The Auto Closet
- 4 years ago
- 73
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Maggie was tired and brain-fried after a long week. Her business kept her busy as she tried to please customers, vendors, banks and employees. College had been fun, but applying her business degree for other people was much less so. Four years previously, she launched her own small business with the dream of having it all. Now in her thirties she had something, but it cost her a personal life, sleep at nights, and no vacations in so long she forgot what down time even felt like.
She opened the door to her house and dropped her purse and keys on the table in her entryway. The laptop and mail went with her into the kitchen she loved, but hardly had time to use. She filed the bills in her organizer, dropped the junk mail in the trash and poured herself a glass of wine from the open bottle in the mostly empty fridge. Her shoes came off next and she flexed her toes against the cold tile floor, drinking deeply from the elegant wine glass that only she ever saw.
Picking up her shoes, she wandered into the master bedroom closet and grimaced again at the jumble of clothes and shoes. The dream closet she had wanted for years briefly appeared in her imagination, but then reality returned. She dropped the shoes on the broken shoe rack under her hanging clothes with a sigh. Off came her soft skirt, dropping to puddle at her feet, then she pulled off her blouse without unbuttoning it and dropped it in the dirty clothes bin. The skin on her legs tingled as she rolled down her panty hose and put both it and the skirt into the bin as well.
She walked into the bathroom and slid her thin panties down as she relieved herself with a sigh. Her bush had grown wild and woolly, but why bother with a trim if no one ever got to see it. Wiping quickly, she pulled up her panties before returning to the kitchen to pour another glass of wine. With the wine and laptop in hand, she ventured into the living room to turn on the television to make her feel less lonely. She brought up her email and replied with direction for those employees still at work, then fired up Facebook to see what her friends were up to.
Most of them posted pictures of their families. The kids were mostly cute, the stories amusing, but it was almost surreal to her. Maggie new she was probably the last single friend most of them had at this point, but she always thought she'd have time. The trouble was that most of the decent men had been gobbled up for years and the ones who were left were damaged or only interested in much younger women. Certainly not one with a business and little extra time for a lover.
She saw one of her friends had recently had some work done in her house. Cathy had been complaining for years about her kitchen and finally got someone in to renovate it. The work looked good in the picture, so she clicked the link for the details. As she clicked through the pictures, she saw a link to the web site of the contractor which led to a rather amateurish web site with a long list of available services. One that caught her eye said closet organization. She fired a message to her friend to find out if she would recommend the guy.
An incognito browser displaying Reddit's gonewild subreddit served to make her purr as she browsed through the variety of pictures and sipped her wine. "Who would it be tonight?" she thought with a wicked grin.
She sat her wine glass down and slid her laptop onto the couch. With one foot on the floor, she pushed her hips out and dragging her fingers around her mons. A couple had posted pictures of their penetration that piqued her interest, so slipped her fingers under the edge of her panties. The man was circumcised with a thick shaft. One picture was his head sliding in, so she focused on that and began to rub circles on her nub, imagining being on her knees, of feeling his shaft sliding in. Eyes shut, she continued the scene in her imagination.
He would enter slowly, then begin to thrust with a mechanical precision, lifting her hips with his force. He would push down as he entered, rubbing along her g-spot while she pushed back against him. Her fantasy continued to play as she slid two fingers down and in, out and around, down and in, until the heat began to build. She teased herself toward release, eager for it to come and ease her stress. She was grinding down into her own hand when it broke over her, her mouth open, grunting low sounds as it peaked and a long sigh as it passed.
In that brief tension free moment of afterglow, her laptop notified her of a waiting message with a quiet beep. She slid the laptop back up in her lap, smearing her wet all over the touchpad as she read the message. Her friend highly recommended the contractor and provided a cell phone number to reach him.
It was late, but she called anyway and left a message on his voicemail describing her project. As she sipped her wine, her phone buzzed. The contractor had texted back asking if she would like him to come by and provide a quote. Her text back suggested Saturday morning, he suggested 8:00 AM, which she confirmed with a grin.
Sitting her phone down, her heart rate was finally returning to normal. The alcohol made her sleepy, so she closed her laptop lid and turned off the television. Her empty wine glass was left in the sink as she wandered off to bed. Her last thought before sleep was, "I wonder if he is cute."
The doorbell woke Maggie with a jump. "Shit, shit, shit," she said as she jumped out of bed, grabbing sweat pants and a tee shirt from her drawers. She yelled out, "Just a minute!" as she stepped into her sandals and tried to pull her hair back into a ponytail. After a quick dash to the front door she peeped through the peep hole to see a man with short black hair standing at the door with a perturbed expression on his face.
She opened the door and smiled, "Yes?"
"I'm here to give you a quote on your closet," he said. His voice was low and gravelly.
"Of course, please, come in. My name is Margaret Connor," Maggie said.
"I'm Bill Westerson," he said and extended his hand. She noted the scars and rough skin, his fingers strong, but he had clean, close cut nails. She liked his flannel shirt, it seemed to fit him. He hadn't shaved, but didn't look scruffy, and he smelled of pine trees. He had on clean blue jeans and heavy duty work boots that had been scuffed before, but were polished. She released his hand and led him into her kitchen.
"Would you like a cup of coffee?" Maggie asked. He nodded with a smile and she pulled out two cups and a couple of K-cups. She popped one in her Keurig and pushed start. While the first cup was brewing she said, "I loved what you did with Cathy's kitchen. She complained about it for years."
"She's a nice lady. She gave me some of her ideas and let me run with it a bit. I was pleased with how it came out. It was nice of her to recommend me to you."
She popped open the Keurig, replaced the cup and swapped mugs, handing him the full one. "Do you take anything in your coffee?" she asked.
"No, this is fine, thank you," he said. "You have a lovely home."
"Thank you. It's a work in progress, only I never seem to make any progress. I was hoping to do the closet work myself, but I just never have time. I had a friend help me decorate when I moved in two years ago, but the to do list has only grown since then," Maggie said.
"So tell me what your dream closet looks like," he said, slipping into work mode.
"Oh, I always imagined lots of storage areas, adjustable shelving behind glass doors to keep linens from getting dusty, a shoe rack that isn't broken. I'd love indirect lighting, but bright and natural, with a full length mirror at the back. If I have the room, I'd love a padded bench in the middle to sit on while changing, with a cedar lined interior to store woolens," Maggie almost got hot dreaming about it.
Bill was taking notes in a bound leather notebook as she talked. He took a sip of his coffee and said, "Can we take a look? I need to get some measurements and I'll sit down and do some sketches for you to choose from."
Maggie led him into the closet, suddenly aware of the mess. She resisted the urge to apologize for it as he stepped in behind her. Her master closet was a room unto itself but had the typical white wire shelving that every home improvement store has on display. The clothes were a jumble and the shelves packed high with plastic bins. Bill used a laser measuring tool to get the dimensions and wrote them down in his notebook.
They returned to the kitchen and sat at the table drinking coffee while Bill pulled out three different pencils and began to sketch. He had a deft hand and as Maggie watched, she saw her dream closet appear as if by magic. When he finished the first sketch, she stopped him, "That's it exactly. I don't need to see another sketch. You are amazing!"
Bill smiled and continued to refine the sketch, adding dimensions along the edges and shading on the sketch to give it more depth and character. He pulled the page out of his notebook along its perforations and set it aside while he calculated the amount of wood, glass and hardware he would need. When he was done, he pulled out a calculator and tallied up the total. It was not a small sum, but Maggie could afford to splurge a little.
"When can you start?" she asked.
He smiled and said, "Why not now? Do you need help moving out the clothes and boxes?"
"I need to finish my coffee first," Maggie said with a smile. "Would you like some breakfast?"
"Ordinarily I'd say no, but I left the house this morning without grabbing anything."
Maggie didn't usually fraternize with people she hired, but Bill was really interesting somehow. Other than old friends from college, most of the people she knew were other business people she met through networking groups and Chamber of Commerce events. They were almost all from the same well-educated, semi-cultured class of people she grew up around.
Bill was a little older than she was, but it was hard to tell exactly how much because he was very fit. He was clearly talented, both as an artist and as a woodworker. He spoke well without an identifiable accent. He wasn't handsome like a model, but something about his soft-spoken competence was making her think impure thoughts.
As she cooked breakfast, Bill continued writing in his notebook. She cut up ham and cheese, beat a few eggs and asked him questions as she worked.
"So tell me about yourself and your family," she said.
"Well, my wife passed last year, but I'm making it through. We married young, and she held on until just after our twentieth anniversary. Cancer," Bill said slowly.
"Oh God, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bring up a painful topic," Maggie said.
Bill just smiled sadly. "It's getting easier, I honestly thought it never would. My boys, well not boys really, one is in the service and one is just about to graduate high school. They are what I live for these days. They've both turned into fine young men," Bill said proudly. "I have some good friends at church that held me up when I couldn't, but now I'm starting to feel alive again." Bill paused for a moment, "I don't know why I'm telling you all this, it really isn't appropriate. I'm sorry."
Maggie looked up at him before she folded the omelette. He was looking down in his notebook, still scratching away, but she realized he was sketching as he used his thumb to smear a line into a shading.
"Bill, don't feel that way. I asked and am cooking you breakfast. After you eat this meal, we'll officially be friends," Maggie said with a smile.
"Thank you, Margaret. What about you?" Bill asked.
"Well, I own a small business. We do business services, like payroll, benefits packages, a little advertising and web site design. When I finished college, I'd hoped to get my business going and meet someone. The work is very rewarding, but I've found that other things haven't worked out quite like I planned. I have a house I don't see much, no social life to speak of. Most of the men I meet either don't seem interested in settling down or aren't the kind of person I'd like to settle down with." Maggie realized she was spilling too much as well, but couldn't seem to stop herself.
"I remember when I was a kid, days felt like forever. When I was in college, it felt like I was swinging on a rope tied to the weekends. Now time zips by in months and I feel like I blink twice and it's Christmas again. I'm afraid I'll wake up one day and wonder where my life went." She felt the emotion in her throat and her eyes were full, but she swallowed it down again and blinked back the tears, not understanding why she was blurting all this out.
She slid the omelette onto a plate and poured the remaining eggs into the pan. While they cooked she sliced an orange into pieces and put them on both plates. Cheese and ham went into the pan on top of the eggs, then she folded the second omelette over to finish cooking. As she poured two small glasses of orange juice, Bill stood next to her to take them with a smile.
"I hear how hard it's been for you, Margaret. Our pastor had a message a few weeks back about faith. He said that all you can do is prepare your fields and plant the seed. You don't control the sun, the rain or the wind. If you have made yourself open, all you can do is have faith that God will provide you what you need. I took that to heart and it helped me find patience. I don't know what you believe, but maybe it'll help you too."
He sat the glasses on the table and got the plates of eggs and fruit while Maggie washed the pan and other dishes. She was thinking about what Bill said, but she felt a little uncomfortable talking about God and faith. He also kept calling her Margaret, and while she gave that as her name, almost no one called her that anymore but bill collectors. She wondered at the wisdom of opening up with a stranger this way. She sat down at the table and noticed he quietly bowed his head before eating. She ignored it and ate her breakfast.
"This is very good," he said with a smile. "Thank you for listening to me before."
Maggie smiled and said, "And thank you for letting me rattle on. I don't know why I did. It isn't like me at all."
"I can't explain it either, but I hope you feel better," Bill said. Maggie did feel better actually. They ate the rest of the meal in a comfortable silence.
After breakfast, Bill helped Maggie move all the items in her closet to the guest bedroom. They laid out all the clothes on the bed, stacked the boxes against the wall and put the shoes around on the floor. Maggie followed Bill out to his truck and saw he had created a portable wood shop in the back. It was a fairly large step van and he had customized it himself. There were slots to store various sized pieces of lumber along one side and the other side was one long workbench with different tools hanging above it.
"Wow!" Maggie said, "That is really cool!"
Bill just smiled and pulled a stack of clean drop cloths from a cabinet. He asked Maggie to hold them and grabbed a folding ladder, his tool belt and a box with a number of small drawers. They went back into the closet and Bill laid out the cloth to protect the carpet. Maggie watched him work and was again impressed by his competence and efficiency. He began to sketch out the design on the wall using his tape measure and pencil to mark out the dimensions. He used some kind of electronic tool to mark where the studs were behind the drywall. Finally he held up the sketch and compared it to the marks he made. "Close enough?" he asked.
"Bill, that was amazing. Do you mind if I stay and watch?" Maggie asked.
"Sure, but I charge extra if you try to help," he said with a smile.
Maggie watched him work, sitting in the middle of her bed with her laptop. She was taking pictures and updating Facebook with the progress. Her friends were beginning to salivate over both the sketch that she uploaded and the pictures of him in action. There was something about a man who is working hard that makes the juices flow.
When it was lunch time, Maggie asked, "Would you like me to order a pizza or something?"
"Only if you let me pay, since you made breakfast," Bill said as he came out of the closet.
"Okay, what do you like on your pizza?" Maggie asked.
"Anything but bell peppers and anchovies," Bill said, picking up a wood plank up from the bedroom floor and carrying it back in.
Maggie ordered the pizza online and set the computer aside. She was uncomfortably aroused at this point. Something about the smell of sawdust, the sweat on his face, made her imagine his strong fingers inside her. The need to do something about it was overwhelming.
"Bill, can you get the door when the pizza guy comes. I have to do something this afternoon and need to change clothes," she said.
"Sure, Margaret, I'll be happy to," Bill said from inside the closet.
Maggie grabbed some fresh panties and a bra, hopped over to the guest room for some clothes and then locked herself in the guest bathroom. She didn't remember using this bathtub before, despite living there for years. She quickly stripped down and put her dirty clothes in a pile. She ran the water in the tub to get it hot while she sat on the toilet to pee. The long bushy hairs on her mons caught her attention again, but her trimmer and razor were in the master bathroom.
She stepped into the tub and pulled down the shower head from its holder. She let the water run until it was warm, then turned the head to pulse. With one hand on the wall, she directed the stream of warm pulsing water into her mons. Standing with her feet apart, she squatted slightly, opening her mouth and breathing more quickly as the sensation tingled out along her arms and legs.
The pulsing water was like a thousand tongues probing and licking at once. It was almost overwhelming in its intensity, but she kept an image of his hands in her mind, opening her up, fingers slipping inside, her imagination pushed her over the edge. Her knees gave way slightly and she gasped out loud as her release came over her.
She kept the spray focused on her mons, imagined him kissing her, his rough stubble scratching her cheeks as he kissed her neck and ears. Her body shook as her release returned again. She made a low noise, her eyes squeezed shut. Finally she had to move the water away, too sensitive to continue. Rather than relaxing her, she felt an uncomfortable void that ached to be filled.
Ignoring her need, she finished her shower, cleaning herself well, washing her hair. She dried off and dressed, suddenly as hungry as if she were the one working so hard today. The pizza box was on the table as she carried her dirty clothes to the hamper. He had made an amazing amount of progress in just a few hours. After putting the clothes in the hamper she said, "Thank you for lunch. Are you ready to take a break?"
He stood up and stretched his back. "That sounds lovely," he said.
They talked as they ate, but nothing as intimate as the breakfast conversation. He was a good listener, but never made her work to get a response from him either. The topics ranged from business and banks, to technology and the Internet. They talked about books and discovered they shared an interest in both history and crime fiction. She realized that if this was a date, he would be getting lucky just from the conversation over lunch.
It only seemed like minutes until the pizza was gone and the beer bottles were empty. She was a little disappointed, but he was back to work without a complaint. He was able to get most of the supporting dividers up by the end of the day and it was really starting to look like his sketch. Maggie was trying to figure out how to ask him if he would like to stay overnight and finish in the morning when he spoke.
"If you don't mind, I'll just leave my tools here tonight," he said. Maggie nodded and was preparing her proposition when he said, "I don't know if you'd be interested or not, but would you like to go to church with me in the morning? I'd be happy to pick you up. I would love for you to meet some of my friends. I'd even buy you lunch before I come back here to finish up."
It hit her like a cold glass of water. She had not set foot in a church since her grandmother passed away when she was in high school. She was tongue tied, but somehow found herself agreeing to be picked up at 9 o'clock. He smiled, really smiled, for the first time and it transformed his face. He was suddenly beautiful, the lines of care and worry that had aged him were gone in an instant.
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I was sitting at my home office desk randomly surfing for just the right picture to jack off to, when I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye. With blinding speed, I minimized the window and looked up at the college student that I had hired to clean house. She was a pretty young thing with long brown hair and brown eyes to match. Perhaps a little on the heavy side, but still well proportioned. What I saw in her hands, though, caused my heart to skip a beat. She was carrying the...
Mom was a beautiful woman for her 37 years. She kept herself in shape with her excerize rituals every day. Dad, for many years was an executive with a lot of power. We got along well enough, that is, for a growing teen with needs and designs on his car. He generally relented though, and let me use it with warnings of caution. Things were pretty good between the three of us for many years, until that fateful day that dad's company got involved in some kind of Securities scandal. Suddenly,...
This clearly blew me away, seeing actual proof that she was into other guys. But it also was fascinating to me, that she could be planning this while acting totally normal towards me. From what I saw, she was hooking up with this guy, including previous times in our own apartment. I was completely hard reading this, and enticed. I heard the shower turn off, so quickly scanned what I could, seeing that Nathan was arriving at 8. The rest of the day was normal, with Amy acting completely...
The 18th floor:These pass events happen during the recent New Years during the time of Nov and Dec 2019 while I was working a huge amount of time at work. I kind of fell into it with a manager from one of the departments. During the time I was having the hots for her I unknowingly spark the hots of one and possibly my only actual friend “Subby’ for short. His a flaming queen stands about 5’8 clean and shaven cut he keeps a very nice clean look sometimes I think his a undercover cossdresser. His...
It was close to Halloween, I forgot how many days away it was. I was leaving the library on the third floor of my high school. As I started down the stairs I bumped into Clarence, Clarence is a classmate that is close to six feet tall. He's thin as a rail and a want to be basketball star. He grabbed my arm and said 'David, you're the little bitch that's letting ever body fuck you'. I looked at him in horror and tried to pull away, Clarence slammed me against the stair rail and bent me...
THE CLOSETA story of a young woman attracted to an older man who becomes her lover. A man she’s curious about, maybe too curious.Part OneChapter OneTurning the third, forth key on his private ring, the lock finally unlocking, the door slowly swinging open with the slightest of a shove of her hand, she glances around before stepping in his bedroom’s walk-in closet, a closet she’s never seen unlocked, much less allowed to enter since she moved in with him.Her hair wet in the puffy white towel,...
"Look at you," Mindy said staring at her boyfriend and ex-best friend Miranda. "How does it feel to be completely immobile?" Luke strained his large muscles and tried his best to respond to his girlfriend, but no matter how much he tried he couldn't move nor make a sound. Luke looked down at Miranda and felt pity for the helpless cheerleader; she was frozen in a much more precarious position, her mouth still wrapped around Luke's large member. Mindy knelt down next to Miranda and...
What I am about to share is a true story. It all began with a house party my friend of mine was throwing. Me and my girlfriend of eight months went to this party, she also knows my friend and others at the party. Me and my girlfriend are of indian descent. Let me describe my girlfriend, she is about 5’7 and 125 pounds, weight distributed in all the right places. She has 34 C size cup tits, a nice round plump ass, nice thick smooth thighs, flat tummy with a belly ring, and killer legs. Her hair...
Cheating WifesIt's true. We desire cock. Our wives have no idea what goes on inside of us with this desire to cock. We hide it from everyone but in our minds it's a runaway train. To touch, feel, pull on, sniff, rub our faces in it, lick it, taste it, suck cock. We've done it before, maybe a short time or a long time ago. The specter of guilt and shame dampens but does not extinguish the flame of our desire for cock. To be unabated in our drive for cock, to be able to freely indulge with a cock...
i tell him to straddle my face so I can continue keeping his cock nice and hard. We get in the 69 position. Feeling his tongue on my clit as I start sucking his cock. He gets my pussy nice and wet, asking if my pussy is ready for brother's cock, I shake my head yes. He slides his unprotected cock deep in my pussy, says he won't be pulling out and is gonna stay in his sister's hot box all night. I hadn't told him that I had been flushing my birth control pills down the toilet for 2 months. I...
Ethan Slade was sort of a dog lover, that’s how he got to know Bridie Collinson. Admiring a woman’s dog is a surefire way of getting into conversation and Ethan had used this method successfully for several years. He often remembered his past conquests by their dogs. Della and Watson, the Labrador, Kelly, and Caesar the rambunctious Boxer and of course Becky McKenzie and Lloyd the performing Fox Terrier In Bridie’s case, it was Riggs the Bassett Hound, he licked Ethan’s hand as he sat on a park...
Skeletons in my Closet Part one The Beginning You all know my name is Kay however that is not my real name as we must protect the innocent lol so names are just names in this story. I am here to tell everyone about the skeletons I keep in my closet. I have many and some that you may not believe however believe me they are real as night and day as I have lived and survived them.I am married and have one daughter. My hubby’s name is John and my daughter’s name is Michelle, he is really her...
Out Of The Closet by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas When I got home from work, I could tell from my wife's attitude that something was wrong, but when I asked her, she said that it was nothing. "Why don't you go upstairs and change, Dear?" was all she said. I did, but when I entered our bedroom, what I saw on the bed, explained the vibes I'd picked up. Lying on the bed was the suitbag I'd kept hidden in the back of my closet - full of women's clothes! For all the time we'd been married, and...
CLEANING OUT MY CLOSET [Inspired by the Eminem track: Cleaning out my closet.] "I'm sorry, Mama. I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to make you cry, but tonight I'm cleanin' out my closet" Blastered out of Sam Chesire's MP3 player into his ears for the ninth time in a row that evening he had been listing to that song on the Eminem show. He found the song somehow calmed him down as he thought about his non-abusive child hood that had somehow turned him into a twisted...
I had spent so many nights lying on my bed with my hand on my penis, thinking about men. I had never been lucky with girls so justified my sometimes unforgivable thoughts about guys with 'When I start getting attention from girls I'll stop'. But it didn't stop. I met a girl called Amanda who went to my school. She was a loud, bubbly and very friendly blonde with the looks of a Victoria's Secret model. She was the type of girl who everybody had to have had sex with. We went behind a club...
This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...
SwingerPart one The Beginning My name is Kate however that is not my real name as we must protect the innocent lol so names are just names in this story. I am here to tell everyone about the skeletons I keep in my closet. I have many and some that you may not believe, however, believe me, they are real as night and day as I have lived and survived them. I am married and have one daughter. My hubby’s name is Keith and my daughter’s name is Megan. Keith is really her stepfather but to her, he will...
My household consists of my mom my my dad and brother. My brother is only 2 years younger than me and we are almost similar. My name is Marcus and this summer my 2 cousins Shay and Aniya are coming over. Shay is my age and Aniya is 4 years younger. It's been a while since I last saw them so this was going to be exciting. I fishing cleaning my room and got ready for my brother to move his things in so that the girls can get his room for the summer. By midnight they had already...
You had just gone out for one of your special nights. About once a month, both of you would get all dressed up and go out on the town. It was usually pretty late when you guys got back. The light in my room would always be out, but I'd always be waiting up for you. I knew what would happen when you guys got back. After you make your way to your room I would slip into the hall bath so that I could hear the sounds form your room through the air conditioning ducts which connect to the master bath....
IncestI never thought id be swallowing cum one day , walking out of his car my belly full of it once again, him casually thanking me driving away to his wife and k**s, like everyday after school since he gave me the xbox in his closetIf my mom knew her friend Maria husband was training me to become his secret cock sucker she would freak outhim 47 and always nice when we were going to his place for a bbq until one day , i learn about the old xbox in the closetmy mom and maria dealing it over dinnerI...
My Three Sons 15: Three Rooms and a Closet By Ron Dow75 13-year-old Jesse was sitting glumly in the in the bedroom a closet and a bathroom down from her own. "A nun," she muttered. Change her religion because she changed her sex? {Barefoot and in a short sleeve green gingham dress, she was holding onto the arms of an upholstered chair that made her feel smaller.} The door was open; Uncle Charley yelled, "Jesse! Leave the other one alone, and get in here!" from down the...
HumorThe Closet By Margarette Jeanette Stephanie Eller was a little put out. She and Mary Beth Holcomb and Judy Price were supposed to go shopping at a large mall forty miles away. Both Mary Beth and Judy had the flu so the trip was off. She headed home. At home her husband, Pete, was reading the paper. He was wearing a bra and panties, a slip, nylons, high heels, a wig and his favorite dress. It was light blue satin lace-trimmed affair that felt so great on him. He didn't hear the...
It wasn’t that it was a big surprise to the people who know me when I came out of the closet to announce to the world that I was homosexual. Truth be told, other than my mother I was about the only one who didn’t know I was gay as I grew up. The signs were all there but as I was raised in, a fundamental background all sex was a sin and a subject not discussed in our household. I can’t be sure if my mother ever noticed or just didn’t understand the signs. One would think that because I preferred...
I have wanted to write this story for many years but I hesitated to do so out of my fear of the unknown. Since moving to Florida , I have pretty much been on my own for the first time in a long time. Let’s just say that now that I am older, I’m bolder! I no longer care who knows my sexual interests. It’s funny, because everyone I currently see understands my desires and approves of my different fetishes. Foremost of these, is my predilection to live my non-professional life as a...
I'm not a terribly big reader, but I do enjoy a good book now and then. And so whenever I find the time, I'll visit the local library after work, especially since I've found out that besides books they've actually got a decent CD and DVD collection. And so it was this one time recently when I was there, browsing through a few books, late as usual since I can never seem to get off early from work.I had found a few CDs and was now going curiously through a row of self-help books about love and...
HardcoreThere is magic in the world. Narnia was just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the magic that a wardrobe or closet can do. You find yourself directly in the crosshairs of such a magical encounter. Whether malicious or benevolent, that is up to you... This is merely the introduction to a much more interesting tale. (Dear reader, if you like this story and any of its chapters please remember to take a second to click "Like". It only takes a second of time and really helps motivate every...
FantasySo it all started 7-8 years ago cock gazing at the rec showers i walk out to see one f the sexiest black man alive with the most sexy panties on and he was touching his friends cock, i ask him where he got em and he said from his momma he stood up and walked off and said thats why. his friend goes "you better get your sexy ass back here" they were only a couple years older then me i asked if i could watch i had saw videos in my older brothers room seth whos been openly gay forever and he was my...
It was my third school change. With the girls did not take me wrong, but it was, just right. The boy was not more popular. Introvert, and in fact went unnoticed for most.Sometimes though, it was not like a typical bully for repeater, my shyness, and c***dlike, studying hard to put me eight.There was also a repeater, passing Olympian, peers and teachers,that was Juanjo, a boy, big boy of twenty, but looked twenty-five, stood out from the other students. Some not approached him, out of fear,...
After a very lengthy discussion, it was decided that not only should Tedra become more feminine and move out of the closet, but Judy would also under go "Enhancements" I was started on enhanced Hormone treatment as well as some tummy tucking and hip enhancement. We both got implants and I became a very impressive 40G and she was a stunning 34F. Over the past 12 years my wife has gone from an average looking gal to an absolute sexpot. The increase in her breasts' size coupled with her slimming...
It wasn't that it was a big surprise to the people who know me when I came out of the closet to announce to the world that I was homosexual. Truth be told, other than my mother I was about the only one who didn't know I was gay as I grew up. The signs were all there but as I was raised in, a fundamental background all sex was a sin and a subject not discussed in our household. I can't be sure if my mother ever noticed or just didn't understand the signs. One would think that because I preferred...
I have wanted to write this story for many years but I hesitated to do so out of my fear of the unknown. Since moving to Florida , I have pretty much been on my own for the first time in a long time. Let’s just say that now that I am older, I’m bolder! I no longer care who knows my sexual interests. It’s funny, because everyone I currently see understands my desires and approves of my different fetishes. Foremost of these, is my predilection to live my...