Beth s Story
- 4 years ago
- 47
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July 22, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
Both Rhee and I woke feeling crampy. At breakfast, Dad seemed to watch us quite carefully and noted our less-than-stellar moods. I actually saw the decision on his face to ask us again about concerns with doing sex stuff with him, so I cut him off.
“No, Dad. Our periods approach, probably today, and neither of us is feeling all that great. However, the memory of last night is still shining, still wonderful. Thank you.”
He looked into me through my eyes for what seemed like minutes, but wasn’t, then briefly nodded his head. Carol and Rhee took off around 8:30 and I spent much of the day curled up in bed writing the previous day’s account. Heather and her mother are coming for lunch tomorrow with my parents and Carol.
July 23, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
Dressed in “normal” shorts and a T, I met Carol and Rhee at the front door after they’d walked in around 11:00. I hugged Carol, then Rhee and I headed off to kill some time in town and get lunch; Mom would text when they were done.
We hit Second Chance Wear, again, but found nothing of particular interest, so strolled around, gabbing about nothing of real import. We walked back in the front door a bit after 1:00, in time to hug Heather before she and her mother headed back to their house. Behind her mother’s back, she cracked a grin at us, her eyes sparkling, so I guess that the discussion went well.
“Do you two want some pie,” Mom asked.
“Oh, yeah,” Rhee responded. “Beth said that you’d made peach pie.”
We joined the three parents at the kitchen table while they gave us the run-down on the Heather discussion. Apparently, it went very well, Heather’s mother being amenable to Carol and Dad working on a solution for Heather’s education. She was even willing to sign a document giving either or both of them rights to deal with schools. Dad and Mom’s lawyer had prepared it and Heather’s mother took it with her in order to sign three copies in front of a notary public. Also interesting is that Heather is nearly caught up to where the Intro Calculus course at the university is, so she’ll be sitting in it starting next week. Dad will pick her up and take her to class and then drive her to the soccer pitch for practice on weekdays.
July 25, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
Today is our penultimate game of the regular season, against Baskerville. We dominated them (4-1) in the second week of the season. I expect us to do even better today. Tomorrow, we’re having an impromptu sleepover of the Gang of Five, as neither Liya’s nor Gracey’s moms were available to cart them to the field on Thursday for our early-afternoon game against Paradise. Dad is taking Rhee, Heather, and me to the field later this morning; Rhee will be here shortly; Heather around 11:00.
[Much later]
As I expected, we ran away with today’s game, despite Baskerville’s goalie making a dozen saves. Unfortunately for her, we had 21 shots on goal (and >10 wide or high) and won 9-1. We spread the wealth around, with six notching goals: Rhee, Heather, and Mia getting two each and Haven, Lissa, and Tonda getting the others. I got assists for five of the six goals that our starting front line tallied. With her two goals today, Rhee’s lead is 16 over Sanderson, though we don’t know how Charlize did today. GV played New Paris today, which is tied at the bottom of the nine teams with only two wins, so I expect Sanderson to have gotten at least a couple.
While we had already clinched one of the four slots in the league tournament before this week, that really means little, as only four teams have a chance at double-digit wins, and three of those are already there. Watermelon Mountain will probably win twice this week, giving them 10 wins. Unlike in the past two years, the league was highly unbalanced this season. At least three of last year’s six best teams, Central, Midland, and New Paris, were decimated this season by the loss of most or all of their good players either because they aged out of our level or moved or whatever. New Paris was particularly stricken, losing seven starters and even a few backups.
With our win today, we’ve clinched the tournament’s first seed, not that that means much, as the whole tournament takes place on a single day; at New Paris this year. The one meaningful part of our seed is that we won’t have to play GV in the first game. We’re a game up on GV (13-1-1 versus 12-2-1) and two games up on Paradise (11-3-1). Although we lost to Paradise in our first meeting, we’d still have first seed even if we lose to Paradise on Thursday. because of our better head-to-head record against GV. So, the seeds are all set today, as long as GV doesn’t lose this week. All of this means that, barring various miracles or disasters, we’re first seed in the tournament, Rhee has won the scoring title, and I’ve won the assists title (leading by 11, now). Of those three facets of this season, only one is a repeat: Rhee won the scoring title last year ... by a single goal.
July 26, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
[Written July 27]
Today’s practice was three hours of full-team scrimmage, though with a few 10-minute breathers mixed in. Coach mixed and matched starters and backups, though reunited the regular starting offense against the starting defense for the last half-hour, with starting and backup midfielders mixed. It was a lot of fun, but exhausting, and I was quite happy when Coach called it to an end.
The whole Gang trooped happily back to my house, everyone excited to be back together and looking forward to some fun. Rhee’s and my periods were just about done and, since we hadn’t spent a night together since Friday, we were jonesing for some multi-person sex.
A block from my house, Heather said, “I move that this sleepover officially start when we close Beth’s front door behind us.”
“SECOND,” shouted everyone else.
My query about discussion met silence and after asking for votes, said, “The motion passes unanimously.”
As I closed the front door, there were already four gym bags on the floor and four semi-naked girls in the foyer.
“How long ‘til Dad or Mom is home,” asked Heather.
“Not ‘til after 5:00 for Dad, assuming he doesn’t play hooky.”
“I bet he’d love that, coming home to five naked girls,” Liya exclaimed.
“Yeah, that he would,” replied Rhee.
I glanced at her and she gave me a minuscule shrug. I headed upstairs, removing my shirt on the way and finished stripping in my room. The others clumped up the stairs after me, clothes and gym bags in hand.
“What do we want to do after lunch,” I asked.
“Well,” said Gracey, “I want to shower first.
“Okay, which shower do you want?”
“Would you mind if Heather, Liya, and I showered up here?”
“Not at all. Rhee. You coming,” I asked as I headed out the door to go downstairs to the master bath.
After showers, we all returned to my room.
Liya said, “I’ve got something that I’d like to do before lunch. Beth, would it be okay to use your mom’s sewing machine?”
“Uh, okay. What for?”
“I made a thank-you gift for Heather, but I need to finish it.”
“You made something for me? You didn’t have to do that.”
“Yes, I did. Gracey and I wanted to thank you for getting us together, you know, sexually. I made a top for you and Gracey found a pair of shorts to go with it.”
Heather looked a bit dumbfounded, at first, then hugged Liya and Gracey individually. “You ... you guys. You’re too good to me.” Her face faltered a bit, but she pulled herself together. “Before I started hanging with you guys, I’d never had friends that got me things, much less made something for me. This gang rocks! I love you all!”
Liya pulled a small package out of her gym bag and said, “I didn’t know how big to make this, so I’d like to put it on you and mark it, and then I can finish it in a few minutes.” Out of the package came a piece of emerald green velour cloth and a piece of something like chalk. She then looked at me.
I grinned at her, nodding.
“Turn around, Heather, and lift your arms up; let me try this on you.”
Heather turned around and Liya opened the cloth and wrapped it around Heather’s torso, with the two ends at the middle of her back. It was a tube top. A very skimpy tube top. I’ll bet that it was barely four inches wide, if that.
“Heather, this has got to be tight, because you don’t have much to hold it up. But it should make your pretty little titties stand out.”
As Liya pulled the two ends tight around Heather’s torso, Rhee said, “Oh, my god! That thing is even sexier on you than the crop top that Beth got you, Heather! Let me re-arrange you so that it’s perfect. Hold it tight, Liya” Rhee reached inside the tube from below and sort of fluffed Heather’s breasts. “That’s got it, Liya.”
Liya held the two ends closed with one hand and marked the cloth with the chalk, then let one end go. With the cloth and chalk, she headed into the spare bedroom where Mom’s sewing machine lived. We all started following her, but Liya turned.
“Heather, it’ll have plenty of extra material to let it out. I wanted to put hooks on it, but I didn’t have them handy, so I’ll just sew it together now. When you outgrow it, I’ll fix it. Oh, and I don’t need any help and you guys would just make me nervous hanging over me. Is that all right?”
“Of course,” answered Gracey. “We’ll get lunch started.”
The four of us headed to the kitchen, where we made sandwiches and got everything else together for lunch. We were just finishing when Liya joined us, her hands empty.
“Where’s the top,” asked Rhee.
“In our bedroom. Gracey and I had an idea and we wanted to wait until we got Heather dressed in her new clothes to broach it with you.”
She followed that with a questioning look to Rhee and me. We both nodded and dug into lunch. We had a grand time, cracking wise and laughing. After lunch clean-up, we all trooped back upstairs.
Rhee asked, “So, what’s this idea?”
“Hang on. Heather, come with us.”
Liya and Gracey led Heather to the spare bedroom and closed the door. Rhee looked at me, raising that left eyebrow. I shrugged at her. We then heard Heather blurt out something like a ‘yip,’ and then a loud “Wicked!”
I raised my eyebrows at Rhee, and she quietly said, “This should be interesting. Heather’s excited.”
After a few minutes, we heard the door open and the three of them filed into my room, Heather in the lead, Liya bringing up the rear. My eyebrows tried to bolt off the top of my head and Rhee’s mouth dropped open.
“Wow,” Rhee exclaimed quietly.
Heather pranced into the room and did a pirouette.
OH. MY. GOD. The tube top was only barely wider, top to bottom, then her breasts, and those breasts were highlighted by the top. It did not quite look painted on, but it did make me want to rub her chest over the top. But the shorts! They were white, bright white, and the “legs” of them were shorter than the “legs” on my short shorts, probably not even an inch long! Both front pockets extended well outside the legs and there was just a hint of cheek extending below the back side of both legs. And they were tight!
“FU-UCCCKKK,” exclaimed Rhee.
I forced my eyes from Heather to Rhee, who was not even looking at Heather, so I followed her eyes.
I immediately understood Rhee’s sentiment. Neither of us had ever seen either Gracey or Liya in blatantly sexy clothing; now, we had. Gracey, whose boobs were second in size amongst us only to Rhee’s, was wearing a Daisy Duke outfit. She had on a bright yellow and black, short-sleeved, flannel shirt, the tails tied under her breasts and with a single button buttoned, a lot of cleavage showing. When she lifted her arms, I noticed that the armpits of the shirt were cut out, showing off her upper sides and some side boob. She had about six inches of midriff showing between the shirt and blue denim, low-rise shorts that were nearly as short-legged as Heather’s though not quite as tight.
Liya looked incredible. She had on a hot pink, spaghetti-strap, lace crop top – severely cropped. I could see the shape of her breasts behind the lace, but not any details. She had acres of uncovered skin between the top and a pair of tight, stretchy, black, low-rise, boy-cut shorts that had longer legs than Gracey’s, but only barely.
I looked back at Rhee; her eyes were nearly bugging out, her mouth hanging open.
“You three look incredible and sexy as hell,” she said.
I almost interrupted Rhee, but waited for her to finish and said, “I agree. You’re all incredibly sexy. So, does this have something to do with your ‘idea?’”
Gracey nodded. “We were talking about Dad and we came up with this idea as a way to partially repay the debts that we owe him. Beth, do you think that it would be okay to wear these outfits here tonight, or would Dad ... or your mom ... object?”
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Rhee shaking her head strongly. Since there were actually two aspects to Gracey’s question, Rhee’s response was seemingly nebulous, but I was pretty sure that I understood which aspect of the question she was answering.
“No, Dad certainly won’t object, and I doubt that Mom will, either.”
An obvious load was lifted from Gracey’s and Liya’s shoulders, as they relaxed, exhaled, and smiled.
“No,” I continued, “Dad will definitely not mind, though you guys might cause some palpitations. God, you three are sexy!”
“Thanks, Beth,” Liya said. “Coming from you, and from Rhee, that means something ... to all of us. However, we hoped that you two could join us with sexy clothes. Rhee, would you have to go home for something like that? Do you have anything?”
I looked at Rhee who had started to deflate.
“No, I’d have to go h ... No! I’ve got stuff here!” She then proceeded to open drawers in her dresser, but then turned. “Could you two step outside so Beth and I can do to you what you did to us? Heather’s already seen these.”
As the door closed, Rhee donned the shirt that I’d gotten her and the short skirt that she’d worn on game night, though added panties. I also donned game-night clothing; we called the others back in.
Gracey grinned and Liya chuckled.
“That’ll do,” Liya said.
“Anyone wanna go for ice cream,” asked Heather.
“Oh, I can just see the guy behind the counter having a stroke or heart attack or something,” Rhee responded. “Remember how he ogled the five of us the last time we were there, and we were wearing normal clothes!”
“I think that we should,” I said.
Rhee looked at me with that eyebrow raised and with an odd expression. “You think we should? Are you not only beginning to, finally, accept that you’re pretty and sexy, but also starting to flaunt it? Who are you and what did you do with the real Beth?”
The gang, minus me, cracked up.
Through her chuckling, Rhee continued. “Not that I object at all. I like the idea of you coming out from behind your self-built walls.”
I had started to get warm with the laughter, but Rhee’s comment put a burn on my face, so I hung my head. Rhee stepped to me and wrapped me in her embrace.
“Beth, I love you how you are, but I do like the idea of your self-image being more positive than it has been. I know that you’re proud of your mind, and that’s a good thing. A more-realistic self-image would also be a good thing, providing that you don’t go overboard into narcissism.”
I felt a second person putting her arms around me and then heard Liya.
“Beth, my wonderful friend, Rhee is right. Stronger belief in more aspects of yourself is good, particularly when justified. Just maintain a strong aspect of humility. Despite what you think and what you have said over the years, you are the gravity well around which the rest of us orbit. You are strong, smart, kind, and loving. Sure, you’re not perfect, but no one is. However, I have to say that it is heartening to see someone so good at assessing social aspects that cannot seem to assess her own capabilities well.
“I will be the first person to knock you back on your heels if you get too uppity, as you well know. Just keep all those aspects of you that we all like so well, but think better of your appearance and, particularly, your leadership skills. We would not be who we are, individually or collectively, without you.”
Rhee then squeezed me more tightly and said quietly, “Hear, hear.”
I then felt two impacts as Gracey and Heather added their weight, their arms to the pig pile. I could not help it. I began crying and I still don’t really know why. Rather, I did not know all of the reasons. I still do not know that my role in the Gang is as important as Liya suggested, but that’s no reason to cry. Am I afraid of fully knowing myself? Or of being a critical component of something larger than me? Both? More? I decided to put off thinking further on the subject and pulled myself together.
As my quiet blubbering came to an end, I said, “There is no doubt, none whatsoever, that no matter what I think about my appearance or my importance, I know one thing with certainty: I have the best friends in the world!”
Rhee tightened her arms again, then relaxed.
“Thank you, Liya, Gracey, Heather, Rhee, for helping make my life so good.”
Rhee kissed my cheek. Apparently, the others must have seen that because they all followed suit.
“So,” Gracey said, “once you clean up, are you still interested in giving the ice-cream guy a heart attack?”
I joined in on the laughter. After that died down, I wormed my way out of the multi-person embrace and went to the bathroom to wash my face with cold water. Rhee, and only Rhee, followed me in.
“I’m sorry if I said anything that made you cry. That’s about the last thing that I want to do.”
“No, you didn’t. Well, you did, but a large part of my crying was that you four make me so happy, make me feel so loved. It surprises me; at times it overwhelms me.” I had to inhale deeply and concentrate to keep from bawling again. Once I felt more in control, I continued. “I’ve thought about this frequently. For much of my life, I’ve been confident. At first, that was probably because of my parents, who have always been supportive and taught me independence, even if I wasn’t exactly a model child for most of that time. My current confidence is certainly still backed up by my parents, but now, a lot of the support that I get is from my incredible friends. Friends that see good aspects of me that I haven’t seen, haven’t recognized.
“I have always cringed from the thought that I make all of us do what I want to do. I’ve seen that in some school cliques, and I never wanted to be that way, so I had trouble with being seen as a leader. Of the team, okay. Of my friends, not. No, wait. Please let me finish. What I neglected to consider, and which popped into my brain in that pig pile of a group hug, is that my friends are strong in their own right. Yes, your mind may be mush due to being ‘besotted’ with me. Yes, Heather is something of a submissive. And, yes, Gracey generally gets along. But Liya? No, she would never blindly follow anyone or anything.
“That thought got me to thinking that each of you is very strong in her own right. Heather, were she any weaker at all, might have killed herself. You are a titan, certain of yourself, and Gracey is strong in her very own, quiet way. All four of you have had to be strong, all coming from broken homes. I guess that I just hadn’t put those pieces together in the right way before.”
“Good,” Rhee said with feeling. “So, no more feeling sorry for yourself because you have to wear so many hats?”
I must have looked blankly at her, because she got a slightly exasperated look on her face and continued.
“Look, Beth. You definitely lead us. I think that you are uncomfortable with that for the wrong reasons. While I’m not completely certain about Heather, we just haven’t known her long enough, the rest of us are more than willing to argue with you if you’re wrong. But, given your obvious skills in social interaction, you’re rarely wrong. Gracey, Liya, and I have known you well for at least three years, and we’re happy to follow you. We don’t do it because you’re some amazing natural leader, though you definitely have aspects of that, but because you are usually the first one to figure out the best thing to do, the critical response. And that’s because you have already taken into account the likely response from each of us. You lead because you can quickly think of what or how to do something that accounts for our individual interests, interests that might differ a bit from yours.
“If you’ll recall, Liya used to argue with you more, but she quickly learned that you did usually have the best plan. You were the first one to learn, and take to heart, that the four of us would have more freedom by following the rules, being less egocentric. You convinced each of us and all of us that doing what we were asked or told, when we were asked by parents or teachers would prove more beneficial than rebellion, as long as we could understand the reasons for the requests or demands of those authorities. You remember, right? You challenged all of us to try it for a couple months. I learned it more quickly than did Gracey or, particularly, Liya, because I spent more time with you. I, especially, spent more time with you in your house, around your parents. I saw, firsthand, how effective it was.
“We have never followed you blindly, but that was the turning point. For each of us. We are all a lot happier than we used to be. Therefore, you lead, and we let you, because you’re nearly always right. And that last bit doesn’t bother us, because once we all realized that you were, we have come to trust that you are, and our lives are better. Much better!”
“If you don’t stop, Rhee, I’m gonna start crying, again.”
Rhee wrapped me up and whispered, “Poor baby.” She then lightly put her lips on mine and kissed me. I could feel the love in that long, light kiss. I disengaged our mouths but tilted my head so that my forehead rested on hers and I could look through my lashes at her eyes.
“Okay, Rhee. You’ve read me the riot act. I’ve got it. I’ll try not to feel sorry for poor old me, on whose shoulders all the world’s hopes rest.”
Then I grinned at her, a grin that she returned in spades.
We did go for ice cream. We did cause a furor. Of course, the guy that had ogled us while trying to scoop our ice cream last time was not working. A high-school-aged girl, probably in an upper class, waited on us. I did not know her name before reading it on her name plate, but I recognized her from somewhere. She was friendly and oohed and aahed over our outfits. The furor was due to a boys’ baseball team sitting at a bunch of pushed-together tables. A team that looked, perhaps, a year or so younger than us.
Katie, the employee serving us, made wisecracks about us making those boys’ day. She suddenly got an odd look on her face while looking at Rhee.
“Um, are you Rhiannon Devlin?”
I quickly swiveled my head to look at Rhee, whose eyes were wide.
“Ye-ess,” Rhee answered tentatively.
“I knew that you looked familiar. I just didn’t recognize you not in a soccer kit. I’m Katie Weeks. I’m on Elkton Central’s team. You’re going to be starting there this fall, right?”
“Yes,” I answered before Rhee got her act together. “I knew that I recognized you, too, but I couldn’t think of where. Rhee and I.knew that we’d be going there, so went to a few of your games last fall.”
Katie turned to me with something of a blank face, obviously trying to place me. Then her eyebrows rose dramatically.
“Oh. You’re Beth Williams, right?” When I nodded, she continued. “Some of the other girls and I have been talking about you two, hoping that you’re going to try out for the team. We’ve got a pretty solid defense, but both of our big scorers graduated. Some of us have been to a couple of your games. We could really use you!”
Rhee, now centered, took over. “Yeah, this is Beth, our team captain and league assists leader. Also here,” and she pointed at Heather, “is Heather Wilkerson, our new phenom right wing. While she lives in Central’s jurisdiction, her schooling is currently up in the air. You see, she’s a genius.”
“Oh, hush, you. You are. We know it. What we don’t know is where you’ll be matriculating come fall.” In one of those blatantly false moves to ostensibly talk about someone without them knowing but being obvious, Rhee said, “She might be starting at the university this fall. She’s already scheduled to audit part of a calculus course there shortly.” Then, she turned and grinned hugely at Heather.
“Wow, that’s crazy,” Katie said. “I saw your game in Sedgwick, uh ... Rhee?” When we nodded, she continued. “I was in Sedgwick with nothing much to do at the time, so went to the game to scout you two, sort of. Anyway, Rhee scored, what, five? And that was you, Heather, wasn’t it, that got three?”
I grabbed Heather and pulled her forward. “Yup, that’s her, the speed demon.” I then said as I pulled Gracey forward, “This is Gracey García, our right fullback and probable starting center fullback next year. Finally, and not at all least, this is Liya Nahdi, who doesn’t play, but keeps us from obsessing about soccer all the time. We’re all best buds.”
Right then, a group of four came in the door, and Katie looked disappointed. “Hang on,” she said, then vanished into the back, to return shortly with an older woman trailing her.
“Okay,” she said, “let me get your cone, Rhee, and ring you all up. Were you going to eat those here?” When we nodded, she asked, “Might I join you?” When we again nodded, she smiled and said, “My mom can wait on those folks.”
Katie joined us at the table and most of us forgot about the baseball team. We talked about Central’s team, our team, and girls’ soccer, in general. It was really fun. So much so, that I do not really remember my ice cream.
As we were leaving, a tall, attractive man from the baseball team, a coach, I suppose, came up to us. Well, to Rhee, really.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to apologize to you ladies for anything and everything that you might have overheard from the boys. You all, uh, fascinated them.”
“Oh, don’t worry,” I interrupted. “As my dad told both Rhee and me, if we’re going to wear provocative clothing, then we should be prepared to be, as he put it, ‘ogled.’ They didn’t bother us, though partly because we got into a great conversation with Katie, there, and really weren’t paying attention to much else.”
“Well, thank you for being so forgiving. Some of them were a bit rude. I also couldn’t help but overhear part of your conversation with, uh, you said, ‘Katie?’” I nodded. “My daughter is a soccer nut and, from what I understand from your conversation, some of you are on the local premier girls’ team. Is that right?”
“Yup. This here is Rhee Devlin, who is the league’s scoring champ, this year and last year.”
“Yes, that’s my other motivation for intercepting you. My daughter tells me that Rhee is her hero, and she’s dragged me to a couple of your games. I’m a baseball guy but having a soccer-nut daughter has forced me to learn at least a bit of the game. We were in the stands yesterday. You all were impressive.
“Anyway, what I wanted to say is that I’m told by her coach that my daughter, Civia, is good. My daughter has told me in no uncertain terms that she’s trying out for the premier team next year, as she’ll then be in the team’s age range.”
“What position does she play? Wait, let me guess. Since Rhee is her hero, I’m gonna say ‘striker.’”
“Of course.”
“Ohh, that’s a difficult one. We have only two players on the team that are graduating to the next level after this year, our starters at goalie and center fullback. Our starting offense is nearly all my age and breaking into it will be tough, and even our backups are very good. However, I don’t want to discourage her from trying out. It’s just that she should be prepared, particularly as a 12-year-old, not to make it. Both Rhee and I made it as 12-year-olds, but that was primarily because nearly the entire offense had graduated the previous year. The offense next year will be comprised of mostly what could be termed seniors. In two years, I presume that there will be lots of slots available.” I changed tacks. “Will you or she be at tomorrow’s game?”
“Her mom is taking her. I have to work.”
“Well, since she knows who Rhee is, at least, have her come introduce herself to us. Before the game would work best; we’ll be there about an hour before kickoff. We can introduce her to Coach. While Coach might not have time to talk to her, your daughter ought to at least get to meet her. I know that Coach keeps pretty close tabs on the younger teams and does at least a bit of recruiting, so having your daughter meet her couldn’t hurt. Just prepare ... Civia for the possibility of not making the team. Our offense is currently cream of the league, and I’m one of the oldest members of it.”
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My sister Julie got married to Russ and both of them made fun of me called me a queer. Russ, like so many of the other men in town , worked in the coal mine. They took a honeymoon to Myrtle Beach, then came back home. I was seething with anger when Russ told me he had banged my sister with a big hard dick and that I would never know what it was like to fuck a woman. Julie just giggled. That evening I looked at my journal and saw that two days from now would be a good time to fuck...
I had first met Mike in grade school and soon after we started middle school we had become lovers. I know, we had heard all the arguments against sex at such a young age, except for one, but like any hardheaded kid we didn't listen. When we graduated from high school we got married. Now at twenty-two we were paying the price. First let me just say that Mike and I love each other deeply, yet something has gone out of our relationship. At twenty-two sex has become boring! That right, now all it...
Chapter 1 I’d been out of high school for 10 years when I finally decided to go back to school so I could get my degree and get out of this weird employment rut I seemed to be in. Being a 28 year old freshman didn’t make me the life of the college. I felt so old being around these kids in their late teens and early 20’s. It also didn’t help that I was also one of the shift supervisors in the security office of the college I attended. My experience happened during my spring semester of my...
Alex and Mike boarded their flight to Singapore, a quick two day stop over before they headed to Paris. The holiday was well over due. They had both worked and saved hard to have a great three week break. Alex took the window seat and Mike in the middle hoping that the aisle would remain free. Although only an eight hour flight the extra room would be good he thought. As the plane filled each person that came past their row could be a potential candidate. “Not that fat guys, please he...
Bob poked Paul in the ribs and pointed to the far corner of the gentleman's club. "What the hell was that for?" "Look what the cats drug in." Paul felt as if a sledgehammer had hit him in the chest. Setting across the room were those eyes. The deep endless valley of blue flashed at the oriental man who sat opposite her. The five other men at the table laughed, lost in the woman's charm. "Hello," whispered Bob. "This is getting interesting. I know that guy." "Bro., you're out...
Kim Brown, My Office MILF Fantasy Secrectary!!! Chatting with a delightful MILF named Kim Brown the other day had me hard physically and mentally my mind was racing!!! Following our conversation, all I could think about was how badly I wanted to do…. The following! ====== I was stiff before I even entered the office. Every day at the end of my shift I had to stop by Kim’s office and drop off the production numbers. Kim is a short, recently divorced MILF that of late has taken to wearing a...
‘Romance is for suckers,’ that’s what I’ve always said. I’ve always enjoyed women but just for sex and I’ve been lucky enough not to need to enter into a relationship to get all the sex I’ve wanted. I’d pick up a girl somewhere, like a bar or a grocery store and sometimes-even bookstores. We’d have sex a few times and then I’d stop seeing her. When you operate that way, you avoid all the entanglements and it keeps you free. Then I met Lonnie and my whole life changed. I don’t know what it was...
Wednesday Evening Emanuel “Mainly, there are two important things to know about meeting Sensei for the first time. First, when you step through the curtain separating the outer area of the dojo and the inner, put your hands together near the upper middle of your chest and wait there until he acknowledges your presence. Secondly, shoes, socks and other belongings go in the cubbies before the curtain. Besides that, the obvious things: when addressing him, speak in a polite tone of voice and...
Upper Danubia's daily rhythm was changing rapidly by the end of September. Farmers were harvesting their crops, school was in full session, and extra trolleys appeared on the streets, ready to begin transporting commuters who had been riding their bicycles all summer when the weather was sunny. The trees began changing color and the nights became colder and colder. Kim and Sergekt began wearing their bright orange winter boots, as did Danube City's other criminals. For the first few days...
But looks can be deceiving. At that moment, my fingers drowning in my hot cunt as I furiously rubbed my clit, I was anything but shy. It was 11:47 at night, and I was getting off to the sounds of my stepfather giving my mother a good fucking. The head board was smacking against the wall rhythmically, and I could hear the deliciously taboo moans of my whore mother. My stepdad's deep grunts turned me on even more; my pussy was sopping wet, and I was so close to orgasm. I reached up with one...
The next day Kitty awoke in an especially happy mood which she attributed to the good fucking she'd gotten the day before. Seeing her husband toady dragging his work out to the balcony again, she didn't bother him. Instead she quickly showered and dressed in her skimpy bikini. "Are you going to stay here and work all day again, dear?" "Yeah, I still haven't finished all these papers," Don answered without looking up. "You just go ahead and enjoy yourself without me." "Oh, I will,...
I was 18 when we moved to Mumbai from Chandigarh. Ours is a Punjabi family and I am the only son. My dad works in the merchant navy and has to stay away for a considerable period of time. My mom is a typical Punjabi woman and is a housewife. My parents had decided to move to Mumbai as dad had been promoted in the transportation firm he worked for and they wanted him close to the HO. Although the pay was good, his absence did make mom quite frustrated. I noticed that she didn’t have much to do...
About a month after I gave the old man next door a blowjob i was out in my back yard watering my flowers when i saw Doug. My husband was out for the day golfing and I thought what a perfect time to get some of that big old man cock in my pussy. At first he didn't me so I called over to him. He finally looked my way and we met at the fence.After a few pleasantries I had to get right to the point and asked him " hey Doug remember what you owe me?"At first he didn't get what I was talking about....
A beautiful girl sitting in a swing moving to and fro and staring at you while you are sitting in front of her can have a very disconcerting effect on you. Each time she swings closer to you the anticipation raises and each time she swings away from you are waiting for her to come back. Now this was what my sister–in-law was doing exactly. She was swinging in the swing, which was in the center of the living room, and I was sitting in the sofa with a pretension of reading a novel, on a lazy...
Buffy Summers was feeling distinctly warm. She had all day. But it wasn't a fever or anything. It was more... she was horny. After all, she was a healthy young woman who had found she enjoyed sex. But, since she had broken things off with Riley, she had found no one else to replace him in her bed.Truth be told, once she found out that Willow was gay or bi or whatever she was, Buffy had found herself fantasizing about the perky redhead. But she also would never come between Willow and her lover,...
I was playing baseball with my friend and we needed some extra people, so he got his sister, Haley, and her two friends. She was really hot, especially in her baseball uniform. Her friends were ok, too. He had told me several times that Haley wanted me, but I didn’t believe him because I knew she had a boyfriend. We did flirt sometimes, but she did that with a lot of guys.One of the guys hit a long ball. I was running like a deer to snag it before it went over the fence. I jumped high, and...
Gemma stood in front of the en suite mirror, her dark hair falling over her shoulders in loose waves as she readied herself for the night ahead. She wore only a pair of black lace panties, partly to avoid getting makeup smudges on her dress but also because it gave her a warm feeling wandering around half-naked in front of her husband. She stroked her lashes with one final coat of mascara and stepped back to assess her efforts. Zack chose that moment to appear in the open doorway, his hazel...
Hello, everyone, I am ratin from Bangalore.I have been reading iss for quite some time and here to share one of the experiences that happened in my life.Reviews can be sent to me at My family consists of dad, mom, me and my sister.My dad is a businessman who is always busy in his daily chores and gambling with his friends.My mom is a housewife.I and my sis were doing our college studies. We live in a 2-floor apartments. Coming to the story my mom was 46 years old always busy with her work and...
IncestA very long time ago when the earth was still in the beginnings of the development of humankind, a wise old man who lived on top of a majestic mountain remarked, "Perhaps having females was a mistake all things considered." The young monks were aghast at the thought because they all harbored a hope of consummating a perfect union with a perfect female at some time in the future. That secret thought in a hidden part of their brain sustained them on their path to enlightenment and inspired...
I'm lying here in my bed wondering about everything that has happened in my life in the past couple month's or so. I'm thirty seven years old and have been happily married for the past thirteen years. At least I was until Dan, my husband, decided to do something stupid while at an out of town sales convention. Let me explain how I found out. It was either by accident, or it was planted by a competitor in the same line of sales as Dan. It was on Sunday morning after he'd returned from the...
Am a 25-year old guy. I am a fan of your web site. I live with my dad and mom. My dad is a wealthy business man. He is often abroad for his business. My mom, Madhuri, who is 34 years old is a successful actress. She is a real sex bomb with a lovely figure and attractive boob size. She is very bold and exposes a lot. Mummy filmo me khul ke angpradarshan karti hai. One night, when dad was away, she called me into her room. Mom was dressed in a sexy black saree and a low cut sleeveless blouse that...
I quizzed Josh on the way to school, asking him simple questions, like which direction his clothes were to hang in his locker, how to protect his belt buckle from being exposed to fingerprints and where the end of his tie should fall against his shirt. We had been over the questions a dozen times. That was not the point of the quiz. I was trying to settle him down because he was still fired up over the way he had been able to subdue Peter the evening before. I wanted him to know that other...
I was a very naive and shy nineteen-year-old and had just gotten a job at a very upscale restaurant. I had dreams of becoming a chef. After several months working my way from maintenance/janitor, then to busboy, I finally was promoted to prep cook. The chef seemed to be quite impressed with my work ethic and my interest in cooking. He soon took me under his wing and became my mentor. I loved working with him as he tutored me in the business. To say that we had become friends even though he was...
Gay MaleStory Five: Daughter's Hot Mom Seduction By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! It was week two of the quarantine, and I was making raspberry jam with Mom. We had gone out to the grocery store to get supplies and found the raspberries on sale. Mom leaped at the opportunity to buy them and we were both excited to make some jam. We had been making a lot of jams and canned food since quarantine started. I guessed we were doing some prepping for the...
I gaze at the tree, smiling. It really is beautiful with all the baubles and lights glowing and blinking. Turning, I look in the mirror and see the glow on my skin from the lights. I smooth my hands down my waist, cinched in by the lush corset you gifted me at Christmas. My breasts pushed up and almost bare, the nipples barely covered. I look over the table once more, ensuring that everything is in place, just how you like it. Gently touching each implement as a small twinkle enters my eye. The...
BDSMDo I get to have a vacation too? The answer was a resounding no. I did find myself in my office dealing with a few that either appealed the man upstairs’ decree or those who fucked up so badly that they came directly to me, bypassing even the lawyers. Moms are evil for asking what the kid in trouble feels is a suitable punishment for whatever the kid did wrong. I don’t have to be a mom to ask that of them, do I? Only in one instance did I have to laugh at the head of a family’s...
A very solidly busted student called Philippa Boyd was assigned to show Katrina and Angela around the College. Philippa’s breasts were big and bounced along very happily with every step and movement of her body. They looked just great as they swung along and bumped into each other. Philippa always got admiring looks and smiles from the male students and staff as she passed. Angela and Katrina were delighted and entranced at her bubbly and buoyant attitude to everything. “You know,” she said,...
See "My Trip to Wellington Sevens" for the first part of this story.Last year I went to the Wellington Sevens rugby tournament. It is a fantastic rugby event where teams from all over the world play a form of rugby with seven players. Very fast and the guys have to be so fit. The tradition for spectators for the two day event is to wear a costume. From say a nurse to a super hero, all great fun and most are reveling clothes. Last year I was invited to a party after the rugby late on the...
It's been six months since we returned from our original timeline. Billy and Maria are going to be parents. Lisa has decided to wait a little while so she can help Maria. They have conspired to alternate years for children. I convinced HAL to help make that happen. Billy now has 5 other wives and they all adore him. I certainly am glad I was able to bring them along. The village is getting bigger every week as more groups of people apply for residence. We've had to build more public...
I’ve known Marcy for a couple of years. We work at the same office in billing. It’s not a deal, we have an office to ourselves and no one bothers us. Marcy is a real sweetheart, cute as a button and funny as hell! About six months ago she got pregnant by some Douche Bag, who after six months left her saying, He didn’t think he could handle being a Dad! It had Marcy upset for the last week or so, and it really is a shame because I know she will make a wonderful Mother and would make a good wife,...
EroticPeter Goodge had only meant to let his friend Seth Roberts listen to the tape of hiswild session with his aunt, but somehow his big mouth had gotten the better of himand he had found himself boasting to Josh Harding.Josh was thirteen and very much Peter's superior and in a way Peter was afraid ofJosh. It was a kind of one-upmanship that caused him to suddenly blurt out hissecret to his older friend and after that, Josh made his life a misery until he hadactually revealed the tape to him.Now as...
She bit her lip and knew she shouldn’t look over the rubble, defenceless as she was while her Accelerator went through its recharge cycle, but she was unable to help it. Poking her head up only for a second, she saw Winston, arms outstretched, using his armoured hulk of a body to shield a wounded Soldier 76 who lay clutching a bloodied arm that was being seen to by Mercy, who was looking over him with a worried quickness. A burst of gunfire from elsewhere drew her attention and with a yelp...
You have a lot of ‘firsts’ in your life when you’re sixteen. Just a couple of months after flashing at the Indy 500, I flashed at the Brickyard 400. I can tell you one thing, the good old boys of NASCAR are a bit more aggressive than those Indy car guys. Oh, I think you could say a lot more happened. It sure surprised me. As for me, I'm still crazy about flashing. I took some new measurements and apparently, I'm still a growing girl. Now my measurements are 38D - 19 - 30. My big breasts are...
ExhibitionismI love scents. People undervalue our sense of smell. As John and I sat for breakfast that morning - inside this time as it had started raining - the delightful aroma of our croissants and coffee blended with the gorgeous scent of Tom’s cum wafting up from my tits while we ate. I kept closing my eyes to replay what had just happened; rubbing some of the cum into my skin.“God, what a beautiful cock he has!” I said to John, as if he needed reminding, having just watched me devour it. “The way he...
SwingersI have been blessed with a certain ability, an ability that every man would love to have though most would dare not admit to. I discoveredthe wonderful world of self satisfaction (masturbation) at the early ageof 10. When I was about 12 I came across the subject of auto-fellatiowhile reading an adult magazine. It intrigued me but I found it hard to believe someone would be able to accomplish such a feat. By the age of f******n I had already been with a couple of girls my age and evenan...
Hi, my name is Geri. Before you get all hot and bothered about some ravishing, big-breasted slut with a tiny waist... that just doesn't describe me, although, I do have nice sized boobs and I am a slut. So I guess that two out of three ain't bad. Let me begin back at the true beginning. As a preteen I was average in look, still am. Even though my parents thought that I was their beauty queen the boys at school didn't. Then I began to develop, not big tits in the beginning but very large...
Rock out with your cock out! That’s the official motto of 4 Tube and you can tell why from the get-go. The place is all about giving you quick porn to consume and to do that they have a lot of little tricks to speed up the way in which you browse the site. All of the videos are free until you go to the Premium tab, but we’ll talk more about that later. Right now, let’s take a closer look at what this site has to offer.Free full HD porn for allFirst thing’s first, the content on this website is...
Free Porn Tube SitesThere was this one time I was chilling with my ex in a staircase in her apartment. She was laying on the floor next to me and I was sitting at the edge of the top step. It had probably been a good week since the last time we’d done anything but neither of us were really thinking about sex. I don’t remember why but I just randomly gave her a kiss between her legs..then I caught that look in her eye, the “don’t fucking tease me like that” look. So then I looked at her and I said sorry, but I had...
“Well, don’t you sound excited. Happy birthday to you too Tim,” my sister purred over the phone. “Hold on,” I held out the phone and nodded to my wife, who herded our two kids closer to the phone. As one they sang “Happy Birthday Auntie Ashley”. When they finished I handed the phone to Ari, our youngest at four years old, and watched her and Nathan scurry off to talk my sister’s ear off. Nathan was five and a half, and damned be those who dared call him five. “When is she...
~~Start of Part 10~~ We all decide that we should probably get up and get dressed and act like we were going to do something productive today. Not that we needed to, but at least put on the airs… Being as I was the reason for all these bed changes, I gather up all my clothes and the three sets of bed sheets we have managed to totally destroy and take them down to the little laundry room at her complex. I slipped out without them catching me and trying to stop me. Eventually Mandy comes...
For a long time I have known that I was not like other guys. My first gym shower showed me that, the black guys cocks the size of grown men at age of 17. I sat and watched, trying not to stare as they walked past me cocks swinging from side to side huge balls, my God huge fucking balls mine looked nothing like these cocks. My first contact came by accident I was playing basketball with a couple of black guys, trying to guard this guy he dunked on me his big dick smacked me in the face as the...
*Author’s note- He, She, and respective names all refer to the body, regardless of who’s mind is in them. --- Josh could not believe what he was about to do.... “I can’t believe I let her talk me into this.” He thought to himself as he walked down the hallway of the clinic. “It would be weird enough to be switched for one day, but for one week?” Josh had always thought Jessica had the best body in the world. But that didn’t mean he wanted to be in it However, he found himself walking down the...
EroticI was working as a stocker at one of the local grocery stores and I sat down in the break room for lunch. One of the cashiers named Trisha came in and ordered a snack from a vending machine. "Do you mind if I join you?", she asked with a cute smile. Not at all, please do., I responded. She was a very cute 19 year old black girl and we had quickly become friends since I started working there having frequent conversations. Trisha stood at about 5'2" tall and weighed at about 120 pounds. She had a...
Betty was professional, intelligent, a good manager, and all-around great at her job. Everyone at the office respected her work ethic and her ability to get things done. She was seen as a rising star in the company.But none of that stopped them from nicknaming her Betty Big Titties.An office isn't that different from a locker room. Nobody said it to her face, but it was the nickname that men gave her behind her back. It was appropriate. She was about 5'6" with long dark hair, sexy hazel...
Office SexMera naam ansh gupta hai I’m Faridabad mein rehta hu meri height 5’5 umar 21 yrs or rang gora hai m apko ek real story sunane ja rha hu jo ki meri zindagi ka sabse haseen pal tha jab maine pehli bar kisi ko choda tha vo bhi itni sexy aurat ko jo ki ek heroine se kam nhi this is saal June mahine ki bat h maine 2 bacho ko home tution dena shuru kiya ek ka nam tha dinesh jo ki 3 rd class m padta tha or dusre ka nam tha aarti jo 2nd class m padti thi unki ek ma thi jo had se jada sexy thi uska...
He went to all fours over me. He glanced at himself, then at my face. “We haven’t done any prep work on you, and I’m . . .”I finished for him, “Not small.”He shook his head.Crispin said, “She’s tight, but she’ll be wet.”I frowned at him.“Do you need foreplay for this?” he asked, hands on hips, as if chastising me.I thought about it. “Foreplay is lovely, but”—I looked down Domino’s body, and all I could think of was—“no, I want that inside me.”“I don’t want to hurt you, not our first time.”“I’ll...
He knew how to proceed and talk to a young curious boy like me He sat at my side on the bus since start of my new summer jobI was home looking at the condom pouch he gave me with his number on iti was so shy thinking he wanted a blowjob from mei started to imagine him ,tall and large salty hair black daddy, his big black cock up , the cherry condom on , teaching me to suck i coudnt txt him, i wanted too but was so shy to actually do itthe evening he sat right next to me''hi boy, how was your...
I just turned fifteen and know that I’ve had more sex in the last year than most newly married guys get in two. How’d I get so fortunate? Just being in the right bed at the right time, I guess. Let me explain. My divorced dad was dating this hottie with two teen daughters who were just a little older than me. They’d only been dating a month or so before she started staying overnight. When she did, she brought her two daughters, Sally, fifteen, and Marty a year older. We had four bedrooms but...
Ella is trying to sneak back into her house in the morning when she gets caught by her stepbrother Brad who immediately tries to tell on her. Ella begs him not to rat her out so he proposes a deal: if she does his chores for a month he’ll keep quiet. Ella agrees and comes out wearing a sexy maid outfit before starting to do the chores. Brad can’t help but stare at her ass so Ella makes a counter offer, she’ll give him a handjob if he takes some days off her sentence. Brad is hooked now, so he...
xmoviesforyouMaddie strode the length of her room, pirouetted and walked back, careful to keep her stride short and to place one foot in front of the other as if she was walking a tightrope. Satisfied, she put her hands in the air and moved them in circles over her head as she shuffled from side to side and chanted, “And we’re dancing, we’re dancing. And we’re not busting our ass ‘cause we beat these big ol’ heels in nothing flat.” She laughed. No wonder women liked to wear heels, she thought. She had...
The Prison Planet As they all stepped outside, Morales made sure there were no large carnivores nearby before calling the wolves back to him. He and Jasmine had discussed leaving the wolves behind, but they had become ... well, partners with first Morales and now Jasmine. The girls had soon lost their fear of the huge wolves, but they were still tense when the animals grinned at them. Morales took his wife’s hand as they leaned forward to put their faces on a level with Lobo and Lila, “All...
I'm not a wild man and I don’t think I've ever done anything spontaneous before. I've been a school bus driver at Lakewind High School District for seven years. Between our four high schools, I've been driving for Lakewind and Heeler High Schools for five years. That job was to keep myself busy after I retired from my huge position at UPS for accounting at their headquarters in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. I'm sixty-four years old and still maintain a fabulous body. Although my appendages...
Gay Male“Bradley, cut that out,” his mother said, but her voice carried no real annoyance. “C’mon Mom, I know you like it.” “Stop!” she said with a huge grin. Brad’s father looked up from the couch across the room. “Please, honey,” he said. “I’m trying to read.” With that, his head returned to the newspaper, and Brad’s hand returned to his mother’s chest. “Fine,” she said with a sigh. “But don’t forget I’ve got to get dinner on soon...” “Caitlin can do that. Caitlin!” His voice carried across...
Consciousness returned slowly, and as it did a number of things strike me at once - my arms and shoulders are hair, lank and damp, hangs across my face, obscuring my sight...and my jaw aches horribly. For some reason i cant focus properly, and it dawns on me that i am bound tight, my arms above me and my legs obscenely spread open below me. Looking down i see a fleshy colored blur, and i realize i am naked.Long minutes pass before i hear the sound of footsteps approaching, the creak...