children kissed as they mated. It was lovely, simply lovely. The two had fought so much over the years that this display of genuine affection, sexual or otherwise, was a real blessing in that troubling moment.

“Dad,” Lauren breathed, moving her head to the side, “I have room for both of you...”

Gene didn’t understand. “What, Sweetheart?”

“I have room for both of you,” she repeated.

Lauren gently pushed Finch off of her, rolling the boy onto his back, his cock bobbing and wet. Gene knew it had grown over the years, but it looked rather impressive for a boy Finch’s age, especially with white cream from Lauren’s pussy coating the shaft.

Lauren mounted her brother, sliding her pussy down his length and holding it there while she pushed back her knees, causing her lovely young, smooth ass to spread and push up a bit. “I’m ready for you, Dad...”

Gene knew what his daughter wanted. God, was he excited. So excited that a jet of precum spurted out of his cock as he knelt behind her, his legs outside both kid’s thighs, the precum splashing right against Lauren’s tiny little anus. Gene rubbed saliva all over his length, then used the precum and more saliva to make her tight entrance slippery. He felt her butthole clenching his finger tight. It was going to be a challenge to slide inside, but once he thought she was wet enough, Gene pushed the head of his cock against his daughter’s asshole and started to press against the wrinkled opening, hoping it would yield.

Finch could feel the pressure building along the top of his cock from where his father’s dick was penetrating Lauren’s ass. He knew, personally, how good it felt to fuck his sister there, and Finch did his best to hold still, cock throbbing in Lauren’s cunt, while their father’s penis stretched Lauren’s butthole.

“Oh, God ... Dad! Uhnnn...” Lauren felt more full than ever in her life. Finch’s dick was swollen and throbbing in her pussy, her father’s larger cock stretching her anus like nothing before. It took long moments of careful movement before she felt comfortable enough to move.

But move she did, rocking her body back and forth, both dicks sliding perfectly in and out with her motion. She gasped, mouth wide open in a breathless cry. Lauren felt her father’s hands caressing her ass as he started to move, meeting her rhythm with gentle thrusts. Each one felt like it was ripping her open, but the pain reduced to discomfort and then became pleasure so suddenly that Lauren shuddered into orgasm, her holes squeezing two cocks tightly in blissful release.

Same as Run
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Loving For Money The Hinata Hyuga Story

‘Thought “Sorry Hinata, but if you can’t pay your rent soon you’re gonna be evicted.” This was turning out to be a very bad day. First she woke up to find that the power was off because she hadn’t paid her bill, then she found out that her water was turned off because she hadn’t paid that either, and finally her landlord came to her door to give her an eviction notice. “Oh c’mon, couldn’t you give me some more time to come up with something? I’ll do anything… anything you...

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First time naked with inlaws

This is a story of our lives. My wife and I are in our 60's now, and have done everything imaginable in our sex lives. My wife's family are nudists, counting our k**s and her siblings k**s, it is 4 generations of nudists. My wife's family are pretty well off. The house she grew up in is still owned by the family, her brother, and his wife. His boy and girl are married with their own families now....also in the lifestyle. They have a huge yard, with a big pool and total privacy. I was...

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Afroza Part One

Afroza Part One: I met Afroza on my first day at University. She was unusual. She wore a hijab but she would also wear matching miniskirts. The first day I met her she was wearing a dark blue hijab and a dark blue miniskirt. I had just joined the university Feminist Society and so had Afroza. I immediately challenged her. "Isn't wearing a hijab a sign of submission to the patriarchy of Islam?" "It is my choice to wear a hijab and not your role as a male to dictate what I...

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Chapter 1 The situation in which I now find myself is something I never dreamed would ensue when I began corresponding with Ariana. It started seven years ago as a brief e-mail correspondence and has now become my life. But I must here digress, in order to give the reader some background information about me that relates to this tale. It will sound a bit weird to those of you who have never had a fetish.There has always been something about women smoking that aroused me. I always thought of...

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Open house black party

Some of my wild sexy girlfriends had invited to an open house party that night. I was home alone; so I decided to go with them…The place had just a few rules: only blondes; only married blondes, shaven cunts and no cuckold husbands in sight. And the house offered just black men; very well hung black men…A while later after entering the house, I was being fucked doggy style by a very handsome black man, when I saw another huge black male, with a real tremendous huge cock, who was fucking Ursula,...

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Walking Dead Sex Ch2

"I have an idea" says Maggie. "I'll be right back." Maggie leaves you two alone. You look over to Beth. She is looking at you and you can't quite read her look. "I'm really sorry Beth. I never meant to do that. I never wanted to hurt you." You say. Beth looks at you. "Why with them?" She asks. "I went to go check on them and Lizzie and Mika were fooling around and.... I just... I don't know..." You try to explain. "I saw what they were doing and I just couldn't help myself. Then a walker...

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Golden Boy

‘I don’t want to be a lawyer,’ Anthony shouted at his father before storming out, slamming the door behind him. As soon as he was clear of the gates that surrounded his house, he made his way to the lake. He started running, his only thought was to get away, away from his father and the house. When he exhausted his energy he slowed and then stopped. He bent over to catch his breath. He looked for a tree to collapse against, and when he located one he did just that. Sitting with his back to...

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Nikita Bhabhi Ki Thoki Chut

Hello dosto mera nam rohit hi.Mera lund 8inch lamba or 3inch mota he jo kisi bhi bhabhi ki chut ki halat bigadne ki takat rakhata he.Ye kahani jab ki he jab me college me 1st year ka student tha. Jab me college me gaya to waha ladkiyo ko dekhkar mere andar sex ka bhut jaga lekin koi bhi chut mere hath me nahi ayi. Kuch dino bad college me exam khatam huye.Un dino me mere mamaji ke yaha gaya tha. Mere mama ji ghar me bade mama mami unka ladka or bahu chote mama mami or unke do chote bache the....

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A friendrsquos cheating wife The secrets continue

“A bi guys dream come true” My friend Tom’s wife wasn’t the only one cheating, Tom was too. They both suspected it, but I don’t think either one really cared, they were both now finding what they needed and wanted. Somehow, driven by lust, I found myself in the middle of an unhappy couple, that was in a sexless marriage. Young and horny, I was sleeping with both of them.Tom was Gay and he and I had been getting together on the side for a while now. I was curious and he was amazing. I had never...

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Terri and the Trucker

© 2003, all rights reserved Chapter One Terri rolled over onto her stomach and picked the romance novel she was reading back up. Summer this year was boring, she couldn't wait to head off to college. She had been accepted to the University of Washington. College boys and no parents to demand she be home by 10, what a combination. It made her horny just thinking about it. The five o'clock number three bus was passing the park when Terri decided she'd had enough sun for the day....

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Lana Wants to Share

"Ladies, is this some kind of sick joke? Oh shit." Jake had woken up to find himself tied spread-eagled on his bed in his dorm room. It was Spring Break, his roommate was gone, campus was empty…which might be a very good thing or a very BAD thing. He licked his lips as his girlfriend Lana and his girlfriend's best friend, Jessica, loomed over him. "Why am I naked? Lana?" He looked up at his girlfriend. She was gorgeous, a tall, pale-skinned brunette with impressively-sized breasts....

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The Postman

Faith is sitting in her living room, on the soft, warm rug, her back leaning on the sofa, a glass of white, semi sweet wine in her hand. Slow, gentle music is playing in the background. Her eyes are drawn to the bright flames licking the firewood, and she’s lost in her thoughts, seemingly forever. Sipping some wine she almost misses the refreshingly sour after-taste, when the doorbell rings. She jerks, nearly spilling some of that delicious wine, a frown forms on her pretty face. She isn’t...

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How I discovered CFNM

This is my first story, I joined this sight to share my life, at least the more erotic moments. I can't keep it to myself much longer. I guess this was around 18 years old, I was pretty naive.I was raised by my dad, my mother died shortly after I was born due to complicatiions with the birth. No this isn't dad and I would never do anything like that. Yes I have seen him naked a couple of times, but that was by accident. There was blushing, on both sides, apologies and that was it. Because he...

4 years ago
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TimepieceChapter 27

When the quad walked in the door ... there on the right was a stack of bib aprons. The four of them collected one each. Then they stepped up to the bar: “Four Wendy’s, Ernie,” Wendy said. She looked at me. I paid. That drew a chuckle from the crowd. “Where you sitting?” Ernie replied. Wendy took a look. “Corner table by the window.” “Frank!” Ernie called. Frank stuck his head out between the batwing doors. Ernie hollered, “Four Wendy meals.” He got a nod and went back to washing...

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Fucked Jiju8217s Sister In Goa

Hi ISS readers this is my real story which happened with my jiju’s elder sister in goa.My name is Nikhil i’m 25 from mumbai.It was last year when i had gone to goa with my friends, goa was amazing place we njoid a lot but real njoiment happened only after meeting usha my jiju’s sister. Let me describe usha she was in her 30’s had a 12yr old son.She is a very sexy women with 36 26 36 figure.She is a women whom every guy would love to fuck she had amazing looks 5’7″ in hieght and fair...

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Archies Girls Betty and Veronica in Naked in SchoolPart III

If Veronica Lodge was too rich for Riverdale High, Dilton Doiley was too smart. He should have graduated when he was like twelve and gone on to MIT or someplace. The kid had a Jupiter-sized brain in a scrawny, asteroid-sized body. He launched rockets in his backyard. His beach reading was the Principia Mathematica. And he always wore a lab coat, even in gym class. He was wearing it now, as he sat at the head of Professor Flutesnoot's science room waiting for the bell to ring. Beside him, on...

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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Daylight Fading Chapter 3

It was the first day of March Madness.  Normally, I would have taken off the first Thursday of the tournament to drink and watch basketball, but money was tight and I needed every shift I could get.  Unfortunately, I was relegated to mostly day shifts and today was no different.  It was lunchtime and the bar was emptier than I had hoped with only a scattering of men watching the basketball games.  Bill was at his normal spot at one end of the bar.  I stopped and chatted with him for a while but...

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Aged Neighbor Maids Feast

I am Kiran ( Name changed ) from Kerala.I am recently explored this site and got excited.I am 42 year old married man with 2 children.My neighbor has a housemaid of 52 yrs old.In that house only one grantma and her pregnant daughter.All the works in that house was done by the house maid Saroja( name changed ). Mean time i want to tell the maid.She was 52 yr old and slight bend and good round buttocks, and beautiful face and black hairs.I was very much attracted her beauty of her face.I started...

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I take 4 cocks written by Themeparks and Db11 m

Mel enjoys 4 cocksthis a joint story by me and Mel:ThemeparksIt had been a long week at work and me and some of the other blokes went to a local bar for a few drinks. After about an hour there were 4 of is left as blokes do we were studying the women there and rating them.A bit later on I spotted a blonde at the bar who seemed to be on her own and had an amazing ass that filled her jeans to perfection. I pointed her out to the rest of the lads and they all agreed. Despite us not taking our eyes...

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HandsOnHardcore Clara Mia Kira Queen A Kinky Invader

Hands On Hardcore puts you right where you should be – in the middle of a raunchy FFM threesome featuring legendary stud David Perry and two of our it-girls, curvy Russian glamour model Kira Queen, and naughty French babe Clara Mia. Clara is a kinky intruder who has found her way into the couple’s bedroom, which is fine with David and Kira who are famously always down to fuck in the swingers scene. Get into the action as Mr. Perry handles the needs of these two hunnies in the...

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Entangled Chapter II Serving Rapunzel

“Good morning, my pet. I trust you slept well?” Rapunzel greeted me that next morning as she always had, her voice full of boundless energy and anticipatory joy for what the day would bring. It was one of the qualities l loved best about her; her endless optimism lay untarnished despite a lifetime of imprisonment in her tower. I made to rise from our bed with a contented sigh, puzzled at first by my inability to do so, blinking the dust of sleep from my eyes as I focused on her the impish smile...

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Fucking my mom and sister with friends

Hi every1 my names Shazon, this is a true story of my my slutty mum and my 14 year old slut sister, this is how it all began, when i was 10 my dad died so i had to look after my mum and sis, i was the head of the house, because i never used to work and get drunk all the time i decided to make my mum a prostitute so we had income coming in, i told my mom Aleyna 42 yrs old, big saggy tits with hard nipple, nice navel, a juicy arse that sticks out every time she walks, she was a beauty and had...

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My unexpected journey part 5

I got used to a lot of changes during this time. My breasts had started to develop although not as big as I ultimately wanted them. My hair had even started getting longer, now down just past my shoulders. The cock cage didn’t hurt anymore and in actuality had made me a little smaller so we had to go down a size. The plug was another constant I had gotten used to although I would take it out before I went to work and put it back when I was done. My wardrobe got bigger, as did my heels as I was...

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House Arrest 3

HOUSE ARREST 3 by Throne Tommy wasn't sure exactly what he had done wrong. When his Aunt Hilda accused him of 'messy eating habits' he knew better than to object. The last thing he wanted was to earn one of her creative punishments. She had moved on from simply smacking his rump red to less predictable cruelties. For instance, using nipple clips to attach large fake breasts to his chest. The clips hurt terribly and then she would have Ming stuff the boobs into a big bra that Tommy...

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Elaines Top 5

Elaine’s Top 5 The culture of sex has changed a lot in my lifetime. Twenty years ago Lush would not have worked. Even if the Web had existed, we wouldn’t have had the same degree of openness. Photos and clips that are fun today would have been judged as gross, filthy, immoral, and in some cases illegal. My ‘Top 5’ collection of Elaine experiences is about the transition period from then to now. This collection of anecdotes is based on real occurences, with a liberty taken here and there. My...

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My homeless stepdaughter Part 3

Ronnie lay in bed, her head resting on her stepfather's chest. She couldn't believe what had happened in less than 24 hours. She still felt the throbbing in her cunt from the fucking he gave her earlier. She loved how he felt inside her. This wasn't her first time with someone, but i was the first time she had fucked. She had given blow jobs before, mainly for some pot or to get some other special favor from some kid, but nobody had every kissed and touched her like he did. She loved his...

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151 Reasons

There's a common misconception that the female of our species is illogical. Taken at the macro, day-to-day level that may appear the case, but over time they are actually the most logical creatures on Earth. With logic comes predictability. And if the output is predictable, the input can be manipulated to deliver any response desired. And do I have desires. Take the barista over there for example. The rakish, pretty redhead, hair tied back in a bun. The one who flashes me a dimply smile when...

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Under Arrest Part 4

A few weeks passed before I ran into Deputy Williams again. I was avoiding him due to having an attack of conscious. I was a married woman, with teenagers. I had no business having an affair. Much less with a total asshole. He was pushy, condescending and arrogant. It was precisely those qualities that were so damn attractive. Normally I am a smart and confident woman. Why I was smitten with a narcissistic cad was beyond my reason. I could hardly eat and I was distracted constantly. I...

2 years ago
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Helping Out My Friend Part 2

A month after my first (deliberately!) unsuccessful attempt at getting Sophie pregnant, Chloe and I went back to see Sophie and Lucy for round two. Just to set the scene up again, a quick description of the four of us.Me: just over six feet tall, dark hair, average build, seven-inch dick. Adventurous in the bedroom. Straight.Chloe: my girlfriend. Five feet nine inches, UK size twenty, busty, slightly overhanging belly, dark hair. Straight.Sophie: five feet ten inches, UK size fourteen, curvy...

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Claudias ConditionChapter 8

The new foursome took a well-deserved fifteen-minute break. Brian and Claudia snuck off butt naked to the woods twenty yards away to have a pee. Laurie kept busy sucking on Dan’s cock, then took their turn in the woods. “Imagine how easy it is for anyone to be watching us,” Laurie said, as she stroked Dan’s cock. From the edge of the tree line, they could easily see Claudia sucking on Brian’s cock. The group then cuddled close reviewing the pictures and video they’d taken, commenting on how...

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NotSoSuper ModelChapter 3

During the rest of the meal Hannah forbade discussion about me posing. She also insisted that I be allowed to sleep on it. The next day was Saturday, and I was invited to come to breakfast for further negotiations, should I still be willing to pose. That night was interesting. Harper’s drawing of her mother was fixed in my mind, easy to remember, and hard to forget. For some reason the pubic hair, created by the masterful use of a pencil sharpened to a needle point, hung around in my mind....

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Pizza GirlChapter 4

The ride over to Maria's old apartment went back through the neighborhood where we had met at the pizza shop. I smiled as I drove past, thinking how my life had changed in just two short days. I hadn't realized how empty my life had become until it was filled by the joy and happiness that Maria had brought with her. I knew I couldn't survive going back to the way things had been. I had discovered what true pleasure and contentment could be. It wasn't just the sex, although our love-making...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Stevie Moon Gaping Anal A2M Player

Trim, tasty, tattooed vixen Stevie Moon wears green lingerie, teasing and stripping through a heated intro segment. The auburn-haired, natural-bodied hottie chats with director/performer Mick Blue in the following moments, spreading her holes and masturbating for the acclaimed pornographer. Mick slides his finger into her rectum to warm her up, Stevie whimpering throughout. He stuffs his big cock into Stevie’s sphincter, and the horny babe spreads open her rectum when his dick pulls out....

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Feels Just Like Starting Over

[Just to set a tiny bit of context, as this excerpt has been taken from a longer story I've written - Daniel has just won the Olympic showjumping gold medal.  He's accompanied by his wife Emma plus friends Trudy and (multi-millionnaire) Eddie who are busy engaging in some additional celebrations of their own!]*************Trudy stepped out of the steaming shower, wrapped a warm, soft towel around her body and wandered through to the bedroom. Eddie was lying on the bed in just his boxer shorts,...

Straight Sex
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Sabrinas Embarrassing Schoolday

Sabrina Davis is a 18-year old high school student at North Lake High. Although she doesn’t know it yet, today is going to be very, very embarrassing for her. She won’t be forgetting today for a long time. Today will be full of nudity, humiliation, and much more for poor Sabrina. But where do we start? Edit 8/3/20: Thanks everyone for all the likes, comments, and views! The story is now public, anybody can add a chapter without my approval. Have fun!

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Riding Bareback

I was much more sexually mature than the children around me. I can remember jacking off a lot back in the 5th grade when everyone else in my class was just awakening to what sexual feelings were all about. My first sexual experience was in the 5th grade, actually the summer before. Both my older brothers were away at summer camp and my single-parent mother decided to enroll me in a summer program for kids sponsored by the city. The program was held on the school grounds close to our house...

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Irish Curse 4

The Irish Curse By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part Four He was dying to take a break as he headed back to the room, instantly receiving some hugs from the girls as he entered. "We were all so worried," said April hugging him again. "So glad you're back, Kell." "Devin texted us a few pictures." Hannah flipped around her phone. "I guess Miss Sanchez was more pissed than we thought?" "Ya think," said Walter, tossing up his hands and then sitting down. "I'm so...

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what a sexy story 2

আমার নাম লাবনী, বয়স ১৪ বছর, ক্লাস টেন এ পড়ি। আমি আব্বু আম্মুর বড় মেয়ে। আমার একটা ছোট ভাই আছে, ওর বয়স ৫ বছর। আমাদের চার জনের ছোট সংসার। আব্বু একটা প্রাইভেট ফার্মে চাকরী করে। আমার বয়স ১৪ বছর হলেও এই বয়সেই আমার যৌবন ফেটে বের হচ্ছে। আমি ৫ ফুট ৩ ইঞ্চি লম্বা, দুধেরসাইজ ৩০”, গায়ের রং ধবধবে ফর্সা, কোমর পর্যন্ত ছড়ানো লম্বা কালো রেশমী চুল। যখনআয়নায় নিজেকে দেখি তখন আমিনিজেই অবাক হয়ে ভাবি আমি এতো সুন্দর। আমি যখন থেকে চোদাচুদি বুঝতে শিখেছি তখন থেকেই পর্নো ফিল্ম দেখি, চটি বই পড়ি। চোদাচুদির...

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Davids landlady disciplines Barbara

                       Linda returned from her visit to her daughter with a number of things that needed attention. Firstly David’s experiences with Barbara and the result of his visit home to his mother and sister, and to take up the offer to discipline Barbara.                          ‘So David, tell me how you got on with Barbara while I was away’.                           ‘Well Mrs. Robinson she came round on Wednesday evening and punished me’.                             ‘Tell me more...

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