RhykovChapter 4 free porn video

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In 1922, or thereabouts, the NKVD, or 'Internal Affairs Directorate, ' was organised to assume control of the activities of the Bolshevik secret police, the CHEKA. But the NKVD, at that time, also assumed considerable responsibilities for maintaining the internal infrastructure of the fledgling state, including the fire service, the 'Militsya, ' or Civilian Police, and the regulation of the Railway network. It was far too much for one department of Government and over the next couple of years it metamorphised into smaller units.

The NKVD split up to become the MVD, or 'Interior Ministry, ' which handled most civilian activities such as transport, policing, and passport control. The NKVD, itself, took on the role of 'oversight and regulation of counter-revolutionary activities, ' 'Newspeak' for keeping the people in line. CHEKA evolved into the GPU, or 'State Political Directorate, ' and later OGPU, 'Joint State Political Directorate.' However, in the USSR it was still known unofficially as just 'GPU, ' until its official disappearance in the 1934.

The GPU became a byword for political assassinations of internal and overseas opponents of the Soviet Government throughout the 20s and 30s. It became imeshed in the political dispute between Leon Trotsky and Josef Stalin, which underlined much of the controversy during this period. Felix Dzerzhinsky, creator of CHEKA, was a 'Trotskyist, ' as was one Vladimir Antonov-Ovseenko. That the NKVD and GPU later took on the role of weeding out Stalin's political enemies demonstrates just how convoluted Soviet politics became in the pre-war years.

It is difficult to discover what relationship Antonov-Ovseenko had with the GPU. It was known that, as Soviet Consul in Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War, Ovseenko masterminded military and political assistance to the beleagured Spanish Government. He was Comintern's (Communist International's) contact person on the ground who supported the formation of the International Brigades. And he also oversaw the approximately 17,000 Soviet NKVD troops who involved themselves in the Spanish Republican cause.

However, it is probable that Ovseenko, as an old comrade of Dzerzhinsky's, was a senior man in the GPU, at least until the early thirties. Then, the NKVD turned in on itself and began arresting Trotsky's old friends within both the intelligence services, the military and the party. Fourteen of the 'old Bolsheviks, ' who'd steered the Soviet Communist Party to victory between 1917 and 1923, were found guilty of a host of capital crimes and executed. Kamenev, Zinoviev and Antonov-Ovseenko, Trotsky loyalists all, were eliminated and Stalin sychophant Beria placed as head of the NKVD. Tukhachevky and many of Trotsky's hand-picked Generals in the Red Army were slain by NKVD squads, over 400 Generals all told, and three out of five Marshals. Trotsky's Cavalry man Budennyy went and Stalin's men Voroshilov and Timoshenko took control.

By today's standards the old Bolsheviks were violent men who all had blood on their hands. But then, the consequence of failure in Russia during the first half of the 20th Century was often an ignominious death, whether one hitched one's wagon to the Bolsheviks or the opposition. Most had spent long years in Tsarist prisons in unspeakable conditions. Very few died peacefully in their beds. Dzerzhinsky, who died of a heart attack in 1926, and Stalin, himself, who passed away at the end of a long life in 1953, were the exceptions. Lenin died from the after effects of an assassin's bullet in 1924 and his old co-ideologue, Leon Trotsky, was hacked to death in Mexico by Juan Mercator, an NKVD hired assassin, in 1940.

In 1922, in the absence of awards or citations, considered too 'elitist, ' the Bolshevik Government issued 'writs of gratitute for service to the working class, ' to those who'd performed some important deeds on their behalf. Rhykov received his by post to his hideout in Perm, in the Urals. It was better than a modern day Mastercard in Russia at that time, and insured he would want for nothing. Ovseenko kept in touch, in ways that Rhykov was unclear about. Try, as he might, he could never find a way of staying completely out of sight.

Olga Berezkovkaya returned to the, now, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, a distinguished war hero and pregnant with Rhykov's daughter. She, too, received the covetted 'writ, ' in recognition, with Rhykov, of her command of the Ukrainian Guards' Corps. The baby's Father was kept informed, via Ovseenko, of her progress, however, Rhykov, himself, had little to do with the child. Olga accepted the situation, although it wasn't to her liking. Nevertheless, it didn't stop her having a second child to Rhykov in the spring of 1928.

That had been a longer affair and, for Rhykov, was the longest live-in relationship he ever was to have with a woman. It was slightly less than a year and a half.

Olga was the one true 'might have been' in his life. They remained friends throughout their lives, even after she went on to marry a Red Air Force Officer.

In 1941, Olga Berezkokova, together with folk heroine, well-known aviatrix and personality in the USSR, Maria Razkova, formed the all-female fighter air regiment, the 586th IAP. Pilots included Lilya Litvak, top female ace of all time, and her close second and friend, Katya Budanova. They were based, initially, on the Stalingrad Front during World War Two and moved on to participate in the Battle of Kursk. Litvak acquired the nickname, 'the White Rose of Stalingrad.'

Both Litvak and Budanova were killed in 1943 less than two weeks apart. Litvak, reportedly, slugged it out with eight German Bf-109s before succumbing, at the age of 22. (Her body was only recovered in 1979. She was buried under the wing of her fighter aircraft after a State funeral, where she was posthumously awarded the Gold Star of a Hero of the Soviet Union.) Her tally of victories is thought to be about 20.

Olga Berezkokova was promoted Colonel of the 586th in 1943. She wasn't a pilot but was responsible for the Administration of the personnel of the unit. Postwar, she became 'Special Adminstrator of Women, ' in the Soviet Air Force.

But it was in Perm, in the Summer of 1922, that Rhykov first met Gregory Retvizan.

It is unlikely 'Gregory Retvizan' was the man's real name. 'Retvizan' is a transliteration into Russian of the Swedish word 'Ratvisa, '(Realm). Although such transliterations of Nordic and Germanic words are not uncommon in Russian, 'Retvizan' is rarely seen as a surname. It is probable 'Retvizan' came from the name of a Tsarist, Pre-Dreadnought ironclad based in the Far East in 1904. As Gregory was thought to have come from Vladivostok, originally, this is a reasonable assumption. The Battleship, itself, was called after a Swedish two-decker, captured at the Battle of Sveaborg in 1790.

In 1922 Gregory Retvizan was a committed Bolshevik and member of the CHEKA. He had arrived in Perm as part of a contingent of Siberian troops bound for the West as reinforcements.

The bar was Rhykov's local and normally it was peaceful and quiet. He would go there for his midday meal and stay for a couple of hours drinking before returning to his small room above a cobbler's. However, this day, a group of drunken Siberians crashed in, rolling and stumbling.

They'd already had a skinful, but these Siberians drank as if the practice was due to be declared illegal the next day. Soon they became rowdy and abusive so Rhykov decided to call it a day and go home early. He rose, and made for the door.

"What's the matter, tovaritch?" one of the Siberians said, blocking his path, "are we not good enough for you? Stay and have a drink to the Revolution? I'm sure we have some Mother's milk somewhere!" His appreciation of his own humour sent gales of stale, stinking, vodka-smelling breath into Rhykov's face. He gently made to push the man out of the way, but the drunk swung a haymaker at him.

Rhykov blocked the man's punch and sent him sprawling by kicking out his legs. Soon, the man's comrades were upon him, and Rhykov had a good, honest to goodness, bar room brawl on his hands. Rhykov had felled three by the time his passage out, and, indeed, the sunlight, was blocked by a Siberian of impressive physique.

The man already had a long beard, although he was probably the same age as Rhykov. His tall fur hat made him look nearly 7 feet in height and his Winter greatcoat made him appear as wide as a freight locomotive. He took stance in front of Rhykov and urged him to strike the first blow.

They carefully circled, sizing each other up and probing for weaknesses. Rhykov kept alert for signs of movement behind him, in case one of the man's friends intervened. Clearly, however, this man was of sufficient stature that no-one dare join in without his permission.

Rhykov knew the man was a formidable opponent, but he'd some tricks of his own. He flicked his eyes left, as if someone was coming up beside the big man. Momentarily, the man lost his concentration as he followed Rhykov's eyes. He knew it would work, the brain can't help itself. In a flash, Rhykov launched a jab at the man's chin, through his beard, and knocked his head back on his shoulders.

The man's reaction was swifter than Rhykov expected. He staggered back as a blow hit him in the midriff, expelling most of the air from his lungs. He still had the presence of mind to duck, though, as the air whistled above his head. That punch, if it had connected, would have brained him.

The man's Siberian comrades roared out encouragement and, again, the big man was put off. Rhykov seized his chance and kicked out, catching him on the thigh not more than an inch from his wedding tackle. To gasps of surprise from the Siberians, the man walked off the blow's pain, circling and grinning at Rhykov.

"You fight well!" he boomed, "who do I have the honour of crushing?"

"You have conceit, my friend," Rhykov replied, "but I've no interest in fighting, only returning home. So if you'd kindly take yourself and your oxen out of my way..."

"It is you who have the conceit, comrade, for I've been only toying with you. If I'd have been serious, you'd have no need of a home, only a pine box."

"Then back your words or fuck off. Either way, I couldn't care less."

"You should be grateful that I let you live. No man has laid a hand on me before. Show me some respect and I might allow you to walk out. Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

"Who wants to know?"

"You would be well advised to cool your temper, comrade. I'm Gregory Retvizan of the CHEKA. Why is a man such as you not fighting for the people?"

Rhykov had enough survival extinct not to let his pride get in the way of his well-being. He explained to Retvizan his service in the Ukrainian Guard's Corps and showed him the 'writ' he'd received from Sovnarkom. Retvizan's attitude changed completely and he invited him to sit down with his comrades for a drink. Rhykov felt he couldn't refuse, it wasn't healthy to fuck with the CHEKA.

By the time Retvizan left the next day, he'd promised Rhykov that he'd keep quiet about his whereabouts. They'd talked long into the night, at the tavern and later, in Rhykov's small lodgings. Much of the conversation revolved around the subjects of conspiracy, espionage and sabotage.

They shared their thoughts and ideas about guerilla warfare. Retvizan had been a member of the RKKA in the early days of the Revolution when Siberia was controlled by anti-Bolsheviks, such as Kolchak and the Czech Legion. Retvizan had become something of a specialist at moving about in enemy territory, in small groups or alone, attacking targets of opportunity.

Gregory even explained some of what he knew about the most stunning, secret and successful overseas operation carried out by CHEKA/GPU at that time. It was known as The Trust. The fact that Retvizan knew of the operation at all showed how well-connected the man was to the top leadership of the CHEKA.

The Trust was a front organisation set up by CHEKA in the USA. It claimed to be collecting funds from Russian exiles in America towards an armed coup against the top Bolshevik leadership. The Trust's membership became a who's who of leading anti-Bolshevik conspirators in America. These endowed The Trust with considerable wealth, which was all shipped back to Moscow and straight into the coffers of CHEKA. Through The Trust, CHEKA was able to compile dossiers on many of the USSR's enemies. Some were even enticed to return to the Soviet Union, where they were promptly arrested and later executed.

Retvizan planted the idea in Rhykov's head of working for CHEKA in one of their overseas operations. Gregory promised to put in a good word with CHEKA chief Felix Dzerzhinsky on his behalf. He told him they were always looking for good intelligence agents.

Unlike Gregory Retvizan, Rhykov didn't consider himself either a Bolshevik, a Capitalist or a Reactionary as the terms were understood in those days. Political dogma and pedagoguery went in one ear and out the other. Born into an autocratic system, he considered that politics had little relevance for him. Like many Russians of his generation, he was cynical towards those with political ambitions and the 'system'. To him, it scarcely mattered who was giving the orders and why. At the end of the day, it was necessary that he do his duty and follow orders or bad things will happen. The rest he could leave to the politicians, who, he would maintain, had one way of pleasuring themselves. He, on the other hand, had other ways.

Same as Rhykov
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Visit to Aunt Aprils House

My story begins when my fam ily visited my aunt and uncle’s house over the summer. I was going into my senior year of high school and it was time for our fam ily’s annual visit to my Aunt April’s house. She was my mom’s s*s ter and they had always been very close always making sure to keep in touch and visit. It would most likely be my last fam trip for awhile since I was going off to college the following year. I didn’t mind going at all, we usually had a good visit and I always enjoyed...

4 years ago
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Carolyns Gift

It became very clear six months into our five year relationship, which only ended when her family moved out of state to take care of her parents, that Carolyn loved me and really didn't care who knew it, including her family. When her brother, my co-worker, walked into the shop while she was giving me a lunch time blowjob, she simply waved at him and never missed a stroke of her mouth on my cock. He said later that he thought she was fucking me, but now he knew for sure. Her family life sucked...

1 year ago
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Cat girl Charity The fox and lion

Each experience we have on all three parts of the mind play togeater, forming new wonders and memories combining in infinite ways. This is what makes us "US' the one where I am myself. The lifetime of all we have done, seen, shared, loved and so forth. Yet what happens if those memories we cherish the most could be rewritten unwillingly by another? Or worse yet, taken away, plucked by one who walks the roads of the mind and steals at will? One who loves terror and all (yes a real...

2 years ago
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Fuck WeedChapter 4 Hot Tub Tits

After showering and laying out in the shade Chase was finally joined by his wife. She walked slowly into the patio area in an obvious daze, still stoned out of her mind. She smiled sloppily when she saw Chase and lay down on the lounger next to him. Chase could see her eyes were dilated from the effects of the drug. "So how was your treatment?" Chase asked nonchalantly. "Hmm?" She answered before realizing what he had asked. "Oh, right, my massage. It was great, I mean, Kaci was quite...

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Khaandani Randiyaan 8211 Part 16

Dadaji bole, “Beti, Dev ki shadi ek toh inti jaldi hui. Usse humne dhang se pucha nahi tha ki tum usse pasand ho ya nahi. Isliye woh thoda gussa hai. Par tumse nahi, balki hum logon se.” Fir meri taraf aas se dekhte hue woh bole, “Tum usse thoda time do. Sab theek ho jayega.” Maine dadaji ki baat mante hue Dev ko kuch aur samay dene ka nishchay kar liya. Dadaji ko iss baat ka dilasa bhi diya ki main poori tarah se koshish karungi Dev ka pyar jitne ki. Kuch din baad dadaji 5-6 mahine ke liye kam...

2 years ago
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Meri Sexy Life 8211 Part I

Mera nam hai prakash mere ghar mein mere alawa meri do behane aur maa hai hamaripadosan sab aurte aur ladkiya sab chudakkad hai mein apko sabki chudai ki kahani sunane ja raha ho mein aapko meri do behan behane hai badi wali vandana us se choti anjali pehle anjali kiki kahani sunata ho o dikhne mein ekdam sexy thi ekdam sidhi uski Hayeeeeee kya figuer hai usaka Bade bade ddudhu dekhakar koi bhi pagal ho jaye usaki kamar patali hai aur gaand to aise uthi huyi hai jaise chalate firate cushonslife...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Emily Willis Vanna Bardot Something Special

Emily Willis has a boyfriend she adores in Tyler Nixon and a roommate she loves in Vanna Bardot. Emily knows that Vanna has the hots for both herself and Tyler, but she hasn’t done anything about it yet. That’s about to change in a Valentine’s surprise that will satisfy all three of their longing for one another. Tyler and Emily set up a trail of rose petals leading to a table to attract Vanna’s attention when she arrives home. She follows the trail and finds a note to...

4 years ago
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She Didnt Want It To Stop

Im 23 years old and this is a story of what happened about a month ago. I work in a local Record shop, iv’e been there for a couple of years it’s not a ideal job but I enjoy it and it pays my bills. As it’s a small shop it never gets very busy so I work there full time with my Manageress and a guy that works there at weekends. My Manageress is 42 years old and for the sake of this story i’m going call her Pam. Me and Pam get on really well, we have worked together for a good few years. Shes...

2 years ago
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Frank And Mandy

Frank Williams was just about through with his shower, and was letting the warm water beat down on his shoulders, when he heard door to the bathroom open. The shower scene from "Psycho" flashed through his mind, but he was quite sure it was not some maniac with a knife. He was right. "Daddy?" a sweet young voice said to him. He recognized the dulcet tones of his darling daughter, Mandy, and his cock started stiffening."Hi, Honey. Why don't you come in and join me?" The thought of what she would...

3 years ago
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Quarantined With Manisha Bhabhi 8211 Part 3

Hello, My Dear Readers. Thank you so much for all the positive reviews of the first two parts. I was taking a small break from writing, and have been trying to publish my pending works. I believe I have come back with a decent episode. This may not be a very progressive story, but I have tried my best to carry the emotions of the characters forward. This is also a very small part, and I hope you all like it. I did not want to stray writing a story too long, and please forgive me if you feel let...

3 years ago
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Twin Sisters That Have Sex Together

Our story is about two sisters who are identical twins. Our names are Lucy and Linda. We're eighteen years old. The only way you can tell us apart, is my sister Linda has a birthmark on her back. It's just a small little mark, but that is the only way you can tell which twin you're looking at. We've had so much fun messing with our friends. We've even shared boyfriends. We're very sexual and have been enjoying each other since we were seventeen. My parents have always had us in the same...

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MotherInLaws Tongue

Her index finger traced a line from my lower back all the way up the center crease of my back and shoulder muscles. I was sleeping in between the cool crisp sheets of my king size bed. Lying in my favorite position; naked, face down, one leg bent at the knee with my arms up by my head around the pillow. Her gentle touch woke me from my restful sleep. I could feel the cool air on my lower back and buttocks wondering if I had kicked the covers off and what was feeling so good. One finger slowly...

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Dear diary september

September 1 Dear Diary, First of all, let me introduce myself, my name is Becky Ford and I can't believe I started my last year of high school today! I learned that there are over 600 students in my class, and over 2400 in the whole school, I doubt I'll ever get to know all of them, I just hope to recognize a few of them!!! They said that the senior year is the easiest one of all, I don't believe it!!! My locker mate seems nice enough, but we don't have any classes together, so I only see her a...

2 years ago
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Sissy Subjugation

Randi Michelle's Sissy Subjugation To me, part of the process in my case of stripping me of my masculinity involves documenting my transformation and the humiliation that it would involve. It would start through an encounter with a dominant man who enjoys feminizing submissive males and turning them into 24/7 gurls. While this is just a possible scenario, I believe that it's entirely possible that it can be turned into reality by the right Master with the means and wherewithal to...

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If They Only Knew

My girlfriend Megan and I were rounding the corner isles of the grocery store to get few more supplies. We suddenly stopped at the end corner when we heard two teenage boys talking in a very low voice but loud enough for us to hear. They’re about around same age as I and Megan, 20 and 18. They were talking about the tall gorgeous looking woman at the far end of the isles. “Golly! Look at her, she’s so gorgeous, looks so sexy in that white t-shirt and tight black leggings.” The blond boy said...

4 years ago
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DP by two BBC Transsexuals

I met Layla through a local phoenix dating ad,we first called each other a few times trying to get to know each other,Layla was a beautiful black transsexual,her picture on her ad caught my attention,her beauty and the thought that she was a tranny really had me wanting her so bad,I told her about my fantasy of being fucked by a tranny,I had this fantasy for years,she then said she would love to make my fantasy become a reality,she asked me if I ever been fucked before I said no but I have...

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My fiance and I have a very open relationship. We always tell each other our fantasies and sometimes try them. She also loves to suck my cock till I cum like a madman. I love to watch her swallow it as she enjoys every last drop. Sometimes, she likes me to cum on her face and I lick it off. As I cum on her face and she smiles with pleasure, I always wonder what it feels like to give that much pleasure. Then I came up with this fantasy. What if I was sitting on my knees, and she mounted me from...

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Blue Collar Town

by Philip Johnson Chapter One Portsmouth, Ohio. It’s a blue collar town where the south flowing Scioto River joins the mighty Ohio River. Take away the rivers and there never would have been a reason for a town being built there to start with. Like so many times over the last few years I came in from Slab Run Road onto highway fifty two and passed the sign welcoming me to town adding the not so impressive statistic, population twenty one thousand. Of course that sign has been up so long now...

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Mom deserve black

Hi mera nam rahul hai.me surat me meri mom-dad k sath rehta hun.hum log ek society me rehte hai.mere papa police me hai.hamari financial condition thik nahi hai.fir papa ko bharuch me achhi job mil rahi thi jis se hamari condition sudhar sakti thi papa ne wo job accept ki aur wo bharuch rehne chale gaye.yaha me aur meri mom hum do hi the. Meri mi 36 sal ki hai uski figure 34-32-34 haiwoh bahut hi sexy hai.raat ko me aur mom sath me hi sote the.to kabhi kabhi jabh me raat ko mut ne uthta to...

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White Witch

Jackie and I had been seeing each other for quite some time now, every available minute that her husband was away, or I was not working, was spent together. I enjoyed tooling her around the island on my bike showing her the rich Jamaican culture and a side of life rarely seen by non-islanders. Thanks to my Dad, who took our family on regular trips to rural towns, I had already covered every inch of the island coast and much of the interior by the time I was 12. Accompanying those trips was...

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Jennifer and me Chapter one

Sometimes in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to make decisions of substance and consequence. The use of the word substance will be further explained later in this narrative. Later this week I will turn seventy-four, six months and four days after becoming a widower after having lost my wife of fifty-four years, ten months and fourteen days, due to pancreatic cancer. Two weeks ago I met a forty-eight year old lady (Jennifer) who had placed an ad on Craig’s List stating in her ad...

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A Romance in the News

It was quite possibly the busiest news day I had ever seen. Everyone was running around, trying to cover all the angles of the ever developing War on Iraq. I was sitting at my desk, talking to my various sources, and watching the coverage anchored by the networks senior anchor, Darien James. Darien had always been an idol of mine, the top journalist at the network since he had joined back in the 70's. He was only in his early 50's, but didn't look a day over 40. I was getting ready to go out...

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Lake District Holiday part 5

It was way too early in the morning. Saul had called up from the lobby at 6:30; Jen and I were supposed to be ready to go, but we were far from it. I told Saul we’d meet him, Mike and Lisa in the restaurant. We got down there by 6:45, wolfed down some tea and toast and off we went. We all piled into Mike’s car (Lisa in the front with Mike, me and Jen either side of Saul). Mike claimed that the walk we were doing today was a stroll in the park. What a joker! It was a short drive to Ambleside,...

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Skirting the Uncanny Valley

Skirting the Uncanny Valley I came home to find a beautiful sunset waiting outside on the balcony, and Samantha staring blankly at the barest wall in the flat. She had chewed off half her makeup, I saw little specs of red on her teeth; and though her hair was already shoveled to one side, she continued to run her fingers through it. The bottom dropped out of my stomach. I sat down and stared into that same blank wall. "Did they call you back?" I asked. "She called me back," she...

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