Foggy Beach
- 4 years ago
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THE TRAIN, on leaving Great Salt Lake at Ogden, passed northward for an hour as far as Weber River, having completed nearly nine hundred miles from San Francisco. From this point it took an easterly direction towards the jagged Wahsatch Mountains. It was in the section included between this range and the Rocky Mountains that the American engineers found the most formidable difficulties in laying the road, and that the government granted a subsidy of forty-eight thousand dollars per mile, instead of sixteen thousand allowed for the work done on the plains. But the engineers, instead of violating nature, avoided its difficulties by winding around, instead of penetrating the rocks. One tunnel only, fourteen thousand feet in length, was pierced in order to arrive at the great basin.
The track up to this time had reached its highest elevation at the Great Salt Lake. From this point it described a long curve, descending towards Bitter Creek Valley, to rise again to the dividing ridge of the waters between the Atlantic and the Pacific. There were many creeks in this mountainous region, and it was necessary to cross Muddy Creek, Green Creek, and others, upon culverts.
Passepartout grew more and more impatient as they went on, while Fix longed to get out of this difficult region, and was more anxious than Phileas Fogg himself to be beyond the danger of delays and accidents, and set foot on English soil.
At ten o'clock at night the train stopped at Fort Bridger station, and twenty minutes later entered Wyoming Territory, following the valley of Bitter Creek throughout. The next day, 7th December, they stopped for a quarter of an hour at Green River station. Snow had fallen abundantly during the night, but, being mixed with rain, it had half melted, and did not interrupt their progress. The bad weather, however, annoyed Passepartout; for the accumulation of snow, by blocking the wheels of the cars, would certainly have been fatal to Mr. Fogg's tour.
"What an idea!" he said to himself. "Why did my master make this journey in winter? Couldn't he have waited for the good season to increase his chances?"
While the worthy Frenchman was absorbed in the state of the sky and the depression of the temperature, Aouda was experiencing fears from a totally different cause.
Several passengers had got off at Green River, and were walking up and down the platforms; and among these Aouda recognised Colonel Stamp Proctor, the same who had so grossly insulted Phileas Fogg at the San Francisco meeting. Not wishing to be recognised, the young woman drew back from the window, feeling much alarm at her discovery. She was attached to the man who, however coldly, gave her daily evidences of the most absolute devotion. She did not comprehend, perhaps, the depth of the sentiment with which her protector inspired her, which she called gratitude, but which, though she was unconscious of it, was really more than that. Her heart sank within her when she recognised the man whom Mr. Fogg desired, sooner or later, to call to account for his conduct. Chance alone, it was clear, had brought Colonel Proctor on this train; but there he was, and it was necessary, at all hazards, that Phileas Fogg should not perceive his adversary.
Aouda seized a moment when Mr. Fogg was asleep to tell Fix and Passepartout whom she had seen.
"That Proctor on this train!" cried Fix. "Well, reassure yourself, madam; before he settles with Mr. Fogg; he has got to deal with me! It seems to me that I was the more insulted of the two."
"And, besides," added Passepartout, "I'll take charge of him, colonel as he is."
"Mr. Fix," resumed Aouda, "Mr. Fogg will allow no one to avenge him. He said that he would come back to America to find this man. Should he perceive Colonel Proctor, we could not prevent a collision which might have terrible results. He must not see him."
"You are right, madam," replied Fix; "a meeting between them might ruin all. Whether he were victorious or beaten, Mr. Fogg would be delayed, and-"
"And," added Passepartout, "that would play the game of the gentlemen of the Reform Club. In four days we shall be in New York. Well, if my master does not leave this car during those four days, we may hope that chance will not bring him face to face with this confounded American. We must, if possible, prevent his stirring out of it."
The conversation dropped. Mr. Fogg had just woke up, and was looking out of the window. Soon after Passepartout, without being heard by his master or Aouda, whispered to the detective, "Would you really fight for him?"
"I would do anything," replied Fix, in a tone which betrayed determined will, "to get him back living to Europe!"
Passepartout felt something like a shudder shoot through his frame, but his confidence in his master remained unbroken.
Was there any means of detaining Mr. Fogg in the car, to avoid a meeting between him and the colonel? It ought not to be a difficult task, since that gentleman was naturally sedentary and little curious. The detective, at least, seemed to have found a way; for, after a few moments, he said to Mr. Fogg, "These are long and slow hours, sir, that we are passing on the railway."
"Yes," replied Mr. Fogg; "but they pass."
"You were in the habit of playing whist," resumed Fix, "on the steamers."
"Yes; but it would be difficult to do so here. I have neither cards nor partners."
"Oh, but we can easily buy some cards, for they are sold on all the American trains. And as for partners, if madam plays-"
"Certainly, sir," Aouda quickly replied; "I understand whist. It is part of an English education."
"I myself have some pretensions to playing a good game. Well, here are three of us, and a dummy-"
"As you please, sir," replied Phileas Fogg, heartily glad to resume his favourite pastime even on the railway.
Passepartout was dispatched in search of the steward, and soon returned with two packs of cards, some pins, counters, and a shelf covered with cloth.
The game commenced. Aouda understood whist sufficiently well, and even received some compliments on her playing from Mr. Fogg. As for the detective, he was simply an adept, and worthy of being matched against his present opponent.
"Now," thought Passepartout, "we've got him. He won't budge."
At eleven in the morning the train had reached the dividing ridge of the waters at Bridger Pass, seven thousand five hundred and twenty-four feet above the level of the sea, one of the highest points attained by the track in crossing the Rocky Mountains. After going about two hundred miles, the travelers at last found themselves on one of those vast plains which extend to the Atlantic, and which nature has made so propitious for laying the iron road.
On the declivity of the Atlantic basin the first streams, branches of the North Platte River, already appeared. The whole northern and eastern horizon was bounded by the immense semi-circular curtain which is formed by the southern portion of the Rocky Mountains, the highest being Laramie Peak. Between this and the railway extended vast plains, plentifully irrigated. On the right rose the lower spurs of the mountainous mass which extends southward to the sources of the Arkansas River, one of the great tributaries of the Missouri.
At half-past twelve the travelers caught sight for an instant of Fort Halleck, which commands that section; and in a few more hours the Rocky Mountains were crossed. There was reason to hope, then, that no accident would mark the journey through this difficult country. The snow had ceased falling, and the air became crisp and cold. Large birds, frightened by the locomotive, rose and flew off in the distance. No wild beast appeared on the plain. It was a desert in its vast nakedness.
After a comfortable breakfast, served in the car, Mr. Fogg and his partners had just resumed whist, when a violent whistling was heard, and the train stopped. Passepartout put his head out of the door, but saw nothing to cause the delay; no station was in view.
Aouda and Fix feared that Mr. Fogg might take it into his head to get out; but that gentleman contented himself with saying to his servant, "See what is the matter."
Passepartout rushed out of the car. Thirty or forty passengers had already descended, amongst them Colonel Stamp Proctor.
The train had stopped before a red signal which blocked the way. The engineer and conductor were talking excitedly with a signal-man, whom the station-master at Medicine Bow, the next stopping place, had sent on before. The passengers drew around and took part in the discussion, in which Colonel Proctor, with his insolent manner, was conspicuous.
Passepartout, joining the group, heard the signal-man say, "No! you can't pass. The bridge at Medicine Bow is shaky, and would not bear the weight of the train."
This was a suspension-bridge thrown over some rapids, about a mile from the place where they now were. According to the signal-man, it was in a ruinous condition, several of the iron wires being broken; and it was impossible to risk the passage. He did not in any way exaggerate the condition of the bridge. It may be taken for granted that, rash as the Americans usually are, when they are prudent there is good reason for it.
Passepartout, not daring to apprise his master of what he heard, listened with set teeth, immovable as a statue.
"Hum!" cried Colonel Proctor; "but we are not going to stay here, I imagine, and take root in the snow?"
"Colonel," replied the conductor, "we have telegraphed to Omaha for a train, but it is not likely that it will reach Medicine Bow is less than six hours."
"Six hours!" cried Passepartout.
"Certainly," returned the conductor, "besides, it will take us as long as that to reach Medicine Bow on foot."
"But it is only a mile from here," said one of the passengers.
"Yes, but it's on the other side of the river."
"And can't we cross that in a boat?" asked the colonel.
"That's impossible. The creek is swelled by the rains. It is a rapid, and we shall have to make a circuit of ten miles to the north to find a ford."
The colonel launched a volley of oaths, denouncing the railway company and the conductor; and Passepartout, who was furious, was not disinclined to make common cause with him. Here was an obstacle, indeed, which all his master's banknotes could not remove.
There was a general disappointment among the passengers, who, without reckoning the delay, saw themselves compelled to trudge fifteen miles over a plain covered with snow. They grumbled and protested, and would certainly have thus attracted Phileas Fogg's attention if he had not been completely absorbed in his game.
Passepartout found that he could not avoid telling his master what had occurred, and, with hanging head, he was turning towards the car, when the engineer a true Yankee, named Forster called out, "Gentlemen, perhaps there is a way, after all, to get over."
"On the bridge?" asked a passenger.
"On the bridge."
"With our train?"
"With our train."
Passepartout stopped short, and eagerly listened to the engineer.
"But the bridge is unsafe," urged the conductor.
"No matter," replied Forster; "I think that by putting on the very highest speed we might have a chance of getting over."
"The devil!" muttered Passepartout.
But a number of the passengers were at once attracted by the engineer's proposal, and Colonel Proctor was especially delighted, and found the plan a very feasible one. He told stories about engineers leaping their trains over rivers without bridges, by putting on full steam; and many of those present avowed themselves of the engineer's mind.
"We have fifty chances out of a hundred of getting over," said one.
"Eighty! ninety!"
Passepartout was astounded, and, though ready to attempt anything to get over Medicine Creek, thought the experiment proposed a little too American. "Besides," thought he, "there's a still more simple way, and it does not even occur to any of these people! Sir," said he aloud to one of the passengers, "the engineer's plan seems to me a little dangerous, but-"
"Eighty chances!" replied the passenger, turning his back on him.
"I know it," said Passepartout, turning to another passenger, "but a simple idea-"
"Ideas are no use," returned the American, shrugging his shoulders, "as the engineer assures us that we can pass."
"Doubtless," urged Passepartout, "we can pass, but perhaps it would be more prudent-"
"What! Prudent!" cried Colonel Proctor, whom this word seemed to excite prodigiously. "At full speed, don't you see, at full speed!"
"I know-I see," repeated Passepartout; "but it would be, if not more prudent, since that word displeases you, at least more natural-"
"Who! What! What's the matter with this fellow?" cried several.
The poor fellow did not know to whom to address himself.
"Are you afraid?" asked Colonel Proctor.
"I afraid? Very well; I will show these people that a Frenchman can be as American as they!"
"All aboard!" cried the conductor.
"Yes, all aboard!" repeated Passepartout, and immediately. "But they can't prevent me from thinking that it would be more natural for us to cross the bridge on foot, and let the train come after!"
But no one heard this sage reflection, nor would anyone have acknowledged its justice. The passengers resumed their places in the cars. Passepartout took his seat without telling what had passed. The whist-players were quite absorbed in their game.
The locomotive whistled vigorously; the engineer, reversing the steam, backed the train for nearly a mile-retiring, like a jumper, in order to take a longer leap. Then, with another whistle, he began to move forward; the train increased its speed, and soon its rapidity became frightful; a prolonged screech issued from the locomotive; the piston worked up and down twenty strokes to the second. They perceived that the whole train, rushing on at the rate of a hundred miles an hour, hardly bore upon the rails at all.
And they passed over! It was like a flash. No one saw the bridge. The train leaped, so to speak, from one bank to the other, and the engineer could not stop it until it had gone five miles beyond the station. But scarcely had the train passed the river, when the bridge, completely ruined, fell with a crash into the rapids of Medicine Bow.
Chapter Twenty-NineTHE TRAIN pursued its course, that evening, without interruption, passing Fort Saunders, crossing Cheyenne Pass, and reaching Evans Pass. The road here attained the highest elevation of the journey, eight thousand and ninety-two feet above the level of the sea. The travelers had now only to descend to the Atlantic by limitless plains, levelled by nature. A branch of the "grand trunk" led off southward to Denver, the capital of Colorado. The country round about is rich in gold and silver, and more than fifty thousand inhabitants are already settled there.
Thirteen hundred and eighty-two miles had been passed over from San Francisco, in three days and three nights; four days and nights more would probably bring them to New York. Phileas Fogg was not as yet behind-hand.
During the night Camp Walbach was passed on the left; Lodge Pole Creek ran parallel with the road, marking the boundary between the territories of Wyoming and Colorado. They entered Nebraska at eleven, passed near Sedgwick, and touched at Julesburg, on the southern branch of the Platte River.
It was here that the Union Pacific Railroad was inaugurated on the 23rd of October, 1867, by the chief engineer, General Dodge. Two powerful locomotives, carrying nine cars of invited guests, amongst whom was Thomas C. Durant, vice-president of the road, stopped at this point; cheers were given, the Sioux and Pawnees performed an imitation Indian battle, fireworks were let off, and the first number of the Railway Pioneer was printed by a press brought on the train. Thus was celebrated the inauguration of this great railroad, a mighty instrument of progress and civilisation, thrown across the desert, and destined to link together cities and towns which do not yet exist. The whistle of the locomotive, more powerful than Amphion's lyre, was about to bid them rise from American soil.
Fort McPherson was left behind at eight in the morning, and three hundred and fifty-seven miles had yet to be traversed before reaching Omaha. The road followed the capricious windings of the southern branch of the Platte River, on its left bank. At nine the train stopped at the important town of North Platte, built between the two arms of the river, which rejoin each other around it and form a single artery a large tributary whose waters empty into the Missouri a little above Omaha.
The one hundred and first meridian was passed.
Mr. Fogg and his partners had resumed their game; no one-not even the dummy- complained of the length of the trip. Fix had begun by winning several guineas, which he seemed likely to lose; but he showed himself a not less eager whist-player than Mr. Fogg. During the morning, chance distinctly favoured that gentleman. Trumps and honours were showered upon his hands.
Once, having resolved on a bold stroke, he was on the point of playing a spade, when a voice behind him said, "I should play a diamond."
Mr. Fogg, Aouda, and Fix raised their heads, and beheld Colonel Proctor.
Stamp Proctor and Phileas Fogg recognised each other at once.
"Ah! it's you, is it, Englishman?" cried the colonel; "it's you who are going to play a spade!"
"And who plays it," replied Phileas Fogg coolly, throwing down the ten of spades.
"Well, it pleases me to have it diamonds," replied Colonel Proctor, in an insolent tone.
He made a movement as if to seize the card which had just been played, adding, "You don't understand anything about whist."
"Perhaps I do, as well as another," said Phileas Fogg, rising.
"You have only to try, son of John Bull," replied the colonel.
Aouda turned pale, and her blood ran cold. She seized Mr. Fogg's arm and gently pulled him back. Passepartout was ready to pounce upon the American, who was staring insolently at his opponent. But Fix got up, and, going to Colonel Proctor said, "You forget that it is I with whom you have to deal, sir; for it was I whom you not only insulted, but struck!"
"Mr. Fix," said Mr. Fogg, "pardon me, but this affair is mine, and mine only. The colonel has again insulted me, by insisting that I should not play a spade, and he shall give me satisfaction for it."
"When and where you will," replied the American, "and with whatever weapon you choose."
Aouda in vain attempted to retain Mr. Fogg; as vainly did the detective endeavour to make the quarrel his. Passepartout wished to throw the colonel out of the window, but a sign from his master checked him. Phileas Fogg left the car, and the American followed him upon the platform. "Sir," said Mr. Fogg to his adversary, "I am in a great hurry to get back to Europe, and any delay whatever will be greatly to my disadvantage."
"Well, what's that to me?" replied Colonel Proctor.
"Sir," said Mr. Fogg, very politely, "after our meeting at San Francisco, I determined to return to America and find you as soon as I had completed the business which called me to England."
"Will you appoint a meeting for six months hence?"
"Why not ten years hence?"
"I say six months," returned Phileas Fogg; "and I shall be at the place of meeting promptly."
"All this is an evasion," cried Stamp Proctor. "Now or never!"
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‘You are being sooo good, baby,’ Linda said playfully, kneeling down and kissing me tenderly and whipping away the tears that had fell from my eyes involuntarily. ‘Are you having fun?’ she asked. I smiled and nodded that I was, although I was still a little anxious not knowing the future. Just then Kathy appeared with a towel and some wipes and began cleaning the cum from my back and legs and wet asshole. The gesture was almost infantile and I could feel the sting returning to my cheeks. Oddly...
My wife and I watched one happy family come down the stairs and into the kitchen where Amanda was making breakfast. I had never known Brian well and had only met him a couple of times. Now I had a friend for life. Linda clung to her mother and June kept promising the little girl that she wouldn't ever go away again. June brought up the subject of how her actions had not only destroyed her marriage, but her friends as well. She was devastated when I told her that we were actually divorced,...
I had known Stay since we were both 7 but did not know much about her except that she went out a lot and she knew nothing about me except that I got really high grades which is what I guess led to a certain incident. One afternoon on my way back from school I heard someone calling out to me from behind, I turned around to see Stacy pacing herself towards me. “‘Hey Tom”, she said with a smile once she had caught up to me. “Hey”, I said shyly trying not to make too much eye contact and seem...
My name is Megan, I’m 26 and I have black hair and brown eyes. I live alone and I haven’t had much luck in the boyfriend department. Honestly I’ve thought about moving back in with my mom, but I’m not ready for that just yet. Unfortunately I haven’t been getting a lot of sex. Although one night, when I got home after a long day of work, I came into my building and went to my apartment. I had to work late so I didn’t get home until about 10:00 or so. Walking into the living room I just sat down...
I moved to Vegas in 1972 from So.Cal.I kept seeing ads in the newspaper for a theater that showed adult movies with all male cast the theater was call the Gaiety it was in a back alley not far from I was living it had several rows of seats which had only men sitting in them it was my kind of place. I had moved to Vegas a couple of months before and was craving some cock. After a few minutes of watching the movie a man sat in the row behind me just to my left he kept bumping my seat with his...
Like any other Saturday night I’m sitting on the couch watching TV, bored out of my mind and horny as fuck. My boyfriend’s laughter floats through the house we share as he plays on his computer in the other room while talking to his friends on Skype. 'Why is he not throwing me on the bed and fucking my brains out instead?!' I’ve attempted several times to catch his attention to which I get ignored. It does make me feel a little bad, but at this point I’m pretty annoyed by it. 'I’m just going to...
SpankingYou awaken in the bomb shelter on the farm where you grew up, for a minute not knowing where you are. Then the realization comes to you, and you begin to remember. The radio crackling, signalling what was going on, the massive explosions everywhere. Every country had speculated that someone else had started it, but now that was all academic. From what you can tell, you might have been the only survivor of World War III...or whatever the heck happened. Still, according to your giger counter,...
Submissive sissy.Like most crossdressers, I started off trying to be as ‘convincing’ a woman as I could be and, to be honest, it was often a difficult journey and essentially one without an ending. I’ll not go into why I turned my back on that and acknowledged that, rather than being a crossdresser, I am a sissy. That deserves another account and I plan to address that soon. The briefest point I will make about being a sissy is that it’s about ultra-femininity, over the top femininity. In short...
My MIL is a mid 40's woman and is exceptionally beautiful, She had my wife when she was 20 years old and still people think they are sisters more than mother and daughter, she has never been married and has not dated since my wife was 5 or so.She had planned to come and stay with us for a few days and when she arrived I was in the utility room doing some wiring, I heard her come in and put her stuff in the downstairs spare room.I climbed down off my ladder and decided to go say hi, Apparently...
OK, we miscalculated slightly. Instead of a perfect teleport Arwen brought us in at nearly three hundred miles an hour at a steep angle onto the plain of Jezreel. Fortunately Dhunvael and I were able to protect the Fae with inertial dampening as well as assisting Arwen with braking and heat dissipation. “Keldravan,” I announced, sweat running down my forehead as the coating dissolved in front of us and the Royal guard, including Talshish, ported in en-masse to surround us. “My Princess!...
Whilst most of my stories are true this one is fiction but based upon real people so who knows it may become reality one day. I always got my hopes up when interviewing for new female members of staff my mind racing through the usual fantasy scenarios like a typical middle aged man would. Interviewing on a Saturday when the office was empty only served to fuel the fantasies. However so far they were way off and the reality of the candidates dampened my sexual enthusiasm to say the least. With...
All day and throughout his journey home he'd been looking forward to this moment. It wasn't often he was able to surprise his wife but having tied up the final paperwork on the new contact earlier than expected, he'd decided to make the journey home today instead of leaving it til his usual Friday. Besides, he'd long grown tired of living in hotel rooms and it would be fun to surprise his wife. Yet for some strange reason, five minutes ago when he'd switched off the cars engine, he...
Early to mid-December 1963 Gradually, December accelerated towards Christmas and school finished for the year. Col brought her school report home on the last day and she gave it to Mutti Frida that evening. When Mutti Frida opened it, there was an accompanying letter. After reading the report and smiling at Col, she unfolded the letter. After a while, she looked up. “You are doing so well, Col, that they want you to move to the grammar school, in Canterbury.” Col was astounded. I smiled....
by Diiamond Part I The Introduction It was almost time for the party. Tonight Jay's alpha pet, Rachel, was wearing next to nothing just the way Jay liked her. She wore a black metal collar that had a thin strip of black vinyl connected to the front of the collar. The thin strip ran down the front of her body, through her pussy lips, and up the crack of her ass. In the back it was connected to a second strip of black vinyl that circled high on her waist. The third and final strip of...
Don Venuto's Sissies! Players: Capo De Matzo, counsel to Don Venuto. Don Venuto also known as the Godfather; Mario Venuto, son of Don Venuto; Ms. Rosa Cappella, professional dominatrix; Carol Evans, mother of Mark Evans; Mark Evans aka Martha Evans; Helen Andrews owner of the Little Miss Muffin Boutique; Ralph Summers, a friend of Mark, aka Robin; Steve Franks, friend of Mark, aka Susan; Sandy Summers, Ralph's mother; Tracy McCall, Mark's girlfriend. Jack Summers, friend of...
It was 10 P.M. on a warm Friday evening when I returned to the house that Becca and I shared.“Hi, sweetie,” Becca said, as I opened the front door and stepped into the house. “How did your day go?”“Pretty good,” I replied, as I set two large brown bags down on the floor. “Work was uneventful for the most part, and, for my line of work, uneventful is always a good thing.”“Good to hear,” she replied. “That means I can make your day even better.”At that moment, Becca walked over to me. She wrapped...
College SexThe next night, Sean logged onto his Skype and added Amy as a friend. She was all he could think about for that entire day! While waiting for a response, he went to her page to find out a little more about her."Hmmmm. So she's into BDSM...blowjobs...nice!", he thought to himself. "Oh, she's a cutie, too! Nice tits and a nice smile! That's always a plus! Oh, wait! We're not too far from each other either! Meh, keep dreaming, dude. You'd be happy with a private show with a woman who looks like...
While they were eating and drinking, Sara was happily telling Ivy what their city life was like, telling even some of Charles's personal details to her. I am going to be sick, Charles told himself. When everyone finished eating, his mom looked at him and also at Ivy. "Dear why don't you and Eva go the lounge and put on a film. We have some Blue Ray disc movies. Hey Eva, do you like Twilight? I got all three movies in blue-ray. I have the first film Twilight. I have the second film new...
BY BIGHORNYCOCK123 (I'm now having to put this on my stories, as i've recently discovered people reposting them under their names, claiming they created them!)So the BBQ was going pretty well, everyone was having a good time, and the drink was flowing.Then as the afternoon turned to evening, people began to leave for one reason or another, like Mrs Newman needing to clean my love goo out of her pussy before her husband found it.And as the light began to fade, and my father turned on the outdoor...
Hello dosto mai iss k bahut story padi h.mujhe sabhi story aache lage.mai delhi m rahta hu apni family k sath. To mai aj apko apni pahli story batata hu jo k 4 sal pahle ki hai jab m 16 sal k tha aur 11 me padta tha. Ek din jab m school se aya to dekha ki mehman aye huy h maine mom se pucha to unhone bataya ki tere papa k dost hai,family k sath delhi ghumne aye h.unki wife aur do bache the 1 ladki the aur 1 ladka tha. Ladki k nam shweta age 17 aur ladke k nam aasu age11 raha hoga.shweta bahut...
Harvey wasn't all that bad looking once he got cleaned up and that greasy gray hair was washed and combed. He was concentration camp thin, but that was about the only thing that made him look a little homeless. "So Harvey what can you eat?" I asked. "I can find something on most restaurant's menu. I can't do the full vegan thing, but I can managed most of it." he said. "So you are just a vegetarian?' I asked. "And part time vegan." "A little more than that, but I don't insist...
I was an office manager of an accounting firm; it was my job to make sure everything ran smoothly. I decided to hire a new secretary at the office. I had a few people but I decided to go with this girl because it was her first job and I could pay her practically nothing and get the same results if I hired some experienced person. Her name was Kristina; she liked to be called Kris. She had just turned 19 years old. She was probably 5 foot 5 inches with short bouncy brown hair. Nice firm ass...
“I’m telling you, you didn’t need to put your bandages back on,” Jules said as he walked beside Zuki. Threading his way through the crowds that clogged the torus was always a pain, but once again, he reflected on how much easier it was to get around at night. The walkway was far from empty, but he wasn’t brushing shoulders with Marines and tourists or dodging out of the way of giant aliens lest they crush him underfoot. “I feel more comfortable like this,” she insisted. “I know that, but...
Just got divorced from my wife in 2002 I was 39 I went out drinking one night feeling down horny just a mix bag emotions I was that night. As I was sitting at the bar having a few drinking I seen this tall women with black hair walk in with big tits and really nice ass she stood at 6'1 me I'm 5'9 she sat across the bar from me I kept looking at her and every time she look at me I would look away but she new I was looking at her. She came over and sat down beside me and said how come I keep...
We were lucky, usually Geghast Station was one of those stations that at any one moment, there could be ten or more ships docked looking for a cargo, leading to sometimes someone taking a run that would barely break even, just to get off the dock and stop paying docking fees, but this time there was a pretty decent run taking us to the Morely System, which was a single jumpgate away. Even with the days to get to the jump gate, and the couple days in system once we arrived, it was going to...
Breakfast on Matthews' Mountain was hectic, but fun. Last night, Diana had assumed that General Whitworth and his family would like to have time to themselves, so she and Jeff's younger wives had brought supper to the Whitworth's suite. Then Barbara's appetite later screamed for more food, and she, her sister and the General had found the Matthews waiting for them in the kitchen. With the return of the helicopter, and Dave returning from a night out with his wives, everyone had been...
When I was a senior in college I changed my major to Theatre. Not the brightest choice , but i was an ARTIST or so I saidJackie was a freshman, a beauty queen from a small town, Polson, Montana. She had a checkered past, sex in the band room with her English teacher He was fired and she was labeled the school slut. College was a new start for her.We auditioned for a play, and amazingly,were both cast. I was Big Daddy, she was Maggie. When the cast list was posted everybody was just named on a...
"Honey, what the hell are all these boxes out here? Looks like IPS got lazy again and left them far from the door." "How would I know? Bring them in and check the labels." Her annoyed tone could be very grating. The three big, heavy boxes were neatly stacked on the bottom two steps and overlapped. There was a large red heart sticker on each box. I soon discovered a familiar name on them. "They're all from your boyfriend Steve." THAT should irritate her. We'd been arguing again and...
Hi Indian sex stories readers !! I have been following Indian sex stories for many years !! This is my second story in iss !! I hope you guys will enjoy the story !! Let me explain about myself here ! I am a 18 years boy living in anna nagar chennai my name surya usually nowadays my age guys are falling in love with mature aunts !! And I m not exceptional in it ! I love aunties a lot ! They are caring , sexy and not satisfied ! I love them and satisfy them ! Let me come to the story ! Its about...
IncestJennifer and I sat at my kitchen table on Saturday afternoon sipping beers following our fuck fest with Holly and Nick the night before. Jennifer didn’t have to worry about picking up her kids until Sunday late afternoon and Jerry wouldn’t be home until later Sunday night. We had both woken up late that morning and just now sat down to chat about what happened the night before.Jennifer had taken a long bath and looked exquisitely sexy with her hair back in a ponytail. She wore one of Jerry’s...