Devlin's StoryChapter 2B free porn video

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Sabrina always said this was a critical moment for a guy. This was when they realized, for the first time, that they'd actually cum inside a girl. For some guys it was a traumatic moment. Some guys got all soppy and sentimental, thinking that because their cum was inside the girl they had some claim on her. Other guys would beat their chests and crow. She'd never done it with a boy when it was his first time, well, except for Butch, but that was different. They were both learning together at the same time. And Butch had been so excited he couldn't wait to get it up so they could do it again. She wondered what it was going to be like with Jeff.

Jeff took a deep breath and relaxed completely. Then he propped himself up on his elbows. Gently, almost bashfully, he kissed her. She looped her arms around his neck, pulled him down to her and kissed him back, hot and hard.

"So, how was it?" she asked when they finally broke for air. She squirmed a little, rubbing her nipples against his chest hair. "Was it everything you thought it would be?"

"And more," he said, hanging his head a little. "Man, it was so different than I thought it would be. I could feel your... you... I could feel you squeezing my..." He stopped, turning red and trying not to say the words. She decided to help him over his confusion.

"That happens when a girl climaxes. All of her muscles down there squeeze, sometimes hard, sometimes a little softer. His cock was softening, but not very fast. Every little movement moved it around inside her. "How did you think it would feel?"

"When you jack off," he stopped, blushing again. "I mean, you know, when you..." He stumbled for a halt.

"Don't be embarrassed," she said. "This is a perfectly natural thing to do." She gave his cock a slight squeeze with her tummy muscles, and his eyes widened as he felt the pressure. "Guys jack-off, they beat the meat, hand job, that sort of thing."

"When girls do... you know, when girls..."

"We touch ourselves," she said at once. "If a girl says that, or she says she was rubbing herself, she was masturbating." She paused to kiss him again. "Now then, you were saying?"

"Okay, when you jack-off, all the sensation is concentrated in the end of your dick. But when you do this..."

"Have sex."

"Um, yes. When you have sex with someone your entire body is involved."

"That's even more true for girls. Just before they cum most guys forget about anything but their cocks. But, like right now, I just love the feel of your legs and mine rubbing together like this."

They lay there a bit, enjoying their post-climax euphoria. She could feel his cock continue to soften, and when it finally slid out of her she made a small sound of disappointment.

"You liked that in there, didn't you?"

"You liked it being in there."

"Well, yeah." He slowly rolled off her, sliding one arm beneath her to cradle her to him. "What's it like for a girl? What does it feel like?"

"That's kind of hard to explain," she said after some thought.

"What do you mean?"

She laughed lightly. "If you were a girl, I'd just say 'then he put it in me', and you'd know exactly what I meant because you'd have felt a guy put his thing in you. A guy doesn't get entered, so he doesn't have a way of relating to it."


She turned her head and studied his face. "You're serious about this, aren't you?"

"I'm curious. When I was putting it in I was watching your face, and I couldn't tell if that was pain or pleasure I was seeing."

"Well, truth to tell, it was a little of both." She started trailing her fingernails across his chest. "When you slide it in I can feel myself opening up. I suddenly feel all hollow inside, and there's this something that is filling up all that emptiness. And I can feel you sliding in me. Most of the nerve endings down there are on the first third of a girl's vagina, and they are very sensitive, so when your cock slides over them it feels very good. That sliding feels so good, and it's touching places inside me, and they feel good when they're touched. And I'm all around you, wrapping my legs and arms around you, so that's sort of related to my feeling you inside me, and... That's what it feels like." She traced her finger across his cheek. "There really aren't any words for it. And it isn't just a physical feeling, either," she added. "I feel so... so womanly, no, I feel so female. And somehow that feels pretty special." She leaned up on her elbow and began to trace patterns on his chest and kissing where her fingers had trailed. She pushed her knee between his and rubbed herself gently against his leg. "Now then, isn't this a lot more fun than dancing?"

"I'll say." He hesitated. "Devlin, do you, I mean, is this what... you know... I mean..."

"Do I normally have sex with my dates?" She shook her head. "No, never as a matter of fact. I have personal rules, and one of them is that I don't do what we just did. You're the first one." He looked puzzled. "I kept feeling this thing when we danced." She reached down and fondled his cock. "And every time I did it got bigger and bigger. Girls can feel them, you know, when we press our bodies together." She smiled. "I just had to know." She pushed her nipple into his mouth. "You ask too many questions. Why don't you use your lips on this, instead."

He did so willingly. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation. There was something about the way a guy sucked on her nipples that really turned her on. She savored the feel of his mouth on her. Since they'd started growing she'd always enjoyed getting her breasts and nipples sucked, and Jeff seemed to know instinctively when to suck her deep, and when to nibble her lightly.

She pushed him over and straddled him, still keeping her nipple in his mouth. She moved gently, rubbing her clit against him. She felt wide open and wicked right now, and she wanted him in her, she wanted his full length as deep inside her as she could get it.

Sure enough, pretty soon she could feel something nudging the cheeks of her bottom. Reluctantly she broke loose from his wonderful mouth and slid down so she was sitting on his thighs. There, stretched out on his tummy, was his cock in all its thick glory. Her hands stroked it lightly, feeling the strength and power there.

"I have to know," she said. She got off the bed and rummaged around in her purse. Finally she found the cloth tape that she'd used in Home Economics. She placed one end at the base of his cock, and stretched it out to measure him: 9∆ inches. That was nearly 10 inches! Depending upon how she held it, it could even be more than 10 inches! She felt her whole insides clench at that thought. She wrapped the tape around at the head, and again farther down on the shaft. This thing was more than 8 inches around! "What's 8≈ divided by Pi?" she asked. This thing was a monster.

"Uh, 2 something." He frowned a bit. "2.6, I think. About that."

"This thing of yours is more than 2 inches thick," she said in amazement as she sat down on his thighs again. "My God, how do you walk around with this thing hanging between your legs?" This confirmed it, he was the biggest guy she'd ever had.

"It's not all that big when it's relaxed." He fondled her breasts. "How do you walk around with these things hanging on the front of your chest?"

"You just do. They're just there all the time. You nudge them and they get out of the way."

He shoved them together, enjoying the softness of her flesh. "You mean like this?"

"Sort of." She put her hands over his and guided them for a bit. "You ready?" she asked when they had her nipples sticking out hard.

"What are we going to do this time?"

"Just wait and see."

She guided his hands to her waist. This time she took his cock firmly in her hand and held it steady while she slowly impaled herself on it. He looked down between their bodies. She wished, oh how she wished, she could see what he was seeing as inch after glorious inch slid into her.

It took several tries. He was so big she had to take him a little at a time. But eventually she could feel his legs against her bottom. She held herself there, twisting slightly, enjoying the filled feeling, enjoying the way she'd taken all of him this time. "Oh, God, that's so good," she breathed. "I just love the way you feel inside me."

"Me, too," he said huskily. His hands left her waist and began kneading the soft flesh of her breasts again.

Devlin leaned forward, putting her hands on his chest. Slowly she lifted herself. She closed her eyes, concentrating on the feeling of that big cock sliding, sliding, sliding out of her. She paused, then impaled herself all over again, and he was filling her, sliding deeper and deeper. It was just as good as the first time. But this time when she reached bottom she gave an extra little push. She did this a couple of more times. She stopped, then, with him all the way in her, and leaned back. She could see nearly his entire body. And she felt complete, as if being impaled on a guy's cock was... was... she wasn't sure what it was, but she couldn't think of anything she'd rather be doing. It was as if this was what she was meant to do.

She bent over and kissed him. "Here we go," she warned him. "Are you ready?" He pulled out a little, then thrust back up. "I'll take that as a yes."

She began to rock back and forth, sliding his cock in and out of her. Her breasts bounced up and down on her chest, waving invitingly in front of his mouth. His hands had dropped to her waist, but soon went back to her breasts. He pinched her nipples between his thumb and forefinger while meeting her backward thrusts with upward thrusts of his own.

They continued this way, slowly picking up speed. Soon she felt the familiar tingle beginning to spread through her body. She forced herself down even harder, twisting her hips slightly as she did so. His cock seemed to get even bigger, if that was possible. God, he was so big. It was all she could think about. He was touching everything inside her. She felt completely filled with his cock. He so big... All she could feel... everything... just his cock, his God-filling her-damned cock. It was too much. He was too much... she closed her eyes as the sensations came together and spiraled out of control.

She rode the wild wave, her entire being focused on nothing but the marvelous intruder in her middle. And it didn't stop, it kept going and going, each wave more and more intense. She twisted and bucked, finding those elusive spots deep in her pussy that needed to be touched. And when she did it was like she exploded. Every part of her was going off like a bomb. And there was nothing but the white heat of her cumming.

"Are you okay?" Jeff asked.

"Wha-?" She opened her eyes and stared at him.

"Are you okay?" She could see the worry in his eyes. "I saw you cum, and then it was like you passed out or something. You collapsed completely on top of me, and you didn't move."

With a start she realized she was lying on her side, his arms around her, their legs entwined, his cock out of her but trapped between their bodies and feeling like a thick iron bar. She tried to focus her thoughts. "I, uh, I don't remember," she said at last. Her throat felt raw, and her entire body had that soft drifting feeling she always got after a really good climax.

"I didn't know what to do," he said. "So I rolled you over so we were lying on our sides. I think you passed out."

"You're not inside me," she said, focusing on the most important thing. They were both sweaty, that wasn't important. She was empty. That was important.

"Well, yeah." He sounded sheepish. "When I rolled you over it didn't seem right to put it back in, not without you being awake to enjoy it."

She looked into his blue eyes for nearly a minute, then put her arms around him and hugged him before gently kissing him on the cheek. "That was the sweetest, kindest thing I can think of," she whispered. She kissed him again.

They lay that way for a couple of minutes, then Devlin hooked her leg over his hip. "I don't think we should let that thing go to waste. Put it back in me."

"It's not hard right now."

"What a shame," she said. She pressed herself against his half-hard cock, rubbing back and forth against it. She kissed him tenderly, her hands rubbing lightly over his sweat slicked body. "When it's hard I want you to put it inside me." She kissed him long and hard to make her point, her tongue dancing against his.

He caught on quickly. One hand went to her back to hold her. The other caressed her face, her hair, her neck, her shoulders. As his cock thickened he pressed it against her sex. He was enjoying the feel of her lips partially opening for him, the heat of her wet entrance in the middle of her hard bones. Her sweat slick skin rubbed against his sweat slick skin like they were caressing each other with their entire bodies. Their breathing increased in unison.

Finally he reached down between them and guided his cock back in to her. He rubbed its pliant head back and forth in her folds until he found the spot, then he thrust against her, one long hard thrust. She moaned as he penetrated the first few inches. He backed off slightly and thrust again, lodging better than half of his length in her. Another thrust, and this time he was as far in as he could go. He kissed her, then, as their hips took up the rhythm.

Devlin stared at his face as they moved. His gaze was turned inward and his eyes were unfocused as the pleasure of their union filled him. She pulled his head against her neck, inhaling the scent of his hair. Lying on their sides like this he wasn't getting as deep as she liked, but there was a closeness this time that there hadn't been before. They were done playing around. He'd had all the teaching he was going to take tonight, now it was time for the reward, his and hers. And there was certainly enough of that. The top ridge of his cock felt like it was just brushing her clit on each in-stroke, and the tiny jolts of pleasure were sparking around in her body like little jolts of electricity.

The bed began to creak. The slap of their bodies against each other filled the room. Jeff clutched her tighter and tighter, his cock moving in and out of her as if he'd had years of practice. And each thrust was making her hotter and hotter. She had a momentary picture of the nurse finding two charred bodies the next morning. And then the picture vanished as Jeff gave a strangled moan. "I-I think I'm going to cum," he gasped.

He buried himself in her and she felt his entire body spasm, then spasm again and again. For a moment she could actually feel his spurts against her cervix. God, he's an iron man, she thought. I've made him cum three times tonight. He resumed thrusting frantically, and she gave herself over to the moment as those final thrusts triggered her own waves of pleasure.

They strained and thrust against each other, paused, then again. Wave after wave of pleasure shook her. It was like she was hollow, and he was plugging the only way out of her pussy. She squeezed his cock with her muscles, trying to milk every drop out of it, trying to... trying to... She let go, let everything go and surrendered to the feelings that swept her away.

It ended, as it always did. They were both breathing hard, their arms and legs around each other. She could feel his heart racing, matching hers. She didn't want this moment to end. She wanted to lie here in his arms, her body joined to his. They looked at each other, their eyes separated by only a few inches. Neither of them had the energy to kiss, it was all they could do to just lie there and look at each other.

Eventually a noise distracted her, and she looked up. The clock said 9:15. They'd been gone from the dance for an hour and a half, they should get back. "We should leave but I don't want to," she said quietly.

"I know what you mean. I don't want to move."

"Don't? Or can't."


They lay there a bit longer, and then, just in the normal movement of their bodies, he slipped out of her. Since shortly after their climaxes only the head of his cock had been inside her, she hadn't wanted to move because she might dislodge it. And now it was gone. "I think that's a sign we should do something," she said.

"Uh huh." He explored her breast. But she could sense this time his touch was for exploration, not arousal. "You're bigger than most girls, Devlin. How big are these?"

She ran her fingers across his face, as if memorizing the feel of him. "What? Oh, I'm a D cup, maybe more, I think. I wear a 34D bra. That may be too small, come to think of it. Lately I've been bulging out around the cups."

He spread his fingers with just his thumbs touching. "You aren't very big around, are you?"

"Just under 30 inches," she said. "It's a real problem finding a bra that fits, too. They don't make in-between sizes, and they almost never make them that small with that big a cup."

He kissed her breast, hefting it in his hand. "Seems like there's more here than a D cup."

"And what would you know about that?" Guys always seemed to think they knew about boobs. But they didn't have to live with them every day, and most of them only got near them long enough to play with them.

"Hey, I have two older sisters, and I know their bra sizes. I didn't mean to," he added in a hurry. His face reddened slightly. "I was going through the laundry looking for something and found them. And I've heard them talking about it with my younger sister, too. I think you're bigger than a D cup."

"Well, probably. But this is a minimizer bra, and it presses me back to a large C cup. And that's what I want."

He traced a line on her breast. "Do you like it that your bra leaves marks on you?"

"No it doesn't." She lifted her breast and looked. His finger was tracing a red line that she knew matched the underwire of her bra. "Okay, so I guess it does."

"So why do you wear one that makes you look smaller?"

"So people will look at me, Devlin, not at my boobs, and other girls won't get on me for my size. They see me in the shower after gym and think I'm huge up here, then they sneak a look at the tag on my bra and think it's a trick of light or something."

"Why do you worry about what the other girls think?"

"It's a girl thing," she said. "Do you look at other guys in the locker room?"

"Well, not really. Do girls look at each other when they're getting dressed?"

"More than you think. We're always looking at each other's clothes, hair, things like that. I guess we learn to do that at an early age."

Jeff shook his head. "I think guys hardly ever pay attention to any of that."

"Guys think they're chasing us girls, they don't realize we're chasing you guys, too." She sighed. "And we're always competing with each other for guys, too. I guess you don't notice that. That does bring up something, though."


"Don't say a word of this to anyone. And I mean not even to your best friends. And especially not to your sisters or folks."

"Uh, okay," he agreed, clearly reluctantly. "But why?"

"People think of me as a nice, innocent girl, and I want it to stay that way." She studied his face. "Look, let me put it this way. This was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed it, and I know you did, too. Right?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Well, if you tell them, they'll make sure we never do anything like this again." He nodded, seeing her point. "You were pretty surprised to come back here, weren't you?"

He grinned, and she wanted to tousle his hair. There was that puppy look. "Yeah, I was."

"How did you have tonight pictured? I bet screwing our brains out was the last thing you thought of, right?" He nodded. "And why was that?"

He was silent for nearly a minute. "I see," he said. "You were the last one I thought would do this."

"And if you'd come to the dance with Sabrina Peters, what do you think would happen?"

"Oh, there's no way she'd go out with me."

She smiled. "You'd be surprised. She's told me she thinks you're rather cute."

"I don't know what would happen," he said. "I probably would have expected, well, I don't know what I'd expect. But I've heard stories about her."

"What do guys say about her?"

"Most guys think she's a wild girl who's supposed to have done all sorts of things."

"Like taking a shower with the basketball team and having sex with them?"

He nodded. "That's one story I heard. But I figured that was just a story. It's gotta be."

"Actually it's true. She did that. The shower part, at least. She's never said if they had sex."

"Are you sure? I mean the whole team? Who'd you hear that from?"

"Sabrina. She's my best friend and she told me."

"What? No way. There's no way you two are friends."

"Why? Because I come on as Miss Pure and she's not?" She reached down and stroked his cock as a pointed reminder that her reputation didn't match the real her. "She really is my best friend. We're practically neighbors, and we always played together when we were little girls. We've always told each other the things we've done. I don't do the things she does, though."

He caressed her breast lightly, then hefted it, reminding himself of how it felt. "Kind of funny, isn't it," he said. "You're right. Most guys think they'd be lucky to cop a feel out of you, let alone what we did tonight. I think it's funny that you're the best friend of the girl who's considered the biggest, well..."

"Slut? Well, that's not exactly what she calls herself." She reached down and squeezed his wet cock again. "I never liked that word."

"Oh? Why?"

"It's such a harsh word, and it's unfair, too. It's too judgmental."

She glanced at the clock, sighed, and rolled off the bed. "Enough philosophy. Now remember, not a word to anyone. I never have sex with guys from school, but you're an exception. I'll tell Sabrina that I'm seeing you. I won't mention what we did, I'll just say that I'm seeing you. We've agreed to keep our hands off someone the other one is seeing. But that's all I'll tell her. And I need you to promise that you won't say anything, either."

He nodded. "I promise I won't tell anyone about tonight, or what we did."

She smiled. "Great." She tossed him his clothes. "Come on, we've got to clean up." She gathered up her clothes and stood by the door with her hand on the knob.

"Aren't we going to get dressed?" he asked as he got off the bed.

"We will, but not just yet."

"Where are we going now?"

"Why to clean up."

"Okay, I'll bite, where are we going to go clean up?"

"Why the locker room, of course. Where did you think we were going?" She pulled the towel off the bed. Both of them could see the large wet spot in the middle of the towel. "See?" she gestured at the bed. "Except that it needs smoothing, there's not a sign we were here."

He got the hint and smoothed the blanket. "All done. Lead on."

They walked slowly down the hall holding hands. He seemed to be totally relaxed walking naked down the dark hall with her. She hadn't had a real boyfriend before, but now she had one. It was kind of a good feeling. Tonight was so unexpected, and she'd loved every minute of it. She'd thought it would take several months to work up to having sex with any guy she dated. And an hour into her first date with Jeff she was giving him a blow job. And half an hour after that... No, this wasn't what she'd ever thought would happen, but things had a way of not quite working out the way you thought they would.

She stopped suddenly, feeling the wetness on her thighs. "Umm, I can feel your cum oozing out of me."


She smiled at him. "Your cum. It's oozing out of me and dripping down my leg." She turned her leg and pointed to the white trail of cum oozing down her leg. "You didn't think that stuff just mysteriously vanished after you came, did you?"

"Uh, I guess I just didn't think about it."

"That's another reason I have to clean up," she said as she continued down the hall. "I don't want any of it dripping out of me when we're back on the dance floor."

When they reached the locker rooms she stopped him as he started to enter the one for the Boys. "No, you don't want to go in there."

"Why not? I need to take a shower."

"Two reasons," she said. "First, if the shower is going in the Boys Locker Room you can hear it in the cafeteria. And we don't want people to know we're here. When you're in the cafeteria you can't hear the shower in the Girls Locker Room."

"And the second reason?"

"I don't have a key to the Boys Locker Room, but I do have a key to the Girls Locker Room." She pulled him after her as she unlocked the door. "Haven't you always wondered what the Girls Locker Room is like?"

"Well, sort of," he grudgingly admitted.

"It's a lot like the Boys Locker Room," she said as she turned on a light, "with a couple of differences."

"Sounds like you know."

She smiled at him. "I do." She'd only been in the Boys Locker Room once, when Sabrina took her there. She'd been disappointed; it wasn't anything like she'd thought. She waved vaguely in the direction of the Boys Locker Room. "Sabrina and I snuck in and looked one time.

"No urinals, only stalls." She waved in other direction. "More mirrors, that's another." She pointed at the third wall. "Hair dryers in case we get our hair wet." She held up a strand of her hair. Strands of her hair were stuck together with his cum. "I'll have to wash this out a little." She tossed the towel they'd used in a bin full of dirty towels. She stopped at her locker and hung up her clothes. She waved in one direction. "The showers are over there, I'll meet you there."

"Where are you going?"

"I have to go potty first."

He laughed, and followed her. He seemed disappointed when she closed and fastened the door to the stall. "Habit," she told him. She finished quickly. "Remember to put the seat back up when you're done," she said. "They're always up for first period."

"You know how hard it is for me to leave the seat up?" he asked with a laugh.

"I thought guys did it all the time at home."

"With two older sisters, a younger sister and my Mom? If I don't put the seat down when I'm done, I really hear about it."

"Well, I don't want to change a good habit like that, but try to remember."

The shower looked big and empty. Devlin led him to the corner and began turning on nozzles. She aimed them all so the spray was hitting their thighs and they were standing in the middle of a cloud of spray and steam. She twirled around several times getting thoroughly wet.

"I like it this way," she said. "It's sort of a total body shower, not something you just stand under." She took the soap and began working up a lather. "Turn around," she ordered. He did so, and she began scrubbing his back, running her hands over his shoulders and down to the small of his back. She pressed up against him, rubbing his body with hers. She soaped his legs, starting at the bottom and working her way up. When she soaped his bottom she carefully reached forward to wash his balls.

Then it was his turn. As she made a pretense of washing his chest, he thoroughly soaped her breasts, soaped them until they disappeared in a large froth of bubbles. His hands moved around, covering all of her body, rubbing everywhere, lathering her, touching her everywhere, finally, slipping down her body until he reached for her sex.

"Don't use so much soap there," she said. "It needs more rinsing than anything else."

"Okay." He rinsed his hands and then directed the water across her body, his fingers slipping between the folds of her pussy to touch her center. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling. Her hands worked across his shoulders, feeling the strength in them. As he continued "washing" her, his touches began to feel more like caresses.

"Uh, Devlin?"

"Um hmm?"

"Something's come up, and..."

She opened her eyes and looked down. "Oh, my God, I don't believe it." He was hard again. "How do you do that? Most guys are pooped after two times, and here you are working on number four."

"I'm afraid so. I can forget it if you want. But your body... I'm touching you, and I guess I got a little worked up." He gestured helplessly.

"There's nothing little about this thing," she said, caressing it.

She took his cock and placed it between her legs so the top of it pressed directly against her clit. Slowly she rubbed back and forth on it. Even outside of her it felt so big, sort of like she was trying to get her legs around a fence pole. She pressed against his skin, liking the way it felt to press her wet breasts against his wet chest and the way they slid around on him. There was something exciting about the way their skin slid back and forth like this.

"You're too tall to reach me easily from the front," she said. "And I'm not lying down on a bench or the floor." She turned around and braced her arms against the wall of the shower, resting her head on them and sticking out her bottom. "That leaves only one thing."

Same as Devlin's Story
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Alice in Chains

Alice in Chains A couple weeks before Halloween, my friend Vincent and I were sitting around my dorm room talking about costume ideas. Neither of us could come up with anything very original, and this year we really wanted to go all out and do something memorable. Agreeing to that is what started me down this rabbit hole. Vincent kept on suggesting that I do a girl's costume to be extra outrageous, but I kept turning down all his suggestions because for one, he wasn't willing to...

3 years ago
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Editing Reality Book Three Naughty Fantasies UnleashedChapter 16 Heavenly Love

Steve Davies “Steve...” Linda stared at me with this look of painful awe. “You were going to give it all up for me?” I nodded. Tears streamed down my wife’s face. She stumbled towards me, her dark-red hair spilled down her shoulders. She collapsed into me. I held her as she sobbed into my chest. Her large breasts pressed into my torso. Her arms gripped me as her tears stained my skin. I rocked her as she became incoherent. “I couldn’t do it,” I whispered. My hand stroked her back. Our...

1 year ago
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Adventures in hypnosis

Their tenth anniversary had just passed, he had just climbed off her. They both rolled over and tried to sleep. John's thoughts disturbed him, he'd known when they married she wasn't the most adventurous in their sex lives but always hoped she would change over time. Monica on her part was wondering what she was doing. She knew he wanted her to be more adventurous but he hadn’t pressed when they'd first married, especially as what she'd done with her fingers and tongue had kept him more than...

3 years ago
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Whats a Father to DoChapter 5 The Trip from Hell

I finally fell asleep last night and the alarm jarred me awake early this morning. I forgot to turn it off last night. I may have had too much on my mind to remember I was not going to work for a while. I'm not sure how much of the 12 weeks I would take. I first called Bob's number at work and left a message that I would be gone for three weeks minimum, but I could be reached by cell phone if necessary. Then I got up, showered again, got dressed, then knocked on the girl's doors before I...

4 years ago
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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 13

When we got back into town Allie seemed to get nervous and fidgety and I knew she wanted to ask me a question. "Allie, what did I tell you about honesty, walking on egg shells, and fear of the answer you don't want to hear? There will be no relationship without honesty, there can't be. I read you like a book." She sighed and looked to me saying, "I'm afraid you'll say it's too soon, or not appropriate." "How the FUCK can I give my opinion if you don't tell me what it is? Ask me...

1 year ago
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Letter to Staff

Everything here is fictional except the Web Site cited. Log on to it or this story only if of age, and only at your own risk. And meanwhile, a happy and deeply satisfying New Year to all of you! Letter to the Staff of (as dictated to Vickie Tern) Dear Sissify Staff: I think you should know how my signing on with you has changed my life. I know I'm happier now by far, but that isn't up to me any more. My girlfriend...

4 years ago
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The Game Ch 09

A Note to the Reader: Hello again cyber-reader of all things porn and smutty. I am writing to you because it has finally happened. I seem to have lost control of my characters, and they have gone on their own way, as they have threatened to do for awhile now. No one could be more surprised by this turn of events than I am. It seems that Sara and her band of companions have finally run off the tracks of my imagination and have taken on a life of their own. I wonder sometimes if this happens...

1 year ago
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New Years Surprise

Dumped on New Year’s Eve. Brutal. Humiliating. And also… not so bad. Ben parked in the driveway of his crappy little college house, a three-bedroom hovel he shared with two miscreants who wouldn’t be invited back for their senior years if they weren’t careful. Usually he had to fight for the driveway spot, but both roomies were out-of-town for the Christmas break. Oddly, he was kinda hoping one of them would be here when he arrived. Would’ve been nice to talk to someone… He turned the car...

1 year ago
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Ultimate Dream Come True 2

Needless to say, I was MORE than willing. We went to the room with all the girls and she introduced me to them. She pulls down my pants and Im already hard as a rock. She goes down for a couple minutes, then, 1 by 1, she has her friends come up to me and practices on my cock. She finishes me off and after she swallowed, says "when he recovers, your all gonna have a taste of his cum." I wound up getting blown again, but I came on her face, so the others could lick a little and get a taste. An...

2 years ago
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The Split Second Part1

It was the second day of the school holidays, I walked out of our roominto the room where the other guys were sleeping in the bungalow wehired on the Gold Coast for a surfing weekend.We had to borrow moneyoff our parents to get it,even though we were eighteen we still didn'tearn that much.I was still only wearing briefs at that time comingstraight from bed.I looked to my left straight out the French doorsto the sun coming up on the horizon and off the water.I startedwalking towards the two...

2 years ago
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Going to the Top of the Nice List 1 of

****All characters portrayed in this story are of legal consenting age.**** Trixie was so excited, it was finally the day to visit Santa at her local mall. All her friends at school had been talking about it this week, and bragging about how they always got such amazing presents. Well this year was going to be different! Trixie had made her mind up that this Christmas, she was going to do whatever it took to get herself on the top of the nice list. Her mom dropped her off at the mall to...

2 years ago
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Black Cock Party

I am going to skip ahead during the same time frame that I stayed with Bob and share with you the wild evening I had at a party that Bob and I attended. Bob had been an athlete and even though he was now in his late twenties, somehow he had friends that were current athletes. He was pretty popular and was invited to a lot of parties. This particular party was huge and there were tons of people. The house was full of guys of all races and many hot girls as well. The music was pumping while...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Sheena Ryder Ailee Anne Let8217s Get You Warmed Up

A masseuse (Sheena Ryder) is wondering why her next massage client is late. When the client (Ailee Anne) finally arrives, she is soaking wet and miserable. Ailee apologizes for being late, explaining that she got caught in the rain. Sheena is immediately sympathetic and concerned, offering additional treatments to the standard massage to help Ailee warm up. Ailee graciously accepts, stripping out of her wet clothes. After using a towel to dry herself off, Ailee lies down on the massage table....

2 years ago
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Happy Horny Family

I am Neha Luv, with another hot lesbian story. I am thankful for all your response. Please email me your feedback at My son Ramesh had told me about his girlfriend and I could not wait for him to bring her home. Ramesh is a doctor. He is 5 feet 11 inch tall, rugged looking guy whom the girls must find sexy. I was looking forward to female company in my house. His girlfriend, he informed me ,intended to spend more time with me after marriage. What I had not told my son was that I had a long...

1 year ago
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My New Next Door Neighbor

My New Next Door Neighbors By Jennifer Allison As I sit here waiting for my date to show up, I get to thinking about what has happened over the last twelve months. Whereas a year a go I was a gangly thirteen year- old boy, now I am fourteen year-old boy/girl who causes any normal male to have hard on by just walking by. I was sitting in this same spot a year ago, when my life changed. For better or worse? You tell me... I was sitting there looking out the window when a large...

1 year ago
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Slaves of the Amethyst Part Two

(See Part One for preamble.) Chapter Fifty Seven.Lady Mathom had been right. The afternoon’s tests had indeed been sterner. In fact Jennifer was coming to believe that this was quite possibly the worst afternoon in her life. Not that she had any way of determining exactly what time of day it was of course for she was blindfolded, cocooned in darkness, her wrists attached to overhead chains by the rings on her cuffs, above her head. Her back and buttocks were flaring...

2 years ago
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Schoolgirls First DateChapter 2

Once they found a stall in the back row at the drive-in, Jerry hopped out without a word and walked over the crunchy gravel to Ellen’s car, leaving the two young people alone. They were sitting in the back seat, separated by about two feet of empty space. As soon as Jerry left, Billy slid over next to Julie, slipping his arm around her shoulder and bending his elbow so that his hand hung limply down over the front of the girl’s chest. Julie felt as though her heart were bursting through her...

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been waiting for this

Nicole sat at the end of the bed. Shaun would be coming over soon and she fixed up the place real nice for his arrival. Shaun never came to her house, cause her parents were always home, or about to come home. Shaun lived about 1 1/2 hours on local transit, but when he visited his dad in her city, she always came over to see him. But today was a nice day. Her parents went to New York for the weekend and left Nicole alone in the house. Well, not exactly. Her cousin was supposed to come and...

3 years ago
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My Sexy Bad Boy pt1

Carson was known for getting into fights and being a 1st class bully to anyone that got in his way. He sometimes would sneak beer and smoke cigarettes back behind the gym sometimes after and/or during school. He never did like messing with Max but Mason didn’t give a shit who he was fucking with and would push him around and give him shit. Carson would push Max around just to keep up the bad boy act but when it came down to the other kids he didn’t mind terrifying them, but for some reason Max...

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Crisis at IshtarChapter 63 A Chorus of Mercy

"Go ahead," I said, putting my left hand up next to my ear. "Meiko," Maggie's voice said. "We have a teleport unit near Morrigan, but we are going to have a problem. The gunner is barely conscious and won't be able to get out of the pod without help." "Can someone from Morrigan do it?" I asked. "No," Maggie said. "I already asked. The grid is charged so anyone setting foot on it would be killed." I considered the situation. "We've done that kind of teleport before, but...

2 years ago
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Spiritual UnionChapter 14

You know the cliché of emergency workers covering people with a blanket as they're being led away from a disaster? Sometimes I think the blanket is just for comfort. I know that I was hugging the covers tightly around myself after I finished screaming, willing the whole situation to be a dream. You can only wish for so long, however, and when I opened my eyes again, I found that I had apparently awakened the entire household with my shrieks. Julie, Trish and Courtney were all present, in...

1 year ago
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Caitlyns Treatment Ch 07

Janice and I didn’t leave John’s office that night until about 6 P.M. He had left about 45 minutes before us for some dinner date. Made me wonder if he had some ‘significant other’ in his life cause girls are naturally nosey about these things. But there was no way I could think of to ask either he or Janice about that. Course I wondered about her too, but probably not as much. Maybe I could wheedle it out of Kim one of these days – she must know. Anyhow in the parking lot Janice handed me my...

3 years ago
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Kat on the Prowl

My name is Kat I'm 45yrs but people tell me I look like 30yrs. the thing that gets me the wettest is to find a married woman who has never been with a woman before and turn her world upside down and make her my slut I mean turn her into a pussy sucking expert and plié driver her with my 11" very thick strap-on all behind there hubby's back. It is so good known that there classy church going k** caring mommy is my cunt lapping slut when ever I want them. This is one of my best times. ...

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My mother made a classic mistake. She desperately wanted to find 'Mr. Right' and overlooked a few things when it came to my father. One of the big things overlooked was that he was already married. Nonetheless, by the time she learned this, I was on the way and she had introduced him as 'the one'. If she backed out then, she'd be humiliated as the ultimate naïve dumb blonde. Frankly I'm lucky she DID go through with it or I might not have been born.So there we are. My mom became a 'kept woman',...

4 years ago
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Tumblr CousinChapter 2

I do not know why it is this way, but it’s pretty universal in America for people to look askance when an older man is with a younger woman. There are lots of terms for it. Cradle-robber. Chester the molester. Dirty old man. Sugar daddy. Those are for a heterosexual relationship where the man is older, but there are dozens of other names for other kinds of relationships. We won’t go into those. My point is that American society looks down on May-December relationships and I don’t know why. If...

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Mom 4K sounds a little bit like a fun run for mamas, a couple miles and a half of heart-pounding cardio with perhaps a charity angle thrown in. Of course, I’m not in the business of reviewing wholesome activities, so you already know this ain’t going to be a SFW excursion. Nah, when I talk about moms here at ThePornDude, they’re typically naked, horny and hot, and the MILFs of this next website are certainly no exception. These ain’t the local fatties cheering on their tykes at soccer practice,...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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Bhabhi Blouse Mein 8211 Part 2

Yt jaise ki maine bataya pehle {bhabhi blouse mein part one} ki mai bed pe sirf ek towel lapet k leta hua tha aur do ladki anjali aur jhumri tv dekhne k jid se mere dono side bed pe baith gayi, readers don’t get angry and don’t upset because first part mein sirf story buildup hi kiya hai jisme bas bhabhi ko nanga dekha hun and jhumri nam ki ek ladki ne mujhe adh nanga dekh liya tha jab mai kapde change kar raha tha . To wo usne anjali ko bataya aur dono wapas aaye mujhe nanga dekhne k liye, jab...

3 years ago
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fucked by neighbors

When I met that nice and delicious couple, I was far from imagining the delightful adventures that awaited me.My name is Lígia and I would like to share with you the best night of sex I have ever had. Jacinto is the name of the man with whom I share my apartment. I like him. He is a hardworking, honest, caring man, etc. But this is not enough for a fiery woman like me - because he in bed does not satisfy my desires and fetishes in the slightest, so I see him as a good friend only.I am...

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Lone Wolf

I looked out the window of the little coffee shop and thought, man, days just don’t get any better than this. It was mid September, the sun was out and the leaves were just starting to turn. Today was a gift from God, to bikers. I admired my bike parked just outside the shop window, red, white and black, it was a hot looking bike, and man, it was fast as hell. I was gonna meet up with some of my buddies and we were taking a tour. Seven or eight bikes, the open road and the sweet sound of high...

2 years ago
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The Business Chapter Five

March 26th, 2002 “It’s true, Fauna!” Pink exclaimed in a hushed tone. “He is looking for a wife, not a slave, and he is considering me.” She looked exasperated, but a smile brightened her face. “It might be true, but don’t get your hopes up. He knows of this business, and where to find slaves. Doesn’t that concern you?” Fauna asked, eying Pink wearily. The girl was seventeen and naïve. “Well, yes, I suppose. But maybe he is wanting to save people, even if it is only one girl.” She...

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With Married Lady In A Moving Train

This incident happened 3 weeks ago while I was traveling from Kasaragod to Calicut in train. I wish to express this short and crisp. Recently, I have been to Kasaragod to attend a function and I was supposed to return to Cochin in afternoon train which I have already booked in advance. However, whether due to my luck or bad luck, the train was later for 3 hours and I learned this after reaching the station. Then I got another train and I took general ticket and got into sleeper compartment. By...

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Sex Club 8211 Chapter 1 8211 Ashlesha

Driving back home from Lonavala. A tired Ashlesha sleeping on the seat next to me I couldn’t help but wonder how I got into this super crazy weekend in the chilly hill station with this super slut in making. Ashelsha is my father’s friend’s daughter and I met her first at a family function. We hit it off immediately. She is a 20-year-old petite beauty with extremely fair complexion wears a nerdy glass and used to be a shy little girl before this incident. After our long conversations via...

3 years ago
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Got Inspired And Fucked My Bhabhi

Bhabhi Fuck Mai rocky hoon bangalore se. Jaise aap sab logo ke stories padte gaya waise he mujhe idea aaya apni bhabhi ko chodne ka idea mila, mai toh bahut hi horny hoon aur alag alag logo ke saath sex karna pasand hai but in a safe way. Mai ek mnc me software deveoper ka kaam karta hoon.(guys writing first time in hindi so please excuse if any mistake and had written in short so mail me if any doubt or wanna have fun) Mera ek cousin bhai hai jiski thode hi din pehle shaadi hui thi , jab se...

4 years ago
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Morning Ritual

. . .She was as wet as she ever had been in her life as she lied there on her bed, her legs spread as wide as she could get them. She could feel the sexual fluid of her arousal escape her hot vertical lips and drip down between her ass cheeks. She felt the warmth of her near orgasmic fluid coat her asshole and it made her moan even louder than she was already. She knew that she would have to change the sheets after she was done. She could feel the pool of her natural juices soaking into them as...

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Watching Neighbor 2

My neighbor Linda lived down the block from me and I had seen her get fucked by her "friend" as well as her boyfriend. I have not been able to have a repeat of that session (although I have looked enough), Linda came to me and asked if she could "borrow" $50.00. Well I knew that there were two chances I would ever see that money again (Little and None), But I humored her telling her that I would lend it to her if she would allow me to touch her titties. She always declined and said she was NOT...

2 years ago
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Wishing Herself into a Sweet Dream

I'll tell you a little about myself to fill in some space. I was taught to write in the concise style and may do it to a fault. I write about the real only because, for the most part, it's not easy to write about the unknown. For what we're here for, I share myself, and share my view of the man I love. I'm thinking each story will tell a little of this which, in a good day can consume me. Hope you enjoy.Already undressed she sits comfortable just home from the airport where she dropped her man....

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The BakeOff

Betty and Sharon made their way towards the pier where there was a bake-off arranged. Both were sixty-five-years-old and dressed in a one-piece swimsuit and sleeveless top and happily chatted as they got to the pier and went to the meeting room where the bake-off was happening.Betty and Sharon looked around the room and saw the others who were going to take part were of all ages ranging from late teens right through to older than themselves. What was very noticeable was how slim and well-toned...

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Making HeroesChapter 2

Jack and Sue had traveled for about 30 minutes when they were approached from the rear by a wagon loaded with farm produce. As it drew up beside them, they stepped back off the road to allow the wagon free room to pass. The elderly man driving the wagon halted his draft animal, which looked somewhat like a cross between a mule and a zebra. The man said, "Good day, Sir and Lady. May I offer you two a ride in my humble wagon?" "Thank you, sir. My lady and I would be grateful for a ride."...

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Meri Pados Ki Aunty Aur Unki Jawani

Hi dosto, me aj phir apni ek aur story lekar aya hu jo ki meri padosan aunty menka se judi hai vo sawali hai par husn to mano itna k jism masal du to itar tapke figure karib karib 36-26-38 hoga inke 2 chote bache hai husband kafi aged hai …… Me bhi sawala hu average height aur body hai not too muscular . mera penic 2 inch mota aur 6.5 inch lamba hai ……Mere ghar k sath hi aunty rehti hai vo hamare yaha ati jati rehti hai aur mumy ki achi dost hai aur mujhse bhi kafi frank hai ….To me shuru se...

3 years ago
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April Fools Joke Gone Bad Y2K The Mystic Lipstick

The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! This story, like my past...

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the corporation

you arrive to the building, you've been requested to come here to sign a contract for working here the call didn't give you too much information and you can't remember having asked for a job here... but you need the money so you decided to come here the building is a big one in an important neighbourhood... but strangely, the door is in a small alley in a side of the same as you enter the building you find yourself in a big hall quite modern with lots of people walking around busy... they're...

1 year ago
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A Pirate Quest Chapter 2 Charting A course

Over the next few weeks, Sabina locked herself in her study. Sometimes she had Pippa run errands for her but mostly spent her time alone. She looked over every scrap of paper many times. She made calculation after calculation, she was making sure all the information in the documents were exact.At times, Sabina would not leave the study all day and would not let anyone inside. The only one who was allowed was James, her butler. James walked in and out of the office fetching and delivering things...

1 year ago
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Beautiful Liz

I was originally from Hong Kong, but at the age of ten, my family decided to immigrate to Canada for a more stable and secure environment. Despite the fact that Hong Kong was an international economic center and one of the largest concentrations of wealth, life for the average middle-class citizen was not as splendid as one would think. Jobs were competitive and there was no assurance of the future. We were able to immigrate with a reasonable amount of savings. Coming to Canada, there was a...

First Time
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The Chauffeur 53 New Orleans

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 In the next few days, Jennifer once again found an office tower for virtually no money. This one was on the market for just barely over $19 million for a 45-story building. The office tower was located downtown New Orleans. Since I had added the restriction of having to look at the buildings that she was buying, I put both Tina and Jennifer in the plane. Our first stop would be in Phoenix to drop Tina off, her Mother was waiting for the jet. Our...

2 years ago
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sissies at the beach

I txted my sissy sister and went outside waiting for he to pick me up , in my beach dress bikini on plugged and cage so small i feel my tiny clit squeezed useless , like a good girl My sister found me on craiglist curious to tryits been 3 weeks and we are so much alike , helping each other shaved and het girlyi saw her car and smilewe are finally ready to go out and....maybe suck a cock together''helllo cindy!''''hi Caro!''''ready to go ?''''yes ''we drive to the beach talking about it , would...

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An Unexpected Threesome

At the Matthews’ apartment Topanga was with Riley and Maya for the weekend. Cory and Auggie were away. Topanga was watching TV until she heard some moans coming from Riley's room. She wanted to check if Riley and Maya were ok. When she reached Riley's room, she noticed that the door was closed and she heard sensual moans again.Topanga feels like masturbating right now with the thought of what may be occurring. She opens the door slowly and sees that Riley and Maya were having sex. She was...

1 year ago
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Anniversary DelightsChapter 15 Losers Before Lunch

"Today is given over to those entrants who will not progress beyond this stage," announced the Emir the following morning, "Four of the original ten have been selected for the semi-finals and the remaining six will be deflowered here, in public, today. A sort of Plate Competition," remarked the Emir when all were seated. There was a small stir in the audience, because few of them had known of this part of the competition. "I shall not be deflowering them myself, however. We have six...

3 years ago
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How I became a dirty anal cumslut part II

The principal left me with the gym teacher in the locker room. First period wasn’t quite over yet and the class was still in the gym. He came over and sat down on the bench in front of me.“Did the principal’s cock taste good?” he asked me. I nodded and licked my lips. It did taste good. I was actually disappointed I didn’t get to taste it longer…then again he was holding my head down so far on it I’m sure I wouldn’t have been able to without passing out. Especially after that ass fucking he...

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Jan Jim Four real Stories

Story 1 by JanI have been getting tons of email from you guys asking ME to write a story about one of our, shall we say exposing times together. I have never wrote anything like this before, and Jim has kinda explained what I should write. so here goes, and I hope you guys enjoy this one.Jim and I went to a movie one night, and I wore a miniskirt and a low cut pull over top. Yes I had panties on, but no bra. At the show, Jim had his hand up my skirt, and under my panties for most of the movie....

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Jill Explains How It Started with StepDaddy

One evening, Jill and Tim were at his place, sitting on the sofa talking. Jill had come over after work and offered to give her boyfriend a blowjob to relax him after a tough day at the office. After he’d blown a load in his girlfriend’s mouth, he made dinner for the two of them. Now they were just sitting around chatting. By now Tim knew about the sexual freedom enjoyed by Jill and her step-parents, and this night, curious, he asked her when she’d first become aware of her desires for her...

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Anna on Memory Lane

Sunday was her new favorite day, Anna decided as she drove down the winding highway. She had the windows of her brown Ford Taurus open and the wind was whipping her auburn curls loose from the carefree ponytail at the back of her head. She felt better about life than she had in some time. Early morning birds fluttering overhead seemed to echo her jovial mood. The stereo was blasting Prince's "Raspberry Beret" and she was singing along with gusto. It felt good to be alive in June. She...

1 year ago
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Submissive Cum Laude Chapter 3 Duel Of The Dommes

*BZZZT BZZZT* Her phone rattled in her pocket. Brianna had turned off audio alerts until she felt better, but left the buzzer on just in case something important popped up. She pulled out her phone and found an incoming call from Alex. Of course... They'd talked about having a session tonight. “Hey bitch.” “Good afternoon, my Goddess. How was your day?” “It was a day. Not feeling the greatest right now.” “Oh... Sorry to hear. I could come over and give you a massage if you like? From...

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