Catch 22 WifeChapter 7 free porn video

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I stood there impassive as Jenny was led from the room and then collapsed into a chair, crying. It was now clear that Shirley had completely seduced Jenny and used drugs to turn her into some kind of whore. I was a bit heartbroken but Debra calmly put an arm around me. "It's not your fault love. You did nothing wrong. She'll even confirm that later I bet."

"But what if it wasn't the first time?" I moaned. "It sounds like she was not exactly practicing safe sex."

Debra giggled. "Already covered. Kimber and I stole some blood from you back on Sunday and had it tested. You're clean."

I tried to glare at Debra, but her knowing smile and smirk quickly defused my anger. I was getting to my feet when she whispered in my ear. "I have a black bra and panties on under this, and the panties are soaked. You better be ready to put that fire out tonight."

I looked around the conference room and decided to be devilish. I grabbed Debra and pulled her to me for a moment. With a swift movement, I unsnapped her skirt and let it fall to the floor before running my fingers over her panties. Debra gasped but then sagged against me in pleasure.

I kept the pressure up for only a moment more and then stopped slowly sliding my fingers over her hips and then pulling them away. "I thought I'd fan the flames a bit," I whispered before freeing Debra and sneaking out the conference room door to head to the courtroom.

Inside I had to find a different seat, as the original row was full. I could see Jenny sitting at the defendant's table as Thomas Mims had a short conference with the judge and prosecutor. The judge seemed a little unhappy about something, but finally nodded. "Very well. Defendant pleads guilty to misdemeanor battery on a police officer. Sentence will be one year, fine of ten thousand, and four years probation. Next."

Jenny was helped to her feet, and the bailiff turned her to face the same door she entered through. She seemed a bit surprised, but Thomas smiled. "I'll meet you back at the jail and we'll go over the rest."

Jenny was led away as Debra slid into the seat behind me. "Volcanoes aren't as hot as I am right now," she whispered into my ear. "You are going to pay for that!"

I merely nodded as Thomas walked up. "That was interesting," he said.

"What?" I asked.

He indicated that we should leave the courtroom. Once outside he turned to us. "Jenny was definitely not totally cognizant of what was going on over the last week. I asked about the blood tests, and it turns out that large quantities of GBH were also in her system. Basically, Shirley got her into the house and the drugged her so high she couldn't remember her name or anything else. I wasn't aware of that until I saw the file the public defender had."

"So that's why they pled it down to a misdemeanor," Debra said. "Would be hard to win a conviction as a felony considering the drugs in her system."

Thomas nodded. "But the attack on the police officer had to receive a conviction. The big argument was over the sentencing, the prosecutor wanted more jail time."

I sighed. "I just hope Jenny can right her life after this."

Thomas just shrugged. "Well, I'll meet with Jenny later, but I have another case to prepare for. I'll mail the bill to Debra, and she can forward it to you."

He walked off and I found myself alone with Debra who gave me a shark's smile. Before she could approach I held up my hand. "Don't we have a meeting with Jenny and her attorney, Kate?"

Debra frowned, but agreed that the meeting had to come first. Since Jenny was being taken back to prison we had to meet with her there, and a quick cell phone call got Kate to agree to head straight over. Debra and I each went off to find our cars and we all drove over to the women's prison, which was about five miles from the courthouse. We arrived just as a police car pulled up carrying Jenny. She wanted to run to us, but after a conference involving Kate, Jenny and the cops it was agreed we would use one of the meeting rooms, and we headed there while Jenny entered through the prisoner's gateway.

It was clear she had been crying in the police car and as she sat down Kate offered her a handkerchief to clean up her face. There was a long pause as Jenny attempted to put her face to rights and then she looked up.

I immediately realized that I had been so concerned with what Thomas was saying that I had not looked too closely at Jenny in the conference room back at the courthouse. To say Jenny looked terrible would have been the greatest of understatements. Her eyes were hollow with fatigue and her cheeks were sunken as well. From the way the prison jumpsuit fit I guessed that Jenny had lost at least ten pounds in the last week. And she had not been carrying any extra weight before her adventure. Her hair was matted and tangled. It looked like someone had tried to clean it up, but the stains in it suggested that copious amounts of beer and sperm had doused her, and I had a feeling she would be getting her hair cut in the near future. The total result was to take a beautiful woman and destroy everything that I had admired about her.

Jenny sat quietly as I looked her over before nodding to her attorney who turned to Debra. "Well, I guess this is the official settlement meeting. You do realize that even though it's only a misdemeanor, this arrest alone gives you control?" I could see Jenny wince, but Debra just shook her head.

"Yes, but my client is inclined to be generous. He'll pay off the house, and maintain it while Mrs. Vinson is incarcerated. Once she is free he'll provide alimony of twelve hundred a month. He gets physical custody of the children, but Jenny can maintain joint legal custody and unsupervised visitation once free. Our only stipulation is we want the settlement signed today."

Kate seemed surprised by the offer. "That's extremely generous all things considered. Why offer so much?"

Debra smiled. "Because Mr. Vinson wants to do right for the mother of his children; even if he cannot stay married to her. This gives Mrs. Vinson an opportunity to put her life back together once she is free from here."

Jenny looked up at me, and I could see unshed tears in her eyes. "I don't deserve it. But yes. If that's your offer, I accept. If..." she paused and looked right at me. 'Can I have a few minutes along with Roger? I need to apologize for all I've done."

Kate shrugged. "If you are sure that you can sign that offer, I can go to the office and write it up. I'll come back for your signature and then deliver it to Debra."

Debra nodded and stood up, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Stay calm. I'll wait outside," she told me, walking around the table and then walking out with Kate. They were discussing the formalities of the paperwork as they headed out.

Jenny sat there silently for a while. I wanted her to go first, but once it was clear she was unsure of what to say, I began. "I'm sorry it all ended this way, Jenny. I never wanted this."

Jenny looked at me for a moment. "I know." she said softly. "I let my envy and fears get to me. Then I believed that slut Shirley when she told me you were having affairs. In the end, your only fault was not appearing forceful in your dislike of Bill. But I can't use that as an excuse. I knew you didn't like him, but the money was good, and you felt you made a difference in the lives of the people around those little stores."

I nodded. "I still should have done more."

"What? What could you have done?" Jenny asked. "You invited me on every business trip you took, making it clear you had nothing to hide. My only other complaint was that week in San Francisco, and I called your aunt after you stormed out that day and she confirmed what you told me. She was resting in the room while you showered when I called. She even remembered it because you came out moaning about missing me and she laughed that I had just called. You never had an affair, but my fear that you did was a shadow I put over our marriage."

"Bill didn't help there," I said quietly. "He tended to brag about his affairs."

Jenny snorted. "Yes, but so did Shirley, just never around you. I figured out a lot when I saw that lawyer, and from what Bunny told me. Shirley is addicted to cocaine and heroin. It's not a small habit either and she must have expected money from Bill to help cover the costs. She couldn't get it and came up with the idea of making the money with her body, but one woman wasn't enough, so..." Jenny covered her face with her hands and started crying. "Shirley turned me into a whore to pay for her drugs."

I sighed, uncertain of what to say, but Jenny had reached the point where she would not be stopped. "It all started so innocently too. Shirley would just talk about sex and how much she missed it. Later she talked about Bill and his boasts and started hinting that you did it too, finally coming up with the idea for that trip to San Diego. But that ended up not being my first time."

"Bill and Victor in a parking lot," I cut in. "I know about it. Victor couldn't keep his mouth shut. He bragged to others and the story got back to me"

Jenny covered her mouth for a moment, but nodded. "Well, that explains how cold you were to me after that night. But I just remembered the fun, and..." she blushed for a moment. "They talked me into a double-penetration and I came so much, I wanted it again, and Shirley promised me that and more in San Diego, so I didn't back out."

I shrugged. "After that Tuesday, the marriage was over. The trip to San Diego didn't matter anymore."

"I know, but leave me a fantasy that I could have saved it by saying no," Jenny said with a sigh. "Well, the trip was a disaster for me. Part was the divorce paperwork, which broke my heart, but it was worse when I consider the sex. Sex with you was always wonderful; you give so much of yourself to be sure I enjoy it. And that night with Bill and Victor, I felt I was getting back at you, which made it exciting and helped me enjoy it. But in San Diego, I had to get drunk to get into it, and even then, I found that I needed extra lube. It was a horrible experience.

I held up a hand. "But then you missed the marriage counseling, or came that last time ready to go out and have more sex."

Jenny burst out crying. "I'm sorry. Monday, Shirley convinced me that the counselor was going to be against me, and that I shouldn't attend. Then Wednesday she got me very drunk even before the babysitter showed up. She also talked me into trying some pipe she had; I guess it must have been cocaine, because I don't even remember being in the counselor's office that day. I just remember bragging to you about going out for some great sex and then it's a blur until I woke up in a cell here.

"My god," was my only response. "I knew Shirley was twisted, but never this twisted."

Jenny sighed. 'I'll testify against her, and I hope to bring her down. Meanwhile, I'm waiting on my tests. The police aren't sure that safe sex was practiced and they don't want me in the general population if I've caught anything."

I nodded. "I'm clean. I checked that over the weekend. And the kids are good, although I think Lance misses you a little."

Jenny smiled. "Give them my love and try to send me a few pieces of artwork from them," she said sadly. "I'm going to miss them while I'm here."

I promised her I would, but the conversation was pretty dead after the revelations. A moment later I stood and after a sad wave, left the room following the same path Kate and Debra had taken earlier. Debra was waiting just outside and smiled at me.

"You look like you just went ten rounds with a heavy-weight," she said with a smile.

"A heavy-weight of guilt, self-pity and despair," I said, looking back at the room. "Jenny let Shirley play her like a harp and only now does she realize what she threw away."

Debra nodded and then smiled. "Well, Kate promised the paperwork by two and if all goes well, we can have the settlement filed by four and you'll no longer be my client. Kimber promised to be home at five, so have dinner ready. Make it something that will give you energy because you'll need it tonight."

I wanted to scream at Debra, but she was laughing and smiling as she ran out of the prison to the visitor's parking lot and got in her car. My walk was a bit more dignified, but I was smiling as well.

The early afternoon was spent going over my finances and getting in touch with the mortgage company about paying off what would become Jenny's house. I still had lists of things I needed to purchase for the new house, as well as more repairs to do, so I began putting together a complete schedule, but had not gotten far before it was time to pick up Morgana and Lance.

I arrived a bit early and flagged down the lady who had sat with my children the time I had been called to pick them up. She obviously remembered me because she smiled as she walked over. "School isn't out yet, Mr. Vinson."

"I know," I replied. "But it turns out that Morgana and Lance are going to move in with me, and I live out of the area. How do I go about transferring them to the new school?"

The lady looked a bit sad. "I'm sorry to hear they are leaving. Morgana is such a doll, especially during recess and lunch. As for transferring, you should just need to get in touch with the school you are close too. Where are you moving the kids to?"

I told her my new address and she smiled. "Ah, that's near Oak Grove Elementary, it's a great school. Just give them a call later and it should take less than a week to have everything complete. Will you withdraw them from here first?"

"No," I replied. "They deserve a last few days with their friends. Besides, school can keep them from fretting about the changes."

The woman nodded just as the bell rang and the children poured out. Morgana and Lance arrived shortly afterwards and I helped them buckle in before starting the car. I was going to take them home before telling them about their mother, but Morgana did not wait. "So dad. Tell!"

I laughed and watched in the mirror as Lance turned to his sister. He was about to ask her when I spoke up. "Well, sadly your mother is going to take a short vacation."

Lance seemed to pick up on that. "Was mommy bad daddy?"

I sighed. "She did something that she regrets. When you are older I hope she tell you about it to warn you not to make the same mistake. But that's her story."

"Awwww!" both kids said simultaneously.

"I'll say no more, however, it does mean that..." I started to say.

"We get to live in the pool house?" Lance said excitedly.

I choked off a laugh. "Not the pool house, those are uncomfortable. But you will live with me in my home."

My kids cheered for a moment, but then Morgana had to chime in. "So when do we get a new mommy?"

I wanted to scream, but stayed calm. "There are rules about me leaving your mother, and they say I need to wait before I can get married again."

Morgana was not deterred. "But you need someone to hug and kiss?"

"I have you," I replied with a smile, causing Lance to laugh.

"An adult," Morgana replied. "A beautiful woman like Miss Debra."

"Why do you like her?" I asked.

Morgana paused and pulled on her long hair before chewing on the end of a strand. "She's pretty, she's smart. She was really nice to Lance and me, and really enjoyed that dinner at Red Lobster. And I know you like how she looks."

"That might not be enough," I said. "You also sent Kimber after me."

Morgana laughed. "She's so much fun. And I heard so many guys say she was a stone fox while we were at the zoo. I knew it meant they liked her, but not why or how;"

I laughed. "It means they thought she's a very beautiful woman."

Lance had not really followed the conversation, but asked a question as we finally reached the exit on the freeway leading to our new home. "Does this mean you'll be like Tracy's father?"

"Who's Tracy? And what about Tracy's father?" I asked.

Lance paused to think. "Tracy's in my class. Her father came to pick her up one Friday with a woman Tracy called Mum Lynn. Usually her real mother comes and picks her up."

"That would be how it would work," I replied. "Your mother is keeping the old house, but I won't be living alone in this house, and you'll have a new lady to call Mum."

Lance thought about it again as I found the final turn into the neighborhood. Morgana sat quietly and finally Lance spoke. "Tracy is happy, and her dad is cool. I just wonder why."

"Why what?" Morgana asked.

"Why Dad and Mom won't be together, and why Dad wants a new mom," he replied.

"Silly," Morgana said with a giggle. "Mom listened to the evil lady and did evil things, so she had to leave. Just like the first sheikh was forced to turn his uncle's daughter into a gazelle. Evil deeds receive evil rewards. And why shouldn't dad find a new mommy? He was happy around mom until these last few months. And isn't he so much more fun when he's happy?"

I had to stifle a snort at Morgana's logic and comments, but Lance smiled and nodded. We had finally navigated home and I was turning into the driveway when Debra got out of a car that had been parked on the street, followed by another woman. Morgana barely waited for the car to stop before jumping out and running over to her.

"Miss Debra! Why are you here?" she asked.

"I have some paperwork your father needs to see and sign," she said with a laugh as she walked up to me. Lance needed a bit of help getting out and I put him on the ground as Debra reached me and pulled out a folder.

"She signed a package identical to what we offered earlier today," she said as I opened the folder to see the many forms and stickers. Someone had taken the time to attach little arrow post-it flags to indicate where I needed to sign, and I followed them through the pages, stopping occasionally to scan the lines. Most of it I could barely comprehend, but it did appear that Jenny had accepted the offer completely.

I had finished signing it all and handed it back to Debra who handed it to the woman with her to notarize the pages, indicating that it really was my signature. Once that operation was complete Debra smiled and both ladies started to walk to her car. "I know you want this filed today, so I have one hour to copy and submit it. Don't worry, it will be done," Debra said as she waved to the kids. She then ducked into her car and drove away.

Morgana held my hand for a moment as we watched the car drive off. "What was that?" she asked.

"Your mother and I met earlier today and agreed to end our marriage," I said. "I was just signing the final paperwork, and Debra is going to rush it to the courthouse."

"So you and mom are not married?" she asked.

I could see the twinkle in her eye and shook my head. "It takes sixty days to be official, but yes, we ended the marriage today. And before you say or do anything, wait for dinner," I growled.

Both kids laughed and raced into the house, rushing up the stairs to their rooms as I fumbled through the kitchen to get dinner started. I thought that I needed to do something simple, but in the end was preparing pasta and marinara sauce simply because I had nothing else I could put together quickly. I found myself wondering if either Debra or Kimber knew much about cooking because it was not a skill I practiced much.

Of course, the image of either the confident and professional Debra, or flirty and sexy Kimber standing by a stove and stirring a pot brought a laugh out and a smile to my face. Upstairs I could hear the kids start to play on the Playstation, which I had transferred over earlier in the day and set up in the little open area up there. I shouted up there to remind them that homework came first, only for both to swear that all their homework was complete.

I had the sauce simmering when the doorbell rang. I opened it to find Kimber standing there, holding several boxes and a suitcase. She smiled at me and then spoke. "Come on. Show me to our room. The clothing is getting heavy."

Numbly I led her back to the bedroom and showed her the door to the walk-in closet. I had not thought much about it, but it was bigger than some bedrooms, and well laid out. Kimber laughed as she entered and then set the boxes down in one corner before opening the suitcase and carefully removing a few blouses and hanging them.

"I knew you'd purchase the perfect house," she said as quickly unpacked. I was just standing there silently when she looked over her shoulder at me and gave a smirk. Before I could react her blouse was on the floor, followed a moment later by the jeans she had been wearing. Suddenly, I was standing in front of a blond beauty wearing a lacey and silken set of lingerie in a brilliant blue. She turned to look at me, and I realized that the color brought out the light in her eyes.

I stammered out an apology, but Kimber only laughed. "I just wanted to give you a preview," she said with a laugh as she bent over to pull a couple items from the suitcase. She then waved me out and I retreated back to the kitchen to check on the sauce.

Everything was cooking smoothly, and I decided to try to calm my nerves by setting the table. The process helped some, but when Kimber strutted out wearing a blue halter top and mini-skirt that were the same shade as her panties, and a pair of four-inch spike heels, I had to drop into a chair to contain my shock. She merely laughed again, which finally alerted my children to her presence and soon Morgana and Lance came tumbling down the stairs.

"Kimber!" Lance cried and ran up to hug her legs. "We get to go to the zoo again?"

I have to give Kimber credit; she only teased Lance's hair and promised that another trip to the zoo with her was in the future. I don't think Lance caught on, but Morgana walked over to me and whispered. "So is it mommy Debra or mommy Kimber?"

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Catching Up Part 6

After the bright, brisk Hello with which she answered the phone, Fenella’s next words, Oh Jo, how lovely, came at a lower, more intimate pitch, with a throaty, feline vibrancy that sent pleasurable shivers over my skin. “Are you back home now?” “Yes, I’ve been home for a while.” I took a breath to steady myself, then went on: “I’ve been reading. About you. And about Pilar…” “Oh…?” Her voice softened still more to a silkily caressing purr. “And…?” “I got to the bit where you and she first danced...

4 years ago
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Catching Chinese Cuties 1

Peters ponder for fertile hot hunting ground to grind down dear cute Chinese cunning cunnies in camping comfortProbably you all know both Peters very well as they are as famous for writing as seducing any tasty teasing teensPeter Dyke and Peter More share a love for sunshine, warm water, some seductive slits with warm open orificesPlanning a proper pause from frolic and frantic fornication and eroticism in Europe, they take the train to TeenoliaTogether they trail the randy route, seek silk...

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Catcher CultureChapter 3

Fenton hesitated for just a moment, Hortense snapped her fingers impatiently; he could see that she was a woman who would be obeyed to the letter and immediately. Though still with somewhat mixed emotions, he found his balls tingling as he undressed, whilst the confident woman before him smiled at her inevitable success in beginning to take control of him. He knew she had the advantage of the knowledge of his crime, she knew he would learn to appreciate being controlled; her pussy tingled at...

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Catcher CultureChapter 4

As he looked down at Cindy's helpless body; her youthful pussy shiny and moist with excitement, her tight little anus clenching and dilating expectantly, Fenton could not draw his thoughts completely away from Hortense; how he had wanted to masturbate for her. He could not understand the power of the woman, and how it had gripped him so quickly, but his cock yearned for relief. He smiled down at the petite Cindy who looked sheepishly back from her gagged face, seeming to sense some...

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Catcher CultureChapter 5

There was no respite for Fenton's rigidity as the sneering maid commanded him in, rather than ask him. Even she now had some control over him, by just being female and having the merest element of assertiveness. She strutted ahead as she led the way; the beautiful feminine scent of the house enveloped Fenton's senses, ensuring his excitement was perpetuated; his balls tingled with anticipation at seeing Hortense once more. The maid stopped, picked a cane from a selection in a huge vase,...

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Catcher CultureChapter 6

Clark Stevens was a pillar of society; a well-known financier looked up to by many with envy, but he had a fetish which no amount of money could pay for. He had a daughter of his own, and had had more than a passing interest in the friends she often brought home with her; the pool in the garden visible from an upstairs window, where he would nurse his erect cock to many a satisfying orgasm as he viewed the pert little bodies of his daughter's teenage friends. Pyjama parties held a particular...

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Catcher CultureChapter 7

Fenton was blinded by the brilliant sunshine as the lid was lifted on his dark world in the car. Clara grinned, eager to exact rules and punishments on her new toy. Once again, naked and with stiff erection, he was walked on all fours almost the entire distance of Clara's drive. Her pussy moist and bulging with sweet arousal in her soiled panties as she strutted slowly toward her front door, ensuring that Fenton enjoyed the full experience of naked exposure. She stopped about ten yards from...

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Catcher CultureChapter 8

Clark waded into the warm waters of the quarry lake and found this soft young girl most accommodating; she was very forward for age, Clark could not know that she was actually 22 and not the young waif she looked, nor was she as per her youthful description via the internet. After frolicking in the water with her nubile form, he explored her soft body as they lay on a grassy bank in the hot sun; she smiled and pressed her firm little breasts against him, making his cock erect nicely. She...

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Catcher CultureChapter 9

The lady driver of the school bus had no qualms in allowing both Penny and Cindy onto her bus; the two mature woman had been most persuasive and generous, in asking her to simply allow them board, then have her close the door and drive off, only to let them alight again just 50 yards down the road. Penny and Cindy highlighted their ascendence to the bus amid the plethora of pretty girls, by slapping their hands to each others in juvenile fashion as Penny stepped up, then accidentally dropping...

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catching up

She was nervous. She hadn’t seen him for years. She could still feel the weight of his body on hers. A kiss that was deep, passionate and left her wanting more. She shook her head, ridding herself of the memories. Mr. Wise has always been sweet and listened to her, but his own life was in shambles. Things were different now. She checked her hair one last time and finished her make up with blood-red lipstick, glossy and inviting. She kissed her husband good-bye and left for a night out with some...

4 years ago
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Catching Some Rays

I was laying out catching some rays I was all oiled up and I had a margarita on the table I had my allure and cosmo mags to browse through. It was one of those blah days, we all get them. The hot sun on my body helped lift my spirits though. I had my mp3 player on and was listening to my music. I bought the perfect mat for laying out as it has a built in pillow and it has another pillow for your knees. The only draw back was it wasn’t good for lying on your stomach. My house faces north and...

2 years ago
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Catching up with Natalie

Natalie was skinny dipping using my pool, completely oblivious to the fact I was just around the corner. I was on the phone to my girlfriend and having a cigarette. Natalie was one of my closest friends, She had turned nineteen just a few days ago. “You can never seem to get her out of it, even when we hid her bathers she retaliates with, Oh, I’ll just swim naked..." I whispered to Michelle trying to not get Natalie’s attention as she’d freak out if she knew I was out here while she was nude. ...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Catching up with my lover Nick

The winter months seemed like they were just getting colder and colder. It was a Tuesday night after my husband left for a 3 day business. My daughter was already asleep and I was laying in my bed when I decided to msg My younger lover Nick.I asked him what he had planned for tomorrow as my husband was away. He replied saying that he has class at 14h00 the afternoon but free the entire morning. I replied saying awesome and asked if he wants to be by me by 8h00 then we could spend a few hours...

4 years ago
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catching up

She was nervous. She hadn't seen him for years. She could still feel the weight of his body on hers. A kiss that was deep, passionate and left her wanting more. She shook her head, ridding herself of the memories. Mr. Wise has always been sweet and listened to her, but his own life was in shambles. Things were different now. She checked her hair one last time and finished her make up with blood-red lipstick, glossy and inviting. She kissed her husband good-bye and left for a night out with some...

4 years ago
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Catching Up

I arrived at the door at 1pm as arranged and she opened the door as I walked up the path. 'You found it ok then,' she said. 'Good to see you after all these years.' It had been nearly 20 years since I last saw her, she was 15 then and I was in the year above her at school. I can't remember how long she had a crush on me at school and at that age I was immature and to be fair girls weren't high on my priorities - I preferred to be out with my mates playing football. She had changed in so many...

2 years ago
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Catching the Wife Vol 4

********************************************************************************disclaimer: another one of my favouritesI DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY....ALL CREDIT GOES TO CHASSEUR11 of visit his page for more creative and bust a nut hot stories.CIAO********************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 04bychasseur11©I rolled out of bed late in the morning. Having nothing to do I was in no hurry to start a lazy day....

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Catching the Wife Vol 3

*******************************************************************************DISCLAIMER: Another one of my favourites.I DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY...ALL CREDIT GOES TO CHASSEUR11 or********************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 03bychasseur11©As the evening rolled around I got ready for my date with Marisa. Dressing nicely I was going to leave early to make sure I was there on time. Checking myself one last...

2 years ago
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Catching the Wife Vol 1

*******************************************************************************DISCLAIMER: this is another one of my favs...I DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY...ALL CREDITS GO TO CHASSEUR11 of the community. Visit his page for more creative, and worth-the-read stories.ciao*******************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 01bychasseur11©It was just another slow Friday evening. Sitting alone on my couch with a drink flipping...

3 years ago
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Catching Some Rays

I was laying out catching some rays I was all oiled up and I had a margarita on the tableI had my allure and cosmo mags to browse through. It was one of those blah days, we all get them. The hot sun on my body helped lift my spirits though. I had my mp3 player on and was listening to my music. I bought the perfect mat for laying out as it has a built in pillow and it has another pillow for your knees. The only draw back was it wasn’t good for lying on your stomach. My house faces north and...

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Catching EmilyEileen

This is the joining of two of my series. Eileen and Catching Emily are a prologue to this story. If you haven't already, I suggest you read them both to understand what is happening here. And please leave a comment. It lets me know you were here. Emily and I got to our Aunt and Uncles house early on Saturday morning. Eileen was there to greet us as was her cousin Frankie. Frankie was not related to us because his mom and Eileen's mom are sisters. Eileen's dad was our mom's brother....

2 years ago
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Catching Emily Pt2

The next day I could hardly concentrate on school work. Twice my math teacher caught me day dreaming. Little did she know what thoughts were running through my mind. I wondered if Emily was having the same problem. I was so happy when the final bell rang and we all headed out for the buses. I saw Emily talking with some friends and when she looked over at me there was no sign that she was ready for another go. She simply looked at me and then turned away. Twenty minutes later we were...

4 years ago
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Catching a friend8217s bbw wife after fucking some black guys

It had been a long day and my first day in London with my new colleague Roger, we had spent the day running around London seeing client after client. The plan was to stay in London as our last two clients would only see us late at night so it was a hotel for us both, however they both cancelled at the last minute and Roger suggested we go and stay at his place. He said his wife would be happy to have us and we set off for his place. He tried to call her from the car but got no answer but it...

3 years ago
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Catching my sister inlaw part 3

After I had caught my sexy sister in-law having sex with her own brother and then when it came out that my brother is a lousing lover and I confided to Tina that my wife is nothing more then a ice berg, and with us finding love in each others arms. We just couldn't stay away from each other. I got one of those prepaid cell phones for Tina so she could call and if my wife happened to answer she could pretend to be someone else. I think Tina and me have been with each other 2 to 3 times a week...

3 years ago
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Catching Up With Ezinne Again 2

When I woke up, I wrapped my arms around her stomach and laid my head on her neck, inhaling a faint perfume and the smell of her clean skin. I kissed her neck and nipped her with my lips and teeth. I felt her body stiffen in delight, so I continued more of the same with the other side of her neck, blowing lightly into her ear, sucking her earlobe. She arched her back in pleasure, so I slipped my hands beneath her tank top and slide then up and down her sides getting closer and closer to her...

2 years ago
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Catching up with cuz Chapt 3 day 2 part 2

She took off for the bedroom and stood next to the bed. "GET THE FUCK ON THAT BED NOW!" she ponited at the bed and there was a burning excitement in her eyes. I jumped up on the bed and she quickly followed and straddled me. She slowly eased herself down on my cock until she was all the way in and i could feel her pussy against my balls. She stated to bounce up and down on it riding it like a fuckin bull rider. She picked up speed and i began to thrust upward every time she would come down. The...

2 years ago
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Catching my girlfriend

I still find it a bit strange that I get turned on by watch my girlfriend having sex with someone else, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever met with a sexy figure and I love her whole heartedly and never felt like this before. We have been swinging for about 3 years now and like anyone else have had some great times, coupled with one or two we would rather forget?I now find myself having two fantasies’ about catching her with someone else, the first go like this;It a Friday night and we...

5 years ago
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Catching up with the biggest cock

Catching up with the biggest cock. I have recently written with an account from my diary about the biggest cock that I’ve ever seen and someone saw the experience and wanted to know more as I had said that I met him a few times. So, I can bring that right up to date now because I have recently been to see him again. But let me go back again to the time when it was all happening……After that first day I have to confess that I couldn’t get that gorgeous long cock out of my mind. Having been very...

3 years ago
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Catching my parents

Catching my Parents Our home was quite large for its time. It was a ranch house of extreme length. Our family was in the construction field so the design of the home had incorporated a whole group of ideas. Being the practical man that my father was he designed the home to be divided into a duplex in the future when all the k**s left. I was the oldest so my bedroom was segregated to the opposite end of the home than in the main bedroom areas. It was a fairly early evening, maybe 10 o’clock...

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Catching my MotherinLaw

Catching My Mother-in-lawMy mother-in-law is not the prettiest woman in the world, but to me she is the most beautiful woman I have loved. Her name is Lynn and she is thirty nine years of age. She has straight Brown hair, Brown eyes and beautiful full lips. “Mom” also has the prettiest smile I have ever seen.Her sight, her nice smell and the feeling of her next to perfect breasts pressing against me when we hugged or when she kissed me excited me ever since I met and married her daughter, we...

2 years ago
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Catching the Wife Vol 2

********************************************************************************DISCLAIMER: This is one of my favsALL CREDIT GOES TO CHASSEUR11 of thier page for more creative and worth-the-read storiesciao********************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 02bychasseur11©I woke up late the next morning from what little sleep I did get. It was a rough night being very restless. Had a hard time trying to get what...

2 years ago
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Catching Honeybee To Sex

This is a true incident happened in my teenage, I was living in a small village in Kerala, from childhood I was seeing sex by chicken, cow, got, etc, this made a lot of curiosity… and one day I happened to see the hairy pussy of one beautiful lady in my neighborhood, little did I realize she was showing that to me and inviting me for something……. All the neighbor ladies take bath in stream which flows through the village, which had lot of bushes and plants on both the sides. I was so much...

4 years ago
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Catching sister with dildo

My first story:Catching sister with dildoArianna! Come here! I came down the stairs wearing a white blouse and black and red boy-shorts. Ari, I got Amanda a little something for her 18th birthday. Dont tell okay. Uh huh. I opened the box to find a blue dildo. Really mom? Well, I thought she might want one. Will you give it to her? but you just told not to tell her! just go! I run upstairs with the box. Amanda! I knock on her door a few times. no answer. I walk in hearing what seemed like soft...

2 years ago
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Catching her Masturbating

I Caught Her Masturbating!I had an ex-girlfriend, Elise, who claimed to have never masturbated. She said she didn’t believe a real “Lady” should EVER masturbate! As a guy, totally into watching women get themselves off, this was disappointing; VERY disappointing. I decided to try to test Elise, to see if she was telling the truth.Elise was a cute little package, standing about 5'1". She slept in thin nighties and lacy lingerie. Our first night together, it seemed like she was presenting herself...

2 years ago
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Catch up with Morning Tales Chapter XII

After showering, Julie slipped on a stylish pair of shorts, a sleeveless top and a pair of sandals with a two-inch heel, she didn’t think it was proper to greet her guests in a bathing suit. Then she went to the kitchen and began preparing some sandwiches and fresh brewed iced tea for lunch. When Tyler entered the kitchen and saw his mom, he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was, even with clothes on.As he watched her cutting the sandwiches, he recalled seeing her and Mrs. Bradley...

2 years ago
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Catching My Dream Girl

Holly Grandal had been my dream girl since I was in the fifth grade. She was the smartest girl in the class, and I was the smartest boy. We used to be the last two standing in any of the class spelling bees or multiplication table contests. When the Iowa Test of Basic Skills was administered in the fifth through eighth grades, Holly and I had the two highest scores in our school each and every year. We took turns in first and second place, with her at the top in fifth and seventh grades, and...

2 years ago
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Catching More Than Sun

As you open the door you feel the warmth cling to your skin. You leave the safety of your air conditioned room behind and close the door.  Making your way through the hallway towards the elevator you come across a man going the opposite way. Passing each other you hear his cadence change and suddenly become more aware, as if he’s looking back, staring at your behind. “Maybe I should’ve wrapped the towel around me,” you say to yourself. “Ah well.” Holding the book that you’re hoping to finish in...

4 years ago
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Catching up with Lynn

It was Friday after work, just enjoying happy hour with the usual gang of friends. Drinking beer and telling stories, it was one of those places where everyone knows everyone. All of a sudden I felt a hard nudge on my shoulder, turning around I see Lynn smiling at me, "Hey You." "Hey You, long time no see." I reply. Lynn is a girl from the neighborhood I grew up in, a few years younger than me, but as kids we all hung out and played together. We took a few minutes to catch up and I...

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Catching my sister inlaw part2

After not only seeing but getting a video of my sister in-law Tina fucking her own brother behind my brother's back I wondered all night how I was going to handle it. Do I show my brother the video and rip his marriage apart or do I some how get Tina away from her brother but she wouldn't be doing that with her brother I believe if their marriage didn't have problems. Then on the other hand I could use the video to get in Tina's pants which from what I seen are a million times hotter then my...

3 years ago
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Catching up with cuz

So this story begins with me looking at my facebook page and trying to get back in touch with people i have been neglecting. One such person would be my cousin gwen well she is not really my cousin she was adopted.She was 2 years younger than me and secretly very knowledgeable and bloomed very early. She had perfect size boobs they were very very inviting. We bad a close relationship growing up i think because both of us were shy and could confide things to each other and not have to worry...

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