Chapter 1 - My Damn Cousins Invite
Chapter 2 - The Notebook
Chapter 3 - Waiting for sunup
Chapter 4 - Back home
Which Arm?
Chapter 1 - My Damn Cousins Invite
My cousin Harry Reeves and I were both very familiar
with the legend of the Damascus Bracelet. Our long
deceased grandfather's tales about our ancestors, had
made hunting the Bracelet a lifelong quest for Harry.
When we were little kids, grandfather repeatedly told
us about his grandfather losing the bracelet while he
was transporting it to it's rightful owner. Great
Granddad didn't intend to lose the bracelet, but he lost
his life in the process. Or so we assume. He was never
seen again and his body was never found.
The bracelet belonged to a very rich woman, who had
arranged for the Pinkerton Detective Agency to assign
a guard to transport it from her old home in Sicily to
her new home in Puerto Rico. This was a six month
assignment for my ancestor, who was very proud of his
selection. Being a law enforcement officer was
something that he always wanted to do. So he was
thrilled with his selection to guard such a wonderful
Great Granddad traveled from New York City to Paris
to Sicily, picked up the bracelet, shipped to Puerto
Rico, arrived in Puerto Rico and disappeared while en
route to the woman's mountain estate. His baggage,
pistol, badge, and clothes were found, but his body or
the bracelet was never seen again.
Pinkerton wasn't too happy with this and sent other
detectives to investigate Great Granddad. They looked
in Puerto Rico and also bugged the hell out of our
family members trying to find dear old granddad. His
son, who was my grandfather's father, quit his job and
searched for three years trying to find out what
happened and never came up with anything. The
bracelet and Great Granddad disappeared into thin
air, never to be seen again.
So when Harry and I was growing up, we heard all of
the legends. We were able to look at the notes that our
grandfather's father kept of his search. While Harry
and I were intrigued by the mystery, I think that we
were more intrigued by the supposed powers of the
Damascus Bracelet. You know how kids are. We
played games where we were in the jungle looking for
the treasure. And the treasure always had some
magical power. While I outgrew the romance of our
family mystery, Harry couldn't. He lived and breathed
for the day that he could find the solution to our
family mystery.
Before I forget it, my name is Bobby Hancock. I'm a
lawyer and a very successful lawyer. I got out of law
school when I was twenty-four and I had made enough
money where I could retire when I was twenty-eight.
I'm now thirty-four and am filthy rich. I worked hard
and can sit back to enjoy a little of life if I want to. But
I'm not ready to quit work yet. I enjoy it too much.
I tried to get Harry to go to law school also, but he was
interested in being a writer and researcher. He always
thought that he could make a fortune someday by
writing a book about Great Granddad, so he spent his
young adult life, crawling through the mountain
jungles of Puerto Rico, looking for evidence to back up
some of his theories.
And that's how I wound up on this plane to Puerto
Rico. Well, almost. I got a call from Harry, who was in
a Miami airport and he was very excited. He had just
flown in to the states, looked up some statistics that
he needed to verify his data, and was ready to go back
to Puerto Rico. He had called me several times over the
years to kick around his various theories, but he had
never found anything other than what our
grandfather's father had reported in his notes. And
now Harry had found something. He was very
mysterious and wouldn't tell me what he had found,
only that he had found the clue to the whole mystery.
He declared that he knew where to find the bracelet
and he was headed there. He wanted me to come along
and help him solve our decades old mystery.
I turned him down at first. Although I was interested
in seeing what happened, I didn't have the time to take
off from some of my cases. Harry was very insistent
and kept pressuring me to come. I came up with
several thousand reasons why I should not leave now.
Several thousand dollars that I would lose if I took the
week off to go on this potential wild goose chase.
Finally Harry noted something that I couldn't turn
down. When we were kids, we made a blood oath to
always take care of each other. You know the old "cut
the finger and wipe blood on each other" sort of child's
game. He invoked the power and memory of what we
promised each other in that oath. I could turn that
down, but I couldn't turn down his subsequent offer to
pay me for what I would lose that week. He wanted me
to send him the bill for my services and he would hire
me. That pissed me off. I'm very family oriented and
don't take money from my family. If he is so serious
that he would give up his meager life savings, I have to
humor him. At least once.
So I transferred some work around to my partners and
scheduled some leave time. My partners were glad
because I haven't taken any time off in almost three
years now, not even a vacation. They get worried about
me because I spend so much time in the office. I don't
have any family life and don't even have a girlfriend.
The no girlfriend is not because I can't find one or am
not interested in girls. It is because I'm so dedicated to
my work and trying to become a multi-millionaire by
the time I'm thirty-six years old. I like women but
somehow my work always came first. I can get any
woman that I want, because I'm relatively very
handsome. I'm six foot one, 170 pounds, wavy dark
hair that is just beginning to show some signs on
thinning in the front. I go to the gym twice a week to
work out and play racquetball twice a week and golf
once a week to stay in shape and keep the weight
down. I believe that keeping myself in shape and
looking good, makes a more professional image that
my customers like.
So here I am on the airplane. Harry is waiting for me
at the airport. I don't want to do this, but Harry is my
closest relative. Someone has to take care of him and
he is very insistent that it be me on this trip.
The plane lands and I walk down the exit ramp. The
wind is warm but it is one of those tropical breezes,
that has the smell of the ocean air mixed in, that is so
relaxing. It is warm, yet refreshing cool. Such a change
from the air that I'm used to in New York City. I see
Harry waiting for me waiting for me on the other side
of the tarmac fence. He hasn't changed much in the
ten months that it has been since he visited me last.
Funny, but he always visits me. Somehow I never
found time to visit him.
I see him wearing those khaki shorts and shirt that he
favors. He looks like he has put some weight on, not
that he couldn't lose some to begin with. He is about 5
foot ten, 210 pounds, almost bald in the front, and a
big bald spot in the rear. He lets his hair grow long on
the sides and combs it up to hide his bald spot. I
offered last year to pay for a hair transplant treatment
for him, but he turned me down. He has that same
mustache that he has had since our teenage years and
it is one of those overgrown, needs shaping up
mustaches. Sticking out of his mouth is the remains of
one of those foul smelling cigars that he likes but
which I can't stand.
"Bobby, over here." he screams at me. I wave at him
and he waves back. In his wave, I see the same wave
that he had when he was six years old. We may be
both grown up now, but he is the same old Harry, just
older. My cousin.
"How was your flight?" He asks as he gives me a big
hug. I had almost forgot how much I hated smelling
his cigar breath, but it quickly came back as he
crushed me in a bear hug.
I crushed back and responded "Great, where are we
staying? I need to call my office and check in so they
can forward any calls that I need to be aware of."
"Same old Bobby. Working too hard and never taking a
moment to relax. Well, forget about your office. I have
my jeep out front and we are camping out where no
one can get in touch with you. At least for the first
three days. If your office needs to get in touch with
you, it will have to be by carrier parrot. Nothing
modern exists in this jungle where we are headed. I
told you that I solved the mystery and know where to
find the Bracelet." he laughed as he put his arm
around my waist and gently guides me toward the
baggage area.
"Harry, I can't just drop my business and run off into
the jungle. I have clients that depend upon getting in
touch with me at any minute, day or night. I really
shouldn't be here, but you were so insistent. If you
weren't my closest relative and best friend, I wouldn't
be here." I grumped as I picked up my designer
suitcase from the luggage tray.
"I know. And I appreciate it. You don't know how
much. If what I suspect is true, you're the only person
in the world that I trust and want near me when I
recover the bracelet." he responded as we walked to a
jeep. He grabbed my bags and threw them into the
back on top of his duffel bag and back pack.
I hopped in the passenger seat and he started the
engine. As we left the airport, he kept steering the
discussion away from the bracelet and why I was here,
to discussions about our remaining aunts, uncles and
cousins that were still hanging around our little home
town area. Although the town is only 80 miles from
New York City, I only get up there about twice a year
for a day on a weekend, and Harry finds some way to
get there for a week or two every three or four months.
So he was more familiar with how everyone was doing.
I propped my right foot up on the open door jam and
enjoyed the warm breeze whipping through my hair as
Harry drove us out of the city and into the jungle.
After almost two hours of driving on progressive
smaller and less maintained roads, Harry came to a
trail, that he turned off on. He drove the jeep across a
couple of streams and finally got to a clearing where
the jeep could go no further. As he cut off the engine,
he announced "We park here. Leave your clothes here.
I have a small backpack for you. We are going to hike
in for an hour and then set up camp. When we set up
camp, I'll tell you what I have discovered. Tonight, we
should see the Bracelet."
"I can't leave my clothes here. Do you realize how
much I paid for this matched luggage? What if
someone comes along and steals it?" I asked.
"Everyone back in these woods have better sense than
to wear clothes that you probably have in your
overpriced suitcase. They will be there when you come
back. Come on, here is your backpack. We are losing
daylight and need to get through some of this jungle
terrain while it is still light enough to see where we are
going." he directed as he shoved a new backpack to
me. He picked up an old backpack and adjusted it on
his own back as he lit another cigar. I changed into my
hiking boots, which I had owned for a couple of years,
but never exposed them to anything but sidewalks.
When I was ready, he turned and marched down a
path. I walked about ten feet behind him, smelling the
horrible smell of his damn cigar as it overpowered the
jungle smells of the lush undergrowth. We hiked an
overgrown trail and forded a couple of mountain
streams before we came to a little clearing with a small
pool created by a small waterfall. Harry dropped his
pack and started setting up his sleeping bag. I just
collapsed on the ground. I thought that I was in shape,
but wandering through this jungle, with sixty pounds
of whatever on my back, trying to keep up with Harry
proved that I wasn't in as good a shape as I imagined
that I was in.
When I recovered my breath, he had walked into the
jungle and was carrying back firewood. I sat up when
he announced "This is where we will find the bracelet
tonight. We need to have enough fire so that we can
maintain a fire all night if we need to. Help me gather
the wood and then we can take a refreshing swim."
After we gathered what he considered to be enough
wood for the night, he stripped naked, and jumped
into the water. It had been years since I had swam in
water that wasn't chlorinated and where I couldn't see
the lines painted on the bottom: but somehow, I
quickly followed him into the very wonderful and
relaxing water.
I floated in the water and all my tiredness left me as
the water relaxed my body. For the next hour, Harry
and I swam and played games as we did when we were
kids. We dived from the rocks into the pool, seeing who
could do the biggest splash with a belly buster dive,
raced from the waterfall to the far end of the cove, and
all sorts of horseplay that kids do in a swimming pool.
It was as if we were still ten years old and back home.
We were standing on the flat rock beside the waterfall
and Harry tackled me, taking us both into the water.
While underwater, we were both grab-assing each
other to push the other under water deeper. Harry
outweighed me and was able to overpower me
underwater, so after about ten seconds of very close
and hard wrestling, I knew to give up. When I stopped
resisting him, he wrapped his hairy legs around me
and gave me a quick squeeze with his legs before he let
go of me. We both surfaced at the same time and he
climbed back onto the rocks and laid down on his
back. I was half out of the water and holding onto a
boulder as I re-captured my breath. I looked at Harry
and saw that he had an erection. The underwater
grab-assing had aroused him sexually.
I did a backwards push-off and floated on my back as I
tried to forget the sight of Harry lying naked on that
flat rock, with his cock hard. Harry has an overweight,
middle aged white man's body, with a white ass, brown
arms from the sun, hairy chest and back, and bald
head. He was a little taller than me, and had the
broadest shoulders I had ever seen. His rugged facial
features made him look particularly formidable. His
neck was thick and muscular. His strong looking back
tapered from his wide shoulders down to a tight ass
which tensed and relaxed as he walked. His thighs
were well developed as was his chest. His pecs were
firm and well developed, and his rounded deltoids
made his shoulders look even broader. Some soft black
hair set off the upper portion of his chest, and trailed
down to a thin line of hair that pointed to his nine inch
cock was slowly getting harder and harder.
There is no way that his body arouses me and it kinda
surprised me that he got an erection during our quick
grab-ass session. And it also surprised me that he laid
on the rock so that I could see his very definite
reaction that I knew that he had to be aware of. It was
almost as if he wanted me to know that our very close
body contact was sexually arousing for him.
I swam backwards through the water slowly going in
circles. I heard Harry dive in the water and felt him
swimming underwater toward me. I expected him to
swim under me but didn't expect what he did next. His
hand jumped between my legs and caught my cock as
he dived deep pulling me under water. I struggled but
he held on tightly to my cock as he wrapped his legs
around my legs underwater. We struggled underwater
but he had my legs pinned and wasn't letting go of my
cock. After ten quick seconds of underwater struggle,
he let go and we both surfaced. He swam to the shore
where our campsite was, while I swam back to the
waterfall. I climbed out on the rocks and looked down
at myself. His fingernails had scratched my belly and
my cock was red from the quick manhandling that it
had just suffered.
I watched Harry walk naked over to his backpack and
remove a bar of soap. He turned and walked back to
the water stopping when the water level reached his
mid-thigh. He was facing me and was clearly aware of
his rock hard erection between his legs; and that I was
looking at him. He smiled and started rubbing a lather
on his hairy chest, ignoring me and the unsaid
questions between us. I watched as he wrapped one
hand around his cock and slowly rubbed a lather on
his erection as he stroked himself while facing me.
I laid back on the rock and looked up at the sky. If he
wants to masturbate himself in front of me, I refuse to
participate and will look elsewhere. I was a little
stunned. When we were kids, we did the typical show-
me yours and I dare you to jack off that all teenage
boys do as they learn to explore their newly found
sexuality. What Harry was doing, was slightly
different, now that we were two middle-aged men.
I laid on the rock until I heard Harry dive back into the
water, rinsing himself off. Then I listened to him as he
swam a couple of laps before he got out and started
dressing. I sat up and he had put his shorts back on
and was tying his boots. I dived into the water and
swam over to my clothes.
As I dressed, he started the fire. We didn't say
anything to each other. When he had the fire going, he
pulled out a frying pan and started dinner. Then he
apologized "Thanks for coming Bobby. I really need you
here with me and I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. I
don't know what came over me and I know that you've
got very normal sexual preferences. As I grew older, I
discovered that my sexual desires weren't what we
anticipated when we were kids. Being near you and
touching you did arouse me and I can't hide that. I
discovered about five years ago that I'm very bisexual
and that I can get aroused very easily by either sex."
"Don't worry about it. As a lawyer, I'm used to seeing
all sorts of things. I have all ready put it out of my
mind. When are you going to tell me what you've
discovered." I replied, trying to change the subject.
He opened a flap on his backpack and removed a small
notebook. He didn't open it, but after I saw what it
looked like, he put it back in his pack and declared
"Everything that you need to know is in this log. Just
humor me for the rest of the day because I have some
very strong reasons why I can't tell you now. I'll either
tell you everything that you want to know tomorrow
morning, or you can read it, if something happens to
"What could happen to you? I came to help you and
don't like the way that you aren't telling me what is
going on." I responded.
He grunted and smiled his sarcastic smile "I won't tell
you the details now, but tonight we will recover the
Damascus Bracelet. It is where our Granddad left it so
many years ago. Only a quarter of a mile up this trail
on top of the hill, in the clearing."
"How do you know that?" I asked, my lawyer training
wanting to know all of the relevant facts.
He shook his head slowly as he gave me a one
sentence reply "Tomorrow."
I spent the rest of the time that he was cooking, trying
to draw answers from him, before I gave up. He had
the same stupid answer for all questions about what
was going to happen, and what he knew. He was
pissing me off and I let him know it, but he also
ignored that.
We ate in silence and then cleaned up our cooking
gear as the sun dropped below the horizon. We built
up the fire and sat around it, talking about home,
some of our relatives and the old days; while Harry
smoked another one of those damn cigars that he
never ran out of. About ten p.m., he handed me a
flashlight and announced "It's time we went to our
I accepted the flashlight and the small fannypack from
him. I opened it and discovered another flashlight, and
a box of batteries that would fit either flashlight. Also
inside were some water bottles and granola bars.
I put the fannypack on as he banked the fire so it
wouldn't spread while we were gone. When he was
satisfied that our camp was safe, he turned on his
light and started walking up the path. I followed.
The jungle is different at night. I'm not used to the
outdoors and it was difficult enough to walk during the
daytime, much less at night. I was constantly tripping
over roots and spinning around, aiming my flashlight
into the jungle, where I was sure that I heard
something. A couple of times, there was a brief
reflection of eyes, which disappeared before I could
determine what the eyes belonged to. I felt as if we
were being watched.
The trail climbed steeply and I had to walk fast to keep
up with Harry, which left little time to evaluate what
we were walking through. I was able to determine that
there was only one path and it led almost straight up.
When we reached the top of the hill, it was as if we
entered another country. Part of the weird feeling was
because we had been walking under a tree cover and
we were now out in the open moonlight. The full moon
was lightening up the whole clearing and I almost
didn't need a flashlight to see where the trail led up to
the top of the hill. Before we got to the top of the hill,
the jungle stopped and turned into a clearing. It was
only about ten acres big, but after being in nothing but
jungle for the last several hours, it was surprising to
find this grassy knoll. Harry walked to the very top of
the hill and stopped at a campfire pit. The pit was
filled with wood and I found other wood piled neatly to
one side, beside a cairn of rocks. Harry pulled out a
lighter and started the fire.
I looked around and could see miles of jungle in all
direction. This must be the highest ridgeline in this
whole area. I looked for the trail and couldn't see any
trail except the one that we came up on. The trail
stopped here.
Harry got the fire going and looked at his watch, then
up at the bright moon. He removed a compass from
his daypack and took a compass reading while he
stood beside the three foot high pile of rocks. Then he
started pacing off steps using his compass to keep a
constant direction from the rock pile. When he reached
seven steps distance, he laid his compass on the
ground. He removed a small camper's shovel from his
daypack and started digging. I watched him, knowing
that he would tell me what to do, when he was ready.
He dug slowly and carefully. After about ten minutes,
he grunted and dropped to his knees so he could use
his hands to sift through the loose dirt. He pulled
something out of the ground and held it up to the
moonlight. Then he stood and walked back over to
where I was watching him from the fire. He held out
what he had found and whispered "The Damascus
I took it from him and looked at it. It was a bracelet,
but wasn't what I expected. It was old, tinny looking
and pitted from the years in the ground. I had
expected a golden bracelet. It was made in a C shape
and was about one inch wide.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
He started taking his clothes and boots off. When he
was completely naked, he took the piece of metal from
me and proclaimed "We are going to see. There is only
one way to be sure and that is why you're here. If
anything funny happens, there is nothing that you can
do except wait. I brought my notebook, which is in the
He opened his backpack and pulled out a jar of wine.
He popped the cork and sat on his naked butt in front
of the campfire as he poured wine slowly over the
metal. Then he spoke some words that sounded like
gibberish and wrapped the bracelet around his right
wrist. When he let go of it, he jerked and slumped
over. It really surprised me and before I could move, he
fell over on the ground.
I crawled over to him and could see that he was
unconscious. I shook him, but that didn't wake him
up. I grabbed the bracelet and tried to pull it from his
wrist and that is when I realized that the bracelet was
no longer a C shape, but was a perfect oval that fit his
wrist. It wouldn't slide from his hand because of his
hand's larger size. It was a complete ring but I had
examined it only minutes before and knew it was a C
shape then. I shook Harry again but there was no
I grabbed his backpack and found his notebook. It had
a yellow stickup with my name marking a page. I
opened it to that page and started reading, using the
campfire as my light.
Chapter 2 - The Notebook
Dear Bobby,
If you're reading this, then I was partially
successful. I found the bracelet and tried it on. If
it was the real bracelet, I'm sleeping now and you
can't wake me up. Don't worry about me because
there is nothing that you can do for me now. Only
time will reveal what is happening to me.
I found the clue that unraveled this whole mystery
in the will of the old woman, whose name was
Anna Lebot, that Granddad was delivering the
bracelet to. It gave the bracelet, if it was ever
found, to her niece. I had already tracked the
whole family back several centuries and
discovered that each family was headed up by a
woman. While the woman may have children, she
always gave her niece the powerful position of
family matriarch, instead of passing it down to
her own children. The niece would inherit all of
the family riches and property.
About 1878, Marguerite Lebot, who was the
pissed off daughter of this woman documented
what she could find of her family history. About
nine years before, her mother introduced a niece
that none of the rest of the family was aware of
her existence. The date that the niece showed up,
was about two weeks after our great grandfather
disappeared. The niece's name was Tialana which
they shortened to Tia. Tia was a very beautiful
young woman, with a body that made all men
drool. However, Tia only had eyes for Anna and
the whole family was appalled at the older Anna's
very obvious sexual and romantic affair with her
very attractive niece. Anna was a very attractive
woman herself, and Marguerite learned that Anna
had been a very attractive niece that also
suddenly walked into her position, and that Anna
also had an affair with her supposed Aunt.
Marguerite traced Anna's life back to Sicily and
discovered through existing family members that
this scenario repeated itself back through all
known generations.
Marguerite challenged her mother on her findings
and the mother admitted that her findings were
correct, but she wouldn't offer any explanation.
Tia and Anna were living together as lovers and
Marguerite couldn't stand anymore. She ran away
to America and married a Georgia farmer. In
1902, she returned to Puerto Rico and discovered
that her mother had died three years before and
Tia had inherited the estate. Tia also had married
and had two children. Tia's husband left and was
never seen again. Funny thing is this is about the
same time that Tia's very beautiful and attractive
young niece Taulana appeared. Tia and Taulana
were also lovers. Again the older very beautiful
mature woman with her young sexy attractive
In 1907, Tia and Taulana were killed by a robber.
Tia's will left everything to Taulana or to any
woman that claimed the estate. The woman would
have to identify herself with a coded phrase and to
have in her possession, the Damascus Bracelet.
Since 1907, no woman has provided the required
proof to claim the estate and it is being managed
by a trust fund.
Marguerite tried to claim the estate, but was
stopped by the terms of the will. She also spent
the rest of her life hunting the bracelet.
While she concentrated on researching her family
history, the secret to the location didn't exist
there. I found the secret in an ancient book on
voodoo. I noticed on a map that Tia's estate had a
hilltop that was considered a sacred voodoo area.
I searched through voodoo legends and discovered
a reference to a magical bracelet called Dainm.
About 1870, Dainm was supposed to have
returned to Puerto Rico. It's power was capable of
changing a man into a woman and enslaving her.
Local folklore reported that a very powerful voodoo
witch doctor could sense when the Dainm was
used at a sacred spot. He reported it used in 1870
and 1904. The years that Grandfather and Tia's
husband disappeared. The witch doctor wasn't
able to determine where Dainm was, but he
sensed it was hid in the ground.
I visited the witch doctor's great grandson, who is
currently selling used cars in Miami. He had
decided to not follow the beliefs that all of his
families men had followed over the years. He
allowed me to read some of the letters that his
father wrote him, just before his death. In one of
these letters, the last witch doctor mentioned
Dainm and drew a small diagram showing which
direction and how far from a stone cairn, the
bracelet was buried. Only he didn't know where
stone cairn was located. The last witch doctor also
discussed the powers of the bracelet.
Under a full moon and on a blessed sacred site,
the bracelet would turn a man into a beautiful
young woman. The witch doctor wasn't sure about
the next fact, but thought that if it was placed
around the right wrist, the new woman would lose
all memory and would become the sexual slave of
the nearest person during the transformation. If
placed on the left wrist, the transformation would
also take place, but the person would retain all
memory and wouldn't be a sexual slave of anyone.
Yes, Bobby. I believe that the Dainm bracelet and
Damascus Bracelet are the same bracelets. I also
believe in the old witch doctor's version of the
bracelet's powers. It would explain what happened
to our ancestor and why he never returned home.
He became Tia, who was the woman that was the
sexual slave of his mistress, Anna. If you're
reading this, it is because we found the bracelet
and my body is going through a transformation.
I wanted you to be here for multiple reasons. One
was to be my witness as to how Harry Reeves
disappeared. And why this new young woman
that I'll become, is now a member of our family. I
also wanted you to be here, in case the witch
doctor reversed which wrist did what and I lose
my memory as I go through the transformation. If
the rest of the story is true, as I expect it to be, I
stand a good chance of becoming a woman, with
no memory of my previous male life, and also of
becoming the sexual slave of the nearest person
during my transformation. If I'm going to be the
lifelong sexual playtoy of anyone, I want it to be
I didn't realize it when we were kids, but as I grew
older, I realized that I was attracted to you. When
I had my first homosexual experience, I allowed it
to happen out of frustration because I kept having
fantasies about you. I quickly discovered that I
was very bisexual and that whenever I had a
homosexual affair, I pretended it was you. When I
discovered the real secret of the bracelet and
determined where it should be, I wanted you to be
with me. If I lost my real identity, I wanted you to
be the one in control of my new life, my new body,
and my new memories.
In my dreams I wished for you to be my lover, who
I knew wouldn't abuse me. Who would give me
what I wanted in fair trade for what he wanted,
who would stop when I wanted him to and who
would ask me to stop when he didn't want to.
Very few men like that exist and I have to have
you. At all costs.
The transformation will take all night and will be
finished by sunup. At sunup, we will discover if it
was the right or left wrist that I should have
placed the bracelet on.
In my safe deposit vault, is my will, with you
appointed to be the executor of my estate.
Take care of me, Bobby. I love you.
Chapter 3 - Waiting for sunup
It only took ten minutes to read Harry's notebook.
During that ten minutes, I could see that some
changes were taking place. Harry was beginning to
grow some thin hair on his bald spots and appeared to
be getting smaller. He didn't have as much chest hair
and his chest looked like it was getting softer, with
some of the muscle tissue turning to fat.
I re-read Harry's notebook again and skimmed through
the other pages, not discovering anything new. It had
been over half an hour since the transformation
started and Harry was still changing. His formerly
balding head was now covered with light fine dark
hair, about two inches long and the balding pattern
had disappeared. His chest hair had almost completely
disappeared, his mustache was falling out, his face
was changing shape and the puffiness of budding
female breasts were becoming very evident. He had
lost weight and looked smaller than his 5 foot 10
inches. If I was to guess his weight now, he would
weight about 180 pounds, so he has lost thirty
I put some more wood on the fire and waited. I tried to
remove the bracelet again, but as his body grew
smaller, so did the bracelet.
Over the next two hours, his hair grew to about eight
inches long and filled out to cover the previously bald
spots. Where his hair had been thin and turning gray
before, it was now full and thick. He had a flowing
mane of dark hair. His face was getting younger and
thinner. The face's shape was changing from an oval,
overweight round face to a firm, angular face. His
mustache fell out, hair by hair and now there was no
facial hair. His skin was turning soft. Lying on his
back, his breasts weren't obvious, except that his
nipples had grew and turned darker. I rolled him over
on his side and his chest tissue flowed into two very
obvious female breasts. He had lost another thirty
pounds and some shoulder width. His waist had grown
smaller and his hips were changing. His penis had
shrunk from it's original seven inches to about two
inches and his testicles were gone, leaving only a small
empty sac.
He was sleeping peacefully and wouldn't wake up. I re-
read his notebooks again and added more wood. After
four hours, the sleeping body on the ground couldn't
be recognized as Harry or as a man. The breasts were
the most noticeable body component. They were large,
full and riding high on the narrow chest, with large
pouty dark nipples. The waist was slender and
tapered; while the hips were wide. Between the legs
was the beginning of a vagina opening under the dark
pubic hair. The face had changed to a very beautiful
woman's face, with high cheekbones, full voluptuous
lips, and long dark eyelashes. The dark hair was full,
curly, and flowed down about midback. The weight
had dropped and this person could weigh no more
than 130 pounds. Where Harry previously had
muscular heavy thighs, the new body had shapely
legs, that any dancer would be proud to show off. It
was clearly an attractive, young woman's naked body
lying on the ground beside the roaring fire. Not my
overweight cousin's body. My main worry was about
his memory.
I kept adding wood to the fire until it started becoming
gray to the east. Then I let it burn out as the sun rose.
Harry or whoever that was now, was still asleep. I sat
down and watched his or her breath. I knew it was still
Harry or the essence of Harry, but I found it difficult to
think of this person as being Harry. It didn't look like
Harry. How would I react if he still had his memory?
Could I treat him as a woman? What if he came onto
me again? How would I react now that he looked like
this? How could I explain this to his mother? I can
imagine the look on Aunt Beatrice's face when I
introduce this beautiful young woman as her former
And how would I react if Harry's memory was lost?
And this person was now my sexual slave? I don't have
time in my life for a woman. Especially for a woman
that used to be a man. Really, I don't have time for
female companionship. Not on a regular basis, that is.
I have a few female friends that I sometimes sleep with,
but I don't want any long-term relationships. I would
prefer to let my life continue as it has for the last ten
years. And could I have sex with her, knowing that she
used to be my cousin, Harry?
As I looked at the sleeping body, I knew that this was a
woman's body. The main issue to be resolved, was it
my cousin's mind and memory inhabiting this body, or
was it someone new. Could I start thinking of this
person as a woman? With or without Harry's memory.
Is it a man or a woman? I decided that it wasn't a
man, using the old "does it look like a duck" principle,
but I couldn't declare it as a woman until I resolved
the "does it act as a woman" principle. Until I knew
what it was, I could only think of it as being a It.
I watched as the breasts rose softly with each breath.
The breasts pushed upwards, and I found myself
unable to disregard them. I concentrated on studying
the face and watched the eyelashes flutter softly as the
body slept. The body looked so peaceful as it slept
naked. The skin looked pale and soft in the soft
redding glow light of the fire. I caught my breath as I
stared at this naked body in front of me. What
captivated my attention the most was the female sex
characteristics between the legs. I dropped to my
knees and let my hands caressed the full, rounded lips
of flesh that made up the outside of this new body's
sex. I scratched with my fingernails gently and pulled
the lips apart. Her breathing remained constant and I
slid one finger slowly within the lips to touch the little
nub hid behind the female lips. When I touched it, one
tiny pearl of liquid appeared. I felt blood surging into
my cock as it got hard. I quit touching this body and
returned to the log that I had been sitting on.
The sun had been up for about an hour before I saw
any signs of awaking. I watched as it's eyelashes
started fluttering rapidly and it's breathing changed
from the deep breathing to a more normal breathing.
Then it opened it's eyes. I didn't say anything as the
eyes stared at the sky. Then it slowly sat up and
looked around, seeing me for the first time.
"Good morning, my love." she responded in a very soft
feminine voice that very definitely wasn't Harry's
normal baritone. This was the moment that I had been
thinking about all night.
"What is your name?" I asked as I stared into her green
eyes. Harry had brown eyes. Below the eyes, were a
tiny, delicate nose which hovered above an equally
small and expressive mouth. The soft curly hair hung
about the face and down the back. It's eyes looked into
mine and it's gaze reflected none of the personality of
"I'm whomever you want me to me. I'll answer to
anything that you desire to call me. I think that my
name is Lori. What is your name? Where are my
clothes?" she asked as she stood. I saw that she had
shrunk to about 5 foot 6 inches tall.
I stared at her as she smiled at me. She brought me
back to reality when she continued "Or do you prefer
me to be naked? I'll do whatever you desire. Would you
like for me to have sex with you now?"
"No. Not now. I....I have to think about what to do. My
name is Bobby. Does the name Harry Reeves mean
anything to you?"
"No. I have never heard the name before. Is he
someone that you desire me to treat special?"
"No, I'll tell you about him someday."
After five minutes of questions about Harry's life, to
include his mother's name, I came to the conclusion
that the person standing in front of me had no
memory of Harry's previous life. No memory of ever
being a male. Whatever memory was present, was
consistent with being a woman. And several of the
answers indicated that this person was extremely
desirous to serve me however I desired. This was a
woman in front of me but I still could think of it as
being anything but a It.
I looked at the naked body standing in front of me. It's
complexion was flawless with smooth skin. The
woman's body was tight and smooth with very definite
female curves. The hair was dark and hung about four
inches down the back. The sparking green eyes were
flashing high energy. I looked at the luscious red, ripe
lips and couldn't imagine Harry's almost constant
cigar between them. Whether this was a male or a
female in front of me, it was definitely very lovely and
exuded a very strong female sensuality that wasn't
restrained in my presence. I was finding it difficult to
keep from thinking of it as being a it. I wanted to think
of it as being a her but still found it difficult to forget
that this was really Harry.
Why did Harry do this to me? Then it dawned on me
that Harry knew that I would be someone that would
be difficult to convince that this had occurred to him.
Even now, after seeing it with my own eyes, I found it
difficult to believe that such a thing could ever
happen. If I hadn't seen it, I would never have believed
it. While my eyes told me this was a female, my lawyer
training told me that it was a IT. Status unknown.
"Lori, we need to go back to camp and I need to take
you to a doctor."
"Lead the way and I'll follow you." it proclaimed in it's
very soft feminine voice.
I looked at Harry's clothes and knew that they
wouldn't fit it. But I couldn't let it walk through the
jungle naked. I picked up the shirt and handed it to
this person. It put the shirt on and got lost in the large
shirt. The shoulders were too wide but the bottom hid
it's pussy, which was what I wanted if we ran into
The boots were too large also, but I removed my socks.
With Harry's and my socks on, the boots weren't so
large when it tied them around the ankles. It could
walk in the boots. I picked up the rest of Harry's stuff
and put it on my back. It stood and looked at me with
a smile on it's face. I commanded "come on" and
started walking down the trail.
It took a long time to get back to our camp. It tried to
keep up with me, but the boots were the wrong size
and made it difficult to walk on the rough trail. Lori fell
once and I caught it. My hand was across the breast
and I could feel the warmth and massive female breast
under the shirt. As Lori regained it's balance, it threw
it's arms around my neck and gave me a hug.
I disentangled from it and a quick smile formed on it's
lips as it laughed and declared "Thank you." It was an
infectious, impish laugh that I had never heard from
Harry's lips.
I discovered that I was a little aroused. All during the
slow and difficult hike, Lori's womanly hips had
repeatedly bumped against me as we walked side by
side. As we came to rough and steep areas on the trail,
from time to time Lori leaned softly into my arm. As we
walked, I tried to keep from thinking about the classic
Athenian beauty of the person next to me. Lori was
average height for a woman, had a very statuesque
firm body, a chiseled classic young feminine face and
long flowing dark hair. Lori moved with a cat-like grace
as we walked down the trail.
By the time that we got back to the waterfall camp,
there were blisters on Lori's feet. There was no way
that it could make it back to the jeep, without doing
more damage to her feet. At the waterfall camp, I told
Lori to remove those too large boots. It asked "May I
take my shirt off and wash myself in the water?" It
giggled, covering it's mouth as it removed the shirt
without waiting for any response from me.
She walked naked to the pool and out into the water. I
watched as she dived into the water when it got waist
deep. I sat down on my sleeping bag and watched her
as she swam through the water.
"Would you like something to eat?"
I shook my head as I opened my eyes. I had fell asleep.
After all, I had been up all night watching Harry.
Lori was sitting beside a fire and I could smell the
wonderful aroma of food cooking. I sat up and looked
at her. She was wearing a T-shirt and a pair of my
shorts, held up with a tightly cinched belt. They were
nicely snug on her firm little butt and legs and
bunched from being too large at the waist.
She handed me a warm beer as she informed me "I
made myself at home and went through the backpacks
while you were sleeping. I found three of these and
some food."
"What are you cooking? It smells good."
Lori laughed as she replied, "Oh, the usual."
I watched as she fixed me a plate of beef stew and rice.
Then she fixed a plate for herself and sat down across
from me. I could see that her nipples were hard under
the shirt. Then it dawned on me that I was now
thinking of this person as a female.
And I was getting aroused as I looked at her sitting
cross legged across from me, with her nipples pressing
against the shirt, her long dark hair flowing around
her face, framing the face. There was nothing of Harry
left in her body or memory. As I looked at her, I had to
slightly change my position because my cock was also
getting very hard.
She put her plate down on the ground and looked at
me with a funny little smile on her face. Or was it a
little funny smile? The professional wordsmith in me
was trying to decide the proper syntax when she stood,
stepped in front of me and gently pushed my plate of
food away as she kneeled in front of me.
She placed her strong arms around my neck, arms
that pulled my face into hers as she planted a full
passionate kiss on my stunned lips. I didn't return the
kiss, but offered only passive resistance. Aware of my
resistance, she forced her tongue deeper into my
mouth, trying to gain my acquiescence. I couldn't.
Something within me kept saying that this was really
Harry's lips and tongue probing my mouth.
She slowly released my lips but kept her face only
inches from my face. I stared into her beautiful green
eyes that were sparkling with her life. My attention
was drawn to her soft, slightly glistening lips as she
softly sighed "I don't know how I know this and I don't
care how it occurred. I only live from this moment on
and only live for you and to serve you. I know that I'm
your woman and will gladly do whatever you want me
to do. I'll become who ever you want me to me. I'll
gladly become your wife, your mistress, your whore, or
your slave. I'll bear your children or raise other
women's children for you gladly. I'll share you with
other women, if having multiple women makes you
happy. I'll make love to your friends, if you command
me. And they can be male or female. I'll become a
whore if you want me to make love to your friends. Or
I'll be your perfect wife. My body is your tool, to use
anyway that you desire. I'll not sleep until you're safe,
not eat until after you've eaten or rest until you're
happy. I'll dress the way that you want me to dress or
will be naked if that is what you prefer. If you ask me,
I'll kill for you or die for you. That is how much I love
you and want to serve you. Tell me what you want me
to do, my love."
I didn't say anything and just stared into her deep
green eyes. Being a lawyer, I'm used to quickly saying
the correct things when caught off balance, but now I
was speechless for once in my life. I had no personal
experience to measure the strong feelings coursing
through my body. Although I desired her, I was frozen
and couldn't move.
"Please make love to me now. Here!" She seemed to
purr out the words, which etched themselves into the
part of my brain that is in charge of sexual response.
My eyes remained focused to her eyes as a faint shiver
ran through my system causing goose bumps on my
flesh. I remained frozen, unable to move. I felt an
uncontrollable urge to run, but an stronger urge
drawing me closer to her.
I looked at her kneeling there and somehow knew that
she was voicing her truthful emotions and desires.
And at that moment, I knew that I could never think of
this creature as Harry again. Harry was gone and she
was here.
I leaned forward and took her beautiful, perfect face in
my hands. "Lori, I have been waiting for someone like
you for a long time. I want you to be my woman just as
much as you do. I'll take care of you."
I bent my head forward and kissed her waiting lips,
which were very soft, sweet and delicious. They opened
to my tongue as her arms went around me, pulling me
closer to her in a very passionate embrace.
Her arms still around my neck, her wonderful tongue
glided over my neck, ears and between my unresisting
lips. My hand naturally rose to find and cup her tight,
firm breasts through the flimsy T-shirt as we kissed.
She slowly pulled me down so that we were lying on
the ground, with our bodies pressed firmly against
each other as we continued our ardent kissing. I slid
my hand lower and rubbed her thighs, feeling that she
was damp under her borrowed shorts. When my hand
touched her, she pressed back against my hand,
wanting me to rub my hand against her cunt.
She removed her T-shirt, exposing those wonderful
firm breasts that I had watched develop last night. I
began kissing her breasts and sucking her hard
nipples. She gasped and held my face firmly on each
one. I feasted on her succulent turgid nipples, sucking
hard, as if this was my first and only visit to the
garden of Eden. With my tongue, I alternated pushing
the nipples back into her flesh as if to invert them,
then sucking them deeply back into my mouth. Her
gasps were coming faster and faster as my tongue
lashed her hard nipples that were wet with my saliva.
With one quick movement, she rolled me over on my
back, and opened my shirt by popping all the buttons
off of the shirt; as her strong thighs eased her into a
sitting position on my lower body. She bent over and
began kissing my chest and my abdomen, letting her
long hair tickle my very sensitive skin. I ran my hands
over her smooth slender back down to the tightly
cinched belt, then underneath to play with her
breasts. She unfastened the belt of her shorts and
pulled the zipper down. I inched my fingers down her
taut belly until I found her clitoris in her damp cunt
Her clitoris was larger and harder than I'd thought a
clit could get. When I touched it, she jerked her legs
out straight and stiff, before she began to ground her
pubis frantically against my fingers. But only for a
moment, then she tensed and shook as a tremor shook
her whole body, letting loose a very loud groan of
tremendous passion as she collapsed on top of me.
She was still groaning as I rolled her over and jerked
her shorts completely off. I rolled over and dived
straight for that lovely mound between her legs. I
pressed her legs open, then slid my hands around the
backs of her thighs, a bit lower, to her tight ass, and
pulled her sopping wet and hot cunt to my mouth.
Her cunt was sweet and delicious, especially since it
had been months since I had been this close to a
woman. Her tight labia worked my tongue to force an
entry so that I could lave her pinkness.
I drew my tongue slowly upward, from ass to clit,
teasing and tantalizing her; with both of us enjoying
the anticipation of where my tongue was headed.
When my tongue finally touched it, her body jerked
again, allowing another groan to escape her. I wrapped
my mouth over her entire cunt area and gently sucked
as my tongue lightly explored her very sensitive flesh. I
alternated kissing the insides of her thighs with
making a liplock on her cunt. Her legs fell farther and
farther apart as she started shaking. I ran my hands
up her hips and waist and cupped her breasts with my
hands, squeezing her nipples with my fingertips. My
hands moved over her breasts, playing with her
nipples, rubbing and tweaking them.
Her hand grabbed my belt, fumbling only for a
moment before pulling my shorts down so that she
could get to my cock. She gripped my aching cock and
began squeezing and jerking it, as she licked the glans
and the underside of the shaft.
I reached down and pulled her up to me. She wrapped
one leg around mine and began rubbing frantically
against my leg. I could feel the wetness and heat of her
I pressed my cock against her cunt, finding the
opening and rubbing my cock against it before I
pressed it into her. Her cunt sucked me deep inside
her. I laid there on top of her for a moment and looked
at the passion on her face, knowing that this was a
real woman under me.
Her cunt was squeezing and pulling me deeper and
deeper into her. The wonderful feel of her hot, liquid
grip of my cock was a very wonderful feeling and I was
having a hard time keeping myself from exploding
immediately. I pulled out about halfway and slid slowly
back in, enjoying the gasp that escaped her very
voluptuous lips. Her legs rose around me and folded
back slightly as she brought her knees up to my
shoulders, allowing me very easy access to her cunt.
I slowly humped her, feeling her cunt grip and suck
my cock with her hot, wet cunt lips. Each time I
pressed in, her body melted allowing me to enter her
very deeply, feeling her body throb against my body.
Then I could no longer control myself. I slammed
myself to the hilt in her and stayed there as my balls
exploded, letting my jism flood into her. She screamed
and jerked as she locked her legs around my back and
came also. Her cunt pulled my spurting cock deeper
into her.
When my spurts quit and my soft cock slipped out of
her, I dropped to my knees, pulled her onto my
shoulders and began licking her again. I fastened my
lips around her still twitching clit and gently sucked,
until she jerked again as she expelled our load of
juices into my lips. She clamped her thighs around my
head and went absolutely rigid, before she collapsed.
My chest and face were soaked with her copious
explosion. I drew her close to me. She moaned softly
when I raised her and then shivered when I kissed her.
Her fingers softly caressed my lips. We fell asleep,
curled up in each other arms.
Chapter 4 - Back home
The next morning, we finished hiking out of the
mountains and found the jeep where we had left it.
After our campsite sex session, I found it easier to
accept her as a woman and to forget that she used to
be a man. I kept wanting to reach out and touch her,
just to feel her soft skin to know that I wasn't
dreaming. I was enjoying the way that she wanted me
and was so willing to share herself with me. When we
reached the jeep, I tried something and asked her to
give me a blowjob. She dropped to her knees without
any hesitation and sucked me dry. As we laid there,
she asked me to critique her style. Did I want the cum
to splash on her face, or should she suck it all down. I
told her to be inventive and to always surprise me.
I drove her back to the shack that Harry had called
home. It was a small one room apartment that he
rented. She laid on the bed watching me as I searched
through his meager possessions, trying to find some
more clues as to what can be done. Is this change
permanent? Will she always have this slave-type
personality? Is her memory of being Harry gone for
good? Are there any more side affects of her
transformation that I should be aware of?
She kept trying to get me to lie down on the bed and
make love to her again, but I couldn't. I wanted to, but
common sense was controlling my actions again, and
not my little head.
While I searched, she announced that she needed to
take a shower. While she was cleaning herself up, I
went through some other journals that Harry had left
behind but didn't find anything that offered any more
information than what was in the journal that Harry
left me.
I was deeply engrossed in skimming through the books
and didn't hear her finish her shower. Or hear her
walk across the floor and stand next to me.
She startled me back to the real world when she
requested "Please make love to me."
I turned and she was standing naked about two feet
from me. Before I could say anything, she stepped
forward and buried my head between her clean
breasts. After five seconds of mild resistance, I was
putty as my little head took over control of my body.
Almost in a fog, I let her pull me to my feet, and lead
me over to the bed. As she laid back on the squeaky
mattress, pulling me with her, she rammed her tongue
into my mouth. For several seconds, I enjoyed the best
kiss that I had ever had in my life.
When it ended, I went back to her luscious lips for
another kiss as my hand slid slowly down her thigh,
feeling her soft silky skin as she spread her legs for my
My hand stopped at her damp crotch as I ran my
fingers lightly over her wonderful pussylips.
"Yeeeessss, I like that. You make me feel so good. Do
you like the way that I feel, Bobby?," she moaned as
she spread her legs wide, exposing her pretty pussy to
my hungry gaze.
I stroked my finger up and down over the soft slick
flesh of her pussylips. She moaned when I rubbed her
clit, so I played with it, making her gasp as I felt it
start to harden under my hand. She forced my hand
harder against her, grinding her hips as she worked
my hand over her clit and her rapidly moistening cunt.
Her rich, pungent musky animal scent quickly filled
the stale air of Harry's room, overpowering the stale
smell of his ever present cigar smoking. I slid down the
bed until my face was inches from where this
wonderful smell was originating. I inhaled deeply,
knowing that I had never experienced such a woman
as this one. Without hesitation, I drove my tongue
between her pussylips.
She arched her hips up at me and coiled the fingers of
her hands in my hair, pressing my face firmly into her.
I licked and sucked at the slick, puffy lips of her
pussy, my tongue dancing out to lap at her clit as she
dragged my face up and down over the now sloppy
trough of her cunt.
I sucked at her hungrily, as the thick streams of
creamy nectar of the gods oozed from her slit, to be
lapped up by my hungry tongue. As she bucked from
my tongue lashings, somehow my lips held on as my
mouth pressed tightly against her tiny cunt lips. She
screamed with desire as I drove my tongue between
her tender lips and slipped it inside the tight hole,
lashing it over the tender inner walls.
The scream startled me but I couldn't stop. She
wouldn't let me stop. She held my face hard into her
crotch, her legs wrapped around my ears. Her
fingernails dug into me as she came, and a thick
stream of hot liquid spewed from her, coating my
cheeks and filling my mouth. She jerked wildly, and I
had to struggle to keep my lips on her cunt as she
twisted and writhed from her orgasm.
When she collapsed, her legs relaxed their grip on my
head and I was able to free myself. My face was
covered with her juices but I didn't want to stop there.
I jammed my tongue back deep into her, sucking
feverishly for still more of her juices.
My lips locked around her clit and sucked it roughly,
as I teased her toward her next explosion. She ground
her hips using pumping motions, into my hungry
mouth as I sucked at the stiff little bud of her clit.
She forced me to roll over onto my back as she
followed me, throwing a leg over me to straddle my
face. I quickly stuck my face back up into her sopping
slit as she moved her hips up and down in quick,
jerking motions, as she rode my face. As she humped
my face, she dragged the thick, puffy lips of her cunt
up and down the length of my face, covering my faces
with her liquid desire. My nose rubbed over her clit as
I darted my tongue up lap at her juices and she
shuddered and eased back, centering her clit over my
nose and pressing herself down harder so that she was
moving her hips in tight circles over my face as my
nose grinded into her clit.
I levered my tongue up into her wonderful slit and
began suckling frantically. She rode my face until
suddenly, she screamed, and a sharp series of spasms
surged through her. Her legs clamped against my head
and a flood of cunt juice poured from her into my
waiting mouth.
As she collapsed on top of me, I was in heaven. I dis-
engaged myself from her and rolled her over on her
back. Lying on her back, with her sweat covered body
heaving from the exertion, she was the most beautiful
woman that I had ever seen.
Before I could continue taking advantage of this bed
and her willingness to do anything that I wanted, a
loud banging on the door stopped me. An angry female
voice screamed from the other side "I run a respectful
place here. I told you No Women allowed. Get her out
of here before I call the police."
I looked at my beautiful woman lying beside me and
whispered "We have tonight. When we get to my home,
we will have all of the peace and quite that we need."
She smiled and whispered back "No, we have more
just tonight. We have the rest of our lives. We will be
together for eternity."
I packed up Harry's few personal possessions, paid
what he owed the landlord and took her to the airport.
Enroute, I decided that people might question why she
was dressed in male oversized clothes. I didn't want
anyone to stop us for any reason, so I pulled into a
mall and bought her clothes.
She didn't know the first thing about clothes, make-up
or styles, so I had the clerk help her pick out some
jeans, blouses and shoes. We can worry about the rest
when we get home.
We have been in the states for two months now. Life is
somewhat back to normal for me. I get up in the
morning and go to work. However instead of working
until eight or nine at nine, I get out of the office at 6
pm, and take Lori out to dinner. Then we enjoy life.
Some nights we go dancing. Other nights, we attend
shows, or attend parties. But most nights, we go home
and lie in bed, touching and holding each other when
we are not making love.
I have fell in love with her. My friends tell me that I
have changed and that they like the change. They tell
me that my woman has filled a gap in my life where I
used to dedicate to work.
My place was too small for the two of us. So I bought a
new house and let her decorate it as she desired. The
first month of our life, my credit card bill was
unbelievable because of all the clothes that I bought
for her. She likes to dress up and to wear beautiful
clothes and I like to see her wear beautiful clothes.
After she visited a cosmetic center and learned to how
to put make-up; and visited a beauty shop to get her
hair cut and style; she became a normal looking
American housewife. A beautiful, sexy housewife.
Where ever we go, she attracts men's stares. It makes
me feel good watching them stare and watch her,
knowing that they desire her; and knowing that she is
mine, to do whatever I wish to do.
I had her examined by my doctor, without telling my
doctor any of her history. His report was that she was
a normal, healthy, fertile, beautiful woman, with a
perfect body.
Yes, fertile. She can conceive, so I have her taking
birth pills while I try to sort this out. After all, she is
still really my cousin Harry.
And I must someday talk to her about that. She has no
past and I feel that she needs to know what really
happened, and not just the fake story that we are
telling our friends.
Last week, our best friends threw a surprise party for
us. My friends know that it's been four years since I
met my mysterious island woman, brought her home,
and married her. Yes, Lori became my wife.
At the wedding, I introduced her to all of my relatives. I
had some phone discussions with Harry's mother, but
it was the first time that I had seen her since Harry's
disappearance. Lori was happy to meet my aunt and
rest of my family.
After the wedding, we started visiting my relatives on a
regular basis and I was pleased to see Harry's mother
accept Lori as my wife. Lori wants me to become close
to my family and to see them on a regular basis, so we
visit them frequently.
One of our other cousins thinks that Harry
disappeared because of the