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I awoke with a start and slammed my hand down on my alarm clock. I climbed out of bed in a daze, but quickly gained awareness when my feet hit the floor and felt the stiffness in my thighs from yesterdays jogging. A cool breeze blew in from the cracked window and my nipples were instantly erect. Goose bumps appeared on my toned thighs and arms as I went to shut the window. I was prepared for today’s tryouts and almost walked past my mirror in anticipation. Every morning I examine my reflection closely, critiquing my imperfections.

I stared back at myself in my short white tank with matching white panties. A few soft curls escaped the boundaries of my underwear, and I decided I would do something about them in the shower. I would be changing in front of other girls this morning. I was pleased with my waist line which held a distinct hourglass shape, and my breasts had finally evened out and reached a modest B cup. I wasn’t angry about the size of my breasts, really quite the opposite; I needed a light figure for speed on the field. I leaned in towards the mirror and ran my fingers through my shoulder-blade length blonde hair and pursed my lips. I flexed the muscles under my high cheek bones and moved my freshly plucked eyebrows up and down. I smiled happily at my appearance.

Carefully, I opened my door minding not to wake my brother down the hall. I slipped into the bathroom next to my room and began to shed my clothes. The shower let out a high pitched squeak as I adjusted the knobs, rushing water and steam soon added to the noise. As I stepped inside the shower I welcomed the warm water on my skin. I lathered up with my favorite vanilla scented soap, feeling that it was a good day, and quickly began my shower routine. I shaved the hair from my armpits and legs, but as I approached my upper thigh I began trimming my bikini line. Deciding that I shouldn’t stop there I sat down in the tub propped a leg up and shaved between my folds.

I began to rub soap all over my freshly shaved mound and as I went to rinse a rush of water hit my clit sending jolts of pleasure throughout my body. I carefully inserted a finger into my cunt and with my other hand pulled the hood from over my clit, so it was fully exposed. I let the jets of water hit me with an unyielding force and it was instant ecstasy. My muscles tightened around my finger and I threw my head back and moaned through clenched teeth. I began to regain clear consciousness, rinsed off and stepped out of the shower.

I toweled off went back to my room and began to don my clothes. I chose a comfortable sports bra, light pink cotton panties, a pair of green running shorts, and a black tank. I put my soccer socks on, slipped into my Adidas sandals, grabbed my bag full of miscellaneous soccer equipment and headed out the door. I got into my small Toyota and plugged my IPod into the radio. It was only about a five minute ride to the school soccer fields.

I trekked up the steep hill leading to the back fields and when I reached the top I noticed a few familiar faces. Casey who was returning as a senior and Colleen the captain of last year’s team. They grinned at me as I took a seat on the bench. I pulled my cleats on and tightened the knots, then carefully sliding onto the grass I began to stretch. I failed to notice the man who was sitting on the opposite end of the bench before, but spied him as I reached for my toes out of the corner of my eye. He was staring at me. My cheeks grew hot under his gaze, and I stood up abruptly.

I headed towards the circle of my former teammates to get a better glance at the man. His deep brown hair and pale blue eyes clashed magnificently, and even though he appeared to be in his mid-forties he was a very handsome man. He had finely toned calves from the angle at which I viewed him, and his shorts hiked up a little as he leaned back into the bench. His thighs were well bronzed and bulging with muscles. As my gaze traveled upward to his face, he caught me staring and grinned. I stalked faster to the group of girls.

When the JV coach arrived she informed us that the new varsity coach was unable to make the first tryout due to family issues and instructed us to do 3 laps around the goal posts as a warm up. My curiosity spiked as to who the identity of the man was. He was still watching the tryout, but not the other girls, mostly just me. It was about two o’clock when the JV coach instructed us to have a seat in the grass. She told us she wanted to introduce us to someone. She beckoned to the man sitting on the bench.

A film of sweat lined his brow as he walked over; it was about 80 degrees outside. The JV coached nodded to him, he flashed a pearly white smile and said “Hello girls, I will be coaching the girls Varsity soccer team this year, you can call me Greg. I thought it would be a friendly experiment if I saw how you played without knowing I was here, so I’ll see you tomorrow girls. His gaze finally fell upon me and he smiled. We all got up and wiped the blades of grass from our legs.

Bent over I was gathering my water bottles and bag, not knowing the view I was giving Coach Greg. As I stood up and began to walk towards my car he grabbed my arm. “You’re a great soccer player, you know, but you seem to favor your left leg when dribbling.” My mouth formed an O and I let out a soft moan. “Childhood injury?” Greg asked. “Yes, I fell bike riding last year and hurt my right ankle”, I said fully turning to face him. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but may I see your ankle, you might want to consider investing in a brace.” “Sure,” I said almost too willingly. I sat down on the bench and Greg kneeled in the grass.

He pulled off both of my cleats and socks, and his fingers gently kneaded my ankle. Electric shocks ran through my body and I was very unaware that he could see up my shorts. His fingers touched a swollen spot and I took in a sharp breath. “Yea, it would be a good idea to buy a brace, and to ice your ankle every night. Also your spin move on the field was really great, but I could show you how to make it deadly.” he smiled. “Alright”, I said eager to gain any new skill, and a few points with the varsity coach. He kicked a ball over to me and told me to demonstrate my spin. He adjusted my feet a few times and when I had gotten the move down to his satisfaction he added himself as a defender.

I ran towards him and turned into him so my ass pressed against his groin, carrying the ball with me. He stopped me by grabbing my hips; still pressed against him I felt his hot breath on my neck. “You need to be lower and quicker, move your arms out to block defenders from moving around you.” he breathed. Chills shot down my spine and a flock of butterflies were suddenly swarming in my stomach. The musky smell of his sweat and cologne filled my nostrils and as he moved my arms upward with his rough hands. “Try again”, he commanded.

This time as I span against him, I felt certain hardness against my ass when we made contact. My face turned red and I quickly kicked the ball into the open net. “Good job”, he said beaming and scratching his short hair. The sky had turned a beautiful hue of orange when Greg shook my hand goodbye. I thanked him for his help as I opened my car door.

I put my key in the engine and turned it already imagining a warm soothing bath. No response though. I jammed my foot onto the gas and turned the key once more, the engine squealed in protest. I opened the hood of my car, but it was really no help because I had little knowledge of what was under the hood. Headlights illuminated my car, as Greg hopped out of the driver’s seat. “Need a little help?” he said raising a brow. “Yea I don’t know what the hell is wrong with this thing!”, I said through clenched teeth. “It’s alright I’ll help you”, Greg said laughing at my frustration.

He crept up behind me and draped his arms around my waist while pressing his palms onto the car; his torso pressed against my back. I took a sharp breath not expecting the contact, but something about the man made me obey every one of his advances. He checked the oil and somehow quickly determined that the battery was dead. Well aware of the jumper cables in his trunk, Greg offered me a ride home. I gladly accepted knowing that I lived only about 5 minutes away.

“Hop in”, he said with a smile. I slid into the leather seat next to him. We made small talk while we drove into town, he asked questions like how long had I played soccer, and about the other girls’ playing abilities. We approached the ice cream parlor and he asked if they sold soft serve ice cream. I replied with a simple “Yes”, and he pulled into the parking lot. “I’m treating”, he winked. Greg bought two vanilla cones and slid into the booth across from me. We conversed some more about soccer, but my answers consisted of only one or two words because I was so fascinated by his blue eyes.

We were soon on our way to my house, it was almost 9 o’clock and the street lights were just about coming on. He pulled up in front of my house and I went to thank him for the ride and ice cream, but he grabbed my wrist. “Jen, I’m really feeling an attraction to you, but I know it’s not right. I’m old enough to be your father.”, he sighed. He began again, “I met you about 10 hours ago and I don’t know what I am doing here with you, your only 16. I hope I didn’t offend yo-“. “It’s okay”, I interrupted. He reached up a thumb to caress my cheek, and I looked into his eyes. “What am I doing?”, I thought. His face was close to mine, almost to close. His cologne was intruding in my sense of smell, but was very welcoming. My mouth was filled with a warmth that quickly spread throughout my body. He was kissing me and I was kissing him back.

He pulled the parking brake and moved deeper into my mouth. His tongue swirled around mine and his arm came around my neck, pulling me closer to him. I could feel the roughness of the light stubble on his face brushing my cheeks and chin. I’ve kissed boyfriends before, but never like this. I didn’t even know where to put my hands. His hands were all over me caressing my face, and wrapping around my waist to feel my stomach and breasts. “Can I take you to my house”, Greg said in-between kisses. I moaned a “yes” into his mouth, and he released the parking break.

He pulled speedily out of the cul-de-sac, and back onto the main road. When we hit a red light he asked me if I was a virgin, I replied with a shy “yes”, he smiled gently at me and pulled my head towards his for a gentle kiss. I felt a tingling between my legs in anticipation of tonight’s events. He pulled into the driveway of a modest house. Greg and I got out of the car in a simultaneous motion. He swept me into his arms and carried me into the house. He laid me down on a leather couch and mounted me, his faced lowered to mine and waves of kisses were draped over my face and neck slowly working their way up to my mouth. He tasted so good. “Wait Jen, your parents will wonder where you are, won’t they?” “Yes, but it’s all right, please don’t stop Greg.”, I begged. He sat up and looked me in the eye, “Jen, you don’t understand”, he said acquiring a serious tone, “I could be arrested for this, you’re a minor.” “I’m so sorry Greg I didn’t mean to put you in this situation. I’ll call my mom and tell her I’m at a friend’s.” “I’ll get some refreshments, phone is on the table.”, Greg said while walking into the kitchen.

When I connected with my mom Greg returned with two glasses of wine, which he placed on the coffee table. He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my torso, pushing his thumbs into the waistband of my shorts. I felt his hot breath on my neck, “I need you Jen.” He whispered. He dragged my hand behind my back and onto his crotch where I felt a protruding hardness. I finally connected with my house “Hey mom, I’m staying at Casey’ss, oh-“. Greg sucked my right earlobe into his mouth and squeezed kneaded breasts, rubbing his thumbs over my sensitive nipples. “I’m staying at Casey’s for the night, I’ll see you tomorrow.”, I said. “Alright Jen, be safe, I love you.”, her mom replied. Click.

I turned into Greg’s arms, and he pulled me close against him. My breasts were pressed against his chest and his tongue intruded into my mouth again. His hands clasped my ass, and I felt the muscles lining his chest. He lifted my tank and sports bra over my head and gently took a nipple into his warm mouth. I sighed in pleasure pressing my breast deeper into his mouth. He swept me up once again into his arms and carried me to his bedroom upstairs.

The sheets were cool on my back as he pulled my shorts off. His mouth was on the crotch of my panties which were soaked clean through. He grinned up at me and peeled off my cotton panties. He rubbed my shaved mound kissing it from the top and working his way down. He inserted a finger into me slowly until he hit my hymen, slowly inserting another digit he began to nibble at me, until he found my clit. As his lips closed around my clitoris I let out a noisy moan. He sucked more intensely and I pressed his head deeper into me. I was soaring higher and higher until he stopped abruptly. “Not yet babe”, Greg grinned.

He shed the rest of his clothing and began to mount me. Wait a second; I want to do something for you. I pushed him onto his back and climbed on top of him, vaguely aware of his dick poking me hard in the ass. I kissed him full on the mouth tasting my own juices. I made my way down his body until I reached the soft curls surrounding his member. I rubbed a hand up and down his shaft and let out a puff of breath onto the head of his cock. “Dammit, girl your driving me mad!”, Greg moaned. I slipped his dick into my mouth and began to slowly suck only able to fit 4 of the 7 ½ inches in my mouth. I jacked the base of his cock off with my sweaty hand.

When his stomach muscles began clenching he pulled me off of him and laid me on my back. He pressed his chest to mine and whispered into my neck, “Jen, it hurts a little the first time, I’m sure you’re aware, but I swear I’ll be gentle.” “I only met you 10 hours ago, but I trust you completely Greg”, I said quietly. He spread my legs wide and put one on his shoulder. He aimed his dick into my sopping wet hole and gently pushed in. When he met my barrier, he tried easing into me slowly, but decided it wouldn’t work. Thrusting into me quickly, I let out an acute scream. The pain was overbearing for a moment, but was replaced by an overwhelming fullness. “Shh, shh, you’ll be alright”, he whispered kissing my cheek.

He pulled out of me almost completely and thrust gently back in, gradually increasing speed and force. I felt exhilarated; he pressed on and gained a steady rhythm. He sucked on my neck and his breaths became shorter against my cheek. He flipped me off of him, and lay on his back, then pulling me back on top of him I straddled his loins. He fucked me with twice the force and I cried out. His grunts became more incoherent as he grabbed my breasts. My nails were digging into his chest as I approached an orgasm. He gained speed and ultimately lost control as my virgin walls suffocated his dick. I felt a warm liquid gushing from me as I joined him in ecstasy.

I lay across his chest as he eventually went limp inside of me. His breathing slowed and I knew he was sleeping. I placed a kiss on his forehead and slipped into a deep sleep.


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Hardcore Sex With Neighbour

Hello Everyone. I am Rahul from Pune. This is true story happened last month. Guys and girls please let me know your feedback at as it is my first story. I would really appreciate your feedback. Let me start, her name is Sunita. She is my neighbor and married. I am also married. She is housewife and very good friend of my wife. She is average look, 29 years old but nice body 35-28-34. Her husband works in gulf and comes once a year. I never had any bad thought until one day I saw her...

3 years ago
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Body Positivity

Nobody knew who was funding the operation. But as much research as anyone could do the challenge seemed legitimate. It was the stinger at the end of a fairly heartful and persuasive documentory. Going into the need for the human body to be normalized and the cycle of shame broken, siding with and siting the free the nipple campaign as a good first step. But jumping from there into a need for better sexual education and the taboo of female sexuality and slut shaming. Showing a nipple isn't...

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A First For Gracie Gracie Has A Bad Day

Gracie sat nude on the couch in the living room finishing up her nails.  She’d had a good night’s sleep since sending Sami and Candy on their way.  The soft jazz was helping her to relax, to bring her energy level down from where it had been the last two days. It was just past noon and she was preparing for Daddy to come home.  She’d taken a long bath this morning, making sure that she was smooth all over for him; she missed him and yearned for his touch. Daddy had been basically silent this...

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My Roommates

By: Danyguy Hello ISS Readers, I am a regular reader of this site. I am Dany, I am going to share with you, my experience with hostel roommates which started 6 years back. We met in the hostel when studying in engineering college in chennai.I was a little guy when I joined college, but my roommates are average college students. I was sharing hostel room with Anand and Rajeev in first year. Being roommates, we started as friends.we go together to play cricket, shopping, mess etc. We are afraid...

Gay Male
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A TS Friend Part 3

I went home drained after unloading so much of myself into Kim in the suv. I had said good bye to her at her door and was driving home. I got home at a decent hour and went to bed. The following day at work I could only think about how wild a time we had together and began fantasizing about the whole affair when my cell phone went off. Amazingly enough, it was Kim sending me a text inviting me to her place that evening for a barbecue and to sit around the pool in her back yard. After work I...

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A Midsummer Days Dream

It was summer and she was laying in the sun on a Mediterranean beach. She heard the sounds of the sea crashing on the shore, children laughing and shouting in the distance and adults chatting closer by. She strained, trying to hear their conversation. They were young men who had walked past twice and then stopped nearby where they had spread out towels on the sand and stripped to their shorts. She had observed them through half-closed eyes and admired their fit, suntanned bodies and muscular...

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My Hot Aunty 8211 Mohini

This is real incident happened with me which i am narrating now my name is vikrant and this story is about my neighbor aunty mohini.Now let me tell you about mohini she is 46 years old beautiful mature lady with grate figure and skin tone for her age, i had a crush on mohini aunty from childhood only her son was very good friend of mine and I used be in their home only most of the time. Now she lives alone in her row house as her husband passed away few years back and her son is married and...

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The paperround what now

The paper-round - what now? Fear ran through Suzie's body, as for the first time in ten years, she was face-to-face with her captor again. What could she do? Run, John didn't look all that healthy, he'd been in a Hong-Kong jail for ten years so he wouldn't be, but he may still catch up with her and then what? "I'm sorry, I don't know who you're referring to, Mr. err..." "John, you can call me John. I'm sorry for disturbing you then Miss." "That's perfectly okay John,...

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Dont Ever Give Up Ch 07

‘Do we have to do this now, genius?’ Tim asked, bitching as he made his way down the dark staircase. ‘Yeah, we do,’ J.T. answered from a few steps behind him. Tim reached the foot of the stairs and felt around in the dark for a light switch. He found one, and the basement of J.T.’s parents’ house flickered to life. Sure, the Lancasters owned a mansion – three, actually, but this was their home base, the one they spent the most time in. But if all you saw was the basement, you’d never guess...

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UniversityChapter 24

We both enjoyed the last six or seven hours of the trip: from Tarcoola, where passengers from and to the Ghan de/embarked, through Port Augusta to Adelaide. There was changing scenery and a sort of bustle of new folks and getting ready to get off. Rachel must have checked our stuff half a dozen times. We got a cab to the Stamford Plaza hotel and registered. Check-in time was 1400, but I'd told them we were arriving on the train when I placed our reservation. "Are you as tired as I...

4 years ago
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BB is fucked live on stage

Bobbi Barber, known to her friends as BB, was just 26 when her life changed forever. Her life up until then had been full of disappointments in most things and constant heartache when it came to her love life. Throughout her teens and her time at University, each successive boyfriend had either dumped her, cheated on her or was just been plain bad as with her last boyfriend. Even though she's intelligent and certainly not stupid, perhaps she was basically naïve, trusting and easily led. This is...

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Uncle aur anty ko exercise sikhayi

Hi story readers me yesh gujarat ke rajkot sahar se me 27 sal ka hu aur mera lund 8” lamba he aur mera he aaj me jo apko kahani sunane ja raha hu vo ek uncle anty aur meri he Ye bat aajse karib teen sal pahale ki he me surat sahar apne uncle ke vaha gaya tha vo apartment me 3rd floor par rahate he aur apartment 5floor ka he me dusre din subah ke karib 7 baje 5th floor par execise karne gaya maine barmuda aur t-shirt pahan rakha tha terries par pahuch kar maine t-shirt bhi nikal diya me roj sirf...

4 years ago
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Living with my cousin

Introduction: Brother and sister fiction Once I turned 18 my mom put me out. She said that I was to big of a problem & was no longer her responsibility so I had to go. My cousin Shayla was just 18 same as me but she had her own place with 2 extra rooms. She was nice enough to let me move in since I had nowhere else to go. She was my favorite cousin after all. It wasnt until I started living with Shayla I started to see the real her. She had a boyfriend but he wasnt the only guy shed bring...

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Virginity To Bhabhi 8211 Part 1

Hello, friends, it’s Anmol here. A bit intro. I am 5’7” well built as I go regularly to gym and an average size dick. We used to live in a locality of a small town where mostly were row houses. I have been living there since my childhood and to my luck, in my near neighborhood, there were no girls of my age group. My immediate neighbor just shifted to Mumbai and the house was for rent and then came my princess who stole my virginity. They were happily married couple husband was 32 years and...

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Lost and Found Pt2

As the mysterious man remained silent during the long drive, he listened to classic rock. It seemed like the first hour we were on a highway before turning onto a side road and then onto an unpaved road. We stayed on the unpaved road for about fifteen minutes before coming to a complete stop. The sliding door opened, and the mysterious man placed me on the ground. Naturally, I was scared of what was going to happen to me. "Now, be a good boy and follow me." As I crawled behind him, I looked...

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XCOM Operation Burning Skull

Silver cirrus clouds, thin brushstrokes against the night sky, hung above the darkened forest. Only a few amorous crickets disturbed the quiet. A crescent moon and its attendant stars lit the earth. And then one of the stars began to move, slowly, meanderingly, as though it were looking for something: a peripatetic, periwinkle pinpoint. From beyond the horizon another star appeared, moving quickly, the same yellow-white as the sun itself. It flew straight towards the first star. Briefly, they...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 189 Sweet Sammy Brown

Honey and I went on for almost a half hour. Her voice getting weaker was my objective. Finally I whispered one last time. "Now I want you to scream until I tell you to stop. When I tell you to stop, do not make another sound period." I said. I turned on the juice and left it on very low just as a reminder to scream. She did and I let her go a few seconds then held up my hand for her to stop. "Hey, Hey are you alright,?" I held up my hand so she wouldn't answer." Then I just jammed the...

4 years ago
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Mentoring Brandon Chapter 130

By Bob Chapter 13: A Real Reason to be Thankful That night, Brandon and I cuddled and fell asleep very quickly. We discussed Thanksgiving break and decided that we would spend the first couple of days with our families and then I would drive down to his home and meet his parents and brothers. Then, on the way back to school, we would spend the night at my house where he could meet my mom and dad. We knew that this would just be a time for us to meet each other's family, not a time...

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FilthyMassage Sophia Leone Soaking Sophia8217s Big Naturals

Legacy Latina Sophia Leone is going to let Peter Green play with all her squishy bits today. Peter drizzles her big naturals in oil, massaging them before moving on to her phat ass. Sophia twerks & jiggles before letting him deep in her pussy with his gloved fingers. She shows off her blowjob skills on Peter cock & lets him stick his hard dick in her wet hole. Sophia throws her thicc ass back on his big cock, making herself cum hard. She gets on top of Peter so he can suck her big boobs...

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Taking My Wife

I have a hot wife who has some great tits and a tight little body. But I always seem to not be satisfied with just her. I have fantasies about her all the time; mainly getting fucked by other men in a variety of settings.My wife is 5’6”, 120 lbs, 36D tits with nice round nipples that get so hard when she is horny. Anyways, part of my fantasies is coming up with ways where I could see her get fucked by other men without her knowing because I know if I brought it up, she would get mad at me. So,...

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Raped TeacherChapter 12

Jeff Turner had been making his last night a night to remember. He had been in the city for four days and he'd bought everything that he'd been supposed to buy. His old pick-up truck was filled completely and he was waiting for morning when he would start back to the farm. His father had warned him about the evils of the city. He was barely eighteen and he'd seen very little since he'd quit school. He'd decided he was really going to have a good time on his last night. He had never...

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EllenChapter 40 A Deplorable Accident

For the next two days, Richard and Ellen stayed at home and took the time to play with their children. They took strolls in Munich’s ‘English Garden’, a public park. A few times they sat with the natives in one of the large beer gardens, in the shade of old chestnut trees, and enjoyed the light ale that was served. A few days later, Ellen met with Marie to tell her of their visit to Coburg. She found her cousin in bad spirits. On Ellen’s insistence, Marie told her the reason. Lucien was now...

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Fucked by fatherinlaw

I want to narrate an experience of mine which I had with my father-in-law. I am a 27 year old woman. I’ve been married since four year. Of course, it’s an arranged marriage. My husband works in a private company and I am a house wife. My father-in-law is a widower. He lost his wife long back. Anyone could easily find out on seeing him that he is starved, I mean sexually. For about a year we were a happy couple, we toured around many places, hanged out well, everything was fine. It was off late...

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Virgin roommate

I came from a conservative Christian home with the uptight attitudes towards sex, so of course I went to college as a virgin. My college roommate had a girlfriend who would come over on weekends so I would leave for a few hours to give them privacy. One Friday night, I came back to the room and they were asleep together in his bottom bunk. They looked to be naked, but I tried not to look. I quietly climbed into my top bunk and tried to go to sleep. Thinking of the two of them naked and probably...

1 year ago
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Are you in the mood for some of that sweet, sweet Pinay poon tang? You’re not fucking alone! The last time I ate out some Asian pussy, my tongue was tingling for a week! I don’t know if it was because I was finger fucking her with some spicy chili paste or if it tasted that divine. Either way, I wanted to go back for seconds!She fled into the night like a mystical crane. Oh well. Xtorjack has a ton of moist lovelies that had me jacking off and cumming all over my device before I knew what...

Asian Porn Sites
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Akkadian StatuetteChapter 3 New Home

I had to stop thinking of "Martin". It was my body, my home. My life. In this new life I was an only child. My parents were still at work when I arrived. I was alone for a while, and I took the opportunity to try spell-casting. I went to my room and closed and locked the door. The bedroom lock wouldn't stop anybody determined to get in, but it would provide a notice of disturbance. More importantly, it would be a symbolic isolation from the rest of the world – very important in casting...

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Kaypea Special Slutty Stream

Kaypea's Special Slutty Stream“What’s all this about?” you ask your friends. They’ve been acting strangely all night. “Just go on in, and have a good time,” one answers cryptically, gesturing towards the bedroom door. You give them all a suspicious look, then open the door. It’s dark inside. One of them gives you a firm push and you stumble into the room. The door clicks shut behind you. Blind, you fumble for the light switch. After a few seconds you find it and flip it on. And your heart skips...

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Donkey Raped DaughterChapter 5

Linda switched the vibrator off and placed it on the floor beside the bed. It had served its purpose and was no longer required. It looked forlorn and dejected on the floor, abandoned, but Linda knew it was silly to feel sorry for an inanimate object that couldn't come, anyhow. Veronica was waiting eagerly, her legs spread. Linda was hungry for her cunt, but she didn't want to pounce on the tasty treat straight off, didn't want to seem greedy. Instead, she snuggled up beside the redhead...

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