RecoveryChapter 4: May free porn video

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Evan retreated into the entranceway and wished again that Greg would go back inside. Greg had zoned out on him and seemed oblivious to the steady push of the wind sucking the spring warmth out of them. The slate sky, unexpected dump of fresh snow, and Greg's silence was depressing him. A random scream drew his eyes away from Greg's profile to where a scrum of boys and a pair of determined girls kicked wildly at a red ball. The Patterson kid was in the middle of the mêlée casually bumping the shorter boys out of his way with a twitch of his elbow. Seth had his hands tucked into the pockets of an oversized Green and White University of Saskatchewan sweat shirt. A sixth-grader bounced off of the tall boy and sprawled in the cold muck of the playground breaching the wall of boys. Seth's hands suddenly came free and Evan watched as he maneuvered the muddy ball through the flailing pack and headed toward a chubby Dalton Cannon shifting cautiously between faded orange cones. Evan turned back to Greg "I don't want to drive to Aspen again." Greg shrugged a little as if he did not care and continued to watch the smaller students play. Evan was mystified by his fascination with the elementary students. Evan reflexively made another effort. "Come on over to my place after school, it's been like forever since we shared some shit and played a game." Greg was a different person when he was high; more approachable. A chorus of groans distracted Evan and he watched as a few of the ball players gathered around Seth. Dalton was stumbling around in the hedge searching for the ball. Patterson, looking up from his fans, seemed to falter when he saw the two eleventh grade boys in the doorway. That kid is never going to cave, Evan thought irrelevantly. As Evan watched, Seth shoved his fists deep into his jean pockets pushing them down. The game resumed around him. "What do you think?"

"It's Tuesday. I don't think so." Shot down again ; Evan was not particularly surprised. Greg had been a little out of it for the last week. "I smoke too much" he heard Greg mutter. Evan dismissed the comment and leaned further into the brick wall behind him. Lunch must be almost over. Evan sighed. He had tried just about everything he could to get Greg alone and it never worked out. What does it matter? It was not as if I need a blow job; well not from a guy anyway. He laughed out loud at the thought and it finally drew Greg's attention away from the soccer game. The look in Greg's eyes sobered him. It was oddly calculating. Greg smiled a little and turned back to the playground. "So where is Tyler anyway?"

"Don't know; must have gotten held up somewhere." Anyway, it was nothing much. Two small groupies came up to Greg and started prattling on about Elmo and did Greg like him. He was absently answering their string of questions as he continued to watch the game that had resumed its swirl around the upright figure of Seth, who had remained rooted to the ground, face in profile, a wary eye turned toward Evan. Maybe Seth was watching Greg. The thought intrigued Evan for a moment, but he dismissed it. "I'll bet he's got Deirdre off somewhere."

"You bet" Greg echoed flatly. Somehow it came out like a simple observation and Evan had a moment of doubt. Evan listened to the other boy as he gently disengaged from the rambling conversation with the girls. Greg stepped away from their upturned faces and met Evan's eyes before swing around beside him. He came to rest against the bricks with his shoulder close against Evan's. "Christ, I need ... that too" Greg looked at the worn threshold at his feet. Evan warmed to the unexpected confidence and nudged Greg before suggested that he could have one any time he wanted. Beth was obviously hot for the sixteen-year-old and according to Alden Greg was like a tawny coyote amongst the flock in Aspen. "Too young for me" Greg's eyes moved back to the playground. Patterson had begun to move in their direction. They had all heard this before too. Greg made a big deal out of a few years. Evan's mom was four years younger than his dad and they had Evan when she was in grade eleven and he was still at SIAST. Seth passed them with a quick glance that covered both eleventh graders. Evan grabbed Greg's coat when he began to follow the eighth grader through the door and hauled him back.

"But not for Tyler or me, eh; you think we could do better, maybe Rose or Katelin, hmm?" He held on to Greg's coat as they stared at each other. Greg finally leaned a hand on the wall before drawing closer to Evan.

He replied in a low voice. "I didn't mean it that way man. Sure I guess I thought it was lame when I met you guys; sorry, but I get that sometimes, I don't know, it will happen." After a sigh Greg continued "Its just Deirdre and Justine are about Susan's age." Evan let go of Greg's coat and nodded. "It's just a little hard for me to think about it." Evan felt for him. It was easy to forget Greg had lost his sister.

"Right; I'm sorry Greg. I forgot about that."

"No, that's good. I don't need to be reminded all the time. Anyway, don't mind me. I'm no better than you guys really." Greg gave him a glance before retreating into the school.

Despite the cold Evan remained where he was. All the times he had been with Greg and that was the first time he had shared anything close. Being with Greg could be hard work. He ignored the kids on the playground and gazed down to where Tyler was parking his truck. "Shit" he whispered. Aaron was with Tyler. Tyler worried Evan.

Evan was realizing that their competition was different for Tyler. The whole thing had started when they were thirteen and Jason McCallum still lived in Bonner. McCallum had been in their grade and since he lived in town the three boys hung out together when the cousins were sick of the farm. The three boys had shared their explorations in the privacy of Jason's basement room. This pretty much meant pooling their meager insights into puberty and pouring over the scant collection of pornography Jason had hidden above the air duct. Eventually they had trusted Jason enough to masturbate. They speculated on which girls liked them and which high school boys had gotten to third base.

A week before Jason moved to Battleford Tyler confessed Jason had put his mouth around his penis. Evan was skeptical. Tyler described the experience in excited detail and the cousins shared the wonder of the experience together. The problem was Evan had not actually shared the moment and when he thought about it later at home it bothered him. Two days later, surrounded by boxes full of Jason's accumulated life, Evan strained out an orgasm into his classmate's mouth. He told Tyler about it a day after Jason left. They were out riding on their dirt bikes. Tyler never doubted Evan's story. They rarely lied to each other about their accomplishments. That same day Evan broke his arm following Tyler down the coulee south of the Cannon home quarter. Tyler had to ride for help with Evan perched behind him cursing the pain and his broken bike. When the cast came off Evan drove his new Honda XR80 over to Tyler's yard. He also told Tyler about what Alden Cannon had done for him. The game was afoot after that. Each boy taking turns. Evan could not understand why Tyler invited the boys to do it more than once. He waited for Tyler and Aaron to reach the entrance before returning to the classroom.

Greg followed his father as he pushed the cart over to the meat counter and watched as John paused to examine a suspicious pork roast. In the weeks since their drive back from Aspen Greg had reluctantly allowed Seth to move closer into his orbit. Always distant at school, Seth had become a frequent visitor at the trailer after school. They filled their time playing guitar, studying or sitting uncomfortably close on the couch. Their interlude together had become a midwinter night's dream. John was not good with roasts so he settled on four substantial steaks. They did not have a barbeque at the trailer; there was a small one back at the house, too bad. He saw Dan Shultz had yams for a change and took a large one. "I don't like sweet potato, let's just make French fries."

"Debbie and Seth like them. I had some out at the Patterson's." That was met by a long silence. John ignored it and continued to look over the vegetable selection. It was actually pretty grim. He pawed through the bags of carrots wishing Dan sold them loose. Crap, a five pound bag of carrots for two people; even assuming Greg would eat his fair share. John reached for the last decent head of lettuce at the back of shelf. "Look at this Hal. You need a science fair project?" The bagged lettuce seemed to be arranged front to back according to the level of decomposition. Greg grunted briefly and moved away from John. He tried to draw Greg back into the process. "Pick a salad dressing and get some pop." John added a few of the less suspicious vegetables to the cart while he waited for Greg. Greg dropped a case of Coke on his tomato and abruptly broke his silence.

"I was going to go over to Evan's place for supper." John paused with a foil bag of bread. "I'm going to just take off okay?"

"Can't you wait until after supper? Maybe take Seth with you like you did before?"

"Evan and I have plans." John suggested they had plans too. Greg's face was a mask. He could feel the cold anger. Was it so much to ask he wondered? "Look dad, I'm not the one who needs a family dinner, okay? You never said I would have to do this."

"You're making this out to be more than it is. I always invited colleagues over before. Is it that big of a deal Hal?"

"Stop calling me Hal." John winced at his mistake. "I don't need this right now. I don't need you pushing him at me. Christ..." He watched as Greg turned away. John surveyed the empty store and looked back at his son feeling defeated again. Debbie had warned him this would happen. He had thought that Seth's deciding to join them might mean Greg would come around too. Greg surprised him a moment later by picking up a bundle of green onions and dropping them into the cart. "Okay dad I'll stay for dinner. Maybe Seth and I will go play with Alex. I don't know. We'll do something."

"What about your plans with Evan?"

"It doesn't matter. Look, can you finish up here? I'm going to walk home."

John nodded as he replaced the slimy onions with a fresher bundle. Relief washed over him. It was another small step forward. Greg needed someone like Seth in his life. Susan had struggled in school: Dyslexia. Greg had found time to sit with her. John felt a sharp pang. If only ... Greg and Susan might have been settling down over homework right now. Dan Schultz called out from his register to ask if he needed anything. John shook his head. Greg's tutoring the eighth grader was a good thing. As an afterthought he dug out the tomato Greg had assassinated and replaced it with another that was not much better.

Bonner in May was not an improvement. One might almost have wished the heavy snow back. Last night's contribution had either melted into the mud covering the thaw or it was running freely down the ditches. Greg stepped around the lonely sewer grate protecting Dan Schultz's Lucky Dollar from spring flooding. Main Street held the only pavement in a village of muddy roads. In summer the municipality dumped fresh gravel to fill the holes that were already punishing his Mustang. The provincial highway department periodically resurfaced the broad expanse of Main Street. The road was now higher than the side walk and like many of the houses in town; Dan's store seemed to be settling into the parkland soil. Greg crossed the main drag reflecting that if by some miracle Bonner survived a millennium and if by a greater miracle the shy and heavy-set Dan should have descendents, then future Dan would be cutting meat on the top of a Tell. Bonner, thought Greg, could only be improved by a better view.

Greg noticed Tyler 's truck outside the hotel as he passed. It reminded him that he should wash his car again. He had not considered the possibility of walking. His shoes were going to be a mess. Snow still clung to the shade beneath the rows of overgrown hedge. Greg moved off the muddy street preferring the water saturated drifts that sopped the mud from his shoes and left a muddy trail to mark his progress. It was not always an easy progress. Like his life, Greg moved between shade and afternoon sunlight. He had to detour at times because the village was braided with running streams that followed the contours of the land and not the grids measured by the village fathers. Piss in the stream and drink it a day later. The runoff collected in a large dugout north of town. Sometimes you have to follow the contours and detour. Life was not a straight line, though Greg was not prepared to admit that yet. Bonner was a big detour but Zoë kept telling him not to wine about it.

Greg was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of a horn. Tyler and Rebecca pulled past with a lazy wave and Greg's foot slipped into a deep muddy puddle. He shook it off angrily and turned onto the street where the trailer lay nestled between its rows of over-grown Caragana. He stopped when he saw Seth beside a truck talking to Evan.

They had gone back to Aspen together. It had been awkward very awkward. Greg's first time, with a girl, had been something of a blind date. An older friend set it up so he could loose his virginity. Kyle's girlfriend, Mellissa, had a certain status in Greg's middle school as a madam. She maintained a stable of girl friends who served as the school's escort service. It was never quite put that way among the unsophisticated fourteen and fifteen year old boys. It was just that if Kyle or Mellissa liked you, as they liked Greg, then they would help you get a date. Kyle had confided to the fourteen year old Greg that Courtney was a sure thing and slipped him a condom. Courtney had been a sure thing and after the pre-game party Greg had lost his virginity on the couch at Kyle's aunt's apartment. Greg had come away from that experience wiser. He had learned that sex could be very brief; a condom could disappear mysteriously in the depths of a girl as you lay panting on top of her large breasts; and that as the old saying goes, there is nothing immaculate about conception. He learned that in the morning as Kyle attempted to scrub the stain out of the couch cushion before his aunt returned. Kyle had been annoyed at Greg, but the embarrassed Greg had consoled himself with the thought that part of Kyle's irritation was caused by the raw scratches across his back; the result of his own night with Mellissa. Greg had also learned how not to treat a girl after sex. He had never spoken with Courtney again despite their shared classes. It had taken a while to understand why this was so, but he had known it was wrong. Greg knew it had been hard for Seth to return to the trailer the day after their trip to Bonner. Greg had other one night stands and with most he did not care to see them again. Shunning Seth seemed like a violation to him.

It had not been really awkward until the trip home. Greg had avoided toking and ignored Seth's hints that it would be nice to stop at the restaurant again. Greg put a CD on for the drive home, but Seth turned it down and so they had talked until they reached just about the point where Greg had stopped. Then there was silence except for the whisper of the heater and the muted tones of the CD. Greg found himself consumed by the silence so it was his voice that broke it. Seth responded and they resumed the conversation, each sensitive to the moment, but each resolved in different directions.

Standing in the road with one clammy foot, under the knurled branches of an elm tortured by frost and wind, Greg's resolve weakened. He watched Seth's animated conversation with Evan. It was what he said he wanted. Seth was of this community that Greg was determined to pass through. There was history here. Yet it oppressed him. Even in the excruciating silence as the road past beneath them Greg was happier. Seth stood leaning easily on Evan's truck attentive to the boy within. He sparkled beside the muddy truck. Seth was spring sunlight with a smile and he needed to follow the contours of his own path. He had tried to explain this to Zoë. Even so Greg finally exhaled when Seth stepped away from the truck with a shake of his head, replied to something Evan had said and then pointed casually to the trailer before bouncing off to the front door. You lock your door securely in St. George, it's a habit. Doors in Bonner seemed never to be locked. Greg resumed his walk trying to remember if he had locked the door against unwanted intrusion. Seth assumed he had left it open for him.

Seth brought a small overnight bag and a sleeping bag into the trailer and dropped it next to the couch where Greg sat listening to a last minute lecture from his father. Seth slouched in a chair away from the pair. The two adults looked uncomfortable facing the boys. The boys looked back at them with almost identical expressions of disbelief and distaste: Two nights in Saskatoon alone.

Greg's father sprung this on him a few days ago. He had a difficult time dealing with Ms. Patterson for the rest of the week. His father suggested that he should come along and he and Seth could share a room. Greg had been horrified by the idea. He was slowly coming to terms with his father's relationship, but he was not going to share a room with Seth while his father ... he couldn't even think it. Greg declined and graciously told his father to have a good time. He thought it was settled until Seth came up to him at lunch. "Can I talk to you Greg?" Greg nodded. Seth was still keeping his distance at school. "Alone?" Greg glanced at Alden then got up. Seth led him to a quiet corner on the playground. He turned a desperate face to Greg. "You can't do this to me dude. I can't go to Saskatoon by myself. It's bad enough I have to see him everyday at school, I'm gonna need to see Tanya if I have to sleep next door to them." Seth hugged himself for comfort. Tanya was the school's family counselor.

"No disrespecting your mom Seth but nothing is getting me in that hotel with them. You are on your own kid." Seth was upset enough to grab Greg's shirt in desperation. He looked like a little junkie begging for his next fix.

"Don't do this to me man. I'm going to freak out all over you if you don't get me out of this." It would have been funny if they had not both been seriously disturbed by their parent's plans. "Let me stay with you." There were a couple of problems with this as far as Greg was concerned and not the least of them was Seth. Greg was conscious of Seth's motives for studying with him. It was getting harder and harder to maintain his resolve to leave him alone.

"Would you're mother let you?" if she did then things were worse than he thought.

"Well she would be worried you were getting me into some party and I'd be up all night." The wheels were already in motion and since it was at his place Greg planned to be so drunk he couldn't stand up. Seth in that mix would be very dangerous.

"Well don't worry; there is no party so you won't miss anything."

"Right; of course Aaron has already paid Clinton for his beer." Seth pushed Greg in the chest. "How can you have a party while I'm puking my guts out in a toilet after dreaming about them together? Man you are cold." Greg stepped back to catch his balance and frowned briefly before glancing at the fourteen-year old. He looked into the boy's fresh face and caved in.

"No way am I going to Saskatoon, but if you can talk her into letting you stay I will baby sit you." Seth stalked off to find his mother. Greg got side tracked into giving some grade five girls under ducks. The girls wouldn't let him go so he was still there when Seth came back. Seth watched him push a last swing. "Well?"

"Your dad said there wasn't going to be a party this weekend so it would be safe to leave me. Mom said I could stay."

"I told you there wasn't going to be a party. So she's leaving you with me for two nights? This isn't good Seth." Seth looked back at him with the same thought.

"We are so fucked on Monday." they went back to the school by separate ways.

Greg listened to the car pull out of the gravel driveway. Seth didn't say anything. It was an awkward moment. "You know where this could go don't you Seth?" Seth looked back at him "Shit." Seth turned his head and looked out the window. "Well I don't know. My dad is going back to St. George and your mom has to find a new job somewhere here in Saskatchewan. I'm probably just worrying about nothing." Seth looked at the trees waiting for spring.

"Would it be that bad?" He looked at Greg sadly.

Seth did not understand. It was like that moment outside the school with Evan. He did not want people to remind him, but he did not want to forget. What chapter was I on? Where did Sue and I leave off? That should have been an easy one, except he had put the book away and the bookmark found its way to school. Trisha was never going to find her way back home now. Maybe she was with Susan now. "It hasn't even been a year yet."

"And I'm not Hal or Susan. I get it." Seth stretched his legs out. He was hurt and that got Greg's attention. "It's been two years for me and I still miss dad. I lost his farm and I'm probably going to loose the house." he looked at Greg. The city boy didn't understand about the land. It had been his grandmother's house and the tree fort in the coulee was first built by his dad. "You're dad seems a lot different from my dad, but when she talks to him on the phone she seems so happy." Seth let the thought hang there.

"No, it wouldn't be so bad. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings." Seth rewarded him with a smile." Come here baby. He patted the seat next to him. Seth didn't move. "What? If I'm your baby-sitter you have to listen to me." Seth rolled his eyes and came over to the couch. "I guess I make Hal sound like a saint. He wasn't." Greg blocked the accident out of his mind. "So I want your advice."


"Should we out this bet thing tonight?" Greg had been thinking about it. It was one way to distract himself from the growing problem that was Seth.

"Then they get mad at me for telling you. You leave and I'm miserable."

Greg poked Seth's thigh for emphasis as he replied. "No, your mom, my teacher, comes to Assiniboia to live with my dad, your teacher, and we both blow this popsicle stand together in July leaving a cloud of dust behind the Mustang my dad bought me."

"I like that ending Greg" Seth whispered. That was Seth's dream. He wanted his mom happy and he didn't want Greg to go away. He pulled himself together. "Just leave it Greg, it doesn't matter." Seth felt content to be part of Greg's life on any terms and he didn't want the other eleventh graders to come between them.

"We let someone win the bet."

"Why?" It seemed pointless to Seth and giving in to Evan or Tyler meant surrendering his long battle. He knew Greg did not want to touch him. That had become painfully obvious, but Greg was talking about being with other people and that left him sick.

Greg looked away from Seth and thought about his answer. He wasn't really sure why. Maybe he was just curious about Evan and Tyler. Maybe he neede reassurance that Seth could turn to someone else. He was thinking too much and he needed a chance to let go like he always did in St. George: be the slut Zoë said he was. "Wouldn't it be easier on you? You said the guys still bug you about it."

"So I'm supposed to do it?" Seth felt betrayed that Greg thought he would suck another boy's cock. Greg didn't seem to realize it had been special to him. Why would he want to do it with anyone else?

"Who would you do it with?" Greg punched him playfully.

Only you Greg, Seth replied to himself. "I wouldn't do it." Seth almost whispered the words praying Greg would relent and tell him he did not want Seth to do it, that he was only joking.

"Who should I pick?"

Greg had found another way to increase Seth's pain. "Alden, because he is your friend and he told me this was all stupid." Seth paused. Greg was waiting for him to answer and he admitted defeat. "Alden doesn't count. He's going to miss you I'll bet."

"Alden knows how to make friends, he'll be fine." All Alden wanted to do was to farm with his dad. They probably wouldn't see each other again.

"I don't want to say." Seth would have picked Evan because he also liked Greg. Tyler had pushed Seth too hard and he thought Greg was a stuck up city kid, which was true, but Seth didn't appreciate hearing it. Greg asked Seth to put away the guitars while he went he went out for a few things. That left Seth with too much time to think about the party ahead.

Greg came back twenty minutes later and dumped his bags on the dining table. He found Seth lying on the bed with his arms wrapped around Greg's pillow. He did not move when Greg sat down next to him. Greg touched Seth's shoulder gently. Seth's skin was hot beneath the soft fabric of his T-shirt. "I just want you to have some fun Seth. We'll forget what's happening in Saskatoon." Seth rolled away from him and ended on the far side of the bed on his back. Greg's hand wavered and then he drew it back. "It's going to be good." Somehow, Greg convinced himself. Seth gave him a small smile. "And Beth will be all over you tonight ... or one of Mat's friends from Aspen." Seth snorted a little at that. Greg smiled back and Seth wished again that things were different. "We have some time before Alden and Hugh show up, are you hungry?" Seth could not eat. "What should we do?"

"Let's play for a while." So they ended up taking the guitars back out and for the next hour they sat close together, Greg playing familiar songs and Seth coming in where he could, happy to pause and listen to Greg, happy to feel the familiar touch of Greg's calf pressed against his.

The trailer was packed with young people. People used the two bed rooms for private moments of intense sex. Couples sat in steamy cars. Moving between the kitchen and the stereo meant picking your way through a struggling mass of people. Greg did not look back on the party with any fondness. At 10:00 it did not feel like a success. Most of the Bonner and Aspen teenagers didn't mix well. It was an older crowd because of the weight of eleventh graders from Aspen. Alden and Greg did their best to bridge the gap. The younger Bonner kids clung together shyly until they had consumed enough beer. After that, they helped to loosen up the party with their enthusiasm. Greg watched Seth and Mat matching drinks. Seth finally looked relaxed. Greg wondered what he was thinking about.

Parties can be a frantic Hollywood montage or a single scene stretching with all the absorbing detail of an Italian spaghetti western. It may depend on the quality of the party or perhaps the quality of the substances abused. Looking back, Seth remembered it as a movie frequently fast forwarded. Seth was on his fourth beer and he could see right through Tyler 's sudden interest in his guitar. Seth glanced at Greg flirting with some older Aspen girls. Justine and Deirdre were trying hard to be part of this circle. Seth wasn't listening to Tyler 's flattering observations. Mat abandoned Seth to Tyler. He was interested in the Bonner girls who would be joining his class next year. Paula and Stephanie were interested in new boys too. Seth wondered where he would be in September. "It is getting hot in here." Tyler 's arm touched Seth's shoulder. "Do you want to go for a walk?" Seth excused himself to get a fresh beer. He was feeling good and he didn't understand why his mom thought four beers was too much. Seth glanced back and saw that Tyler had joined a group of rings near the T.V. He was probably trying to think of another way to approach Seth, or he was looking for a blow job. Seth got distracted and joined the swirl of conversation.

The next two hours became a blur with only a few moments of clarity: Sitting in the hallway arguing intensely about the meaning of a song with three girls from Aspen; an electrifying moment when Rebecca touched his crotch when he was kissing her. Dancing in the living room all by himself, or with someone else, he could never be sure later. Greg sitting on the kitchen counter as an Aspen girl leaned into him for a deep kiss; his hands fingering the soft curve of her back. He was in the yard taking a piss when he suddenly bent over and heaved up the beer. It seemed to clear his mind. He staggered a little in an effort to move away from the mess. He heaved a few more times and leaned back against a post supporting the car park. He shivered in the cold and broke out in a sweat. It would feel good to lie down somewhere. He looked at the beer in his hand. He didn't want it anymore, but he took a swig and used it to wash his mouth out. He tossed the rest of it into the bush. Seth turned back to the trailer and went in search of Greg. He found him in his father's bedroom.

Music still drifted through the house. Someone had turned it down and in the dark the few remaining people were dozing or quietly fondling each other. Greg was stretched out on the floor in his dad's tiny room while Rebecca kissed him. He was drunk and her lips were sweet and warm. She seemed to love sticking her tongue in his mouth. Rebecca pulled his shirt up to his neck and scratched at his chest. He let his hand slide into her tight pants and felt her hot skin.

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Kelle Returns To Mayhem

Kelle wasn't fucked. Not this time. There was no lost bet. No agreement to complete. Yet. Mayhem was on her mind. It had been a few weeks since her near debauch at Mayhem Crossing, the local biker bar. She had lost a bet and ended up doing things she never imagined doing. She had paid the bet and her career with the police was solid. She was no longer a rookie cop. She was off probation. Her career path was good. It was all good. Yet. Mayhem was on her mind. She had spent sixty long minutes in...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 10 Hold the Mayo

October 16, 1993, Chicago, Illinois Mitsuko arrived at our house at 6:30am for our drive to Springfield. We’d participate in the Aikido class, then have lunch with Sensei Daniel and two other students, as we had the last time. We got into the car and headed out right away. “Are you going to see your sister?” I asked. “No,” Mitsuko replied. “I didn’t even tell her I was coming home because you need to be back before dinner so the girls can go out.” “Are you enjoying being with them?” I...

3 years ago
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Horny Maya

Hi, once again to all iss reader, prince here bringing you an experience with my neighbor’s maid. First I wanna thank u 4 huge responses & sorry I didn’t tell u bout myself in my last story, m 5’8 fair looking with average body from Bangalore…. So now here’s what u want…………… I had a neighbor whose house was situated two houses from mine. They were husband and wife. The husband was working in the gulf and the wife was working in a government firm. Her name was veena, aged around 33 yrs. Infact,...

2 years ago
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The Office Sex Forum Maya

Hi, my name is Maya and I want to tell you about the office where I work at. The office where I work at is part of the IIA. The International Insurance Association. Every day deal with the company’s costumers and try to sell them the most expensive insurance possible. Most of the time, it is insurance that they don’t even need.  But anyway, that is beside the point. The office where I work at is special. Just like any other office, there is a strong divide between the low level white collar...

Office Sex
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My Wife8217s Friend Maya

By : Jshnmn Hi Friends, This is Mann. Since a long time I wanted to write stories about my some personal experiences. So here I am sharing one of my experiences. My name is Mann, and I am a married guy, with a beautiful wife. Though my wife is too beautiful, but I could not control on my emotions for other beautiful and hot girls around me. Currently I am in USA, but I am going to tell you the story, when I was in India. It was just one year of my marriage, but I was not satisfied with my wife,...

4 years ago
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Birth of Mayhem

Birth of Mayhem Megan Roman "Doubt me if you want, but hand to God, she's one of them," Ron whispered to Tim before he took a sip of beer. "I was out with Lana last night. 'Round midnight, I found 20 horny-lookin' goons surrounding three college girls in an alley. All of a sudden, bam!" Ron took another sip of his drink and pointed to the far side of the swimming pool in the middle of his back yard. "There's Morgan, beating the crap out of all 20!" Tim still doubted it. ...

2 years ago
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Owning the Mayor

Miranda sat alone in a bustling coffee shop.  In front of her on the table was a thin stack of photographs.  She picked them up and began flicking through them.  They pleased her greatly and she grinned widely.  One man appeared in all of them, he looked conservative and well-groomed, his suits always smart and respectable, but the positions he was in were far from respectable.  Meeting with some very unscrupulous looking men,  exchanging briefcases and brown envelopes.  She knew she had him...

4 years ago
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Lady May

Lady May sprawled languidly across her four post bed. The rumpled black silk blankets still glistened with moisture from her exertions. Her long blonde hair splayed out wetly across the pillow and she reached out for a cigarette. "Carson!" she cried, "My cigarettes!" Carson waited at his station beside the stairwell as was his wont when Madame was entertaining, ready to welcome guests or serve his employers with equal facility as befits a butler, so swiftly grasping a small pack of...

3 years ago
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The Mayflower

The Mayflower I had worked for two summers on my uncle’s farm to save up enough money for my first car and my insurance too. She wasn’t much but I loved her. She was a 1966 Ford Mustang. There was lots of rust and the seats were worn badly but she was all mine. With four on the floor, bucket seats, and enough power to get up and go, I was in heaven. The engine was in the best shape of anything else in the car. I named her “The Mayflower.” I figured that with my own car I could start...

3 years ago
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Ivrei and Mayja

He dismissed yet another of the nobles, not interested momentarily in their petty concerns. True, Ivrei was a man of renowned power, and that power had become extraordinarily useful in accomplishing tasks. He crossed the grand hall, or visitor’s lounge, of his castle and up a set of spiral stairs at the back and right corner of the room. Most of the place was decorated with smooth white leather and golden banisters and wall hangings, with the lighting magically dimmed to allow for perfect sight...

2 years ago
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The sight of Candy lying on a sunlounger by the pool was driving me crazy. It always amazes me that there is not more sexual activity on beaches and poolsides, because everybody’s out there almost naked. You wouldn’t sit in a room with a woman in just your underpants and she in just a bra and knickers – or if you did, you would be expecting to get lucky very soon. And yet in sunbathing mode we are expected to behave “like adults”, which, in that case, means not getting excited, or even not...

Straight Sex
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Vitress Tamayo

I've always considered myself straight but I had come across the likes of Vitress Tamayo on xhamster and I had jerked off to her a couple of times. There was just something about her that I really liked and I thought that she was super hot. To my surprise I had found out that she was being photographed at a studio near me. I had managed to get there and I had saw her as she entered the studio. I don't know what came over me but I thought that I'd go for a coffee at a nearby coffee shop and...

2 years ago
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Teacherai Mayakinen

Vanakam enathu peyar santhosh naan kalluriyil padithu mudithuvittu irunthen. Ennudaya vayathu 25, naan oru naal enathu kalluriyil function nadathugiraargal endru ennku azhaipu vanthathu piragu unavum tharugiraargal endru sonnargal. Naan kalluriyil padithu mudithu 2 varudangal aagugirathu appozhuthu nan paarpathrku sumarana paiyan than. Aanal ippozhuthu paarpatharku azhagaga irupen pinbu enathu maarbu matrum thudaigal annithum konjam perithaga irunthathu. Intha vayathil ennai annaivarum ooka...

3 years ago
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Friends With Benefits With Mayuri

Hello guys..After a long break ek bar fir me apke samne apni nayi aur sachi kahani leke aaya hu..Pahle me apko apne bareme bata du mera nam rohan he me nagpur mh ka rehne wala hu meri age 24 he aur dikhneme thoda handsome hu se search krk you can read my earlier stories..Ye chudai story h meri or mere ek friend ki girlfrnd ki..Uska nam mayuri he..Age 25 figure sexy matlb 36d-28-34 height bhi achi he u know what I meant.. To ab story pe ate he ghatna thodi badi he islye shuru se padhoge to hi...

3 years ago
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Kurnool Abbay Hyderabad Ammay

I am Kalyan from kurnool living in Hyderabad now. Naku kathalu rayatam kothha hope you all will enjoy after reading this. I am regular reader of Indian sex stories and telugu ISS which is for only telugu stories, part of ISS. Chala baguntay stories andarvi In my view a girll feel more happy when her feelings can be shared with some1 who can understand, respect her. Anduke ipudu nenu kathalo chepaboye amai tho kuda thana feelings thagatlu chesa Meeku na story nachite please send your comments...

2 years ago
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Mona Bhabhi Ek Mayajaal

This is my new story which I happend upto april 2016. First let me describe myself my name is aryan from delhi. A psychology student age 20 years. Mai delhi me ek room par rhta hu. My owners are very good and rich family. Mr and mrs. Sharma. Meri psychology kaafi achi hai. I can do face reading easily. So many students and friends love and respect me very much.Ye kahani shuru hoti hai december 2015 on my birthday. Mera birthday tha…To mai apni girlfriend ke saath delhi me ghuma khoob maje kiye...

3 years ago
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Badale Aur Pyar Ka Mayajal

Mera naam Neha hai, aur me 32 year ki hun,  housewife hun,  me paheli bar yanah apani bat aur mere sath huve ajeeb sex experiences ko share karan chahti hun. Par me batana chahati hun ki ye ek aesi story nahi jo ki AAM hao.. 6 sal pahele ke ye bat hai,  jab mene paheli bar sex ka anubhav kiya tha. Ye ajeeb lagega par mene college me bhi sex nahi kiya tha aur bad me bhi me chahati thi ki pahela sex mere pati ke sath ki suhagrat me karu. Sex shuahag rat ko to huva par pati ke sath nahi.. aur yehi...

4 years ago
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Sexy Mom Sumaya

By: Avinav I’m male of 18 years old and my mom is Sumaya 34 years old and still hot. She is 5’8 and 60 kgs. My dad is an investment banker andhe is a workaholic and stays at office very late and on weekends. He comes home only to sleep we stay in Mumbai it was after my 12 exams. I had nothing to do but to stay with my laptop and chat with friends. My mom came to me and asked me if I can teach her some computer stuff I agreed. Now she used to wear sarees at that time in the house so I could...

2 years ago
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Sex Guru Riya Ammayi

SEX GURU RIYA AMMAYI (1): By Jesolal (). Hello suhuruthukkale, Idivettu Gracey yude sponchy main switch ninghale aavolam on/off aakki aaswaadhichu kaanum yennu viswaasikkunnu… yippol ninghalumayi panghu vaikkuvaan pokunnadh yente best friend Jos inte anubhavam yennodu vivarichadh, avante vaakkukal yente sailiyil ningalkk ishttamaayekkaam yenna viswasathil thudanghunnu… Oru avadhikaalam Amma veettil poyappol undaaya anubhavamaanu yente jeevidhathe aake uzhuthu marichadh; njaghal...

4 years ago
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Sara din kajer par rate nijer bara niye Ram babu aaj kal khoob muskil a parechhen…age jekhane saptahe bou ke pray 4/5 bar chudten..aar akhon 10 mas na chude achhen,pray ratei bara khara haye jay..aar aai bayase handle marte kahatok aar bhalo lage… Chehara kharab hate suru karechhe…bybsa r kaj o dekhte mon chay na…sara khan bhaben akta gud pele mon khule bara dhukiye jadi aktu chudte parten tahole shanti peten…kintu se aar pachhen kothay..sabai to aar Sonagachhi/harkata gali te jete pare na ba...

2 years ago
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As the wife of an arranged marriage, Mayla had always been told, especially by her mother, how lucky she was to have such a good husband; he always kept food in the house (and what a house), he always gave her nice things to wear, he helped support her aging parents, what more could she want? ‘Fidelity for one thing;’ Mayla thought having already gone to the doctors twice to treat cases of V.D., ‘an orgasm by him, even if only once in a while; safety would be nice;’ she added to the list...

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Sexy Soothai Paarthu Mayanginen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil sexyaaga soothu vaithu irukum pennai paarthu mayangi avalai usar seithu sex seithen. En peyar Arul, vayathu 28 aagugirathu, intha vayathil enaku innum thirumanam seithu vaikamal thaan irukiraargal. Athanaal naan thinamum kama kathai matume padithukondu irupen. Enaku kai adikavilai endraal oru naal kuda enaku thukame varathu, jollyaga sight adipen. Pengalin soothai paarpathu enaku pidikum, pengal soothai paarthu rasipathe oru thani vithamaana sugam endru...

3 years ago
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© 1998 This story is a fantasy based not too loosely on fact. Like the lives of most of its readers, it contains no sexual acts. When the story stops, you are allowed to carry on thinking. If you are incapable of thought, go and find some pictures of women with computer-aided tits. 1998 It was late afternoon when I rang the doorbell of Naismith's period cottage in Sussex. His battered and dusty four-wheel drive vehicle was outside, negligently parked with one wheel run up on to the rockery....

5 years ago
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Beverly Hillbillies Elly May Jethro Maynt

Even as Miss Hathaway's convertible was slipping through traffic, Elly May was still trying to argue herself out of the trip. "I don't need no more clothes," she told the secretary, who looked like a broomstick with a shriveled up old apple on the top. "I got plenty." "Hmm, yes," Miss Hathaway said, keeping her eyes on the road. "But there are a few gaps in your wardrobe." Elly May looked down at herself. Her abundant breasts were corralled by a white men's shirt, with the ends...

4 years ago
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The Omega TouchChapter 16 Three Mustards and Five Mayonnaises

Thursday, July 16, 2009, 10:00 PM “What the fuck happened here?” Captain Smithfield sipped his coffee as he surveyed the scene of destruction. Eight members of Mara Salcatrucha in various states of injury were being attended to by EMTs. Trenches were ripped up in the ground in long skid marks. A destroyed picnic table lay in shattered ruins. Lieutenant Reid consulted his notes. “They say it was a rival gang fight. We’ve got broken bones, a couple with dislocated shoulders, concussions,...

2 years ago
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Song of ThanksChapter 9 This Pain Will Turn to Good By and ByMay96

this pain will turn to good by and by. (Ovid) - May, 1996 Athens, Greece Early Evening "At Athens, wise men propose, and fools dispose." Alcuin James and Darryl planned to take full advantage of an overnight stop in Athens, before going on to the alcohol-free and more restrictive environment of the Moslem countries. Used to the local custom, they both took naps in their rooms until 9:00 PM. They dressed casually and headed out to a taverna that James had frequented for many years for...

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My affair with maya

Hey every body . I am Subash again I am in Bangalore. Before that was in tamilnadu. I have gone to village in tamilnadu. The age was really a stage of exploring things in all matters, and like everyone else had a good interest in exploring females, but did not have the guts to do it. I was living with my grandma and mum with some relatives in the neighborhood as it was joint family split and living close by. Lucky enough my father was working far away and will turn up only once or twice in a...

3 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 27 Seis de Mayo

-- SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- 12:39 AM "You're serious?" "Deadly serious," Amber replied gravely. "The clock is ticking and the first opportunity is tomorrow night." "And that's the best idea you've got?" "It's the best I can come up with right now. If you have any better ideas, I'm all ears." I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Despite pissing out as much as I could at the Tri-Delt House, I still had a LOT of alcohol running through my bloodstream. My...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 9 A Battery of Tests aka Dont Hold the Mayo

October 9, 1993, Chicago, Illinois On Saturday morning, Kara, Michelle, and I were sitting in the ‘Indian’ room. Kara had come down, as we’d agreed, to continue our conversation from the previous night. We’d decided to stay in and talk, and we had, before I had gone with Michelle to her room to spend our scheduled Friday night together. “Michelle, do you remember our conversation about my relationship with Steve?” Kara asked. “Which one? We’ve had so many!” Kara smiled, “True! I was...

4 years ago
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Isharo Isharo Me Bengoli Bhabhi Ko Ghumaya

Hello dosto. Mera name arnab hai . Or me rourkela ka rehne wala hun. Mera height 5’9″hai . Or dikh ne me main handsom hun. Me har din zim jata hun. Jada apne bare na batate hue direct story pe aata hun. Ye bat un dino ki hai jab me bbsr me +2kar raha tha. Hum 5friends ek room rent pe leke rehte the joki ground floor pe tha. Muje uwaqt rasoi karna nhi aata tha to mere ko room ka saf safai or bartan manjne ka kam dia gaya tha. Har roj mera yahi kam tha. Ek bar sube jaldi uth ke me bartan saf kar...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Younger Sister Maya

Hi, my name is bhargav. I am from Gujarat, and currently living in thane (mumbai), 5’8” with above average looks, good body and 7.5” tool I am 21 years of age. This story is about me and my sister – Maya(name changed). Her pet name was Pallo. She is 24 right now and she was just going to get married. I had a serious passion on females. I am a very frustrated person. My sister has a very sexy figure. She has a sexy body with huge boobs and great tits. She has a tight ass too. I must have...

3 years ago
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My Servant Maya

One of my last true stories was with our servant Maya. She stayed with us for about a year & then got married. After she was gone, we employed another maid named Sumitra. She was not particularly beautiful, she was dark thin & short. Nobody would possibly give her a second glance. But there was something I was interested. I have never had sex with such diminutive size women. She was hardly 4′10″ tall & it took me quite some time to seduce her. First I brought small gifts for her children, then...

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Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts Part 7 Morning Mayhem

Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mf, mf, mf, mmf, cream pie, exhib, inc, hand job, hp, grope, magic, oral, unif, voy Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 7 – Morning Mayhem by Avatrek ([email protected]) Ron Weasleys dreams were strange, filled with time-travel and perversion, they were the oddest of his life. When...

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Vegas Mayhem

When I stepped off the plane in Las Vegas I was met with a cold wind. I never dreamed Vegas would be cold in the winter. It is in the desert it is suppose to be hot. I was dressed for warm weather and so was my girlfriend I will refer to as "Tattoo Girl". She has eight tattoos on various areas of her body and three of them have my name in them. The biggest, on her right shoulder simply says "Marks Girl". (not my real name but close enough) We rushed to a taxi and quickly headed to our hotel. It...

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Mansion of Mayhem

Disclaimer: This story contains adult language, themes, and the like; it should be viewed only by those of legal age. All other usual disclaimers for stories sent to this newsgroup apply -- we already know them, so there's no reason to retype them here. Any resemblance to anyone, living, dead, or undead, is entirely coincidental. Reposting on archival sites is permitted with the following provisions: (1) I am notified when such a posting is made, (2) this story may NOT be posted...

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Amy 37 Electric Prom Mayhem

Amy 37: Electric Prom Mayhem Copyright 2016 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2016 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: You're a Cannonball Winter went by without too much crazy shit happening (although Sarah picked up her first real boyfriend and that was kind of crazy, I guess). New Year's had sucked. We were supposed to play...

1 year ago
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Mirtle Mayhem

Here we were on our annual trip to Mirtle Beach for our week of golf and fun. Each year we get together a group to spend a week in the May heat. This years group looked to be a lot of fun. We had returning members Jeff, Paul, Myself, and two new guys Tom and Mike. We were all in our early twenties and ready for mayhem. After 20 hours driving down from Toronto we arrived and checked into the hotel. We had two rooms so Jeff and I took one and Mike, Paul and Tom the other. Our room overlooked the...

5 years ago
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Nisha bhabhi kay mummay

Mein 35 ka hun. Ider body fit rahe, uder ladki khush rahe yeh tamanna shuru se hi raha hei. Aankhey band hon ya khuli, kareeb 18 saal ki umar se aur aaj bhi mein mummon ke size aur vazan measure karne men masroof hun. “Sambhog se poorav rati-krida anivarya hei. Rati-krida na ho to manush aur pashu ke sambhog men antar hi kaya hei.” Rishte men meri badi saali ki badi beti Bangalore men hi rahati hei. Uska naam , umar abh 24 saal , married,mother of 2/m kids, hubby a businessman. Mein aksar uske...

4 years ago
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The Skimpy Cafe Meeting Miss May

This early in the morning there weren’t too many people about. There were two people on bikes and a few people on paddle boards lazing down the calm waters of the river. The breeze picked up, sending goosebumps up her bare legs and tickling under her pink lace bikini bottoms. She climbed the steps up to the second deck of stores, following the signs for Skim Milk. She unlocked the door with a key and let herself inside the cafe. Skim Milk’s colors always reminded her of a sun rise,...

4 years ago
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Head Girl Ki Chudai School Basement May

Hi mera naam aarush hai aur may 25 years ka hu,aur main delhi se hu , meri athletic body hai hai aur 9 inch ka lund hai agar koi bh bhabhi, aunty ya ladki mere sath sex karna chahti ho toh mjhe msg kare meri gmail id hai – Ab apko bore na karte hue story par aata hu yeh kahani tab ki hai jab may skul may tha. May skul may normal grades wala ladka tha bt may sports may bhaut acha tha is kaaran may skul may ladkiya mjh par mar thi, unme se ek ka naam nidhi tha woh humare skul ki head girl thi,...

3 years ago
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May Whitfiield was one of those women that other women just love to hate. At forty-one she still had the figure and face she'd had when she was twenty-one, much to her own secret delight, and many another women's secret, and sometimes not so secret, envy. Her skin and complexion were smooth and flawless, and she didn't need makeup to make it look that way. She was 5'7" with a 36-24-36 figure, long wavy brown hair which she often let down to her waist, grey-green eyes, and a generous mouth...

4 years ago
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My Friend May

May was the cousin of a friend of mine who lived in Edinburgh and usually came to my home town for the odd weekend and summer holidays.She was a truly beautiful girl of sixteen, still at school, fairly tall for her age and had a lovely figure with budding little breasts, longish fair hair and an absolutely devastating smile.I'd seen her a few times but never really paid any attention to her till I was at the local swing park one day when she walked in. The one thing that stood out about May was...

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My Summers with Aunt May

My Summers with Aunt May (CD, cons) by Princess Pervette Oh no...! Not ANOTHER story about a boy being feminized by his aunt over the Summer!! Well, there are some differences this time. First, and most important, everything in this story is consensual. The boy knows what he wants, and what he wants is exactly what his aunt wants. And I've tried to make the story as realistic as possible. His feminization isn't permanent; he doesn't have surgery or...

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May awoke to pain. An all consuming pain that seemed to come from everywhere and went on and on. She screamed in agony, but all that came out of her mouth was a croak like a frog. "You had better increase the dosage of pain killers another 2 mg," the doctor attending her told a nurse. After a time the pain was reduced somewhat, but was still there - everywhere in her body. "May," the doctor told her, "you've been in an auto accident. You're in the hospital. It will take you some time...

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Aunt May

Part I I once got spanked by my aunt. I remember it well. I was fifteen and spent the entire summer at the shore with my aunt, uncle and their three year old daughter. That's why I was there, to give them a break once in a while. I babysat little Alice whenever they went out. I spent the whole day at the beach screwing around and babysat three or four nights a week so they could go out. I met a lot of great looking chicks that summer. I screwed up bad during July. I was more interested in...

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April Fooled by the Eve of May

April sat morosely in front of her salon. She was a hair-stylist and after the death of her husband had started to operate from home. It was very good for her, She could look after her baby daughter and earn for them. Now after five years her life was crumbling around her. May, her daughter, now nine has a wild streak in her and has left to stay with Grandpa a few days back. The depression has affected her business too. It was not as good as it was and she had the additional headache of...

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Aunt May

This happened about thirty years ago. My mom has three sisters and they are in their late forties and early fifties now. Back in the day they were very hot but now they have all gained alot of weight. I was in the middle of puberty and jacking off all the time. My aunt May was the manager of a popular burger joint and she offered me a job there. I cleaned up after close, aunt May would always stay and help me. She would drink and talk about all kinds of things, then one night she drank...

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Daddy 2 Natalie and May

On the way to Santa Ana airport my little girl had her hand on my lap often rubbing my cock. We were talking about everything. As we got close to the airport she asked if there was a private place to park. I pulled into the extended parking garage knowing I would not be charge if I left within an hour. And that there was usually privacy in the far back corner. I pulled into a spot and my little girl got out and said, “Daddy, I want you naked in this seat,” She pointed to where she was...

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Auntie May

Aunty May was a woman in her fifties; she was plump but not out of proportion for although she was heavy breasted her bottom acted as a counter weight. She was very jovial and because of her pleasant manner was considered a 'benefit' as a carer in one of the homes for the disturbed that was opened to accommodate the residents from the closed institutions. Qualification were really not necessary, all that was required from the volunteer was a pleasant nature and an understanding of those who...

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