RefugeesChapter 2 free porn video

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After breakfast the AI directed Zeinab and Adeena to their respective lecture rooms. When Zeinab arrived at sponsor training, there were more than a dozen women in black coveralls waiting in the room, among them the two other women sponsors she'd seen back on Earth. She sat down and waited. A few more women arrived, followed by a man in a blue uniform. A man. Suddenly she realised that he was the first man she'd seen since the bus driver. Why was that? Surely there were more men in the Confederacy. Where were they?

"As-Salaamu 'alaykun," the man in blue started. "I am Corporal al-Mansur and I will be your guide for the next few days. This base holds up to half a million people, very few of them Muslim and very few of whom speak Arabic. For that reason we have temporarily placed you new arrivals from the Arab League in a separate area where most of the people you will meet can speak at least some Arabic. Here we can give you the special training you need to help you adjust to your new lives in the Confederacy. This lets us make the necessary changes to your lives gradually, not all at once. Some changes have already started and we will introduce others shortly. By the time we finish, you will be much better fitted to join the general population of the base for the rest of your training.

"The Confederacy is not the Land of Islam, so you will need to make many adjustments. Very soon nowhere on Earth will be the Land of Islam, but instead either the Land of the Sa'arm or the Land of War. For the foreseeable future, neither Earth nor the Confederacy will be the Land of Islam.

"Most of you will need to learn a new language. The most common languages in our colonies are English and Chinese, with Spanish coming third. None of the Confederacy colonies speak Arabic, I'm afraid. You will need to decide what language to learn. Tell the AI so you can start training. With so many people to train, we use a lot of recorded lessons, and you will need to understand them." Zeinab knew some English and no Chinese at all, so that was an easy decision for her. She confirmed it immediately with the AI.

"As well as picking a language, you sponsors will need to decide on a service: Marines, Navy, Fleet Auxiliary or Civil Service. There are presentations describing the roles of all four services, which your AI can show in your apartments. Although you are all wearing black, this has nothing to do with the black Navy uniform. We chose it to match the colour of your usual outdoor clothing. You are all free to pick any service you wish."

One of the women raised her hand, "Why did you dress the concubines in those short grey shifts and not in respectable clothes?"

"For two reasons. First, all Confederacy dress codes distinguish concubines from sponsors, so they wear different clothes. Second, concubines have a lot of adjusting to do before they can fit into the Confederacy, more than for sponsors like yourselves. We need to move faster with their changes as they have more to learn in the same time." He paused, looking around the whole audience, "If any of you have questions during my talk, please use your interfaces to ask the AI. If you need a more comprehensive answer, then you can talk to me at the end."

Zeinab hastily redirected her own question to the AI, «Is the lack of men here due to our being separated off from the main part of the base?»

«Correct. The presence of men would have made things much more stressful for female concubines required to wear shifts. There will be the usual number of men when we integrate this group into the main base population.»

The corporal had paused to allow the silent questions to finish. Once the AI notified him, he restarted. "The Arab League has not always got on well with the Confederacy, so they put out a lot of propaganda about us. Like all good propaganda it was based on the truth, but took it to extremes. For example, concubines are slaves and have to provide sex. However, concubines belong to their sponsor, so they do not have to sleep with everyone. Just their owner and whoever their owner directs. A wife has sex with her husband. The only change for a concubine is that her master may offer her to someone else. That is different, but not as bad as the propaganda said. She will not be freely available to everyone. You here are all sponsors, so you can keep your concubines within your own families. Provided you select a male concubine or two, there is no need to look outside your own family at all. You will have a lot of control over your concubines, so you will be able to make their lives more like it was on Earth, if that is your wish."

That was as Zeinab had anticipated. The propaganda put out by the Arab media was obviously propaganda, but it wasn't pure fiction either. It was an overdone and slanted version of the reality of life in the Confederacy. As the corporal had pointed out, she could shield Adeena and her other concubines from the worst impact of the changes to come.

"Later today you will be getting a general introduction to picking your concubines," the corporal told them. "That will be a translation of one of our standard lectures, so it won't mention the separate group of Muslim concubines. If you want to pick any Arab women, then you should do so in the next few days, while you are all still isolated. After we merge your group into the main base, there will be a lot more sponsors looking for concubines, and most of the available concubines won't be Muslims.

"There are other things that the standard lectures don't mention, such as halal food and Ramadan. You can get Halal food from replicators. I think you will be very pleasantly surprised at what is available. The Confederacy is carrying some extremely well-connected people to Escardis, so the Arab League has supplied us with a wide range of good quality food for them on their journey. We have copied those replicator templates, and they will travel out with you to your new homes as well." That explained the excellent soup at lunch, Zeinab realised. Yesterday's evening meal had also been nice. It seemed that the good food would continue. Something to look forward to.

The corporal continued, "Your AI can enforce the dietary rules, and that is already set as the default in all your apartments. You may overrule that default if you wish. Out in the wider base, non-Halal food and alcohol are on the menus, but you can instruct the AIs not to allow your concubines to select those items. The AIs will flag all halal options for you; choices that are not flagged are likely not halal. At best they are doubtful, mushbooh.

"You will not be on Earth for Ramadan. Many of the faithful use an AI to calculate the elapsed time between sunrise and sunset at Mecca each day and fast for that period, starting at their local sunrise. Other variants are possible, but that is the most common."

At the end of his talk, the corporal asked for questions. One woman stood up and pointed at Zeinab, "Why is she wearing a niqab? I wasn't allowed to!"

"What did the AI tell you when you asked it?"

"It said that she had permission and that I didn't need to know why."

The corporal paused, "That's exactly what the AI tells me as well. I don't need to know either." He turned, "Zeinab, would you like to add anything?"

Zeinab thought for a second. She didn't want to tell everything, her teeth still embarrassed her, but she felt she owed the other woman something. "It is for medical reasons, and is only temporary," she explained. That 'temporary' pleased her. She'd checked her teeth in the mirror when she got up this morning. They still ached, but they were definitely looking better. In another day or two they would look normal.

When they met in the canteen for lunch, Adeena didn't look happy. "I'll have to change back into that indecently short grey thing soon. Before we join with the main base they'll change the rules on what concubines have to wear."

"But you belong to me now. Maybe I can tell them to let you wear something better?"

The AI interrupted through her internal link, «That will not be possible. Dress codes for concubines will be strictly enforced in the moonbase and while in transit to a colony.»

Zeinab could see Adeena's face fall. "Were you able to hear that?" she asked, puzzled.

Adeena tapped her collar. "The AI talks to me through this. I don't have the internal thing you've got."

"Did it tell you that we're going to learn English? None of their colonies speak Arabic."

"Yes, it told me. The unselected women have to start learning both English and Chinese until somebody owns them. And they'll have to be naked!"

"Naked!" That shocked Zeinab. Maybe the stories about naked concubines had some truth behind them? "Not even one of those short grey things?"

"Yes, completely naked," Adeena confirmed. "It's horribly shameful. They want to be able to tell owned slaves from unowned, and that's how they do it. You own me, so I can wear a smock."

After lunch, Corporal al-Mansur showed Zeinab and the other new sponsors a video on how to select concubines. The AI provided an Arabic translation, but it was obvious that this wasn't an Arab production. Some of the things they showed were so indecent! Far too much nudity, and as for what happened during the so-called 'test drives' ... It was as bad as what she'd seen on TV last night. She could understand the stories that life in the Confederacy was one long sex-orgy. Once again, there was some truth hidden under the propaganda. There was some useful advice among the filth, but she could have done with a shorter, cleaned-up version. The video certainly reinforced the point that her life was going to change.

The corporal let them go early so they could get started on language training and look at the presentations about the four services. Zeinab started with an English lesson in one of the sleep-learning pods in her apartment before watching the presentations. The AI left in the English narration, adding Arabic subtitles. That helped. She could already tell that the sleep-learning session had increased her English vocabulary.

It was very quickly obvious that there wouldn't be much of a future for her in the Fleet Auxiliary. A lot of their work was evacuating people from Earth to the colonies. As the Sa'arm tightened their grip, that would fall off greatly. That was not good for her promotion prospects. She wondered what Corporal al-Mansur would do. He was Fleet Auxiliary since he wore their blue uniform.

She liked the look of the Civil Service, working to help concubines. Then she discovered that a Civil Service job might involve running a brothel! So, that was out as well.

That left either the Navy or the Marines. Having met Barika, she knew that women could be Marines, but she wasn't sure she wanted to be that big. The Navy might be the better choice for her, at least they were normal size. She decided to think some more about it and pick later. She had until morning; that should give her long enough.

The next thing to do was choosing her concubines. The corporal's advice to pick from within the Arab group before they were dispersed sounded good. She already had Adeena, who'd suggested Bushra as a second concubine. That left a third woman and a man to find, assuming that Bushra worked out.

The AI approved, "Bushra al-Tuluni will be a good match for yourself and Adeena. She will likely fill the Head Concubine role in your family as she is more comfortable in a leadership role than Adeena would be. She was her former husband's principal wife on Earth."

"You have done her full test then?"

"Yes. Her scores show a superior capacity for leadership, including experience in her former family and good motherhood scores in both potential and experience." The AI displayed a wall full of numbers as it explained Bushra's results. So much detail! No wonder a full test took over two hours.

Putting Bushra in charge would be sensible. Adeena had been happy to accept a subordinate place to Tahira on Earth. She'd said that she liked Bushra, so having the younger woman take the role of Head Concubine shouldn't be a problem. "Can you ask Bushra to come for an interview with myself and Adeena once she has finished her training this afternoon?"

After a short delay the AI came back with, "Bushra agrees to an interview. She wishes to know if you expect her daughter Leila to attend as well, or if she should make childcare arrangements."

"Leila is ten, isn't she?" Zeinab remembered that Adeena had mentioned Bushra's daughter.


"Let her come as well then."

"Confirmed. Will you be selecting your last two concubines now?"

"No, I'll wait until I know if Bushra will be suitable. Please prepare a list of potential candidates, assuming that I pick Bushra. One woman and one man."

"Do you wish me to search female candidates only from within the Arab group or to make a wider search over all available unselected female concubines in this base?"

"Within the group please." Zeinab picked up on the way the AI had phrased its answer, "Are there any men in our group?"

"There are three men in the separate Muslim group, all sponsors, and hence not available for selection as concubines."

"There aren't any men in our sponsor class."

"The men are in a separate class for the moment," the AI informed her. "We will transfer them to the main base at the same time as yourselves."

"So I'll have to pick a male concubine from the pool in the main base?"


"Are any of them Muslim?" she asked.

"A small number of them are, but none of those currently available would be suitable as your concubine. Muslim men generally expect women to defer to them. While they would be appropriate as a lead concubine for a male sponsor, they would not be a good match for a female sponsor such as yourself. They would probably attempt to take control away from you, which would have serious consequences for them."

"If the Muslim men are not suitable, then whom would you suggest?"

"There are unassertive young men with low aggression and a non-religious background and who would not object to being subordinate to a woman. While not Muslim, they would follow dietary rules and similar if ordered to do so."

"I'll need to think about that." She could see the AI's point that a Muslim man might not be happy with a woman in charge. An infidel Westerner? She definitely needed to think about it.

Adeena, Bushra and Leila arrived together. Adeena introduced everyone and fussed around getting a fruit juice for Leila and coffee for the adults. Already she was falling naturally into a subordinate role. Leila was on her best behaviour, obviously having been spoken to by her mother, but even so it was clear to Zeinab that she was another Rasha – young and enthusiastic about everything. Like Rasha, she would be an asset to any family she joined.

At Zeinab's signal, Adeena took Leila away, leaving Bushra and Zeinab alone to talk. Initially, Bushra looked nervous. "All the films they showed us said that sponsors would want to test us by having sex. I'm not like that..."

"Neither am I," Zeinab reassured her. "I'll be getting a male concubine for that sort of thing." She could see the older woman relax in relief. They talked for a time, mostly about their lives on Earth. Bushra was a little younger than Adeena, twenty-six to Adeena's twenty-nine, slightly taller and a little prettier. She had been her husband's principal wife, but unfortunately, she had been unable to conceive again after Leila. By putting her forward for the Confederacy, her husband had been able to gain favour in the eyes of a local Sheikh who wanted to send one of his sons to Escardis. Bushra herself didn't mind too much. She could see that a divorce was coming anyway, and the Confederacy had cured her!

"I did the first test in a small room with a chair and a screen," she explained. Zeinab nodded, that part was the same for her. "Then the voice said that I needed a medical check as well. They took me to a different room with one of those big tubes, like in Medical. They did a quick diagnosis and decided that I could be cured. They accepted me and fixed things when I arrived here. I can have children again!" She smiled broadly at the thought.

"You're divorced then?"

"Yes, Ahmad divorced me before I left. I think he was looking forward to a new wife who could bear him more children."

Zeinab liked this woman. She was obviously a realist, someone who could make the best of her situation no matter how it changed. That would be important once they all reached their new home. Meeting Leila confirmed that her mother had done a good job raising her. Everything she had seen supported the advice she'd had from both Adeena and the AI.

"So, Bushra, do you want to be my concubine? Naturally, I'll take Leila as well."

Bushra smiled, "Yes please."

"Confirmed," the AI noted. "Unattached concubine Bushra al-Tuluni is now the registered concubine of sponsor Zeinab Filali. Leila al-Tuluni is now the registered dependent of sponsor Zeinab Filali." Both women jumped, they had forgotten its presence during their conversation. It was so easy to forget that the AIs were looking and listening all the time.

"Can I change..." Bushra indicated her grey shift.

"Of course. AI, another grey concubine coverall for Bushra please."

"It will be available from the kitchen replicator."

A smiling Bushra, dressed in her new clothes, took Leila back to their old apartment to collect their things – mostly a few toys and clothes for Leila. The girl herself was bouncing around like Rasha at her most energetic. She had learned enough to know that being in Zeinab's family would be a good thing for her and her mother.

Once they had left, Zeinab asked the AI, "Where will Leila sleep tonight?"

"She can either share with her mother or use one of the spare concubine bedrooms. If you intend to select two further concubines today, I can make alternative arrangements."

She still hadn't decided what to do about a man, but she could look for her third female. What sort of woman did she want? If Bushra was her chief concubine, then she needed another subordinate. Adeena was twenty-nine, and Bushra twenty-six, so it might be nice to have someone closer to her own age. The AI had advised picking a young man, so if she followed its suggestion, he would have someone close to his age as well. The video on picking concubines had emphasised that the AIs were generally a good source of ideas. Maybe she should follow its advice?

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The Year Three Andrew's Story I've got so many balls in the air I wonder when they are all going to fall on my head. My business is going great guns. It's unbelievable what some simple little programming can bring in when applied in the right places. IAM has finally gotten off of the ground. I've built several websites for various people to access: different strokes for different folks. We are getting regular hits from twins all over the country, as well as more than a few male...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Veronica Rodriguez Chanell Heart Prove It

Chanell Heart comes into the reception area in a huff and the secretary, Veronica Rodriguez, professionally and politely greets her. Chanell is confused and suspicious when she sees Veronica, asking, ‘Where’s Edna?’ Veronica responds that dear old Edna finally retired and that she’s there to fill in. Veronica then asks how she can help Chanell, and Chanell says that she’s there to see Veronica’s boss — her husband. Veronica’s smile falters as she...

3 years ago
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From Gary to Greta Part VII

My Domme Mistress whose name will not be revealed wrote Part VII. This story is definetely not for pople underage. So if you are too young or don?t like TG stories stop reading. By Domme Mistress and Greta From Gary to Greta Part VII Saturday afternoon at 4 pm my wife ordered me back on the dining room table, on all fours, knees spread out. Even in my cage, my cock was throbbing wildly. I was sure it would be a repeat of the other day, with my lovely wife removing my cage...

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Voluptuous Aunty Part 2

Hey there, Rahul again with the next part of my real life sex encounter. I kindly request you all to go through the first part in order to enjoy the second. My email id is I resigned my job in Kochi, Kerala because it turned out to be hectic unnecessarily. Now I am going to join in Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh. My house is just 5 hours away from Vizag, so it’s not a big deal. To say you the truth, i don’t get a lot of emails regarding my stories on iss, ha ha ha. But I do get enough feedbacks...

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Prison Woman

Kevin, a young homosexual living as a ladyboy, is at the mall, and is surprised to see the man who raped him in prison, shopping with his obese wife. Being raped and turned out as a jailhouse whore by this man, ruined Kevin’s marriage, and turned him into a twisted high heels wearing, cocksucker. In prison, Kevin had been forced to dress, and behave as if he were a woman by this man, who also prostituted him to the other inmates. Prison staff had informed Kevin’s Filipina wife about what her...

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TeenFidelity Harmony Wonder Hollywood Star

Juan comes to Hollywood to fulfill his dreams of becoming a famous actor. Taking in the sights he spots Harmony working with some lights he sees an opportunity to make his dream come true, she sees an entirely different opportunity. She’s just a student but she takes him back to her studio “to take some headshots”. She starts to undress and surprises him with her tight teen body. Once she gets to work on his fat cock with her mouth, he stops complaining. She’s ready for...

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PennyChapter 17

Penny was up at her usual time, fed the dogs and did the initial preparation of Caroline’s breakfast. It was different from usual though. She sang quietly to herself and danced round the table as she laid it. The dogs caught her joy and pranced round with her. Caroline came in and noticed the happiness immediately. “Wow!” she exclaimed. “Won the lottery?” Penny ran, jumped and flung her arms round her. “Your Dad’s asked me to marry him!” “Whee-eeh!” Caroline’s arms went round Penny and...

3 years ago
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Three Guys Two Twinkies And One Jealous Husband

"Did you just tell me to shhh?""You're moaning too loudly.""I didn't moan; I squealed. You're the one making too much noise." Balancing on my palm and my knees, I snatched a pillow off the bed and handed it back to Kevin. "Moan into this."Without halting his thrusts, my husband took his hand off my bare bottom and held the rectangular foam against his face to muffle his cries. "Oh, oh, ohh.""That's better." Then I let out a yip. "Slower. Deeper."He complied, enhancing the...

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GloryHoleInitiations Chanell Heart Demi Sutra 09232018

Chanell Heart and Demi Sutra are “besties”, but a better description might be “odd couple”. You may not remember the TV show with the same name, but Demi and Chanell make for an odd pair, because Chanell is one slutty hoe…while Demi is very, very prude! Chanell loves one-night stands, but Demi wants to make a man wait — until they fall in love. So when Chanell drags Demi to an adult bookstore, and then discovers a gloryhole in the back of the joint,...

4 years ago
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An ex Mistress gets revenge

An ex Mistress gets revenge Well it all started after splitting up with my ex. We had grown apart over the last few years and I eventually moved out getting my own place. Me and Betty meet about ten years ago online when I was single and searching for a femdom Mistress. After a few months of light chatting back and fourth between us, she had me drive the 100 miles to meet her. She asked me what I had going on for the weekend and I told her nothing. She gave me a time to meet her if I...

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What Mom Knows Fucks Her Ass

WHAT MOM KNOWS FUCKS HER ASS Summary: Mother offers 18-year-old son her last remaining hole. Note 1: This is part three of a continuing incest series. I highly recommend you read the first two parts (What Mom Doesn’t Know Will Fuck Her and What Mom Knows Fucks Her Again) as the layered subplots may be confusing without the background information. Note 2: Thanks to the many people who voted, commented and made suggestions for this series. Note 3: Thanks to Goamz86 for reading an early...

4 years ago
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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 15

When I prepared to go the American History class, run by Evelyn Howard (really Theresa, but how many knew that), I was stopped in the hallway by a rather rough-looking man, yes a grown man, who gestured to me that I needed to speak privately with him. I was impatient and running late for class (imagine that worry from the future ruler of the planet!), but I humored him, sensing that this mattered. Something was up, so I agreed and joined him in the men’s locker room, which was now...

3 years ago
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Fat and Ugly but Wicked Smart

Kathy and I were always friends. We grew up together. She lived next door. She was the first girl that I had a crush on when I was in kindergarten. Back then before I allowed mass marketing, advertising, commercials, Playboy Magazine, and Miss America Contests to alter my definition of beauty, I saw her for the person she was kind, personable, and smart. If a boy could have a girl as a best friend, then she was mine. Through the years we stayed close, walking to school together and coming home...

3 years ago
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Dirty Kelly 1

She didn’t want to do this. She really didn’t. Maybe, her big, black, two year old Beemer had a mind of its own, and it really wasn’t her, driving towards this one place, this one place, she had vowed never to return to. The five storey block of flats, grew bigger and bigger the closer she got. It had started to snow, and she would have to run to get to the entrance lobby before she was soaking and cold. She wasn’t dressed for winter. The carpark was near empty, but still she parked as far...

1 year ago
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Danny 2 Danielle Part XV

Danny 2 Danielle Part XV - The Blau's survive a cowardly and vicious attack and even persevere. Will love triumph? Stay tuned. We pull into the hospital. The doctors are waiting for us. Mommy bled more than me, but the 'repair' work is fairly simple for her. The doctor take out the Novocain and simply stitches up mommy, fairly quickly. My glass shard is a bigger problem. Apparently it is resting right on my Frontal Artery on my forehead. They are worried that removing it might...

2 years ago
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Older MMF

Ten years ago Donna and I were on holiday in the Algarve, after a day of sunbathing we decided to eat in the hotel restaurant instead of going out in the town. We were sat overlooking the bay when another couple came and sat at the next table. We got talking and Geoff was 66 and his wife, Carol was 63 but she was in a wheelchair due to a stroke 20 years ago.It seemed that Geoff had to give up his job to care for his wife for 20 years, this was there first holiday for 8 years. As we talked we...

2 years ago
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Jesse and Robert Love at First Sight

I can still remember that day, lifeguarding at the pool. It was another sweltering summer in Georgia and this peach, no matter what, has never gotten used to the heat and humidity. I was sitting in my chair, somewhat bored, twirling my whistle on its lanyard around my fingers. Back and forth and back and forth, just waiting on the next adolescent prank that would force me to blow it. “Excuse me…. Should I walk by again?” I heard a voice with a distinct accent say as I looked down from my...

3 years ago
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Trudy Goes Public

Trudy Goes Public. Aunt Vanessa as I now called Stuart's mum, picked me up in their new Jaguar from my home. I was dressed in a crop top and mini, my hair in a bob, a new style for me, and one which would be hard to explain away at school. I no longer cared what people thought, now that I had made up my mind to be Trudy evermore. In the car were Stuart and his younger sister Claire. Eleanor was already at the cottage in Brittany, I was told. Stuart sat in the front but as I appeared...

1 year ago
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BBW Theatre Slut

We stopped at an adult movie house on our way home. Toni looked surprised but didn't say anything as I helped her from the car and led her inside. The clerk stared open mouthed when he saw the beautifully dressed woman on my arm as I bought tickets for the movie and led her inside. As we watched the graphic scenes of a girl getting gang banged by a bunch of black guys on the screen I could sense the fear in Toni. She sat rigidly and tried not to look around but each time there was any slight...

3 years ago
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Friends With Benefits 3

Mitch left for class the next morning and as did I. Still excited and feeling great from the fantastic blow job I had just given my best friend the day seemed to drag on. His wonderful, thick cock in my wet, warm mouth was still on my mind. I constantly replayed the moment he came in my mouth over and over as I sat in my desk and pretended to listen to my professor. I hadn’t felt this good in months and the feeling seemed to be mutual. We texted back and forth in class trying to act like last...

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The Days After My Wedding 4

The Days After My Wedding 4 Lisa was on my bed bent over on her hands and knees, getting fucked by my husband in the doggy-style position. I stood their in disbelief, not because I was watching Jeff fuck another women in my bed, but because Lisa was wearing my wedding dress. As I watched them, I notice the sexy pink silk thong panties that Jeff bought me on our honeymoon were tied around the base of Jeffs dick and were rubbing against Lisas pussy and asshole with each thrust. Jeff and Lisa...

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My new GF

I was standing at my car, trying to open the door but I couldn’t find my keys. I thought I had lost them, but then I remembered setting them down on the sink when I went to the bathroom. Turning back towards the bar, I realized that I have had too much to drink. As I reached the door the smell of cigarette smoke and alcohol hit me, it took me awhile to focus my eyes. I made my way straight to the bathroom and there were my keys just where I had left them. I grabbed them looking at myself...

2 years ago
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The Good The Bad and the Molly Chapter Fourteen

Eventually, we got home and Chris shut the car off. I turned around to face Molly. “Let us know if you need anything from either of us.” I told her. “We’re here for you.” Molly politely smiled and hopped out of the car, shutting the door behind her. I turned to Chris. “Didn’t mean to speak for you.” I piped up. “Nah, it’s cool.” Chris shrugged. “Do you still feel anything about her? Like, do you still care?” I asked him. “Yeah, probably.” he answered. “I mean, if I didn’t, like, why...

3 years ago
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Lost in thoughts

Shower, food, start the new book I found at the charity shop and maybe call David. It was weird how he had changed me, my life. Just two days ago I had been at his place, spent a whole weekend with him in fact, and I already missed him. Just as I was thinking of him the bus pulled up at a stop. People were getting off, others queuing to get on. As my gaze focussed I realized I was looking directly at the crotch of some guy. Faded jeans, tight fitting an leaving not much to imagination....

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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 11 Preparations and Parchment

Jake woke to a knock at his cabin door. He glanced at the clock and saw it was still early. Though it was later than he normally slept. He pulled on a pair of pants and shirt and pulled the door open as Bowmen was about to knock a second time. He motioned for the man to come in and turned to let the girls out the window. When he turned back Bowmen had a long look on his face. Before Jake could ask he said, “Cloudy’s gone. She left yesterday and never came back.” Jake blinked. He didn’t know...

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John calls and we have a Quickie

If you have read my other posts, I always post only things have happened. 100% true accounts of my Bi life. Here is a account of a quick meeting at my office.It had been quite awhile since John and I had met up for some man to man time. I was really getting a bad case of sexual overload and was wondering how I could take care of that itch that was burning between my legs.I was working on a Saturday morning at the shop, when my cel phone chimed and let me know I had a text message. I looked at...

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Me and My Highly Disfigured Masochist Husband

M E A N D M Y H I G H L Y D I S F I G U R E D M A S O C H I S T H U S B A N D © 2011 by meatbone12 The following story you are about to experience is factual and 100% T R U E. LIFE OFTEN IS STRANGER THAN FICTION! This is the beginning of our bittersweet yet highly erotic saga..... My husband is having me type this out because he is unable to do so.He...

2 years ago
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THE SWAY The very next night, about two blocks away from the lab at St. Marven hospital, a young man is sitting on a bench waiting anxiously to see the doctor. His name is Kevin Coleson. Kevin is a good looking young man, who stands at about 5'8 with dark skin and hair and brown eyes. He is currently holding a pamphlet about sickness and the symptoms which is something he is known for around here. He usually reads the fliers and somehow managing to convince himself that he has all the diseases...

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Dont Ask Dont TellChapter 6

I paid my money and cruised both sides of the store — there were about fifteen guys between the theaters and the booths. There was a couple cuddled in the couples only section of the theater. They were sitting close, but there wasn't much action. It was too dark to tell for sure, but the woman appeared fairly attractive. She was in Jeans and an oversized shirt, so it was kind of hard to see her body very well. She was clearly not carrying lots of extra weight, anyway. I went back to the...

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My sexual past with Margret chapter 3

I left work yesterday and before going to Margret's house I stopped and bought her an engagement ring. I was hoping to surprise her and ask her to marry me, not because she was pregnant but because I loved her.. They had just finished supper when I went in being welcomed by her parents. Her mom got me a plate of food and a cup of coffee then sat down. "Margret will be down in a few minutes"her mom said ,then her dad chuckled "yea right , she will be there longer than a few minutes"....

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Every Woman Has a Price14 Meat Market

“Woo!” Brandy shouted and slung back the shotglass in each of her hands. “I thought one of those was mine!” Barbara screamed into her sister’s ear. The music of the club was deafening. Despite the molly, Barbara, the unmarried twin with the green in her hair, wasn’t feeling the love. “Right!” Brandy shouted. “I’ll go buy more!” “We don’t have to buy drinks! We’re hot! Let’s find a mark!” Jewel said. “Look at him!” “What!” Barbara put her lips right to Jewel’s ear to...

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Next young sexual experiance

After my 1st masturbation school experiance, see story, i instantly started to enjoy masturbation and these new wonderfull feelings i was discovering with my young body.I couldn't wait till a was alone in my room, either pretending to be doing homework late in the evenings and playing with my young cock.While these new experiences were happening, little did i know, that it was going to become more intresting.One k** that lived down the road, which i spent time with over the weekends, we would...

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A Unique Day

You wake up groggily at 6:30 in the morning. "Oh Gods....School" However, it suddenly dawns on you what day it is and you feel your member immediataly rise. Normally you would have beat it off then and there, but today theres no need..... You attend a boys school, which is right next to a girls school. The entier boys school has the day off as the place is being sprayed for roaches. You however are School Bus Moniter, and as so you have to make sure that the bus arrives safely at school!...

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