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The Wedding Date By Jena Corso Edited by Jay Chapter Seven As he hurried back down the stairs his mother and Rita were resetting the table. Out came some cookie dough, as he sat listening to her instructions about the basic slicing and then into the oven they went, before they all sat again waiting for the girls to arrive. His mother would had him add a second coat of clear polish as luckily the conversation turned away from the scholarship and over to gossip. Being an only child, he'd often been stuck at the dinner table hearing his mother ramble about this one or that, especially when her bestie was there, until mercifully the doorbell rang as they girls had arrived. "Hey girl!" said Holly coming in hugging him. "Long time no see sister." "Yeah," smiled Lee enjoying their hug and then looking up. "So so long and oh my gawwddd! You brought these two with you." "How could we not?" said Lauren, holding each girl by the hand. "They were at my house after Holly's shower trying on their dresses and then when they heard we were coming here." "We just had to come," said Erin, almost tackling Lee hugging his hip. "And I'm so excited you're going to sit us." "Me too," said Lee, holding out his other hand inviting Emma to his other hip. "We're going to have so much fun." "Eeewww Keleigh," said Emma pushing back after the hug looking at him. "That doesn't look like it was fun? Did you like, break every nail?" "I missed you too Emma," laughed Lee, giving her a hug. "Do you not like the color? And no, just chopped them off." "It's pretty and I love pink but why?" questioned Emma. "You going through some post-boredom thing like my mom did after she had my little brother and chopped off all her hair?" "I think you mean postpartum thing and no," laughed Lee. "And isn't that quite a big word for you? But I did think it would be easier to change diapers when I sit you guys this week." "And maybe some hormonal issues like her sure," joked Rita, giving him a look. "Not maybe," laughed his mother. "But sit girls, and you're way too young to worry about that stuff." "Why?" questioned Emma. "I always worry about my nails? Shouldn't girls always have pretty nails?" "Why is everyone looking at me?" Lee smirked, sitting quickly since he had a girl on each knee. "You're really asking that?" giggled Holly. "And yes, Emma, but Keleigh's getting them fixed soon, aren't you girlfriend?" "However Lauren wants them?" smiled Lee, looking at Lauren. "Cause that's really the question isn't it?" "That and we wanted to talk dresses, but before that, we both wanted to apologize," said Lauren, touching his arm softly. "We're sorry you got pulled into things between us, but we think we found a great compromise." "Which is why we're here," said Holly, putting her arm around Lauren. "Yup and what we'd like you to do may sound a little weird, but just hear us out ok?" said Lauren in a show of unity. "Like without me saying anything I shouldn't in front of rug rats?" giggled Lee, looking at his mother. "Could it be weirder than things I've already done?" "Uuumm..." said Lauren, confused, looking at her aunt and then his mother. "You know I really wouldn't know, but maybe keep this G-rated like you just said." "Sorry." Lee cringed, flicking his wrist. "Inside joke with the family and not how I meant it." "If you say so..." grinned Lauren rolling her eyes. "All I was saying was this might not be something you see a lot, so you might be uncomfortable at first, but I think will be amazing. Except I'm so sure your boyfriend will like this though?" "Then I love it!" giggled Lee, all ears now. "Oh, you mean how I would be walking in with your fianc?e's twelve year old cousin? He'll deal with it." "Yeah, not really that, but true," explained Lauren. "I meant more like, you know how the bridemaids come in, then the junior bridesmaids, then the flower girls, and then me?" "Kind of?" shrugged Lee. "Your sister's wedding was my first, so I guess." "And the first wedding in our family for everyone from our generation, but..." struggled Lauren, "well she didn't have a junior bridesmaid so..." "Then you'll be the first to have one," nodded Lee, "which is me, right?" "So actually, she still won't," interrupted Holly. "That's our compromise." "Then what am I going to be called?" questioned Lee, surprised, then feeling some relief. "Or did you come to tell me you didn't need me anymore, Lauren?" "Oh no you're freaking adorable, and I don't want my bridal party to look exactly like my sister's, or of course like Holly's. I came hoping you'd be ok as a tweener?" explained Lauren. "You know, between the two little rascal flower girls sitting on your lap and the actual bridesmaids?" "Oh?" thought Lee not understanding. "Sure? Whatever you want?" "Good, because I was worried you'd be a bit uptight feeling like the Amazon flower girl," joked Lauren, flicking her wrist. "But now I feel so much better." "So, I'd be a flower girl?" asked Lee, bouncing the little girls on his lap. "Like them?" "You're short, Keleigh," laughed Lauren, "but you're not that short." "Then I am the Amazon flower girl?" questioned Lee, confused. "Is there such a thing?" "Not really," explained Lauren. "We found a dress in the collection my girls will be wearing that's between what the flower girls wears and what my bridesmaids will be in." "Yeah, it's kind of a junior bridesmaid dress with a bigger skirt that comes off later at the reception so it's made for girls in between," explained Holly, jumping in. "Honestly with the right hair and that ridiculous figure we all hate you for, we were both thinking it was almost like it was made for you." "Of course it was," grumbled Lee, taking a breath. "Who's more in between than me? Right Mrs. Baxter?" "The only thing such a beautiful young lady like you is in between is manicures, dear," cracked back Rita. "And that sounds amazing, Lauren. What an original idea." "So then you're good with it Keleigh?" asked Lauren while she was tapping away on her phone. "Because I'd like to get you fitted immediately, and I'm checking what appointments are available now." "Mom?" said Lee, giving his mother a look. "Don't ask me honey?" said his mother before a smirk filled her face. "Last thing I'm doing is standing in your way on anything, but you know this already. If you want my opinion? I was going to the church anyway, and I think it sounds adorable." "Why wouldn't she be good with it?" interjected Erin. "Yeah!" interrupted Emma. "You think she wouldn't want to be in a wedding with us?" "Of course I wouldn't?" Lee smiled and winked, squeezing the girls because they were getting fidgety on each knee. "But I guess if you were worried about my answer, that's how it's done isn't it?" "Told you she wouldn't say no!" giggled Holly, nudging Lauren's arm. "Ok, credit given to Bridezilla!" laughed Lauren, elbowing Holly in return. "And sure, maybe I was a little apprehensive, so I brought my support system. But believe me Keleigh, this wedding is my dream so no shot I'd be putting anyone in my wedding party to not look beyond amazing or who might disrupt my fairytale." "I'm sure," nodded Lee, understanding. "Work out whatever with my mom, and I'm sure she'll get me there." "Oh gawwddd! I'm so excited now!" said Lauren getting giddy. "Let's exchange cell numbers so we can coordinate. Please, Mrs. O'Keefe? And would it be ok if I had her come with the girls on Saturday? It's our first appointment to try flower girl hairdo ideas." "Oh sure!" nodded Allison. "How many appointments are there?" "Well three so far for hair, but I thought I'd share the calendar with everything, including the save-the-date time slots," Lauren said, already on her phone and sharing the calendar before looking up at Lee, like she was sizing him up. "You'd be ok with her getting highlights, right?" "She's old enough," smirked Allison, giving Lee a look. "Oh I'm sorry, I presumed she was," said Lauren tapping Holly. "I was asking Holly." "And you called me Bridezilla?" laughed Holly. "Well I can't really call you anything more appropriate around the kids," smirked Lauren, nudging Holly. "Maybe go play a few minutes inside girls," said Rita, tapping the kids while giving Lauren and Holly a nasty look. "We need a few minutes of adult time." "Fine!" said Emma sourly, jumping off of Lee's knee. "This part is too boring anyway!" "I bet, and the cookies are done!" said Allison, nodding towards Lee. "Keleigh, why don't you give them some cookies and milk and maybe let them go watch tv while we coordinate calendars." "I don't want to watch tv, so can't we just go play in Keleigh's room?" said Erin yanking Lee's shirt. "What kind of dolls do you have Keleigh?" "Dolls?" Lee shot a look toward Rita. "Do not tell me you threw out your dolls!" panicked Emma, starting to shake. "Already?" "No honey," said Lee, calming her. "What girl does that?" "Girls, certainly she wouldn't, but you don't just ask to go in people's room like this is your house," interjected Rita. "Just have the cookies and I'm sure there will be more time to play some other time." "But we're getting bored?" Erin whined, jumping down now too. "We won't ruin anything! And you'd share your dolls with us right?" "Uuumm sure? It's just my room is kind of under construction," winked Lee, thinking quick. "There's wet paint and tarps, and all my dolls are in boxes. I really don't know where anything is right now so next time we'll play more ok?" "Next time is Wednesday my mom said?" Emma said tentatively. "Yeah that's in just a few days," replied Erin, her face unsure. "Right?" "Well it is Sunday, so yeah," thought Lee, looking down at his phone clicking his calendar. "Well I hope it'll be done by then, because the baby will be here too, and it's not like we won't get bored when he gets all the attention!" said Emma folding her arms. "You'll unpack them by then right?" "I will?" Lee rolled his eyes towards Rita again, unsure. "You remembered it was Wednesday, but forgot you told their mother it was ok to drop them here?" questioned his mother. "Shouldn't I have known that?" "Kind of?" thought Lee as his phone confirmed it. "A lot's been going on mom? Right?" "Uuuuhhhh oh?" gulped Erin, getting nervous grabbing Emma's hand. "We didn't get her in trouble, did we?" "We can still come right?" said Emma sweetly and innocently. "Of course you can," nodded Allison wanting, to kill her son. "But maybe just bring a few dolls of your own in case we can't her old stuff out in time ok?" "It's fine!" Rita sighed, exasperated, rolling her eyes and texting. "I'm texting the painter that's working on my guest rooms to come here, and I'll make the all other necessary adjustments. I'll make sure she can share her dolls with you then." "Oh good!" said Erin getting excited. "What color is your room going to be Keleigh?" "What color?" gulped Lee, before glancing over at Rita. "Uummm... I'm not sure I decided yet." "On which type of pink you mean?" said Emma making a face. "My mom said my room is called pastel pink, and you're not picking an ugly a boyish color are you?" "Obviously not?" said Lee, squeezing his forehead, getting stressed. "I'm thinking it'll be some type of pink regardless of what I decide." "Like you'd ask for a different color?" laughed Rita as she continued to text on her phone, making sure everything would be arranged. "Now go have the cookies inside girls, and I'm sure everything will be ready by the time your back." "You know? Maybe we'll take those cookies to go and leave you ladies to the re-decorating!" laughed Holly, half covering her mouth and tapping Lee. "Text your later Keleigh." "Ok then..." said Lauren, caught off guard. "Sure? Text you more stuff later if that's ok Mrs. O'Keefe and thanks again Keleigh." "Of course, Lauren," said Allison. "See you soon girls." Quickly everyone exchanged hugs as Holly hurried them out the door, and then the second it was closed, Allison folded her arms looking both at Lee and Rita. "Don't overreact, Allison. I'd do anything for my nieces and for your daughter, so again this is no big deal," Rita stated flatly. "Rita, I get that your favorite darling here put her foot in her mouth, but you're not going overboard here are you?" said Allison, running her fingers through her hair. "I can buy a few dolls myself, and maybe we can feminize the room a bit without that much trouble." "But you don't need to," said Rita putting down her phone. "Everything's handled and expedited. You know I have my designer on speed dial." "Oh jezzzz!" said Allison looking up at the ceiling for a moment. "Then you already went overboard didn't you?" "With the furniture? No," smiled Rita scrolling on her phone. "Her room isn't that big, so I only got the two dressers, one night stand, and of course every girl needs a vanity. But with toys for the girls? Maybe a little." "You got me girl's... furniture?" gulped Lee. "Oh no! Where is my stuff going, and how is this necessary for one night!" "I guess the garage for the time being, or I can put it in storage, but we both know you'll be watching those girls all summer, and I may not know everything swirling around in the curly brain of yours, but I do know those kids are already attached to you and you're loving it!" spewed Rita. "So tell me I'm wrong? Tell me they won't be here probably every chance they get?" "I can't. You're right, as usual," gulped Lee. "Oh my gawwddd! So even my room is going to be a girl's now?" "Would a boy sleep in a pink room with a few doll houses in the corners under a canopy bed?" Rita asked, looking at her phone. "So did you like this script K for the pillow cases, or did you want to just do Keleigh in old English?" "This keeps getting better, doesn't it?" said Allison, needing a breath. "Please Rita! I'm done for the night! Go home and stop spending money! You've done enough." "Ok, see you in the morning!" Rita said in a faux sacchrine voice, hugging her friend. She was enjoying every moment she helped Keleigh take a step further toward becoming the young woman Rita knew she was. "My painter and the workers will be here at 7am tomorrow, and the designer at 7:30am, but I can take a hint when I've overstayed my welcome. I expect my husband's been outside in the car twenty minutes already anyway." "Shut up! And you are too much! That guy is a saint!" laughed Allison squeezing her arms, and then leaning back and taking a good look directly in her friends eyes. "You're never not welcome, and you know this, but maybe you should have had your own daughter to spoil?" "We can't all be as lucky as you, and you waited long enough, my bestie," said Rita kissing her friend good bye then looking at Lee. "Be kind to your mother tonight, princess. She's stressing over bullshit that means nothing like money, when she has no reason to. All she should be worried about is what's best for the beauty queen in front of her." "Of course, Mrs. Baxter," said Lee, a bit stunned as she hugged him. "I'll walk you out." As the door softly closed, Lee returned to the kitchen and helped his mother load the dishwasher. After, as Allison wiped the table down, she just looked up at her son. "You do know this could be a lot easier on both of us," she said, lifting his chin. "But I'm thinking it's not going to be, is it?" "Easier if I never did this to help the Baxter's?" said Lee looking at her with puppy dog eyes. "Well?" "Oh honey!" said his mother getting a little emotional. "Just get your pajamas on and put the rest of your hair in a pony. The buns can stay in for bed and I'll see you in the morning." "Oh?" said Lee. "You're going to bed already, and you're not going to help me get ready?" "I'm spent baby," said his mother, squeezing his hand and wiping a tear. "And time you start washing off your own makeup and doing what girls do to get ready for bed. Tomorrow my son's stuff goes out of his room, and we start a new book. Is it a chapter or the whole story? I don't have the strength right now to help you decide. Good night, Keleigh." Into his bedroom he went, stripping off his outfit, and then trying to be his old self by slipping into his old pajamas. It would be weird to wander into the bathroom like that with his face full of makeup and his hair like a girl as he took his time washing it away and following the skin care routine. Behind his head, he reached back, gaterhing up his hair into a pony behind his double top knots. He looked at himself in the mirror, and realized with his hair like this, even without makeup, he still saw Keleigh and not Lee. He shook his head and then brushed his teeth before heading for bed. His room was a little dated, so some fresh paint and new furniture wouldn't be a bad thing. But what he pictured would be coming the next day kept him tossing and turning. Light blue would be turning to some form of pink, and his old dark maple dresser will be replaced with a vanity. The idea of doll houses and girly items in his room seemed unfathomable just a short while ago, yet he'd brought this on to himself. So instead, it was now inevitable. He felt like he had just fallen asleep when he woke to his mother's touch. Lee looked up and saw his mother's smiling face in the morning light. Now that school was over, he had no intention of getting up early, except now, even though he was exhausted from a fitful night picturing his room change from Lee's to Keleigh's, he knew he had no choice. "Moring sweetie," said his mother while she gently stroked his face. "Rise and shine honey." "How early is it?" whimpered Lee, barely opening his eyes as he sat up. "Well, it's not late, if we look at it that way," she answered, pulling down the covers. "Go brush your teeth and I'll bring your outfit into the bathroom." Into the bathroom he wandered, brushing his teeth and then splashing some water on his face. He stared at himself in a boy's cotton football #15 t-shirt, but just like the night before, even without any makeup, Lee was looking back at a girl in the mirror. For a second, he turned and wondered why that would be, and then in came his mother stroking her hand down his pony. "Wow, that shirt is kind of baggy on you now," said his mother lifting the sides. "Don't lose any more weight, please." "You think I did?" Lee asked as he twisted his hips and inspected his body. "And I guess this shirt's going in storage anyway, isn't it?" "That shirt should go into the garbage, but my comprise is the garage!" laughed his mother, putting her finger through a small hole in the back and then stoking his hair. "I like you in a high pony. Cute idea this morning." "Oh, I just put it in a pony for bed like you told me?" Lee felt comforted by her touch. "Like I always do?" "Like you always do?" smirked his mother, touching his nape. "Get dressed, honey, and I'll be back in a minute." "Oh?" gulped Lee shaking his head realizing what he'd done pulling it out. His kinky curls rolling down his back and shoulders would make no difference as he shook his head, still staring at the girl in his old clothes. All he could really do was strip down and change. Cotton panties and a matching bra would now become more than just weekend wear; they were part of his new regiment. He reached back catching the clasp of his bra. Tighty-whities had been replaced with distinctly non-boyish, baby blue-with-lace-accents-and-the-tiniest-bow deal. At least his bra would disappear from sight when he pulled on his t-shirt. But the thinner cut and shaped t-shirt barely reached his waistband, and would no longer look baggy like the shirt he slept in, its sparkly pink and red hearts surrounded a unicorn logo atop a teal color. He stepped into a pair of white shorts, adjusting them a few times to make sure he was flat before he zipped them up. As he finished dressing, his mother reentered, the bathroom placing down a makeup case on the vanity. "Why did you take down your pony?" asked his mother, emptying some makeup on the counter. "I told you it was cute on you." "No, last night you told me to do it like I always do," said Lee a bit disturbed, "and you saw what I did?" "I?m not so sure I said it like that?" laughed his mother softly patting him. "But of course I noticed how you did it this morning so?" "So?" groaned Lee. "So? I didn?t even think about it and that?s how I did it?" "You've got all summer to ask yourself lots of stuff so don?t overthink it?" said his mother turning his shoulder, reaching around to gather his hair in her hand and then hold it up above his head. "Could it be you just liked that Holly had her hair like that when she came over last night, and without even thinking, you did it yourself? I mean it does seem like you two have hit it off, and you kind of look up to her don?t you?" "You?re right," thought Lee, staring at her holding up his hair in the mirror. "I kind of don?t have any true girl friends like a regular girl would, and she?s kind of made me feel like one to her." "See what I mean?" said his mother, moving up her fingers, positioning the pony, and then winding in a band. "And guaranteed she?d love your hair like this." "She would right?" smiled Lee, flipping around the pony. "Yup, but neither one of us is going to do your makeup and hair for you unless it?s a special occasion, so this is the last thing I?m doing for you right now," said his mother, tying a very small thin teal ribbon around the nub of the pony. "Start with basic stuff, like some mascara, a little bush, and a touch of gloss, but that?s enough for the morning. Then out of this bathroom, because the painter is already downstairs having coffee, and the men to clear out your stuff are already making space in the garage." "Already?" gulped Lee, looking through the makeup. "Yes honey, so there's another reason to get it together, because they?ll be ready to come up here soon," said his mother, handing him a mascara wand. "If you want take a last glance before it?s cleared out go quickly, because we?ll meet with the designer downstairs right after, so you can have a say in some of her ideas. But it?s time to learn that sometimes men can?t always be trusted." "Well, then shouldn?t I stay up here and watch to make sure they don?t steal any of my stuff? If you?re afraid they?re not trustworthy," questioned Lee, whisking his lashes with the wand. "I meant men who are strangers. I don?t want you alone upstairs with," educated his mother. "For all they know, they?re clearing out a boy?s room." "But they are clearing out a boy?s room, right?" said Lee, brushing against his cheek bones. "Which would be ok for a boy to watch, and ease up on the blush, honey. Wipe a little," said his mother, grabbing his wrist, and then handing him a tissue. "But the teenage girl about to put on the cherry pink lip gloss? Hovering over sweaty young guys muscling up? Bad idea! And absolutely sends the wrong impression." "Oh," Lee said, suddenly understanding as he whiped off a little blush and started feeling sick to his stomach. "Oh my gawddd, Mom!" "Not my fault you?re pretty honey?" grinned his mother teasing. "And besides how much blush to wear, time to be aware of things like this, so you?ve got a lot to learn." "Not your fault? Have you seen yourself?" giggled Lee, unscrewing the tube, and then greasing his lips. "Yup, and I?m looking at myself as very young and na?ve right now," said his mother, softly slapping his ass, as he rubbed his lips together. "Downstairs pronto, missy, and let the guys get to work. After you lose your mind in the pinks and purples I?ve seen as the ideas for your room, you?ve got braiding and baking to master before your little fans show up to admire the princess?s new chamber." "Coming!" snarled Lee rolling his eyes, following her out of the bathroom. "Maybe mention really loudly I have a boyfriend. That could help right?" "Really? Put on these sandals please," lectured his mother, slapping some white sandals into his stomach. "You think that ever stopped a guy who got the wrong impression, or worse, sized up the pretty girl with the bad intentions?" "You?re scaring me, Mom," gulped Lee, leaning down to buckle the sandals on his feet. "Should I call him then? I?m sure he?d come right over." "I?m not trying to scare you, honey, and these are people Rita knows, so I?m not worried, but I?m trying to teach you about putting yourself in bad situations. Even in places where you are comfortable, you can?t let your guard down. Having some man at your beck and call to help is not always a realistic solution," lectured Allison. "And you do know I know all this?" nodded Lee, rolling his eyes. "I do, and don?t you dare roll your eyes at me young lady!" said his mother, making a point. "This is just a reminder that when you?re a teenage girl, even our own home counts when strangers are here, and I don?t care if you think I?m lecturing you." "I got it, Mom," Lee whined, feeling like she was drilling him. "Believe me. I do." "Ok then. And what I expect is you?ll stay in the kitchen with the designer picking a bedspread and curtains, and away from nervously smiling at sweaty men in a way that could send the wrong signal," Allison stated, matter of factly, as down the stairs they went. "They?re still strangers, and a girl can never be too careful. So if you have forgotten this fast that?s how men think, then I may as well have Rita order the extra skirts and blouses for school before the paint is even dry." "I didn?t?" protested Lee, grabbing her arm before they went in the kitchen. "You know I know about these things, and I haven?t forgotten anything! Ok?" "Ok lecture over!" said his mother, hugging him. "And whether you want to remember or not, it?s all ok with me, as long as you?re smart and careful." "You said lecture over right?" said Lee, rolling his eyes as the hug ended. "I did smarty pants, and you know I saw that?" Allison playfully returned, slapping his arm. "It?s just you might be sleeping in a pink canopy bed every night now, but whatever happens in the future, I?d never love you any less." "I know that too," nodded Lee. "Excuse me, Mrs. O?Keefe?" said a voice. "Sorry to interrupt, but can we go up now?" "Of course, perfect time, Guadeloupe," said his mother. "I?ll be in the kitchen if you fellas need me." "Perfect!" nodded Guadeloupe before glancing at Lee, giving him the once over and flicking his chin. "Hey." "Uumm..." cringed Lee. "Morning?" "What?s up?" smiled another young guy, raising his brows suggestively as he walked past Lee, making eye contact. "Jeez," sighed Lee, avoiding eye contact and grabbing his mother arm, pulling her into the kitchen. "Never doubting what you tell me again." "If only, my daughter," teased his mother. "How about we start by seeing if you doubt some of the ideas I have discussed with the designer. Sure it?ll be an explosion of pink and lace, but you can still have a few football posters you know?" "Really? That would be comforting, but would that look right?" thought Lee. "Wait? You mean they?re shirtless, aren?t they? Mandy had a barely clothed Gronk flexing in a speedo poster in her room!" "With the munchkins coming over to hang out with you? Of course I wouldn?t!" she said, patting Lee's bare thigh. "But at least after you failed the first test earlier, now you?re catching on." "Am I?" sighed Lee as they turned to the kitchen table where the designer already had her books and materials spread out. Lee was quickly put to work serving coffee and a crumb cake to his new designer, and then Rita once she wandered in a moment later. Their conversation was dizzying, focusing mostly on what the designer could accomplish on a tight timeline rather than what Lee wanted. That meant most options were off the table, and almost all the choices had already been made. Until Lee had to head out and meet Lauren and Hollly for his first fitting for Lauren's wedding as the "Amazon flower girl", Allison taught him his way around the kitchen so that he would be a competent baker. After the fitting, Lee joined with Rita, his mother, Holly, and Lauren for dinner. Of course, Gary decided to crash the girls dinner, all too happy to spend more time with Keleigh. In a setting with all women, Gary knew better than to tease Lee about his new room or his commitments. Gary was happy to just be with his friend. When finally they got back that night, it would take all the strength he had inside him not to scream the second he stepped into his room. Pristine white furniture, bubble gum pink walls, and the most delicate canopy bed-- it seemed almost surreal. He could barely feel his feet touch the wood floor. He needed a second, sitting at the vanity, watching a lump slide down his throat from every angle in the trifold mirror, and then opened a draw seeing it packed with cosmetics. It would be impossible to not be reminded of the girl he?d become no matter where he looked. Even his closet doors were now turned to floor length mirrored doors. A huge portrait of himself, taken at Lori?s wedding by the professional photographer, showed off Keleigh in her royal dress hung on the wall. On his dresser, there was another photograph in an ornate frame with Gary cradling him from that same night,almost like a constant reminder that the photo had replaced the one he used to have with his prom date, Mandy, wearing the same dress he wore to the wedding. Unframed snapshots with the other girls from each of the last weekend's events, and even his mother, were strategically placed around the room, like any teenage girl might put up. There were quite a few pictures of his boyfriend, too. His name, Keleigh, was written in lights on the wall, and his bed was so full of stuffed animals, centered around a unicorn, it would take him forever to move them all just to go to sleep. Rita certainly wasn?t kidding when she said she might have overdone it with the toys. Two large dollhouses sat in two corners, filled with play furniture and dolls, and next to his nightstand, sat a toy cradle, like they were his lifelong baby dolls. "Amazing what money can do and in one day," his mother remarked from behind him, astounded. "It?s almost like I was never a boy!" said Lee, lifting the famed shot of him in the royal dress with Gary. "And she couldn?t help herself with this one could she?" "She means well honey," said his mother, lifting a picture off his mirror. "And see, I told you that you could still have a football player on the wall." "Not funny!" laughed Lee, seeing the picture of his buddy in his high school football uniform. "Guess she heard that joke." "Or wanted to make sure your boyfriend was well represented," said his mother, taking the big framed picture from his hand. "This one was was not supposed to be so big." "Yeah, well this one I can at least turn over when I want to!" joked Lee, taking it back. "And the football shot well... thank gawwd he has a shirt on." "Well, it?s the only picture without you in it from this weekend," laughed his mother. "Like every girl would have of their boyfriend I guess," said Lee, shaking his head. "I?ve seen it before, and I was shocked even when I wasn?t pretending to be his girlfriend that the pompous jerk didn?t give me one anyway." "Actually, that was the one Rita gave me, and I thought it would make a cute touch!" laughed his mother, elbowing him. "How about we get your pajamas on. And did you want to sleep in his jersey like a night gown?" "Do not even say we have that!?" shrieked Lee. "Sorry to disappoint, but this is the closest thing we?ve got so far, flower girl," said his mother, shaking her head, not amused, pulling a nightgown from the dresser. "Go wash that face and put this on! You know the drill honey." "Didn?t mean to snap at you, Mom," said Lee as she tossed it to him. "And I deserved that one, didn?t I?" "Yeah, but you?re allowed some wiggle room after this room came out even more girly than I thought," smirked his mother shaking her head. "Seriously," said Lee, barely recognizing the four walls he slept in all his life, "but I?m not sure why either of us are surprised? Rita was involved." "Yup," nodded Allison, looking around. "Pleasant dreams my daughter!" "I hope so, Mom," said Lee, grabbing her hand before she walked out. "Honey, you made your bed," said his mother, as he walked by to the bathroom. "Now you get to lie in it." "Do I ever!" said Lee, rolling his eyes and closing the bathroom door. Just like the night before, he?d be on his own with his skincare routine and nightly rituals. His mother popped in periodically to check in on him, and only lightly critiqued his progress, since he could handle most things himself a this point. It wasn?t like he hadn?t worn makeup in theater at school, so some of the routine translated, yet each day as a girl it became more complex. Lee was in summer school on how to be a teenage girl, complete with hours of practice with hair, makeup, and a crash course on things every girl should know, but he might not. His calendar had an hourly schedule that he needed to abide by, which included his outside events, babysitting, and even shopping. Allison layed out his outfit options at first, and then started to give Lee more choices as time went on, but always including strict times to get ready by. The way he used to sit in front of his tv, consumed by sporting events, instead Lee was stationed at his vanity, fixated on blending shadows and learning how to use palettes. He had to coordinate his looks with his outfits, and his mother graded them before he could wipe down his face, which had become his canvas, only to start again. Atop his vanity was a scary looking plastic head with long thick hair. He used it for the first few rounds of practice before he?d need to achieve a new hairdo on himself. The way his fingers used to spin the joy sticks on his video game controller they now instead had to spin precise sections of hair into neat braids and twist hot tools to produce a certain flavor of curls. Never would his mother allow his bed to be left unmade, and nary a stuffed animal could be misplaced.Baking, cleaning, and even a touch of sewing would be worked into his schedule on various days. Exercise or dance practice were also staples of his routine. He would need a good week and a half to finally get used to the routine and not be at least a little reliant on his mother when he baby sat the kids. Rita was right that his room was a hit with all the nieces, as every chance they got they begged to get away from their parents head over to Keleigh's. After three times having the kids over, he could finally French braid the girl?s hair without his mother?s help and not burn the cookies. There would lots of time to think each day as he put on his face, but little time in his life for anything other than being Keleigh. Emma?s birthday party was his first time seeing Rita since the morning she re-did his room. For a change, he actually wasn?t too worried about what would happen to him. It was a princess party with all the kids as well as select invitees dressed as their favorite princesses. So today, in a way, he looked forward to her reaction. "Shouldn?t I have known you?d come as Belle! I asked your mother and she wouldn?t tell me!" exclaimed Mrs. Baxter as he walked in. "Oh my gawwd, girls, do you see her?" Over raced all the little girls, as he?d barely made it in the door, and just seeing their reaction would make all the work to become Belle worthwhile. He was in the classic Disney Belle costume with her in her simple village garb, holding open his arms for oncoming hugs, as a fabulous representation of the original animated Beauty and the Beast character. A few minor upgrades would add some pizazz, as it was a costume made for the stage. This delivered a dressier look without changing the overall charactger design. His dress was a shiny satin to stand out, rather than an identically styled polyester-like blue jumper dress, worn over a white chiffon blouse. To the casual eye, he was a mirror image of movie?s starlet. Atop the flowing satin skirt, his white apron was silk instead of cotton, adding even more gleam, yet still capturing the character?s vintage style. What dressed it up even more were the black pumps on his feet instead of loafers, but the end result in the classic dress still stood the test of time. Soft cherry glossed lips shown around his blissful smile, and the florescent party lights glimmered from his cheek bones. He had done an amazing job on his makeup, with huge lashes and natural pinks shadows, knowing he?d be judged by all, yet never more confident as a character. From a middle part, thick twists of hair spun until they adjoined at the back of his head, turning inside out in a topsy-tail loop. Not even a hair was left out of place, held by the huge blue alligator clipped bow, and then beneath it, wavy curls flowed from his low pony. French tipped square nails finished off the French provincial princess, who, even dressed in the most modest costume of any princess at the party, would still challenge anyone to be the most beautiful. "Hello everyone!" waived Lee from across the room, walking towards them before getting mobbed by the kids. "Hi! I?m so happy to be here!" After a few compliments and cheek kisses, he made his way towards the adults at the back of the room. "Oh? Hi, everyone!" mocked Lauren imitating him. "So happy to be here!" "Seriously?" said Lee, rolling his eyes. "Should I tell them I?m not when I am?" "Show off!" joked Holly, as he continued towards them. "Peasant girl my ass!" joked Lauren, giving him a dirty look. "Really, Keleigh?" "What?" laughed Lee. "The girls heard I played her in theater, and they asked me if I?d come as her." "You mean while we played Ariel and Cinderella in cheap ass party city costumes," grumbled Lauren, extending her arms for a hug. "You?re lucky I love you, or I?d rip your wig right the fuck off!" "Please don?t," smiled Lee, ending the hug and then hugging Holly. "Since except for a few wefts, this is my actual hair." "Not helping the cause bitch!" chuckled Lauren, as she pulled away from the hug. "Like both of you won?t have a turn fucking around with my hair or whatever you want me in soon!" laughed Keleigh. "The princess has a point. But I still hate you for today." "As if!" "Oh Keleigh!" sighed Rita, holding her chest as she approached the gropu of women. "How beautiful do you look today dear?" "Thank you," said Lee, with a big grin on his face. "Nice to see you today, Mrs. Baxter, and what a wonderful party you?ve thrown for your niece." "Helped with. And she deserves it. But finally! Finally I get to see you as Belle!" said Rita, grabbing both hands looking at him. "Come with me dear, and let me look at you!" "Oh come on, did you forget Mrs. Baxter?" smiled Lee lifting the ends of the skirt. "You know this is my old costume from school right? I think you might have even paid for it?" "Of course I know it is, and who cares who bought it?" said Mrs. Baxter excitedly. "Turn for me dear, and I?m so happy it still fits! I love you as Belle." "Thank you, and it fits because my mother took it in a little," laughed Lee, putting his hands on his thin waistline. "She?s amazing, and I guess you know she?s even been teaching me to sew a little bit." "I do," smiled Rita. "Remember what I told you about have having some domestic skills?" "That they?re good to have, yes, I know. And before, I meant did you forget you were there with mother at the tailor when she hemmed the skirt for the show originally?" "You mean a seamstress dear, and you think I?d forget the start of something that changed your life Keleigh?" smiled Mrs. Baxter, touching his face. "I remember we could barely wipe the smile off you face that day." "Because I got the part!" said Lee, a bit embarrassed. "I worked really hard to get any lead, and you may not understand, but back then it was a big deal." "What I understand is no one else here needs to know your private business, but I?ll still never forget how excited you were to be in this dress." Rita shrugged her shoulders. "You told me and your mother that yourself. Did you not?" "Well." Lee's face turned a bit red. "Yes. But maybe not exactly like you saying it, and that life changing stuff?" "Don?t be embarrassed about it!" giggled Rita, tossing her hands forward. "You were so adorable that day, and so red you didn?t need any blush!" "I was nervous," Lee let out quietly as he thought back to how he felt that day. "Petrified, honestly." "How could you not be?" said Rita, in a comforting tone. "But look at you now! Your make up is perfect. Your hair amazing! That?s what I mean by finally, I get to see you as Belle. Did you do it all yourself?" "Mostly," acknowledged Lee, "but my mother did help a little." Rita took Lee's perfectly manicured hands into hers and squeezed them. "And she always will, but just like the meaning of the word Belle! You're truly beautiful!" "Thank you," said Lee looking down suddenly bashful. He could feel a slight flush in his cheeks, even if it was hidden by his make up. "I can?t lie and say I wasn?t excited to be her again today. If nothing else, it is nice to be a princess for the kids for at least a day." "Well, I heard you?ve been doing pretty well as one every day," grinned Rita, lifting his chin and looking him dead in the face. "Tell me that room doesn?t fit you, and you?re not glad with the way things worked out?" "Come on Belle, we need you!" said Emma pleaded, interrupting. "Time to dance with us!" "Belle saved by the bell," joked Lee, avoiding Rita's question deftly. She curtseying towards Rita and winked. "If you?ll excuse me, ma?am. Time for the princess to get to work!" Rita could only smile and shake her head as off he went with the children, immediately involved in a few dances then some story time. A few other adult family member dressed as princesses would join Lee, Holly and Lauren, but it would be Keleigh that would garner most of their attention. After half of the party had passed, Belle was holding court while the table was being set for pizza. Then, just before dinner was served, the loud soudn of a throat being cleared turned every head. "Any princesses in need of a rescue?" said Gary posing, from across the room. "Prince Gary has arrived to save the day!" There stood Gary flexing his muscles like Gaston, dressed as royalty, almost like it was his birthright. Dressed as a prince, complete with a crown and fake sword, he played to the crowd of little girls who were immediately smitten with him. "Oh gawwdd!" sighed Lee, laughing covering his mouth. "There's my boyfriend's famed ego," she said to no one in particular. The room filled with laughter as all the women could barely keep it together and all the little girls dressed as princess raced over to see him. The deafening screams and screeches of little girls were enough to pop eardrums as the mom?s popped aspirin like Tic-Tacs, and his older cousins' abuse on him from afar would be non-stop. After ten minutes of posing for pictures with the under ten crowd, finally pizza would be served to calm down the kids. Prince Gary finally made his way over to his older cousins and Lee thinking he was escaping, but he found himself in a sea of non-stop razzing and giggles. "Here to save me cuz?" teased Lauren. "Or did you need a minute first to pick out the royal wedgie?" "There is no wedgie in the world that can stop Prince Gary or Prince Adam or whatever the hell his name is!" Gary joked while hugging her. "But you can see that, huh?" "Oh, we can see everything!" laughed Holly hugging him next. "So watch it with that thing ok?" "Sorry," said Gary moving the belt. "It?s not going to do anything. It?s just a plastic sword?" "Yeah, not that thing," joked Holly, waving her finger at him. "The other sword." "Really Holly?" snarled Lee. "Even at a kiddie party?" "Like I was the one that noticed?" giggled Holly, poking Gary in his face. "Noticed what?" questioned Gary, missing the joke. "That before you showed up at a kiddie party transformed into Prince Adam," Lauren joked, glancing down at his crotch, barely containing her giggles, "maybe you shouldn?t have left the real beast in your pants." "Whaa?" said Gary, looking down then turning beat red. "Ooohhhhh!" "Don?t worry. It?s just that you?re the only guy here, and she does that to all the princes, doesn?t she, your beauty?" teased Holly, winking at Lee and then tapping Gary?s arm. "Glad it runs in the family for your little honey here?s sake though, brother in law." "Yeah, maybe we?ll give you two love birds a minute," said Lauren, grabbing Holly?s arm and tugging her away. "We?ll go get some pizza and make fun of you from across the room, cuz." "I?m sure you will," shrugged Gary, before looking at Lee and taking his hand. "So, how you been? I miss you." "Yeah, I can sorta tell?" laughed Lee, covering his eyes for a moment. "And so can everyone else!" "Yeah, that I didn?t realize when I got this," sighed Gary before smirking. "And maybe it wasn?t you I was excited to see today?" "Oh? So maybe you were just excited to be in tights then?" "There are other pretty women here, you know?" laughed Gary. "Some of those young moms are hot." "Go for it then, stud," laughed Lee. "I?m sure that prego, ready-to-pop who was gawking at you must be even hornier than you are, and she would be all over you, Prince Charming." "Of course she would, but I?m Prince Adam, in case you forgot," laughed Gary, holding up his arm. "Now be nice, since of course it?s because I miss you. How could I not?" "I miss you too," said Lee tapping his nails. "Meaning I miss having my friend around, and I hate that our texts seem so short and awkward." "Me too! But I wasn?t worried about it. We?ve always both sucked at texting," said Gary, before nudging him. "Except? Shouldn?t a girl be better at it?" "Exactly! Answered your own question idiot!" snapped back Lee. "Did I? Or did you mean it?s like harder to do with your nails back, which look amazing by the way." Gary took Lee's hand. "So, better to see me in person?" "Yeah, thanks," grinned Lee. "You always do notice everything, and of course it?s better to see you in person. It?s just how we see each other that I don?t want to be weird. Ok?" "I know, and either way, I still miss you a lot." Lee hadn't pulled away as Gary held his hand. Gary started rubbing Lee's fingers. "Sorry I haven?t been able to come over since we almost..?" "Don?t go there!" As if reminded of who he was, or wasn't, Lee pulled back his hand and began looking around. "This is not the place to talk about that, and I know you want to come over. But it?s me. I haven?t been ready for that." "It doesn?t have to be awkward me coming over?" Gary explained. "We could just hang out like we always did?" "Could we?" Lee took a bratty tone. "Of course we could," defended Gary, looking right back into his face. "What are you worried about?" "You?re seriously asking me that?" said Lee turning away. "Yeah, because I said I?d be cool with whatever you wanted, and I would be," said Gary as placed his hands on Lee's shoulders and turned him back to face him. "You?re my best friend! Aren?t you still?" "Let go of my arms before you get your ass kicked by a girl in front of all these kids," smiled Lee,pulling his arms down at his side. "Of course I am, but I need you to be patient with me. It?s just I?m not sure you can." "I can," nodded Gary tossing up his hands. "Have I not been so far?" "Today?" smiled Lee letting out a quick giggle. "Yeah, maybe, and at least from the waist up." Frustrated, Gary responded, "And who?s the one just wanting their friend back but still looking down there?" "Can?t a friend just think their friend has great legs in tights? It hasn?t stopped you from what I recall." "You can look at my legs any time, or I?ll even wear tights again, if that?s what it takes to hang out." He patted his thigh as he said, "tights". "And if it?s the other problem, I?ll padlock that thing just to hang out with you! Now come on all I want to hang with my best friend, and you almost made me beg last time." Lee began to feel emotional. He really did miss his best friend, and hearing Gary so firmly and clearly reciprocate that care caused his voice to break slightly. "Don?t be stupid, but that means the world to me." "Good, because I was just to get down on one knee, and I?m not sure how that would look with us dressed like this, Princess." "I?d fucking kill you!" laughed Lee, tossing her head back laughing, then looking around to make sure no one heard that. "which is why I?m scared stiff!" Gary looked down at his obvious pun, and began to laugh at his own joke. "Now come on, when can I come over?" "I don?t know honestly, but I?ll ask tonight when I get home." Lee caught himself looking directly into his eyes. "My mom?s got me on this ridiculous schedule." "I heard," said Gary shrugging. "My mom seems like she?s never off the phone with your mom." "No kidding?" Lee slapped his forehead. "You heard what she did to my room?" "I heard your adjusting to it." "Either that or I poke out my eyes." Smiling, Lee started gesticulating with his hands. "It?s very very pink! You might puke when you see it." "Puke that my girlfriend got the ultimately girly-girl room?" teased Gary raising his brows. "Nah, it?s just a room, but I hear my picture?s up in it?" Lee shot him a nasty look. "Looks like pizza?s over. Back to work Prince Knows-How-to-Fuck-Up-a-Good-Conversation!" "Crap!" Gary scurried off, knowing he was being dismissed. Lee quickly joining hands with the kids in a dance as the music came on. Twenty minutes of dancing with the kids eventually stopped for some games. Lee participated in the hula hoop contes, and then pin the tail on the donkey, all while avoiding Gary. He?d be involved in every single other activity until after "Happy Birthday" was sung, and the break from being "on" came as kids settled down having cake. He stepped aside now, standing quietly until the adults were fed dessert. That's when Gary came over. "Can I have a minute please, Keleigh?" Gary asked, pulling him aside. "Please?" "What?" said Lee rolling his eyes at him. "I might need to help the kids here. They?re very sloppy, and it?s not like you can clean them with your tongue if any cake slips on their dresses, which is inevitable." "Never letting me live that down are you?" "Not a chance." Lee watched the kids stuff their faces. He unfolded a big napkin, walked over to Erin, and placed it over her lap. "Erin let?s put down another napkin honey." "I get it, and they have people that get paid to work here," Gary said as Lee walked back over. "Now come on? You know you can?t still be mad at me?" he said, a little unsure. "I?m thinking I can?" said Lee, poking his temple with his index finger. "Was it the prince I was mad at, or the asshole in the frame on my dresser?" "Definitely the asshole in the frame," said Gary handing him a hanger from a big garment bag. "But maybe ask me again after you change?" "Change?" questioned Lee confused. "Why would change?" "Well, I?m changing to the fancier jacket while the kids have cake, and if you don?t, Emma?s going to be pissed," explained Gary. "I promised her a dance with the prince in the after dinner costume, but really they mostly want to dance and take pictures with Belle." "Of course they do, since I?m their favorite so then why would I...?" said Lee as he suddenly got a peek inside the bag. "Wait? What?s going on here?" "Going on me, some stupid sparkly jacket," said Gary. "But you, I thought, might have waited long enough to be in this?" "why would you say that! You know better than anyone how I was crushed when I didn?t get to..." Lee bent forward, looking deeper into the garment bag. "No way? Where did you get this? This looks like..." "Shoes are in the bag, and along with whatever other stuff you need. I think?" smiled Gary, putting the garment bag in Lee?s hand. "Go ahead go put it on." "You tell me right now, Gary Baxter! Right now!" said Lee stunned. "Is this really my dress? Oh my gawwdd! This is my dress isn?t it?" "You know you can tell from the tag inside," winked Gary, with a huge grin on his face. "Go put it on, Keleigh, and it should fit. You?re mom told the seamstress exactly how to take it in." "I don?t understand?" shook Lee flustered. "I never got this dress? The dress I?m in now I wore at rehearsals. It?s the one your mother bought me. But that one? That one they never finished. I wore it at a fitting and it was intricate and complicated and fancy and I just.." "Just felt special wearing it?" smiled Gary, softly rubbing his back. "Maybe felt like a princess?" "Maybe?" Lee turned beat red. "But special for sure. Honestly, like I accomplished something being the lead after failing so many times, but then the show got canceled." "Not tonight it didn?t. Now could you hurry up or what? Your mom said I need to make sure you had some time, because she said it takes a minute for the curling iron to heat up, and getting on the tiara isn?t that easy and well... you?re, like, kind of like a peasant girl right now, you know." "And maybe even longer, because I?m about to ball my eyes out and be a disaster!" said Lee wrapping his arms around Gary?s neck squeezing hard, and then kissing his cheek before staring away. "How can you be such a jerk one second and the greatest guy in the world the next?" "You think it?s easy?" smiled Gary teasingly, but grabbing his hand as he started to hurry away. "Changing room is the other way." "Nothing?s easy with you," backstepped Lee, planting one more kiss on his friend?s cheek, never more excited as he scampered across the room with the bag into the changing area, yelling back over his shoulder. "And I want to know everything when I get back, because this time it?s you that?s not getting off that easy!" Twelve minutes later collective sighs and little girl?s gasps would force a permanent smile to his face as Belle emerged in her ballroom gown. It was like Lee had waited forever just to step into the light as one step from the back room in his costume had him feeling like he was living in a fairytale. He could barely breathe, soaking in the attention in his huge gold satin dress. Even inside a party room, the gown shined like he was under the sun. On his feet, gold glitter, closed-toe stillettos would be visible only when he shifted his weight, yet he?d need every one of their five inch heels to keep his huge skirt from dragging on the floor. A seemingly endless brocade ruffle draping in the matching bright yellow illuminated each careful step, and its wired, petticoat, hoop skirt beneath would keep the bell skirt enormous. With the sequins and ornate printed graphics on the front, as well as attached tulle at the waist underneath it, every ounce of light bounced and reflected off of him. Flower accents were the final touch, found at the front and sides of the dress, serving as a refreshing minor blast of pink atop a sea of yellow. Matching satin elbow-length gloves completed the elegant ensemble. His middle-parted hair would remain, but instead of twisting into a pony, each side would be flipped back like long curtain bangs, fronting a fabulous three-tiered, silver, glistening tiara. Behind it, the classic half updo erupted with a softball sized bun, before the rest of his hair hung down in a series of quickly coiled, loose ringlets. He?d added only a more ruby gloss to his already flawless makeup, and added tiered earrings. By the time he had strolled ten feet, Aunt Rita would need to hand over her black Amex to have the party extended, as there would not be a girl that wouldn?t want her turn with Belle, the beloved Disney beauty. Forty five minutes later, the glamorous Belle?s face was so exhausted from holding a perpetual smile that even his feet didn?t feel so bad, with his toes crunched in shoes that he never got to wear, and weren?t the right size. None of it mattered though, as Emma had the best birthday any little girl could ask for. If Lee ever needed a job, the party place begged to hire him for future princess parties. His last dance was a slow waltz with Emma, Erin, Belle, and Prince Adam, all as one, until finally the kids needed to come away from the dance floor to say good bye as some of their friends starting leaving. "Ok," smiled Lee looking into his eyes, "time to tell me how you got this now." "You know, I?m not sure we?ve got time," teased Gary, glancing at his watch. "I think the song is just about over, and then you turn back into a pumpkin right?" "Wrong fairytale, and I?m not letting go until you tell me!" They turned slowly, still dancing. "So out with it!" "And you?re thinking I?m finding that a threat?" wrinned Gary, looking right back into his eyes. "I can do this all night." "Garrrryyyy?" grumbled Lee rolling his eyes stopping the dance. "Stop messing with me." "Me?" laughed Gary, as Lee pulled him by the hand towards the wall. "You think I?m the one that?s always messing with you?" "Right now you are!" said Lee, stopping and turning looking at him. "Now come on!" "How about one date, and I?ll tell you," Gary said, slyly placing his hand on Lee's face. "I mean, don?t I at least get a date out of this?" "I already said we?d work it out, and you could come over," said Lee getting antsy pushing Gary?s hand off him. "Now come on. That?s not playing fair." "I don?t know? You think it?s not?" Gary tapped his chin pretending to think. "What?s it mean to you bestie? Is one date asking that much?" "Ok," nodded Lee getting a little chocked up, "one date." "But a date date," Gary pushed. "Like it doesn?t always seem like a date date, but fine." Lee tossed out his hands getting frustrated "Except I pick the place and everything. Now can we move past that?" "Uuuhhhhh.... Sure." Gary felt a sense of relief. A date. Finally! "You finally said yes. Absolutely. And I?ll be a gentlemen. Everything at your pace. I promise." "Good then fess up, and stop making me crazy." Lee put his hands on his hips, arms akimbo, or at least as close as he could get with his enormous bell skirt and arm-length gloves. "You made me feel so special, so I?m hoping this won?t ruin it now?" "Ruin it how?" Gary shrugged his shoulders, then tried not to laugh. "By telling you I?m crazy for you too? Or telling you I bought it at Halloween Warehouse and sewed a name tag in?" "You can?t help being a dick can you? It?s a theatrical costume moron, and made to fit." Lee squinted, not finding it funny. "It?s expensive, and I recognized the customizations immediately, which made it unique. Now how?d you get it?" "At the theatrical outlets on the clearance rack," joked Gary giggling, "Then made a few calls to make it fit and it does. Doesn?t it?" "It fits me beautifully, and I love you for it," smirked Lee, lifting his right arm around Gary?s neck then raising his knee inside the skirt. "But that doesn?t mean it?s too fitted for my knee to move up and crush the prince?s crown jewels or use my spikey heel to slice off what?s poking me. Now tell me!" "Oh, I love when you get heated!" Gary flexed his brows over and over smiling. "First you tell me no matter what I tell you, you will not reneg on our date! I want to hear you say it." "Reneg?" said Lee softly stroking Gary?s hair biting his lip, "have I reneged on a single thing since I?ve been your girlfriend?" "No," said Gary, as Lee started batting his lashes at him. "No, really?" smiled Lee, looking deep into his eyes, playing up the flirtation. "Like ever?" "No," nodded Gary, mesmerized with their faces closer. "Not at all." "Exactly. And the only thing heated so far was my curling iron to make these pretty curls I know you love so much," Lee said while stroking the back of Gary's neck, before grasping his hair between his nails and digging them a little into his neck. "But you know that once that thing heats up, it heats up to four hundred degrees in thirty seconds, and all it?s going to take is a few more seconds to burn off your eye brows if you flex them in my face one more time. Now, should I drag your ass to the back room and go plug it in, or are you going to tell me?" "Ok...ok... So would you believe the school took it back and stuck it in storage?" said Gary, trying not to laugh in his face enjoying while enjoying his friend?s irritation and playful threats. "And then your prince rescued it?" "The school never even owned it you dickhead!" said Lee, pushing back from him, waving his finger in his face. "We bought our own costumes, and your mother is the one that wanted me to have the best, at least until I never got to wear this since everything was canceled. But you fucking know all this!" "Yeah," said Gary digging for another lie. "And you know you?re wearing it, so let?s just leave it at, 'Your favorite prince rescued it.'" "The rescue part, obviously, but did you really have to go there?" said Lee, shaking his head as he got very angry. "Forget it. I just asked you not to ruin this! Get away from me and go fuck yourself." "Keleigh," implored Gary, grabbing his arm before he could walk away. "Don?t go. Ok, ok... I bought it." "Oh please?" grumbled Lee, rolling his eyes, and then looking him dead in the face. "You?re a terrible liar." "Not lying," gulped Gary looking away, shaking his head. "Ok, about the school and storage and stuff sure. But that I bought it? No." "You couldn?t have?" huffed Lee confused. "When the show got canceled, we lost our deposits, and they told us all the costumes were being sent back. It was a big to do." "Yup, I know, but it didn?t. I got it literally the day it was supposed to go back." "So you bought your best friend, a..." started Lee, getting agitated before catching himself and lowering his voice, "a boy! A seven hundred dollar dress." "When you say it like that, don?t you get why I really didn?t want to tell you?" smirked Gary, shrugging his shoulders. "Crap! Now I know why you thought I?d reneg?" scolded Lee trying not to freak. "You mean by you, you meant Rita? Fuck! Tell me your mother didn?t buy this back then as part of some plan that may have started before I even knew what I knew now. Felt what I felt now?" "Well that last part I can?t be sure about." Gary gave him a look. "But no. She didn?t know anything about it." "And you?re not bullshiting about that?" quizzed Lee, grabbing his stomach. "Look at me and promise me!" "Not busllshitting." Gary put up his hand like he was swearing an oath. "Promise. I did it on my own." "And now I can tell that you?re telling me the truth," said Lee, feeling his fingers tingle. "Oh gawwdd! I?ve never felt so vulnerable, yet so really warm in side. And I?m sorry if I doubted you. That was so wrong, and I?m ashamed." "Oh please? I?m an ass, but just not a total asshole." Gary took Lee's hand, trying to calm him down. "And you never have to feel uncomfortable around me, you know. Now relax. I can feel you shaking." "I?m not sure either of those things can calm me or make me feel better." Lee took a deep breath. "But thank you." "It was nothing. You?re my best friend, so honestly, I was worried you?d react like that, but I just bought it, because I knew what it meant to you. And obviously, even if you?re pissed at me, I was right," said Gary, rubbing his friend?s fingers again. "Really, I figured I?d give it to you for your birthday and you?d put it in a big shadow box or wear it for Halloween or I?m not even sure. I just knew what that show, and being her, meant to you." "Ok maybe when you say it like that?" Lee disarmed a bit as their fingers interlocked. "It?s just shocking your mother really didn?t know." "She knew you wore the Blue Belle dress in your room for a week and cried yourself to sleep in it. The two of them hide nothing, so how do you think I know that?" grinned Gary as they rubbed their thumbs together, hands still held together. "Ok, not the question, and I?m sorry if I got a little pissed," said Lee, letting go of his hand, teary eyed. "It?s understandable," smiled Gary, rubbing his best friend's arm. "Thank you," said Lee, wiping under his eyes. "Ok, less pissed, unless this makes me a wreck, but... can?t we keep it that way?" "Keleigh, neither of them knew about this dress. Last week when I heard you were coming as Belle, I told your mom, and she helped get it altered," explained Gary, watching his friend suck up his tears composing himself. "It was a surprise, ok?" "Ok," sighed Lee taking a breath. "Thank you, and don?t worry, she cried worse than you when I told her I had bought it," teased Gary, touching his face. "She said she wanted to get it for you too, but didn?t have the heart to tell you when she got the money together for it and went back it was gone. She also knew what it meant to you." "Oh my gawwdd." Lee held onto his stomach again, wanting to puke as his nerves fluttered about. "And this surprise switch in the middle?" "Who?s the best boyfriend?" winked Gary, grinning. "Prince Adam?" smiled Lee, touching his face, and leaning against him while looking into his eyes. "Or did some beast want to kiss me?" It was that fairytale moment when the prince leaned in and softly kissed his princess. Lee closed his eyes as their lips met. It was a soft and tender kiss, with a bit of apprehension from both of them, yet mind blowing. A very minor twist of their lips resulted in a few seconds of sheer bliss and relief for Gary, which would end as Lee pulled back looking around. "Uumm," sighed Lee making sure no one was staring, "Kiddie party remember?" "I was trying not to," Gary smiled softly. "But you have to," grinned Lee, looking into his eyes then letting out a sigh. "Wheww." "More like, wow! I can?t believe it finally happened." "Me either." Lee rolled his shoulders. "All that crying in my room and finally..!" "Yeah finally, and I don?t think it?s just how were dressed, but I feel like I need to pinch myself?" Gary took a breathe in and then out. "Finally, you let me kiss you." "No, I didn?t?" smiled Lee giving him an innocent look. "Don?t say that?" said Gary surprised. "You leaned in and you let me!" he protested. "Don?t think that I did?" shrugged Lee shaking his head. "Please tell me you?re teasing? I know we have this deal and... and...." Gary panicked, not liking the way Lee was looking at him. "Please, that was magical, and I don?t want to break up even before we start." "Relax, who said anything about breaking up? What you did today for me I?ll never, like ever ever, forget. And trust me, that was magical." Lee smiled, looking up at the sky. "It?s a moment I?ve been waiting way too long for, but I?m an actress playing Belle remember?" "Hughhh?" sighed Gary dumbfounded. "Come again?" "You kissed the princess?" grinned Lee, giving a little wink. "The character just like I would have had to kiss that dweeb Michael Morgan in the play." "Wait, what?" said Gary twitching. "I?m so confused. So I kissed you but I didn?t kiss you?" "Yeah ya? didn?t," smiled Lee, tapping his arm. "Can you imagine what both our lives would be like if I let those lips lose on Keleigh?" "But... but... what about our date?" groaned Gary, shaking his head like a dog. "That?s still on right?" "Of course," said Lee, squeezing his hand. "I was thinking maybe a movie Saturday night? You up for that?" "Absolutely." Gary felt a wave of relief. "I?d love to go to a movie with you." "Perfect! I?m taking all the kids to the new Disney movie, so you can come help me babysit." Lee giggled as she gave Gary a squeeze. "You want to be my bestie, you can help feed the little terrors while I change diapers. And if you want to be my boyfriend, then we?ll start there. So it?s date?" "Yes, Princess. It?s a date, because if I say no, who knows if I?ll get another chance!" laughed Gary slapping himself in the head frustrated. "Maybe I?ll wear the prince outfit again if it gives me a better shot at kissing you, because it counts for me, even if you don?t want it to?" "The princess will not be there, but your girlfriend is getting a little nervous her boyfriend wants to be in tights again?" teased Lee, letting go of Gary's hand and stepping back, putting one hand on his hip. "You know, that?s how this stuff gets started so... Anything you want to tell me?" "Yeah not to worry, I?m all man, but your so freaking beautiful, I?m still looking for whatever that edge is to get to kiss you? So anything you want to tell me? Come on, I?ll do anything to up my chances?" "Sure, maybe if you come as a frog. See you, Saturday!" Lee leaned up and kissed his cheek, then wiped his lipstick from it before winking at him as he walked away. "Patience, ok?"

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A Wedding Story Chapters 13

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A Wedding Story

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Christmas Wedding Part 11 Honeymoon and thereafter Finale

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Money is No Object My Bridal Makeover Chapter 23 The Week Before The Wedding

'MONEY IS NO OBJECT' ... MY BRIDAL MAKEOVER! CHAPTER 23: THE WEEK BEFORE THE WEDDING After the Hen Night, I had a nice lie in on the Sunday and then just 'slobbed' around the apartment, in a denim skirt and Tshirt, for the rest of the day, saying farewell to my bridesmaids for the time being, although I would see them again throughout the week. They were all leaving to go to the hotel which Rachael had booked for the wedding. They had their rooms booked there until the Monday after the...

4 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa 08 Futas Wedding Delight Chapter 2 Futas First Naughty Wedding

Chapter Two: Futa's First Naughty Wedding By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So, did it work?” Adelia asked me, leaning forward, the interviewers dark eyes so warm as they stared at me. “Did they keep you distracted?” I patted her caramel-hued thigh right above the hem of her dress, my futa-dick twitching as I remembered that wild night. “They tried. My cheer squad showed up and kept me busy for a few hours, and the president of the University of Washington demanded a nice...

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The Best Stand At The Wedding Fair

THE BEST STAND AT THE WEDDING FAIR by Angela Dee North PROLOGUE "Listen, Bridie, I said I was sorry! What more can I do?" I was in the doghouse with my wife yet again. I'd completely forgotten to collect a parcel from the Post Office depot. Now it was too late. The depot had closed an hour ago, and Bridie had wanted the parcel today. "For god's sake, Terry!" she fumed. "You know perfectly well how much I needed that mannequin for the show tomorrow! It was going to be...

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The Wedding Party

The Wedding Party By Jeanne Darc I hadn't heard from Jake in over a year. We'd met at the software firm where I worked, and discovered a lot of common interests including the standard painful high school nerd autobiographies. I hadn't completely escaped my past - people still called me na?ve; I preferred devoid of guile. We'd been good friends, becoming best friends, when he dropped off the radar. I'd tried to contact him several times but he sent texts saying he was busy and would get i...

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Wedding Dress Surprise

Wedding Dress Surprise At last Jack's wedding dress from Ebay had arrived and he could play dressups as a bride. But when he takes a walk in the garden things take an unexpected turn - for the good. I stood there staring at the package. I had been waiting weeks for the delivery after ordering it from eBay. I had taken a chance and told them I was male, so when they made it from my measurements it would be the right shape perfectly for my body. For my measurements I had...

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Wedding Dance

"Oh baby, your cock feels so nice." the blond haired eighteen-year-old girl called out as she rode up and down on the young man's cock." "I can't believe how hard it is." The dark haired teen beneath her smiled as he held onto her creamy breasts, playing with her small, pert nipples. The seventeen-year-old was stripped to his shorts, pulled down to expose his cock and balls. The girl was still wearing a blue bridesmaid's dress, hiked up to allow access to her pussy. The top of the...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Amandas Wedding Album

Amanda's Wedding Album Chapter 1 - The Photo Shoot Michael realized just how fortunate he was. He was one of the lucky few whose wives actually preferred them to keep their bodies hairless. She often asked him to shave his chest and legs, and he would reluctantly give in after putting up a brief fight, making it seem like it was all for her while secretly enjoying every minute of it. She had no idea that he was a closet crossdresser, and he was pretty sure that she would neither...

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Bahamas Wedding Party

Kate boarded the plane heading to The Bahamas for her cousin Mara and Brad’s wedding. She had not seen either of them since her last visit to them in Miami. She was excited to see the family and celebrate their wedding.“Hi! Is anyone sitting here?” Kate looked up from her phone to see an incredibly erotic looking woman pointing at the seat next to her. She shook her head no and went back to her phone.The woman reached up to put her bag in the overhead compartment. Kate couldn’t help but look...

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My Wedding Gift

I hadn’t seen Linda since she and my daughter Shellie had graduated from high school over four years ago. They had been best friends but had gone to different colleges. They kept track of each other through social media, phone calls and the occasional chance meetings when they came home. I kept track of Linda for Shellie through chance meetings with her mother. Linda’s mother and I would talk when we stumbled into each other at the grocery store or post office. We'd update each other as to our...

Straight Sex
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The Wedding PlannerChapter 3

While she sat at her desk and waited for the computer to come up she took the small spiral note pad she had purchased Saturday out of her purse. She still hadn't made up her mind how she wanted to record her illicit meetings. The date and number of times? Just the date and a check mark? Just a check mark on each line to represent a lover? There would be no names or descriptions; no number of stars to denote how great the time had been. She smiled as she remembered Friday night with Scott. He...

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A Wedding Day to Remember Ch 03

She walks down aisle dripping with others men's cum. Terry (on TV) said to me, "Get me hard again, baby, I'm want to fuck you one more time before I take you to the church to marry your new husband. If you want me to fuck you one more time, all you have to do is begin sucking my cock. Don't worry if you don't want to do it, it is OK. In fact if you want to stop with just Charlie here fucking you in your asshole, drop your head close your eyes and enjoy it as he fucks you, baby. You will get the...

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Lacey's Wedding Daybyrockandroller©My daughter Lacey and her fiancé had chosen a stunning mountain chalet for their wedding. The building was at the top of a hill, with a spectacular view of the valley below. Out front there was a large lawn, where the ceremony was to be held. Inside, there was a big room which was set up for the upcoming reception with formal dining tables, flowers galore, a small stage and dance floor, and a large wooden staircase for the happy couple to descend. It cost me a...

3 years ago
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Tales from the FrogLady Part 1 of 2 Wedding Night

Notes: This is the revised version of my previously published story. Thanks to Mr. Ram for pointing to a mistake, just for you to know my problem, in Portuguese ladder is "escada" and stair is "escada", so you see why I do these silly mistakes once or twice. This is the first part of a two part story, but both can be read as independent stories (of course, they are more fun if read in the right sequence), this is why I marked it "finished" in the form. The second part, called "A night...

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