Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 7
- 4 years ago
- 22
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At several points in time during its time on this planet, Vyagar had tried to make contact with the life forms near his hiding place. Procta's programming had specified the conditions he was to seek in a planet as well as what type of being he was to contact. So far in the five hundred or more rotations this planet had made around its' star, he had only found a dozen or so life forms who seemed completely conscious of the beauty around them. An appreciation for beauty was an essential part of Procta's criteria; however Vyagar knew that it was not enough. Also essential was an ability to understand science and technology for how else would someone be able to cherish the beauty and elegance of the items in Vyagar's care.
The Artificial Intelligence Procta had placed in charge of the vessel he had created had been faithful and diligent in carrying out its' assigned tasks. Now at this point in time a life form matching Procta's criteria had finally arrived within range of the vessel's probes and sensors. In the centuries past, as he had tried to assess the minds of other life forms passing near his vicinity, they rarely noticed. Those few who had the necessary mental sensitivity had not had any of the necessary scientific or technological knowledge. Most often these came seeking a 'vision of beauty' and Vyagar saw no reason to deny them this simple pleasure.
This time things were different. Though the human only held a rudimentary understanding of science and technology, for the most part what he did know was accurate and he seemed to have the intellect to learn much more. In fact he carried tools with him that were the most technologically advanced that Vyagar had ever seen on this planet. Procta had longed for another life form to see, cherish, and utilize the best that his planet and specie had developed in beauty and technology and this life form that knew itself as 'Dale' fit the criteria.
Once again, Dale found himself unable to sleep; but this night, instead of guilt, remorse, and anger keeping him awake, he just found that he wasn't sleepy. He checked the fire to make certain that it wouldn't flare up, grabbed his flashlight, put on his shoes and socks, and left his campsite. He didn't have any particular destination or route in mind - just the urge to walk a bit and maybe then he'd be able to sleep.
Although his path may have seemed somewhat aimless to him, Dale was actually following a route that Vyagar had set for him. Soon enough he was picking his way up the side of the mountain somehow avoiding all of the dangerous drops, snags, and slides that could have caused him harm. Eventually he reached a large boulder that he had often seen as a child; but never really thought about for some reason. The boulder was enormous and now that he was right beside it Dale saw that it hid the entrance to a cave. Normally Dale would have been quite focused on the potential dangers of entering a cave at night; but for some reason he didn't hesitate on this occasion.
The moonlight had provided quite a bit of light while he was still outside of the cave; however, now that he was entering the cave, Dale was glad he'd brought his flashlight. Once he had slipped passed the boulder and into the mouth of the cave, he spent a few minutes looking around with his flashlight to get some idea of what the space was like. He didn't see any sign of animals and that surprised him somewhat. This cave would have made a wonderful place for a bear, lion, wolves, or bats; but for some reason it was empty. The size of the place, including the entranceway, reminded him more of a large airplane hanger than a cave. If the boulder did not hide the large entrance you'd probably be able to see the cave from a long ways off.
Dale walked further into the cave and was surprised to find that it was comfortably warm inside. As he walked around, he noticed that one section of the floor was particularly smooth, flat, and hard. This was more like what you might expect to find on an area exposed to flowing water or blowing wind for great lengths of time; but no water or wind was present. Suddenly Dale felt very sleepy and sank to the floor of the cave where he lay down and fell into a deep sleep. In his sleep he had a vision of Procta's world. As the images played out in his mind, he saw a great race accomplish much and then die as their sun exploded. Just before the explosion a small spacecraft left the dying star's system.
He woke up and looked at his watch. It was three in the morning. Many thoughts and questions were running through his mind. Why'd I fall asleep in this cave? Man that dream was incredibly vivid. How come I can remember every bit of it? I wish I knew what happened to that space ship?
He closed his eyes for a moment to contemplate the dream and a name seemed to pop into is mind: Vyagar. "Vyagar? What kind of a word or name is that?" he said aloud. Suddenly he saw a shimmering light appear about ten feet in front of him. The light seemed to coalesce into golden being like the one in Dale's dream. He could see it; but he could also see through it since it was somewhat transparent.
"I am Vyagar," the image said.
Although he was an avid fan of science fiction, Dale still couldn't believe what his eyes and ears were telling him. He thought he must be in some kind of dream.
Ascension By Dawna Tompson A man acts on his desire to medically alter his gender and unwittingly begins to unravel the mystery of his lifelong compulsion. Rated R --------- The faint yellow bulb lit up first followed by a familiar ding announcing the arrival of the elevator. An elderly man with a pensive look stepped forward and then turned back toward the elevator door as if to return. But the doors closed before he could step back. Though he...
Ann awoke slowly. The steady beating of Jim's heart was the first thing she heard as her mind began its ascent towards full wakefulness. The gentle lighting of the aquarium provided just enough light for her to see the rugged face of the powerful and handsome Jim. Her mind brought up a memory from her teenage years with astonishing clarity. As a young girl she woke up one morning to find her mother seated near her bed gazing at her face. When Ann had asked her mother why she had been...
The next morning, though they had eaten well at the barbeque and enjoyed the food the slave women served, everyone found that they were extremely hungry. Dale turned to the women of his family and said "Although the food here is quite excellent, I really enjoy the excellent breakfasts you ladies have been treating us to. If you don't mind doing some cooking this morning why don't we all get cleaned up and then head back to the house for our morning meal." At this everyone headed back to...
The next few days in Winnemucca where very enjoyable for Dale; he spent his time reviewing the information Vyagar had gathered for him and enjoying the company of his growing household. Everyone at the house seemed to be getting along well enough; united by their common desire to see him happy and to follow his request to treat each other well. He also treated them well and in addition to kindness and concern for their emotions was very sharing with his possessions. With the exception of...
I am nervous. Actually I am nervous, excited, apprehensive and damn near scared to death. Sitting in my father's chair on top of the dais, I can see most of the audience chamber. Since I was little I was always fascinated by this room: the high ceilings, lavish tapestries and the cool marble floor. It was designed to impress, to be the public face of my father's power. It demonstrated to his people that their leader was a man of substance, a man to be obeyed, a man to be feared. Its grandeur...
So California mini-adventure over. I wish I had a bit more time to spend on the West coast, since I had many friends who lived there. Plus I really wanted some time to talk with Jennifer before leaving. Heck, Hollywood liberals, a group I mostly despised as I've mentioned before, were one of the biggest, most vocal supporters of rights for Computer Intelligences. (And to my shame, we had planned for it and courted them to make it a popular, sexy cause.) I even had specific reasons I should...
"First, let me welcome you to the Alpha Advanced Research and Design building. I would like to thank you for coming and agreeing to hear me out regarding this job proposal." I was standing in the nicest AARD presentation room we had, filled with a dozen very comfortable leather chairs. An Alphadroid stood next to me, and before me sat four women who I had just met for the first time. "When you know for certain that a person or organization is actively trying to kill you, it forces you to...
I should probably open this chapter by relaying a summary of certain significant events that happened internationally right before the events in this chapter. The dictator of a certain low power, high profile Asian country had died not too long ago. His son officially took over, though apparently he was having trouble consolidating his authority, so he decided to manufacture a crisis. He did this by restarting his country's nuclear weapons programs and rattling his saber. Apparently he made...
Dramatis Personae: Frank _____ - Lead character, creator of Alpha Alpha - First Artificial Intelligence Mobile Copies of Alpha: Beta aka Bayonetta aka Elizabeth Alana Franks (cyborg) Gamma aka Jasmine aka Jasmine Marza (cyborg, from Aladdin) Delta aka Elisa Maza aka Elizabeth Marza (cyborg, from Gargoyles) Alphadroid Dorothy aka R. Dorothy Waynewright (android, from Big O) Artificial Women (in order of arrival): Kasumi Tendo (from Ranma 1/2) Daria Morgendorffer aka Daria Morgan (from Daria)...
Disclaimer: Elizabeth, Rosalind Lutece and related characters are property of Irrational Games or 2K Games or someone who isn’t me. All artificial persons herein are based on characters owned by their creators, not the author. WARNING: Spoiler alert for Bioshock Infinite. I don’t normally give a lot of spoiler warnings, but in this case, the characters end up discussing the ending to Bioshock Infinite and, to a lesser extent, the Burial at Sea expansion in some detail. So, if you haven’t...
KYOTO - DAY ONE Before I get into our visit in Kyoto, I would like to give just a little bit of background information that we were aware of before we arrived: Hiro Matsudoki, the CEO of the Matsudoki Corporation and patriarch of the Matsudoki clan, was known to be a 'colorful' character. Hiro was apparently a mix of a Samurai, a Roman emperor, and a Renaissance man. He required traditional Japanese dress to be worn to work on any day he considered to be 'special', which meant twice a...
Dramatis Personae: Frank _____ - Lead character, creator of Alpha Alpha - First Artificial/Synthetic Intelligence Mobile Copies of Alpha: Beta aka Bayonetta aka Elizabeth Alana Franks (cyborg) Gamma aka Jasmine aka Jasmine Marza (cyborg, from Aladdin) Delta aka Elisa Maza aka Elizabeth Marza (cyborg, from Gargoyles) Alphadroid Dorothy aka R. Dorothy Waynewright (android, from Big O) A-Ko aka Eiko Magami aka Epsilon (organic copy of Alpha, from Project A-Ko) Synthetic Women (in order of...
After he left the dungeon and returned to the throne room, Dale changed out of his robe and back into his regular clothing. "Vyagar?" "Yes Dale?" "Those two hurt me so bad that it's very hard not to hate them completely to the point of wanting to destroy them; yet that is the very thing that they have done to others and I don't want to become like them. In addition to that there are other people in my life now, people worth knowing and spending time with. I don't want to be...
After the President had walked through the glass doors and into the hospital to be treated, a perplexed Agent Peterson stared after him with his mouth slightly open. Pharnuil watched the expressions flitting across the Agent's face for a few minutes keeping his amusement to himself over the predicament the President had just placed Agent Peterson in. He was quite certain that Agent Peterson was not used to planning anyone's schedule let alone trying to figure out how to get in touch with a...
With careful planning and methodical execution, the team of AIs that Vyagar had assigned to the job had been making steady progress in their mission to remove nuclear weapons and improperly handled radioactive waste from the planet. They were transporting it to a large crater on the moon for temporary storage. The employees of the seven large conglomerates that Dale had established prior to the plague had been among those that Vyagar had sought to protect with the nanomedics. Most of the...
The flurry of activity deep inside the NORAD base under Cheyenne Mountain continued. Every image capturing the flights of the Dragons had been analyzed with meticulous care. General Grayson had an image analysis team reviewing the entire past year's worth of stored image data from the sectors where the Dragons had been spotted and was now quite certain that all of the observed activity was isolated to a single day. The General had assigned two other teams of analysts the task of scouring all...
Dale heard the key slip into the lock and turn, the door opening and then closing, footsteps coming down the hallway, and then he could see her just coming around the corner and into the room. He saw the look of shock and surprise on her face turn into full-fledged fear as she realized that Jessica was tied up. He'd had plenty of time to think about Cynthia's possible reaction to the sight and what she might attempt to do about it; but, now that the moment actually was here, she did none of...
The next day proved to be very busy. Dale's attorney, Jacob Edwards, called him just before eight in the morning. Jacob let Dale know that it looked like he was going to be granted custody; however there were several procedures that needed to be followed. Since there was no written will on file, no living relatives to contest a will or accept guardianship of Lizzy and since Dale had been charged by the girl's father to take care of her, Dale would need to meet with a Judge. Although not...
The Mazatlan vacation proved to be quite enjoyable, especially after the business with the drug cartels was over with. Now that they were once again in a more private setting, the many women in Dale's life had reverted to wearing little or no clothing unless they were in public. Dale especially looked forward to breakfast when the Tits and Ass show was in full swing. John, Rob, and Jason were also happy to see things return to normal. While the men and women of Maria's estate found the...
Helen was resting comfortably in a chair at large dining room table. Karen was seated next to her to keep her company while she sipped a cup of hot soup and ate a few crackers. "I just want to thank you and your family again Karen! It feels so wonderful to be clean again and this soup is just wonderful! Thanks for taking me into your home," Helen told her. "Well you're welcome here as long as you like Mrs. Hatcher. It's a pleasure to actually meet you in person. I just wish the...
Special Forces units loyal to General Chang had been deployed all over China as their unit commanders returned from what was believed to have been an extended training session. In short order they moved to take charge of the last remaining superpower's military infrastructure with a minimum of bloodshed. In most cases the paperwork they presented passed muster and they were able to gain control with little or no real protest. With years of following orders without question having been the...
It had been about three days of planning and furious activity for Dale's household. After talking about it for quite sometime, Rob and Georgette decided to postpone their formal move from their house until after the new buildings were completed; however in the meantime their was plenty of room in the sleeping chambers off of the throne room. The slave women slept in their quarters unless directed to do otherwise, so even though the house was full, it wasn't overflowing. Everyone was...
From the shadows of the doorway, Dale looked into the candlelit room and gazed upon the beauty of the young goddess like creature who adorned his bed. The other women in his household had done their best to prepare her for her entry into womanhood. Angelina and Louisa had grown especially close to Lizzy seeing her as a younger sister, while Georgette had accepted her completely treating her as if she were another daughter. It seemed that each of the women he considered to be a part of his...
After saying goodbye to the Bridgerts, Helen turned and walked into the mirror. She remembered a fairytale from her childhood where a little girl traveled into a mirror. Helen laughed at the memory and wondered what she might find on her own adventure. She didn't have long to wait as it seemed she immediately found herself in an astounding room; everywhere she looked there was something interesting and new to see The whole room seemed to dance with firelight from the torches held in sconces...
"So how am I supposed to address a Wizard?" Angelina asked with a bit of apprehension. "I imagine you would address him just as you have been addressing me," Dale replied. "But that was before I knew you were a Wizard. Now that I know, isn't it a bit disrespectful to not use some formal title or something?" she questioned. "Look at it this way: I'm still Dale to you Angelina, and if I wanted just anyone to know that I am a wizard or mage or whatever other name defines my...
The nurses in the Labor and Delivery department at Humboldt Hospital couldn't help but notice that the same man was listed as the father of babies to five different women. Another unusual thing was that each of these women had a female bodyguard and companion on duty to see to her safety and well being at all times. Now Winnemucca was not the smallest town in Nevada by any stretch; but it wasn't the largest either. And this being Nevada and not Utah, this made for pretty good gossip in the...
Even though he touched bases with his powerful AI friend Vyagar everyday, the earlier planning Dale had undertaken now left him with a great deal of personal time for enjoyment. Knowing that Vyagar and his army of AIs were keeping tabs on things and could reach him at anytime gave Dale a great peace of mind. And as the weeks and months passed many of his plans had begun to gain their own momentum. Mayan Tech, the enormous corporation that Dale had launched in Central America, was in fact...
Dale was thrusting his engorged cock deep within the hot wet pussy of the young Latina beauty in what he now referred to as his 'pussy stable'. Twenty or so beautiful women had lined up in a row on hands and knees in the doggy position wagging their gorgeous asses and Dale was moving between them every twenty or so thrusts of his rampant prick. While he had some qualms about having children by women who weren't his life mates, he knew that these women wouldn't be getting pregnant and they...
To simply say that they were startled would be a severe understatement. Angelina and Lizzy rushed over to Georgette and Pamela when it appeared that the two might be in danger of fainting. John was quick to reassure Brittany and Melody that he was quite alright and they were in no danger. Young Jason was so enraptured at the display of gorgeous female flesh everywhere he looked, that he didn't much care what else might be going on - he was on hormone overload and nothing could spoil...
Once in his childhood, Dale had found a wallet with over one thousand dollars on a sidewalk near the elementary school he attended. He turned it into the principle and was assured that he would return it to the owner. Later that same week a man stopped by his house in the evening and asked to speak with him. The man thanked him for turning in his wallet; but he said one thing before he left that really bothered Dale: "To bad the thief had already stole the money out of it." This incident...
As he kissed them goodbye before sending them back to Mr. Borden, Dale told each of the women how much he had enjoyed his time with them. They kept telling him how happy they were that he had allowed them the privilege of serving him. After they walked out of his suite Dale realized that he had been thinking a bit too much with his dick and not enough with his head. The stunt in the backstage dressing rooms very well might have been caught at least in part on camera. Even if he were lucky...
Quite early the next morning, Dale ordered enough food for two people. When Angelina arrived with the service cart, he had her set things up on the patio. "I need you to set service for two," he informed her. "Shall I notify the front desk that your guest will be arriving?" she asked. "No, no. I'm afraid it's a bit too late for that and in any case I don't really want them to know about my guest," he replied. "Oh. I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to intrude in your personal...
Dale Young practically leaped down the flight of steps from his second story apartment. He felt totally awake this fine Saturday morning and ready for his run. He always felt that he looked foolish doing his stretching and warm-up exercises so he had done those in the privacy of his apartment. He started out with a fairly slow loping stride to finish warming up the muscles in his body. After a few minutes of the easy pace, he began to gradually crank up the speed. Once he reached a fast paced...
Even with it being quite late, the two women were in a very amorous mood. From his earlier questioning of Tina, Dale knew that she was between jobs and didn't really need to be anywhere in the morning and since Louisa didn't need to be at work until two in the afternoon, he decided to let them have their way with him. In addition to the shower and bathing facilities in the courtyard off of the master bedroom, there was also a rather lavish master bath. The two women each did a sexy...
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Several weeks had passed since Dale's last visit to Spirit Mount. He trusted that Vyagar and Fang were still capably moving forward concerning their plans for R.U.M.M. as well as further preparing Jessica and Cynthia for their new roles in life. He was also moving forward with many of his own plans: expanding the size of his house, adding several new buildings and amenities to his property, looking for a qualified tutor to home school Lizzy for the upcoming year, and getting ready for his...
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The Wizard's questions kept running through Wei Lin's mind: "Are you happy with the limits imposed on your people for so long? Will you sit idly as the few freedoms so recently gained are stripped away? If you had it within your means to finally deliver the benefits of liberty and freedom to your people, would you do so? If some personal sacrifice was required to set your people free, would you make it?" Here she was part of an all volunteer unit preparing to re-enter China and do battle...
That same morning, before Louisa went to work, Dale asked that both she and Tina begin to pack for their move to his house. Louisa offered to let Tina use her car as long as she picked her up after work. Dale took both of them with him to the hardware store where he had six sets of keys to the house, the truck, the Sebring, and the garage made. He gave a set to both women and suggested that Louisa drive Tina to pickup the truck instead of using Louisa's car for the move. Dale kissed both of...
Mr. Edwards and his staff took great care in the handling of Dale's affairs. They had utilized several tax specialists and investment advisors to help him develop a strategy for maximizing his wealth and holding on to as much of it as possible. It actually took about four days before the paperwork was completed. There were many pieces of property and other items that had to be transferred and registered in his name. Dale tried to learn as many details as he could about the various...
γαμήθηκα με αράπη που γαμάει σε τσόντεςΕίμαι η Φώφη και θέλω να σας πω την ερωτική μου ιστορία. Όλα ξεκίνησαν πριν από 4 χρόνια όταν μετακόμισα στην Νέα Υόρκη λόγω επαγγελματικών υποχρεώσεων. Η εταιρεία στην οποία εργαζόμουν στην Αθήνα άνοιξε υποκατάστημα εκεί και μου πρότειναν να αναλάβω θέσω βοηθού διευθυντού. Φυσικά και δέχτηκα αφού τα λεφτά ήταν τριπλάσια από αυτά που έπαιρνα εδώ. Τα αγγλικά μου είναι τέλεια και πλέον μετά τον χωρισμό μου με τον γκόμενο τίποτε δεν με κρατούσε στην...
Codes: MF, MF+, MC, SciFi, anime, cartoon, comic book Disclaimer: All artificial persons/dimensional visitors herein are based on characters owned by their creators, not the author. This chapter focuses on characters from Marvel, specifically the four leads of a little-known four issue series called Marvel Divas. Author’s Note: This is not a canon Life With Alpha story, meaning events here happen in their own universe splitting off separately from the main story. This story begins over a...
THE ALPHA CLUB (continued) BY TRISHA PREFACE Here are the last four chapters and epilogue of "The Alpha Club." The story is finally complete. It follows the same outline I originally schemed out years ago even before I started writing, and it is with great satisfaction that I have at last finished it. This means too that, at this time at least, I don't have any plans to write more about it. However, if other writers would like to take up their hand at writing in this...
Hackers had been a problem for AARD for pretty much the past two years, ever since Alphadroid debuted. Not a big problem, but there had been at least a dozen noticeable incidents. No serious breaches of security though. Alpha herself was almost completely hacker-proof. First of all, she had been running her own unique OS for years. Well, it might be more accurate to say that she WAS her own OS, but she could still run almost any application from other operating systems including her own...
Alpha Males conquered earthly men part 3 City after city was conquered by the Alpha men. The earth men stood no hope, each time they fought against these alpha men they slowly weakened and we're turned into the pretty gurls they were meant to be. John looked out to see the Alpha men coming. Behind him stood one of the last army's of men earth, to defend one of the last earth men controlled territories. As he scanned the approaching army Alpha men there was a strange weakness...
This particular gathering was focused on (drum roll, please) ... Artificial Intelligence! (Maybe some of you can see where this is going.) Lectures, presentations and panel discussions covered both practical developments in the field and the theoretical legal, political and ethical implications of artificial life forms. There had been a variety of such conferences over the years. Some were more focused on the ethics of creating artificial or synthetic life, especially if it was created to...
In the year 3XXX the Ascension finally came and half of humanity moved on to the next plane of existence. Shortly after that Iteresiel: Crown Princess of the Divine led the Divinity's Edge (the Militant arm of the Divine) against her twin sister Ahonilael and her Nihilistic Shade followers(Broken humans and Fallen Angels) which extinguished 45% of the remaining human species while both sides took the remaining as tributes. You were left behind because of a secret only known by the Smecerin the...
FantasyAlpha Males with earth girl sissys part 4 final. John tried to get away, but it was hopeless, as she looked down at his new feminized body, the restive pink skirts did nothing to help with getting away as he tried to escape. The nightly ritual of letting the now conquered earth sissies try to escape from their manly super alpha males, now their strong boyfriends/husbands. They never got that far, with their girly clothes always giving them away, the light pink yellow pastel colors...
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Let me start off this chapter with a short discussion on my method of mental programming. While I have given various descriptions of the brain implants my women had been given -- or at least their triggers and effects, since I have no inclination to give away specifics of the technologies involved-- I have almost completely ignored the initial base programming. After all, some readers have no doubt questioned how to make a woman readily accept sharing a man with other women or even suddenly...
Hi, my name is Frank, and I live in Texas, just outside the DFW metroplex. I'm not going to tell you my full name or give any specific details of my life for reasons which will shortly become apparent. I offer my tale for your enjoyment though, of course, you're equally welcome to ignore the story or second-guess my choices. I don't think of myself as a genius, just talented in some areas. Specifically, I created a true artificial intelligence, and she's been changing my life ever...
I somehow restrained myself from yelling and kept my exclamation to a much quieter if somewhat growly, "I can't fucking believe it. It's just not fair!" "I thought you would be pleased that she arrived by herself." "Well ... yeah, at least there's that. It's just that ... she's just a one-shot joke!" "She has appeared in more than one publication from DC..." "But even so, she'll still a one-note joke of a character." "You would be a better judge of that," said Alpha...