- 5 years ago
- 48
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It isn’t the restaurant safe where they keep the checks and cash.
It took her a lot of tries to finally get the thing to open. Inside was indeed a keyring with a lot of keys. She then pulled out a piece of paper with a list of names on it, and they looked familiar. Too familiar.
I got my phone to start putting in the names to use my custom search engine that I knew would find them. I didn’t like what I found.
“Irene?” I asked. “Can you look at these pictures and tell me if you have seen any of them before?”
When she got to one, she dropped my phone.
Yet another time that my inhumanly fast reflexes found a use.
I looked at the picture, which I thought was possibly tied to whatever happened here.
“Hey, it is ok,” I told Irene. “You are safe, and I won’t let anyone hurt you, not even me. Would the detective have told you to trust me if he didn’t know I was the safest person for you to be around?”
She gave me a slight nod. When I opened my arms, she had hers wrapped around me and then started shaking in fear. It took her a while to calm down before she could step back from me.
“I need to make a quick call. Please don’t freak out,” I told Irene and then called Corwin.
“David?” she asked in one of the specific languages that only the heads of her families use. “You’ve never called me, and you shouldn’t be able to call me on this phone. What is wrong?”
I took a breath before I asked if she could get her mom on speakerphone with us. I needed to ask something, and I think her mom could help.
Once she had her mom on the phone, I spoke the family language of Corwin’s mom’s family. Irene turned pale and pushed herself as tightly into a corner that she could.
I asked Corwin’s mom, “Do you know if one of the restaurants near my home belonged to your father? I found out that this restaurant is supposed to have a locker room and private showers. None of the workers have ever seen them, and when I started to speak to you, the assistant manager who gave me a list of names went pale. She is scared shitless.”
Now Corwin’s mom cursed. It was loud enough that Irene heard it, and she started shaking in pure fear.
“Hey. It is ok, Irene. I speak a lot of languages. I’m talking to the mom of one of my close friends because I think her dad, or someone in her family, may have owned this place before I got it,” I told her.
Like that is going to help anything, but she does want to know what is going on.
“That cunt,” Corwin’s mother swore. “Of all the properties to include in paying annual payment to Darren, my sister had to pick that place. What a conniving little bitch. I know she did it once she learned about Darren giving you all his wealth. She had to have done it while my little sister flew to your house to give it to you. If you made the connection from the names on the laminated list, you know something is off. I don’t have any details, but you aren’t in any danger if it involves who I think. Well, not your staff at the restaurant. Can you give the phone to Irene? If she is hearing you speaking my family language, she must be close to catatonic.”
I could hear Corwin and her mom talking to Irene. She kept looking up at me every few seconds.
Whatever they are telling her is calming her down quickly.
After about ten minutes, she put my phone on speaker.
Still speaking in their family language, Corwin’s mom explained, “Those on the list Irene gave you are my older brothers and a few uncles. They were fucking psychopaths into pain and disfigurement. It is what got them off. That restaurant is where they brought their victims after Korea, and then Cambodia became unfriendly to their perversions. My bastard older brother completely went off the deep end back almost eighteen years ago. Instead of one of them coming every few months for a few hours when the business was closed, he was there a couple of times a week. Soon the others began joining him and not always when the restaurant was closed. They picked the wrong little boy and girl to bring to their sick parties. It went badly for them. The list Irene gave you are those who weren’t there or managed to be somewhere else when a very pissed group from the two children’s families came to claim their family members. My older sister is the one who brought them right to the door of my father’s restaurant at a time she knew would cause him the most trouble. I know for a fact that none of my brothers or cousins would ever think of even whacking off to the idea of showing her their perversions. She scared the shit out of them. Those found in that locker room hurting their victims learned that they were amateurs in their art. Over the next few days, my older sister delighted in watching them discover just how little they knew.”
“David, until today, only my older sister and I knew that the travesty started on the day you were born. In fact, it started almost to the minute of your birth. I see now that she is ever the sick bitch that gets off on fucking around with people’s heads. There is only one way you would have walked in here today to ask about the locker room. I didn’t lie when I said those who worked here knew of the locker room. It was my first task to make sure they forgot about it. I did the best I knew how to do back then. Just know that they are happy where they live now,” Irene told me. “You walk in with those with Mandi and Carla walking on air. I know all about their troubles, but I couldn’t do anything to help them directly because of my responsibilities here. I paid off the various schools to let them shower and give them clothes. At first, I felt terrible when I gave them a job here, no questions asked. Damn, if they aren’t the hardest workers that I’ve ever seen, and they love waiting tables. I always made sure they were paid in cash to keep them from having a paper trail, as we do for a few others. I didn’t need your ID to know who you were, but I needed a reason to call the detective after you asked about the lockers. I thought all was a coincidence until you called Corwin. Few can speak her language, much less do so better than my sister, her mother. Then you switched to that of my family. It is even harder to learn this variant. My mother only taught it to my brothers, sisters, and Corwin. Do you know the improbability of that happening?”
Putting the phone on mute for a second, I answered, “A lot higher than my surviving that accident back in eighth grade and never waking from my coma.”
There is no way you didn’t know all about that already.
“What do I need to know if I go in there?” I asked.
Corwin’s mom said this was Irene’s responsibility and hung up.
Irene took me out the back door and used the keys to open a door leading into the sprinkler room. She unscrewed a ring around a pipe that she then twisted out of the way at the back. A key unlocked a door that swung inward. The door looked like a solid concrete wall. When closed, it was impossible to tell that it was anything different. She closed it behind us before reaching over to flip two switches. One turned on the lights, and the other an exhaust fan.
“You will want to wait a few minutes before we go any further. It has been a long time since anyone has been back here other than me, and that was years ago. I only went in this far,” Irene told me.
When we headed toward the door in front of us, she did reach down to hold my hand. Once the door opened, I found dozens of rat bodies. All that was left were the bones. When we turned a corner, we could see where the rats had gnawed a hole through the door.
Were they trying to get in or out?
Inside we came to yet another fake wall door into the locker room. This one was made at the same time as the locker room. It had a row of lockers on the other side.
“Your restaurant has skeletons, just they are in the locker room, not the closet,” Irene said, trying to joke to break the tension she was feeling.
When I turned on the light, I found that she wasn’t kidding.
I counted thirty-two toothless skulls.
I’m not going to count the teeth scattered all around the room.
There was no longer any smell. Only the skulls and spines to indicate these were once humans or humanoids, at least. No other bones were intact. Those not broken had been sawn in half, many times. All the bodies still had their left hand when they died but were missing their ring finger. The inches of dust showed no one had been in here for a long time. All I could see was that someone came in to screw metal panels around where the rats got into the room. The only things that had come in here since then were bugs.
I went to open the door going back into the restaurant when Irene stopped me.
She said, “We don’t want to do that. The plans show that this will open the stainless-steel wall section between the stove and fryers. Plus, it will cause a lot of problems, as you can imagine.”
“What should we even do with this tomb?” I asked her.
She looked me in the eyes and said, “Nothing. We can’t, not without the wrong people learning about this area being available for use again. I’ve seen camera footage of people coming into the sprinkler room only to find a wall here where there wasn’t when my brothers and uncles were using this as their playroom. I do have another suggestion.”
After locking everything back up and turning off the fan, she used the keys to open the door next to the sprinkler system access one. This one had signs of her footprints in the dust, but that was it. Using the place in my head, I saw the locker room and showers backed up against this hallway. When we came to where this building met the concrete wall of the one next door, there was a door going in toward the restaurant.
“We will need to do some renovating, but there are six, four-bedroom apartments back here. They were to keep the activities separate from the restaurant, but that didn’t happen. I don’t know if someone forgot these were here or not. I’m the only person to step foot in here since they were built. We had water running out under the door one day, so I went to see if any of the keys opened this door. I followed the water and found everything back here. The valve to one of the sinks had deteriorated to the point of failure. I cut off the water and only come back to check on things once every few months,” Irene told me. “From the blueprints that I drew up of the area, we could double the size of the restaurant seating area. The rest of the space will allow us to build a large, shared locker room. It won’t have a door and will connect to the existing breakroom. We can easily set up truck-stop style shower areas, but only big enough for one medium-sized adult to keep two from going to tango. Someone can try to sue us for not having a wheelchair-accessible shower, but these are not work requirements, only an optional perk if they choose to use one.”
“How long would it take to get this done, do you think?” I asked.
She smiled and said, “If you have the money to throw at it, I would guess a month. None of the walls are load-bearing, and we can use three of the existing showers for the plumbing. The restaurant expansion won’t take even that long as it is mostly demolition.”
I connected to my implant to ping the man-in-the-machine’s AI to see what it thought. It came up with less time if I allowed an android-based build crew to come in to do the work. They could even “clean up” the old locker room in a way that would make it look like someone bashed through the walls, including getting in via the fire standpipe room.
“Do you think it would discourage any new visitors if we had it look like the locker room and showers got demolished by someone recently? I have a construction company in mind that can, discretely, make it look like someone busted through the hidden door in the sprinkler room and smashed their way through various walls to get into the locker room. Some smoke and mirrors can still have wires popping. Water from the pipes will go everywhere before being turned off. Our detective friend could have the fire marshal discover a busted-up wall behind the sprinkler pipes. We remove all the bones except the rats, and then we have the place beaten to hell,” I suggested. “Another option is that we leave the bones there for discovery too. Have a big news story and the like. As you said, no one working here now knows that there was ever a locker room back here.”
She thought it over a few minutes and then said, “You know what, I like the news coverage. It will piss off my older sister. We would need to make sure that part of the bashing completely obliterates any ability that the door into the restaurant could ever have been used. From the kitchen side, the work done makes it look like it was never there. We will continue working on the apartments as if we had no idea that space was there. I know you suck at lying, but I don’t. It comes with my being from that other world. Plus, you won’t be lying if they ask you about knowing the locker room was there. You came in asking if there was one based on some information regarding the restaurant. When do you think we can have that done? We could use that space to build out the kitchen and provide more refrigerated space.”
I got my phone and dialed a random number. I had my implant direct to the AI at the man-in-the-machine’s systems. I gave a quick explanation and then listened for a minute.
“How busy are we this time of year?” I asked.
Irene thought about it and then said, “I would have to check for sure, but we tend to get by on the business deal crowd bringing customers to lunch to make a deal. Dinner does ok, but we break even for much of the next month. Why?”
I responded, “Instead of going in through the sprinkler room, we have the people bust through the restaurant with some sort of explosives overnight. It will expose the apartments and locker room, bones, and all. The police, fire, and whoever else will show up due to the explosions. They find the bodies and do their thing. No one, not even you, worked here before these guys got killed, so there is plausible deniability. Since the explosions will do a ton of damage, though not structural, if done correctly, it gives us the perfect time to gut the existing and newly-found spaces to renovate. We pay everyone at the new hourly rates. The wait staff and bartenders get more to cover tips they aren’t getting.”
“Nobody does that, David. I know you are new to this business world,” Irene told me.
“That is why I’m going to do it,” I told her. “If you got paid to sit on your butt or work somewhere else while getting paid from here, would you want to come back when we reopened? I think the staff will, given that I doubt any of them could make more anywhere else. If they don’t come back, then they don’t come back. Everyone gets cut off when we reopen. It isn’t like I can’t afford to do it. We won’t even contact the insurance company to see how they respond on their own. As much as we pay them, I would expect them to be here soon after they find out about what happened.”
Irene already had two weeks of vacation on the books set to start on Friday, as she did each year at this time.
While Irene and I had been exploring, Clara and Mandi got cell phones, pre-programmed with my cell phone number. As I was starting to find, these came with a standard pre-paid two years of unlimited data and cell service anywhere in the world. When I thought things out, after we had to close for renovations and repairs, I would send both girls up to the driving school to do the teenager course, paying the full price like anyone else.
I didn’t find these two by chance. I don’t believe that anymore.
Irene was on a plane with her girlfriend to the Bahamas for a week before taking a cruise. I had been sleeping late and then going to see Camden’s house getting built. When I started over on Friday afternoon, I found a four-wheeler waiting. It had a note from Molly telling me to check the mansion reconstruction, and then I needed to go “check” the rest of the property that was supposedly already set up for power, water, sewer, cable, and phone. I had a GPS map on my phone to show me where to go and what to check.
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BDSMClutter. My skeletons make for nothing but clutter. I have so many skeletons in my closet, that you might mistake it for a cemetery. The bones buried there are generally hard, and I have touched each one individually, fingered each one languidly. There is no flesh to be found in this fantasy, so sorry Mr. Idol. I have been a slave, a pristine daughter, a virgin and a goddess. I have played a bitch, the four legged variety, and howled on command. I have been a cheerleader in bed,...
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Gay MaleDear Diary Bring in the closet can really weigh a person down. Living one life is hard enough but living a dual life, forget it honey. My head spins at this whole situation that I feel physically dizzy. Most days it's confusing balancing the two worlds. To compress the two seems almost impossible. It's hard to reconcile these two parts of me. It's a luxury for people who are certain of their assigned gender. Over the last few months, I've peeked out through the cracked door...
“Come on, quick, hurry up!” he urged in an excited but whispered tone, walking past my desk.John's always trying to get me away from doing my work nowadays.“I’m coming, I’m coming! I only have a twenty-minute break, though…” I trailed off.“It’s fine,” he reassured me. “We won’t need more time than that,” he said with a sly smile. “Plus, you can be late, I’m the boss anyways,” he winked.I knew what he wanted. He was begging me all week to go to lunch, ever since that day in the supply closet. I...
Office SexIt had been about 10 days since I caught Monica in our closet trying to get a whiff of my wife’s used panties. Since then, things had gone back to normal. She wasn’t trying to avoid me and was still as talkative as usual. I had even come home for lunch a couple of days in the last week but she wasn’t in the closet, nor was anything disturbed in there (Yes I checked!). I figured that at this point she was too scared from me busting her to try another time. Not that I would have minded another...
Skeletons in my closet chapter 18 Love returns and the fun begins We all laughed together. Keith then asked if we all were ready to go to dinner. Linda got up and whispered something into Keith's ear. Keith shook his head yes then said, ”Take Kate to the truck and you two stay behind as I want to talk to you both,” pointing to Megan and Sara. Linda took my hand leading me outside. I asked her what that was all about. She told me Keith was giving them both a lecture about no trouble...
It was my first college Halloween party, and I was beyond stoked. The party was being held at a local frat off campus, and although I hadn't pledged to any frat I was still known in their circles. I never moved out of my parents house, and while it saved me a bunch of money, it definitely put a damper on my social life. I had procrastinated on my costume, so I found myself scrambling at the last minute to come up with something. Out of ideas, I finally settled on the cheap idea of going as...
I had seen Anne around the school for about a year before. She was a small girl from Hawaii and very soft-spoken. She hung around my friend group and we spoke many times, each time getting a little closer.Anne and I joined the friend group when they headed to the gulf coast of Florida for spring break, and on the drive down we sat next to each other and decided we would pair off for the week. The group rented a large four-bedroom suite for the weekend, which was pretty expensive but not when...
College SexI have a thing for older women, more specifically, older married women. It started when I was sixteen and it continues to this day, some twenty odd years later. I guess it's fair to say that I got an early start sexually. I was playing "doctor" with the girl next door when I was eleven and just before my twelfth birthday I accidentally got to see my parents making love. It was only natural that the next time Kay and I played doctor that I had to show her what I'd seen and even though I...
It took us three trips to hotels to find the right one. The most important thing we were looking for was a closet that looked out on the bed. In some rooms, the closet was too near the door. If you stood inside the closet, you could not see the whole bed. Less important was that the hotel had a bar that attracted men. The ideal bar would have been a well-known pickup bar, but the hotel we chose was used mainly by traveling businessmen. By six o’clock, the bar was full of men taking a break...
Here another awesome story. Please enjoy and remember this is all fantasy.I stared in shock at the back wall of my closet, unable to fully understand what I was seeing. There was a hole neatly drilled through the wall, behind where an ugly, never-worn sweater once hung. It couldn't have been seen from my side, but if the sweater were to be pushed aside from the other side of the wall, it would offer a clear view into my bedroom. A clear view, from my step-brother Kyle's bedroom. The hole itself...
It was just another high school day classes homework blah blah blah but that was all about to change!I was walking down the back hall taking a short cut to the cafeteria for lunch when suddenly an arm shot out and grabbed me I was pulled into a supply closet and the door slammed behind me I heard a lock click and heavy breathing then big hands were all over me he told me not to say anything I heard some sort of an accent it had to be the janitor he was a foreigner of some kind but I couldn't be...
“Don’t go into your brother’s closet!” This same sentence, I first heard from my mother when I was sixteen years old. I was visiting my brother for the first time, he had moved out when I was twelve. She would always repeat the same words every year. I never knew what they meant, until four years later. At the age of twenty-one, I found out my brother’s deep, dark, secret… “Emily!” I felt a sharp push on my left and I fluttered my eyes open, irritated, as the sun blared down through the...
IncestGuys, I have a sex fantasy of getting fucked in inappropriate places while someone is watching me and my partner with lusty eyes. Recently, I had attended a wedding reception event in one of my friend’s house where this fantasy was fulfilled. Not only my sexual fantasy was satisfied but I also managed to taste and teach a BDSM lesson to a spoiled brat’s horny cock. You guys might want to get that bottle of lube for this story. ;) I had gone to my friend’s wedding reception and my college time...
"I know there is nothing to be afraid of, Mom, but if you could only open the door for me I am sure it will be all right." My mother looked down at me from that high, high height way above me and I could tell from the way she shook her head she was disappointed in me. "Bobby, you are almost nine years old now and nine year old boys are not, I repeat, not ever afraid to open their own closet door!" I knew she was right but my tummy was still turning over and I had that terrible feeling...
Jim and I soon drifted into a familiar routine. He had his poker nights every Wednesday evening, but spent the remainder of his free time exclusively with me. The time that we spent together was so wonderful that I never once regretted the indulgence of his poker nights. Actually, that's a bit of a lie. Each time that Wednesday evening would approach, I'd think to myself, "Why does he need to do this every week? Why doesn't he try to include me in his games with his friends?" I realized...
Skeletons in my closet chapter 20 Princess comes out to play That night when it was time for bed. Keith was true to his word as he would have no fun with either of us. We even had to shower alone. When bedtime came he got Megan her pills. She told him she didn’t need them she was relaxed. Keith looked at her until she took them. I was not for sure if she had or faked taking them. He then sent Megan to her room kissing her cheek telling her not to even think of sleepwalking. He walked me to...
- Skeletons in the Closet ---- - -- Jack sighed heavily in laziness as he finished settling down onto the carpeted floor of the small nine by seven foot empty walk-in closet. He stared up to the lightly cracked, but otherwise textureless ceiling, waving his eyes around the bare light bulb in an effort to avoid blinding himself on the magnetic spectacle. The walls were starch white and speckled with the holes of the last organizational design. It was his job and time now to invent...
Closet Sex Stephanie and I are the two smartest kids in the eighth grade. We get almost perfect grades and everyone knows it. We are both thirteen years old and have no outside life to keep us from our studies. My parents only let me watch television on Saturday and Sunday evenings and then only for a few hours. I have no friends to play with either. I used to have a friend that I played chess with, but he could never beat me so he stopped playing with me. I found myself spending...
Introduction: Everybody has their secrets. So why not just combine them all into one big secret. If you are against father/daughter sex involving a fictional 12 year old girl, do not read this story. Otherwise, enjoy. – Skeletons in the Closet —- – — Jack sighed heavily in laziness as he finished settling down onto the carpeted floor of the small nine by seven foot empty walk-in closet. He stared up to the lightly cracked, but otherwise textureless ceiling, waving his eyes around the bare...
Shelly Wright always threw the best women-only house parties the weekend before the Superbowl as a kind of special reward to all the women that would have so much work to do for each of their own big football parties the following week. The night was still pretty young, but Heidi decided her early morning plans would probably be harder to keep if she continued socializing and drinking with her colleagues from work. Leaving her coworkers house early would also alleviate the amount of grief she...
The Closet by Mickey Fixing the ribbon on my cock you lead me back to the closet. You are giggling and laughing at what's in store for me now. Getting to the closet you pull me inside and gently push me up against your furs. You laugh at me as I become excited by the softness and the smell. "Like that? Isn't it soft? It sort of captures you doesn't it?" And you laugh again as I begin to move slightly against the furs. Taking out your perfume, you lean over to me and spray...
BROUGHT OUT OF THE CLOSET For the last 18 years my Wife and I have explored many areas of fetish. Her passion to control and humiliate me, and my fetish of being "forced femme'd" and sissified by her. This is a true story of the first time I was shown off by my Wife/Mistress Ms Nancy It took many years of teasing talk before I was put on "display" (or shown-off). I was 100% sure that it was all just playful talk when the subject first came up. My Wife/Mistress would tell me that...
Chuck had been working for his Uncle Gino in the family’s private investigation and security business for the past three years since dropping out of college. He had been sent by Uncle Gino to install some video and electronic surveillance equipment in an apartment. Hiding and setting up surveillance devices is what Chuck did best and he loved what he did.He had been slightly nervous as he encountered the doorman at the entrance of the apartment building but a quick nod by the doorman assured...
VoyeurBrittany turned the shower handle off, and hopped out of the shower. She grabbed her towel, and dried her body off before walking into her bedroom. She smiled at herself in the mirror as she walked past it. Now was when girls would normally do their hair and makeup, but Brittany had something else in mind. Dropping her towel once she was by her closet, Brittany looked in and gazed at her marvelous collection of shoes. Picking out a pair of her favorites, black slip on converse, Brittany put the...
FetishI couldn't believe it. After more than a year of lusting after my mom and two sisters, I finally had figured out a way to watch them at will. My walk-in closet, right next to the bathroom, provided a perfect view, thanks to the quarter-inch hole I had put above the medicine cabinet's mirror. In the first five minutes I already had watched older sister Barbara pee. True, I hadn't seen her jumbo tits yet, but hey, I was only 14. I had years of peeking ahead of me. Life, all of a sudden,...
Right. How to get to deck four, and more specifically into Omar’s private quarters? Doors wouldn’t be a problem: only the guest rooms had those card readers. Deck four was for family only. No, my problem was with the guards. One had already denied me access once. But there was that lift near the pantry, so that’s where I was now headed. I passed the Sayada lounge, where two guards eyed me as if I was going to take out my dick then and there and burst into the room, turned a corner and found a...
Lynette glanced at the small clock on the corner of her desk, its glowing numerals reading 1:37 am. She smiled as she almost always did, amused at herself for becoming so engrossed in her writing that she lost all track of time. She had, at last, started chapter one of the book. Always the most difficult part for her, Lynette had written and rewritten it several times since she had gotten Cherie off to bed and started on the text. She wrote both during the day and late at night, but the early...
The room that Jared Reznik and Cindy Black found themselves standing in was not overly big nor was it too small. It was just a rather over sized closet between two lecture rooms and still relatively uncluttered. Jared grabbed a chair from outside that closet then flicked the light on and closed the door as he looked down on this five foot something and a half of a female student with those perfect breasts. The light spilling down from the single electrical fitting on the ceiling produced...
“See you later, Lucas!” “Yeah, later,” Lucas replied over his shoulder. He was hauling drum cases into the closet in the back of the band room. Not that it was his job, exactly, but most of the members of the pep band had left to get to the Homecoming Dance, and he felt like helping the director out a bit. ‘Dang,’ he thought, as he made his way out of the closet. ‘It sounds like everyone’s left, and I can’t get this big one up on the shelf by myself.’ As if on cue, as soon as Lucas stepped out...
Gay"Closeted" "Sickening little sissy," Madge said after the shock of catching me wearing in her panties and a garter belt as I sat on her bed putting on a pair of her sheer hose. She quickly devised a plan and after getting me ready she continued with me in her bedroom. Before I could protest or realized what was happening she had bathed, Naired, plucked powdered and perfumed me and was now working on dressing me. I could feel the heavy floral scent of her perfume as it floated around...
I was sitting at my home office desk randomly surfing for just the right picture to jack off to, when I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye. With blinding speed, I minimized the window and looked up at the college student that I had hired to clean house. She was a pretty young thing with long brown hair and brown eyes to match. Perhaps a little on the heavy side, but still well proportioned. What I saw in her hands, though, caused my heart to skip a beat. She was carrying the...
Mom was a beautiful woman for her 37 years. She kept herself in shape with her excerize rituals every day. Dad, for many years was an executive with a lot of power. We got along well enough, that is, for a growing teen with needs and designs on his car. He generally relented though, and let me use it with warnings of caution. Things were pretty good between the three of us for many years, until that fateful day that dad's company got involved in some kind of Securities scandal. Suddenly,...