Catcher's Gambit - Chapter 1 free porn video

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Catcher's Gambit by Cleo Kraft Chapter One A beautiful young woman sat across from me in a private booth in the corner of the Songbird Tavern. She was a brunette with long gorgeous hair and wore a black evening gown. She smiled and introduced herself, "Hi there, you must be Jake. I'm Veronica. I hear you've come to Talon's World because you're interested in a certain special procedure." I tried to conceal my embarrassment as I nodded yes. "Is it really true? That you were a man before?" She leaned forward on her elbows, propping her head up on the back of her hands and batted her eyelashes sweetly at me. "When it suits my fancy," she replied. "So tell me, Jake, how long have you had this fantasy?" "Pretty much all my life," I said and grew curious. "You've... you know... done it that way?" "With a man? Oh yes, numerous times. The transformation's one hundred percent," she boasted taking my hands in hers and making me feel her slender arms. "It's as real as if you were born this way. What other concerns do you have?" "I've heard it's illegal for one thing," I replied. "Oh yes, very," she agreed with a mischievous smile. "But we tend to take certain precautions to avoid interferance with the authorities. Our staff has run a full background check on you to make sure you're not an undercover cop. Plus it's oh so secret what we do. I'm surprised you found out about this. Do you mind explaining to me how you learned of our work?" "A friend of mine, Sam Broltin, a fellow star trader captain told me," I explained. "And you believed him?" she asked but before I could answer she nodded yes and added,"Of course you did. I know all about him already. I was just testing you. A couple of his past girlfriends were clients of mine. He was a very naughty boy to tell you about us. He should be punished. Do you know what happens to snitches Jake?" I shook my head no. She grinned and gently pet the back of my hand. "Well don't concern yourself over it. We'll deal with him later in our own special way. As for you... If we turn you into a woman are you going to be a good girl and get yourself a boyfriend or are you planning on being a naughty, naughty lesbian?" "I think that everyone deserves a chance to decide for themselves. Why do you ask?" "Ah, poor, poor Jake," she said wagging her finger at me. "We don't like men who aren't open minded. I'll tell you why. We've produced some particularly troublesome lesbians through our procedure. They always seem to have dirty minded motives that displease our researchers greatly. The committee doesn't like naughty girls like that. So... will you be a good girl or a bad girl?" "I'll be good," I promised. "Excellent choice Jake," she said smiling and patting my hand again. "Our planet's population is rather conservatively traditional in regards to male and female relations. It's much safer to keep our operations secret if you don't make yourself the unwanted center of unsightly attention like our little troublemakers in the past. Therefor you'll have a time limit to find yourself a boyfriend. What are your thoughts on this?" I hadn't thought I'd be forced to have a boyfriend by coming here for a sex change transformation. "I must admit - I'm a little worried about it. I've never had an attraction towards men. It seems so... awkward and dirty." "First time's always a bit scary for most," she agreed. "It's not dirty, Jake. I've heard that complaint before and I assure you that if you're open minded about it you'll see that it's not really all that bad. What scares you about it? I'm curious to know." "Well... being with a big hairy man just doesn't appeal to me, that's all," I admitted. She chuckled at that and said,"I've heard that too. Don't worry so much about it. It's something new to get used to but I'm sure you'll do all right. We'll make you into a very beautiful young woman. You're going to be very attractive to men everywhere on our world. What are your thoughts on that? Does it frighten you that men will be looking at you, checking you out... wanting to be with you?" "It's a bit scary, yes," I admitted blushing again. "But you want to be a woman," she stated. "Yes." "Do you like being dominated? Controlled?" she asked. "I've never had that experience before so I can't rightly say," I said shrugging. "I've always been the dominant one - the one in control in my relationships." "You'll have to learn to be submissive to your boyfriend. You'll have to learn it quickly and adapt or we'll simply have to change you back before you've fully experienced what being a woman's all about," she warned. "I'll try," I said trying to assure her but I was doubtful about it working out so easily. "You don't sound so sure," she realized picking up on my nervous behavior. "You're a pretty big guy. How tall are you?" "Six foot two," I replied. "And good muscle tone too," she noted pinching my bicep a little with her fingers. "You're going to be much shorter than you are now - much weaker too. Does that concern you, Jake?" "A little, yes," I replied shrugging. "The world is going to seem a whole lot different to you once you're a girl," she informed me. "It can be a scary, scary place at times but it can also be a truly fun place too. What are your thoughts on sucking cock?" My face cringed. "It sounds revolting. Do I have to?" "That depends on what your boyfriend expects of you," she replied. "The decision's still yours of course but I would caution on being too stingy over it. There's also the possibility of engagement and marriage to consider. You'll have to think over such decisions carefully because we have a policy here - once you're engaged or married we won't recommend changing you back." "I'll keep that in mind," I said. "Do that," she insisted. "The transformation can be a fun little vacation or it can be permanent depending on your actions. If you just want some fun, and I think that you do, then you'll steer clear of marriage proposals while you're a woman." "I've heard of weekend only transformations. How much does one cost?" I asked. She shook her head no and said,"That's for longtime repeat customers only I'm afraid. First few transformations put you in a sort of a mandentory probationary period. The minimum time is ninety days for a first transformation." "Three months as a woman?" I asked worried. "I don't have that much vacation time. I'll lose my business. I'll lose all my contracts." "That's the rules," she said shrugging. "And don't try and skimp out by sleeping with another woman in order to force us to change you back either. If that happens you'll be prohibited from ever going through the procedure again. What's more there's a hefty fine to pay for inconveniencing the staff and sending bounties after you to bring you back. Trust me, you don't want that. So... have you brought the money?" I had the hundred thousand credits packed in a leather bound attache case tucked away under the table. I lifted up the briefcase and patted it, showing her. She took it and opened it a crack and peered inside for a look. "It's not that I don't trust you you understand but I'll have to have one of my agents count this to make sure. Standard procedure of course. Nothing personal. I'll just take this now as part of our agreement. I want you to sign this contract. No, don't read it over. I've already explained to you all the rules you need to know. It's all in there I assure you. Just sign it. Sign it quickly and give it back before anyone notices." I quickly signed the thick contract and slid it back over to her and she tucked it in the briefcase and stood to leave. "How long until it begins?" I asked. "Just as soon as the money has been counted I'll send a couple of guys over to pick you up and escort you to the facility," she replied but I looked at her worriedly like she was going to just run away with the money and I'd never see her again. "A few hours. Three at most, I promise. See you later tonight Jake." I watched her quickly leave and after she was gone for a good while I decided to head back to my hotel room and wait. I had a video camera there waiting for me already on its tripod. I stripped out of my clothes and started filming right away. "Well, this is it," I said flopping down on the edge of the bed. "I finally did it. I paid for a sex change transformation. Tonight I'm going to be turned into a woman. I wanted to record this because I want a reminder of what I used to look like as a man. They say I'm going to have to be a girl for ninety days so this is it for awhile. No more having a cock and balls for a few months. Goodbye fellahs. Sorry I've got to do this to you but the curiosity's been killing me ever since I heard this could be done. "I've went ahead and deposited some of my sperm into a sperm bank back on Earth just in case the process makes me go sterile. I've also withdrawn a large sum of money from my bank accounts. Some of it I used to pay for the change, some of it I've got with me to live on and the rest I buried in a pretty good hiding place in the woods back home behind my property." I knawed nervously on my nuckles and continued recording. "They say I've got to have a boyfriend as part of the deal. It's not my idea. I love women. I'd hoped they'd let me sleep with one after my change but they're against lesbians for some reason. So I guess I've got no other choices here but female masturbation or to sleep with a man. I'm not going to lie here. I'm very scared about this now. It's not everything I wanted and hoped for when I planned this vacation. I'm going to probably lose my job and all my clients. It won't be easy getting back into the cargo hauling business after a setback like that. My reputation will be ruined so I guess I've got to think of what my next career will be. I'll probably have to sell my home after this just to get by for awhile and maybe go back to college and finally get a degree. Maybe I'll be a robotics engineer. I hear they make good money. I stroked my cock a bit until it got nice and hard for the camera. "I've never filmed myself doing anything like this before. I feel kind of weird doing it but it's probably the last time I'm going to be able to do this to myself for awhile. I won't go all the way and jack off on camera though. It's just too creepy and weird for me. I just hope I can hide this tape and later view it once I'm a woman. Hey girl, if you're viewing this I just want you to know this will be waiting for you when you change back to normal again. "I've heard turning into a girl can be quite scary at first. I want you to remember one thing - it's only temporary. In three months you'll be changing back into what you see here. Then you can go back into your little black book and fuck every girl on the list all over again. Won't that be fun? "Okay, so you're going to have to have a boyfriend and you'll probably have to experience having sex with him. I know it's going to be awkward - God, I don't know how I'm ever going to get through it but trust me, it'll all be better once you change back to normal. Heck, I always wondered what it's like being a girl. I guess this is just part of the deal, that's all. Hey, at least you did it, right? At least you tried. That's what counts and then afterward you're going to know what it feels like as a man and a woman. Pretty neat, huh? So don't worry about it so much. Remember, I paid good money to turn you into a girl. Don't get all depressed over it. There's nothing to regret here. It's just something you had to try, right? "Oh God... ninety days though. Ninety whole days and nights as a woman. I thought it would be two weeks at most. I guess I was ill-informed. Right - so this is it I guess. Shoot, a boyfriend? Too, too weird. I hope I don't do something crazy and fall in love or anything. "Well, I think this is it. Not much else to say but good luck and see you in three months. Jake Andrew Stone signing off." I walked over to the video camera and shut it off and pulled out the little disc. I searched around the room trying to figure out a good hiding place for it where it woudn't be discovered in my absence. I gave up for the time being and went into the bathroom and took a shower and jacked myself off one last time just so I'd hopefully remember the experience. Then I finished cleaning up, dried off and got dressed again and went down to the pool with my disc to find a place outside to hide the awful thing. I found what seemed to be a good place and hid it in the bushes under some palm trees in a dark corner hopefully well outside the range of any security cameras. Then I went back up to my room and waited patiently for a knock on the door. A few hours later, sure enough, there was a knock all right. I went to the door and peered out into the hall through the little peephole. There were two big strong guys out there in dark blue business suits waiting for me. I opened the door. "Yeah?" I asked. "Mr. Stone?" the guy on the left asked. "That's me," I replied. "It's time," he said grabbing hold of my arm and leading me down the hall while the other stormed into the hotel room to grab up all my stuff. The guy had dark hair and menacing brown eyes and I knew right away he meant business. "No funny stuff," he warned. "We're going downstairs and you're checking out of the hotel. You'll pay for your room and say nothing to the clerk at the desk except thank you and goodbye, is that understood?" "Yes sir. I got it," I said squriming a little under the painful hold on my arm. "No need to be rough about it. I paid for this, remember?" "That isn't the point," he said refusing to let me go. "Point is I want no funny business out of you. We're going to check-out and you're going to pay your bill and leave quietly. No questions and no funny business or the deal's off and I beat you up and leave you in a ditch, is that understood?" "I got it," I replied and he shoved me in the elevator and showed me his gun concealed under his coat. "I don't have a problem using it on you, even in front of everybody if I need to. We don't take chances here, pussy boy," he said gloating in the knowledge that pretty soon I'd be turned into a woman. The elevator reached the lobby and he nudged me forward with the butt of his gun. I walked out across the white marble floor and up to the desk. "I'd like to check out please," I said passing the desk clerk my bank card. "Room five twenty-three." "Certainly Mr. Stone," the blonde woman at the desk said printing out my receipt. "Thank you," I said taking the receipt and my card in hand and turning to leave. The thug escorted me outside and made me sit in the back seat of a black van. There were no windows in back and the front was sectioned off so I could neither see out nor could anyone else see in. I sat in the dark for awhile until the other guy showed up and opened the door only long enough to toss in my suitcase full of clothes. He shut the door again and hopped in the passenger seat up front and we were off and on our way to the secretive underground lab. I glanced at my watch, illuminating the little digital display by pressing a button. It was just after eight-thirty three P.M. I timed the ride and it turned out to be a forty minute deal before we parked again and the thugs let me out. They led me through an underground parking lot garage and quickly punched in a security code which opened a little steel vaulted windowless door. Beyond stood a pale blue hallway without any doors on either side. Just a single door way at the opposite end. The thugs shoved me inside and waved goodbye with a laugh. "Aren't you coming in with me?" I asked. "This hallway's for transformee's only," one of the brutes replied. "One way door. Once it closes the only way out's through the other side. Just keep walking and keep your mouth shut and do as you're told. Enjoy the mind fuck." With that the steel door closed up behind me and I heard all the little bolts click in place to seal it up. I walked down the hallway and came to a set of double swinging doors. I pushed them open and stepped into a large white tiled circular room with the walls and high ceiling painted pink. No one else was inside. I stood all alone in here. A sweet sounding young woman's voice spoke to me over a crackly intercom speaker overhead,"Please remove all your clothes and set them on the table. They will be collected up for you later. Then step inside the chamber." As I undressed the woman spoke to me. "From this point onward you are considered a member of the opposite sex," she informed me. "You are no longer a man. Please refrain from looking at yourself until the process is complete. Your male life is only an illusion to you now so treat it that way." I set my shoes and socks on the table and undid my trousers and pulled them off. "Your new name is Angela Jean Groves, a twenty-one year old woman," the voice overhead announced. "To anyone concerned you have always been a girl and have never been a man. You are a heterosexual female and as directed by your contract you are hereforth instructed to have sexual relations only with men." I set my brown trousers on the table and unbuttoned my black long sleeved shirt. "You are in the pink room," the woman's sweet voice informed me. "You will not be permitted to leave the vicinity of the pink room until your transformation is complete. Failure to enter the transformation chamber voluntarily will result in forced complaince by members of our well trained security team. You will remain a girl for a trial period of no less than ninety days." I removed my shirt and set it on the table with my other clothes and began removing my white t-shirt now. "Discussion of your transformation, this facility, the staff or any of the events leading up to and proceeding one hour of your change will result in immediate termination of your contract, harsh punishment and a hefty fine," the woman threatened me. "You were never here. You were never a man before. You were always a girl. Always a girl. Say it with me now. I was always a girl." "I was always a girl," I said with a slight grin, knowing otherwise. I pulled off my t-shirt and tossed it on the table. Next I removed my boxer shorts. She continued,"Your male body pattern will be scanned and compressed onto a data sphere and kept in subzero temperatures in a secure facility elsewhere. After your change it will remain in protective custody as permanent property of this organization to do with as we wish. During your trial period your old male pattern may be assigned to another customer. Interaction between you and a client posing as your original self is strictly prohibited and punishable by hefty fine." I finished removing my white boxer shorts and tossed them on the table. "You will be given a one week period with which to obtain a boyfriend and establish intimate relations," the woman said. "You are permitted to break up with your boyfriend and seek another. Continual intimate male companionship is a requirement of your trial period. You will be evaluated and the results will determine if you will be permitted the use of our services in the future. Please step in the chamber now. You are no longer permitted to remain in your current form." I proceeded nude and barefoot up several circular steps leading to the enormous silver circular tube in the center of the room. The inside was done up in pure brilliant white and the floor had little silvery honeycombed outlines all over. As soon as my first foot hit the pad the doors behind me shut tight and the machine hummed to life. Male to female transformation was something of an art that underground types like these enjoyed filming and selling to obsessed wealthy clients who paid to watch such things. I'd gotten ahold of a pirated clip of the process and had seen what a chamber like this could do to a man. The transformation had been quite enjoyable to watch. I only wondered if experincing it firsthand would be just as fun. The face is the first thing to change, followed by a gradual shrinking and reshaping of the body, including loss of all the unwanted male body hair. After that the sex organs are changed from cock and balls into a perfectly shaved pussy while breasts begin to form. A light blue laser light slowly passed from my head down to my toes as my old body was being scanned and recorded. The light felt warm on my skin as I stood in the chilly little chamber and waited. I'd been informed that transformation into a girl was one hundred percent, meaning that I'd be fully fertile and able to get pregnant and have babies if I wanted. Places like this took extra care to transfer the client's mind completely intact so while I would be physically female in every way I would retain my thoughts, memories and old identity. A monotonic young woman's voice sounded over the speakers. "You are a girl," she said as my face was hit with the first wave of transformations. I felt my nose narrow and shrink along with my forhead and jawline. Instinctively I cupped my face with both hands and felt the changes already set in place. I had a woman's face now. Soft, smooth hairless skin all over. Delicate new features. The hair on my head already growing long, full and beautifully female. My teeth had reshaped themselves into a feminine arrangement. My mouth felt smaller, my tongue seemed smaller too and my lips fuller. I felt along my mouth and discovered the pouty little lips I now had. I'd French kissed plenty of women in my life and knew what a girl's mouth tasted like. Mine was already there now and with it the sweet scent of girl flesh already filling my tiny little nostrils. "Let it settle. Let it stabalize for a minute," a non-robotic sounding woman's voice said over the speakers. It seemed she was talking to someone else from a control room somewhere. "Cranial features good. Brain size re- adjusted. No damage to the exterior lobes. Nervous system intact. Sexual pathways converted to accept vaginal connection. Well girls, looks like we have a happy, healty female brain. I think we're ready to continue." I lost all sensation in my cock and balls now except for an odd tingly itch that grew and grew within numbness. "You are a GIRL," the robotic woman's voice announced over the speakers as I was hit by another wave of the powerful transformation beam from the grid below and the one high above. My body shrank and reshaped itself. My waist narrowed and my hips grew slightly outward as all my body hair seemed to turn into vapory mist and get sucked out of the powerful air vents surrounding me. My proud height dwindled away like a stick of butter standing endwise melting slowly on a hot frying pan. I ran my hands frantically over my flattening tummy and felt along the new curves of my hips but the transformation continued. My feet and hands reformed themselves into those of a pretty young woman. Small, narrow feet now, dainty little toes with a bit of pink on the toe tips. Thin slender fingers on smooth soft girl hands. Glancing down I saw the body of a woman minus breasts and any sign of change in my crotch. My cock had grown into a stiff involuntary erection yet I could feel nothing at all there save numbness and a faint but growing tingling spiderwebbing out from somewhere deep within my abdomen. The machine continued its dull hum but the beams had stopped completely just as they did shortly after my head and face had changed. Again a woman making comments over the speaker. "Skeletal structure reformed and stabalizing. Give it a minute. Give it a minute. Musculature changes seem satisfactory. Skin alterations turned out beautifully. We should be ready for sex change and breast growth to finish her off." "Look at her. She turned out so pretty," another woman said over the speaker. I waited even longer than before this time for the machine's powerful rays to beam upon me again. It seemed like the women in the control booth were just toying with me, forcing me to endure not knowing when the rest of the procedure would take place. "You ARE a girl," the robotic female voice sounded over the speakers finally and I felt the warm rays engulf my body once more. I glanced down in utter amazement as the shaft of my cock shrank and gradually withdrew itself into my body. At the same time my cock head grew wider, the pee hole lengthening itself into the outer lips of my new pussy. Some odd lumpy portion beneith the cock head maneuvered itself slowly inside me and settled beneith a new little hood of flesh, forming my clitorus. My nipples grew wide and darkened around the edges while the centers of my areola grew pink and budded out into tiny little thimble heads. My breasts swelled up. I knew all the cup sizes. These were now A-cup, steadily growing outward into cute little B-cup sized beauties. My balls had pulled upward inside of me and I felt the sac stretch and swell inward into what could only be my new womb. I no longer had male parts now between my legs. In their place sat a comfy little pussy all nice and new and already giving me strange, wonderful new sensations from a growing wetness inside. The machine shut off completely now but the outer doors remained dutifully closed. "Sexual transformation complete," a woman said over the speakers. "Her mind has established successful connection with vaginal channel. Egg sack composition successful. Estrogen levels optimal. Womb lining intact. Breast development completed. Congradulations ladies, we did it again. It's a girl!" The doors opened up finally to let me out. Another woman said over the speakers,"Angela Groves, you may now step out of the chamber. May I be the first to congradulate you. Welcome to the world of women. I do hope you enjoy your stay and decide to remain with us after your trial period. Please step out of the chamber and get dressed in your new clothes and proceed through the pink doors on your left." I walked unsteadily down the little steps and back out onto the cool tiled floor. My old clothes had been collected up already. In their place on the table were some new ones for me. I paused there for a moment as I looked down between my legs and peeled apart my pussy lips with my fingers. I probed inside a little but was interrupted by the intercom speaker. "There will be time enough for that later, my dear," the woman told me. "Please get dressed now." I put on some black silk panties and a matching sports bra, then donned a skimpy black skirt and top. Finally I slipped my feet into some black leather sandals and was ready to go. I walked out through a pink set of double doors and this time down a long pink corridor to a waiting vault door at the other end. The door clicked open as I arrived and a blonde nurse in a white dress who was taller than me slapped a pink bracelet on my left wrist and clamped it in place. "What's this for?" I asked. "To keep tabs on you," she replied with a wry smile. "To make sure you don't blab about what happened here and to make sure you follow all the rules you're supposed to. It's a tracking device with listener. There's a small camera too but don't worry about any of that. Video eats up alot of battery so we only check in on our clients once in awhile that way." There was another black van there waiting for me with the side sliding door open to receive me. I looked worriedly at it for a moment but the nurse reassured me with a gentle pat on the back. "Don't worry. Your suitcase and all your belongings are there. We'll drive you back to the same hotel if you want and wait to see you check in," she offered. "We've also provided you with some new identity cards and a small bank account to get you started. Remember now, you've got one week to, ah, um... get intimate with a man." I let them drive me back to my hotel and this time checked in under my new female name. As soon as I got settled in my room I locked the door and made sure all the curtains were pulled shut over the windows. Then I stripped down to just panties and bra and examined myself in detail in the full length mirror. The changes were remarkable. I was a blue eyed, auburn haired young woman, a bit shorter than average, kind of a pint sized gal with an interestingly cute kind of face. The transformation didn't think of everything. It left my eyebrows untrimmed, though definately female. If I wanted to strive for perfection I'd need to trim them down some unless I fancied the slightly tomboyish look. Tomboys could be really cute and I suppose with my male mind in a body like this it would be quite easy to waltz around pretending I was one of those thougher-than-she-looks tomboys. I could ditch the skirt and go with an entire wardrobe of jeans, shorts and t-shirts and just play off the fact that I was a girl and stick to a cute tomboy-like role. Then again now that I was female I had the opportunity to wear all the frilly girl clothes I wanted. I used my thumbs to pull out the elastic band of my panties a little so I could get a good look now at my pussy. It was amazing how my male goodies were changed completely into this amazing work of art. I shoved a hand in my panties and rubbed my palm up and down along the smooth outer surface of my new sex, relishing the compactness and enjoying the novelty of virtual flatness. I plunged two fingers deep inside all the way to the last knuckle and stood there watching this amazing feat in my lovely reflection. The phone rang and I pulled my hand back out of my panties and quickly answered. "Hello?" A young woman's voice on the other end sounded quite concerned. "Angela, I would stay away from playing with yourself if I were you," she cautioned me. "You should really wait and do it with a man." "You're watching me? Right now?" I asked remembering the tracking bracelet on my wrist. "Yes. For the most part we like to sample our viewings but for first timers we tend to observe the first few hours after a transformation," she replied. I observed my pink bracelet more carefully now and quickly located the tiny camera lense. I covered it up with my thumb. "I don't like being watched like this." "I would caution you against blocking the camera," the woman warned me. "Remember, right now you're being evaluated. This is a ninety day trial period. If you don't cooperate with your graders you chance failing your test." I removed my thumb from the bracelet. "Fine," I said not feeling too happy about it. I wanted to stick masking tape over the awful thing to block them out completely. "Good girl," she said. "You should get dressed and go out to a bar, casino or night club somewhere. The sooner you start making efforts to meet men the sooner you'll have a boyfriend." "Okay," I reluctantly agreed. She hung up the phone on me and I set the phone back down and got back into the rest of my girl clothes. I went downstairs to the little gift shop and purchased some perfume, then I went into the ladies room in the lobby and sprayed it on my neck and wrists and went out front and hailed a cab. "You know of any good nightclubs nearby?" I asked the driver as I climbed in the back seat. "The Five and Eight," the guy replied. "Pretty upbeat club just down the road from here." "Sounds fine," I said and he drove me there. I paid him and watched him drive away. Then I turned and walked down some steps leading into the night club. The guy at the door told me there was a five credit entry fee so I paid him and walked into the crowded joint. Tendrils of cigerette smoke trailed along through the air in the crowded, noisy place. Futuristic music pumped wildly over the speaker system and I glanced around to take stock of what kind of people came to such a place. Right away my keen eye spotted at least eleven cargo runner pilots standing at the bar. In my career it was easy enough to tell them from the other customers because of the brightly colored jumpsuits and company badges they wore. They barely took notice of me as I nudged my way through the crowd to get to the counter. There were plenty of more beautiful women already present - most of them taller than myself. If I was here to get picked up by a guy I was sure in for a hefty night of competition. Six women were being hit on already by those pilots so when I butted in between a couple of guys and slapped my hand on the counter and ordered a drink I was almost completely ignored. A few of the ones without girls gave me casual glances but didn't look too long. "That'll be two credits," the bartender said handing me a glass of Gobbler brand Oceanic whisky. My choice of drink got me a few stares finally by the majority of the guys there. Gobbler whisky was a really hard core drink. A real man's drink in fact and it was quite unusual to see a petite young woman like myself ordering up something so strong. I slammed it down in one shot and set the empty glass back down on the bar and ordered another. The stuff burned going down and I tried my best not to flinch. My girl body just wasn't used to anything this rough and I fought and struggled off the urge to order a tall glass of ice water as a chaser. As a man I drank this stuff all the time and was quite used to it but now things were quite different. My female taste buds rejected the stuff right away. I'd always heard that girls had different tastes and preferences for their drinks but I never imagined it would be so drastic an effect. I might as well have just drank a cup full of pig lard dipped in gasoline. I felt nausiated already and my stomach wasn't doing well with my poor choice of drink for this body. I slapped my fist repeatedly on the counter to get the bartender's attention. "Yes?" he asked. "Water... big glass of water please," I said blushing a little and covering my face partly up with my hand to help hide my embarrassment. He served me up a second shot of the stuff along with a seperate glass of ice water and I quickly paid him and drank down the water in greedy gulps. "Little strong isn't it?" a dark haired brown eyed guy said to me from down the way. He moved over to stand beside me to talk. "Yeah. I guess I wasn't ready for that," I admitted drinking up the rest of my ice water and setting the empty glass back down. I toyed nervously with the second shot glass. "I couldn't help but notice you ordered the same drink as me," he said, his eyes drifting up and down my body appreciativly now. "You a cargo runner?" "No but I'd like to try it out sometime though," I informed him lying my ass off. Of course I was a cargo runner. Been one for most of my adult life but if I told him that I'd be breaking the rules. "That's a cargo runner's drink you know," he said as if I didn't already know that. "Really?" I asked playing coy. "Fancy that." He glanced at my hands and said,"I notice you're not wearing a ring. You taken?" "No," I replied with a blush, trying to contain a flattered grin. Was I being picked up by this guy? He seemed really relieved to hear I didn't have a boyfriend already. "Name's Neechum Farlak. Friends call me Neech or Neecho for short." "Angela Groves," I said introducing myself. He took my fingertips in his hand and gave me a light guy to girl handshake. "Pardon my asking but you're over twenty-one, aren't you?" he asked then quickly regretted bringing it up. "Sorry but you look kind of young and I don't want to, you know, get in any trouble." "I'm twenty-one," I assured him. He sighed a sigh of relief and said,"Cool. Glad that's over with. Friend of mine got burned here by an undercover cop once so, you know, I pretty much lost my trust for the place. No offense to you of course." "None taken." I showed him my I.D. card so he wouldn't worry so much about it. "So Angela, what do you do for a living?" he asked. I hadn't thought about background stuff like that for my new role. I thought about it for a minute and the only thing that came to mind was rather silly after all. "Lingerie," I replied. "I sell lingerie." If he was only mildly interested in me before he was certainly interested now. "Really? Wow. That's cool. Do you model any?" "Nah, just sell it," I said not wanting to build this into an even bigger lie than I started. "Ever consider becomming a dancer?" he asked trying to flatter me again. I shook my head no. "I'm too short for that kind of stuff," I said brushing off the idea. "Well you should," he said. "I think you'd be great. What I mean to say is... you've got a very beautiful body." I was speechless for a minute. I didn't know what to say. I'd never been complimented like that before and certainly never by a man. "Really? Thank you Neech." "You really shouldn't be self conscious about being short. Shortness is really attractive and cute you know. You're not going to drink that second drink are you?" he asked. I looked at my shot glass and shook my head no. "It's too strong." "Mind if I?" he asked and I shook my head no. He took the shot glass and gulped it down and wiped his mouth clean with the back of his hand. "Delicious," he said. "Thank you. Mind if I order you something?" "No, go ahead." "Mind if I choose?" he asked. "Please do." He ordered me a cherry wine cooler. Typical chick drink I guess but at least it wouldn't be as horrible as that whisky on my tongue and throat. We talked for awhile longer and I learned that he was an off-worlder from Earth like myself and he owned his own cargo ship and was pretty successful. He was a gold and jewelry runner and profited enormously with all the high demand in this part of the galaxy. "Would you like to go home with me?" he offered at last. He WAS picking me up! I had mixed feelings about being taken home by a man. I'd never had any kind of attraction towards guys and I was having trouble learning to deal with the idea that a man wanted to take me home to have sex with him. Still, I had a female body now and was more than a little curious to find out what a woman's orgasm felt like and this offer right here would certainly fit the bill. All the same the thought of being up close to a man's body was just kind of revolting. I realized I shouldn't have flirted with him so long but now that he'd bought me a couple of drinks I didn't know what else to do. "Maybe we should just exchange phone numbers for now," I suggested trying to back down from the offer. He seemed let down but by the way he hurriedly scribbled down his phone number for me on a napkin showed his continued deep interest in me. I wrote mine on the back of another napkin for him and we exchanged napkins. I made some excuse or another after that and vanished quick as I could into the drunken throng on the dance floor. By the time the evening was over and I'd taken a cab back to my hotel I'd rounded up four more phone numbers from different guys I met at the club. I couldn't believe it. Five guys had hit on me and I gave all of them my phone number! How dumb could I be? Now they'd be calling me and asking me out on dates. Almost as soon as I got back to my room the phone rang and I answered it. It was that creepy woman from the transformation lab bugging me again. "You did pretty good tonight Angela," she said. "But you need to do more than just exchange numbers with a guy. You should have let the first one take you home with him. He was the cutest by far and the most successful." "Thanks but I don't appreciate all the spying," I said. "You're being evaluated, remember? We need to weed out the girls who want to be girls and the girls who are too afraid to fulfil their contractual obligations," she said and hung up on me. I slammed the phone down and rushed over to the mirror placing my hands on both sides of it and leaned my forhead greviously against the glass and broke down in tears. I chose this vacation because I wanted to know what it felt like being a girl, not to be forced to have my brains fucked out by a man. In all honesty I really wanted to see what lesbian sex was like but the people I was dealing with down at the lab weren't going to allow me to fulfil my fantasy. It seemed like I was just doomed to have to fulfil theirs instead.

Same as Catcher's Gambit - Chapter 1 Videos

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The Overlords GambitChapter 2

"He did WHAT?!" The Imperial Guard was trained for bravery and courage in the face of danger to protect the Emperor from all threats. Yet even they cringed slightly at the bellow from the ancient Mage that now cast two burning eyes at them from his lined and wizened face. "My apologies, Mage Q'yros," said one of the guards, bowing in respect. "I only know what my orders are from the Emperor." "I do not have time for this!" Q'yros thundered, his voice booming despite his aged...

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The Overlords GambitChapter 3

Amanda trembled where she stood, the small metal weight that dangled between her legs swinging back and forth a bit from its slim chain. A finger occasionally flicked at it, making the weight dance and tug at the smooth metal ball tucked into her tunnel. Her cheeks flushed with both the effort of her task and a small measure of embarrassment. "You're doing very well, Amanda," came Sirinna's voice from behind her. It was edged with a bit of excitement. "Keep at it as long as you...

4 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 4

"You must be Vanlo." If anything more was needed to convince Vanlo he had suffered ill effects of some badly-conceived potion, it was when he was startled by the voice behind him. His body jerked, causing the contents of a ladle to miss the intended vial and spill over the table. "Oh, goodness," Vanlo muttered as he hastily tried to wipe up the mess before it could drip over the floor. "Here, allow me." Vanlo was further startled when the rag he held was abruptly yanked out of his...

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The Overlords GambitChapter 5

The man that was now rapidly approaching the Emperor's audience chamber was no stranger to the Imperial Palace, but the feel of it was very different this time. Overlord Gronnus D'yoran was puffing lightly by the time he reached the great doors of the chamber. He had always been a little thick of body and face, but when this particular Overlord was stressed, he tended to overindulge at meals. Thus he was a little thicker than he had been, and it was affecting his stamina. He had little...

2 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 6

The Battle of Selemas Keep ended what is considered by most scholars to be the "last great Oceanus war." This term is something of a misnomer; Oceanus as a modern nation did not yet exist except by unilateral declaration by the Monarchists and forceful imposition of a treaty on both sides, a treaty that still waited to see if it would truly come to pass. As a result of this battle, Oceanus was forged from the formerly warring halves of the now moribund Oceania Consortium. As a result of...

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The Overlords GambitChapter 7

With rank came privilege. This might as well have been the creed by which Janna J'garon lived. It was evident simply by looking at her as she walked with long, purposeful strides down the wide corridor leading to Duric's suite. With each sweep of a foot forward, bare leg up to the thigh flashed from under the swirling hem of her dress. Traditional attire for an unattached Narlassi woman was a dress that reached at least halfway down the calf. Narlassi style also called for a single,...

2 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 8

Amanda trembled as she lay upon the soft grasses of the Circle. Her breath came in ragged pants as she barely held herself in check. Her concentration was breaking down. Her thigh muscles clenched, trying to draw her legs in. They would not budge, as two slave girls dutifully held them down and kept them spread apart. Nor did the third slave girl cease licking at Amanda's sex, keeping her constantly stimulated. Amanda's pussy ached, both from the desperate need for release, and the tension...

3 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 9

The guardsman Roquan had hired to keep watch at the Manor gate opened it just enough to allow Amanda and Sirinna to pass. He smiled at them, allowing his gaze to roam over their naked bodies in a manner that bespoke more of appreciation rather than lasciviousness. Amanda even smiled back at him as she passed. As the two of them soon turned from the main road, they passed into the encroaching darkness of deep twilight. It lasted for only a few moments. Magical torches lined the sandy path...

4 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 10

"I do not believe this!" shouted the Emperor, eyes blazing with fury. "The unmitigated gall of them! Perhaps I should have Farviewed the execution of the conspiracy leader to the lot of them! Perhaps that would convince them of the strength of my convictions!" Q'yros cast a momentary gaze towards the spot where the Farview audience had just concluded moments before, the very one that had caused the Emperor's mood to go from supreme satisfaction to red-faced anger. He sighed and turned...

3 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 11

Clans as an alternate societal structure to the feudal Kingdoms of old had existed for nearly a millennium before the formal founding of Oceanus, but did not truly gain prominence until Oceanus rose in power and prestige during the first few decades of its existence. Within a century from its founding, Oceanus had managed to export its brand of Clan structure to nearly all of Narlass. A Clan can be best defined as a group of people with a common heritage. Note that "heritage" is used...

3 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 12

The water surged against the large rocks below, sea mist rising from the breaking waves and making the foundations of Duric's palace glisten in the bright morning sunlight. High up from the water's edge, where the sound was muted to a gentle roar, Duric stood at the ornate metal railing that rimmed the wide patio. The patio traced a path around the curve that was the outer wall of his suite, where it lay near the back of his palace. Duric was a lover of the outdoors, and being sequestered...

4 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 13

Oceanus' rapid rise to power after its consolidation was instrumental in reviving what had been a declining market, namely slavery. Oceanus helped redefine the scope and structure of the slave trade, even down to the very basics such as the primary uses for slaves and how slaves were procured. While a complete discussion of the history of slavery in Narlass is beyond the scope of this document, a summary is relevant to understanding how Oceanus had influenced it. About a millennium ago,...

4 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 14

Vanlo found that a sure sign of his recovery from that potion was the fact that he could rise at precisely the time he wished in the morning. He stepped out into the cool, pre-dawn air, the Manor quiet and still around him, save for the calls of the birds stirring to greet the sunrise. He was in a chipper mood despite what he was sure his experiment was to tell him that morning. Perhaps it was the irony that within a day's time he would have discovered the truth by indirect means without...

1 year ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 15

Roquan stood in utter silence, staring with an expression of absolute incredulity. Finally he took a deep breath and said in a low and resonating voice, "Vanlo, you must be absolutely sure of this..." "I am as sure as I can possibly be without a final test, your Lordship," said Vanlo, grateful for an end to the heavy silence. "And that will be in but a single day." "A single day?" "When you energize the Portal to send Amanda away. I will surely detect the energies if I am wrong,...

4 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 16

Vanlo passed through dappled morning sunlight as he strolled down the narrow path that wound through tall trees and dense foliage. The soft sounds of his footfalls on sandy ground was the only noise other than the twitter of birds from the high canopies of the trees. The pace of his walk was leisurely, but it belied what he was thinking at that moment. Concern darkened his eyes as he neared the end of the path, where a small clearing housed a stone and metal building with a high, dome-like...

2 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 17

Reminiscing was something that Roquan rarely did. He tended to be focused on the present and the future. Dwelling on the past, whether for good or for ill, was a waste of precious time. Yet he could not help but let himself be taken back to a point that, all things considered, was surprising recent despite how much had happened since. In Roquan's personal bath off from his bed chamber, Amanda sat quietly near one edge of the pool that surrounded the hot spring. She was being slowly and...

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The Overlords GambitChapter 18

The word among the other Mages was that Guild Master Q'ixanna was not a morning person. Q'yros' personal experience had told him that he was little more an afternoon or evening person, either. Thus Q'yros took his chances and called upon the senior Mage first thing upon rising the next morning. Q'yros did not flinch in the least when the Guild Master's Farview image glowered at Q'yros upon hearing his request. As this was typically the same dour expression he had most of the time, it...

2 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 19

Amanda lay on the bed trying to calm herself down and having only partial success at it. She was still panting, and her pussy was still aching and very damp, her folds glistening even in the subdued lighting. Amanda had spent much of that morning with Duric. The Noble Lord had presented her to many of his staff, showing her off like a prize or trophy. He had yet to share her with them, however. All he had her do was pleasure herself slowly while he conducted meetings with his staff on rather...

4 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 20

Janna was grateful for the appearance of the small hamlets that marked the outskirts of Selemas Province. She peered through the mist that still clung to the land from earlier that morning, now mixed with an intermittent drizzle that dampened everything just enough to make the air feel clammy. She turned her head away from the coach window and sighed, wriggling in her seat in a vain attempt to get more comfortable. Her body felt tired and achy from a two day trip that was normally done in...

3 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 21

Janna felt a chill despite the warmth of the fire that burned brightly in the fireplace in her room. The only time she had felt warm that morning was when she had availed herself of the services of Lady K'olran's male slave and had him snuggle with her after he had satisfied her. The sunshine the afternoon before had been no more than a brief respite. The misty drizzle that was more the norm that time of year had returned on the second morning, and the famed view from Selemas Palace had...

1 year ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 22

The structure of the Oceanus military is an interesting dichotomy that does not exist in other modern Narlassi nation-states. Most major powers in Narlass maintain a standing army in addition to whatever other peripheral support elements they may have, such as a navy. Oceanus is unique in that it ceased to maintain a standing army very soon after its initial inception. By no means does this make Oceanus defenseless. Quite the contrary. Defense responsibilities on land are relegated to the...

1 year ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 23

"How did you know?!" Q'yros was still bleary-eyed with sleep. It was barely the twilight of pre-dawn outside. Yet when these words came thundering to him across the Farview from the Guild Master, it woke him up at once, though it did little for his disposition at being awakened at such an hour. "How in the fiery hells did I know what?!" Q'yros bellowed back as he looked around. "Hellfire! Where is my staff?! There..." He stepped out of view of Master Q'ixanna's Farview vision,...

2 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 24

"You truly do look fine, Janna. We should not be late for the Caucus." Janna turned her head towards Tarras as he approached her. His voice had been gentle, but his eyes betrayed urgency. Janna had to suppress the urge to sigh. It was the fourth day of the Caucus. Tarras had arrived as he did every morning. It was becoming a routine. That was the problem. Everything was becoming routine, as if her presence here was meaningless. At the same time, she was terrified of reaching her turn to...

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The Overlords GambitChapter 25

The shimmering Farview image of Master Kyllos hovered near the hearth, one hand cupped under his chin. His face was drawn into a look of deep thought. The silence was such that the somber tolling of deep-toned bells and soft chanting could be heard in the background from where Kyllos received the Farview. Jollis felt a twinge of anxiety. He assumed that this meant his Master had retreated to the Temple to meditate, hoping that some communion with the divine might help guide him. He did not...

3 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 26

"Lady Janna K'garon, representative of Lord Duric K'garon of the Keyas Province!" Silence fell upon the chamber so suddenly upon this proclamation that Janna hesitated an awkward moment after she rose from her chair. Surely they were not intent upon riveting their attention to her as they had Tarras? No one after Tarras had been given such an honor. Oh, they had paid more attention to the Lords that immediately followed him, largely out of guilt, she guessed. But once the next day came,...

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The Overlords GambitChapter 27

Lord Tarras was an exceptionally observant man. He had noticed the subtle nuances of the other Lords' voices and body language as they had carried out the debate over the last two days since Janna's speech. He saw that they were eager to come to agreement on all the points and direct their considerable vitriol towards the Emperor rather than each other. They had already had two votes, and it was close to unanimous each time. Only a few minor points were truly being debated. And now, on...

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The Overlords GambitChapter 28

The treaty had been intended from the start as a gesture of peace from the Monarchists to the rival Republicans. Despite the fact that the Monarchists had already earned general support from the people under their rule (thus, in effect, were not obligated to offer the opposition anything), it was felt that this would be a further sign of reconciliation. Admittedly, the treaty did not leave much room for Republican ideology. The Monarchists felt then, as most scholars do today, that the ideas...

3 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 29

"Can we speak freely here, Tarras?" Tarras chewed thoughtfully on a piece of fruit as he lifted his head and looked around. Nearly every table in the outdoor cafe was full despite the distinct chill to the early morning air. All the ones he could see were occupied by other Lords, all chatting, or debating, or negotiating. He turned to Janna. "It is unlikely that any of the others will hear us, my dear," he said mildly. "I wasn't worried about them." "I don't believe you need to...

2 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 31

The first rays of morning sun were only just clearing the trees that lined one side of the large field along the mainland side of Lord Duric's palace when a second sun burst into brief, fiery brilliance in a flash of lightning and crack of thunder. General Yollon V'ojo looked on with a stoicism that was at odds with the sense of awe he was actually feeling at the sight. Directly before the commander of Duric's army, an already large globe of energy expanded with such rapidity that he...

3 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 32

From the center of the tower, Q'yros' form rose sedately on the lifter dais, until it had come level with the observation room at the top. The trip gave him a chance to recover his breath. It was a two-staircase walk to the floor with the lift, and he was continuing to feel the drain of his magical energies. Q'yros had hoped that being relieved of his duty as Z'haas' adviser would mean less of this foolishness of tracking down the Emperor. As head of security, however, it was becoming...

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The Overlords GambitChapter 33

Tarras stopped at a corridor junction. Directly ahead was the tower, while another passage opened to his right. He could glimpse the open area before the tower entrance. The guard was likely standing just out of view. He did not dare go any further. If Q'yros had placed another of his "trip-wires" keyed to the enchantment on his possessions, he would bring the Mage running. He knew that Q'yros would be called to this area eventually, but it had to be someplace away from the...

3 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 34

For the second day in a row since the incident with Tarras, Q'yros avoided contact with the Emperor. He did not need any distractions from "that oaf on the throne" as he now thought of the man. Even when Z'haas sent a message demanding an audience to learn the state of security of the Imperium, Q'yros responded by parchment. The Mage had no further patience for the Emperor. His focus was to protect the Imperium, but not necessarily protect the man himself. He felt little remaining...

4 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 35

General Yollon gazed down from the top of the ridge with a dispassionate, almost detached look. He let one last volley of arrows fly before finally raising his sword. "Cease fire!" As one, his archers lowered their bows and stepped back from the edge. Yollon sighed as he saw a distant cloud of dust at the other end of the ravine as a single Imperial soldier made his escape. His eyes flicked back to the trail below, where three other soldiers lay dead. Donlas came to his side. He looked...

3 years ago
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Nucflash The Broken Arrow GambitChapter 2

The brown landscape of the San Gabriel Mountains was laid out beneath us as the Gulfstream dropped into its final approach to LAX. It was still only 10:30 in the morning in Los Angeles; even though it was evening at our point of origin. The Gulfstream 550 costs $4,000 an hour to operate. But as far as I’m concerned it is worth the price. Instead of sitting for eight hours crammed into a 27-inch-wide seat, I was sitting in a luxurious leather chair. My two companions had slept most of the...

3 years ago
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Nucflash The Broken Arrow GambitChapter 3

Sir Alex quickly answered my call. He was as chipper as ever. It was well after six o’clock in the morning in England, so he was probably having breakfast at his Club. He said, “It is a pleasure to hear from you my dear. Do you have anything useful to tell me?” I said, “We’ve documented the bomb and I’m sending you the video as we speak.” Mel was sitting in the back seat uploading the file using the satellite uplink. I added as casually as I could, “But we have a little problem that I was...

2 years ago
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Nucflash The Broken Arrow GambitChapter 4

Once I came down from the mind blowing high that my conversation with John had put me in, I had a shower and called Mel. It was still early in the evening so there was time to do a little sightseeing before we left tomorrow. I wasn’t going to bother Pru. Because I had the feeling that she was going to be occupied by Mr. Jim Kelley’s attentions all of the time that we lingered in DC. The voice on the other end of the phone said, “Yeah! Whatcha want?” Mel has the same qualities as her parrot,...

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Bayonettas AbuseChapter 7 Jeannes Gambit

Beams of warm light streamed through the open shades as James lounged on the water bed, a smirk on his face as he surfed through the channels. It was the early afternoon of a crisp autumn day, the leaves outside exploding in bursts of red, orange and yellow; the air filled with the sweet scent of fall. Bayonetta had left the night before and would be gone at least a couple more days, off on another lengthy assignment. She left him in her studio dungeon with a small stash of food and just...

1 year ago
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The Play Room Chapter 1 Opening Gambits

Karen and Kirk were so alike that they had at least one class in common every semester. Both being somewhat nerdy, this was a help and a hindrance at the same time. A help because once they did start speaking to one another in passing, they had a lot in common to discuss. A hindrance, because Junior year was almost over by the time they could speak to each other without being overcome by shyness. They were both good with computers and were voracious readers. They both wore glasses, and loved...

First Time
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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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