BiomancerChapter 4: free porn video

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Sitting at the dining table, Jessica looked up from typing a report on her laptop. “Where did you and Nathan go for six hours?”


“Why bother, he will just Rampage sooner or later. They all do, especially at his power level.”

“Like the one in Miami?”

“Santos was a bomb waiting to happen.” Agent Dubois replied defensively.

“And what were the odds of him rampaging if his handler didn’t drug his girlfriend and give Sophia Lamont to his childhood enemy?”

“Careful of what you say. The army won’t save you from a libel suit.”

“Don’t you know? The report has already made it to the Senate. I bet General Hatemonger is fuming up a storm at the leak.”

“Fiction. Even if it were true. It is an isolated incident.”

“Like the Lincoln ‘isolated incident’ last month? The one that didn’t make the papers?” Seeing her counterpart freeze for a millisecond was all the confirmation Veronica needed. “Your last post was in Lincoln wasn’t it, Agent Dubois. But you were a not there, were you?”

“My activities are under Agency direction and not subject to outsiders’ review.” Agent Dubois retorted frostily. That needed to be reported if their counterparts were aware of her activities.

Getting what she wanted out of the Agency assassin, “Did you get all your little spy toys in place? You might miss a sixteen year old watching porn or jerking off in the bathroom.”

“Fuck off. He’s a Class V risk. You would be terrified if you knew what he could do.”

“And here you sit, unterrified. Such a fierce resolve in the presence of a sixteen year old kid who only wants to bury his father and be left in peace. Oh, right he is scary. I had forgotten, there are people that are keeping that father from him. If you know any like that. They might consider returning the body for a decent burial and maybe some fence mending.”

“One more thing. I am officially informing you that bugging or spying in any form of, or on Army property will result in charges against you and the Powers Regulatory Agency. I believe that your ‘Agency’ has paid over ninety million dollars so in the last year and the judge who issued the latest decision warned that the next one would be higher than the previous two combined. I bet that it won’t do your career any good if you cost your beloved agency upwards of a hundred million dollars for a peek at my email.”

Seeing no reply forthcoming, Lieutenant Lake smiled to herself.

Finished taunting her imposed upon roommate for the moment, Veronica ascended the stairs along with the plastic grocery bag full of Nathan’s borrowed tools to remove the tack strips and the all the nails from the floor in her bedroom and in the third bedroom intended to be converted into a den.


Click. “Colonel? Lieutenant Lake ... I have confirmation on the Lincoln agent for the incident of the twenty third of April was current Agent Jessica Dubois ... Yes, sir. I asked as you directed. She reacted as expected ... He’s a good normal kid, struggling to make ends meet in a house too big for him in a terrible situation. Our first meeting went well ... They will, probably pretty soon ... Agent Dubois doesn’t seem to like Nathan or me ... Just a little, sir ... Understood, sir ... Yes, sir ... Respectfully, fuck off, sir ... Yes, sir ... I will, sir.” Click.

Humming a tune, first Lieutenant Veronica Lake replaced her cell phone in its belt holder and began levering up the tack strips that were made of oak shims. Grimacing, she wondered if the wood strips had been in place long enough to petrify...

“Stretching is the first thing and the last thing we do. Always.” Ronnie wore her tight, black running shorts and an Army T-shirt completely distracting me from what she wanted to teach. Getting smacked up the back of the head helped my focus. Not that I admitted it.

“Normally fifteen minutes for stretching is good enough. We’re not in a hurry so if it takes longer, it takes longer.” On my front lawn, I followed instructions as best as I could. Not that I had anywhere near the flexibility that she did.

“Not too much, we want to warm up our muscles, not push them at this point ... Your calves are tight. That needs to be addressed later ... Are you sore anywhere?”

“No. I think I’m okay.” She knew just how far to stretch me. I kept thinking how amazing Ronnie was.

“I will start off at a slow jog for fifteen minutes, then walk for ten. Let’s see how you feel after that.”

Jogging with a belt pack behind me was odd, but I got used to it, eventually. Other than my keys, there was only a bottle water, an energy bar and a small towel in there anyway. I kept pace with her, she was true to her word at keeping the jog slow. Going up and down the streets of the subdivision with me on the curb side and her on the outside, at the insistence of Ronnie in her bodyguard mode, we circled most of the subdivision neighboring the small forest behind my house.

Taking a small sip of water and a single bite of the energy bar at the twenty-five minute mark, “How are you holding up?” Ronnie asked.

“I’m okay.” I was. I was surprised even with the revelation from the last bike ride to and from school.

“Do you think you can do another twenty-five minutes?”

“Yeah.” Somehow, I knew I could run longer.

“Same pace.” The second twenty-five minutes were harder and I started feeling spikes of pain in my shins near the end. Minute ones that my body instantly healed as they formed.

Noticing the change in my stride, “A little pain?”

“Yeah. For a second or two.”

“Good. We don’t want a lot. A little means you are working those muscles that need to get off their duffs and join the living. When you get home, rub some of that cream all over your legs, wait ten minutes then take a lukewarm shower. A long one. We will stretch before you go in and I want you to do it after your shower too.”

“I can do that.” I didn’t tell her that the cream wasn’t necessary anymore. Although, I did want to see what effect it would have on me.

“You did well today. Tomorrow and the next week or two will be the same.”

“Okay.” After stretching, I laid on the grass for a few minutes even after watching Ronnie bound to the house in those skin tight shorts ... of course Ronnie stopping just before the porch and bending at the waist to tie her shoes didn’t help my discomfort at the erection that had sprung up a while ago.

The knowing smirk she gave me reminded me that the tease was completely intentional. Not that it helped. I tried hard, bad word, to not think about the lack of panty lines all morning.

The cream that Ronnie bought from the sports store emitted a mild heat that seemed to sink into my muscles. Anything to take my mind off that ass. I stood in the shower and tried to reproduce the effects of the cream without luck. I did end up failing to forget what I wanted to take my mind off of and therefore spending an extra ten minutes in the shower and a few more cleaning up after myself.

The rest of the day, I spent on and off reading the Social Studies guide with my blue highlighter getting plenty of use. I also signed up online for the next GED test held in our small college campus on June 19th. I missed this month’s one. Not that I was ready for it.

A tentative knock on my front door brought me out of my absorption on the computer.

Cheryl was standing on my porch with a purple and orange duffle bag filled with what was probably the rest of my books and stuff from my locker.


“Hi. I have the rest of your books and notes.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it.”

I opened the screen door and she handed me her duffle. “I’ll return it later.”

“Umm...” Something was up, my neighbor looked very uncomfortable about something.

“We had an assembly today. Someone from the Agency came and talked about Supers. He called them dangerous criminals.”

“Great...” I knew what was coming next.

“He didn’t mention you by name, but everyone knows you dropped out early. It’s not hard to figure out. They did the 800 number spiel about calling for any reason if they see one use Super Powers. Everyone wanted to know why you weren’t arrested and taken to a Camp.” Obviously, she was part of everyone who wanted to know why I wasn’t.

“Peachy. Thanks for the warning.” And today was going so well.

“I wanted you to know. And thanks for healing me. I gotta go. Mom’s waiting,” she said hurrying away. Maybe she was, I somehow doubted it. That Cheryl was uncomfortable around me was obvious even to someone as oblivious as I was about girls.

Two hours after dinner another knock on my door, this one firmer.

“Hi, Ronnie.”

Opening the door, she entered carrying a white box. “What’s wrong? Did something happen today?”

“What else? The Feds came to my school and labeled me a dangerous criminal.”

“That won’t be the only time that the ‘Hate Mongers’ will stir up the city against you. Be better than they are and ignore it.”

“Easy for you to say. Cheryl basically ran away from me as soon as she could.”

“Your neighbor? What was she here for?”

“I asked her to bring my books from my locker. She brought some when I was kicked out and the rest today.”

“This her purple bag?”


“Never mind that. I have your new phone. Let me show you how it works.”

Twenty minutes into personalizing it and downloading apps, with her help, a bellow sounded out from the front of my house.

Standing in my driveway was a large blonde masked man in a shiny blue motorcycle racing suit specifically tailored for him, with a large ‘A’ surrounded by thirteen stars in a three quarter circle centered on his left breast. All American Man. His red and white striped cape was twisted behind him, probably from flying in circles trying to find my house.

Employed by the ‘Citizens for a Clean Gene’, he was well known for hunting down and beating the shit out of anyone outside of the Agency’s control to force them into the Camps. It was open knowledge that CCG were bought and paid for by the Agency. ‘Funded’ was the political term. The irony of him being a Super goon suppressing Supers must have been lost to the flying moron.

“Get out here you low life piece of scum and take your beating or surrender and come peaceably.”

“Can I kill him?” I asked half-seriously.

“No. Nathan. Stay on the porch and don’t say a word. Understand?”

With that tone, I wasn’t going to argue. No way, no how.

“Okay,” I eeked out

“Eh? You don’t look like the picture?” He only focused on Ronnie, like any sane man would. The poorly regarded vigilante completely ignored my presence on the porch as she strode towards the imbecile. The papers reported that he was gifted with the ability to fly and had absurd strength and recovery. The hovering idiot positively glowed with Life energy.

“Lieutenant Lake, US Army Intelligence. Are you participating in Vigilante action, Chester Cloony?”

“I am All American Man. I do not know this Cloony person. Ah! I see the Dangerous Criminal. Surrender or die, Mate ... Nate, whatever your name is.”

Great, a flying, super strong idiot. I had to rely on Ronnie so not to make a mess of the place. I locked on him and slowly began to siphon his energy. Just a little, to familiarize myself with it.

“Wow you are sure brave Mr. Man.” Changing gears, Ronnie suddenly sounded ditzy.

I was worried. For him.

“Of course. I am All American Man. Apprehending and punishing evil is my task in life.”

“That’s soo cool,” Ronnie gushed. “Facing off a Class V with Death Touch. Please don’t get hurt.” I could hear the batted eyes shining on his cough ‘Magnificence’ from here.

“Humph, No one can...” lowering his voice, “ ... Death touch?” He actually floated back from Ronnie creating more space between the two of them.

“How brave you are! To risk life and limb to catch that ‘person’ on the porch with control over death. I’m rooting for you.”

“You’re not making up the Class V, Death Touch?” He wasn’t boasting anymore and the distance between the caped moron and Ronnie widened even further.

“Bio control. Class V, Life and Death. Range one mile. What do you say now, Mr. Vigilante?” Switching back to the real Lt. Veronica Lake, she attacked him where it counted. Beating up wimps was one thing. Dying against someone that can kill you with a look was something else.

He stared at her, then me. I waved. He floated another step back. Unconsciously, I bet.

“One mile range, Mr. Cloony. Please don’t move, it might scare Nathan into lashing out. Who knows what will happen? People, trees, birds, Blue suited vigilantes bought and paid for by the Agency, might end up six feet under or even mummified.”

He froze under Ronnie’s threat. Hell, I froze under it. I spread my awareness, doing the radar thing. Four men at the end of the street were watching, so too were Mrs. Moore and the Fed. The Cutlers were out of the house, and their kids were in the basement playing a game on the TV. Mrs. Huston was watching TV along with her cats. No one else was in hearing range.

“Mr. Cloony, if you give me a name of who hired you, I will let you go. THIS time.” Standing dominantly on my lawn in her white shorts and black T, no one in visual range doubted that she had the ability or the will to see to his demise. I didn’t even think she would need me to do anything besides clean up the mess after.

“I’m waiting...

“ ... I’ll give you to the count of...”

“Smithenson. Lucy Smithenson,” he gasped in fear.

“Nate, be a dear and go inside, please.” Not releasing the idiot from her gaze, Ronnie ordered me inside. I did watch from the window though. This was too good to pass up.

I couldn’t hear what she said to him though. But it was enough to make him fly off to the north without looking back. Once he was out of sight, Ronnie, the magnificent one, turned and smirked at her house for a few heartbeats, before returning inside of mine.

“How was I?” Giving me a sweet teasing smile, she knew damn well how great she had just been.


“Do you still think you don’t need a bodyguard?”

“You’re the best.”

Ronnie laughed joyously, before frowning. “You have someone very worried. They sent him out to die and he is that religious wacko group’s best asset.”

“I thought it odd he didn’t know what my power was if he came out all the way here. Isn’t he based in Kansas or St. Louis?” I thought I read that somewhere.

“He was probably told you were a rogue Elementalist.”

“You think it was the Agency?”

“Or someone affiliated. The Agency has fingers in a lot of groups. Nathan, the Agency wouldn’t be as strong as they are, and those laws wouldn’t have been passed as fast as they were two and a half years ago, if they didn’t have nationwide support.”

“69% were in favor of suppressing Supers in November’s elections. I know,” I recited that number from the last NY Times poll.

“There will be more like him, smarter and better informed.”

“I know. There are four men at the end of the street. They are still there, but inside a vehicle, I think. They were there watching before he arrived.”

“And waiting for a mess to happen. They too, weren’t informed about you. No one with a brain will approach within a mile of you if they know of your Powerset and there is any chance of a confrontation.”

“What about you? You have a brain.”

“I’ll have to trust you. Now, where were we?”

It felt good that she trusted me. I hoped I could ... I don’t know, not let Ronnie down. “Hot spots, I think.” How she was so calm, I had no clue. The Fed was not calm at all. Why, no clue. I couldn’t differentiate in states of the why.

“Nathan, one more thing. He is a Class IV, strong as hell and resilient. If you had any other ability, you two would have fought and pretty much destroyed the entire neighborhood.”

“Yeah.” That was the last said of the interloper that night. On other nights, the topic would rear its ugly head.

Listening to remastered techno dance music, loudly on Wednesday morning, Ronnie and I dismantled the Master bedroom. Excepting the carpeting, anything not structurally attached to the room was removed, including the door to the bathroom and the shower doors caked along the edges with soap scum.

Honestly, it was done in two and a half hours after our morning run. We ate a lunch of Pizza delivery. First time in two months for me. Mr. Tang had ordered it for us during a visit one Saturday afternoon in early April.

I savored every bite much to Ronnie’s delight. I didn’t even care that she teased me about gorging myself. I did point out that she ate a large pizza herself. It wasn’t just me being a pig.

“Beauty food. This girl needs all she can get.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at her justification.

“Hey, looking this good isn’t easy you know.”

“The mask left clown lines,” I teased.

“Watch it buster.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” I replied contritely.

“I need to shower and change. You too. Have you picked out a color for the walls?”

“The seafoam. I don’t know why you only let me choose between the four.”

“You need color in your life. What about the other rooms?”

“The light blue. But won’t we have to do all the upstairs?” I stupidly asked.

Wiping her mouth from a sloppy bite of pizza with extra sauce, “And your stairs.”

I groaned.

The rest of the week we moved all the furniture down to the living room and stacked it up. Beds unscrewed, dressers moved and drawers put back in once down the stairs. Clothes bagged and separated. Those that no longer fit or were too damaged to wear, were going to go to the Sally’s. Dad’s too. Mom’s wedding dress and Dad’s tux were carefully moved to the basement under the stairs for now, while the rest was bagged and tagged.

Ronnie found a hidden cache with a small bundles of hundreds and some of mom’s old jewelry in an old shoe rack at the back corner of mom’s closet. That was put in the small firesafe in one of the basement closets, along with the insurance papers and mortgage to the house.

Saturday after our run, shower, and breakfast, Ronnie drove us to Hardware Depot. Sanding, patching, edging, paint, and primer supplies were purchased by the cartful on Uncle Sam’s dime. I was getting used to her paying. Numb to the terror of repayment after a week of it. I knew the bill would come due one day. But I couldn’t say no to her.

On our return, in the driveway sat Mr. Tang’s green Tahoe.

“Someone you know?”

“Mr. Tang. My guardian.” The front door was open and he was waiting inside for me to return.

He was sitting in my chair in the playroom since the dining room and living room were filled with upstairs crap.

“Hi, Nate ... I see you have a friend.” Ronnie was right behind me.

“Mr. Tang. This is Lieutenant Veronica Lake, my bodyguard and friend. Ronnie this is my friend, guardian, and lawyer, Lu Tang.”

“Any relation to...?”

“Great-grandmother.” I had no idea what they were talking about.

They shook hands, “How does the bodyguard thing, work?”

“I shoo them off while Nate watches,” she replied semi-seriously.

“And does that work?”

Ronnie gestured at me. “Oh yeah. You wouldn’t believe what she did,” I spoke on cue.

“You will have to tell me later. What’s up with the upstairs? Don’t tell me you have a leak in the roof?” Mr. Tang asked a bit worriedly.

“We,” I glanced at the perpetrator making sure he knew who was at fault, “decided that it needs paint. Maybe we can paint over a few bugs while we are at it. Accidently, of course.” I added for the Feds listening.

“Bug problems? I take it that Lt. Lake is not part of your infestation issue.”

Shrugging. “If she is, I’m screwed even worse.” Which caused silvery laughter from the tall blonde in question.

“You have your hearing Wednesday.” For dad’s death certificate. “You don’t have to come. It should be a rubber stamp, unless they contest it.”

“Thanks, Mr. Tang.”

“How about showing me what you’ve done.”

“I’m going to run home for twenty. You boys have some catching up to do.” With a smile, Ronnie left us to our suddenly awkward selves.

“You trust her. Where is Lieutenant Lake from?”

“US Army Intelligence. They are acting counter to the Agency.”

“What is her goal?”

“Recruit me to the military when I turn 18. She lives next door with the Fed, the one that bugged my house. I don’t think they like each other.”

“And they are helping you pay for all of this?” he asked without judging.

“So far. Let me show you around.”

Knowing we were being monitored, we kept our conversation limited. “I’m going to take my GED next month. When I pass that, I can’t be forced to go to school at the camp or have it held against me.”

“And the Army?”

“We talked about me going there before. Not much has changed. Money will still be an issue for college. Ronnie said that West Point and the other Military Academies all have Supers enrolled already. As long as I can pass the entrance exam. I can get in.”

“It won’t be that easy,” he warned.

“No. Ronnie has started me jogging every morning. Besides it’s better than anything the Agency will offer.”

“What did your bodyguard do to earn your trust?”

I told him about the day of shopping, the concern, the GED, the moronic hired gun who wanted a fight and a few other things that popped up, leaving out the parts that were done in secret, like the bundle of twenties.

Same as Biomancer
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On the Wednesday evening (I had seen Gina Monday) I had been sitting on my sofa with my feet up watching television when I’d received a message from Gina. It read: Hi Jules I think it would be nice to catch up for a chat. Pop round at 8 tomorrow and don’t be late. Punctuality is important to me. It is a sign of respect. X I immediately replied back saying that I would be delighted to see her. As soon as I had sent it another message came through: I’ll look forward to seeing you x P.S. Bring a...

2 years ago
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Noises in the Night

A lil harmless noise in the night that could get anyone wild up.It was the noise that distracted me. It was so soft at first I thought I was imagining it. But it was there: a slow and steady hum broken with little noises I couldn't identify at first, until they started coming faster and faster. They were moans. My mother's moans, accompanying her vibrator as she pleasured herself in the next room. It was the sexiest thing I had ever heard.I was 26, recently separated from my wife. We'd married...

2 years ago
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Large Marge

Large Marge You know how nicknames are...a guy that is fat might be called “Little Leonard” or a girl with big tits might be called “TT” which used to stand for “Titless Terry” when she was younger. Well my sister gets called Large Marge. Her name is Marge alright but she is anything but large. At five feet two inches tall and about ninety pounds she still wears an A-cup bra. I had just become a freshman in high school and had entered the ninth grade. My sister was a sophomore and...

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Wife sets me up to SuckCock

My wife Sara had expressed her interests in watching me suck another man for the last couple years. I was never really sure about it, so it was just something she fantasized about when she was masturbating. Sometimes when eating her, she would tell me to lick her cunt clean from the mess the boys had made in there. Of course there wasn't any cum in there but it got her off thinking about it. To be honest, the thought kind of turned me on. I've never sucked a dick but forced bisexual porn always...

4 years ago
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Broken Bliss Ch 01

I couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of walking in on her fucking that douche, Jones, refused to leave my mind. I never saw the car, before it hit me.* * *An annoying beeping sound wakes me up. My eyes are slow to open, and even slower to focus. What happened, and where am I?"Ahh, Mister Dickens, glad...

3 years ago
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Saint and a SinnerChapter 11

The shrill scream of the phone woke her and she reached for it without opening her eyes. She managed to pick it up, fumbled it for a second and then held it to her ear. "Yeah?" she croaked, managing to put in one word her anger that all her longing for sleep, peace and quiet was going down the tubes. "Deputy Parsons?" Oh, shit. She knew that voice. She sat straight up and then gathered the sheet back up over her breasts. "Yes, Sheriff, what can I do for you?" She heard a groan of...

2 years ago
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Love Or Leave 8211 Part 6

The first day at the show was really happening. Pratyush, Manisha, Amelia, Anisha, Samir, Samarth, Alina, Irfan, and Olivia were all happy. Suraj still has his eyes on Amira, who has now disliked Suraj after catching him with Amelia. Saira now wants someone decent in bed while Mindira is looking for someone who could tear her pussy. Day two, everyone has woken up. Suraj is already outside doing some exercises. Pratyush also joins him in a while. Olivia and Irfan make sure to complete their...

1 year ago
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Our new and exciting adventures

Me and the girlfriend had been having a threesome for about six months with the neighbor and wanted something a little different, something new. We went to this club that was known for alternative sex styles, we had never been there before but had heard about it. we talked about what we wanted before we left and all we both wanted was something different and new to happen, we didnt care what is was it just had to excite us both. We arrived at the club and went in and got a booth and ordered...

Group Sex
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EvilAngel Rebel Rhyder DP DVP And DAP Foursome

Tiny blonde temptress Rebel Ryder stretches her long legs in revealing pink lingerie. Experienced porn studs Mark Wood, Michael Stefano and John Strong surround the adventurous girl, boners at the ready. Hungry Rebel gives blowjobs, spit dripping from her chin down onto her tight body. She kneels, and John slides his hard dick into her cunt from behind. Mark porks her eager asshole, making her squeal in anal lust. The foursome intensifies: Rebel revels in intense, orgasmic double-pussy...

3 years ago
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First Crush From Hyderabad To HyperSexBed

Hi all. This is Ajay (name changed for obvious reasons) from Hyderabad, working in an MNC. I’m 23 years old, 5″8, wheatish, handsome, well built and recently graduated from a well known institution in India. I stay at Hitech city. I’ve been a reader of Indian sex stories for the past 7 years and I would love to satisfy the needs of women who are desperate and need privacy and I am completely safe and would like to keep it as “No strings attached”. Feel free to contact me at . Fakers and men,...

3 years ago
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Every Day Will be Like a Holiday Chapter 1

Even though my son Brandon was nineteen and in his second year of college, he still liked to alternate the years he spent holidays with me and his dad. This year was my year for Thanksgiving, and since my parents were in Sarasota for the winter, Brandon and I were left to fend for ourselves. Or so I thought. “Hey, Mom,” Brandon said to me when he came in for the holidays. “I know we have plans for Turkey Day this year, but Kellie invited me to her dad’s house, and …” I knew this day would...

1 year ago
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What Might Have Happen to Her in College

Dear Uncle I can’t believe I was so naive. Please don’t anyone about it, I think you’ll understand. Don’t share the letter I’m sending, even if your sister heard about it already. It all started when I mentioned I thought his guy cute in the hearing of a couple classmates. I didn’t know then that they knew him. No one can claim I consented so I’m not guilty of any sin! They whispered to me that they were into white witch craft; you know the kind that involves nudity, sunshine, plants, sex...

1 year ago
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My Girlfriend Stole My Cock Day 2

Warm water running down my hairy chest, I can feel the water running along my pussy lips, "my pussy lips" I say softly, not even realizing or caring I said it aloud. I reach down and cup my mound, I gently graze my finger against my clit and instantly start getting aroused, but as I start working my clit the soreness from yesterday's activities comes back to me. I get out of the shower, dry off and walk towards my dresser. I pull open my top drawer and pull out a pair of my favorite...

2 years ago
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To be Or not to bea male crack whore for a dayor the rest of my lifetime

WELCOME FELLOW BDSM ENTHUSIASTS TO MY VERY OWN VERSION OF REALITY TV, on the world wide web. My name is Chris and I am a fairly well off 41 yo married male living what (until now) appears to everyone (execpt for a select few individuals) a seemingly very normal yet non discript life. Most everyone who knows (of) me would descripe me as someone who "has it all"..the sexy wife,plenty of money, a great job, beautiful house and 3 great kids. While I cant deny having all of these things, they by...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Cleo Vixen Disgruntled Duo Fuck Dainty Teen

Cleo Vixen is a dumb teen slut who is very gullible. This is perfect for delinquent football players who come by her house looking for their coach. These huge dudes want to get even with their coach, so they decide to try to fuck her when they learn she is also pissed off at him for not buying her concert tickets. They call out to this petite teen daughter and she hears them out about being provided a ticket to this concert she so badly wants to see. She is tiny compared to these tall guys, but...

4 years ago
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The Singer

  I have always mocked those who are obsessed with celebrities, or such.   But what bugged me the most are people who are obsessed with singers! Calling what they feel “love”! How can you fall in love with a complete stranger just because of his voice? You’ve heard countless times of love at first sight, but have you ever heard of love at first hearing? It can’t possibly exist… Or can it? I have spent most of my high school years with the most “popular” guy at school.   And he was my first....

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My first sugar daddy1

The next day I opened the website again and I had a nothing in my inbox. So edited my profile a bit with better pictures and stuff. After a week I went on the website again and I got 3 messages in my inbox. The first one was from a 60 year old former business man that didn't look handsome and he was hairy, so I didn't answer him. The second was a 58 year old men who had an company, not a special guy so I didn't say anything back. But the third guy was intresting. He was a handsome...

3 years ago
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Divorcing My Vibe

Anna walked in the door, shutting it with force just short of what could be considered a slam. She absently tossed her purse on the coffee table, and headed straight for the shower. She felt as if she had a cloud of stale cigarette smoke hovering around her auburn hair from the bar, and she reeked of beer because some drunk had spilled it all over her while delivering the worst pick-up lines she’d ever heard. One more night of the world proving to her that all the men were married, gay,...

4 years ago
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SusanChapter 23

Somehow Simon Anthony learned of Barbara's wedding. Now financially ruined, Anthony spent most of his time dead drunk so he really had no idea how he had learned of the event. Nevertheless, he did know about it and, sober for a change, shaved and dressed carefully for the first time in many weeks. My God! he thought. Since that dinner at the Collins, I've been in a drunken stupor almost constantly. Anthony was still drunk when he returned to their apartment after the party. The next day he...

2 years ago
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Step sister Nicole

My english is not very good thats why i used google transate soo if someone want can help for better translate.Photos are changed quickly one after the other week I was scouring and now wanted a nice straomodna Fucking: porn on the TV and nude pictures. Again I took some strings of my stepsisters and polish them. Sam throughout apartamen can enjoy completely smeared lubricant all over his cock and balls ohcheh and moan out loud. At one time relaxed head back and closed his eyes OO yeah I heard...

4 years ago
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A Perfect Solution

THE PERFECT SOLUTION by CutePatti (3/2018) Author's Intro: First let me tell you about my life. I'm an older lifelong sissy/crossdresser who has been married for the last 4 years to a non-op MTF transgender. She is much younger than me but we have a great marriage and I have a companion/wife/lover/best friend who accepts me as I am. She passes as a female with no problem because she looks and acts like a female and she has felt this way since she was a young child. Nobody suspects...

3 years ago
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Risky EncountersChapter 8 Rangers

It was not long before Sid was able to push the thought of having sex with his sister to the back of Jim's mind. Her supple body all over his, her wet kisses and probing tongue did wonders. Meg got to her knees and stretched being sure to display her beautiful naked body to me and then said, "I'm a little tired so I guess I will turn in." All of us agreed and crawled into the tent. There was no pretense this time as Sid and Jim crawled into his sleeping bag. Meg crawled into mine. When...

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My sexual awakening 3

My penis throbbed in her slit. Groaning, she arched her head and, leaning forward on her outstretched arms, began to move her body back and forth, sliding her cunt up and down the length of my immense shaft. Her cunt spasmed and convulsed on my penis, squeezing eagerly on its thickness and hard heat. I crushed her breasts and moved her body up and down on my penis. We moved faster, our bodies rocking and jerking with rising urgency, her cunt sliding steeply up and down the length of my immense...

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Project Rebirth

"This is your second chance at life" You have just been arrested for multiple offences and have been sentenced to 5 years in prison, but on the day you were supposed to be incarcerated you have instead been escorted to what had looked like an abandoned warehouse from the outside. Inside you were led through several winding corridors, into what looks like a futuristic hospital room. There was bed in the middle and and a strange transparent pod in the corner. "My name is Dr. Emmett Carlson, and...

1 year ago
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It goes without saying that everybody has different sexual tastes. Some dudes like lesbians, others like anal, and a fair number stroke off to pretty lady feet. Get into the fetish sites, and you’ll see people turned on by everything from Pokemon to hypnosis to poop. Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of wild shit on my pornographic tours of the Internet. I’ve also seen a lot of wild piss, like what they’re talking about over at, also known as OmoOrg, might be the number one place on...

Porn Forums
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RawAttack Jasmine Jae 01262019

Busty foreigner from across the pond, Jasmine Jae, has as much trouble containing her sexual energy as her dress does containing her incredible breasts. We got a chance to catch up with her and find out whats been going on in all aspects of her life. Natural when dealing with such a sexually charged woman conversations tend to get X rated pretty quick. This slutty stunner truly gets off from sucking cock….so we let her. Watch her suck, slobber and choke before hoping on top and going for...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 298 The New Me Rejoins Society

Saturday, April 1 to Tuesday, April 25, 2006 I was now a white-faced version of Ronald Fisher, also known as "Bomber" to those friends he/I had left, because he'd thought it made him sound macho and cool. I was nineteen years old - one of my important criteria was for him to be old enough to legally ignore his parents - and a high-school graduate. The latter had surprised me, but he'd insisted that his parents had the paper to prove it. Judging by the widespread ignorance the gang...

2 years ago
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Multiple Melia Part 5

FetishMultiple Melia Ch. 05Multiple Melia Ch. 05 byrealityischoice©In reality I have practiced safe sex nearly exclusively, this is pure fantasy, and I'm rather certain noone need worry about getting pregnant or anything by reading this...that said, please enjoy! "" Melia panted, "you certainly enjoy having your ass played with while you cum, don't you? I never heard a guy squeal that loud!" I was covered in goose bumps, just starting to feel the chills dwindling from our latest...

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The SubmissiveChapter 12

Matt and Christy had made love until the wee hours of the morning, then a long talk ensued about Marianne. While both admitted they had been extremely aroused with what they had seen last night they also knew that Marianne was playing with fire. Matt put two and two together and deduced that Marianne must have met "Master Bruno" on the internet and while last night had turned out to be only highly erotic and strangely satisfying for their friend, it could just as well have turned out...

1 year ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 29

Lillian I left everyone in the room and made my way to the cellar of the, opening the door to find Violet, on the floor. The chains of the shackles were looped around a metal bracket on the floor, even Davik’s unique strength would not be able to pull it up. I looked down at her, memories of her sleeping after our love making filling my head and alerting me to her ruse. I walked up and planted a hard kick to her abdomen, causing her to scream in pain, as well as curse me for hitting...

3 years ago
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SparksChapter 21

"Sergeant Hauptmann, please. I'll wait if he's not available." Ben was using his dad's credit card to pay for the call. He waited for almost five minutes, before Sergeant Hauptmann picked up the phone. "Hello?" "Sergeant, its PFC Collins, checking in and needing orders." "Ben! Jesus, am I glad to hear your voice! How's Sandy? Your leave going well? You two haven't fought or anything, have you?" Ben laughed. "Christ, Sergeant, is our relationship that obvious? She's fine,...

2 years ago
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Carletta had gone to the authorities indeed and told them of her brother and crew missing from the meteor strike and that she feared them dead having gone to try and find them and saw the truck and it’s shape and led them back to near the crater where it had collided. They searched the area and indeed found all four dead in their tents that were burnt atop their bodies keeping Carletta away from the scene and hauled the bodies out in body bags. She knowing full well her brother was indeed...

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Becoming a School SlutChapter 13

"Now, just stand still and I'll get busy. You are not to move until I tell you to. That way the paint won't be messed up. Understand whore?" He told me. "Yes sir. I won't move." I said. With that he put me in position, applying paint to my naked body. He started painting on a blouse with sleeves, I could see as he worked, it was going to look real. He finished up the blouse, before he started on the lower half, he let me move to look in the mirror. It really did look like I had a...

2 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 36

The next morning, Sally slowly came to life. She opened her eyes and saw her brother's penis, half erect only inches from her mouth. She moved her head a little and gently kissed the end of it. The uncontrolled twitching of the organ amused her as she licked at it. Remembering what Kim had said before she and Tom had gone to bed, she slipped out of the bed and covered him. Sally quietly left the room, crossed the hall and opened Kim's door. She went to the bed and gently shook her...

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four years of foreplay

It had been years, 4 to be exact that we had played this game. A twisted little tennis match with each others hearts. Starting and stopping again before we ever managed to make it clear to the other how we felt. It had caused casualties on both sides, prevented me from being happy and making any attempts he made at relationships crash and burn. But maybe all our past had been a road, a road to where I now found myself, standing, shaking, my hand on the polished brass door knob that lead to so...

Straight Sex
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Backyard Glory Hole

My wife Ghiselle has had vision problems for a long time. And the deterioration became worse in the last year. She can hardly see anything now unless it is right in front of her but I look after her well as she did for me over many years. She is in her 70s now and I think sexy as hell, she still has a good body with full breasts. We generally keep to our home and get along very well. I do the shopping and most of the cooking now. But our sex life is a bit boring and we both needed a jump...

4 years ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 51

David Sovert peered over the edge of his glass. "Is everything okay, Heather?" Heather sat at an awkward angle on her chair, her head propped up with one hand. The other hand fidgeted, sometimes pushing at an unused piece of cutlery, sometimes slowly drumming her fingers, sometimes spreading her fingers on the tabletop in a tacit admission of uncertainty. She lifted her eyes and cast her morose gaze on her father. "Yeah, sure, of course they are." "Is something wrong with...

3 years ago
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Eye Contact

Dr. Mason glanced over at his waiting room and smiled at the wonderful sight. It was filled with attractive and horny women waiting to see him. His customers were all females and possessed attractive qualities. There was a reason for his fortune of beautiful women. Dr. Mason was an Optometrist with a passion for mind control and hypnosis. His life work was one big game to him and his customers were the playing pieces. The game starts the moment his customers walk in the door. His office is...

1 year ago
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Voyeur meetup with couple from Xhamster

After I started sharing my experiences here on Xhamster, one couple wrote to me that they both enjoyed reading about my sexual life. We started chatting casually.As we talked more and more we exchanged some photos and we all liked what we saw.They were married for few years and were in their mid 30's. One time they asked me about my username (Voyeur), If im really into that or just a random username. In reality im huge voyeur so I just explained how much it turns me on. So they suggested if I'm...

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Mothers Stories 2 Annas 1st

(You'll need to read "Part 1 - Jane's testimony", first. Honest!)2. Anna's TestimonyI'm so glad you were able to talk about this Jane, as I have a similar story to tell. I, too am ashamed but feel a kind of addiction to what I have done. Like you, I am a single mother, my husband died a couple of years ago. We had had a good sex life, quite adventurous and fun, he liked me to dress up in nice lingerie and so on. He had bought a number of sex encyclopedias and some pornographic stuff from shops...

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