Sean and Roger 20 Years OnChapter 1
- 3 years ago
- 29
- 0
Mikele organised a spirited defense for most of the afternoon. As more of the Bluefields Arks joined the resistance, Mikele stationed them in sniper positions among the surrounding hills with orders to keep shifting. He, Nor and Thane fired most of their banshee ammunition at the operators of the plasma weapon - killing at least two. Their actions allowed something to be organised behind them - unmolested by the blast of the HEW.
Costa, Rasida and a young man named Redell concentrated on the men still coming down ropes from the Voortrekker. Five lost their grip and plummeted a good 200 metres to the river flat.
Nor doubled at the crouch to Mikele, who was squatting behind a fallen tree. "That airship," he said, breathlessly. "We should bring it down. Our rounds go straight through the hull."
"An airship is not like a balloon," he replied. "It is an envelope containing nine, maybe ten balloons. Roger thinks the gas cells are likely made from some self-repair material. We'd be wasting our ammo - we couldn't put enough holes in it to cause any damage."
"Okay, but what about the gondolas? We take out some of the crew?"
"Roger reckons the airship's leased by the Religionists. They're just ordinary folks doing their job."
"Bringing soldiers to make war on us? They're nothing more than mercenaries. Roger's not here - what do you say?"
"Hmm, I say, take the fuckers out!"
"On it!" Nor smiled, and ran back to his position.
Mikele signaled he'd cover him by pinning down the plasma crew. Nor took careful aim at the clear screen panels of the forward control car until he spotted movement.
Captain Peter Strasser was anxiously watching the unloading of the ship so he could get away. He hadn't predicted being in the middle of a firefight and he was thinking seriously of dumping their emergency ballast and leaving the crazies to jump. From his vantage, he could plainly see the Second Millennialists and their local adversaries dodging, scrambling for new positions, and sniping at one another. The SMs were trying to move their plasma weapon to a new position under very accurate fire from the inhabitants. It was quickly becoming an unpopular job and he could see the SM commanders screaming at their men to follow orders.
"Are they nearly off, Leo?" he asked his Landing Officer without turning around. When he didn't answer he turned. First Officer Leo Furstzinger, Landing Officer, was lying crumpled up on the floor of the Control Car - a red patch growing steadily over the back of his uniform jacket. Strasser stood for a moment stunned. The large side clear view panel was now a spider web of cracks with two neat holes drilled through the middle of them. The Control Car crew looked at him in shock. The Trimmer bent over the inert form on the floor and looked up gravely. "Release emergency ballast!" he shouted. "Blow the breeches and get down on the floor!"
"What about them?" the Helmsman indicated out the clearview.
"Throw everything out off the ramps!" he yelled. "Any passenger left on board can jump. I want none of those idiots left on board. Throw them off my ship and let's get the hell out of here!"
"Sir?" the Watchman called, lying prone of the floor. "Rear Car reports they're taking fire as well. A shot has just gone through the auxiliary engine control console."
"Release QR breeches, now!" Strasser yelled. "Pump aft - up plane 30 - engines to full emergency power! Up ramps - anything left on board we can throw out later."
The Arks watched in fascination as a cascade of water descended from the airship. The scream of the engines could be heard over the sound of the shrieking wind and the crackle of weapons fire. The water deluged those below and sent a swarm of men running for their lives. Ark snipers had a brief happy time pouring fire into the runners and reckoned they shot another half dozen.
A vivid white flash lit up the hillside starting a mini avalanche of rocks and rubble. Mikele watched two Ark snipers tumbling after the rocks - he couldn't identify them. 'Get back, ' he signaled. 'Back to the Fall.'
The Fall was a narrow defile and he figured it would provide an excellent defensive position.
Back at Bluefields, caravans were being hastily loaded with as many of the Arks' precious possessions as they could hold. Young children, the sick and elderly were piled on top. All the horses that weren't needed for the defense were tethered or driven in front of the immense Shires. The Religionist may take Bluefields, but, they weren't going to find much of value left behind.
Roger lay on his bed complaining while Sean Beth fussed over him, bathing his face and eyes and treating his numerous wounds. He demanded to know what was happening and Sean Beth was determined he should rest. Reluctantly, she allowed him the use of his transceiver.
"Mikele?" he called. "Come in? What's going on?"
"The Fall!" came the reply. "Better position - airship bugged out - 20 or 30 coming after us." Mikele talked in bursts and Roger could hear the zipping of the autorifles in the background.
"What? What's going on?" came a new voice through the speaker. It was George, calling anxiously from the cabin up on the plateau.
"Religionists have landed at the lower valley," he explained. "They're armed with automatic weapons and at least one portable HEW."
"Shit!" George exclaimed. "I'll be right down!"
"No, George. I'm sending the wagons up your way. They will need shelter. I suggest you lager them around the cabin."
"Roger, I..."
"George? They will need a fighter or two up there, or are you suggesting Reged defend the kids on her own?"
"No, but..."
"Do it and clear the channel. I need to speak to Mikele."
"I'm sending the horses back with Thane, Roger," Mikele said. "That plasma rifle is scaring the shit out of them. Maybe use Thane to supply us with water and ammo?"
"Hey!" said another new voice. "I'm Delios of the Montseny. I've been monitoring you. Need some help?"
"Delios?" Roger cried in delight. "We need fighters, weapons and ammo. We should have fresh mounts at the way cabin in a day or so if you want to use them. Can you get a message through to Iberica?"
"I've already sent a rider to the nearest base station. Likely, he ought to get through to them in about two days."
"Great, Delios!"
"We have an autocannon mounted on a trailer. We'll send that as well. Sebat thinks he knows where a band of Black Guard are camped - about a week away..."
"Bring them. These guys want trouble, we'll give them some."
"Roger?" Mikele interrupted. "That plasma gun's more than we can handle. They're just flattening our cover - exploding the rocks right in front of us."
"Do you think you can hold them off till night?"
"Not sure. Nor's hit in the shoulder and I think Rasida's got a busted arm!"
"What?" yelled Sean Beth from across the room. "Get my babies back here!"
"On their way. Nor wanted to stay, but, I talked him of it."
"It's starting to rain," Mikele told him. "It'll drive into their faces. It may gives us a respite."
"Well, hang on as long as you can, Mikele. It'll give more time for the vans to get away."
Sean Beth came to him with another bandage soaked in cool water and placed it over his eyes. She peeled back the tatters of his allsuit and clicked her tongue.
"You're riddled!" she told him. "All superficial, mostly, except that - looks pretty deep. The allsuit shielded your skin from the heat, but, your poor face ... My dear, you may need a little grafting."
"My eyes..." he moaned.
"I dunno, beloved. I can't tell whether you have retina damage without proper equipment. We need to get you to Iberica. They have all the gear and can fit you with artificial retinas if required."
"Can't leave..."
"Oh, sure, and what the hell use are you here? Jack and Janet are waiting - she will care for you on the way."
"No! But, you must leave!"
"I'm not leaving my babies! Mikele will need a healer back here in any case. Roger, I will sedate the shit out of you and get the guys to load you on to the van if I have to. You're going, and that's it!"
"When did you learn to be so fucking assertive?"
"20 years an Ark - move!"
Sean Beth helped Roger - still complaining bitterly - into Jack and Janet's caravan. She looked across at the cluster of tents that housed Allsinger and his followers and felt a flash of anger. How dare these people seek to ruin their lives with a mixture of self-righteousness and arrogance? Some of the Arks had suggested shooting them out of hand, but, Roger had been against it. He'd sworn he'd never be a party to cold blooded murder.
She watched her parents urged the horses forward. The lumbering caravan - all gayly painted in scrollwork and whimsical scenes - headed for the mountain road taking her lover away from her. Throughout their lives, they'd never been parted for longer than a day or two. She wondered whether she'd ever see him again.
John and Rada broke through her despondency as they rode up to the cabin.
"How's Roger?" Rada asked, anxiously.
"Uh, burnt face - wounds from stone chips - and he's blind!"
"Oh, god!" Rada gasped.
"Where're you two going?" Sean Beth asked.
"Join the fight!"
"The hell you are!" Sean Beth cried, outraged. "And John has no training! If Roger could take a shot, you'd be sitting ducks. The guys need ammunition and water and help with the casualties. Rasida busted her arm - go fetch her."
"Yes, ma-am!" Rada rolled her eyes and the two galloped off. "When did she get so bossy?" she complained to John as they went to gather the water bottles from the bore.
Several minutes later Faith rode up. "Water!" she said, breathlessly, "and more ammo."
"Take whatever you can find. How are things down there?"
"Rain," she replied. "It's driving into their faces. Mikele thinks they can't see us properly. He's at the Fall."
"Nor and Rasida - they're coming back with Thane and the horses. Nor's hit in the shoulder and Rasida fell and broke her arm. Redell fell - they, ah, haven't found him yet. He might be..."
"Okay, Faith. He's a good, strong lad. Keep an eye on your brother and Rada, huh? They're apt to do something foolish."
"Faith?" came a voice behind them. It was Martin, her father, and he carried one of the groups fowling pieces. Behind him stood Matthew Kohn - similarly armed. "What are you doing, child?" he asked.
"Father?" Faith said, shocked. "I'm helping."
"You choose the Heathen against your own people?"
"Father? I choose to be with my friends when they're in trouble."
"Your friends?" Martin said, aghast. "The same friends who have destroyed your faith?"
"Yes!" Faith turned her horse to go, but, Martin brought up his firearm.
"Get down from that horse?" he commanded. "Or I will shoot you down. Don't make me do it, Faith, for you're still my daughter. I must rescue your soul and redeem you in the eyes of the Lord."
Faith looked at her father in shock.
"Bullshit!" Sean Beth spat. "Put down that popgun before you hurt yourself."
"Stay out of it, whore!" Martin yelled.
"Martin?" Matthew Kohn intervened. "What are you doing, brother? She's your daughter!"
"And I'm losing her to the Devil!"
"I have lost my wife, Martin. It makes little difference to me whether she is with the Lord or the Devil for she is still gone. I wouldn't inflict that kind of pain on another human being - be they Faithful or Heathen. To take the life of your daughter is a crime beyond redemption - it's a life sentence. You must not do this, Martin!"
"But she must be punished - it is written!"
"It is written that sinners are judged and punished, not killed. For what do you seek punishment for her?"
"She is debauching with a Heathen. She takes the cause of those fighting against us."
"You made war on my friends," Faith told her father. "And Thane is my partner in all things. We love each other and will remain together for the rest of our lives."
"You call this sickness love?" Martin scoffed.
"She does, Martin," said Kohn. "And, although I believe she is too young, I see in her eyes that she has given her heart to this boy - as I gave my heart to my beloved Glory. It is a precious, priceless, commodity - one that demands to be nurtured and cherished - not destroyed. If our Lord demands that we should destroy such love where we find it, He is not a god I wish to worship. Put down that gun, Martin."
"Matthew? I never thought I would hear you say such things."
"My wife died and the pain of losing her has brought a lot of things into focus. We have committed great wrongs on these people who came to us as neighbours. We turned them away in our arrogance and, as a result, our loved ones died a needless death. I believe we must ask them to forgive us - not perpetuate our sinning against them."
"Faith?" Thane cried, galloping up. He had a horse pistol in his hand pointing straight at Faith's father.
"No, Thane!" she yelled. "It's all right!"
"Martin?" Matthew Kohn said gently. "Put down the gun." He moved forward and carefully took the fowling piece from his grasp. Martin allowed himself to be guided away.
"Where's Rasida? Nor?" Sean Beth asked.
"Coming - back there. What's been going on, Faith?"
"Nothing!" she told him. "Tell you later."
"How's it going?" Sean Beth asked Thane.
"Mikele's got them pinned down at the Fall. The plasma weapon's run out of juice and they haven't a charger - least I haven't seen one. Mikele thinks it's still on the airship. It's really pelting down with rain and they're taking shelter. Mikele's sending a few of the guys back. He reckons they need rest and is going to rotate everyone. He says the Religionists will have a hard night of it because there's no shelter and he has the high ground. 'They're commanding the view clear down to the river flats.' That's what he says and said I should pass that on to Roger."
"Don't bother, Thane," Sean Beth replied. "Roger's on his way to Johnson's Flat. I guess Mikele's in charge."
"He says that with reinforcements they ought to be able to drive them back into the Gulf," Thane continued.
"Get some rest then take them some coveralls for the weather. The rain's going to be here soon, so I need you back soon. You and Faith have done good, but, don't tire yourselves. Where's Rada and John?"
"Down the trail a ways," he told her. "They have more ammo with them."
Soon Nor and Rasida arrived. Nor's shoulder was covered in blood and he was tied to his horse to keep from falling off. Rasida lead his mount for him with one arm - the other was strapped to her chest with a leather belt. Sean Beth, Thane and Faith helped them down and into the house. Rasida was complaining loudly as they laid Nor on the bed.
"Fucking silly bitch," she wined. "Too fucking slow to get out of the goddamn way. Redell went down, too, but he fell clear into the creek."
"They found him?" Sean Beth asked.
"Yeah. Knocked out - he comes to and crawls out himself. Mikele told him to go back, but, Redell told him to go fuck himself. Probably concussed - silly fucker."
"Nor?" Sean Beth said, "It's gone though your scapula. The bone's shattered. You're going to Iberica for surgery once we've pumped a few units of blood plasma into you."
"Not!" he moaned.
"Are!" Sean Beth said, sternly. "Thane? Go set Rasida's arm and tell her to stop bitching!"
Shortly, Redell came through the door, staggering, and slumped down on the sofa. "I feel sick," he moaned.
Sean Beth and Faith were collecting firewood from the woodshed behind the house when they heard the commotion. They heard one of the Religionist women scream and went to have a look. By the head of the trail, they saw Thane lying over his horse's neck and John behind him, swaying. Martin Goodfellow was carefully guiding the Arabian and Rada was beside the horse, fussing over the two youths. She saw Faith and Sean Beth and cried for help. Allsinger appeared behind, carrying an autorifle,...
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Udit wasn't just a guest at the ranch over the next few weeks. The old Indian worked right beside everyone else and sometimes he found things to do the rest hadn't even thought of or hadn't had time to do. Udit had asked Martha's permission to take Sean outside on a Friday afternoon and she agreed. Thirty minutes later she was astonished at what she saw when she looked out the window. Prince was patiently standing in the middle of the corral and Udit had one hoof lifted. Sean was sitting...
Flashing lights and loud, pounding music. I downed my shot of whiskey and eyed Sean from a corner of the club. He was grooving, dancing with another attractive lithe female who was very evidently, ready to give anything he wanted. Sean is dark, dangerous and handsome as sin, a well-known in the club I always frequent, and I cannot help but gawk. He was very tall, built and had the best sense of dressing I’ve known. Rich, yes, very rich too, never failing to consistently make an entrance...
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Pappy and BB drove back to the ranch after the family dinner because ranch work needs constant attention. Martha, Seth, and Sean, followed the next morning. Martha asked Seth to remind her to note the date and time in the family bible; September 25, 1975. She viewed the arrival of Sean as the beginning of momentous changes for the Gordian Ranch, and their lives. Those changes began when Seth's Ford Bronco slowly rumbled across the steel cattle guard that protected the gate from cows...
The conversation around the kitchen table didn't provide the consensus for a solution to their problem. Seth wanted to set up a guard schedule and shoot on sight if the Brujo came back. Pappy wanted to go hunting for the Brujo and kill him. Martha was adamant about no hunting and no killing on sight. She was happy with guarding but she didn't want any killing. "What happens if we see some hiker in the wrong place at the wrong time?" she asked heatedly. "We could kill the wrong person. I...
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Susan Wilson and Sheila Delgado opened the front door for Liz and Ben as the Cavalla's pulled into the circular driveway. This wasn't one of those fancy circular driveways you see in the movies. The ground was bare desert when the house was first built and no one had time to install landscaping yet. It was easier to drive across the desert from the road than it was to park on the street and walk to the house. The circular path the vehicles made on the bare desert became the default driveway...
Just as Liz predicted, Sean had to be taken to the hospital at least three times a week so the other nurses could see him. Martha was getting used to surprising things happening around Sean but she found that she could still be shaken. There were areas of the hospital that two month old babies couldn't be taken to because of fear of infection but the areas that were available were visited. One ward they could visit was the cancer ward. The cancer ward wasn't an especially pleasant place to...
Martha got the men settled around the table. Seth had fixed a brace for one of the chairs so Sean's car carrier could hold Sean at table height. Udit chuckled and pointed out that most people just used a highchair for their babies. "Sean's more comfortable this way Mr. Udit," Martha replied with a little irritation in her voice. "This way it seems like it's easier for him to join the conversation with the rest of us," she explained. Her expression started to look sheepish before it...
Ava convinced Sheila to leave her alone with Udit for a little while. The two of them had some issues that still needed to be resolved that were best addressed in private. Martha entered the kitchen a couple of hours later. She looked at Ava and Udit sternly for a moment before she said, "You two need to settle up your differences or take them someplace else. I need to get dinner ready." Ava smiled at her and said, "I think we've resolved everything between us that can be...
Sean was a good friend of mine from school. A year ahead of me, we generally hung out a lot, were in the same clubs and organizations. He was a good looking guy, solidly built, really intelligent, but had a self-image problem because his mother had bailed on him and his father a few years back. As a result, he seldom had a girlfriend. His self-esteem wasn't helped by his father, a big gruff guy who usually had little to say, especially after his divorce. He always had a look on his face like he...
Gay“Well, it’s over.” Roger Jones tossed his keys on the table near the door. “She doesn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore.” Roger slouched his way into the living room, hands in the pockets of his chinos. His roommate sat on the couch wearing a grey sweatshirt and a pair of plaid boxer shorts. “Sheila? Now there’s a shocker,” said Dennis between slurps of breakfast cereal. “Ohhhhh… Roger, honey, I’m sorry,” called Ellen from the kitchen. “What happened, sweetie?” “She was quite...
HumorI paused in the doorway, and struck a seductive pose and smiled then turned and went back into the house. I felt their eyes on my butt as I walked away with an exaggerated wiggle of my hips and smiled to myself.I went into the bathroom and brushed my hair, smiled nervously at myself, and spontaneously removed my panties. I twisted and turned looking at myself in the mirror and just before walking out unbuttoned one more button.I walked out on the deck and Roger and Freddy quit talking. I smiled...
Dave's father, Roger MacDonald, was sitting at his desk on that hot Friday afternoon daydreaming about the coming weekend. With only a half hour left in his workday he was using the time reflecting on his life. His life to date had not been especially unique, but it had not been easy, either. Roger had been born in Edwardton in 1960, the last child in the family. His father was an accountant with his own practice which he operated out of the family's basement. Roger's mother also did...
Roger laughed and said “ you just might what? “ I rolled my eyes and said you know what. Stop playing mister innocent. I sat down on the stairs and said besides all of the lights and cameras and stuff are all downstairs.If I go upstairs…then, I laughed and said no fun time for you and your friends. Roger reached down and threw me over his shoulder. I kicked and screamed as he carried me back into the “ soft core production room “ You’re so dead I yelled out as he led me into the room and spun...
Roger pulled me closer to him. I felt his hard cock press against my soft silky butt cheeks. I smiled and reached back and shifted until his cock fit snuggly into my butt crack. Roger whispered into my ear “ I think you liked that just a little bit huh? “ I looked back at him and giggled and said “ yeah just a little bit . “ we both cracked up and I rolled on my side facing him. My eyes searched his. I was looking for anger?, jealousy? Any sign that what we just did had made him unhappy.He...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
BB returned Sheila's call after the meeting. His first task was to reassure her that Martha and Seth were happy to let her stay at the ranch until the wedding. Sheila had expected a call back soon after she hung up and it had been hours. BB explained what had happened and what they decided to do about it. "Sheila, I don't want to put you in danger but I was told that you should be the one to decide," BB said. "I want you here but, at the same time, I want you safe. Can you understand...
Roger and I were lying in bed. I was on my side resting my head on his chest. We’d just celebrated my twenty fifth birthday and were finally alone. I was gently biting and kissing his chest when he asked me a question that made me laugh. He asked me if I’d let Freddy take some pictures of us making love. I looked up and simply said no. I told him he could take some pictures of me if he wanted too though. He laughed and said “ ok as long as I can show them to Freddy. I said oh no you don’t now...
Its funny how many times your parents tell you about what life was like when they were growing up. And a reoccuring theme of their stories is how you should always tell the truth, no matter the cost. Hummm ... just a thought. The Story of Roger and Margo Margo walked out of Jackson State Pen a free woman. An 8x8 foot cell had been her home for the past seventeen months. Margo was not an evil woman, but she had done an evil thing. You see, when Margo fell in love, she fell in love hard. She...
June awoke to the sound of her alarm clock. “It’s Monday. My first day on the new job,” she said to herself. Roger got home too late for her to see him on Friday night. She spent almost all day Saturday with him, however. They made love, talked a lot about a lot of things, made love, went to lunch, came back to his apartment, made love, watched TV, showered together, went to dinner, came back to his apartment, and made love. She hadn’t seen him in over a week, but they certainly made up for...
It was Monday morning and the interesting thing about the weekend was that Ben didn’t come home for the weekend, was everything OK? Roger had got the impression that not everything was rosy in the garden next door but being the good neighbour he was he kept himself to himself for the most part, Ollie kept coming over to talk football and girls but they were back at school now and Sam had taken them first thing.Roger pottered about and just before lunch saw Sam out in the garden putting the...
Roger was a reasonably fit guy who had recently retired and after losing his wife Elsie of 35 years a year or so ago he had decided to make a fresh start. He had no family and there were too many memories so with no financial commitments and a cash buyer he bought a nice little 3-bedroom house in a quite seaside village.Why 3 bedrooms I hear you ask, well after 35 years Roger wanted to spread his wings while he still could, he wasn’t short of a few bob either and her wanted space at home should...
[Undated Entry] Near Oxford, Oxfordshire THE DAY PROMISED to be hot again. Roger’s excitement and anticipation of his day with Sophie caused him to wake up early. Years later he wondered if somehow the morning promise foreordained the way the day would end. At the moment he had no idea. He was to find out Sophie was adventurous in more ways than one. The two decided to set out on their own and meet up with the others sometime in the late afternoon for tea or a light evening meal. “After...
June arrived home shortly before her parents and Autumn were due. She ran upstairs and showered, shaved her legs and pussy, dried and brushed her hair, put on some make-up, and went downstairs. Only minutes later, her parents and Autumn walked through the door. “My, aren’t we all prettied up tonight,” Autumn said when she saw June sitting at the table. “I take it you’re not dining with us tonight, are you?” “Hopefully, no,” June responded. “I’m waiting for Roger to get home and call me....
June awoke early on Saturday and looked over to her sister’s bed to find it empty. She sat up and recalled the events of last night and how earnestly Autumn had begged her to let her lick her entire body and how her big sister had used her tongue so effectively in all of her orifices. When June was satisfied with Autumn’s performance, she sent her to her bed with orders not to masturbate. June then recalled her earlier talk with Roger and wondered how, and if, she would end this part of her...
Seth didn't want to leave Martha in Phoenix without transportation. The day after the bull incident Seth sent BB to Phoenix with their only fully enclosed vehicle. It was an old Ford Bronco 4X4 they used for small jobs around the ranch, and for shopping runs into Prescott. They could easily get along without it for a few weeks and Seth felt like he was leaving Martha stranded and dependent on others that were not quite family for transportation. A friend of BB's was planning on driving to...
The Flynn's attendance at church had been sporadic at best during the last year. Normally they attended only once or twice a month. It was a long 30 miles to the church over rough mountain roads. They could have gone to a church in Prescott easier and quicker but, Seth's family had attended this church since Seth was a baby. The other people attending the church were mountain people like the Flynns. The Flynn's attendance dropped further when they received the letter telling them their...
While I was in Sydney recently I emailed Roger every day with details of what I was doing, (see SARAH DOES SYDNEY). Roger says I am a very sexy lady with a voracious sexual appetite, which I must admit I made full use of when I visited Bec and her partner in Sydney. I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. Bec and Roger are also naked and...
THE REVENGE OF JOLLY ROGER by Long Tall Mary An ex bordello bouncer seeks revenge for humiliation by a dominatrix andhis victim is a lowly street hooker many miles away. Some of the charactersmade appearances in the "Memories of Long Tall Mary" series. Codes: m/f, f/f, violent, torture, nc The past year had not been good to the Jolly Roger, a slovenly 5'11,270 pound,35 year old n'der well type with a checkered past and a less than rosy future. It started with the humiliation by a dominatrix at...
[Spring Equinox, 1679] At the stones near Oxford THE SPRING EQUINOX came late that year. More accurately, warm temperatures in the week leading up to the equinox brought scents and aromas from the garden and the fields that made people think of summer rather than spring. The equinox came the same time as it always did, but the temperatures and the libidos of everyone corresponded more to summer than spring. Gérard escorted the two, in the highest of spirits. They had expected Mistress...
June rushed home from school the next afternoon, hoping to get there before Autumn got home. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the driveway was empty. She parked the car and ran into the house and went directly to the telephone. She knew the probability of Roger being home was slim, but she would at least be able to leave a message on his answering machine asking him to call her as soon as he got home. Her assumptions were correct, so she left the message then hung up. She went into...