Brook Singing in Golden Splendor
- 4 years ago
- 31
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It was a full two days before they reached the mouth of the river and set up their camp close by the shoreline. Just before darkness fell, the tide of the sea ebbed and the two men walked out on the sand looking for the little air holes that signaled the presence of clams. Both had brought flat wooden sticks that they used for digging. Two Bears had brought pieces of an old fishing net that still had a tight mesh to keep their clams from falling through. It was a matter of minutes before they had scooped and dug enough to make themselves a good sized meal. While Two Bears took the net out to wash off the clams, Broken Stick collected large pieces of bark to place the clams on when they were put into the fire. When the clam had cooked enough, the shell would open and then they could scoop out the clam meat and eat. While they ate the clams that were ready, new clams and bark would be added to the fire. It was a good system and they managed to both eat their fill.
"It's worth the long walk just for the clams I think." Broken Stick patted his full stomach in a gesture of satisfaction. The pile of empty shells had grown large by the time that they were both finished eating. There was a little chill in the night air, but not so much that either of them was uncomfortable. "I wish we lived closer to the great sea Two. We could eat clams everyday, and make our camp new every night after the sea had risen to clean out our old camp area."
"Yes, but in a few moons we'd be sitting right here, looking back towards our village, wishing we had something better to eat than the clams, and remembering how sweet the taste of turkey stuffed with grains and nuts was. We'd be missing the way the trees kept us out of the cold winds, and the taste of all of the fish that wouldn't be forced to swim into our nets. When we leave here tomorrow or the next day, we'll have had enough clams to last us until our next visit." Stick thought about what Two Bears had said and then he nodded in good natured agreement.
The next day, after another feast of clams, baked this time on a thin bed of sand covering hot coals of burnt wood, the two men set off for the place where the flint stones could be found. They searched carefully along the broken cliff edges, sorting through the large piles of stones that lay on the floor of the cliff face. They first gathered the smaller pieces that were already half formed into arrow heads and needed less work and knapping. It took them all day as they picked through and sorted from the large pile that they had accumulated between them. Here again, Two Bears deferred to his friend who had much better luck in making sharp, pointed arrow heads that were also thin and light, allowing for longer flights and which piercied deeper into the flesh of their prey. He paid close attention as Stick would take two similar pieces of flint and cracked them together with force in a way that made several half formed pieces come out of the stones. Soon, there were three piles. In one pile was the slag, the pieces that wouldn't yield the right kind of points. A second pile was made up of stones that had shown good potential for yielding up arrow heads. The third pile was the smaller, half shaped points, that Stick had coaxed out during his rock testing. Two Bears could only marvel at what he saw. Several times he tried to do the same as Stick with two rocks, but instead of half formed points, he wound up with many smaller rocks.
The following day, in less than half a day's time, they had sorted more flint stones and points than they could possibly carry. Two Bears unveiled a surprise for Stick that he had prepared in anticipation of their coming need. He had fashioned a large quiver made of old fur skins that couldn't be used for lodge coverings anymore. He had stitched the furs together with strips of leather, inserting small saplings at the corners to lend stability and support. He had also threaded in straps on either side so that they too were stitched when the furs were attached to the wood bindings. The result was a large quiver that could be strapped to either shoulder and hang from the back. He reached into his fur supply pack and handed the first one, wrapped in a tight bundle by the straps, to Stick. "Here Stick, put some of the points and smaller stones in this quiver."
After unwrapping the bundle, Stick examined the skin pouch and inspected the stitching and the extra knotting that had been used. He noted the bottom was reinforced with a doubled over layer of the fur. Spreading it out to maximum size, he was impressed with the storage capability. He had questions that he was anxious to ask, but first he wanted to load it and see how the weight would feel on his shoulders and back. He put in an amount equal to what he would normally attempt to carry, and then had Two help him get the straps settled over his shoulders. Once he had it settled and balanced, he had Two increase the load by an additional third before deciding that he needed to leave some room in case he had incorrectly estimated how much he could carry comfortably. Two Bears had tried his bag out earlier, and knew how much of a load he could comfortably carry. He loaded up all the remaining larger flint stones, plus another few that Stick had reluctantly put aside with his final sorting. Because of his earlier practice, Two Bears was able to swing the quiver up on one shoulder and hook his other hand through the free strap. It took him a minute to adjust things so that it rode comfortably on his back. He lifted his bow and the supply pack and arrow quiver. He put the supply pack and the arrow quiver around his neck and rested the weight against his chest. He reached down, balancing his heavy load carefully, and picked up Stick's things too. He helped Stick drape his quiver and pack in front and then the two men started back towards their village.
Moving through the forest towards their good hunting place, Stick was forced to make adjustments because his awkward walking gait made the heavy quiver load bounce around too much and irritated his back in several places. Seeing that his friend was having some problems, Two Bears had Stick walk ahead of him and studied the action of the quiver's movement. In a short time the two men stopped at a stream to rest and have a drink of water. Two Bears removed all of his loads and then helped Stick out of his. They decided to have a quick meal before resuming their journey. When they were ready to leave again, Two Bears loaded Stick's supply pack in back on Stick's right side before putting the heavy quiver back on Stick's shoulders and back. Once they resumed their journey, the quiver continued to move in the same way, but the supply pack bore the brunt of the impact from that movement. After several minutes of walking, Stick smiled and increased his speed back to his normal gait. Two Bears could see from the smile on his friend's face that the adjustment had been a huge success. They continued their journey through the afternoon before stopping for the night only a half a morning's distance from their destination. After eating, the two men talked about their hunting plans for the next day and about where they wanted to store their flintstone while they hunted and when they returned to the village.
"Two, how do you plan on finding me a woman? If you're thinking of digging a pit near the women's fire and then covering the opening with small branches, forget it, because I already tried that." Two Bears laughed at his friend's joke, but he knew there was a serious question hidden in Stick's words. In truth, ever since he had made the offer to help, Two Bears had racked his mind in search of a plan that would lead to success. He knew that Broken Stick was a good man, and he was convinced that he would make some woman a very good match. It would take a good woman though, to see past his crippled foot, and realize that all of his good qualities more than made up for his one shortcoming.
"I'm going to find some women that are willing to get to know you better. Women who will be able to see who you are, not just the way that you walk. If they see what I see, they will know that you are a good catch." Stick couldn't doubt Two Bear's sincerity, not the way he quietly spoke those words. His words had embarrassed both men though, and they settled back to wait for sleep to come to them.
They spent a good part of the next morning walking to their hunting spot and stowing their flint stones in a safe place away from hunter's paths. After setting up a camp and taking a short rest period, the two hunters walked over to the forest edge and looked for any sign of recent game movement. They found sign of the recent passage of several deer, but nothing recent enough to excite their senses and make them want to track the prey. They broke off their hunt and returned to their camp site just before darkness fell. Seasoned hunters, neither was in the least discouraged by their failure to make a kill. Hunting took time and patience. They knew that they would find something soon that they could bring down. They slept well that night, tired from the accumulations of their travels and the hunt.
Early the next morning they hurried off to a glade that animals often sheltered near. It had water and good cover, and both of them had known success when hunting there in the past. It was mid morning when Two Bears spied some movement at the edge of a small copse of elm trees, a good stone's throw from where they were standing. Seeing Two Bears nocking an arrow, Stick carefully reached for one of his own. They stood silent, both willing whatever was there to come out and show itself to them. A doe came out with a young fawn trailing closely to her. The two hunters relaxed their vigil and watched as the two animals drank from the water's edge. As soon as they had their fill, doe and fawn raced back to the relative safety of the trees. Neither hunter had been tempted to kill the nursing doe. They both knew hunters that wouldn't have even hesitated to make an easy kill, but these were men who didn't have the skills or confidence to wait for better game.
It was Stick who spotted the old stag that wandered into the glen before the sun had reached it's zenith. Bold as a seasoned warrior, the stag came forward without the normal caution that both hunters were used to seeing. It had just dipped its head to get a drink to slake its thirst when the arrow from Stick's bow thrummed into its side. It was probably a killing shot, but still the stag might have gotten some distance before taking it's final steps. Two Bears let fly with another arrow that struck the wounded stag high up on his neck. Stick buried another arrow within scant inches of his first shot, and this time the stag went down, it's head and rack making a splash when it struck the water's edge.
It took some time for Stick to dress out the animal, and for Two Bears to cut down a pole long enought to hold the stag so that they could transport it back to their camp. When he got back with the pole, Two Bears used some leather straps to bind the stag's legs, both front and back. The hunter's hoisted the pole on their shoulders and slowly made their way back to camp. That night they roasted a haunch and cut strips and slices to hang on a smoking rack that Two Bears was quickly constructing. they went to sleep with the smell of their fire and the meat curing on the rack. There would be a lot of waste, but they had a good skin and would bring back enough dried meat to make their hunt a success.
Introduction: The third installment of the Wills New Home Series! This one is more erotic, the plot will pick up, i promise. You dont have to but read my old stories first so you can have a grasp on whats happening, or just read it for the sex. Either way your call ITS BEEN FOUR YEARS BUT IM BACK, AND HOPEFULLY A BETTER WRITER. READ MY SERIES WILLS NEW HOME, IF YOU HAVE ANY REQUEST, COMMENTS OF CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, PLEASE COMMENT BELLOW! HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS ONE, GUYS! Hayden sat in the...
Introduction: Im revamping the series! Be sure to read my old work! Hayden sat in the back of the bus for what seemed like hours. She bought the cheapest ticket out of San Diego. At the moment, she was heading towards Las Vegas, anger brewing in her head washed in with the feeling of loss and regret. The grey hound passed the California-Nevada border, and Haydens thoughts went back to the events of the past few days. Rev. Greene was arrested, through in jail. She heard on tv that he was being...
my daddy came over eager to train brook some more with me ... so here's what happened... my plans were to continue to reply to messages and chat while on my profile... that lasted for a little while... we were all in the living room... i had brook wearing a little sexy nightgown.... i like her to wear something sexy whenever my daddy comes over now... i want her to see what kind of reaction men get when women wear sexy things and teach her that that's something she'll need to do throughout her...
Those 5 seconds were you wake up and dont know where you are or how you got there overwhelmed me, and then I remembered. I sat up and looked to my right. Brook layed there, her black hair dishelved and her little lips puckered out, holding the sheets over her naked body in a death grip. I assumed I didnt look to well either. I looked at the body mirror she had opposite her bed. My brown hair was sticking up in some places, and flat in others, I looked like shit. There was nothing...
---- "Wh-What are you doing here?" I asked, more than a little surprised. She looked disappointed. "I'm sorry," she said, shifting uncomfortably, getting ready to leave. "I thought-" "No, no, it's okay, you just surprised me is all. I wasn't expecting to see you tonight," I lied, trying to control my pounding heart. I hadn't thought of what I would do, despite my earlier thoughts. I couldn't get rid of either of them. I loved Brook, but I couldn't do that to Taylor,...
I came home from class and heard my mother and sister, Booke, yelling all the way outside. Brooke was on one of her rampages again. She is so spoiled. All she has to do is pitch a fit and she gets her way with anything. She wanted an iPad for her eighteenth birthday last week, even though she knew the folks couldn't afford one, but she pitched one of her fits, and they broke down and got it for her. This time it was about her field hockey tryouts. She's supposed to go to tryouts at a college a...
I was standing outside her door in jeans and a t-shirt, and it was 40 degrees out. I rang the doorbell again, and finally she opened the door. I was greeted by a rush of warm air, and the scent of something I could only place as pumpkin. It was much appreciated by my cold body. she stood there, 5 and a half feet, black lustrous hair, gray eyes, perfect lips, booty shorts, and a low-cut v-neck shirt that just said- "Hi!" she said, doing a little jump, like only she could. "H-Hi"...
Two Bears was tired, cold and hungry. He looked over at Broken Stick and watched as his friend breathed in a painful sounding manner, taking labored shallow breaths, and continually shivering from the fever that wracked his body. For the past three days and nights Stick had been like that, sleeping most of the time, too weak to care for himself at all. Two had been feeding him the broths that he made on the cooking skins from whatever foods they were able to gather. He was concerned that his...
Wolf Fang grew weary of having to answer questions about why Twisted Path had chosen to travel with Hooting Owl on his trading trips. He was a hunter, not some medicine man, who could watch for signs and calculate the meanings for any strange occurrences. Path had wanted to go with Owl. Owl had been willing to allow her to journey with him. He was not like his father. Wolf Fang laughed at that thought. Two Bears had listened to all of the talk of Path's decision to journey with Owl at the...
This story may be offensive to some and contains non-consensual sex between males and a teenaged female. Please be warned and do not read on if you are offended by any of these things. It also contains references to i****t.I welcome all comments both good and bad so please feel free to leave them. Or if you prefer email me direct on [email protected] with your comments or ideas for stories.Brooke’s Step-FatherFriday Morning 2amMarcus sat with his trousers around his ankles and...
The following morning, Alice opened her eyes, to her surprise, however, she wasn't the first one to wake up this morning. John was already looking at her, with clear puppy love in his eyes. "Hi there..." Alice whispered, with a warm voice. "Good morning, my love," John whispered back, beaming a wide smile at her. Hearing the words 'my love' made Alice's entire body glow, she especially felt a knot forming in her stomach. It was like butterflies tickling her from the inside, or...
Adventures of Brooke By Semiater Brooke sat at her desk tryingto finish off the last of her weekly reports, they were due before the endof the day. She wore one of her threadbare dresses, she'd patched the materialas well as she could but it still showed its wear and age clearly. Brookestood 5'6" and epitomized beauty, she was blonde, long legged, and perfectlyproportioned with a sweet innocent face. Her hazel eyes made her look likea scared little doe at times, she was only 19 and had...
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Eighteen year old Brooke was just out of high school and on her way to college after summer vacation. Her mother Jan, Belgian by birth, and step-dad Bob were currently living in Germany. He was an Air Force NCO stationed at Ramstein AB. Brooke was enjoying her summer break in Europe. Sleeping late, the company of her mother, sightseeing and shopping filled her days. This particular morning she slept late, as usual. Female voices in the dining room disturbed her slumber. She recognized the...
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Originally written by fotisampini My sister BrookeI came home from class and heard my mother and sister, Booke, yelling all the way outside. Brooke was on one of her rampages again. She is so spoiled. All she has to do is pitch a fit and she gets her way with anything. She wanted an iPad for her eighteenth birthday last week, even though she knew the folks couldn't afford one, but she pitched one of her fits, and they broke down and got it for her. This time it was about her field hockey...
I came home from class and heard my mother and sister, Booke, yelling all the way outside. Brooke was on one of her rampages again. She is so spoiled. All she has to do is pitch a fit and she gets her way with anything. She wanted an iPad for her eighteenth birthday last week, even though she knew the folks couldn't afford one, but she pitched one of her fits, and they broke down and got it for her. This time it was about her field hockey tryouts. She's supposed to go to tryouts at a college a...
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Brooke tossed her hair to the side and looked seductively into the webcam, a look she had by now perfected. The petite little blonde had been running her webcam-blog site for years and now had not only a big following, but a real grasp on how to turn them on and keep them interested. Her body being her most important asset, Brooke spent a fair amount of time exercising it, she was flexible and toned in all the right ways. As her new camera shoots and videos were coming in increasingly higher...
Brooke looked so cute standing there in her cheerleading outfit. The look on her face was total fear. He was not supposed to be here.?Sir, what are you doing here,? she whispered, her eyes darting all around the deserted hallway of her high school. They weren’t far from the packed gym where the boys basketball team was about to play. Brooke was one of the head cheerleaders and would soon be there in front of the crowd. Out there she was an alpha girl, queen of the school. But here in the...
Brooke woke up full of energy, the kind only a nineteen year old could have after partying into the wee hours. She had some errands to run that day before she could indulge in her evening plans, so she could hardly wait to get out on the road and get started. She stepped out the shower and grabbed her towel. She began pat drying her curvy nineteen year old body as she walked toward her room. Her roomie Alice noticed her flash by and became curious about Brooke's schedule for the day. "What do...
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Brooke texted me on my way home from work, “I’m making dinner, come down when you get home.” I replied back, “Sure, I’ll stop and get some beer.” “No bother,” she said, “I already grabbed some. Just you is all we need.” This was always nice to hear, and it was always nice to see Brooke. I felt so comfortable with her especially since the many last encounters. But I never think any more than what it is. Just dinner. When I got home, I went upstairs, dropped my bag and headed down the front...
Brooke woke up full of energy, the kind only a nineteen year old could have after partying into the wee hours. She had some errands to run that day before she could indulge in her evening plans, so she could hardly wait to get out on the road and get started. She stepped out the shower and grabbed her towel. She began pat drying her curvy nineteen year old body as she walked toward her room. Her roomie Alice noticed her flash by and became curious about Brooke’s schedule for the day. ...
As Two Bears tried to contain his excitement, his eyes took in the familiar landmarks that told him that he was getting close to his village. It was early Summer as he made his way through the pines that protected the high hills that were the northern most boundary to his own valley. When he started his descent down into that valley he would be returning to everything and everyone that he loved and cherished. His journey had been a long one, filled with hardship and danger. Twice he had found...
Introduction: Brooke is introduced to sex This is the first of the Brooke trilogy (young – teen – now), written at the request of a fan who sent me pics and sexy ideas to work from. Kisses Brooke. Brooke was the oldest of three children. Her two brothers were three years and four years younger than her. She was born when her mother was fourteen. Until a year ago there was never a father in the house. Her mother never married any of the fathers. She did not even know who the father of her...
BROOKE SHOPS FOR A NEW RIDE‘What a nice ride. ‘Thought Brooke. Brooke turned around her old Chevy beater and pulled into the used car lot. It was an eye catcher. Red Mustang convertible, an updated muscle car. Hot, Red, Fast. ‘A car to fit my style.’ Brooke walked around the car. She thought how it would be driving around. ‘WOW’‘I need this car.’ ‘How can I swing it.’ ‘My step-dad has promised to help me but this is too much money.’ Brooke had a Plan ?B? in the back of her mind. She...
__________________________________ About a year ago our mother had walked out on the family. I guess it was to be expected. She and Dad fought all the time but we didn't expect that she would completely drop out of our lives like she did. We only see her about two times a month when we go visit her and the new guy she is living with about two hours from here in Sacramento. I'm Jake and my twin brother is Pat. We just turned fourteen. We are fraternal twins and don't look a lot...
***This story is completely fictional. Names, events, and descriptions are of fictional characters created for this story. *** My name is Cooper. I am an 18 year old high school senior from Southwestern Ohio. I live with my mom, dad, and two younger brothers. I have an older sister also, but she’s away at college in Central Ohio. I live a pretty normal high school life, I play football for my school in the fall, and rugby in the spring, and indoor and outdoor soccer in between. I also take a...
IncestThe Training of Brooke?Thank you.?Men are so dumb. They see a pretty girl walking around with loose tits under their dress and just go all gaga. They opened doors and bought you drinks or meals in a flash if you just smiled at them and pretend not to notice themstaring at your big breasts.But still Brooke had to admit it was fun to go about town with no undies or bra and enjoy the feeling of power that it gave her to take advantage of all that blood leaving their brain and rushing south so she...
After almost twenty years of being in a loveless marriage, Liz’s youngest child was now eighteen, and Liz had decided to get divorced. The first thing she did was meet with her lawyer, Rita Pearson. They met at a diner in a nearby city as Liz didn’t want to be seen by anyone who would recognize her. They might get back to her husband that she was meeting with a divorce lawyer.This was the first time Liz met with Rita. She was a bit surprised that she was so young, even younger than she was. Liz...
IncestBrooke was the oldest of three children. Her two brothers were three years and four years younger than her. She was born when her mother was fourteen. Until a year ago there was never a father in the house. Her mother never married any of the fathers. She did not even know who the father of her youngest was as she knew that the night she had gotten pregnant, she had a gangbang with three guys. Her mom had finally married a year ago and her stepfather wanted all the kids to call...
Apologies to Herzog Max, the author of "My Daughter and her Friend." His story was the inspiration for this story. I hope you enjoy my version. Moral outrage is jealousy with a halo. -- H.G. Wells "Dad?" I looked up. "What sweetie?" "I need to ask you a question." I put my book down and patted the couch next to me. "Sure. What is it?" Brooke flopped down on the couch next to me. I could tell from the look on her face that this was important. What I didn't know was whether it...
“Yeah, what’s up, Jordan?" Brooke Ashford said on the way to getting a massage.“Brooke, what’s up? I have a new offer for a scene using your gifts.”“Yeah? I’m getting something done now,” She said.“What could that be?"“Wouldn’t you like to know. What’s the scene?" Brooke said.Jordan sighed.“Anal.”Brooke got taken aback, but then again she wasn’t surprised at the initial offer.“However, you can talk to your boy toy about it before you answer,” Jordan said.“Ok, cool. Let me talk to him. I’ll...
Anal“Brooke, what’s up? I have a new offer for a scene using your gifts.” “Yeah? I’m getting something done now,” She said. “What could that be?" “Wouldn’t you like to know. What’s the scene?" Brooke said. Jordan sighed. “Anal.” Brooke got taken aback, but then again she wasn’t surprised at the initial offer. “However, you can talk to your boy toy about it before you answer,” Jordan said. “Ok, cool. Let me talk to him. I’ll get back to you,” Brooke said. She promptly texted Mark, who...
Anna-Brooks hung up and tossed the phone away. She looked at me with a mixture of disbelief and carnal hunger. "I can't believe I did that.." I smirked. "I can. Do you know why?" She shook her head. I got to my feet and kicked off my sweats. I grabbed the standing mirror and positioned it opposite the bed. I leaned down and took her by the hair again, manhandling her as I pulled her to a standing position. I pulled the bra down on one side and, standing behind her I nuzzled her...
The relief Kelly enjoyed during her afternoon at the spa vanished as soon as Brooke pulled her charcoal-gray Benz into the driveway of Kelly's house. More than a dozen cars crowded the circular drive and spilled over onto the street, suggesting that more than thirty of her relatives waited inside. The ordeal that Kelly had evaded for a few hours seemed worse for the delay, now that it loomed near. Katie chortled in the back seat, "This is going to be fun!" Fun??? Katie laughed...
I sat up and grabbed the back of Anna-Brooks Cowan’s neck and kissed her hard. She kissed me back, not hesitating a second. She pressed her body firmly against me as our lips clashed, hands tangling in each other's hair. Anna-Brooks jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist. I brought immediately slid my hand under her skirt and grabbed her luscious ass to support her, my entire palm squeezing her plump ass cheek. Her short-ass boyfriend could never lift her like me, nor could he...
The end of spring was making its way into Pennsylvania with summer knocking on the door and I got to enjoy the drive from Pittsburgh to Hershey for a work conference. You know the ones where they stress three days of leadership and team building. This year, the company picked a five-star hotel with its beautiful venue, attractions, and small cottages. It was a nice getaway from the bustle of the office.We all arrived on Tuesday in order to start checking in around four in the afternoon. I had...
TransAnna-Brooks should have been more assertive, but Mike Roberts was right; she was exploring her sexuality freely and enjoying it. With a smile & a kiss, she signed off. Less than a minute later, Anna-Brooks was back, this time on face-time. I couldn’t help but notice that she had that soft music on again. Anna-Brooks today was wearing a simple pale pink cotton bra & panty set. “I want you know, calling you ‘Sir’ initially made me blush, but I LIKE that I can now call you that” she...
The temperature was humid, the air thick, and the sun bright, which only made my mood worse. There are things about Florida I loved, but the heat was not among them, and I cursed under my breath, because the babysitter had just canceled on me. Who am I? I’m Mike Roberts, father of Johnathan and David (about whom I have written several stories already). Yeah, I’m getting close to 60, but I’m still enjoying being a ‘power-player’ in law & business related to the panhandle part of my...
Afterward, I enjoyed peeling that totally slutty lingerie off my property, and puling her into me to cuddle with. The warmth & the feel of a woman you’ve just dominated is a powerful feeling, and I won’t lie, I damn-sure needed the break. After we lay there for a while, just enjoying not having a time fence, I let my property watch what I had just filmed, enjoying her watching as I fondled her. Anna-Brooks found that she enjoyed watching herself being dominated. She also got to...
We lay there for a time, not sure how long. Finally, Anna-Brooks spoke. “Mike….that was….incredible.” I smiled and chuckled. Truth was, I did not know I still had it in me. “I know what it is…” I said, staring up at the ceiling. “What is it then?” she asked, rolling onto her back & doing the same “I allow you a safe place to be free.” I responded She smiled and quipped “what are you, a park?” I laughed and said “No silly. Unlike your boyfriend Jay, you know...
…ContinuedI took Brooke’s hand and walked to the bedroom, fixing my skirt as I went. Brooke laid on her side at the far end of the bed. I kneeled and slowly crawled my way to her. Getting closer, she covered her face saying, “ugh! You are driving me nuts!” That really was my intention. I knew this was turning her on and I was sure a breaking point is in sight. When I reached her, I straddled her hips, making sure my skirt was loose around my legs. This looked like a typical cowgirl position...
Prologue: This story is different for me. Previous to this all my stories have been fictional. Brooke is real. She is a 19 year old college student who wrote me and asked me to help her tell her story. She didn't feel comfortable with her writing erotic skills and is a fan of my previous stories so I am acting as her biographer. The events are based on her experiences, although I have created the dialog and expanded some of the situations in order to make a more interesting (hopefully) story....
Thank goodness for Boy Scouts. It was there that I learned the Half-Hitch knot (amongst several others) that served me well right now. With a tug in the right spot I released her raised leg, then the same for my toy’s hands. At last this toy had her relief, but she was far from finished, and I supported her as I turned her and lay her tummy down on the bed, her feet still flat on the floor, laying over a pillow. I cooed as I told my property how well she did, and how proud of her I was....
Brooke I was 27 years old when I decided. I had been married to a very pretty woman by the name of Mandy for 3 years. She was about 6 years older than me and very much into her "career". She traveled a lot in her business and most of it took her to the city her parents were retired in. What that meant was that there were many times when she would go on a business trip and then spend the weekend with her parents and then work in the same city the next week. It also meant that I had...
I was 27 years old when I decided.I had been married to a very pretty woman by the name of Mandy for 3years. She was about 6 years older than me and very much into her"career". She traveled a lot in her business and most of it took her tothe city her parents were retired in. What that meant was that there weremany times when she would go on a business trip and then spend the weekendwith her parents and then work in the same city the next week. It alsomeant that I had about every third weekend...
Anna-Brooks Cowan had never thought of herself as someone attracted to older men, much less one THAT much older. Although she had to admit, Mike Roberts, the “Well-to-do-Gentleman-next-door” (as her parents described him) had done surprisingly well, giving what she was sure was one the best fucks of her life. Th child was gone so with the babysitting done, she wondered how this new chapter might possibly unfold. As for me, I was sure I had just ticked one off the bucket list, one of...
I was 27 years old when I decided. I had been married to a very pretty woman by the name of Mandy for 3 years. She was about 6 years older than me and very much into her ‘career’. She traveled a lot in her business and most of it took her to the city her parents were retired in. What that meant was that there were many times when she would go on a business trip and then spend the weekend with her parents and then work in the same city the next week. It also meant that I had about every third...
Today is a new day in school after the Easter holly day,though its not anything special i was happy that the "looser triangle" will meet again and at the moment i am in the school bus heading to school and hoping that with the new set of muscle i have acquired over the holiday i can look somewhat noticeable ay the Girls even for a "hello" would mean a lot. Just at that moment we entered the school gate and i looked up to the large building in front with the name boldly written on it /b/...
Two moons had passed since Two Bears had been welcomed into the village of Jakko and Elenst. As he had promised, Konil had worked hard to secure permission for Two Bears to learn the metal making secrets of the village. There had been three separate votes taken among the village elders. At first Konil had only received permission to show the processes where the iron was pounded into different shapes in order to form tools and jewelry. It was correctly believed that the working of the metal...
Stick and Two Bears enjoyed eating their clams beside their driftwood fire. Because they had stopped along the way to look at outcroppings of rock on the hillsides that they had passed, it had taken them four days to make it to the great sea. For Broken Stick, this was to be his first real long trip of exploration. Each night so far, as he lay beneath his sleeping furs, his thoughts were of Still Shadow and Little Hawk. It was going to make his journey seem longer and harder, because of these...
There was to be a feast after the binding of Two Bears and Bent Willow. Eagle Claw was determined to make it one that the tribe would long remember. He set out, along with several hunter friends of his, to trade with other villages, some as much as a day's walk distance for them, for the delicacies that were uniquely theirs. The people of the three rivers were long known for the potent drink they concocted of tree syrup and fermented grapes, and the people that slept in the valley between...
Anna-Brooks Cowan, a woman 1/3 my age, was just ravishing as she stood there in that ‘open’ lingerie. The clincher on this was when my property handed me my phone, saying “I want my Sir to really remember this, so please take pictures of me as we do this” Anna-Brooks said, adding “I want my Sir to know look back on these and enjoy them.” I enjoyed that my property had thought enough to purchase this lingerie for me, and that I had been able to open this part of her to explore. Seeing...
Even her dog was suspicious of the man trying get in.“I can’t let you in,” Brooke said, with a shrug and an apologetic smile.“Please, ma’am, this is my building,” said the man trying squeeze past her. “I’ve lived here for a month.”They were at the front door of the apartment building. He seemed like a nice guy—no menace in his eyes, no hint of thuggery in his clothes. But the rules were clear about people having their own access to the building.“I’m sorry,” Brooke said. She sighed and tugged on...