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August 6, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written August 8]

I was woken by my phone’s incoming-text jingle. I lay there on my back with my eyes closed trying to feel where I was and who was next to me. With the new mattress, that was more difficult, as there was no rolling into the well created by another unless you were, essentially, already there. I could hear Rhee’s sleep breathing in my left ear, thus solving one side. I could not hear anything on the other side, so I tentatively moved a hand that way. I quickly found the edge of the bed. Well, that works. Now to solve where I had left my phone.

“It’s in the nook behind your head.”

“Thanks, Heather,” I whispered. I reached up and behind me and patted my hand around until it connected with the object of my search. I grabbed it, put it in front of my eyes, realized that my eyes were still closed, and opened them, thus noticing the time: 7:36

A text from Mom: “Are your panties a statement?”

Oh. Memory rushed in of last night, then of yesterday evening and afternoon. Oh, yeah. We won the tournament. Oddly, that seemed less important than the answer to Mom’s question. That, too, surprised me, as little had seemed more important than soccer not all that long ago. Huh, whoda thunk it?

I worked my other arm out from under the sheet and Rhee’s left hand and tapped an answer: “Sort of.”

I muted the phone so that her response wouldn’t wake anyone. It took a while, but the response came: “Which was what?”

I sent back: “We didn’t talk about it, but it was, essentially, a request for full family membership.”

I was going to send just the last three words but thought I had better include the rest, just in case.

Jingle. “That’s what we figured. Discussed. Accepted. Do you invite them, or do I?”

I sent, “Dad, too?”

The return: “Y.”

I sent back, “You, please. Let us wake up first. I’ll text.”

A whispered, “What nefarious plan are you hatching, now” came from beyond Heather.

“Selling off the small folks to Willie Wonka. It seems that he’s short of oompa-loompas.”

Heather started to crack up but threw her hand over her mouth and suppressed her laughter. I heard Gracey snicker.

“Oh, well, Liya. I was glad to have you while I could. I’ll write you every other ... week. Or so.”

Heather could not stop it this time. She snorted and threw her hand over her mouth again, but a guffaw snuck out.

“I warned you about all five of us sleeping in the same bed. Now, you’re gonna have to deal with a cranky Rhee.” There was a pause and a gasp. “Oh, god! I’ve just referred to myself in the third person. Take me out behind the barn and shoot me.”

“Oh, Rhee. I’m sorry. We don’t have a barn. May I tickle you, instead?”

“No, Liya, you may not. It’s a barn or nothing,” Rhee said, following it up with a melodramatic pout.

“G’morning, Rhee. I love you even when you’re pretending to be cranky.”

Rhee’s answer was her left arm pulling me in tightly and a smooch on the forehead.

“You know I don’t really mind. I love spending time with everyone. And it’s just so warm and cozy when that time is in bed.”

“Yeah, I know. You’re just a big ol’ softie. Heather, would you please hug her from back there for me?”

While Heather hugged Rhee, Gracey said, “Aww. Can we get in on that?”

“Sure,” Heather responded. “You can hug me and Liya can hug you.”

Once our mutual-admiration time ended, I said, “Let’s get our ablutions taken care of. Mom’s ... uh ... Sandy is going to come up here and explain something about today or whatever.”

We traded places in the bathroom, with two or three of us in there at any one time. That reminded me of Civia.

“Hey, Heather. When Civia was here on Wednesday and we offered her the choice of showers, she said virtually the same thing you did when we offered that choice to you on your first time here.”

“Yeah, and I called her a ‘Heather clone.’”

Heather shot back. “Well, what’s a young girl with little experience with friends supposed to say? ‘Yeah, I’ll take your father’s shower so that I can imagine myself with him in it?’”

There was much snickering.

“Well, no. But I thought it interesting,” I retorted weakly.

Heather wrapped me up. “Oh, you. It is. I’m just ragging on you.”

I went back to the bedroom and texted Mom that we would be ready in five minutes.

Liya saw me and asked, “Should we get dressed?”

“Nah. It’ll be just ... Sandy.”

The five of us were chatting about nothing important when we heard Mom coming up the stairs. My stomach butterflies suddenly woke up and were flying laps. Mom stepped through the door naked.

“Heather, Liya, Gracey,” Mom said. “I am naked to make a point to you that I want to explain. A while back, we made a family decision here that whenever there is only family here, clothing is optional.”

I quickly turned my head to look at the three who, fortunately, were standing/sitting in a clump. When Mom finished that sentence, Heather’s eyes grew huge and her eyebrows tried to jump off the top of her head. Gracey’s did much the same, while Liya’s forehead wrinkled and eyes squinted: Liya’s pondering-an-interesting-puzzle expression. Mom continued.

“From the very beginning, we included Carol and Rhee in the term, ‘family.’ I’ve just come from discussing it with Charlie and Carol. While he’s embarrassed, he has agreed with Carol and me that we now consider you three to be family.”

Heather’s mouth gaped like that of a fish. She colored a bit, but since I was looking right at her eyes, I could also see something of excitement in there. Gracey’s eyebrows shot up and Liya’s expression cleared; puzzle solved.

“Y-you m-mean th...” Heather inhaled deeply and let it out. She settled her shoulders and in a calmer voice, continued her question. “Do I understand you right? That we may now be... naked ... anywhere in this house, not just in Beth’s room, so long as there is no one here other than us, you, Dad, and Carol?”

Mom nodded her head. Heather continued.

“That you may well be naked under those parameters? That Dad will?”

Mom nodded again.

“Won’t ... uh ... doesn’t ... uhh ... Dad get ... uhh ... umm...”

“Excited? Is that the word you wanted? Or did you want a more medical term? Erect? Was that it? Perhaps something more, um, down-to-earth? Hard as an iron bar? [That last said with a smirk.] Do any of those work?”

Heather mutely nodded her head.

“Well, we’ve been at this for only a month or so, and he hasn’t, yet, become inured to the delights of lovely, naked girls. Or, even, lovely naked women, in the case of Carol. However, if we can get his mind otherwise occupied, such as all of us sitting around a table playing board games, he can be remarkably unexcited.

“I have to warn you, though, that, like me, all of you are right in his wheelhouse of preferred female body architecture – no slight at all intended to Rhee or Carol. You all are also brand-new members of the family, so he might have a hard ... uh ... difficult time controlling his ... um ... response to you, not that any male really controls it. Don’t worry, you will be perfectly safe. He will bend over backward, figuratively, of course, to not offend you.”

After gawping for about ten seconds, Heather got her vocal cords back in touch with her mind, or vice-versa.

“Oh, I would not have worried for myself, at all, and I suspect the others feel the same. I feel perfectly safe in this house and have from the first time I set foot in it. I would be worried ... am worried ... that he would feel uncomfortable with this girl that he’s known for such a short time prancing around his house in her birthday suit.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that. He’s uncomfortable about all of us, well, except for me, being naked in his presence. But, as both Beth and Rhee can tell you, except at times, that personal uncomfortableness doesn’t show. In fact, sometimes, he gets to the point at which, despite his physical reaction, he’s not at all uncomfortable. At least, mentally.”

Mom smirked a bit, but Heather looked back-and-forth between Rhee and me and Gracey and Liya.

Rhee responded to her implied request.

“No, he’s mostly fine. At first, he was more uncomfortable, like he probably will be with you three the first few times that all of him is visible to you guys, but he really does gets over it. We had one evening playing cards where we all seemed to forget that none of us were wearing clothes. It was a truly wonderful evening.”

Mom asked, “I know that you blush easily, Heather. Will you be embarrassed to be naked in front of him?”

Rhee just about busted a gut. Mom was surprised by Rhee’s response to her question of Heather, so looked at her, then questioningly at me.

“No, Mom,” I replied, “she won’t. Heather is a born exhibitionist, despite not being naked anywhere except her bathroom and the locker room before she started coming here. I think that Liya will handle it as well. Gracey, what do you say?”

“Wow. I’m ... I don’t know. Just, wow. But, as far as your question, I’ve already told him that he can see whatever of me he wants. He can do with me whatever he wants. I certainly won’t mind seeing him naked. Since he obviously wants us, how does that work?”

“Nothing else changes. He’s getting comfortable with the changing relationships with all of you. As I suggested before, he is interested in you, in a sexual fashion. As far as that goes, this invitation to join the family doesn’t impact that. If there’s progression in those relationships, that will happen whether we’re all naked or wearing only shorts. There’s not really all that much difference. You all could certainly see Charlie’s cock last night, even though he was wearing shorts. It will simply be more visible, more blatantly obvious that you all turn him on.

Mom looked back at the three and raised her eyebrows. Heather responded.

“Beth is right, on all counts. She and Rhee convinced me that nudity was okay, and I found that I absolutely love being naked. It feels like ... freedom. I just cannot do that at home, or anywhere else like that. That is one of the reasons, a minor one, but still important, why I like being here so much. I feel safe. I feel comfortable. I feel ... free.”

Mom looked at Liya.

“I don’t have a problem with it at all. Like Gracey, I’ve offered him everything. I would ... no I will let him have anything from me that he wants, because I want whatever from him that he’s willing to give and that you’re willing to share. The four, now five of us, have talked about this more than once. We all want him. I don’t know that Beth shared this with you, though I suspect that she has, but I’ve stated out loud, I would gladly have Charlie’s babies, I want him so much.”

“Well, that’s one thing you won’t have or won’t have to worry about. Because of my problems with carrying Beth, Charlie got a vasectomy. Whatever else happens, none of you would wind up pregnant because we’re all naked here.”

Gracey guffawed. “Sandy, I told Liya when she said that that what she really wanted was the process that leads to those babies. I think that Liya will be quite fine with just the process and no babies.”

Mom grinned at her. “Oh, I can guarantee you that if that comes to be, you will be quite happy with just the process. Charlie is a wonderful lover.”

Liya colored a bit, which meant quite a lot with her complexion.

Rhee turned to Heather. “Girl, given your predilection, clothing is not optional for you here. Clothing is banned. You walk in the door, your clothes come off, whether you take them off or we do. The same is true at this family’s Devlin house. Of course, there, you’re not exempt from being de-clothed in the back yard.”

I was looking at Heather through all that and I could see a strong suggestion of excitement about her being naked in the back yard.

After a pause, Rhee continued. “In fact, if it wouldn’t excite you so much, I’d suggest that we’d make it Charlie’s job to strip you if you were wearing any clothing in situations where being naked is acceptable.”

“Oh, wow. That would be just fine with me.”

“I know. That’s why I put it like I did.”

Mom looked at Rhee, then raised her eyebrows briefly. I think that Rhee has just given Mom an idea that she’s going to ponder.

I could feel Mom thinking vigorously, so I turned to her and waited. She nodded her head minutely.

“Liya, Gracey. I know that Heather is staying here tonight. Would you two be able to stay? We could take you home after dinner tomorrow night.”

They looked at each other, then Gracey answered.

“I don’t see why not. Liya’s mom is still out of town, so Liya’s staying with us. Should I call my mom?”

“That would be great. Charlie and I always love having you ... all of you, here, as we’ve told you before. We would love it if you lived here permanently, and we thought that before the recent change in various relationships. You, all of you, are welcome here anytime. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Charlie and Carol and I all love you as daughters. Charlie does love you as daughters, but loves you in other ways, too.”

Liya looked hard at Mom for a few seconds then spoke up.

“We talked about that just last night. We all know that. Every one of us, even Rhee, first loved your husband as a father, a father that we never had, in Heather’s case, or a father much better than the ones we had, as in the rest of our cases. However, we’ve also come to love your husband as a girlfriend or lover would. We still consider him a wonderful father, but we have also embraced what you called us last night. We are now, in addition to his daughters, his girlfriends. Every one of us. We have sworn to each other that we would share, we would not try to be the only one to have our boyfriend, our lover. We all feel that our friendship, our love for each other is more important than our strong interests in having Charlie as a lover. We chose our circle of friendship over Charlie’s physical love. We would choose to have Charlie only as a father if it came down to us as friends or Charlie as lover.”

Mom inclined her head at Liya, then said, “I applaud all of you for thinking this through on the front end. Charlie would hate, absolutely hate, to be a cause of discord within The Gang of Five; he treasures all of you too much as daughters and friends.”

“Do you mean ‘friends’ as friends of his daughter or friends of his,” Gracey asked.

“He considers each of you a friend, as do Carol and I. We acknowledge that we know you because you are friends of Beth’s and Rhee’s, but the three of us like and appreciate you independently of our daughters. We consider you our friends as well as our daughters’ friends. As we’ve mentioned before, we also think of you as daughters that are too frequently absent.

“You have to realize that Charlie’s interest in you, in each of you, are three-fold. However, he’s got a powerful brain, and he can hold those various interests in each of you separate from each other. His first interest in Beth was as a daughter. As her mind and personality developed, he came to appreciate her as a friend, in addition to as a daughter. As she reached puberty and began transitioning from a girl into a woman, his third interest in her was piqued. Charlie’s various interests in Rhee developed in the same order as for Beth.

“His interests in you three arrived in a different order from that of Beth and Rhee, but identical to each other. In fact, the order in which his three interests were piqued was opposite that of Beth and Rhee, thus were sexual, friend, daughter. You three have become quite dear to Charlie, at least partly because you fit all of his interests in people. Carol and I have had to convince him that not only was his sexual interest in you three ... you five ... okay with us and that it was okay with all of you, but that the sexual interest he had in you would not overcome the care he feels for all of you as daughters.

“Charlie’s strongest care is for family. He would immediately give up all sexual activity with each of you and all of you if he thought that it was negatively impacting, in any way, his care and concern for you five as daughters. In a roundabout way, this has been my way to tell you that he cannot be a cause of discord among you five. You must NOT allow dissension among yourselves in any fashion related to Charlie. I know that you have all agreed to that, but you MUST keep to that agreement. Do you understand?”

The Go5 ended the various bouts of looking at each other with four of us looking at Liya, since she had been the one to put into words our agreement.

“Yes,” Liya said, “we will keep to the agreement. We love each other too much to forsake it. It appears that as the formulator of the agreement, I will be the enforcer of the agreement. I hate that, but this is a small price that I pay to have both the best friends in the world and the best man in the world, a man who is also our dear friend.”

“Thank you, Liya. You, like your friends, are incredibly special.” After a pause, Mom said, “In a lighter vein ... Wait.”

Mom fiddled with her phone, obviously sending a text. She got a return text and then looked up at the door. In less than a minute, Carol walked through it.

Mom said, “Carol, we six have just had a serious discussion about the Gang of 5 and Charlie and sexual activity. They have vowed among themselves to not allow Charlie to be a source of divisiveness in the Gang, allaying my one big fear in this ... situation. Since the whole Gang will, pending agreement by Inez, be spending the night, what do you think about welcoming our new family members with a game tonight?”

Because when Sandy turned to watch the door her face was not in view, I was watching Carol. Her eyes got a bit of a gleam in them at the end of Sandy’s question.

Same as Beth
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BSC02 the Adventures of Janet and BeckyChapter 5 Naughty Day Dreams

If the quartet that left the carpark of Blanke Schande College that Friday morning thought they were going to have a quiet weekend at home they were mistaken. If they thought they were going to take it easy while their friends and family adjusted to Janet and Becky’s new nude way of life they were mistaken again. If they thought the townsfolk of Aurora Hills were going to let two gorgeous, nude girls wonder around their streets alone and undisturbed without affecting the town then again they...

3 years ago
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Computer Repair

I had finished 2 years of tech school and took a job with my dad fixing computers. It was easy work that paid good money, and I was good at it. I would work a lot on my own running the shop so that dad could do things he wanted to do, and I liked being there on my own. Most of the time people would bring stuff in and I could fix right then and there and send them on their way. On this day a very sexy, very classy woman drove up in a BMW-the 7 series. She came in, reddish blonde hair, low cut...

2 years ago
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MeltingChapter 4

"Alright, we'll do it when she heads out." Jessica hung up the phone. She turned to Alyssa. "She wants us to clean up the bedroom. Cassandra is ready." She grinned. "Yes!" said Alyssa. "We're almost there, honey." She grabbed Jessica behind her head and pulled her into a passionate kiss. "We've got her." She kissed Jessica again. "We're gonna be Owners." "Oh baby, yeah," said Jessica. "Our own houses." She started running her hands around Alyssa's back. "Our own...

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Stevens lessons with mom continue part V

I sat on Kate's left on the couch, while Mom, completely naked, sat to her right.  This was the moment I had been waiting for a long time.  I remembered Mom's second lesson with me, where she taught me how to pleasure a woman, and I was ready to go with Kate.  But I remembered Mom told me to take it slow and be very sensitive to her reactions. "Kate, I'm a little nervous, too, but my Mom's here, it's going to be OK.  Are you comfortable, are you ready?", I said, kissing her softly on her neck....

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Back to nature

Almost nobody knew what year it was. For most people it didn’t matter anyhow people lived day by day and because of the catastrophe, earth didn’t have seasons anymore. What the catastrophe was or what triggered it, it all was forgotten through generations. There were vague stories about people living in tall buildings, having easy access to something called electricity and were able to move around in things called cars. They had metal boats as big as mountains and had the ability to fly in huge...

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Leilas Humiliation

A fantasy by dahCopyright © 1999 by dahLeila's Humiliation, Part 1Leila arrived at the medical building just five minutes before her 10:30 a.m. appointment and took the elevator to the tenth floor. Her new job required a complete physical, and she had decided to combine that with her annual checkup. Since her old schoolmate Maria worked in Doctor Hillock's office, she had decided to make him her new doctor. It would be good to see someone she knew, as she had just moved to the city.She entered...

1 year ago
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Self Confessions of a Gurl Lover

Self,How I got here started a long time ago. Just for the record, I’m a forty-nine-year-old, twice divorced, father of two, former soldier. I did a tour in Desert Storm, spent some time in Germany, and eventually got out of the Army after twenty years of service to Uncle Sam. My k**s were born in 1990 and 1994, a daughter and then a son. Those k**s, well adults now, are my pride and joy. My second career is as an EKG technician and I really like it. For fun, I play cards, checkers, chess,...

1 year ago
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Foster Family Chapter 102

I want to express, again, that this story is 100% fiction. If the ideas in the story aren't for you, then please don't read. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 10 Kyle slowly woke up after having finally fallen asleep to the feeling of Sean slipping back into bed behind him. He then opened his eyes to see Sean’s cock pointing in his face. “Hang on,” Kyle thought, “If that’s Sean behind me…” he refocused his eyes...

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I just turned 18 and i am new here from Perth Aust

The party was coming to it's peak at around 1 in the morning, half the party was downstairs and the other half either bounced or were spread throughout the rest of the main floor of this large suburban house. No parents were around, so everyone showed up. The 13-15 people in the basement were loud enough to wake up anyone passed out on the ground level. I was sitting on a leather couch in a room isolated from the main party. There were about 3 other people in the room with me, one of them was...

3 years ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 57 The Red Centre

Thursday Week 31 Woomera, today's destination, was only 172 kilometres. This took Dave less than two and a half hours. He didn't stop on the way, opting to go straight there in time for a late morning tea. But first Jill had cooked them a substantial breakfast of scrambled eggs and sausages. "That was great, love. Nothing like a full tummy before setting out on a drive" Peter said with a sigh as he finished his second cup of coffee and Dave concurred. After checking in to the caravan...

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Pregging the New Girlfriend

It was Sunday night and I had come over to watch a movie on television with my new girlfriend Cindy. We’d been laying on the couch cuddling and I was starting to get horny. The movie was just finishing a steamy sex scene and I could feel myself rising. It didn’t help that Cindy was lying on the couch in front of me in only a long T-shirt and panties. She’d gotten ready for bed and was looking nice. I had come over to the apartment only looking for a little supper. She’d...

1 year ago
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Uri 8211 Nickname For A Slave Husband

It was a typical Saturday evening. I was playing her slave and she was enjoying dominating me. We were still only two months in this new relationship. I loved the fact that she was comfortable in her role as my Mistress and the fact that she loved dominating me. We had decided that I will call her ‘Mistress’ and she will call me ‘Timmy’ whenever we are playing our games. It was one of those weekends that were totally for us. We could play for full 2 days before returning to our jobs next...

3 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 44 Welcome to My World

The scene at the door was as emotional as you would expect. Mom and Dad barely made it in the door before Shannon and Allison hit them both. Tears flowed freely as the pent up emotion of the last few days was finally able to dissipate. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. At first Tom, Karen, and myself were just responding to the scene, but when it was my turn to finally hug and hold the parents I had almost lost... well, use your imagination. Finally Tom stepped in and took Shannon's...

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 86

The new arrivals accepted an invitation to Rebecca's house for the next morning and showed up in time for breakfast. They all got a good laugh when they saw it was Adam doing the honors – and sure enough Mary got an omelet made to order. Adam was happy to see his friends so relaxed. Their time away from school had been good for them. He lamented the fact that he had probably worked harder during his break than he normally did during the school year. Then he wondered if what he had done...

2 years ago
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The magic show

Sitting in one of the front rows in a magic show, Linda looks up at the magician. He is a nice looking guy, and his tricks are nice, but nothing too unusual. Pulling cards out of thin air, a disappearing dove, and a rabbit in a hat."Can I have a volunteer from the crowed please", he says.This is a change. Linda Looks around to see who he chooses, "most likely it will some blond girl from the first row", she thinks to herself. Suddenly he's looking straight at her, and for a sec' she loses...

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SomeOdd Gift

James stood with a massive grin on his face, naked, his impressive man hood at attention. Across the room sitting on the couch, with a small coffee table between them, was his mother, who was bound and gagged. Never in his life did he think it would come to this, though he felt no remorse at that moment, only lust, only power. James was very glad that he had this new power, though he didn’t know where it had come from, not that it mattered. He was also glad that he gained something else new...

Mind Control
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Merry Christmas

Christmas day dawned bright for Katie Shaw. Her clock radio had awakened her to the sound of Christmas carols and news of snow falling since 2:00 that morning. There must be at least three inches on the ground. The prospect of the roads being covered didn't dampen Katie's spirits as she turned on the shower while she brushed her teeth.Stepping from the shower Katie took down the oversized towel and rubbed it briskly over her skin. She could feel the electric tingle she created as she rocked the...

3 years ago
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Battlemage Book 5 End of a Legacy and New BeginningsChapter 11

As the town came into view they could see that parts of it were on fire. Caelan was trying to keep everyone up on what was going on via Darla as they rode the horses hard towards home. But there was a lot going on and some of it was getting lost in translation. Darla had her hands full trying to fight fires, show Caelan the devastation, and talk with Galen about what he thought was going on. But from what they could piece together, it appeared that all of their homes were attacked first...

2 years ago
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Private Heroes The Devils Breath Part 12

I'm standing in Rick's office, having just got my ID as a Private Hero. And now Rick's placed what looks like my Crossblade uniform on the table but there's something different about it. I take it and examine in. It's the same black skin tight suit. But instead of a crossblade symbol, it's a bright silver x that goes across the chest from my shoulders across to my hips. Rick also places a belt on the table and what looks like a set of goggles. "Go ahead try them on." I excuse myself...

2 years ago
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Miss Tiffany Fulfilling Her Dream

Ever since I was a little boy, I had always thought my neighbor Steven was extremely handsome and sexy. At 6 feet 3 inches, Steven is exactly what described as tall, dark, hard tone and muscular. Tonight, I would finally have my chance to fulfill a fantasy to show him just how much I wanted him. When I was growing up, I always heard he was ladies man with many women lusting and chasing after him. So I always lusted every time I seen him with a women or in passing but not as boy but...

4 years ago
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My First Homosexuality

Well let me tell u something about myself first. My name is Abhishek Saxena. I’m working as a Manager in a firm now to be really honest. I had never been in a homosexual act before this incident. And even this one wasn’t planned. ever since i started working my life had been very stressful. WORK WORK And WORK!!!.., I hardly had time to go out with my Girlfriend, so we kind of grew distant. I was already quite stressed about my work and my failing relationship when this incident happened!, My...

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Person Interrupted

There are unspoken rules that people tend to follow such as shake hands when you meet someone, make direct eye contact with the person you are speaking with, or leave a tip. But what would happen if social norms shifts but only one person were to notice? Who would be affected/unaffected?

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A strange girl

Coming out of my shell It had been a rough several months. I was almost through my last year of high school. It had been a very trying and frustrating time for me. The school work was almost impossible to understand for a nerd like me. I hated school with a passion! I had no social life, especially not with girls. I was a book worm and terrified of the opposite sex. I couldn’t talk to them I couldn’t even be around them. It seemed like if any girl in the school would get near me and...

1 year ago
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10 year journey to satisfaction

I have been reading through the stories send by others for quite some time and know that most of them are made up. I would like to share one of my experiences with u to pay for all those people who have written their real stories. I had this experience with my maid Radha. I was 15 when this episode started. I was slim and was 5’7” tall. She was nearly 40 at the time. She had a wheatish complexion, was very slim on her waist part. Had normal butts and really no boobs at all. So really she was...

3 years ago
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Submissives Education Center

The Submissive Education Center:An educational center where women learn to become perfect submissive sluts ...Education program:On their arrival at the Center, the recruits are tied up and undressed ... being totally naked is the only dress code of the Center ...Our instructors will then test their three orifices ...First their mouth ...Their vagina:Their ass:Then the recruit will be whipped ... as a demonstration of what to expect if she disobeys during her stay at the Center ...During the...

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Lucys First Time

“I think I’m ready.” I whispered. “Ready for what, Lucy?” he asked in his deep soothing voice. “…ready to lose my virginity.” I squeaked, blushing and beginning to feel nervous. He paused the movie than turned to look me in the eyes. “W-What? You are?” he said surprised “I thought you wanted to wait until we got married?” “I-I wanted to wait until I found someone special.” I stuttered “and, I think you’re that person.” “Are you sure?” he asked, his pants beginning to bulge. “Mhmm” I...

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Arajatta of the Ruby part 3

This is the third part of what I plan to be a long story line. If you have questions, comments or even complaints please email me at [email protected] This work is intended for a mature audience, it will contain big words, strong sexual themes, exploits and well, it will get rather explicit basically. If you are one to be offended by transgender themed erotica, don't read this basically ** Authors note. I am enjoying reading the reviews, and have taken feedback into account when...

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Quick Blowjob For a Stranger 2

Hi, I’m Steve, I have been a bi-sexual male from around the age of 20 I guess, and now I’m in my 40’s my sexual preferences haven’t changed. I like the company and sexual relationship of a female but I also like to make a guy cum and I have taken to doing this spontaneously and in public places to enhance the excitement if I get the chance.This is a short story about the time I went on a trip to a neighbouring town 16 miles away from where I live. I usually go to this town two or three times a...

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My Guwahati Posting And My Delicious Boy Part 8211 2

The first part is here My Guwahati Posting And My Delicious Boy ( ) Monin who was 18 and I at 57 were having the most lustful and wonderful time. As my assistant he was always by my side whenever we went on field trips. The Ahom boy was just the right prescription any Doctor gave me. At 5’ 8”, 56kg with a slender 32waist, he was the horniest boy I had come across for a long time. Dark skin shining in its...

Gay Male
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The New Arrival

Alice stirred, it was time to get up and search for another assembly to engage for since all her associates had left the previous one she had been a member of for many years, she was finding that she was alone and was eager to find another venue where she would be welcome. It was silent and she knew her husband had gone for although they lived under the same roof there was no real communication between them, just what was needed to keep the system running; she knew he was on a rally and would...

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Piss and Spunk Playmates Part 2

After finding Mildred my perfect piss spunk and exhibitionist lover and 62 year old buxom granny, and our first escapade on the downs, we both agreed to continue fulfilling our sexiest and dirty fantasies and trying new things.She knew mine which included old ladies dressing liked they wanted to be a fuck slut– short skirt, stockings, thong, tits spilling out of a small bra then feeling them up when they are taking a really massive piss. Then there was me pissing on her fanny as she pissed in...

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The Princess and the HoundChapter 2

“Katharina Bucher!” her father yells, dropping his keys into the bowl on the little stand by the door. “Just how many times do you plan to disobey me?” Even though she was just in the throes of one incredible orgasm, her father showing up and yelling quickly shuts off the valves. “I don’t know, Daddy,” she puffs, climbing off her boyfriend. “Maybe because I want to do what I want to do with who I want to do it with.” “And who is it this time?” Silas asks, his eyes boring into her. But he’s...

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The Reward Ch 2 Graduation

By Jax_Teller After winning at the Olympic qualifier tournament Debbie and I began dating. It was only a month to graduation and although we both had finals to study for we both made a commitment to see each other outside of the FaQ club. Debbie’s’ parents didn’t like the thought of her dating or the timing, but made it clear they did like me. Debbie told them straight up that she was going to date me or anyone she wanted and there was nothing they could do about it. ...

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